2015 05 00 Ensign Eng
2015 05 00 Ensign Eng
2015 05 00 Ensign Eng
Three New Temples
CaroleM. Stephens
14 Defenders of the Family
BonnieL. Oscarson
17 The Comforter
President HenryB. Eyring
KevinR. Jergensen
45 Statistical Report, 2014
BrookP. Hales
46 Therefore They Hushed Their Fears
Elder DavidA. Bednar
50 Why Marriage, Why Family
Elder D.Todd Christofferson
54 The Music of the Gospel
Elder WilfordW. Andersen
56 Latter-day Saints Keep on Trying
Elder DaleG. Renlund
59 Truly Good and without Guile
Elder MichaelT. Ringwood
62 The Lord Is My Light
Elder QuentinL. Cook
Elder UlissesSoares
77 FatherhoodOur Eternal Destiny
LarryM. Gibson
80 On Being Genuine
President DieterF. Uchtdorf
84 Priesthood and Personal Prayer
President HenryB. Eyring
88 The Priesthooda Sacred Gift
President ThomasS. Monson
Find Answers to
Your Questions
Conference Photography
Speaker Index
Topic Index
MAY 2015
MAY 2015
By CherylA. Esplin
Second Counselor in the Primary General Presidency
By CaroleM. Stephens
First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency
s anything more beautiful and profound than the simple and pure truths
of the gospel taught in a Primary
song? And all of you Primary girls here
tonight know the song I am going
to talk about. You learned it for your
Primary program last year.
In the words of The Family Is of
God1sung earlier in this meeting
we are reminded of pure doctrine.
We learn not only that the family is of
God but also that we are each part of
Gods family.
The first line of the song teaches:
Our Father has a family. Its me!
Its you, all others too: we are His
children. From the family proclamation, we learn, In the premortal
realm, spirit sons and daughters knew
and worshipped God as their Eternal
Father. In that realm, we learned about
our eternal female identity. We knew
that we were each a beloved ...
daughter of heavenly parents.2
Our mortal journey to earth did not
change those truths. We each belong to
and are needed in the family of God.
Earthly families all look different. And
while we do the best we can to create
strong traditional families, membership
in the family of God is not contingent
upon any kind of statusmarital status,
parental status, financial status, social
status, or even the kind of status we
post on social media.
MAY 2015
By BonnieL. Oscarson
Young Women General President
Defenders of the
Family Proclamation
Let us help build the kingdom of God by standing up boldly and being
defenders of marriage, parenthood, and the home.
The Comforter
I give my witness that the living Christ sends the Holy Ghost,
the Comforter, to those we are pledged to help Him comfort.
1. Matthew 11:2830.
2. Mosiah 18:89.
3. John 14:1617.
4. John 14:2627.
5. Mosiah 18:9.
6. Mosiah 24:1415.
7. Job 19:2526.
8. Job 42:12, 1517.
9. 1Corinthians 13:8.
10. Moroni 7:47.
11. Mosiah 18:9.
12. See Doctrine and Covenants 81:5.
Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness,
to undo the heavy burdens, and to
let the oppressed go free, and that ye
break every yoke?
Is it not to deal thy bread to the
hungry, and that thou bring the poor
that are cast out to thy house? when
thou seest the naked, that thou cover
him; and that thou hide not thyself
from thine own flesh?
Then shall thy light break forth as
the morning, and thine health shall
spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the
glory of the Lord shall be thy rearward.
Then shalt thou call, and the Lord
shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he
shall say, Here I am. If thou take away
from the midst of thee the yoke, the
putting forth of the finger, and speaking vanity;
And if thou draw out thy soul to
the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted
soul; then shall thy light rise in
obscurity, and thy darkness be as the
And the Lord shall guide thee
continually, and satisfy thy soul in
drought, and make fat thy bones: and
bale of used clothing [given by members of the Church] and a blanket, now
worn and riddled with holes.7
She says, This shirt is the first
...clothing I [received]. ... I used to
wear it to go to workit was so good.
