CLX Master Level1 30SEP06

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ControlLogix Level 1

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Customized Automation Training

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #1

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #2

Copyright (c)

1999 Ricky Bryce.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute verbatim copies of this document,

commercially or non-commercially with no front cover texts, or back cover
texts. Changing this document is not allowed.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #3

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #4

This document is written in the hope that you can utilize for your own
education to gain knowledge of PLC systems (should you decide to utilize
this document).
Although I believe the information in this document to be accurate, it is
YOUR responsibility to verify this information before implementing it in
any way, especially when damage to personnel or equipment could result.
By continuing to read this document, you agree to hold no one who writes,
modifies, or distributes this document liable in any way (even negligence).
Due to the wide variety of plant applications, some of the examples in this
document may be prohibited at your location, or could cause damage to
equipment, or harm personnel.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #5

About the Author:

This document is a collection of texts and graphics I've put together over
the past few years, and has been distributed under the GFDL since 1999.
I hope you get much use out of it, and I would like your feedback as to how
this document can be improved.

As a supplement to this document, I would like to invite you to my website

at I'm in the process of uploading
documentation and videos that will further help you with problems or
questions you have with Allen Bradley processors.

"Human Knowledge Belongs to Everyone"

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #6

Table of Contents
Questionnaire for Allen Bradley................................................................................................................ 9
Pre-Assessment........................................................................................................................................ 11
Glossary................................................................................................................................................... 15
Understanding Numbering Systems.........................................................................................................19
Hardware ................................................................................................................................................. 21
Discrete Input Modules....................................................................................................................... 21
Discrete Output Modules.....................................................................................................................22
Analog Modules.................................................................................................................................. 23
The Chassis..........................................................................................................................................25
The PLC-5 Chassis......................................................................................................................... 25
The SLC-500 Chassis..................................................................................................................... 25
The ControlLogix Chassis.............................................................................................................. 26
The Flex Chassis.............................................................................................................................26
The Power Supply............................................................................................................................... 27
The Processor...................................................................................................................................... 29
The Ethernet Module...........................................................................................................................32
Ethernet Addressing................................................................................................................................. 34
Subnet Mask........................................................................................................................................ 35
RSLinx..................................................................................................................................................... 39
Utilizing the BootP/DHCP Server.......................................................................................................39
Setting up the Ethernet Driver.............................................................................................................42
Configuring the DF1 Driver................................................................................................................ 45
Backup Restore Utility........................................................................................................................ 48
Flashing ControlLogix Modules.............................................................................................................. 51
Creating a new Project............................................................................................................................ 55
Setting up Local I/O Modules............................................................................................................. 56
1756-IB16 Input Module................................................................................................................ 57
1756-OB16E Output Module......................................................................................................... 58
Working With Tags..................................................................................................................................60
Controller Tags....................................................................................................................................60
Program Tags...................................................................................................................................... 62
Aliasing............................................................................................................................................... 67
Remote Chassis........................................................................................................................................ 69
Basic Instructions..................................................................................................................................... 81
Examine If Closed............................................................................................................................... 81
Examine If Open................................................................................................................................. 82
Output To Energize............................................................................................................................. 82
Output To Latch.................................................................................................................................. 83
Output To Unlatch ..............................................................................................................................83
Timers...................................................................................................................................................... 84
Timer On Delay (TON).......................................................................................................................85
Timer Off Delay (TOF).......................................................................................................................86
ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #7

Retentative On Delay Timer (RTO)....................................................................................................87

Counters................................................................................................................................................... 88
GSV Command........................................................................................................................................ 90
On line Editing......................................................................................................................................... 95
Start Rung Edits...................................................................................................................................96
Make Changes..................................................................................................................................... 97
Accept Edits........................................................................................................................................ 98
Test Edits.............................................................................................................................................99
Assemble Edits.................................................................................................................................. 100
Forcing I/O.............................................................................................................................................101
User Defined Data Types....................................................................................................................... 103
Simple UDT's.................................................................................................................................... 104
Nesting UDT's................................................................................................................................... 107
Producer/Consumer Model.................................................................................................................... 111
The Produced Tag............................................................................................................................. 111
The Consumed Tag........................................................................................................................... 113
Messaging.............................................................................................................................................. 121
Trending................................................................................................................................................. 129
Troubleshooting..................................................................................................................................... 138
Cross Reference.................................................................................................................................138
Trending............................................................................................................................................ 138

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #8


Questionnaire for Allen Bradley

Automation Systems
1)What is the primary purpose you are attending this class?
2)Are you interested in programming, troubleshooting, or both?
3)What do you find most difficult about Allen Bradley PLCs
4)How often do you access the Allen Bradley PLC? (once a day, once a week, once a month, etc?)
5)After taking this class, will you be putting your knowledge to use right away in the plant?
6)What type of equipment do you generally work with?
7)What types of networks are you using with your PLC system? Ie Data Highway plus, controlnet,
devicenet, Ethernet, etc?

8)What is your companys policy on forcing?

9)Do you generally have access to the internet as you work?
10)Can you bring a copy of some plant programs into the classroom tomorrow?

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #9

11)Will you ever be installing new systems, or checking new systems once they have been installed?
12)Will you ever be modifying the I/O structure of existing systems?
13)Do you have any common system failures that are related to the Allen Bradley PLC? If so, what are
these failures
14)Are you interested in learning features of RSLogix that are not currently in use by your plant, but, if
used could reduce downtime?

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #10


ControlLogix Maintenance And Troubleshooting

1) Name three devices that can be connected to a discrete input module:

2) Name three devices that you might find connected to a discrete output module:

3) Name one device that can be connected to an analog input module:

4) Name one field device that you would find connected to an analog output module:

5) On a discrete input module, a status light is on. What does this indicate?

6) On a discrete output module if a status light is on, what does this indicate?

7) Name one use of the serial port (communication channel 0) on the front of the processor.

8) What is the purpose of RSLinx software?

9) What is the purpose of RSLogix 5000 software?

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #11

10)What is the purpose of Tags (Data Files)?

11)What is the purpose of Tasks (Program Files)?

12)Define a BIT of memory:

13)How many bits are available in a tag with the DINT data type?

14)What instruction must be placed in the Main Routine so the Sub-Routines will execute?

15)What are the five steps involved in performing an on line edit if the processor is in remote run

16)If you have a motor that will not run when the operator pushes a start button, you may need to go on
line with the processor and locate the output in the ControlLogix program that energizes the motor.
This allows you to see what other conditions must be met before the processor will energize the
output. What features of RSLogix might you use to locate the motor's output in the ControlLogix

17)In #16, you find that the reason for the failure is a bad thermal switch on the motor. Since you do
not have any more thermal switches in stock, you decide to force the motor's output instruction on.
What are some dangers with this, and what are some better options that you could have chosen.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #12

18)The processor is in Remote Run mode. You perform an on line edit and inadvertently get the
processor caught in an infinite loop. What will happen when your edits are tested?

19)Due to the way the ControlLogix processor scans the I/O, programmers will sometimes have a
routine for Input Buffering, and another for Output Buffering. What would be the purpose of these
two routines?

20)An operator informs you of variations in a product. You suspect the variations in product are due to
a fluctuation in temperature. What feature of RSLogix software would allow you to graph a
temperature over time?

21)If a neon lamp is wired directly to a triac output module, the neon lamp is always on even when
processor is not calling for the output. What causes this, and how can it be corrected?

22)What is the purpose of the battery on the processor?

23)With a network of PLC's, it is possible to inadvertently download to the wrong processor. This can
have disastrous results. What steps can you take to ensure you are not downloading to the wrong

24)Name some communication protocols that may be used for peer to peer communication between
networked PLC's.

25)Name some communication protocols that may be used for communication between a processor,
and I/O devices such as a remote chassis, drive, or robot.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #13

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #14

Bit: Smallest unit of information the PLC can process ON or OFF
Word: 32 Bits for Double Integer
Input module: Reads the STATUS of field devices
Output module: CONTROLS field devices
Discrete module: Reads or controls devices which only have 2 states:
on or off
Analog Module: Reads or controls devices which have a range
such as 0 to 10 volts or 4 to 20 milliamps
Power Supply: Provides control power to modules on the backplane
Chassis: The physical device that modules are plugged into.
Local Chassis: The chassis where the processor resides.
Processor: The 'Brain' of the PLC which contains the machine program.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #15

Troubleshooting Tools:
Cross Referencing:
Allows the troubleshooter to quickly navigate through the
program by listing all locations in ladder logic where a
particular address is located.
Usually the troubleshooter will cross reference a false condition on a
rung of logic to find the output that will turn the referenced bit on.
You can Access Cross Referencing by right clicking a particular
address. (Note: You must be on the address, not the instruction)
Custom Data Monitor Utility:
Allows the troubleshooter to gather data from various
memory locations onto one screen for easy troubleshooting. For
example: One can create a custom data monitor for the failure of
a particular motor. Next time the motor fails, the troubleshooter
can simply look down the list of conditions that must be met, and
see in real time which condition is causing the failure.
The custom data monitor utility has to be installed as a separate tool.
Since the CDM utility is not built into RSLogix, you must have
RSLinx activated.
RSLinx Lite will not work with the CDM utility.
Simulates real world jumpers. Use care while performing a force.
You must understand fully how a force is going to affect your system.
In most cases, only addresses starting with an I: or an O: can be forced.
To force an input or output, you can right click on the address in logic,
then choose force on or force off. After the force is installed, forces
can then be enabled from the on line tool bar.
Trending acts somewhat like a 'software chart recorder', and allows you
to track an analog signal over time.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #16

