Knights of Columbus: EZRA A. COOK, Publisher

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Knights of Columbus

A complete ritue4 twa
history of thefirst three
degrees, including all
dcret work. By a
former member of the

Profusely Illustrated
An Historical Sketch of the Institution


EZRA A. COOK, Publisher

P. 0. Box 796

Chicago 90, Illinois

Copyright, 1947
P. R. C. Publications, Inc.

At the devils booth are all things sold;

Each ounce of dross costs its ounce of gold.
For a cap and bells our lives we pay,
Bubbles we earn with a whole souls tasking,
Tis heaven alone that is given away;
Tis only God may be had for the asking.

Table of Contents

Historical Sketch
Chronological and Statistical
Diagram of Council Chamber
Title of Officers, etc.
Order o1~ Business
Opening Ceremonies
Closing Ceremonies
Initiation, First Degree
Initiation, Second Degree
Diagram of CounciT Chamber
for Third Degree
Preparation, Third Degree
Initiation, Third Degree
First Section
Second Section
Third Se~tion
Fourth Section
Secret Work






During the past years the many activities in which the Knights of Columbus
have been engaged, both political and
religious, have brought them before the
public notice continually, thus creating a
tremendous demand for literature concerning the Order.
For an organization that has been in
existence so short a time to have reached
a membership of nearly one half a million seems phenomenal, but such are the
facts. It has been the rapid growth of
the Fraternity which has prevented the
Publishers from presenting the public
with a complete ritual heretofor&, as the
ritual has been changed several times, and
not until the order had adopted something like a permanent work did the Publishers feel warranted in issuing this publication. After having made careful investigations, and having had the present

work authenticated, we feel great confi- are desirous of obtaining a higher degree
dence in now- placing this ritual before may use this volume, in attaining greater
the public as complete, with signs, pass- proficiency in the various degrees.
words and grips, giving in detail a full
history and general sketch of the progress
of~ the Society, with .information which
h~ heretofore been unpublished, concerning the objects and requirements of membership in this organization.
Being a religious, as well as a secret
order, its secret workings have aroused
unusual interest, and the Publishers feel
that they have satisfied a general demand
in presenting this volume, with the full
First Three Degrees.
This exposition, while being issued
complete, and as giving the authentic
work now used in all Knights of Columbus Councils, is not issued with any malice towards the organization. It is not
intended as an exposure, but is intended
as a guide to those contemplating joining
the Order, who desire previous information regarding the organization, and it is
also intended that present members who


An Historical Sketch

The Knights of Columbus is a Roman

Catholic organization whose membership
is confined to men affiliated with that
church. Taking its name from the discoverer of America, it is interesting to
note that the first Council to receive a
charter was given the name of San Salvador, the island on which Columbus
landed in 1492.
The moving spirit in prornotingthe
birth of the order was the Reverend M.
J. McGivney, then curate of Saint Marys
Church in New Haven, Connecticut. He
was ably assisted by the Reverend P. P.
Lawler, Cornelius T. Driscoll, Michael
Curran, Williarh M. Geary, Bartholomew Healey, Daniel Colwell, John T.
Gorrigan, Dr. M. C. OConner, and
James T. Mulligan.

Through their efforts an organization

was effected at New Haven on February
2, 1882, and as incorporators, a charter
secured under the laws of Connecticut,
on March 29 of the same year. As defined by the charter the purposes of the
society are:
1. To furnish insurance to its members,
and at least temporary financial aid to the
families of deceased members.
2. To develop practical Catholicity
among its members.
3. To promote Catholic education and
Such are the avowed purposes of the
founders. In its organization, however,
there was an unexpressed but clearly defined purpose which has no doubt immeasurably accelerated its growth. For
ages there has been a lack of harmony between the Catholic clergy and Secret Societies in general.
The mysteries of an oath-bound, secret
organization, meeting behind guarded

doors, admission to which can be gained

only by whispered words; a friendly grip
of the hand that carries with it the thrill
and remembrance of common experiences, and at the same time adds a feeling
of ease and security even among strangers
these have been alluring to men in all
times, but have never been favorably received by the Catholic clergy.
To combat the influences of such societies outside the pale of the church, the
idea was evolved of supplying to the men
a society combining all of the elements of
a secret order, and at the sam~ time keeping its movements under surveillance of
the Catholic clergy, as may be witnessed
by the following conditions of membership:
All Apostolic Delegates, Cardinals,
Archbishops and Bishops are Ex-Officio
members of the order, entitled to admittance on all occasions.
2. All Priests, sect~lar and regular, may
join the order without examination, but
must pay their dues to remain in good