[It made me feel so beautiful.] I didnt
have other clothes.
During the war, this blanket kept us
warm, me and my children. When the
rebels [would] come to attack us, this is
the only thing I [could] lay [my] hands
on [as we fled to the bush to hide]. So
we [would] take the blanket with us.
It would keep us warm and keep the
mosquitos away from us.8
Sister Turay speaks of her gratitude
for a mission president who would
make his way into the war-torn country
with [money] in his pocket. Those
funds, from the fast-offering donations
of people like you, allowed the Saints
to buy food that most Sierra Leoneans
could not afford.9
Sister Turay, speaking of those who
were generous enough to donate for
them to survive, says, When I think
[of] the people who did this ... I feel
that [they were] sent by God, because
ordinary human beings made this kind
gesture for [us].10
A visitor from the United States
sat with Abie not along ago. During
his time with her, he found his eyes
drawn to a set of scriptures that were
on the table. He could tell that they
were a treasure, well-marked with
notes in the columns. The pages were
[worn;] some were torn. The cover was
detached from the binding.
He held the scriptures in his hand
and gently turned the pages. As [he did,
he found a] yellow copy of a tithing
donation slip. [He] could see that, in a
country where [a dollar was worth its]
weight in gold, Abie Turay had paid
one dollar as her tithing, one dollar to
1. Matthew 25:3440.
2. Isaiah 58:611.
3. SpencerW. Kimball, The Miracle of
Forgiveness (1969), 98.
4. See Steve Almasy, Ben Brumfield, and
Laura Smith-Spark, Cleanup Begins in
Vanuatu after Cyclone Batters Islands,
Mar. 14, 2015, edition.cnn.com.
5. See Sean Morris, Steve Almasy, and Laura
Smith-Spark, Unbelievable Destruction
Reported in Tropical Cyclone Pams Wake,
Mar.14, 2015, edition.cnn.com.
6. PeterF. Evans, Sister Abie Turays Story,
unpublished manuscript.
7. PeterF. Evans, Sister Abie Turays Story.
8. Abie Turay, quoted in PeterF. Evans, Sister
Abie Turays Story.
9. PeterF. Evans, Sister Abie Turays Story.
10. Abie Turay, quoted in PeterF. Evans, Sister
Abie Turays Story.
11. PeterF. Evans, Sister Abie Turays Story;
a video about Sister Turay, We Did Not
Stand Alone, is available at lds.org/
12. JosephF. Smith, Editors Table,
Improvement Era, Dec. 1903, 149.
13. Isaiah 58:89.
By LindaK. Burton
Relief Society General President
the same. In fact, they are exact opposites, but they complement each other
and are suited to each other. Working
together, they are stronger.12
In a chapter about families, the
Church handbook contains this statement: The nature of male and female
spirits is such that they complete each
other.13 Please note that it does not
say compete with each other but
complete each other! We are here to
help, lift, and rejoice with each other as
we try to become our very best selves.
Sister BarbaraB. Smith wisely taught,
There is so much more of happiness
to be had when we can rejoice in
anothers successes and not just in our
own.14 When we seek to complete
rather than compete, it is so much
easier to cheer each other on!
When I was a young mother of
several small children, at the end of
days filled with diapering, dish washing, and disciplining, no one sang more
emphatically the Primary song Im so
glad when daddy comes home.15 Im
sad to admit, however, I was not always
cheerful when Craig seemed to bounce
through the door after a hard day of
work. He always greeted each of us
with a hug and kiss and turned many
difficult and sometimes disastrous days
into delightful daddy times. I wish I
had been a little less preoccupied with
The Parable of
the Sower
It is up to each of us to set the priorities and to do the things that make
our soil good and our harvest plentiful.
cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other
things entering in, choke the word,
and it becometh unfruitful (Mark
4:1819). This is surely a warning to
be heeded by all of us.
