Is 6044 1 2000

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IS 6044-1 (2000): Code of Practice for Liquefied Petroleum

Gas Storage Installations, Part 1: Commercial and
Industrial Cylinder Installations [PCD 3: Petroleum,
Lubricants and their Related Products]

! $ ' +-
Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda

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IS 6044 (Part 1) : 2000




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( qfJ (i/ lf1U~)

Indian Standard

(First Revision)
ICS 75.200

BIS 2000


NEW DELHI 110002

December 2000

Price Group 3


( Flnt Revision)

(Page 1, clause 3.2, second sentence) existing sentence:

Substitute the following for the

'All other equipments such as pressure regulators, valves, pigtails, manifolds and
other installation materials shall comply with the statutory provisions or relevant
Indian Standards. In the absence of any such provisions or standards equivalent
international norms may be followed.'

(Page 2, clause 5.1) - Substitute the following for the existing clause:
'All materials, fittings, etc, used in cylinder manifold systems shall comply with
statutory provisions or relevant Indian Standards. In the absence of any such
provisions or standards equivalent international norms may be followed. '

(Page 3, clause 6.1) - Substitute the following for the existing clause:
'Pressure regulators and other devices used to control the gas shall comply with
the statutory provisions or relevant Indian Standards. In the absence of any such
provisions or standards equivalent international norms may be followed.'
(Page 3, clause 7.1) - Substitute the following for the existing clause:
'All piping, tubing and fittings shall comply with the statutory provisions or
relevant Indian Standards. In the absence of any such provisions or standards
equivalent international norms may be followed.'
(Page 5, clause 10.4) - Substitute the following for the existing clause:

'10.4 Test pressure for portions of installations not subjected to cylinder pressure
but carrying gas at a pressure more than 30 gflcm 2. 1.5 times the working

Amend No.1 to IS 6044 (part 1) : 2000

(Page 5, clause 10.5) - Substitute the following for the existing clause.
'10.S Portions of installation subjected to gas pressure of 30 gf/cm2 or less Test pressure of ISO gf/cm2. ,

(ME 16)
Rcprography Unit, 81S, New Delhi, India

Petroleum Products Sectional Committee, PCD 3


This Indian Standard (part 1) (First Revision) was adoptedby the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
finalized by the Petroleum Products Sectional Committee hadbeenapproved by the Petroleum, Coal and Related
Products DivisionCouncil.
In the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) trade, 'industrialinstallations' generally referto the installations at factories
and the 'commercialinstallations' relateto the larger type of cateringestablishments, such as hotels,restaurants
and canteens. In these applications, the LPG installations generallyconsist of a larger number of cylinders,
pressureregulators, piping, etc, and are handled by relatively unskilled workers and hence a codeof practice is
most needed. The application of this standard is recommended in order to promote safety and consumer
This standard was first published in 1971. In this version (first revision) scope has been enlarged. General
recommendations, cylinderlocation, fittings and installationofflexible hoseshavebeen modified. Leak testing
has been redrafted. New clausesfor instructionto consumerhave been added.
In using this code, the Gas Cylinder Rules, 1981, and theRulesfor Storage ofLPG in Cylinders, framed bythe
Chief Controller ofExplosives, shall be borne in mind.

IS 6044 (part 1) : lOOO

Indian Standard

( First Revision)


1.1 This standard (Part 1) lays down the code of

3.1 Those responsiblefor the installation of cylinders,

equipment and piping should understand the
characteristics of LPG and betrained in good practice
of handling, installing and maintaining installations.

practice for the installations of LPG cylinders (vapour

withdrawalonly),piping and equipotent in conunercial
and industrial premises.

3.2 Cylinders and cylinder valves shall comply with

the standard approved by the Chief Controller of


Explosives. All other equipment such as pressure

regulatorsand other installation material shall comply
with distributing company's stipulations and meet IS
specifications wherever available. Wherever any
thread joint provided,a suitable jointing compound be
used on male thread.