All male members of the Catholic the investigating committee, who proChurch who are over sixteen years of age,
heeds in the usual way to find out whatmd in good standing, are eligible. They
ever facts are obtainable concerning the
must, however, show that they are Cathapplicants reputation, health, moral and
alics, have made their last Easter duty, are
~lnancialstanding. If the investigating
willing and will pledge themselves to live
~ommittee reports favorably, the appliup to the laws of the church.
ant is notified to attend for initiation.
Application for membership may be ~4ninitial fee of $~.oo is usually required,
made by candidates fulfilling these re- ~vhichis refunded in case of rejection. If
quirements and their petitions ballotted ~heapplicant is accepted, the additional
upon at any regular meeting of a council. ~ee, usually $io.oo, is paid before his
If elected the candidates may be initiated ~nitiation, but in some cases this can be
and admitted to full membership in the ~aid in installments within thirty or sixty
order. Initiations are given to classes of ays.
ten or more candidates. The larger the
The committees of the Knight of Colclass the more lasting and impressive are ~imbusdo not differ from those of other
the lessons taught through the ceremonies ecret societies, odd numbers being the
of the initiation.
In order to become a candidate for
membership in this organization, the
party desirous of joining must have a
Knight in good standing present his name
before a meeting; application blank will
be furnished him, which must be signed
by his Parish Priest; this is turned over



Chronological and Statistical

Founded Feb. 2,1882.
First Subordinate Council Established
May i5, 1882.
First State Council Established 1892.
National Council Es~tablished 1893.
Number of State Councils, 1917,52.
Number of Subordinate Councils, 1754.
Two Classes of Membership.
Insurance Class.
Associate Class.
Associate Class Admitted 1893.
Number in Insurance Class, 1914.106,281
Number in Associate Class, 1914.220,577
Total Belonging 1914........326,858
Total Belonging 1917.. ......368,135
Insurance in Force 1914... .$112,286,750
Death Claims paid d~iring
year ending June 30, 1914
Death Claims paid to date.. 7,308,682



Degree, Feb. 22,

known as The Supreme Council, and

43,537 policies, while on January 1,1914,

there were in force 106,281 policies,
aggregating $11 ~,286,750.
The organizers, on May i~, 1882, met
at New Haven, Connecticut, in a body

instituted the first subordinate council,

which they styled San Salvador Council
Number i of New Haven. Subordinate
councils multiplied rapidly, but were confined to the limits of Connecticut until
April 15, 1885, when one was instituted
at Westerly, Rhode Island. At the present time the Order has subordinate
councils firmly established in every state
in the United States, in every province in
the Dominion of Canada, in Cuba, Porto
Rico, Newfoundland, the Philippine
Islands and Alaska.
Owing to the rapid growth of the
Order, one of the difficult problems has
been that of regulating the number of
members entitled to seats in the Supreme
Council. The first effort resulted in a
law declaring that this body should thereafter consist of the Supreme Committee
and one delegate for each fifty members
of the several subordinate councils. Under this apportionment the Supreme
Council soon became so unwieldly that on
May 14, i886, the Supreme Council, by



First Initiation in



Number in Class, First Initiatioh, 1,200.

The Knights of Columbus issues insurance policies in sums of one, two and three
thousand dollars to members between the
ages of i8 and 6o years, who are able to
meet the requirements of a physical
examination by a medical inspector. The

rates of insurance are adjusted every five

years, until a member has attained the
age of 6o, when a flat rate, based upon his
age at initiation, becoiiies operative.
During the fiscal year ending June 30,
1914, death claims amounting to $723,475
were paid to beneficiaries. Since its or-

ganization death claims amounting to

$7,308,682 have been paid by the society.
On January I, 1905, there were in force

resolution, became a Board of Government composed of the former Supreme

Committee as Directors, and giving to the
Grand Knight and Past Grand Knight
of each subordinate council a voice and
vote in its.. deliberations. As the Order
extended its activities into the various
states, the Board of Government again
found it necessary to decrease the number
of delegates. This was done by considering the Board of Government as the National body and providing for State
Councils, composed of tWo delegates from
each subordinate council in the state. The






ped and that of National Council adopted.

The National Council consists of the
State Deputy of each State Council and
one delegate from every i,ooo members of
the insurance class.
The creation of the National Council
was followed in October, 1893, by the recognition of. an entirely new and distinct
class of members known as Associate
Members. This class admits to membership men of advanced years, and those

who, because of physical disability, are

unable to pass the physical examination
and, finally, all men of Catholic allegiance not desiring the insurance features.
It is probably due to this latter class,
numbering, on January I, 1914, 220,577
members, as against 106,281 members in
the insurance class, that has caused the
Order to develop the social, educational,
and charitable work in a marked degree.
Notable work has been performed by the
Order in promoting Catholic education,
providing homes for Catholic orphans,
endowing schtilarships in C a t h o 1 i c
colleges, providing lectures on Catholic
doctrine, maintaining em~iloyment bureaus, and performing works of similar
character. On every battle-field of
Europe and in every cantonment of our
own country, the Knights are found
ministering to the wounded, the sick and
disconsolate, while adding words of cheer
and encouragement to the more fortunate.
In 1904 the Catholic 1University at Washington was given the sum of $~o,ooo for
the endowment of a Chair of American