Communication terminology:
RSLinx: This is the communication server. If RSLinx is not set up properly,
RSLogix will not communicate to the processor.
Driver: Allows RSLinx to communicate with a particular hardware device. The
most common drivers are the DF1 driver to communicate with
Channel 0, and the PCMK driver for a laptop to communicate to
Channel 1A for station 5. Configure drivers by clicking
communication on the menu bar.
RSWho: A graphical screen which will display what devices RSLinx has
established communication with. Access RSWho by clicking
communication on the menu bar. Then click on the name of
the driver you wish to use for communication. The right hand
side of the screen will reveal devices the driver has communication
RSLogix: The software which allows you to troubleshoot or program a processor.
Online: Actively communicating with the processor (ladder spinning)
Download: If a program was changed offline, it must be downloaded (
or sent to) the processor. When downloading the processor must
be in program or remote program mode. A good way to download
once RSLinx is properly set up is to click COMMS on the menu bar, and
then go to Who Active. Click the driver name, highlight your processor,
then click DOWNLOAD.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #17

Memory Layout:
Tags: A section of the processor's memory that stores information. You can
also think of tag elements as variables. For example: The
memory location MainTorque could store a drive torque value.
There are two scopes of tags: Program tags which are local to the
program they Reside in, and Controller Scoped tags which are
global. You can access the Program Tag database by double clicking
program tags just above the MainRoutine of each program.
Controller tags can by accessed at the top of the Controller organizer
Tasks: A section of the processor's memory which holds programs.
Programs hold Routines. Each controller can have multiple tasks with multiple
programs in each task. Each of these programs can then have multiple routines.
Atomic Data Types:

1-bit boolean 0 = cleared 1 = set

1-byte integer -128 to 127
2-byte integer -32,768 to 32,767
4-byte integer -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
4-byte floating-point number -3.402823E38 to -1.1754944E-38

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #18

Understanding Numbering Systems

Understanding numbering systems will help you to understand various ways in which data can be
monitored in the ControlLogix processor. For example, if you are reading the value of a limit switch,
you would want to change the numbering system (style) to binary. If you were viewing data from an
analog module, you would want to set the style for decimal. The PLC-5 modules are numbered in an
Octal addressing scheme, so if you read data from a PLC-5 module, you may want to set the style to
Octal. Some devices such as LED displays are wired in Hex/BCD. The two most common styles for
most plants will be Binary and Decimal.
1) Binary Binary is a base 2 numbering system. You only have two numbers available in
Binary, 0 and 1 for any position (ones, tens, hundreds, etc...). Binary is the most common style
for discrete I/O such as limit switches, pushbuttons, solenoids, and motor starters.
2) Decimal -- Decimal is a base 10 numbering system. Only 10 numbers exist in the Decimal
numbering scheme (0 to 9) for any given position. The Decimal style is used most often when
displaying analog data, such as a pressure or temperature.
3) Octal Octal is a base 8 numbering system. In Octal, 8 numbers are available (0-7) for use in
any position. In older PLC's such as the PLC-2, and the PLC-5, The I/O modules were
numbered in the Octal addressing scheme. The Octal style can be used when connecting to one
of these older modules.
4) Hexadecimal/Binary Coded Decimal Hex/BCD is a base 16 numbering system. 16 numbers
are available for any digital position (0 to 9 then A to F). Devices such as LED displays and
thumb wheels can be BCD Devices.
On the following chart, you will write down the decimal numbers 0 to 15, and the numeric conversions
for each of these numbering systems. This chart will help you understand topics covered later in the
course such as masking.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #19

Decimal Binary



ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #20

Hardware -- Discrete Input Modules

The purpose of the discrete input module is to read the status of field devices. When a voltage is
detected on the terminal of an input module with respect to common, the corresponding status light is
energized, and during the processor scan, the value of 1 is placed into the input data table. Examples of
input devices include switches, pushbuttons, or auxiliary contacts on a motor starter. The Removable
Terminal Block (RTB) can be detached from the module if the locking tab is pushed up. The enclosure
of the RTB will also slide off the terminal block for easy access to the terminals.
Please answer the following questions:
1) What is the catalog number of your DC Input module?
2) Name at least three field devices that can be connected to the DC Input module?
3) What do the status lights indicate on the front of the DC Input Module?
4) What is the slot number of the DC Input module at your station.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #21

Discrete Output Modules

The purpose of the discrete output module is to control field devices. The discrete output module
requires power from an external source. When a 1 is placed into the output tag of the ControlLogix (in
run mode), a status light is energized on the module, and a connection is made between the source, and
the corresponding output terminal. Examples of output devices include: lights, solenoids, motor starter
coils, and contactors. If you have an inductive load as the output, be sure to use the proper surge
Please answer the following questions:
1) What is the catalog number of your DC Output module?
2) Name at least three field devices that can be connect to the DC Output module:
3) What do the status lights indicate on the DC Output module?
4) What is the slot number of the DC Output Module?
5) If the load on the DC output card is inductive, what should be done across the load to minimize the
effects of inductive kick?

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #22

Analog Modules
Analog modules are used to control and read the status of analog devices. Analog devices have a range
of states instead of just on/off states like discrete devices.
Some analog modules have switches which determine whether the input channels are to be set up for
voltage or current. Some analog modules are configured through software.
Examples of analog inputs include: Potentiometer, Pressure Transducers, Variable speed drives, and
with a thermal couple module, temperature can be read into the processor's memory.
Examples of analog outputs include: Meters, Variable Speed Drives, Valve Positioners, and chart
An analog signal cannot be expressed with a single bit, and therefore analog values will consume a
word of memory. For our class, we will use the Analog module on the Flex I/O chassis.
Please answer the following questions:
1) What is the catalog number of your analog module?
2) How many channels of Input, and how many channels of Output are available on this module?
3) How do you set up the input channels to accept either a current or a voltage input?
4) What range voltage or current will the Input channels accept on your module? What range of
voltage will the output channels accept?
5) Name at least three devices that are analog inputs:
6) Name at least three field devices that are analog outputs:

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #23

An Analog Module 1747-NIO4V

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #24

The Chassis
The chassis is the device which holds modules. Allen Bradley makes the ControlLogix chassis
available in 4, 7, 10, 13, and 17 slots.
Here are some chassis:
The PLC-5 Chassis (With modules): (For dip switch settings on this chassis, refer to page 4-1 and 4-2
of the PLC-5 Quick Reference Guide.)

The SLC-500 Chassis (With modules):

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #25

The ControlLogix Chassis (With Modules):

The Flex Chassis:

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #26

The Power Supply

The power supply supplies power to the modules on the backplane. Generally power from field
devices DOES NOT come from the power supply. The power supply only provides control power to
modules on the backplane. Power for field devices come from a separate source which is connected to
the output module. The power supply merely provides the power needed to shut a contact, or fire a
triac or transistor to pass power from this external source to the field device. On the back of the power
supply, a jumper is used to set the voltage range.
Please answer the following questions:
1) Where does power come from to power field devices such as solenoids, lights, and motor starters?
2) What must be set up on a new power supply before it can be placed into service?
3) How many amps will your power supply provide to the backplane?
4) What is the catalog number of your power supply?

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #27

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #28

The Processor
The processor is the main part of your ControlLogix system. The processor is where the program is
stored that reads the status of your equipment, and based on certain status, makes a decision on what to
control. For example: The processor is reading the status of a switch. When the operator energizes the
switch, the processor might call for solenoid to energize that extends a cylinder. When the cylinder
reaches the end of it's travel, it might close a limit switch. The processor will see that a limit switch has
been closed, and shut off the solenoid. Although traditionally the processor usually is placed in slot 0,
it can be placed anywhere in the chassis, as long as the program is setup for the processor to be in that
slot. You can also use as many processors as you like in a chassis (not to exceed the limitation of the
power supply)
The processor consists of several components:
1) The battery: The battery retains the processor's program when the PLC is powered down. Certain
AB documentation states that the shelf life of the battery is up to 2.5 years. When the battery is low,
you will see a BATT light on the front of the processor. A minor fault bit is also set in the memory
of the processor when the battery is low or missing.
2) On the front of the processor, you will find several status lights:
1. RUN Indicates when when processor is in RUN Mode
2. OK If flashing red, usually indicates a software problem. Go on line to get a description of the
fault. You will find the description in the Controller Properties on the FAULT tab. If the fault
light is solid red, this could indicate a hardware problem. You can try the following: re-seat the
processor, clear memory and reload program, or replace processor.
3. BATT-- Indicates the battery is low or missing
4. IO If flashing indicates the Processor lost it's connection with at least one I/O device.
5. FORCE If flashing indicates forces are installed but not enabled... If solid indicates forces are
installed, and enabled in the processor. This indicator is not available on all ControlLogix
6. RS232 This light will flicker as data is transferred over the RS232 port (channel 0).
3) The Key Switch:
1. Run Mode: In this position, certain tag values can be modified, but ladder logic cannot. The
mode of the processor cannot be changed to program mode from the On line tool bar in RSLogix.
When the switch is in run mode, a program cannot be downloaded to the processor.
2. Program Mode: In this position, the ladder is not executing. Changes can be made to the ladder
diagram or to data files. The processor cannot be changed to run mode from the on line tool bar
in RSLogix while the switch is in this position.
3. Remote Mode: When the key switch is in Remote Mode, the mode of the processor can be
changed from RSLogix (Program or Run). On line editing is allowed.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #29

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #30

The ControlLogix Processor:

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The Ethernet Module

Ethernet is a protocol that has been widely used for many years. Before Ethernet was used with PLC
systems, it was used in Office environments for sharing files, printers, data from databases, etc...
Ethernet is the fastest communication protocol available for the ControlLogix system with speeds up to
100 Mbps (Million bits per second). Ethernet can be used to communicate with the ControlLogix
system from a computer, for communication between controllers, to allow the controller to
communicate with I/O, Or MMI (man-machine interface) devices to communicate with processors.
Every device on Ethernet has a Unique hardware address which can usually be found on the device
itself, or on a configuration screen for the device. This hardware address can be used to issue the
Ethernet module an address using a bootP utility. The hardware address will also scroll across the
alphanumeric display if no IP address has been assigned.