This code also applies to installations in

educational, institutional premises and domestic
installations including wherever cylinder manifold is
The following Indian Standards contain provisions
which" through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are
subject to revision" and parties to agreements based
on this standard are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the
standards indicated below:


1239(Part 1) : 1990

Mild steel tubes, tubulars and

other wrought steel fittings :
Part I Mild steel tubes (fifth

3.3 Gas piping shall be of the colour stipulated by the

explosive authoritiesto distinguish it from other piping
and the piping shall be painted silver grey with red
bentof 150 mm wide.
3.4 Fire extinguishersof dry powdertype (see IS 2171)
or carbondioxide (see IS 2878) type shall be provided
in places where LPG cylinder installations are situated
and shall be located near such installations. Two
buckets filled with sand and two with water shall also
be installed nearby. The number, type and size of the
fire extinguishers shall be as follows:


2171 : 1995

2501 : 1995

2878: 1986

3601 : 1984

Portable fire extinguishers, dry

powder (cartridge type) (third

Number Type

4785 : 1968
4786: 1968

Dry powder


LPG morethan 200
and up to 320 kg
c) For installations with 3
LPGmore than 320
and up to 1 000 kg

Dry powder


Dry powder


b) For installations with

(third revision)
Fire extinguisher, carbondioxide
type portableand trolley mounted
isecond revision)

Steel tubes for mechanical and

general engineering purposes

Forelectricalinstallation I No. CO2 (4.5 kg capacity)to

be provided.

(first revision)
4784: 1968

a) For installations with

LPG40 to 200kg

Solid drum - Copper tubes for

general engineering purposes


Low pressure regulators for use

with butane gases
Low pressure regulators for use
with propane gas
Vdriable high pressureregulators
for use with liquefied petroleum


4.1 Stationary 1n~1a1lations

4. t.t Stationary installation not exceeding 40 kg of
LPG may be installed indoors on any floor. It is
recommended to have a minimum floorarea of 5 m' for
such an installation.

IS 6044 (part 1): 2000

4.1.11 Cylinders shaD not be installed at a place where

they are likely to cause an obsttuction, to be damaged
or to be exposed to conditions likely to affect their

4.1.1 Stationary installations each not exceeding

40 kg of LPG maybe installed indoors onanyfloor and

within the same workspace provided the minimum
distance between two such installations is 3 Ill, the
proportion of SUch installations to floor area is one
installation per S m2 and theaggregate quantity of gas
of all such installations does not exceed200 kg.

4.1.13 Cylinders shaD be located on a concrete or

brick floor, preferably raised in case of outdoor


4.1.3 Stationary installation not exceeding 80 kg of

LPG may be installed indoors on any floor provided
the floor area for such an installation is not less than

4.1.14 In order to prevent the hazardous collection of

gas, cylinders shall be placed at least 1 m away from
culverts, depressions, or openings leading to below
ground level compartment, and drains.

4.1.4 Stationary installations each not exceeding
80 kg of LPG may be installed indoors on any tloor
and within the same workspace provided the minimum distance between two such installations is
3 m, the proportion of such installations to floor are
a is one installation per 12 m2 and the aggregate
quantity of gas ofall suchinstallations does notexceed
200 kg.

4.1.15 Cylinders which have safety relief valves or

similar devices incorporated in them shall be so
positioned that if the relief device operates, escaping
gas is not hazardous.

4.2 Portable InltaiiadODI

When portability of cylinders is necessary. the
following requirements shall befulfilled:

4.1.5 Stationary installation not exceeding 320 kg of

LPG maybe installedindoors in an enclosedsectionof
a building or a room reserved exclusively for this
purpose and ventilated at low level directly to the

a) The sum total of capacity of the cylinders

connected to each manifold shall not exceed
80 kg of LPG. The total quantity of gas thus
installedin a workspace shall not exceed 200 kg.

outside air.

b) If cylindersare mounted on a trolley, the trolley

shall be stable. Where necessary, the cylinders
shall be secured to prevent them from falling.