History. Columbus Day, the observation of which has been legalized by the
legislatures of fifteen states, is due mainly
to the influence of the Knights of Columbus. These states are California, Colorado, Connecticut, Lllinois, Kentucky,
Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan,
Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New
York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Rhode
Being national in character, the society
has been largely instrumental in securing
by the United States Government the
splendid monument in Washington,
erected to the memory of Columbus. As
he gave to the world a new continent, it
is but mete that the Knights should endeavor to bring that continent under the
influence of religion, good-will to men,
and loyalty to the nation.
A Fourth Degree was added to the
work of the Knights of Columbus on
February 22, 1900, when a class of 1,200
candidates was initiated in New York
City. These came from every section of
the United States. The requirement for

membership in this degree is that a candidate has been a member of the Third
Degree for a period of two years just
In 1908 there appeared a new Order
under the name of The Order of the
Alhambra, and claiming to be a higher
and more select branch of the Knights of
Columbus. Its candidates are chosen
from the members of the Third and
Fourth degrees. This Order has been
bitterly opposed by the Hierarchy of the
Church on the grounds that its ceremonies
are entirely foreign to the work of the
Knights of Columbus.









Officers are elected by secret ballot,

holding office for one year, with the exception of the Chaplain and Outer and
Inner Guards. The Chaplain is usually
the Parish Priest. The Outer and Inner
Guards are appointed by the Grand


will give your officers confidence in themselves, and teach your members the mode
and use of the secret signs and words.



The regalia shall be kept in the anteroom. Members will decorate themselves there, and thereby avoid confusion
and forgetfulness.


Your council should be o p e n e d

promptly at the hour named in the ByLaws, and its business conducted with-


out unnecessary delay. Nothing so deters

members from constant attendance as
long, tiresome sessions.

Visitors, when unknown, must be

thoroughly examined by the Captain of


courtesy should be extended to visitors; it

will greatly improve the reputation of

the Guard before admission.

The lawsof the Order and your own

By-Laws should often be discussed. Your


your council.

most valuable members are those who

have an understanding of the laws.

Visits, as a council to other councils,


are greatly to be recommended; the

Your qfficers should commit t h e

charges to memory; this will add more to

latent blessings and virtues of our Order

will, through such means, be brought into
active play.

the fame and honor of your council than

anything else.


The secret work should be practiced as
often as circumstances will permit. It

The forms and-lahguage of the Ritual

are law, and innovations or departure
from them are positive and direct viola-





tion of the Order.



The affairs of your council should be

conducted on strict business and social
principles. Your business should be governed by nothing but the laws governing
the Order; your social intercourse by the
strict etiquette of good society.



In true accordance with military and

fraternal usage, Superiors are to be
looked up to as guides, and to be obeyed
in all things pertaining to the discipline
and welfare of the Order.


The Secretary will read the minutes

of the last regular meeting.
Approval and corrections acc6rding
to regular parilamentary law.



The Grand Knight will investigate

the applications and appoint the investigating committee.



C 0 M-

Unfavorable reports dispense with

the need of balloting. A favorable
ballot elects to membership.



White balls elect~ one black ball rejects. Errors may be corrected by



Communications will be read by the

Secretary, and filed or acted upon


at the discretion of the Grand

Knight or by motion of the Council.


The Finance Committee will pass on
all bills before they are submitted

to the Council by the Treasurer.


(The Grand Knight will go to his chair

and call the Council to order by one rap
with the gavel.)
Grand KnightI am about to open...


Council No.... of the Knights of

Columbus. All persons not qualified to


remain will now retire.

Initiationsceremonies are carried



Dues may be paid at this time.





When the Council Chamber is free

from intrusion, the Captain of the Guard
will distribute the ribbons to the oflicers,

who will pin them on their lapels.

Grand Knight (one rap)
will now come to order. Brothers,


remember your obligations. The Captain

of the Guard will take the pass word.
The Outer and Inner Guards take their
places; the officers take their chairs; the
Captain of the Guard takes the password.
J3oth passwords are taken up in the

Chamber, outer and inner. Any ordinary

lodge room may be used as a Council
The Grand Knight will occupy the
highest chair. At his right the Chaplain,
when present, will take his place.
The official chair on the right side of
the Chamber will be held by the Past
Grand Knight. The official chair opposite
the high chair will be filled by the Grand
The official chair on the left side of the
Chamber will be filled by the Captain of
the Guard.
The Secretary and Treasurer will have
teir places on either side of the Grand
One rap calls the Council to order;
two raps call the officers to their feet;
three raps call the Council to its feet.
Grand KnightBrother Secretary, call
the roll of officers.
The officers stand and answer present~ as
called by the Secretary~ in the order of
their seniority.

