Neigong - The 16 Essential Exercises of Vitality
Neigong - The 16 Essential Exercises of Vitality
Neigong - The 16 Essential Exercises of Vitality
Literal meaning
"internal skill"
Hanyu Pinyin
noi6 gong1
There is both martial and non-martial neigong. Well known examples of martial neigong are the various
breathing and focus trainings taught in some traditional Taijiquan, Baguazhang and Xingyiquan schools. An
example of non-martial neigong is the discipline known as Daoyin.
1 Neigong and the internal martial arts
2 Neigong and meditation
3 See also
4 References
5 External links
Martial Nei Gung is about developing internal power. One way to possibly achieve this is to train particular
exercises regularly where the breath is matched with movements of blood or to effect the movement of blood
throughout the body. Through these exercises it can be possible to move the blood to a particular area during a
particular movement to have a particular result. One of the benefits of martial nei gung exercises is the
relaxation of blood vessels, nerves, muscles and sinews to help the body move more freely. With the body
moving freely and an excess of blood moving to a particular area with little or no effort, the practitioner can
possibly develop many benefits. These benefits may include:
faster recovery from injury to the hands
an ability to hit with more force
an ability to move faster (speed is crucial in martial arts)
the health benefits of being relaxed
in increase in connection to your legs, spine, arms and head
increased stamina
increased athletic ability and health
regulating blood pressure
actually experiencing the channels of the body as they truly are, which can possibly be different from the
developing an authentic dan tien that is consciously nourished and deliberately formed which is not
defined in the books
greater sensitivity for sparring and fighting
It is important to understand that anyone looking to learn Nei Gung sincerely, is more likely to learn it from a
good teacher of internal martial arts like Hsing-Yi (one of the easiest and most powerful forms of martial
cultivation). It is rare to learn authentic Daoist practices from a true master of the subject as quite a lot of the
Nei Gung skills are an essential part of a complete system of martial arts. There are people who claim that Nei
Gung is a philosophy, this is incorrect. There are intellectual guidelines to the practice of Nei Gung, but it is
'Inner Work' which means effort has to be put in to develop real, substantial and testable skills. This is not
something that can be imagined or talked about, only from direct experience and hard effort can an
understanding of Nei Gung develop. A true practitioner and teacher will take you on a journey growing your
inner-world and showing you how to demonstrate the skills you are developing.
See also
I Ching
Silk reeling
Traditional Chinese medicine
Zhan zhuang
Zhang Sanfeng
Blofeld, J. Taoism, The Quest for Immortality, Mandala-Unwin Paperbacks London, 1989. ISBN 0-04299008-4
Cheng, Tinhung. Tai Chi Transcendent Art, The Hong Kong Tai Chi Association Press Hong Kong, 1976.
(only available in Chinese)
Wile, Douglas Lost T'ai-chi Classics from the late Ch'ing Dynasty State University of New York Press,
Albany, 1996. ISBN 0-7914-2653-X
Wu Gongzao. Wu Family T'ai Chi Ch'uan (), Hong Kong, 1980, Toronto 2006, ISBN 09780499-0-X
Keen, Thomas. Iron Vest Qigong. ISBN 978-1-60243-000-6
Danaos, Kosta, Nei Kung, The Secret Teachings of the Warrior Sage, Inner traditions, 2002, ISBN 089281-907-3
Chen Kaiguo and Zheng Shunchao, Opening the Dragon Gate. The Making of a Modern Taoist Wizard..
ISBN 0-8048-3185-8
Miller, Dan and Cartmell, Tim "Xing Yi Nei Gong: Xing Yi Health Maintenance and Internal Strength
Development", Unique Publications, North Hollywood, 1999. ISBN 0-86568-174-0
External links is a site devoted to original texts of neigong, neidan, neijia and qigong (
Interview with Nei Kung practitioner, Master C.K. Chu
Video of Nei Kung practitioner, John Chang (
website for Xing Shen Zhuang practice as a foundation training ( ( a website dedicated to all things Qigong and Neigong
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Categories: Chinese martial arts terms Meditation T'ai chi ch'uan Chinese philosophy
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