4.1.6 Stationary installations above 320 kg (200 kg in

case provision as in 4.1.S is not possible) but not
exceeding 1 000 kg shall be installed outdoors on
ground level only. A minimumdistanceof3 m shall be
maintained between an installation and any building,
public place, roadways, and other surroundings. The
installation shall be protected from excessive
weathering by sun, rain, etc, and from tampering by

c) The regulator shall be connected directed to the

cylinder valve or to a manifold which shall be
connected to the cylinder valves by means of
rigid connections to give adequate support to
the regulator. The only exception to this
requirement is where cylinders are mounted on
a trolley and the manifold is rigidly supported
on the trolley. In such a case flexible or semiflexible connections may be used between the
cylinder valves and the manifold but not
betweenthe manifold and the regulator.

unauthorized persons. A lean-to roofwith expanded

metal on angle-iron framework on the sides is
considered suitable for this purpose. In any case,
adequate ventilation at ground level to the outside air
shall be provided.
4.1. 7 The position ofthe cylinders shall facilitate:

d) At any time the total quantity of gas at portable

installations shall be in proportion to the floor
area as specified in 4.1.1 to 4.1.6.

a) changing and quick removal of anycylinder in

case of necessity, and
b) access to cylinder valve connections and
regulating devices.

e) At any time the provision at 4.1.1 to 4.1.14 to

be ensured for ell installations.

4.1.8 Cylinders shall beinstalled uprightwith thevalves



5.t All materials, fittings, etc,used in cylinder manifold

4.1.9 Cylinders shall not be installed or used below

ground level, in cellars or basements.

systems shall comply with the distributing company's


4.1.10 Cylinders containing more than 20 kg of gas

shall not be located on floors above ground level.

5.2 The individual component parts ofmanifolds, that

is, piping, fittinp, pigtails, etc, which are subject to
cylinder pressure shall be capable of withstanding a
test pressure without bursting of 2~ kgfIcm2 or one

4.1.11 Cylinders shall not beinstalled at a place where

they may be overheated, for example, close to steam
pipes and boilers.

anda halftimes the maximum pressure corresponding


IS 6044 (Part 1) : 2000

to the lilaximum aaeaed temperature of the cylinder,
whichever is more.

which are not sabjected to foil cylinder pressure shall

be such that the tubing may withstand a test pressure
without bursting of ~.5 kgflcm2 or five times the
maximum operating pressure to which it may be
subjected in normaluse) whicheveris more.

5.3 Where cylinder installations are made up with

service and reserve batteries of cylinders, suitable
cbange-over devices or valves shall be incorporated
in the manifold header to preventundue escape of the
gas when cylinders are changed.

7.6 The material used for shut-otfvalves and similar

equipment which are not subjected to full cylinder
pressure shall be such that they may withstand a test
pressure of 14 kgflcm2 or one and a half times the
maximum operating pressure to which they may be
subjected in normal use,whicheveris more.

S.4 In casepressure regulators, manifold headers and

automatic change-over devices are connected to

cylinder by semi-flexible connectors, these shall be
rigidlysupported. Copper tubepigtailsare considered
to besemi-flexible for this purpose.

7.7 Cast ironand aluminiumfittings shall not beused.

5.5 It is recommended that joints in manifoldheaders

which do not have to be broken in normal use should
be welded or brazed usinga material which shallhave
a meltingpointofat leastS40C.

7.8 In the caseofflange connections, the flanges shall

be machined and should preferably have raised face.
Metallic with gasket ofminimwn thickness or I.S rom is
preferableto be used.

5.6 Alljoints betweenmanifoldheadersand cylinder

connectors shall be readily accessible.

7.9 Foranykindofmovable appliance or burner, f1exlble

connectors shall be used and they shall be of a type
that resists abrasion.