Once the IP address is assigned, the IP will scroll across the alphanumeric display. This IP address can
then be used in the Ethernet Driver for RSLinx, or if type the IP address into the address bar of a web
browser, such as Mozilla, the modules on board web server will show the module's status, and the
status of every other module in the chassis.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #32

On the bottom of the 1756-ENBT module, you will find an RJ-45 port. Using a standard patch cable,
you can connect the module to an Ethernet switch or a hub. To connect to your computer directly, you
will need a crossover cable (switches transmit and receive).

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #33

Ethernet Addressing
Every device on the same Ethernet network must have a unique address. Allen Bradley PLC's
currently use the IP (Internet protocol) addressing scheme (version 4). This is the addressing scheme
discussed in this document.
Examples of Ethernet devices might be a Personal Computer (PC), a 1756-ENBT module, a 1794AENT flex adapter, a printer with built-in print server capabilities, and plant servers for data storage
and processing.
To see what the IP address is of your Windows NT, 2000, or XP machine type:
ipconfig /all
at the command prompt. Here is the result:

For Unix/Linux systems, the command /sbin/ifconfig will product similar results.
In this example, my PC has the IP address of No other machine on the same network
will have this same IP address, nor should you attempt to assign the same address to another device on
the network. If this happens, one of the devices will not be seen.
Each segment of the IP address is called an OCTET. All IP addresses in the IPv4 addressing scheme
are made up of 4 octets. Each octet is an 8 bit unsigned integer.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #34

Subnet Mask
Notice the Subnet Mask: The purpose of the subnet mask is to identify which part of
the IP address is the network address, and which part of the IP address is the host or terminal on the
network. To understand how the subnet mask works, it has to be broken down into a binary format...
Look at the IP address in Binary:
11000000 . 10101000 . 00000000 . 01100101 =
Now look at the subnet mask:
11111111 . 11111111 . 11111111 . 00000000 =
Anywhere a 1 exists in the subnet mask, that bit of the IP address is viewed as the NETWORK part of
the address.... Lets see what bits are passed:




00000000 . 01100101 =

11111111 . 00000000 =
00000000 . don't pass = 192.168.0.X

Wherever there was a 1 in the subnet, we passed that bit of the IP address as part of the network
address. Therefore, we would say the network address for this machine is 192.168.0.X. Every device
on this network must have an IP address that starts with 192.168.0. and X is the terminal address on the
For example: Devices with these two IP addresses can communicate with each other directly without
going through a router: and with subnet
These two devices cannot communicate with each other directly: and with subnet
However if the subnet mask was changed: and with subnet
These two devices will communicate with each other because the network address is only made up of
the first two octets, 192.168.X.X... since the network address is the same for the two devices, they will
communicate directly.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #35

Subnet Mask Exercise:

Indicate whether or not the following devices can communicate with each other directly:


and with subnet mask of




and with subnet mask of




and with subnet mask of





with subnet mask of





with subnet mask of





with subnet mask of





with subnet mask of





with subnet mask of





with subnet mask of





with subnet mask of



ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #36

Other Terms:
The gateway address is the IP address of a server or hardware router that connects you to other
networks such as the Internet.
DNS (Primary and Secondary)
The DNS server (Domain Name Server) resolves host names into IP addresses. When you enter an
address such as into your web browser, your PC does not understand where to go. It must
ask the DNS server to look up the IP address of a given host names. Host names are for humans to
understand. Computers understand IP addresses.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol When a device such as a computer is configured to use DHCP,
A DHCP server should be available on the network. As soon as the device connects to the network, it
will ask the DHCP server to automatically assign an IP address, subnet mask, DNS servers, Gateway
address, etc. This address is dynamic, so the device could get a different IP address each time it's
Bootstrap Protocol Similar to DHCP, except a BootP device will get the same IP address every time
it connects. The BootP server has a list of hardware addresses, and IP addresses that belong to each
device. When a device (such as a PLC) connects to the network, it will give the BootP server it's
hardware address. The server will then look up the hardware address in a list, and see which IP address
belongs to the PLC. The BootP server will then return the IP address (and other information such as
the subnet mask) to be used by the device.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #37

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #38

RSLinx -- Utilizing the BootP/DHCP Server

1) Write down the Ethernet Hardware Address of the device you wish to configure. This is also called
the MAC address. Here is an example of a hardware address:
2) Run the BootP/DHCP utility. You can access this utility if it is installed by clicking Start | Programs
(or All Programs in Windows XP)| Rockwell Software | BootP/DHCP Server | BootP DHCP Server.

3) Once the server is open, it may as for some specific network information if this is the first time the
BootP server has been run. You can obtain this information from your network administrator. For
this example, we just set the subnet mask to then click OK.
4) Power up your processor, and you should see the Ethernet device begin to request and address.

5) Double click on the device. You will then be prompted to assign an IP address to the device. Be
sure you double click the right device. Entering an IP address into the wrong equipment could have
disastrous consequences.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #39

6) You could also enter a host name and description at this time if you wish.
7) If you wish to verify communication, you can ping the device from the command prompt. By
default, the command prompt can be accessed from Start | Programs | Accessories | Command

You should get replies. To ping continuously, use the -t flag after the ping command. A control-C
will stop the ping command.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #40

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #41

Setting up the Ethernet Driver in RSLinx

The Ethernet driver is used to make a connection to Ethernet Devices, such as an Ethernet PLC-5, or a
ControlLogix system. The following steps will walk you through a sample configuration of the
Ethernet driver in RSLinx.
1) Open RSLinx communication server

2) Click 'Communication' on the menu bar, and then choose 'Configure Drivers'.

3) From the Available driver types pull down menu, choose 'Ethernet Drives', then press the 'Add New'

4) For this example, the name can be left at default. Press OK.

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5) Populate the list of hostnames. If you do not have a way to resolve hostnames, you can enter the IP
address of the devices you wish to connect to (as shown below in the example). The IP address for
each device can usually be obtained from the network administrator, drawings, the offline project, or
in some cases, the IP address is displayed on the front of the module.

6) Press Apply, then OK. You will see the driver is now running. Close the 'Configure Drivers'

7) To test your drivers, click the RSWho icon in the tool bar of RSLinx.\

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #43

8) Click the Ethernet Driver (the one you just configured) on the left side of the screen. The devices
you are communicating with will appear on the right. In this example, is a
ControlLogix module, and the other devices are not present, or not a recognized PLC module.

9) To go on line with a PLC, you must go to RSLogix at this point.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #44

Configuring the DF1 Driver in RSLinx

The DF1 Driver is used for point to point communication over RS232 between a COM port on a PC,
and the serial port (Channel 0) of a processor. The following steps will take you through a sample
configuration of the DF1 RS232 driver.
1) Open RSLinx Communication Server. If there is no short-cut on the desktop, you can access
RSLinx by clicking Start | Programs | Rockwell Software | RSLinx | RSLinx

2) Click 'Communication' on the menu bar, then choose 'Configure Drivers'.

3) From the Available Driver Types pull down menu, choose 'RS232 DF1 Devices', then press the
ADD NEW button.

4) For this example, the name can be left at default. Press OK.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #45

5) Although the communication parameters can be entered manually, if you are currently connected to
the processor, just hit the 'AutoConfigure' button. RSLinx will hit the processor with different baud
rates, and different settings, until it finds a setting it gets a response on. When this happens, you will
get a message that the autoconfiguration was successful. Press OK when finished.

6) You will see the driver is now running. Close the Configure Drivers' screen.

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7) To test your drivers, click the RSWho icon in the tool bar of RSLinx.

8) Click the DF1 driver (the one you just configured) on the left side of your screen. The devices you
are communicating with will appear on the right.

To go on line, you must go to RSLogix at this point.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #47

RSLinx Backup Restore Utility

The RSLinx Backup Restore Utility can be used to backup the current driver configuration of RSLinx,
or restore the configuration from a previous backup at an earlier time.

Backing up the current Configuration:

To access the Backup Restore Utility, click Start | Programs | Rockwell Software | RSLinx | Backup
Restore Utility.

1) Click the 'Backup' button.

2) A dialog screen will appear asking where you want to save the backup file. Choose a location from
the pull down menu. If you are saving this to a floppy disk, choose the A drive. For this example,
the driver configuration will be saved to the C: Drive. You must also enter a file name, and then
press SAVE.

3) You will then get a message that the operation completed successfully. Press OK, then you can
close the RSLinx Backup Restore Utility.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #48

Restoring a previous Configuration:

To access the Backup Restore Utility, click Start | Programs | Rockwell Software | RSLinx | Backup
Restore Utility. Be aware that RSLinx must be shut down to perform this operation. If RSLinx is not
shut down, you will be prompted accordingly.

1) Click the 'Restore' button.

2) A dialog screen will appear asking where the backup file is stored at. Choose a location from the
pull down menu. If the backup file was on a floppy disk, you would choose the A: drive. For this
example, the backup is on the C: Drive. Click on the file you wish to restore from, the press 'Open'.

3) A dialog box should appear indicating that the operation was completed successfully. If you got an
error, try the restore procedure again. In some versions of RSLinx, BRU must be ran twice if
RSLinx was open.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #49

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #50

Flashing ControlLogix Modules

In order to flash ControlLogix firmware, you need to have the Control Flash utility installed. If it is not
installed on your PC, the installation program can probably be found on the same disk as RSLogix
In this example, we are going to flash a 1756- L1 processor.
1) Before starting, make sure necessary drivers are configured in RSLinx. If your drivers are not
configured in RSLinx, then restore from the appropriate backup file, or consult your
documentation on how to configure specific drivers to communicate with your equipment. To
open the Control Flash utility click START|PROGRAMS|Flash Programming Tools|Control

2) Be sure to read all instructions that are presented to you, and take all necessary precautions
while flashing a module. If your flash procedure is interrupted, you could damage the module.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #51

3) On the first screen, we are going to press the NEXT button.