I will speak first of the deceitfulness of riches. Wherever we are in our
spiritual journeywhatever our state of
conversionwe are all tempted by this.
When attitudes or priorities are fixed
on the acquisition, use, or possession
of property, we call that materialism.
So much has been said and written
about materialism that little needs to
Choose to Believe
The Savior provides His gospel as a light to guide those who choose to
believe in and follow Him.
any commandments, despite His perfect desire to bless us. Yet His call to
us to believe in Himto exercise that
particle of faith and to give place for
His wordsremains in effect today. As
the Savior said, I bear record that the
Father commandeth all men, everywhere, to repent and believe in me.5
Belief and testimony and faith are
not passive principles. They do not just
happen to us. Belief is something we
choosewe hope for it, we work for it,
and we sacrifice for it. We will not accidentally come to believe in the Savior
and His gospel any more than we will
accidentally pray or pay tithing. We
actively choose to believe, just like we
choose to keep other commandments.
Put Belief into Action
The Sustaining of
Church Officers
MAY 2015
Church Auditing
Department Report, 2014
Report, 2014
Stakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,114
Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Districts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
Wards and Branches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,621
Church Membership
MAY 2015
Therefore They
Hushed Their Fears
Unlike worldly fear that creates alarm and anxiety, godly fear is
a source of peace, assurance, and confidence.
Mortal Fear
Why Marriage,
Why Family
A family built on the marriage of a man and woman supplies
the best setting for Gods plan to thrive.
Latter-day Saints
Keep on Trying
As we try, persevere, and help others to do the same, we are true
Latter-day Saints.
the man who writes notes of encouragement to neighbors and the woman
who doesnt just mail Christmas cards
but hand delivers them to family members and friends who need a visit. I
honor the brother who routinely took a
neighbor for a ride during that neighbors dark days of Alzheimersgiving
both him and his wife a much-needed
change of pace.
These things are not done for praise
or accolades. These men and women
are not motivated by the possibility of
receiving titles or authority. They are disciples of Christ, going about doing good
continually, and like Shiblon, they are
trying to please their Father in Heaven.
It saddens me when I hear of some
who stop serving or even attending
church because they are released from a
calling or feel overlooked for a position
or title. I hope they will one day learn
the same lesson I learned as a young
missionarythat the service that counts
most is usually recognized by God
alone. In our pursuit of me and mine,
have we forgotten Thee and Thine?
Some may say, But I have so far to
go to become like those you describe.
The good news of the gospel of Jesus
Christ is that the desires of our hearts
can be transformed and our motives
can be educated and refined. When we
are baptized into the true fold of God,
One of the remarkable characteristics of young wild sunflowers is how the young flower bud follows the
sun across the sky.
lived, there were seven nonnative language units. Our doctrine with respect
to language is set forth in section90,
verse11 of the Doctrine and Covenants:
For it shall come to pass in that day,
that every man shall hear the fulness of
the gospel in his own tongue, and in
his own language.
When Gods children pray to Him
in their native language, that is the
language of their heart. It is clear that
the language of the heart is precious to
all people.
My older brother, Joseph, is a
medical doctor and practiced for many
years in the San Francisco Bay area. An
elderly Samoan Church member, who
was a new patient, came to his office.
He was in severe, debilitating pain. It
was determined that he had a kidney
stone, and appropriate treatment was
undertaken. This faithful member
stated that his original goal was merely
to understand what was wrong so he
could pray in Samoan to his Heavenly
Father about his health problem.
It is important for members to
understand the gospel in the language
of their heart so they can pray and act
in accordance with gospel principles.21
The Greatest
Generation of
Young Adults
What we need now is the greatest generation of young adults in the
history of the Church. We need your whole heart and soul.
MAY 2015
Yes, We Can
and Will Win!
We must hold ever more tightly to our testimony of the gospel of Jesus
Christ. Then we will win the daily battles against evil.
