Connect: Connecting People and Resources

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News and Updates
for Partners of

February The Drum Family


this issue
Connecting all Connecting People and Resources P.1
the Pieces Connecting is Therapeutic P.2
After a pretty extensive and
Connecting via Listening and Love P.3
intense training last week about
Connecting to Friends P.3
leadership and personalities and

strengths and skills and what Connect with us in Partnership P.4

each of us brings to the table as

an individual on a team (whew!),

the question was asked, What

do you think God has to say to Connecting People and Resources

you now, after doing all the exer-
On Tuesday, we shared a lunch table with people from 6 different
cises and talking through all of
countries. Last week, we did bible study in a group of 50 people that represent-
ed India, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Kenya, Turkey, Costa Rica, Spain, Colombia,
I dont often get words from
Panama, Brazil, Liberia, and more. We introduced our awesome leadership
God, I dont hear a particular
team in Spain to our TMS Global peers. Our Spain team is multinational / multicultural (Puerto Ricans, Tex-
phrase, nor does He reveal him-
ans , Spaniards) and multigenerational (30s 60s) with varied career backgrounds (a teacher, a pharma-
self in a particular scripture.
ceutical rep, a horticulturalist, an economist with a law degree, an author, a pastor, a former monk, and
What I do usually receive is a
more). As I think on this, I realize just how diverse my life and my world has become!
picture or an image. And the
This diversity is sometimes tough to navigate, but it has the potential to bring such beautiful bene-
image that answered that ques-
fits to everyone who engages and connects! In connecting and building relationships with so many different
tion was an image of pixels.
people, we have the incredible benefit of getting a glimpse of what The Kingdom of God is really about. We
Pixels are the tiny digital ele-
are also helping others make connections. By introducing our Spain team to our TMS Global team, we
ments of a bigger picture. When
helped connect the Spanish church and leaders to resources and a world of possibilities that they never
you look at the big picture, you
dreamed possible. We helped to connect them to a whole new world of stories and people that they never
dont see them because they all
would have known otherwise. They are now thinking outside the box and looking at a bigger picture than
fit together and work together to
they were seeing a week ago. They have now sat at the table and listened to the stories of their Christian
make the whole. The only time
brothers and sisters who are serving in other parts of the world. They are now connected to the son of a
you notice a pixel is when it isnt
tribal chief in Africa who lost his son to Ebola last year. They are connected to a young pastor in Kazakh-
working when its burned out
stan who is forbidden to have a church or preach, so he opened a sports center and connects to people via
or out of place. I think were like
soccer and gym time. They had conversations with a Brazilian pastor and were able to ask him about the
that when we are working
best ways to connect to our Brazilian immigrants here in Spain. And they were able to begin conversations
within our giftings and calling
about how to receive more training and help, and how to bring in trainers who can build up the pastors and
and personality and strengths,
churches here in Spain and mobilize people here for outreach and service.
everything fits and the team
Thank you for connecting with us so that we can connect others, so that we can help others partner
functions and the big picture
with the right people and the right resources to grow in The Kingdom!
emerges. Im so glad to be

working with a team that fits!

Connecting is Life-Giving

I needed this. I really needed this time. Those words were spoken
so many times in the last two weeks that I started to feel like God was trying to
make a point. Weve had a really full, really stressful and hectic few weeks of
trying to prepare for a conference (actually 3 concurrent conferences that hap-
pened in one week!). Once the date had finally arrived, I was so ready for it to be over. Do you ever feel like that? Like youre
so excited for a thing to happen, and youre also so ready for it to end? I was thrilled to see my colleagues from all over the
world, and I was so ready to reconnect with people, and I was really looking forward to some productive strategy meetings that
would set the stage for the year to come. But at the same time, the getting ready and the build up and the logistics and the
output of energy just exhausted us and I was ready for it to be over before it even started.
Then they arrived, and within hours, I was renewed and refreshed and on my way to that special therapeutic healing
that can only come from connection to people who get it and understand you and want to listen and love deeply. Ahhhh I
needed that. I really needed that. My soul was happy and finding peace.
It wasnt just me saying it, though. It was people who sat down to dinner and had good conversations and shared
whats going on in their lives - and at the end of the meal there were hugs and those words, I needed that. Thanks for listen-
ing. That was great. There was a night of playing games and telling stories and laughing till our sides hurt and tears were
streaming down our faces - and then, when the time came to break up the fun, the words, Oh my goodness! That was awe-
some! I havent laughed like that in ages. I really needed that! There were some particularly difficult, vulnerable conversa-
tions about the tough stuff, about when LIFE happens and youre broken and dont know how
to get back up again, when empathy and love are the only things that will help, when hearing
someone say, youre not alone Ive been there Im here for you I got your back - at
the end of that, there is a deep sigh and a relief and deep healing and those words, I needed
that. I needed to talk about that. I needed this time. Thanks for listening.
Yesterday, we took four of our colleagues up to one of our favorite places and we
went on a long hike. Its a beautiful place, yes, but its also a place where deep connection
always happens. Theres something beautiful that happens when people walk alongside
each other and talk. Somehow, the daily stuff of the world melts away and the real stuff bub-
bles up and comes to the surface. Suddenly you find yourself talking about the deep longings
of your heart, the wounded places, or telling the stories that youve never told each other be-
fore. And pretty soon, the awesomeness of being connected and sharing and listening oc-
curs and you feel lighter, you feel like
burdens are being lifted, you feel like
youre not alone, you feel heard, and you
feel like healing is possible like you can
keep going another day because you just
found a piece of your soul that you were
I needed that. I really needed
Someone has to cook.
Connecting via And with that, he stands up and goes back to
the kitchen. Back to prepare another 1000+
listening and love meals for the next round of feeding.