4) Choose the device that you wish to flash. For this example, we will use the 1756-L1 option.
Then press NEXT. Now the ControlFlash utility will ask for the path of the device you wish to
flash. Drill down through RSLinx until you find the device you are wanting to flash. Highlight
the device, then press OK.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #52

5) Next you are asked what firmware version you want to flash the module to. In this case, the
module will be flashed to firmware version 10.23. If the processor's firmware was not the same
firmware that we needed, we would highlight the revision of firmware we want for this update,
and then press NEXT.

6) Next you will receive a warning. Read the warning carefully. If you still wish to flash the
module, press FINISH.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #53

The firmware update will now take place.

There may be more than one stage in updating a module, so be sure not to interrupt the update process
until it is completely finished.
When the update is finished, you will see the following message:

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #54

Creating a new RSLogix 5000 Project

1) Open RSLogix 5000 You may have a short cut on the desktop, or under Start | Programs |
Rockwell Software | RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series | RSLogix 5000
2) .Click File | New

3) Next, Set up the processor, then press OK:

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #55

4) You have a valid project. It will not do much though because we have not configured any I/O yet.
Let's take a moment to discuss some components of the RSLogix 5000 user interface.

5) Next we will add the following modules to the I/O Configuration at the bottom of the controller
organizer window:
1. 1756-IB16
Version 2.4
Slot 5
2. 1745-OB16E Version 2.4
Slot 6
6) To do this, right click the I/O Configuration folder in the project tree, and select 'New Module'.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #56

7) Choose the 1756-IB16 module from the available devices and click OK.

8) The module is version 2.4, so the Major revision is 2, and the minor revision is 4. Click OK on the
Major revision dialog box if your revision is correct.

9) Complete the module properties dialog box as follows, then click 'Finish'.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #57

10)You will notice the 1756-IB16 module appears in the I/O Configuration folder. Next, we will add
the 1756-OB16E. Right click on the I/O Configuration folder, and select 'New Module'.

11)Choose the 1756-OB16E module from the list of available modules, then press OK.

12)Since the module is version 2.4, choose 2 as the major revision.

13)Complete the module properties dialog as shown, then press 'Finish'.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #58

14)You will notice both modules are now in the I/O Configuration tree. Be sure to adjust this
procedure to suit the modules you are actually using with your own system.

15)You are ready to download. Since the communication path has not been selected yet, let's click
Communications | WhoActive From the menu bar

5) Choose the path to your processor, and download.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #59

Working With Tags

Tags are variables that your program reads and manipulates. There are two types of Tags: Controller
tags, and Program tags.
Controller tags are GLOBAL, which means that any program or any controller can read or write to the
tag. Program tags are LOCAL to the program they reside in.

Controller Tags:
If one program needs to communicate with another program, you would use a Controller Tag that each
program can read from or write to. For this example, lets say a conveyor has three segments. Each
segment has it's own program. When an E-Stop button is pressed, we would want all sections to shut
down. Therefore the ESTOP would be a GLOBAL tag.
Look at the following example:

Each program has it's own tag database, that no other program can access, but if a program writes a
value to a Controller Tag, any program can access the tag.
For this example, I've created a new project called conveyor with an input module in slot 5 and an
output module in slot 6.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #60

Open the Controller Tag Database, and be sure 'Edit Tags' is selected. Declare the tag called
Estop_Condition, with a BOOL data type. The BOOL data type means one bit of information is to be
stored. This is similar to a B3 bit in a PLC or SLC. Press enter.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #61

Program Tags
Program tags are local to the program they reside in. One main advantage of program tags is that we
can create one program and copy it multiple times. The exact same program tags can be used in each
instance of the program. This makes the process of building logic for similar pieces of equipment very

1) Right click on the main program and choose 'Properties' Rename MainProgram to

2) Right click on the MainTask to add a new program. The name of your program is Section_1.

3) Expand Section_1 and open the Program Tags. Notice there are no tags in the program tag database.
At the bottom of the tag editor screen, be sure 'Edit Tags' is selected.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #62

4) Set up three program tags as shown. Pay attention to the Data Type. The data type of the tag
specifies the way the data is structured within the tag. A BOOL data type will store 1 bit of
information, and a DINT (Double Integer) data type will store 32 bits of information (This is usually
used for numbers)

5) Now, let's add some logic: Right click the Section_1 program and add a new routine.

7) The name will be MainRoutine, then press OK.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #63

8) We named this the MainRoutine, but did not configure it as the MainRoutine yet. Every program
needs to have a main routine. That is the routine the processor scans within the program. You will
notice in the controller organizer window, there is no 1 on the ladder icon yet. Right click the
Section_1 program and go to properties. Click the Configuration tab. In the Pull down menu next
to Main, choose the MainRoutine. Apply your changes, then press OK.

9) Notice the MainRoutine is now has a 1 on it...

10)Open the MainRoutine, and add the following logic using the drag and drop method:

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #64

11)The question marks indicate that we need an address on each instruction. Double click the question
mark on the XIC,and click the pull down tab.
12)Be sure Controller Tags is selected. Expand Local:5:I, and click the pull down tab next to data to
reveal all 32 bits. Choose bit 0.

13)For the XIO, choose the ESTOP Tag.

14)For the OTE, Choose 'Section Running' as a Program scoped tag.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #65

15.Now that we have one complete program (Or as complete as we need it for example... Let's copy the
program and use it for other sections of the conveyor.
16)Right click the Section_1 program and choose 'Copy'. Right click on the 'MainTask' and choose
paste. Then right click the 'MainTask' again, and paste a second time.

17)This gave us a total of 3 copies of the same program. Right click on Section_11, go to the
properties, and rename it to Section_2. Right click Section_2, go to properties, and rename to
Section_3. When finished, your project will look like this:

18)Now all we have to do is go back and change the I/O in each program to reflect the actual switch
that turns on the conveyor for that section, and if we had it set up... The output the logic writes to.
All the internal bits are already written for us, and the program structure is in place.

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This process can be taken one step further. The program can be set up so nothing has to be changed in
logic have to be changed after it has been copied. Aliasing allows this to be done. An Alias is a tag
that is a shortcut to another tag. We can create program tags in the program tag database that point to
the real world I/O. After a program has been copied, you just need to go into the program tag database,
and change the address the aliases point to. Look at this example.
1) Open the program tags of Section_1. Be sure 'Edit Tags' is selected and create a tag called 'Start'. In
the Alias for column, make this tag alias for Local:5:I.Data.0.

Notice the C next to the Input module's address. This means that you are pointing to a controller tag.
2) Now go back to the MainRoutine, and change the address on the first instruction to the alias name.
Notice by default the actual memory location the alias is pointing to appears below the alias name.

3) Now copy section on and paste it twice again into the main task. That will give us sections 11 and

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #67

4) Go into section 11, and change the Start alias to point to bit 11 of the input module.

5) Do the same for section 12. Change the start tag to look at bit 12 of the input module.
6) When bit 11 goes high on the input module, Conveyor 11's start bit will be energized. When Bit 12
goes high on the input module, Conveyor 12's start bit will energize! You can see how aliasing
would allow you to quickly develop programs that are very similar.
A Controller tag can be an alias for another controller tag. A program tag can alias another program
tag. A program tag can alias a controller tag, but a controller tag CANNOT alias a program tag.
You can alias to several tag levels. The start tag you just created pointed to a bit level tag. But if it
would have pointed to the data word instead, we would have to specify the bit number manually in
logic. Look at the chart below:

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #68

Remote Chassis
In many systems, many points of I/O are located far away from the local chassis. The local chassis is
the chassis where the processor in focus resides. In many cases, it is easier to mount a chassis at the
remote location. A communication cable will allow the processor to control the chassis at the remote
location. For example, if 256 points of I/O were 300 feet from the local chassis, it would be easier to
mount a chassis at the remote location. You would then run the 256 points of I/O just a few feet to the
remote chassis, then run one communication cable back to the local chassis.
The example below shows the Ethernet/IP communication protocol, however, many other protocols
follow the same model such as ControlNet or Remote I/O with slightly different wiring and
configuration changes.
Look at the diagram below. In this example, we have an input and output module in the local chassis.
This would be for I/O in the local vicinity. For I/O in another location, we can use a remote chassis.
The processor will establish a connection to this remote I/O, and will read inputs, and control outputs
on this chassis. In this example, the local chassis is ControlLogix, and the remote chassis is FLEX I/O
(This could also be many other types of chassis such as another ControlLogix chassis, PLC-5 Chassis,
SLC Chassis, Block I/O, etc....). This procedure will assume that you have an existing program, and
that IP addresses have already been assigned to the Ethernet module, and Ethernet Adapter. If you
were to use ControlNet, you would assign node numbers instead of IP addresses. You can assign node
numbers to these modules by physically dialing in a node number on the modules themselves. For
Remote I/O, you would set up the DIP switches according to the user manuals for each module.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #69

Communication path
Look at the diagram below showing the communication path. The processor is where the program
resides, so the path we choose will be relative to the processor itself.
1) The processor must first connect to the 1756-ENBT module in the local chassis. If you
are using ControlNet, this would be a 1756-CNB(R) module. For the older remote I/O
Protocol, this would be a 1756-DHRIO module.
2) Next, we must tell the local 1756-ENBT module to connect to the adapter at the remote
chassis. Remember we are using Flex I/O for this particular example, so we would
connect to the 1794-AENT module (Ethernet) 1794-ACN(R)(ControlNet), or 1794-ASB
(Remote I/O).
3) The next step is to have the adapter connect to the individual modules within it's chassis.
We are using the following modules:
1. Slot 0 1794-IB16 (DC input module)
2. Slot 1 1794-OB16 (DC output module)
3. Slot 2 1794-IE8 (Analog input module)

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #70

I/O Configuration
Now that we have decided the layout for our system, we need to go to the ControlLogix project, and set
up the remote chassis under I/O Configuration. Recall that 3 steps will accomplish this connection:
First, we connect to the Local ENBT module, then the ENBT will connect to the AENT. Next, the
AENT will connect to the modules that are in it's own chassis.
1) If you do not already have the Ethernet module set up in your I/O Configuration, right click the
I/O Configuration folder, and select 'New Module'.