Grand Knight (three raps)Knights,


Grand Knight
Past Grand Knight
Grand Counsellor


your promises and prove yourselves true

Knights, loyal sons of the Holy Mother
Church. We will now sing the opening


Captain of the Guard

Outer Guard

Brothers: We are now engaged in the

noble work of our Order. Remember

. .

Columbian Knights here united,

Let each one his p1ed~es renew;
By valor ~,reatwron=,,smay be ri=hted
And aid brought the honest Bnd true.
Our patriotic precepts require us
To love and protect this free land;
Let fraternity ever inspire us
To deeds that are noble and ~,rand.

Chaplain invokes the blessing (if he

be present; if absent, the invocation may

be omitted).


May the blessing of Almighty God,

Father, Son and Holy Ghost, descend
upon us and remain with us forever.
Grand KnightKnights, Brothers: I
am about to close
Council No
The regular order of business is now
Knights of Columbus. Let your
carried out, as shown in the previous light shine before the world, that the
world may see the beauty of the Holy
Mother Church and be led to the unity
of true Christian brotherhood. We will
sing the closing ode:
Now on lifes voya~,e we set forth,
An earnest faithful crew;
We journey east, west, south and north,
For the ~,ood that we can do.
And be the voya~,e long or short,
And thou~,h the waves roll hi~,h,
We will safely reach the further port,
On our bark we can rely.
Then on lifes voya~,e ~we will set forth,
An earnest, faithful crew,
We will journey east, west, south and north,
For tite =,oodthat we can do.




Initiations are conducted in classes of

ten or more.
The candidates are assembled in the
All candidates must have signed an application giving their names, ages, occu-

pation, parish, and present a signed statement of their priest that they have made
their Easter duty or have been to the
sacraments at least once a year.
These certificates dispense with all

examination in the ante-room.

The first degree is to test the faith of
the candidates and to teach them the responsibility of the ac~ of faith.
In all the degrees, the essential idea
alone is to be safeguarded. The officers

in charge are left to their own wisdom and


ingenuity in coining words that will impress the candidates.

Unlike all other Orders, there is no inviolate verbal form of ritual. This wise
method prevents a mechanical, parrotlike committing to memory of words and
phrases, and allows the officers to develop
their originality to the utmost.

Grand KnightCaptain of the Guard,

you will take your guards to the anteroom and lead in the candidates.
The Captain and as many guards as are
necessary, go to the ante-room and line
up the candidates. The lights in the
Council Chamber are dimmed.

Then, to the sound of the organ, the

candidates file into the chamber and are

led around the room. The Council may

sing some march tune, such as Come,
Holy Ghost.~~





tot bleat.




Grand KnightGentlemen, before you

may go further into the Order of the
Knights of Columbus, it is necessary for
you to make an act of faith. Let every
one answer for himself.

Q. Do you believe in God?



hearts take


Cowe with



A. Ido.



Do you believe in the three divine



~ 1.

and heaven. ly




~11 the


which Thou bait

Q. Do you believe in the Holy Roman
Catholic Church?
A. Ido.
Q. Do you pledge yourself to obey the
Church in all that relates tc faith and


1. made,


A. Ido.

Q. Do you pledge yourself to be a true




which Thou



When all have been lined about the

room, one light is allowed to burn dimly
before the center altar, the Grand Knight
will advance to the center and say:

Knight of this Order and to obey its laws

at all times?
A. Ido.
Grand KnightIt is well. Remember
that you are Catholics, and for the future
you will be Catholic Knights, always pre45

pared to defend your faith and to give

to those who walk in darkness a reason

for the faith that is in you.
Retire now to prepare for the second
The organ plays a march. The Captain
of the Guard and his men lead the candidates to the ante-room.






The Captain of the Guard and his men

go to the ante-room and prepare the candidates in line. At a given signal they
march into the Council Chamber to the

sound of the organ. They are not blindfolded, but the Chamber is dark except
for one light over the center altar.
They march about the Chamber and

form a hollow square, facing the center.

The Grand Knight and the other
officers are before the center altar. The
Captain of the Guard advances to them
and salutes.
The Grand Knight, or some one appointed, may ask the questions of the
The lesson to be conveyed to them in
the Second Degree is that most of them

have no intelligent idea of what their

faith consists of. They do not know ev~~
the catechism
The contrast between their prompt
avowal of their faith a few moments before in the -First Degree, and the public
exposure of their ignorance must be made
as strong as possible by the officers of the
The candidates must be impressed and
stimulated to action, so that they may in
the future spend more time in studying
their religion and learning its tenets.
If they are-ignorant, how can they expect to influence others and lead them into
the Church?
Grand KnightBrothers, you have
affirmed your faith. You believe in Holy
Mother Church. Are you able to defend
her if necessary
Thereupon, candidates are called by
name and asked to repeat answers taken
from the catechism. If there are any
priests among the candidates, care must

what is grace?
Q. How many kinds of grace are
there?, etc.
After this catechetical quiz has gone on
for some time, the Grand Knight gives
the charge:
Grand KnightBrothers: You have
sworn to defend the faith. Yet you have
immediately demonstrated that you are
unable to do so.
You have failed in simple questions of
the catechism. in former days, the clergy
alone could instruct and guide the people;
but today, the iait~r must be militant
educators and light-bearers. The laity
must assist the clergy. rp~
must know



be taken to avoid asking them any questions.

