June July 2015 PDF

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Th mily

June / July 2015

The Camino - A Walk Talk Ministry

Salvator ambulado. (It is solved by walking.), St. Augustine wrote. Im not quite sure how much was solved along The Camino
de Santiago, but I wholeheartedly agree that life and difficult issues sure seem much better!
Last summer, Billy walked the 791km from St. Jean Pied de Port, France to Santiago de Compostela, Spain - the route commonly
known as the Camino Frances on the sacred pilgrimage of the Camino de Santiago. For centuries, people have continued to make
this pilgrimage, the third most traveled pilgrimage in the world, preceded only by Jerusalem and Mecca. Some walk for religious
reasons, some for sport and adventure, some walk as a way to grieve a loss or work through issues in their lives. Billy decided to
walk as a coaching and counseling ministry to those who need a listening ear and a caring walking companion along the way. And
there was no shortage of people who wanted to talk out their troubled hearts and minds with a good listener!
So, we decided to do it again. This time, both of us walked. Billy made his second ministry-on-the-Camino passage, while I
(Laurie) made my first. Our goal was to walk alongside others, listen to their stories, and provide a loving, risk-free environment for
sharing burdens. And, if in some way we could be of help and comfort and help people move forward in their struggles, we
welcomed the opportunity.
Walking alongside people on The Camino is so natural and so normal that conversations come easy and flow effortlessly as the
miles tick by. Its very non-confrontational and it feels safe. In a traditional counseling session, counselor and client sit in an
office seated face-to-face. That alone is tough for some people. It is hard to sit across from someone and open up and share
struggles and the tough issues while they look you in the eye. It creates anxiety for many people. But walking in parallel with
natural visual distractions allows for easier engagement, says Kate Hays, PhD and past president of the American Psychological
Association. Known as Walk Talk Therapy, people seem to feel much more relaxed in a natural setting and feel more at ease with
opening up and sharing their feelings when walking side-by-side with the listener. The walls and barriers to conversation come
tumbling down. Hays says, Patients have verified that looking forward rather than directly at a therapist helps them open up.
We certainly have found this to be true on The Camino. As fellow walkers on the pilgrimage, we have a natural common bond. We
are on the same path, walking toward the same goal. We are on this trail together. That connection alone is sometimes all it takes to
bring others in to a place where they feel free to share deeper stories.
We found this to be the case with the Irishman we call Little Billy. We left the town of Estella at 7am under a glorious blue sky and
with a cool breeze keeping the morning fresh. Not too far down the trail, we were already shedding the sleeves and putting on
sunscreen for what was turning into a scorching day. Billy (the Irishman we call Little Billy - he named himself that due to his height
Connued on page 2 . . .

to be okay." And he kept walking alongside us.

...The Camino - Walk Talk Ministry

next to Billy Drum) caught up to us as we walked. On other
days, Little Billy (a man in his 60s) has had a strenuous goal and
a fast pace and has passed us up quickly each day. But today,
something was different and he said that he had already hit the
wall. It wasn't even 8:30am yet and he was slowing down and
low in spirit. So he walked alongside us instead of his usual
For the first time, we could actually hold a real conversation with
him. Big Billy (my tall husband) asked the question that seems to
stump many on this pilgrimage and cause deep thought... "Why
are you walking The Camino?"
Little Billy began to slowly tell the story of his wife and her long
battle with MS. So much love and compassion and pain began
pouring from his heart as he recounted the story of their
relationship. At times, he laughed and talked about their
vacations together, about her love of writing, about her
unquenchable desire to learn more and get her masters. He also
told of her battles with losing her ability to walk, of her going
blind, and of her loss of independence. He talked of the day she
could no longer sleep in their bed, and how difficult and lonely
that was for him. He talked about being a caregiver and about
finally being told by doctors that he couldn't do it all...He needed
help. He talked for many, many kilometers. In the end, it turns
out that this week is the one year anniversary of her death. He
walks in honor of her and as a way to mourn and grieve.
As his tears fell, I reached out to touch his shoulder and he
turned and grabbed my arm and squeezed it tight. He looked me
in the eyes and said "Thank you. Thank you, Laurie. I'm going