2) Select the 1756-ENBT module from the list of available modules, then press OK.

3) Next, you will choose the major revision of the 1756-ENBT module. This revision is usually
on the label on the side of the module, however, this label may not be up to date. You can use
the module information from RSLinx, or type the IP address into your web browser, and click
'Module Information' to determine the revision level. At the time this manual was written, the
modules we use for class are 2.4. This means the Major revision is 2, and the minor revision is
4. Therefore, we must select 2 as the major revision. Press OK when finished.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #71

4) Next, complete the dialog box for the Ethernet module. Your location may have specific
naming standards, but we will name this module 'Local_Ethernet_Module'. The IP address
scrolls across the front of the ENBT module (assuming an IP address has been assigned). In our
classroom, the ENBT module is in slot 3, and the minor revision is 4 (Recall the module's
revision was 2.4, 2 being the major, and 4 being the minor). We will leave the keying as
compatible module. Press FINISH.

5) Our next step is to have the 1756-ENBT connect to the 1794-AENT module. In I/O
Configuration, right click on the ENBT module. Remember we are connecting to the AENT
module from the ENBT module (Not directly from the backplane)

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #72

6) Choose the 1794-AENT from the list of available devices. Press OK. (Be sure you select the

7) Next, select the major revision of the AENT module. We can get this information from the web
browser, by typing the IP address into the browser's address bar, and click 'Module
Configuration'. At the time this manual was written, the AENT module had firmware version
2.12. Therefore, we must enter 2 as the major revision.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #73

8) You may have naming conventions for remote chassis at your own location. For our classroom
use, we will name the module 'Remote_Chassis'. You can usually get the IP address of this
module from your network administrator, schematics, or other documentation if the address was
not written on the front of the module. Use the IP address the instructor assigns to you. We
will leave the comm format as 'Rack Optimization', and this will treat the three modules in the
chassis as a single connection instead of having a separate connection for each module. The
1756-ENBT module only supports 64 connections in many cases. This chassis consists of 3
slots (not counting the adapter). The minor revision is 12 (because our version was 2.12), and
leave the keying as 'Compatible Module'. Press FINISH when you are finished configuring
the module.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #74

9) Now that a connection has been made between the ENBT module and the AENT module, we
need to establish a connection between the AENT module and the three modules that are in it's
chassis. To add the first module (The 1794-IB16), right click the AENT module in the I/O
Configuration, and select 'New Module'.

10) Choose the 1794-IB16 module from the list of available modules, then press OK.

11) Complete the Module configuration dialog as follows, then press FINISH.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #75

12) Next, we will add the 1794-OB16 module to the I/O Configuration tree. Again, we are
connecting to this module from the 1794-AENT module, so right click the AENT module, and
select 'New Module'

13) From the list of available modules, select the 1794-OB16 DC output module. Press OK.

14) Complete the module configuration dialog as shown, then press FINISH.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #76

15) Next we need to add the last module to the remote chassis. This will be the 1794-IE8. This
connection will be between the AENT and the IE8 module (Just like the AENT connected to the
previous two modules we configured. Right click the 1794-AENT module, and select 'New

16) From the list of available modules, choose the 1794-IE8 module, then press OK.

17) complete the module configuration dialog as shown, then press FINISH.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #77

18) Now that all of our modules have been added to the I/O Configuration, RSLogix has created
tags for us in the controller tag database. Let's take a look at the controller tags to see where
data from these three modules will appear.

19) Take a look at the tag names that RSLogix generated for us.

20) Notice the tag names assume the name of the adapter in the remote chassis. You will also
notice for this example, that we have two tags for each slot. The slot number immediately
follows the tag name.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #78

21) Since we established a connection to each module in the chassis individually, we have two sets
of tags for this remote I/O. We have the base tags, which contain most all of the information
we need to know about the chassis, and we have the derived tags which follow the same naming
convention as the local I/O. The derived tags alias corresponding memory locations in the base
tag that reflect the data for it's own slot when possible.

22) If you go to edit tags, you will see what based tags the derived tags are aliasing.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #79

23) For this course we will be using the derived tags. To see the data from the DC Input Module,
you must be on line, on the monitor tags tab, then expand Remote_Chassis:0:I. You will see
each input from this module. These tags can be used directly in ladder logic, or you can create
another alias to use for your project.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #80

Basic Instructions
A Little History
A common programming language used in PLC's is called Ladder Logic. Ladder Logic was developed
years ago to help electricians adapt to PLC's. Ladder logic is still widely in use today although this
language appears to be weakening. Ladder logic is similar to Assembly Language in many ways which
was widely used to program computers years ago. Since then, higher level languages such as PASCAL
have come along. In the last few years we have seen a more Object Oriented approach to programming
in languages such as Java. The ControlLogix processor seems to be following the Object Oriented
approach with it's User Defined data types (UDTs), and event driven tasks.
Here are some of the instructions available in Ladder Logic:

Examine If Closed (XIC)

You will find that most instructions in the SLC, PLC-5, and ControlLogix consist of three character
pneumonics. The XIC looks at a given bit of memory in the processor. If this bit is on, then the XIC
will intensify indicating logical continuity through the instruction. Here is what the XIC looks like in

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #81

Examine If Open (XIO)

The XIO is just the opposite of the XIC instruction. The XIO looks at a bit in memory. If the bit is a 0,
then the XIO is true. It will intensify indicating logical continuity through the instruction, and the next
instruction in the rung will be examined. This is usually referred to as a NOT instruction because the
address the instruction points to must NOT be on for the instruction to be true. Here is an example of
how the XIO will appear in ladder logic:

In the above example, you can see that as soon as the Main Pump Switch is shut off, a bit is set to run
the backup pump.

Output To Energize (OTE)

The output to energize simply turns a bit on when it is evaluated as true, and shuts a bit off when the
instruction is evaluated as false. Using the same address on an OTE in two different places in the
program is considered bad programming practice. The two OTE's can interfere with each other, and
makes troubleshooting difficult.
Below you will find two different states of the same rung. The first state shows the rung as false, so a
zero is written to B3:1/0. The second state is true, and a 1 will be written to B3:1/0.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #82

Output To Latch (OTL) and Output To Unlatch (OTU)

The Output To Latch instruction will write a 1 to it's address when true. When the OTL goes false
again, the output address will remain a 1 until another instruction such as the Output to Unlatch shuts it
back off. This is true even if the processor powers down, and is brought back up!! You must use
caution when using the Latch/Unlatch when controlling real world devices. Here is what the
Latch/Unlatch will look like in logic:

If the output address is off, both the latch and unlatch instructions are not intensified, but once the bit is
turned on, you will see both the latch and unlatch intensified even though both inputs are shut off.

Due to the processor scan cycle, since the unlatch is placed after the latch, if both inputs were to go
true, the Unlatch instruction would win, and the output address will be shut off. If the latch was after
the unlatch, then the latch would be the last instruction scanned, and therefore the bit would be left in
the energized state.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #83

Timers are generally used for delaying an event from taking place, or to delay a device from shutting
off either on an on transition or an off transition. There are three types of timers: The Timer ON delay
(TON), Timer Off delay (TOF), and the Retentative Timer On delay (RTO).
Timers can be created as Controller Tags or Program Tags. A tag of the TIMER data type consists of
the following components: Preset word (PRE), Accumulate word (ACC), Done bit (DN), Timer
Timing bit (TT), and Enable bit (EN). For Timers, the Enable bit follows the rung condition.