L.Whitney Clayton
JeffreyR. Holland
RobertD. Hales
RonaldA. Rasband
L.Tom Perry
BoydK. Packer
ThomasS. Monson
QuentinL. Cook
DallinH. Oaks
DonaldL. Hallstrom
RichardJ. Maynes
CraigC. Christensen
DavidA. Bednar
RussellM. Nelson
Ulisses Soares
D.Todd Christofferson
M.Russell Ballard
DieterF. Uchtdorf
Second Counselor
HenryB. Eyring
First Counselor
LynnG. Robbins
NeilL. Andersen
RichardG. Scott
General Authorities and General Officers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Benjamn DeHoyos
WalterF. Gonzlez
GerritW. Gong
MarcusB. Nash
StevenE. Snow
Christoffel Golden
Hugo Montoya
JosephW. Sitati
John S. Tanner
First Counselor
Grald Causs
First Counselor
Tad R. Callister
GaryE. Stevenson
Presiding Bishop
Devin G. Durrant
Second Counselor
DeanM. Davies
Second Counselor
VernP. Stanfill
S.Gifford Nielsen
IanS. Ardern
JoseL. Alonso
MarcosA. Aidukaitis
CarolF. McConkie
First Counselor
BonnieL. Oscarson
W.Christopher Waddell
RafaelE. Pino
April 2015
LindaK. Burton
LindaS. Reeves
Second Counselor
JorgeF. Zeballos
ScottD. Whiting
BruceD. Porter
VonG. Keetch
Eduardo Gavarret
EnriqueR. Falabella
Patrick Kearon
DonR. Clarke
KimB. Clark
FranciscoJ. Vias
PaulB. Pieper
PaulV. Johnson
DavidF. Evans
YoonHwan Choi
CaroleM. Stephens
First Counselor
Arnulfo Valenzuela
AnthonyD. Perkins
DanielL. Johnson
StanleyG. Ellis
CraigA. Cardon
NeillF. Marriott
Second Counselor
JuanA. Uceda
JosA. Teixeira
KevinW. Pearson
AllanF. Packer
BrentH. Nielson
AllenD. Haynie
ShayneM. Bowen
JamesJ. Hamula
KevinR. Duncan
DavidS. Baxter
C.Scott Grow
Edward Dube
MervynB. Arnold
CherylA. Esplin
First Counselor
ClaudioD. Zivic
RosemaryM. Wixom
W.Craig Zwick
MaryR. Durham
Second Counselor
LarryY. Wilson
Adrin Ochoa
O.Vincent Haleck
J.Devn Cornish
WilfordW. Andersen
PerG. Malm
ErichW. Kopischke
CarlosA. Godoy
LawrenceE. Corbridge
MichaelT. Ringwood
DaleG. Renlund
Jrg Klebingat
RobertC. Gay
CarlB. Cook
DouglasD. Holmes
First Counselor
KentF. Richards
StephenW. Owen
GregoryA. Schwitzer
JamesB. Martino
HugoE. Martinez
M.Joseph Brough
Second Counselor
TerenceM. Vinson
Jairo Mazzagardi
LarryR. Lawrence
LarryS. Kacher
KevinS. Hamilton
BruceA. Carlson
RandyD. Funk
RandallK. Bennett
BradleyD. Foster
TimothyJ. Dyches
Koichi Aoyagi
By LarryM. Gibson
Recently Released First Counselor in
the Young Men General Presidency
Eternal Destiny
May we each enjoy the fulness of Fathers blessings in this life and the
fulfillment of His work and His glory by becoming fathers to our families
for eternity.
If you focus on the silver, my father replied, all you will see
is yourself, and it will keep you from seeing clearly the eternal
destiny Heavenly Father has prepared just for you.