Giorgos Kosmopoulos @GiorgosKosmop

The following is one of the many stories I have
collected and recorded from our time in the refu-
gee camps in Lesbos, Greece.

I notice that with each day, Tiago* is looking more

and more down-trodden. Each day I give him a
hug and try to have a cheery conversation during
his infrequent breaks from the work. But each
day it is more and more difficult to see happiness
in him.
Connecting with
How are you today, Friend?, I ask.
Since our time working with the refugees in friends!
Fine. Well, actually not. Do you really want to November, the numbers in the camps in Sarahhadtheawesomeoppor
know?, he says, looking at me with eyes that are Greece have not improved. They continue to tunitythismonthtoreconnect
about to burst with sadness today. host over 60,000 refugees who are stuck within
their borders. The winter has been extremely
Really. I really want to know. Tell me. How are harsh, with water supplies frozen solid and ref- alsoservewithTMSGlobal!
ugees living in tents and tarps covered in snow. Thesekidshavegrownupto
I am bad. Very bad. My health is not good. This There have been deaths and extreme illness.
work is very hard. Psychologically, Im a mess. Greece has even posted naval vessels off the
He takes a couple of deep breaths to try to keep coast of Lesbos to help house refugees on- nentsandindierentcultures.
himself composed. Ive been here for 3 months. board to keep them from the extreme tempera- TheyallareconnectedviaTMS
Its too long. Too much. Everything I see and tures.
hear and know its all too much. andtheuniquelivesthatthird

We will be returning to help in the Moria camp culturekidslead.Theyonlyget

He can no longer look at me to speak. To look at
on Lesbos island at the end of February. They toseeeachotheronceevery
me would surely start his tears, so he looks away,
he looks down, he looks past me. But he cant are short on workers to help cook and serve, yearorso,buttheystaycon
look into my eyes. and the full-time workers are emotionally and
physically exhausted. We will go in and help
When he finally regains his breathing and his out for awhile. A special thank you to those (Facebook,Instagram,etc)and
voice, he says, But I cant stop. I cant stop as who sent in special designated donations to theoccasionalSkypecall.This
long as they are here (gesturing to the refugees help fund this work!!! It takes all of us working
behind me). Someone has to care for them. month,severalofthemarrived
as a team to reach out and help! Thank you.

This Months Prayer Requests cametoa endconferences

Please pray with Centro Cristiano (the church we work with in Spain) as they work toward a fo-
cus on GROWTH this year personal growth, growth in community, and growth as The Kingdom.
Please pray for TMS Global as the agency and individual CCWs work toward training, mobilizing,
uprightwheretheyle olast
and service around the world. We ask you to pray for our refugee friends and family who are
facing the challenges of the snow and extreme temperatures while they continue to wait on the
next step in their journey. Pray that we can continue to find ways to love them and serve well in
walkstogether andice
that situation. Pray for Sarah and her studies, her friendships, her training with her horse, and
being a teenage girl in Spain. And pray for our boys, Ryan and Miles: Miles is currently working
in Florida. Ryan is in Corpus Christi working running a courier business. And pray for us (Billy
and Laurie) as we work to find healthy balance and boundaries and margin in a busy schedule this
year. Pray that we stay healthy physically, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally.
Laurie & Billy Drum US POSTAGE
3907 Old Oaks PERMIT #102
Bryan, Texas 77802 USA
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]

Sharing the Love of Christ with the least, the lost, and the left out immigrants, displaced peoples, the
lonely, the abandoned, those who need a friend.

Nurturing and developing people to be healthy spiritually, physically, emotionally, and relationally - because
care is not just an emotional feeling word, care is a verb - an action. Thats who we are the care-givers!

Mail to The Drums: Dear Billy and Laurie,

Laurie y Billy Drum
Apdo #46 Correos I will pray for you.
29200 Antequera, Malaga
Espaa As God provides, I plan to partner with you by giving
$_________Per month / quarter / year for ______ years.

Name (PLEASE PRINT) _________________________________

City:____________________ St .___________Zip_____________
Phone:__________________ Home Church:_________________
Contact The Drums: Email Address: ________________________________________
Skype billy.drum
USA ph# 979-985-5238
(rings through to Spain) TAX DEDUCTIBLE GIFTS MAY BE SENT TO:
TMS Global
Whatsapp: #34 652 144 783 PO Box 922637
Norcross, GA 30010-2637 USA

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