The entire timer is addressed by it's element (example: T4:0) Pieces of the timer can be used in logic
however such as the DN bit on an XIC (T4:0/DN), or the Accumulated value in a MOV statement

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #84

Timer On Delay (TON)

The Timer On delay delays an event from taking place. Once the timer becomes true, the enable bit
becomes true instantly. The timer will also start timing instantly, so the TT bit becomes high. Since
the timer is timing, the accumulated value will increment.
Once the Accumulated value reaches the preset, the done bit (DN) will go high, and the timer will stop
timing. The accumulated value remains at (or near) the preset until the rung goes false again. Here is
what a typical timer might look like in logic:
When the switch is energized, the timer will begin timing. When the ACC value reaches the PRE
value, the DN bit goes high, and the main motor will start. Since the Time Base is .001, therefore 5000
(preset) times .001 (timebase) = 5 second delay.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #85

Timer Off Delay (TOF)

The Off Delay Timer is generally used to delay an event from shutting off. Image a lube system on a
large motor. As long as the main motor is turning, the lube pump should be running. When the main
motor shuts off, you wouldn't want to shut off the lube pump immediately because the main motor
needs time to coast down to zero RPM's. The Main motor could run off the EN bit, and the Lube motor
could run off the DN bit.
On the Off delay timer, as soon as the rung goes true, The EN bit goes true as it does for all timers.
Since the Off delay timer does not delay the DN bit from shutting off, the DN bit goes high
immediately. Remember, the TOF instruction delays the DN bit from shutting off, not turning on.
(Plus if we are delaying the DN bit from shutting off, it needs to be high to begin with). While the rung
is true, the timer is not timing, and the ACC value is at zero.
When the rung is shut off, the EN bit shuts off immediately. The ACC value will start timing until it
reaches PRE then the DN bit will shut off.
Here is what the TOF instruction might look like in logic:

When the motor switch is energized, both the main motor and the lube motor will energize
immediately. When the main motor switch is shut off, the main motor shuts off immediately, but since
the TOF delays the DN bit from shutting off, the Lube motor will shut off 30 seconds later. Warning:
Using the RES instruction on a TOF instruction could cause unpredictable operation.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #86

Retentative On Delay Timer (RTO)

The RTO instruction works a lot like the TON instruction with one main exception: When the rung
goes false on the RTO instruction, it will retain the ACC value. When the rung becomes true again, the
ACC value will pick up from where it left off. One good application for the RTO would be an hour
meter to indicate total runtime for machinery.
Since the RTO does not reset itself when the rung goes false, the RES instruction must be used to reset
a timer. Here is a practical application:

In this example, once the machine accumulates 1 hour of run time, a light might come on indicating
that a lubrication needs to be engaged. Once the operator lubricates the machine, he can reset the hour

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #87

Counters count rung transitions. The CTU runs the accumulated value of the counter up on the false to
true rung transition, and the CTD instruction runs the accumulated value down. The CTU and CTD
can be used in conjunction with each other.
Counters consist of the following components:
ACC Accumulated Value
Count Down Bit
Overflow Bit

Preset Value
Count Up bit
Underflow bit

Tags used for counters are declared with the COUNTER data type. Here is an example:

For the CTU instruction: The CU bit is high when the CTU instruction is true. The ACC value
increments by the value of 1 each time the CU bit goes high. When the ACC reaches the PRE, the DN
bit will be set. The CTU will continue to increment the accumulated value until it reaches the
maximum possible value for a 32 bit signed integer (2147483647). If the CU bit goes high one more
time, the OV bit will be set, and the ACC value will go to -2147483648. Each time the CU bit goes
high, the ACC value will still continue to increment (become less negative).
For the CTD instruction: The CD bit is high when the CTD instruction is true. The ACC value
decrements by the value of 1 each time the CD bit goes high. Any time the ACC is above or equal to
the PRE, the DN bit will remain set. The DN bit is reset if the ACC falls below the PRE at any time.
The CTD will continue to decrement the accumulated value until it reaches the minimum possible
value for a 32 bit signed integer (-2147483648). If the CD bit goes high one more time, the UN bit will
be set, and the ACC value will go to 2147483647. Each time the CD bit goes high, the ACC value will
still continue to decrement (become less positive).

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #88

Here is a practical example of a CTU/CTD implementation:

Each time a pizza goes into the oven, the ACC value is incremented by one. Each time a pizza comes
out of the oven, the ACC value is decremented by one. Therefore, the ACC value represents how
many pizzas are in the oven at any given time. The DN bit could be used to shut the conveyor down if
pizzas are going into the oven and not coming out!

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #89

Using the GSV Command (Accessing the system time)

The PLC-5 and SLC-500 had a STATUS FILE which could used by logic at any time simply by
referring to the memory location where the time and date were stored.
The system time in ControlLogix works much differently. When a new project is created, no variables
exist in the tag databases. If you are going to use a variable in logic, it must first be created first.
The system time in ControlLogix is called the WALLCLOCKTIME object. First an array must be be
allocated in the tag database, then we must use a GSV (Get System Value) command to continuously
load the time from the system into the new array.
You should access the help file in RSLogix 5000 for a complete description of the
WALLCLOCKTIME object. To access the help file, click Help on the menu bar, then click Contents.
Click the FIND tab. If this is the first time you are using the Help|Find feature, you may be prompted
to select next, then finish to build the help database. Type wallclocktime in step 1, then in step 3,
double click 'accessing the wallclocktime object'.
For this example, we are simply going to create an array of seven elements in the controller tag
database, then use the GSV command to populate the array with the system time. The purpose of each
of the seven elements are as follows:
Element 0 Year
Element 1 Month
Element 2 Day
Element 3 Hour
Element 4 Minute
Element 5 Second
Element 6 Microsecond
Let's get started....
1) First we need to open the controller tag database at the top of your controller organizer window.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #90

2) Next, let's be sure the 'edit tags' tab is selected so we can add a new tag.

3) The new tag we create will be called 'time', and the type will be 'DINT[7]'. Recall that the [7]
will create an array of 7 elements. Press enter to accept the tag.

4) Let's look at the Array. Click Monitor Tags. Click the + next to the tag name, and you will
see that seven elements have been created.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #91

5) Next we need to choose which routine we will be adding the GSV to. Recall that the purpose of
this GSV is to extract the wall clock time from the system, and load it into the tag we just
created. For this example, we will go to the MainRoutine of the MainProgram. You can access
the routines from the controller organizer window.

6) Be sure the end rung is highlighted, then type GSV (Then press Enter) You will notice the
GSV command has been added to you logic.

7) Double click the ? next to Class Name. The class will be WALLCLOCKTIME. There is
only one instance available of this class, so we don't need to select one. The Attribute will be
DateTime. The destination should be time[0].

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #92

8) Now you can download your work, and go on line in Run mode. If your GSV command is
working properly, the GSV command will be extracting the time from the system, and loading
the wall clock time (of 7 elements) into our time tag starting with element 0. To test this, go
back to your controller tags, Be sure the time tag is still expanded, and you will see data in the
following format:
time[0] = Year
time[1] = Month
time[2] = Day
time[3] = Hour
time[4] = Minute
time[5] = Second
time[6] = Microsecond

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #93

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #94

On line Editing for ControlLogix

There are five basic steps in performing an edit on line.

Start Edits,
Make Changes,
Accept edits,
Test Edits, and
Assemble edits.

Note: Beginning with Version 13, 'Finalize Edits' will accept, test, and assemble all in one step.
Unless you are very experienced, it is recommended that you follow the full 5 step procedure.
Although these steps seem very simple there are a few rules to watch out for.

You cannot change the data type of existing tags. If you create a new tag with the wrong data type,
you must delete the tag, and declare it again.
You cannot make an on line edit if the key switch is in Run Mode.
You do not need to perform an on line edit to directly change a value in the data table such as the
preset of a timer or counter.
If the processor is in program mode, you do not need to test and assemble after accepting.
If the processor is in program mode, and a rung is deleted, there is no warning.

Let's walk through the 5 step procedure:

Look at the rung below. Our objective is to transfer control of the output to LocalSwitch.6. If you
click on bit LocalSwitch.7 and attempt to make a change, nothing happens.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #95

Step 1) Start Rung Edits

The first step is to put the rung into edit mode. There are several ways this can be done:
Double click the rung number
Right click the rung number and start rung edits
From 'Logic' on the menu bar, click On line Edits, then start pending rung edits
Click the start rung edit icon in the on line editing tool bar just above the ladder view

Notice that RSLogix made a copy of the rung for us to work with. By looking at the power rails, you
can see the bottom rung is being executed by the processor, and the top rung is the one you need to
make edits to. You will also notice the e (edit) or i (insert) and r (replace) in the margin are lower case.
This means the edits are not in the processor yet. If you are adding new logic instead of modifying
existing logic, this is the step where you add a new rung.

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Step 2) Make Changes

Now that the rung is in edit mode, changes can be made.
If you added a new rung in step #1, this is where you need to add your logic to the new rung.
Be careful not to add any logic that will fault the processor or cause damage to personnel or equipment.
Notice the i (insert) and r (replace) zones are in lower case. This means the changes are in RAM only,
and have not been sent to the processor.
In this example, bit 7 is being changed to bit 6 on the input.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #97

Step 3) Accept Edits

Now that your rung is set up as you need it, it's time to send the edits to the processor. You can accept
pending rung edits (This would just accept the rung you have selected), or you can accept pending
program edits (This would accept all the edits in the current program) There are several ways to
perform the next three steps.

Right click the rung number, and accept edits

Click Logic | On line Edits | Accept (rung or program edits) from the menu bar
Click one of the Accept Edits icons in the on line editing tool bar as shown below

Notice in the margin rung 1 is marked for insertion, and rung 2 is marked for removal. The I's and R's
are capitol because the edits are now in the processor. Look at the power rails. You can see the old
rung is still being executed by the processor.

You will also see that pending edits exist by looking at the on line tool bar.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #98

Step 4) Test Edits

When you test edits, the new or modified rungs will become active. The old rungs will be left in the
processor until we are sure our new rungs are working properly. Be aware that if you change an output
address, there might no longer be logic writing to that address. This means that you could abandon a
bit in the ON state.
You can test your edits by doing one of the following actions:
1) Right click the rung number
2) Choose Logic | On line Edits | Test accepted program edits from the menu bar
3) Click the Test icon in the on line edit tool bar above your logic window.

If you are modifying an input type address you should also be careful. If the rung was previously true,
you may want to make sure your new logic is also going to be true at the moment you accept, or the the
output may shut off.
Let's test the edits, and you will notice the new rung(s) are active. If the edits do not work the way you
anticipated, you can un-test to revert to the old rung while you make other changes to the new rung.
Notice the power rails:

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #99

Step 5) Assemble Edits

If you logic is working properly, go ahead and assemble the edits. Assembling removes the old rung,
and the edit zone markers. After Assembling, you may want to save your work to the hard drive.
You can assemble by using one of the following methods:
1) Right click the rung number, and choose accept edits (if available in your version)
2) Click Logic | On line Edits | Assemble accepted program edits from the menu bar.
3) Click the Assemble Edits icon in the on line edits tool bar.