MAY 2015
wonderful wife and mother had prepared a lovely dinner, which we didnt
touch. My younger son collapsed,
totally exhausted, on the couch, while
my older son crawled downstairs to his
After some painful rest of my own, I
went to my younger son to make sure
he was still alive.
Are you OK? I asked.
Dad, that was the hardest thing I
have ever done, and I never want to do
it again.
I wasnt about to tell him that I
would never do it again either. Instead,
I told him how proud I was that he
had accomplished such a hard thing.
I knew it would prepare him for other
hard things he would face in his future.
With that thought, I said, Son, let me
make you this promise. When you go
on your mission, you will never have to
walk 50 miles in one day.
Good, Dad! Then Im going.
Those simple words filled my soul
with gratitude and joy.
I then went downstairs to my oldest
son. I lay by himthen touched him.
Son, are you all right?
Dad, that was the most difficult
thing I have ever done in my life, and
I will never, ever do it again. His eyes
closedthen openedand he said,
Unless my son wants me to.
Tears came as I expressed how
grateful I was for him. I told him I
knew he was going to be a much better father than I was. My heart was full
because at his young and tender age he
already recognized that one of his most
sacred priesthood duties was to be a
father. He had no fear of that role and
titlethe very title that God Himself
wants us to use when we speak to
Him. I knew I had the responsibility to
nurture the embers of fatherhood that
were burning within my son.
On Being Genuine
I pray that we will resist the temptation to draw attention to ourselves
and, instead, strive for a far greater honor: to become humble, genuine
disciples of Jesus Christ.
insurance. He thought about the members who were grappling with broken
marriages, addictions, unemployment,
and mental illness. And the more he
thought about them, the more he asked
himself a humbling question: will our
new goals make a difference in the
lives of these members?
He began to wonder how their
stakes goals might have been different
if they had first asked, What is our
So this stake president went back to
his councils, and together they shifted
their focus. They determined that they
would not allow the hungry, ... the
needy, ...the naked, ... the sick and
the afflicted to pass by [them], and
notice them not.6
They set new goals, recognizing that
success with these new goals could
not always be measured, at least not
by manfor how does one measure
personal testimony, love of God, or
compassion for others?
But they also knew that many of
the things you can count, do not count.
Many of the things you cannot count,
really do count.7
I wonder if our organizational and
personal goals are sometimes the modern equivalent of a Potemkin village.
Do they look impressive from a distance but fail to address the real needs
of our beloved fellowmen?
MAY 2015
My dear friends and fellow priesthood holders, if Jesus Christ were to sit
down with us and ask for an accounting of our stewardship, I am not sure
He would focus much on programs
and statistics. What the Savior would
want to know is the condition of our
heart. He would want to know how we
love and minister to those in our care,
how we show our love to our spouse
and family, and how we lighten their
daily load. And the Savior would want
to know how you and I grow closer to
Him and to our Heavenly Father.
Why Are We Here?
1. Isaiah 29:13.
2. Matthew 23:27.
3. Doctrine and Covenants 121:37.
4. Revelation 2:4.
5. See Joseph SmithHistory 1:19; see also
Doctrine and Covenants 84:20.
6. Mormon 8:39.
7. Attributed to Albert Einstein.
8. See Ether 12:27.
9. Acts 10:34.
10. Deuteronomy 7:9.
11. See 1John 1:9.
12. Revelation 7:1617.
13. 1Peter 5:23.
14. James 4:6.
15. See Luke 8:56.
16. See Mark 10:1718.
17. John 8:29.
18. Doctrine and Covenants 81:5.
19. Doctrine and Covenants 38:35.
20. See Doctrine and Covenants 83:6.
Priesthood and
Personal Prayer
God can grant us power in the priesthood for whatever circumstance
we may be in. It simply requires that we ask in humility.
It is because you have such important and difficult priesthood calls that
President Smith suggests that when
you pray, you always plead with God
that He will bless you with His Spirit.
You will need the Holy Ghost not
once but as much as God will grant it
to you for your constant companion.