The questioner is allowed great latitude
in his questions.

Much of the ~uccess


the degree depends upon the subtleness

and ingenuity of the questioner. For example, the questioner calls upon Brother
Q. Brother



their holy religion almost as well as the

You, Brothers, have had an example.
Go from here, resolved that you will study
your faith and be able to speak the word
of truth upon the proper occasion.
Guards, lead the candidates to the anteroom to prepare for the Third Degree.
The candidates file out under the
leadership of the guard.




The personnel of the team which gives

this degree is as follows:
A Captain of the Guard in command
of the team.
A Decoy Priest. He wears the ordin
ary street dress of the priest, with Romar.
collar and rabbi.
A Secret Service man incognito.
Enough initiated members to scatter
through the candidates and urge them to

Several robed assistants. The robe is

made of any black cloth, fitted with a
peaked cowl like a mcinks habit.
Several doctors attired as for the
operating room.


All members will wear black robes,

entirely covering their regular habit, and
will be masked.
The Grand Knight will appear as usual
his ribbon of office his only adornment.
In the center of the Council Chamber
will be a table with surgical instruments
and bandages.
A small room leading from the Chamber will be made as warm as possible.
This room is known as the Hot Box or
the H. B.
When all is in readiness, the Grand
Knight will direct the Captain of the
Guard to send his men to their work.
The assistants go to the ante-room,
where the candidates are gathered.
Their work is to stir up the candidates
to anger if possible, using the decoy priest
as a last recourse.



Line up the candidates in such a surly

manner that they will take offense and refuse to go into line.
The line-up may be made according to
seniority or in any fashion the team may
judge efficient.
Often an old priest, if any priests are
to be initiated, may be called to head the
line. The assistants may try to confuse
and anger him by mispronouncing his
name or calling attention to his position.
Generally, it is not wise to push the priest
too-far. Laymen are better subjects, and
the dignity of the priesthood must be
The best method to obtain results is
to treat the candidates as though they
were a crowd of school-boys,. who needed

a severe censure for every move made. if

a candidate does not obey any order given
to him, such as to stand for a certain position behind his fellow in line, to look
straight ahead, etc., it is good to send him
to the rear and hint that he may not be
allowed to go on.
Break the spirit of all, if possible, and
make all obey timidly the smallest command of the team members.
If the candidates rebel and refuse to go
on, the Captain of the Guard will be
called. He will enter, wearing any seemingly disreputable robe, such as a bath
robe, which has been soaked in whiskey,
and giving the candidates the impression
that he is drunk. The decoy members
will artfully stimulate this suggestion.
The Captain of the Guard will brutally
inquire the cause of the trouble and when
he has listened to the charges of the candidates and the answers of his assistants,
he will deliver his judgment.
This is left to his ingenuity and histrionic skill. He will invite the candidates

to remember that they came as gentlemen

to join an Order of gentlemen, and that
unless they show the manners of gentlemen, they will all be disbarred from further entrance into the Order. The candidates must trust the honor of the Order,
and its greatness, and bear with any seemingly strange methods which they cannot
understand at this time.
As a last recourse to stir up the candidates, the decoy priest will leave the line
and walk away.
The Captain of the Guard will angrily
question him:
Why are you leaving your place?
D. P. I am sick. I want a glass of
C. G. Go back to your place. No
one may leave his place for any consideration.
D. P. But I am sick and I must have
a glass of water or I shall faint.
C. G. Faint then.
He orders his assistants to take the de~.oypriest back by force if neceSsary.


Meanwhile, the Secret Service man

slips away and comes back with a glass
of water, which he hands to the decoy
priest. As the decoy priest takes it, the
Captain of the Guards leaps forward,
angrily, and knocks the glass from his


If the candidates have not yet gone beyond control, this -always stirs them to
fury, and they break~ranks in angry confusion, struggling and shouting against
the insult to the priest.
The decoy members of the team skillfully urge the stronger-willed candidates
to shout defiance against the Captain of
the Guard and his assistants.
They suggest that he is drunk and that
it is an outrageit is an insult to the
Many refuse to go on, and threaten to
break down the door and leave for good,
if they are not released. Some try to
catch the Captain of the Guard, but are
skillfully kept away by the decoys.
The candidates are to be aroused to the
last extreme of fury, but are to be handled
so that they cannot do anything.
If the candidates are strong enough to
overcome the guards and demand apologies and explanatiohs, the Captain of the
Guard is slipped away, and the Grand
Knight comes out and quiets the tempest.

