PYC1501 Basic Psychology Cognition - Thinking

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A Z of Psychology

CHAPTER 3: Cognition: Thinking

1. The nature of thought

Thinking =Refers to mentally processing info

Perception is the first step in processing

Perception = form of knowing about the world based on info obtained from our sensory

Sensory info is compared with mental structures or internal representations

This will help that info is identified and can guide our actions further

Thinking is complex process of transforming available info to form new representations

Through thinking we process symbolic representation of things

Thus when we think about something we do not have to have that thing in front of us

Thoughts are symbols or representations of the actual objects or events

Symbolic representations can be of concrete objects (like a car) or based on abstract

ideas (like democracy or feelings)

Most basic level thinking is internal representation of problems or situations

When we think we use certain structures of symbols

The 3 main symbol systems are: images, concepts & language



Images = symbolic representation of objects and their characteristics

Images is mental representations that have picture-like qualities

E.g. even if someone is not present you can form a mental image of that person

This image is based on the how the person looks - visual

We can also base image on what a person sound like say there voice = auditory image

Or of a place based on the sounds you associate with that place like the sea

Image can help us think more effectively

Forming an image can help remember info about it or help us to remember unrelated

E.g. It is difficult to remember list of unrelated words but if we attach an image to the
words it wil be easier to remember (example p. 14)

Images can help us to solve problems by retrieving images in memory applicable to the



Basic process in thinking is to categorise experiences

Categories we form as mental representations of group related items are called concepts

They are building blocks of thinking & help us to organise knowledge

May be related to physical objects like food

Can also refer to abstract like democracy

Concepts may represent properties of an object like colour or size therefore red and blue
are also concepts

May also refer to relationship between objects lie bigger or heavier etc.


Hierarchical organisation of concepts

Using concepts is way of thinking classifying things in our world & making sense of it

Concept formation is based on experience

Interaction with the environment help us learn about the characteristics of things &
place them in categories or groups

Concepts can form networks

Means one concept may be part of other concepts

E.g. fruit is part of concept food but fruit also include concept apples

To make sense of world we tend to organise related concepts in a hierarchy

A hierarchy organise things from general to the specific

Conceptual hierarchy made up by at least 3 levels:


superordinate (or top)


intermediate (or middle)


subordinate (or bottom)

Things that have common attributes fall on same level

Concept on each level includes all the concepts on the lower levels









Conceptual rules

Use rules to decide if something belongs to a certain concept or not

Example. To qualify to be part of concept food it must be edible and maintain life and

Formal conceptual hierarchies are based on exact definitions or agreements about he

attributes in a objective sense

This type of definition is called denotative meaning

Informal conceptual hierarchies are based on subjective or personal experience or


Personal meanings of concepts are called connotative meanings


Conceptual errors

Inaccurate use of concepts lead to errors in thinking

If we oversimplify complex category result in formation of stereotypes or rigid thinking

Problems can also be caused by all-or-nothing or one-dimensional thought

This leads to classification of concepts at extremes and not seeing the difference inbetween

Can lead to classification of something as absolutely right or wrong



Process of concept formation attempt of the mind to function economically

Means to minimise processing time & effort

Respond most effectively to concepts on most basic level

Example: looking at an apple we think about it as an apple not a fruit or a type of food

By forming prototype it also help us to think more efficiently

Prototype = helps us to identify something more effectively

E.g. prototype of a table is a flat surface with 4 legs attached to it

You can get different types of tables but they are based on the same principle



Most thinking relies great deal on language

Language = system of symbols to represent thoughts

Language is use as way to make sense of things & means of communication with others
based on shared system of meaning


Inner speech

Language is not only used to communicate with others but also to direct our own thought s
and actions

E.g. carrying out a complex task for the first time you say things out load to make the
task simpler

Is called inner speech or implicit speech

Inner speech consist of key words & phrases not complete and grammatically correct

Like driving in a unfamiliar city you may repeat phrases relating to directions given to
you: public telephone on corner


Language and thought

There is a relationship between language and thought but they are not identical

Thinking can take place without language

Too much inner speech can slow down the process of visual problem solving

Language helps to form concepts through naming and classifying perceptions

But words and concepts are not the same

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