That is why we must always pray that
God will guide us in our service to His
Because you cannot rise to your
priesthood potential without the Spirit
going with you, you are a personal
target for the enemy of all happiness. If
he can tempt you to sin, he can lessen
your power to be led by the Spirit and
so reduce your power in the priesthood. That is why President Smith said
It simply requires that we ask in humility for the Spirit to show us what God
would have us say and do, do it, and
continue to live worthy of that gift.
I bear you my testimony that God
the Father lives, loves us, and hears
our every prayer. I bear testimony
that Jesus is the living Christ, whose
Atonement makes it possible for us to
be purified and so be worthy of the
companionship of the Holy Ghost. I
testify that with our faith and diligence,
we can one day hear the words that
will bring us joy: Well done, thou
good and faithful servant.9 I pray that
we will receive that wonderful benediction from the Master we serve. In the
name of Jesus Christ, amen.
The Priesthood
a Sacred Gift
Each of us has been entrusted with one of the most precious gifts
ever bestowed upon mankind.
God did bless mewith an appreciation for the sacred emblems of the
sacrament and for the priesthood
which I held.
No deacon, teacher, or priest from
our ward will ever forget the memorable visits we made to Clarkston, Utah,
to the gravesite of Martin Harris, one
of the Three Witnesses of the Book of
Mormon. As we surrounded the tall
granite shaft which marks his grave,
and as one of the quorum leaders read
to us those penetrating words from
The Testimony of Three Witnesses,
found at the beginning of the Book
of Mormon, we developed a love for
that sacred record and for the truths
found therein.
During those years our objective
was to become as the sons of Mosiah.
Of them it was said:
They had waxed strong in the
knowledge of the truth; for they were
men of a sound understanding and
they had searched the scriptures diligently, that they might know the word
of God.
But this is not all; they had given
themselves to much prayer, and fasting; therefore they had the spirit of
MAY 2015
and a feeling of peace which will transcend any other feeling which could
come into the human heart. We will
grasp the true meaning of the words of
the Savior when He said: Peace I leave
with you, my peace I give unto you. ...
Let not your heart be troubled, neither
let it be afraid.1
Such peace can permeate any
hearthearts that are troubled, hearts
that are burdened down with grief,
hearts that feel confusion, hearts that
plead for help.
I recently learned firsthand of a
young man who attended the temple
with a heart pleading for help. Many
months earlier he had received his call
to serve in a mission in South America.
However, his visa was delayed for such
a lengthy period that he was reassigned
to a mission in the United States.
Although disappointed that he could
not serve in the area of his original call,
he nonetheless worked hard in his new
assignment, determined to serve to the
best of his ability. He became discouraged, however, because of negative
experiences he had with missionaries
who seemed to him to be more interested in having a good time than in
sharing the gospel.
A few short months later this young
man suffered a very serious health
challenge which left him partially paralyzed, and so he was sent home on a
medical leave.
Some months later the young man
had healed completely, and his paralysis had disappeared. He was informed
that he would once again be able to
serve as a missionary, a blessing for
which he had prayed daily. The only
disappointing news was that he would
return to the same mission which he
had left, where he felt the behaviors
and attitudes of some missionaries
were less than they should be.
By RosemaryM. Wixom
Primary General President
Returning to Faith
Every one of us can strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ on our individual
journey and find joy.
1. John 14:27.
2. Correspondence in the possession of
ThomasS. Monson.
me to keep trying. I felt they were saying, Focus on what you know.
In spite of her substantial support
system, she became less active. She
said, I did not separate myself from the
Church because of bad behavior, spiritual apathy, looking for an excuse not
to live the commandments, or searching for an easy out. I felt I needed the
answer to the question What do I really
About this time she read a book of
the writings of Mother Teresa, who had
shared similar feelings. In a 1953 letter,
Mother Teresa wrote: Please pray
specially for me that I may not spoil
His work and that Our Lord may show
Himselffor there is such terrible darkness within me, as if everything was
dead. It has been like this more or less
from the time I started the work. Ask
Our Lord to give me courage.