He will see that the man is punished if

he is guilty. If they will be patient and
allow the work to go on, the case will be
taken care of in due time.
Then he goes back into the Council
Chamber. The decoy priest helps to calm
the candidates, by excusing the Captain
of the Guard on account of his condition.
He is not so much to be blamed because
he is drunk. Gradually the candidates
are calmed and go back into line.


They are all blindfolded. They put

their hands on shoulders. The guards
give the signal, the doors are opened, and
the candidates march into the Council
Chamber. The organ is playing. They
are marched around the room several
times and halted in a hollow square facing the center. The blinds are removed.
The doctors are seated around the table
covered with surgical instruments and
writing paper. The Grand Knight sits
near the table.
The members of the Order, all covered
with black robes, stand behind the candidates.
The chief surgeon stands up and calls
several of the candidates and decoys. The
guards lead them to the table.

Chief SurgeonBefore you may go

further, you must show that you are

worthy. You must submit to a test of
your strength that will satisfy the Order
that you are in earnest.
He calls on one of the decoys to take
the first test.
Chief SurgeonI have here a copy of
the pledge which you must take to this
Order. I have also a dagger (picking up
from the table a dagger). You will take
this dagger, bare your arm, prick your.
veins and sign this pledge with your own
blood. Are you willing to take the test?
Decoy feigns reluctance, and plays that
he is afraid to take the test.
Chief SurgeonYou must take the test
or you cannot go on. Are you afraid of
a little blood? There are doctors here
who will see that you do not injure your
self. Do you call yourself a manafraid
~of pricking a little vein?
DecoyI cannot take such a pledge;
uu have no right to ask it.

Chief SurgeonYou will step aside for

a moment. We shall take up your case

at once. (Calls one of the candidates.)
Are you willing to take this dagger,
prick a vein of your arm and sign your
name to this pledge?
Generally the candidate says yes, and
prepares to undertake the task. But, before he can do so, one of the guards whispers to the chief surgeon, who turns and
addresses the candidates:
Chief SurgeonWhile we are trying
the case of this candidate, who has refused
the pledge, it will be necessary for all of
you to retire. The guards will lead you
to the room, where you will remain until
you are again summoned.



The organ plays, and the guards lead

the candidates to the Hot Box. When
they are all in, the dooris fastened, and
masked guards are stationed inside and
outside of the door.
The Hot Box must be small enougl to
make it difficult to move about easily
without jostling. The Captain of the
Guard is found inside and mingles with
the candidates: He is as surly as he was
in the ante-room, and the candidates feel
their anger rising against him.
The decoy priest soon complains of the
heat and asks to be let outside. The Captain of the Guard refuses to let him go.
They quarrel, and the decoy priest says
he is going to go out whether the Captain
of the Guard likes itor not.
The guards and decoys keep between
the decoy priest, the Captain and the can69

didates. As the decoy priest starts to push

the Captain aside, the Captain slaps him
over the mouth.
The decoy priest reels from the blow
and blood seems to flow froth his mouth
He has had some red gum in his mouth
which gives his sputum the appearance
of blood.
At once there is an uproar. Some of
the decoys shout to be let out, others
pound upon the door, and the candidates
are roused to fury, and try to reach the
Captain of the Guard. The inside and
outside guards and decoys must protect
him and see that the door is opened before it is broken down.
Then all i~ush out into the Council
Chamber, shouting and gesticulating.
They rush to the table, where the Grand
Knight and the doctors are sitting.
The Grand Knight and the doctors, assisted by the guards, try to make themselves heard. At last they succeed in
quieting the confusion to such an extent
that they can listen to the candidates, who
desire to mount a chair and say what they


If necessary, a decoy starts the part.

He stands on a chair and bitterly denounces the whole procedure. They came
as gentlemen, as Catholics, to enter an
Order that has been approved by the
Church, and they are subjected to the indignities of drunken brutes. Even the
sacred character of the priest hirnEc!f is
not respected. Gods holy anointed is
brutally insulted and even struck by a
drunken wretch.
He demands that the Captain of the
Guard be summarily punished and
thrown out of the meeting and the Order,
and that the real work of the Order be
taken up.
As many as wish may make speeches.
The most hotheaded and devout generally