7.9.1 Where the operating pressure of the appliance

or burner exceeds 100 kgf/cm2, both ends of the
connectors shall be positivelyattached (for example,
by suitableclips)to preventthem from comingoffthe
hose nipples because of pressure or tension in the

6.1 Pressure regulators and other devices used to

control the gas shall comply with the distributing
company's stipulations (see IS 4784) IS 478S and
6.2 If the regulator is fitted with a relief valve, care

should be taken in positioning the regulator to avoid

unnecessary hazards if the reliefvalve functions.


8.1 F1exible Hose

6.3 Pressureregulators and othercontroldevices shall

be adequately supported.

8.1.1 Installations on whichflexible hoseis used shall

satisfythe following conditions:



a) The cylinder and the appliancesconnectedto it

shall bein the sameroom,

7.1 All piping) tubing and fittings shall complywith

official regulations and the distributing company's


b) The length of hose shall be kept as short as

possible and should nonnally not exceed 2 m,

7.1 Copper1bbe .

c) .The appliances connected shall be of portable

type and not mountedin a fixedposition.

Soliddrawn coppertubesofoutsidediameter10, 12or

20 mm, as suitable, confonning to IS2501 sball be used.
The minimum wallthickness oCtile tubes shalI be 1 nun.

8.1.2 Flexible hoseshallnotbeextendedfrom oneroom

or verandah or one space to another and, therefore,

shall not be passed through doors, windows, walls,
~tipns, ceilings, or floors.

7.3 Steel 'lUbes

Cold drawn seamless, electric welded, cold drawn
electric resistance welded (ERW), or oxYacetylene
welded tubeS of suitable sizes conformingto IS 3601
shall be used.

8.1.3 Flexible hose shall be accessible for easy

inspection and shall not be connected from view in
walls, cupboards, cabinets and other obstructions.

7.4 Mild Steellbbel'

1.1.4 Flexible hose shall not be used in conditions

whereambienttemperature exceeds S2C.

Hot finished seamless, or electric resistance welded

(PAW) mild steeltubesof suitablesize,conforming to
mcdiumor heavyclass.ofIS 1239(Part 1)or anyother
installations approved by CCOEshall be used.

8.1.5 Flexiblehose shall be so installed that it is not

twisted, looped or kinked and is not'subjected to any
externa1 pressure. Periodic inspectionto be carriedout
by the supplier of the gas.

7.5 The material used for flexible tubing and hose


IS 6044 (part 1) : 2000

8.4.13 It is I'eQOIDIIIeIlCI that when iDstalJiDl pipes
along a surfaCe ofa structure, theinstallation is done
in such a way that moisture is not trapped ~n the
surface andthepipeline.

8.2 App1ian~ whichare rigidly fixedin position shall

be connected by means of rigid piping.
8.3 Appliances which are portable, if connected to
rigidpiping, man be connected through flexible orsemiflexibleconnections.

8.4.14 It is recommended that the piping passing

through walls should be protected by a covering
sleeve. Ifit is necessary to packthe space betweenthe
pipingand the sleeve, a moistlD"e-proofmaterial which
does not corrodethe piping shall be used.

8.4 Piping
8.4.1 Piping shall befree intemally and extemallyof
cutting burrs, loosescales,dirt, dustand otherforeign
matterbeforethe installationis completed.

8.4.15 The distancebetween gaspipilll and electrical

wiring system shall be at least 60 mm and, where
necessary, they shall be securely fixed to prevent
contact due to movement. The gas piping should ron
below the electrical wiring.

8.4.1 It is recommended that, where possible, joints

should not be placed beneath ground level in
inaccessible places, confined places (for example,
cellars),air or ventilating ducts. spaceunderflooring
or lift shafts.

8.4.16 The distancebetween the gas piping and steam

piping,if runningparallel,shallbe at least1SO mm. The
gas piping should preferably ron below the steam

8.4.3 Ifjoints haveto beused in pipingbeneath ground

level in inaccessible places or confined places, they
shallbe welded or brazed to minimizethe risk of leakage
which may lead to hazardouscollection of gas.

