Pliny Correspondence With Trajan John Bartrom
Pliny Correspondence With Trajan John Bartrom
Pliny Correspondence With Trajan John Bartrom
Royal Presidents
Trajan view ing the trophies of his soldiers (Trajan's Column). Trajan and Hadrian - his adopted son, according to Trajan's w ife - instigated the Second
and Third Jew ish-Roman Wars.
One of the reasons given commonly to justify belief in a historical Jesus Christ of the first century is that supposedly, there is
contemporaneous, or at least ancient evidence in support. This position has been undermined very considerably by our Catalogue of
Chrest . One of the few remaining textual sources left in support of an historical Jesus Christ Christianity in the first centuries even is
the correspondence between Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus (62-c.115) Pliny the Younger and the Emperor Trajan, the claim for
which we will now examine.
Our own studies, based on primary sources, first showed how there is much archaeology for a magical Jesus Chrest Jesus the Good
beginning to appear towards the end of the last century BCE.
We then examined the earliest codices of the New Testament, Vaticanus and Sinaiticus, where we found no mention of Christ at all.
Instead, we found Chrest , various Greek titles such as Soter, and abbreviations. None of these are specifically and unambiguously
Christian. Rather, they belong to a Greek culture we have come to term Panhellenism belief in a God other than the Hebrew.
My interpretation of this Good is the great and the good in the sense of power and authority, both secular and magical, for the
name Jesus is being used magically to command events.
Many of the characters who appear in Christian tradition are represented in the historical record, though not as Christian. We have begun
to treat some of them, such as Saul kinsman of Costobarus in Josephus, the imperial chamberlain Epaphroditus, and elite Romans
such as Clemens and Pudens; there are many more and we have come to regard them as Chrestian .
In the first century of this era, Chrestians are the elite, the great and the good and not until the reign of Domitian, when Hadrian first
takes public office, or perhaps a little later, with his Antinous, is Chrest associated with those outside the elite circles of imperial power.
The life of Pliny encompasses the reign of a number of emperors, including Domitian, and letters attributed to him have been published
and republished very many times in the last 500 years or so. He is historical and few would doubt that the bulk of his correspondence
Piece of the marble slab that once adorned the public baths at
Comum, inscribed w ith the distinctions of Pliny the Younger.
Sant' Ambrogio church. (C.I.L. v. 5262)
There is no 'Christ' in Vaticanus and Sinaiticus, the tw o oldest codices of the New
The tenth book consists of letters to and from the emperor
Trajan, mostly written during Pliny s governorship. In these
possible to lay down any general rule to serve as a k ind of fixed standard. They are not to be sought out; if they are denounced and
proved guilty, they are to be punished, with this reservation, that whoever denies that he is a Christian and really proves it that is, by
worshiping our gods even though he was under suspicion in the past, shall obtain pardon through repentance. But anonymously posted
accusations ought to have no place in any prosecution. For this is both a dangerous k ind of precedent and out of k eeping with the spirit
of our age.
The question arises, from our point of view: what is the primary source of this published correspondence? That is, are they based on the
letters themselves? The short answer is no , they are not based on his letters.
This translation is based on the text of the letters edited by R. A. B. Mynors (Oxford, 1963), which is faithfully reproduced in
the Loeb edition (ed. B. Radice, 1969). It rests on three separate manuscript traditions, which Mynors labels alpha, beta,
gamma, and which are popularly known as the Nine-book, Ten-book, and Eight-book versions.
The Nine-book tradition is represented by two ninth-century manuscripts M and V, and V does not survive after V 6, leaving
M as the sole representative of this tradition for V 7 to IX. The Ten-book tradition (beta) provides the sole evidence for
Book X; no manuscript survives after V 6, so that we are dependent on printed editions for the rest. The Eightbook version (so called because it does not contain Book VIII) has no complete surviving manuscript, and provides the least
reliable readings of the three. Mynors helpfully prefaces his edition with a book-by-book survey of the available evidence
from the three traditions. The section numbers of Mynors text are given in the margins. The existence of the letters as we
have them is attributable to the heroic endeavours of the Italian and French humanists. They assembled them from widely
dispersed texts of the three traditions. There is an enlightening brief account by Reynolds in L. D. Reynolds (ed.), Texts
and Transmission (Oxford, 1983), 316-22. (Pliny the Younger, Complete Letters, A new translation by P.G. Walsh, OUP
Oxford 2009)
From an earlier, classic collection:
Sources of the Text
For the first nine Books, we have three distinct sources, viz. (a) MSS. containing Books I.-V., of which the best are R
(Florentinus Ashburnhamensis R. 98 olim Riccardianus), tenth century, F (Laurentianus S. Marci 284), tenth-eleventh
century; (6) MSS. containing Books I. -VII. and IX., all of the fifteenth century, of which D (Dresdensis D. 166) is
representative; (c) MSS. containing nine books, of which the best is M (Laurentianus 47. 36). V (Vaticanus 3864) is closely
akin to M, but contains only Books I.-IV. The text of Book X. depends on a lost MS. which contained also the first nine
Books. While this was still extant at Paris, copies of it by different hands were used by Avantius of Verona for his edition of
1502, and by Aldus in 1508. But while the Aldine edition gave the tenth Book entire, the first forty Letters are for some
reason missing in that of Avantius. A MS. of these Letters has been discovered by Hardy in the Bodleian Library, which
appears to be the actual copy from which Aldus printed.
In France Giovanni Giocondo (c. 1433 1515) a Dominican priest, claimed to have discovered a manuscript of Pliny the Younger s letters
containing copies of his correspondence with Trajan. Two Italian editions of Pliny s Epistles were published by Giocondo, one printed in
Bologna in 1498 and one from the press of Aldus Manutius in 1508.
The earliest letters are medieval and we do not know what
exactly Pliny may have written Chrest or Christ.
Such is the case for all texts claimed in support for early
Christianity: they either use Chrest, an abbreviation, or they
do not exist and belong to a Christian textual tradition,
rather than history. By understanding their context, we may
learn something useful.
If we are to find any value in the Testimonia, the many texts
for which no primary source material exists, such as Pliny
and Justin amongst others, it is by studying them within
their archaeological context.
The term used in the artefactual evidences of the early
centuries is Chrest/Good not messiah and Jesus the
Good, and that is the context within which the missing
primary source material should be interpreted.
If the Pliny-Trajan correspondence is genuine, then we may
consider the term used was not Christian, but Chrestian.
This method of interpretation applies also to the earliest
codices of the New Testament.
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May 25th, 2011 Tags: Antinous, Archaeology, Bithynia, Chrest, Chrestian, Christianity, Clemens, Codex Vaticanus, deaconesses, Domitian,
Epaphroditus, Hadrian, historicity, historiography, history, Jesus Christ, Josephus, messiah, New Testament, Nicomedia, Paul of Tarsus, Pliny
the Younger, primary sources, Pudens, religion, Roman Empire, Saul, Testimonia, Trajan Category: Archaeology, chrestology, Roman Empire
The History of Antiquity Edit this post
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And that's just the thing: we HAVE to interpret the literary evidence in light of the archaeological evidence, because the Christians
seem to have conveniently "lost" the original writings!
I did this sort of thing with the subject of crucifixion and it turns out the ancients were talking about, as far as the Roman
methodology was concerned, a method of compulsory self-impalement! A most wicked, cruel, shameful and disgusting form of
And there's the issue of forgeries! For example, contrary to the scholarly consensus, I am firmly convinced that Josephus'
Antiquities 18.3.3 and the Jamesian passage in 20.9.2 are forgeries, likely committed by Eusebius. What else did they forge???
9 months ago
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