Grand KnightGentlemen, you must

make the best talks. Some of the priests

make especially eloquent pleas against the
whole procedure, and many of the laymen are discovered to be eloquent pleaders, who never before had dared to speak
in public.
When all have finished, the Grand
Knight stands upon the chair and begs
them to be patient. He deprecates the
unfortunate occurrence. ~fh man will
be tried at once. Seven men will be
picked from their number as a jury. The
charges will be made in due order, and
the verdict of the jury will be received as
final. Are they willing to abide by such
a procedure?
They answer yes.
The candidates are then told to sit
.down in the chairs around the wall and
the jury is selected.
The secret service man is one of the
The seven are called to the middle of
the chamber and lined up before the

give up all your val.uables, and have your

pockets entirely empty so that you may
hand nothing to one another during the
I must ask the Captain of the Guard to
go among you and receive all that you
have on your person.
The Captain, amidst wild glares and
murmurs, begins to take the things that
the jurors hand over to him. Some generally are very angry at him and show it
by their manner; some do not care to
hand him anything.
The secret service man, especially,
shows resentment, and at first refuses to
give up anything. He objects to the procedure. One of the guards comes up to
him and runs his hands over his clothes.
He resists, and the guard calls out that
~ has a revolver in his pocket.
The Grand Knight asks him if it is
true that he has a concealed weapon. He
says that it is true. He is a secret service
man and always carries a revolver.

The Gran,d KnightYou must give

tries to drag the gun from his pocket.

They struggle, and the guards close
around them.

it up.

Secret Service AlanI will not give it

up. I am under orde~rs to carry it and

never to allow it to pass from my possession.
The Grand KnightCaptain of the
Guard, you will see that this gentleman
gives up his weapon.
The Captain steps up to the secret service man and asks him for the weapon.

Suddenly the revolver comes out in the

secret service mans hand. Captain
catches the hand and pulls it down, and
then there is a flash and the sharp report
of the weapon. The Captain reels backward, and blood pours out over his chest.
He falls into the arms of the guarcs.

Secret Service ManYou dirty brute,

I would not give it to you in any case.

The Captain catches hold of him and


The Captain of the Guard has a rubber

bag full of red fluid under his robe. This
is pierced by a knife just before the shot,
and gives the delusion of blood flowing
from his breast.
Confusion reigns in the chamber. The
priests rush to give the man absolution,
some of the guards hurry away the secret
service man, and the wounded Captain is
carried out into the ante-room and the
crowd is closed in the chamber.
Experience has shown that the body of
the candidates is always in a strange condition of mind during this period of waiting. The members go about and whisper
of the terrible accident, and hint of the
scandal if the newspapers find put about
the affair. If the secret service man dies,
it will be the end of the Knights of Columbus.
The dramatic climax is worked up naturally until all the candidates are consumed with anxiety to know the worst.
After ten or fifteen minutes the door of
the ante-room is opened, and the Grand

Knight walks into the chamber, followed

by the doctors, the secret service man, and
a well-dressed, clean looking man, whom
all recognize as the Captain of the Guard,
and the decoy priest.
The Grand Knight takes the middle of
the floor, with the others around him, and
begins -to speak:
Grand KnightGentlemen and Brothers: When I have given the solution of
the strange adventures which you have
gone through this day, you will learn the
most telling lesson ever devised to teach
you that things are not always what they
He turns to the decoy priest, and pulls
off his collar and rabbi, saying:
Grand KnightOur good friend and
brother here is not a priest at all. He
bore all the outward marks, but the inner
seal of the sacrament of Orders has never
been imprinted upon his soul. He was
playing a part, and that he played it well,
I know. For I can see upon the faces of
all of you, the expression of relief which


comes to those who awake from a terrible

dream and find that it was only a dream.
And this good brother (turning to the
secret service maif and taking him by the
hand) is not a desperate criminal, with
the blood of his fellow upon his head.
Our old friend, the Captain of the Guard,
stands here beaming upon us. A short
time past, you wished almost to tear him
to pieces. You thought him a brute; you
believed him a sacrilegious wretch who
dared to raise his hand against the Lords
anointed. It was a delusion. The good
Captain and the good pseudo-father had
conspired together to deceive you. See
how they love each other! (The two
shake hands heartily.)
Brothers, take this lesson to heart, and
bear it with you in all your activities of
life. Judge not by appearances. Things
may not be what they seem. Suspend your
judgment until there can be no mistake.
Then act. Remember this lesson. Cherish
it in your hearts.

You have seen that men are led. Under certain conditions men will do things
that they never would do if they were
alone or stopped to realize what their acts
may lead to.
We asked you to take this dagger and
let your own ~5.-d and write with your
own blood your acceptance of our Order.
We had no right to ask you to do such a
thing. If you had insisted upon taking
the pledge, you would have discovered
that this dagger is a trick also. You could
not have hurt yourselves. It is filled with
red fluid, and when you pushed it against
your arm, the red fluid would have flowed
out and looked like blood (demonstrates
with dagger). But it would have been
wrong in intention anyway. If it had
been a real dagger, some zealous brother
would be sure to cut himself badly.
Learn the lesson of your rights as an
individual. You are responsible before
your conscience to God alone. No one
has any right to ask you to do an act which
is evil, no matter for what purpose. Remember this lesson.