8.S Suitable lineshut-offvalves shall be fitted foreach

appliance or burner,

8.4.4 Where welded or brazed joints are used, they

shall be of adequate mechanical strength and, for fire
resistance, the material used for welding or brazing shall
have a minimum melting pointof 5400c.

8.6 A main valve shall be fitted in the pipingas nearas

possible to its point of entry into building. It shall be

enclosed in a metalbox with a glass frontage.

8.4.S Joints other than welded or brazedshallbe rradily


8.7 It is recommended that the number offittingsused

in an installation should bekeptto a minimum in order
to reducethe risk of gas leakage. As far as possible,
straightlengthsof pipingshouldbeused. wherethere
are bends in the pipeline, theseshouldhavea radius of
at leastfivetimesthe diameterof the pipe.

8.4.6 Pipingshall besolocated or protected as to avoid

extremes of temperature which might give rise to
cond~tion or cracking of the gas.
8.4.7 Provisionshall be madeto avoiddamageto the
piping from its expansion, contractionand vibration
and by settlement of the building by which it is canied.

8.8 The open ends of piping and fittings (with the

exception ofterminal taps or vales in regularuse) shall
always be made gas-tight by means of either an
appropriate terminalfittingor a plug,welded orbrazed
in position. Welding or brazing material shall have a
melting pointof at leastS40OC.

8.4.8 Piping shall be protected against corrosive

atmospheres and materials.

8.4.9 As far as possible, concealed piping shall be
avoided. If concealed piping is used, it shall be
protected against inadvertent damage, such as from
nails and knocks, by its location, type ofmaterialused
or sheathing.

8.8.1 Hammering overthe endsof pipingor plugging

with wood, as a meansof sealing, shall not beallowed.

8.4.10 Piping shall not be run in or through an air or

ventilatingduct, chimney, flueor liftshaft.

9.1 Before any system of gas piping is finally put into

service, it shall be carefully tested to ensure that it is
gas-tight. Where any part of the system is to be
enclosed or ancealed, the test shallprecede the work

8.4.11 Pipingup to an outside diameterof12 mmshall

be supportedat Intervals of about SO em by means of
pipe sadcUes or clamps in a way to avoid sagging and
shifting. For larger diameter pipes, suitable longer
supporting intervals may be used.

9.% Naked flames shall never be used for checking
gas-tightness of the installatiolll.

8.4.11 It is recommended thatif tilepipaIare nul aIopg

a surface of a structure, the supports should be so
designed that the joints are sufficiently cl_ of the
surface to pennit the use of tools without damage to


9.3 It is _
that the locationofleaks should
be found by the use Of DIP lO1utionor similarmateriaJI.
9.4 Defective pipes or fittings shall be ~ ~
shall not be repairecI.Jn-sltu.

IS 6044 (part 1): 2000


10.1 Consumers shallbe instructed bythe supplier on

the following:
a) Operation of the whole system;
b) How to recognize gas leaks;

c) Action to be taken in case ofleakage;

d) Action to be takenin case of fire; and
e) Action to be taken in case of damage to, or
failureof, anypart of the installation.

10.2 Parts or Installation Subjected to CyHnder

Test pressure of one and a half times the pressure

corresponding to themaximum assessed temperature

(temperature used for design of cylinder).
10.3 Portion! fAIutallatioa DoWDltream of
Adjustable Regalaton

Test pressure of one and a half times the maximum

outlet pressure that may be given by an adjustable
regulator or 2 kgf/an 2, whichever is more.
10.4 Portionsof installation not subjected to cylinder
pressure but carrying gas at pressure more than
30 kgf/an2, whichever is more.

10.5 Portions of installation subjected to gas pressure

of 30 kgf/cm2 or less - Test pressure of 150 kgf/cm:Z.

Bureau olIDdlan Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.

BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Review 01 Indian Standards
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
'BIS Catalogue' and 'Standards: Monthly Additions'.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. PleD 3 (1706).

Amendments Issued Since PubUcatlon

Amend No.

Date of Issue



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