These things usually go one of two ways. Either the openness and
vulnerability becomes too heavy and the other person finds a way to
separate themselves and self - protect, or the vulnerability brings them
closer. In this case, Little Billy pulled in closer to us. He stayed with us
all day. He walked at a slower pace and talked to us for 22 km. I hung
back quite a bit and let the two Billy's talk all day.
At the end of the day, even though it had been a sweltering day on the
trail with little to no shade or shelter, even though my muscles were
aching and I was exhausted, I thought it was a most beautiful, most
incredible, most holy and divine day.
Little Billy went his way and we went ours when we got to the next
town. And it wasn't an hour later before he called our cell phone to see if
we would come to the square to share a drink with him and wind down
from the day. We went to the pilgrim mass and blessing together, and
then we ate dinner together.
This day was just the beginning of a friendship that continued all through
the Camino. We were there on Little Billys final day when he finished
the Camino and walked in to Santiago. We shared a celebratory dinner
with him and listened to more stories of his beloved wife, and of the son
they lost to Downs Syndrome as a toddler. He read to us from her
poetry book that was published after she died. At the cathedral, he asked
for a special Compostelo (the official pilgrim certificate given by the
church at the end of the pilgrimage) in honor of Elise, his wife. Her
name is now proudly displayed as a pilgrim.
Little Billys story is just one of many that we listened to and cherished
along the Camino de Santiago. To read more about this ministry, go to

Listening With Our Wounds - from Henri Nouwen's Bread for the Journey
To enter into solidarity with a suffering person does not mean that we have to talk with that person about our own
suffering. Speaking about our own pain is seldom helpful for someone who is in pain. A wounded healer is someone
who can listen to a person in pain without having to speak about his or her own wounds. When we have lived through a
painful depression, we can listen with great attentiveness and love to a depressed friend without mentioning our
experience. Mostly it is better not to direct a suffering person's attention to ourselves. We have to trust that our own
bandaged wounds will allow us to listen to others with our whole beings. That is healing.

Praises for a successful and fruitful time of ministry and reflection on The Camino! Praises for health issues that were
miraculously non-issues (Lauries calf / knee, lungs, and back). Praises for time to spend with others who needed a listening ear and a caring heart as they walked The Camino to process their own life stories, to grieve, to transition, and to
find healing and strength for the days to come.
Pray for Spain, especially as we deal with a crippling heat wave and drought. We hit 106 degrees this week! It is uncommonly hot for this early in our summer, and these odd heat waves began in May this year. As we walked through the
northern part of the country, the vast number of wheat fields looked beautiful but upon talking to locals and farmers, we
found that none of it was going to make harvest this year. The heat had hit it too soon and burned up the grain before it
fully formed. In the past week 10 wildfires have been spreading around the country, fueled by the extreme dry conditions
and hot southerly winds. Most Spaniards do not have air conditioning in their homes and use box fans. Those who do
have air, generally only have one or two rooms in their home that they can cool. Pray for the elderly, who suffer the most
in these conditions.
Pray for the ebb and flow of ministry in these summer months. With kids out of school and the extreme heat and no air,
many ministry and church activities are cut back to a bare minimum or cancelled completely.
Pray for us to find creative ways to continue with our relationships and meetings, with coaching and counseling, with
teaching and work during these summer months. Pray for our funds and partners in the USA - summer is a time when
we traditionally see donations drop by 50%.
Pray for us and for a special missionary family whom we will host in our home this month for some coaching and counseling and rest and relaxation. Pray for fun times and life-giving conversations, for healing and for lots of laughter.