Notice the Logic now appears to be normal:

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #100

Forcing I/O
Forcing can be used for troubleshooting, and to some extent simulates real world jumpers. Leaving
forces in the processor, or depending on forced I/O to make your equipment run is considered bad
Look at the diagram below:

Under normal circumstances, the following events take place:

1. The switch is shut
2. A 1 appears in the input tag
3. The XIC instruction goes true
4. The OTE is enabled
5. A 1 is written to the output tag
6. The light will energize on the output module
Forcing the input:
If you place a jumper across the switch, you would have the same effect as the switch always being
shut. A 1 would always be in the data table, the logic would be true, and the light would energize. The
same effect applys to forcing. Forcing the input on would result in a 1 in the input data table for the
switch, and all logic would be executed as if the switch was shut. The opposite applys to an OFF force.
An Off force would be similar to cutting a lead on the switch. A zero would result in the input data
Forcing the output:
If you place a jumper to the output, the output table would still be a zero if the logic is false.
Information does not flow from the output device to the output data table. Therefore, any XIC
instruction that is looking at the output bit would also be false. The same applies to forcing. If you
force an output device, the output data table will still be controlled by the ladder logic.
Note: Even though forcing an output does not directly effect the data table, The field device itself
could feed an input back into the processor causing other things to happen in logic. Know your system
before using the force feature.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #101

There are several ways to force I/O. Forcing can be applied from ladder logic, or from the Controller
Tag database. Internal memory locations cannot be forced. You can only force real I/O, Aliases to real
I/O, or producer/consumer tags.
In this example, we will force an input directly from ladder logic. Right click on the input address, and
choose 'Force On'.

Notice the force light on the processor begins to flash (if your process has a force light) indicating that
forces are installed, but not enabled. The force can be enabled from the on line tool bar as shown

The force light on your processor will now be solid amber indicating that installed forces have been
enabled. If we go to the data table, you will see that the input bit is on, and it is red indicating that a
force has been enabled on the input. You will also see that the force mask reflects which bits have
been forced in the data word. Forcing can be preformed directly from the force mask as well.

In the force mask, the value of 1 indicates a bit has been forced on. The value of 0 indicates an off
force, and a period indicates no force is installed on a particular bit.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #102

Working with User Defined Data Types

A User Defined Data type allows the user to create his own data structure offline. To understand user
defined Data Types, you must first understand pre-defined data types. In the PLC-5, T4:0 was a
variable with the timer data type. T4:0 contained several members: T4:0.ACC, T4:0.PRE, T4:0/DN,
T4:0/EN, and T4:0/TT.
In ControlLogix, a variable such as lubedelay can be created, and given the data type of Timer. Once
this assignment is made, the variable lubedelay can be expanded to reveal all of it's components:
lubedelay.ACC, lubedelay.PRE, lubedelay.DN, lubedelay.TT, and lubedleay.EN. All of these variables
are updated by a timer instruction in logic.
The timer object is always on the 'menu' as a pre defined data type, but you don't have any timers by
default. You have to set up a variable in the tag database, and assign that variable the timer data type.
You would now have a timer.
Instead of using the data structure of a timer, you may want to create your own data structures. For
example, you may want to create a data type called 'TankAlarm', and have the alarm data type consist
of some members such as HighLevel, and LowLevel.
Now any tag you assign a TankAlarm data type will inherit both the HighLevel and LowLevel
Data structures and data types are not directly usable by the logic. Setting up a User Defined Data type
merely puts an item on a menu. You don't actually have an instance of the item until you declare a tag
with your data type.
For example: Steak and Shake sells hamburgers (or steak burgers). Seeing the hamburger on a menu
does not allow you to utilize the product in any way until you order at least one instance of the menu
item. The same is true for the timer example we used earlier. The timer data structure is always
available, but you don't have any timers until you create a tag with the timer data type.
Let's take a look at the timer data structure to see what members it consists of, and then we will create
our own data structure for TankAlarms.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #103

Simple UDT's
In an open project, locate the Data Types folder in the controller organizer window. Under the Data
Types folder, you will find the Predefined data types. Expand the Predefined data types folder, and
double click TIMER.

Notice the members of the Timer Data Structure. Any tag we assign in the tag database as a timer will
inherit all of these members.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #104

When you create MyTimer with the timer type, the tag can be expanded to reveal all the components.:

Next, we are going to create a User Defined Data structure called TankAlarm. This data structure
will have two members: HighLevel, and LowLevel.
Right Click on the User-Defined folder under Data Types, and select New Data Type.

The name of this data type will be TankAlarm. The two members, HighLevel, and LowLevel, will
each have a bool data type.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #105

Now that TankAlarm is an available data type, we can now create an instance of this data type in the
tag database.
In this example, I created a tag called MyTank, and gave it the TankAlarm data type. MyTank
inherited the members of the TankAlarm data type. We can now have XIC's and OTE's in logic that
use MyTank.LowLevel, and MyTank.Highlevel variables.

Here is an example of what logic might look like to populate these bits:

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #106

Nesting UDT's
Additional information may be needed for MyTank. Status information may also be available. The
TankStatus data type will consist of three members: Level, Draining, and Filling. Let's go ahead and
set up this data type, then we will nest TankAlarm, and TankStatus members into a tank data type.
This will provide us with all the information we need about MyTank all in one area. Lets do this one
step at a time.
First, Create a UDT for TankStatus as shown (Right click the User-Defined folder and select 'new data

Notice that Level is an actual value, so it will have to be DINT. Filling and Draining are either true or
false, so their type is BOOL. Apply your changes.
We can use the TankStatus Data type in the tag database as it is, but we would have to create a separate
tagname, which is not good. Remember our goal is to organize data.
To have all the data under one tagname, we are going to have to create another data structure that has
the members TankStatus and TankAlarm. Each of those data structures have their own members.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #107

Create the data structure as shown:

Now go to the Controller Tag Database, and create 3 tags, Tank1, Tank2, and Tank3 each having the
data type of 'Tank'. Look what happens!

All three Tanks had the 'Tank' data type. (Recall that the tank data type consisted of two members,
alarm and status.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #108

Remember also that alarm and status had their own structures as well. Expand the alarm and status

All the data for each Tank is now well organized. These tags should then be incorporated into the input
and output data mapping routines.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #109

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #110

Producer/Consumer Model
In older PLC systems, such as the PLC-5, a message instruction had to be executed in order to get data
from one processor to another. Although this worked very well, there was seldom a guarantee when
data would arrive at it's destination, nor would data be transferred if the processor was in program
With the Producer/Consumer model, the transfer of data between processors takes place without any
logic, and the user sets the RPI (Requested Packet Interval) for the rate at which data should be
The producer consumer model is very easy to understand, and to trace where data is coming from.
The Producer/Consumer model can transfer data between tags which have a DINT data type, an array,
or a User-Defined Data Type (UDT's)

The Produced Tag

The producer has the easy job. In the Controller Tag Database, a user simply creates a tag, and marks
it as produced. In this case, MyProducedTag is a DINT. The 'P' in the left-most column makes the tag
When we mark a tag as produced, we are simply allowing the tag to be served to consumers. We can
populate this produced tag through logic, and the consumed tags in other processors will receive the
data we place into the produced tag.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #111

If you were to right click on the tag, and go to the tag's properties, we would have a few more options:

If we click on the 'Connection' tab, we can set the maximum number of consumers which are allowed
to connect to the produced tag. The allowed values are 1 to 256. You can also send event triggers to
consumers using the IOT instruction in logic.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #112

The Consumed Tag

In the previous few pages, we discussed how to set up a tag in the producing processor. Now we will
go to the program which resides in the processor which will be consuming data from this produced tag.
Setting up a consumed tag involves an extra step. First, we build a path to the processor where the tag
is being produced. This is done in I/O Configuration. Then the consumed tag can be created.
Step 1: Building the path to the producer.
In the I/O configuration tree, we will have to build a path to the processor where the produced tag
resides. First, we will have to establish a connection to our local Ethernet or ControlNet module. Next,
we will have our local communication module connect to a communication module in the chassis
where the produced tag resides. Last, we must tell the communication module in the remote chassis to
connect to the processor which is producing data. Look at the diagram below:

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #113

This connection is made under I/O Configuration.

First, right click on the I/O Configuration folder to connect to the local communication module if it not
already set up.

Be sure to select the communication module you will be using For this example, we are using a 1756ENBT module.

You can get the major revision from a web browser, RSLinx, or from the label on the side of the
module if the label is correct. Our module is version 2.4 (2 is major, 4 is minor).

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #114

We named this module local_enbt. This module resides in slot 3, and the IP address is
The minor revision was 4. (Adjust these settings for what you are using at your own station)

When finished with this step, your local communication module will appear in the I/O configuration
similar to the image shown below:

Second, we must add the communication module of the remote chassis to the I/O Configuration. We
must right click on our local communication module, and tell our local communication module to
connect to the remote communication module as shown:

We are connecting to another 1756-ENBT module.

Again, the remote ENBT module is version 2.4, so the Major Revision is 2.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #115

We will name the module remote_enbt. It has the IP address of It is in slot 3 of a 7 slot
chassis. We choose rack optimization for the comm format, so data from all modules can be received
through a single connection. The minor revision is 4. Adjust your settings as necessary for your

When finished adding the remote enbt module, your I/O configuration will look similar to the image

Third, we must make a connection to the processor from the remote_enbt module.
Right click the remote enbt module, and we will add a new module as we did before.

Most of the stations have the 1756-L1 processor. Be sure to select the type of processor that resides in
the station which is producing the data.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #116

Select the revision level of the processor you are connecting to. The version was 13 when this
document was created.

The processor is named remote_processor and resides in slot 0.