A more important lesson has been put

in dramatic form for you on this occasion.
You were many. The guards were few.
Yet they were able to control you from
the ante-room to the climax you have just
witnessed. Why? They were an organized unit and knew what they were doing.
You were unorganized and did not know
what to do. If at any moment, one or
two of you had taken the lead and had
gathered the forces of your body about
you, you would have controlled and
beaten the guards. Without leaders you
were simply a mob, expending a great
deal of energy, but accomplishing nothing.
Extend this lesson to your daily life.
Study and work to be leaders of men.
The world is sick because there are not
enough in the active life of today who
can visualize the meaning of life for mankind. As Knights of Columbus, you must
be leaders. You are sons of the old
Mother Church, who is the divinely appointed mother of men.

Study her; learn her ideals, her Godgiven means of saving the world, and as
laymen be missionaries in every walk of
life. VVe must assist our clergy in their
laborious work of saving souls. They are
our spiritual guides -and leaders. We
must become leaders of the world, under
their direction, and bring to this sad earth
the kingdom of God and the brotherhood
of man. All must be united in one grand,
glorious band of humanity under the one
mother church.
Remember, brothers, that the Church
alone has the tnith of God. We are her
children. We must spread the truth. We
have been given this blessing. As Knights
of Columbus, we shall learn how to bring
it to the whole world.
This is my
things; cherish
Raise your
after me this

I now solemnly pledge myself to

keep sacred the secrets of this Order; to
be a loyal and true son of the Church, and
a faithful member ~ofthe Knights of Columbus. I will always be ruled by
knightly courtesy in my relations with
my fellow men. I pledge myself to God,
to His Holy Church, to my country, to
mankind, to be always a true Knight.
It is well, brothers. I shall now declare this Council adjourned. (Either
for recess or until the next regular meeting, according to the arrangement agreed
upon beforehand.) The older members
will greet their new brothers and extend
to them -the courtesy of
(Raps once.)

charge: Think on these

the memory of this hour.
right hands and repeat
pledge of fealty to the



The secret work is made a part of the

regular council meeting for the benefit of
new members, usually at the first meeting
following the initiation.
It is generally demonstrated by the
Grand Knight, under the head of New
The new members are led by the Captain of the Guard to the Grand Knights
The Grand Knight addresses them:
Brothers, as duly accredited members
of the Knights of Columbus, it is your
right and your duty to become acquainted
with the secret work of the Order.
The password is important. It admits you to the Council Chamber. It
must be kept a secret from all outsiders.

The word is changed once a year. For

the present year it is: (One password
was Knights of Columbus shall rule.)
~When you come to a council meeting,
attract the attention of the Outside Guard.
Whisper in his ear the first half of the
password. He will admit you into the
ante-room. Rap upon the entrance of the
Council Chamber. The Inside Guard
will open the wicket and you will whisper
into his ear the last half of the password.
He will then admit you to the Council
Chamber. You will walk to the center
of the chamber and salute the Captain of
the Guard with the usual military salute.
When he returns the salute, you may take
your place among the members of the
The Grip: The grip is given by shaking hands in the ordinary way, and giv-


ing two distinct pressures with all the fingers. This is answered by one sharp pressure. The question which goes with the
grip is, What council do you belong to?
If any brother is in distress or needs
aid to accomplish any work, generally in
a crowd, he will call out, Are there any
good men here? If there are any Knights
of Columbus present, they will answer,
Yes! and come to his assistance.
The training in die Third Degree will
make it easffor a few to accomplish wonders even in a large crowd.
Brothers, you are now duly accredited
members of the Knights of Columbus.
You are initiated into the secxets of the
Order. You may come in and go out as
children of one family. I charge you to
be faithful to the Order; true to your
pledge. Never reveal our se~rets to outsiders.
As Catholics yod have all the sanctions of the Church to keep you faithful.
We have the approval and blessing of the

Church. The Pope himself, our Most

Holy Father, has given us his Apostolic
benediction. If thenwhich may God
forbid Ianyone is tempted to reveal our
secrets, let him think well before he acts.
Such a one would surely incur the curse
of God. His name would become a byword and a reproach among all honorable
men. He would be shunned and cursed
by all his former fellows, the conscience
of a guilty wretch who has sold his soul,
would sooner or later come home to him,
to chastise him day and night until he
made his peace with God and did true
penance for his crime.
It is impossible to imagine a brother
who could be guilty of such an act. He
must first become a renegade and an unbeliever, and join himself to the forces of
the devil, who prowls about the world
seeking whom he may devour.
He deserves the reception which the
devil himself received from Godto be
cast into eternal torture. Only the Infinite Mercy of God can save him from
such a fate. Think well, then, brothers,

of your acts and be ever true Knights,

ready to do and die, if necessary, for the
honor of God and the glory of His Holy
Church. Amen.

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