In the Good Ol Summertime

Back when Billy and I were teachers in the USA, summer me meant a me for a li le rest and recoup, a me to recharge our ba eries, a me to
go see family in far o places or take a vaca on. As a teacher, many are also gearing up for the next school year, star ng to look for new lessons,
new classroom management ideas, and new books for the students. As a mom, many spend lots of me trying to keep the peace, keep kids mov
ing and entertained and NOT si ng in front of the TV, and keep all of the family cool in the Texas heat.
For our family, summer me back then meant moving our base of opera ons to the Texas Mexico border. We were mission workers to the coloni
as in Reynosa and Rio Bravo, Mexico. Our summers were spent in the Mexican desert heat, facilita ng bible school in neighborhoods and helping
in a relief eort that built shelters for families that had none.
Nowadays, summer me looks a lot dierent. Our summers look a lot slower, which is a li le odd for us. In our part of Spain, it is HOT! Most
homes do not have air condi oning. If they do, it is only in the living room not in the rest of the house. Spain is always serious about siesta
hours, but they are MEGA SERIOUS in the summer absolutely nothing occurs between the hours of 2pm and 5 or 6pm because it is just too hot.
Last week, we hit 106. Thats hot, and with no air, its a killer. So, life here gets VERY slow in the summer. As for ac vi es, there just arent
many. Many businesses and organiza ons cut their hours in the summer. Some only work un l 2pm. Some close down completely for the
month of August. Most jobs, by law, require a one month vaca on period. Unlike in the USA where vaca on me is earned, vaca on is mandato
ry by law and is usually a full month. So, in our area, due to the heat, many decide to take their month in August and completely close their busi
nesses, giving all employees their mandatory one month then, as well. In July, people just try to survive the heat and hold on ll August.
So, what does that mean to us? Well, yesterday in church, overall a endance was less than half. Our adult bible study class that we teach is
down by a third. Our youth class is down from 15 kids to 5. In August, there will be no classes at all and no ministry ac vi es only Sunday ser
vice. My Thursday bible study group is down to 3 ladies. Our Thursday morning group is o for the summer due to travel and kids out of school.
Basically, nothing is normal and everything feels out of whack. It messes with my workoriented mindset because I keep feeling like Im not do
ing enough. But then I remember that when I was teaching in Texas, this is what life looked like, too, and that was okay. So why do I feel like this
is NOT okay? The slower mes are tough for me; its tough to slow down my rhythm and focus on what I can do and what is happening, and not
focus on what isnt happening. Things ARE happening...
We just finished hos ng a pastor on sabba cal and his family for several days as they came to visit us. Next
week, we will be hos ng a missionary family who work in an area with high security issues (so I cant give
names or loca ons) as they come to spend some me in rest and relaxa on, as well as a me of coaching and
counseling and debriefing with us. We will also be helping them with dental appointments and doctor ap
pointments while they are here. Last night, we hosted a cookout and fellowship for other ministry workers
who live in our area. So, part of our ministry in these summer months is not necessarily local ministry, but it
is a ministry of caring for other ministry workers as they need rest and refreshment and a listening ear and a
community of other workers who understand their needs. Billy con nues to meet weekly with local pastors
and workers as a coach and counselor. So, school is out and things feel a li le slower, but there is definitely
s ll a lot going on in the summer!



The Mission Society

Laurie & Billy Drum
3907 Old Oaks

Texas 77802


E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]

Sharing the Love of Christ with the least, the lost, and the left out immigrants, displaced peoples, the lonely,
the abandoned, those who need a friend.
Nurturing and developing people to be healthy spiritually, physically, emotionally, and relationally - because
care is not just an emotional feeling word, care is a verb - an action. Thats who we are the care-givers!

Contact The Drums!

We love to Skype,
chat, email, or receive
mail at the post office!
You can contact them:
[email protected]
Ph # 9799855238 (Texas phone
that will route to our computer in
Skype: billy.drum
Or find us on Facebook!

Mailing address:
Billy y Laurie Drum
Apdo. Correos #46
29200 Antequera, Malaga, Espaa

It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our

walking is our preaching. ~St. Francis of Assisi

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