When finished, your I/O Configuration will appear similar to what is shown below:

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #117

Step 2: Creating the consumed tag.

Now that we have a path to the processor which is producing the tag, we can create our consumed tag.
First, go to the controller tag database, and click 'Edit Tags'.

Second, we will create a tag called 'MyConsumedTag'. Leave it as a DINT.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #118

Third, right click on the tag, and choose 'edit tag properties'. The tag type is consumed. From the PullDown tab you can select remote_processor as the producer. (This is the processor we connected to in
I/O Configuration. The name of the tag in the remote_processor is called MyProducedTag, and is a
DINT. The RPI is fine for this exercise, but if you wish to conserve bandwidth on the network, the RPI
can be increased so the tag will update less often.

You are ready to download and test your work.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #119

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #120

ControlLogix Messaging
The producer consumer model is very efficient for transferring data between processors, but if the data
transfer does not need to occur at periodic intervals, you may be able to conserve network bandwidth
using the message instruction. Using the message instruction, data can even be received (or sent) from
another processor, even if that processor is not present in the I/O Configuration tree.
For this example, we will set up a message instruction that will read data from another ControlLogix
processor, and store that data in a memory location in our own controller.
Below, you can see the path that we will take to connect to the target processor. Once, the connection
is made, msgInbox will then receive data from msgOutbox each time the message instruction is
executed. Data actually flows in the opposite direction of the communication path for a data read
because the connection has to be made first, then we can begin receiving data from the target.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #121

1) First let's set up the memory locations we will be using for this transfer. We will create three new
items in the controller tag database:
1. msgOutbox as DINT
2. msgInbox as DINT
3. msgControl as message
msgOutbox will be the memory location that another controller can read from. This tag has nothing to
do with our own message instruction, but we will populate this tag with data, so the station reading
from your controller can test their connection. You will be reading the msgOutbox tag of another
station later in this exercise.
msgInbox is where the data will be stored within our own controller. After the message instruction
executes, whatever data was stored in the msgOutbox of the target processor will appear in the
msgInbox tag of your own processor.
msgControl is simply the workspace for the message instruction to be able to operate. It stores
information about the message instruction such as when it is enabled, waiting, or done.
2) There are several ways we can add these tags. You can right click 'Controller Tags' at the top of the
controller organizer window, and add a new tag, or you can open the controller tag database, and
add the tags to the bottom of the spreadsheet. Note: You must be in 'Edit Tags' mode to add tags to
the controller tag database. This can be done either on line or offline. Add these three tags to the
controller tag database as shown:

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #122

3) Next, add a self-running timer as shown. This timer will be used to trigger the message instruction.
You will have to declare msgTimer as Timer. You can do this by creating another entry in the tag
database, or right-click msgTimer once you've typed it into the timer instruction, and then select
'new msgTimer' to declare the new variable for use in logic. This procedure will make the entry in
the tag database for you.

Notice the preset on the timer is 500. Because the time base for ControlLogix is milliseconds only, the
preset for this timer is half of one second. We'll be using the DN bit from this timer to trigger the
message instruction.
4) Next, enter the following rung of logic for the message instruction. All variables in this rung have
already been declared.

5) Click the ellipsis to configure the message instruction. The ellipsis is the 3 dots next to the control
6) The message instruction is very versatile, and there are a lot of options. The message instruction can
be used to initiate block transfers, read or write module status, and even reset an electronic fuse on
an output module. For this exercise, we are just interested in a CIP data table read. CIP (Control
and Information Protocol) is the means by which ControlLogix processors natively exchange data
through the message instruction.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #123

7) Next, you are asked for the source and the destination element. The source is the name of the tag
from which we are getting data, and the destination is the memory location in which this data is to
be placed. Recall that we are getting data from the msgOutbox tag of the remote processor, and we
will be placing that data into our own msgInbox tag. The length will be just one element.

8) We have told the processor what the source and destination tags are, however, this PLC could reside
on a network of many ControlLogix systems. We have not yet specified what path the controller
needs to take to connect to the msgOutbox tag. Go to the 'communication' tab, and we'll discuss
how to configure the communication path.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #124

9) Look again at our communication path:

From our PLC (Top left), we must first connect to the backplane. The next step would be to connect to
our own Ethernet module (or ControlNet if you have a ControlNet connection). Next, we will specify
what our exit port is (we will come out the front port of the Ethernet module. Next, we specify which
IP address to connect to on the Ethernet network (or ControlNet node), then we go to the backplane,
and then connect to the processor in slot 0. The chart below will help you to determine what the
connection path will be (alternate between step A and B):
Step A:
Step B:
To get to:
For module on:
The Backplane

The Backplane

Slot #

DF1 Port (Of controller)

DF1 Network

DF1 Address

ControlNet Port of CNB

ControlNet Network

Node #

Ethernet port (of ENBT)

DH+ Network

Node #

DH+ port CH A (DHRIO)

Ethernet Network

IP Address

DH+ port CH B (DHRIO)

Note for step B you can also use the following formats: address:port, DNS name, or DNS
Using this chart you will come up with the path 1,3,2,,1,0

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10)How did we get this path?

1. From the processor you are programming, you must first choose '1' to get to the backplane in step
2. Step B tells us to specify the slot number we need to go to next. This would be the slot # for the
1756-ENBT module. (Slot 3)
3. Go back to Step A. Since we are now on-board the ENBT module, you must specify a 2 to get
out the front port of the module.
4. Back to Step B... Since we came out of port 2, we are now on the Ethernet network, so we must
specify which address to go to. For this example, the address was
5. Go back to Step A. Now that we are on-board the Ethernet module, specify 1 to get to the
6. Back on Step B we specify which slot to connect to. That would be the processor in Slot 0.
Note: If the target processor was already in your I/O Configuration you could just browse to the
11)You path will appear as shown

12)Apply your changes then press OK.

13)Download to your processor, and put the processor into 'run' or 'remote run' mode.

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14)In the Controller Tag database, populate the msgOutbox tag with a value. You must be in 'Monitor
Tags' to inject a value, then press enter.

15)If your MSG instruction is working properly, and if the msgOutbox tag is set up properly in the
remote processor, you should receive this value in your msgInbox.

16)Open the control element for the message instruction, and you will see the the status bits change as
the MSG instruction executes. For a more detailed explanation of these bits, and error codes you
might find in this control element, refer to the help file in RSLogix 5000. (Not all status words are
shown below)

17) If you was using this for an application, you would write logic next to populate the msgOubox tag
with information you need another controller to receive (Using your own tag names)

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Trending is used to graph data over time. This can be either an analog signal or a discrete signal. You
are allowed 8 pens per trend chart with a maximum of 255 trending charts per project. This is a simple
procedure that will guide you through the creation of a trend chart in your project.

1) Right click the trends folder in the Controller Organizer Window, and select 'new trend'.

2) In the new trend dialog window, name your trend, and add a description. For this example, we will
leave the sample period at default. Click 'Next'.

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3) Choose the tag you wish to trend, then press the 'Add' button. You will notice your tag is now in the
list of tags to trend. Click Finish.

4) Next, Click the 'Run' button in the upper left corner of the trending chart.

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5) You will see your chart start tracking. You will notice the chart runs very fast. You only have a
time period of 2 seconds currently being displayed from the left to the right side of the screen.

6) We are going to change this to 2 minutes so the chart will run much slower. This will give us a
better indication of what the signal is doing over time. The X axis runs left to right (This is Time),
and the Scale runs from bottom to top. To reconfigure the X axis, right click on the chart, and
choose 'Chart Properties'.

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7) On the X tab, change the time span to 2 minutes. Then press Apply, and OK.

8) You will see your chart is now tracking over a 2 minute time period.

9) You will see the scale is not reflecting the full range possible for the analog signal. This is because
the chart defaults to automatic mode. It will take the minimum and maximum value and adjust the
scale accordingly. We will account for this in the next step.

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10)Right click on the chart, and go back to 'Chart Properties'

11)On the 'Y Axis' tab, you will notice 3 options. Automatic Mode is what we were running by
default. This adjust the scale based on actual data. You can also choose preset if you like, and enter
a different min/max value for each pen on the pens tab. The last option is to choose 'Custom'. This
will let us lock in our own values for this particular trend chart. We will use custom for this
example, and enter 0 as the minimum, and 10000 as the maximum. These values can be adjusted
based on the data you are getting from your analog source. Press Apply, then OK when finished.

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12)You will see the scale on the chart is now locked in with the custom values you entered from the 'Y
Axis' tab.

13)By clicking anywhere on the chart, a value bar will appear. This value bar will indicate the exact
value of the tag at that moment in time.

14)If you click on an area of the chart, and drag your mouse, you will draw a box around a certain area
of the graph. When you release your mouse, you will be zoomed in on that particular area of the
chart. You will know you are in zoom mode by a magnifying glass on your mouse cursor.

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15)To get out of Zoom mode, right click on the chart, and Undo Zoom/Pan.

16)Next, you must restart your chart by un-pausing the graph.

17)Your chart should now be tracking. If you wish to change the color of your pen, Double-Click the
pen in the upper left hand corner of your chart. A pallet will appear. Choose your new color from
the pallet, then press OK.

ControlLogix Maintenance and Troubleshooting Page #135

18)You know know the basic method for setting up a trending chart. At this time, take a few minutes
to explore the other options you have for the trending chart. You can add more pens if you like
under the 'pens' tab. This will allow you to track more addresses. You can also change the width of
each pen, make them visible, or invisible, etc.... Try to change the color of the background.... If you
have questions, ask the instructor.

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Hands On Troubleshooting
Your instructor will guide you through the following troubleshooting utilities:
Cross Reference
Extensive time will be provided for you to practice tracing down outputs, cross referencing through a
plant program, and learning which inputs are required to energize various outputs.

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