Archbishop Prier responded: God
guides you, dear Mother; you are not
so much in the dark as you think. The
path to be followed may not always
be clear at once. Pray for light; do not
decide too quickly, listen to what others have to say, consider their reasons.
You will always find something to help
you. ... Guided by faith, by prayer,
and by reason with a right intention,
you have enough.5
My friend thought if Mother Teresa
could live her religion without all
the answers and without a feeling of
It is refreshing to put aside our electronic devices for a while and instead
turn the pages of the scriptures or
take time to converse with family and
friends. Especially on the Lords day,
experience the peace of participating
in a sacrament meeting without the
constant urge to see if you have a new
message or a new post.
The habit of setting aside your
mobile device for a time will enrich
and broaden your view of life, for life
is not confined to a four-inch (10 cm)
The Lord Jesus Christ said, As the
Father hath loved me, so have I loved
you: continue ye in my love.8 God
wants us to have joy and to feel His
love. Christ makes such joy a possibility for each of us. We have the
means to know Him better and to live
His gospel.
I bear my testimony of the joy
that exists when we keep the commandments and of the peace and
safety that we feel when we abide in
the love of Heavenly Father and His
Son, our Savior. In the name of Jesus
Christ, amen.
Is It Still Wonderful
to You?
To marvel at the wonders of the gospel is a sign of faith. It is to recognize
the hand of the Lord in our lives and in everything around us.
1. Luke 10:2324.
2. 2Nephi 27:26.
3. 3Nephi 2:1.
4. Marcel Proust, Guardian, July 22, 2008,
5. Matthew 7:7.
6. Adapted from Lorraine Bird Jameson,
The Giants of Kinkondja (article on
Africa Southeast Area website, 2009); web.
7. 1Corinthians 2:9.
8. 3Nephi 19:9.
9. Hebrews 2:4.
10. I Stand All Amazed, Hymns, no. 193.
MAY 2015
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First: Grace Unlocks the Gates of Heaven
Preserving Agency,
Protecting Religious
The faithful use of our agency depends upon our having
religious freedom.
MAY 2015
1. 2Timothy 3:3.
2. Isaiah 5:20.
3. See Moses 6:56.
4. Moses 4:3.
are strict but not restrictive. They protect us from spiritual and physical danger and prevent us from getting lost.
Obedience builds faith in Christ.
Faith is a principle of action and power.
Consistently following the Saviors
example produces spiritual power and
capacity. Without the strengthening
and enabling power of the Atonement,
its impossible to stay on the path and
Press forward with a steadfastness
in Christ.6
4. The Book of Mormon Is Key
to Spiritual Survival
1. Moses 1:39.
2. Alma 12:32.
3. NealA. Maxwell, Brightness of Hope,
Ensign, Nov. 1994, 3536.
4. 1Nephi 17:2.
5. 1Nephi 2:12.
6. 1Nephi 17:20.
7. Teachings of Presidents of the Church:
SpencerW. Kimball (2006), 15.
8. DavidB. Haight, Your Purpose and
Responsibility (Brigham Young
University fireside, Sept.4, 1977), 23;
9. See Isaiah 55:89.
If You Will Be
Let us press forward by learning our duty, making correct decisions,
acting according to those decisions, and accepting the will of our Father.
was only 12 years old when the missionaries arrived for the first time to
preach in the city where I was born
in northern Chile. One Sunday, after I
had been attending the small branch
for six months, a missionary offered
me the bread as he was passing the
sacrament. I looked at him and softly
said, I cant.
Why not? he replied.
Be Fruitful, Multiply,
and Subdue the Earth
Heavenly Father has charged and blessed us to be fruitful, to multiply,
and to subdue the earth that we might become like Him.
The challenges facing human society today, including immorality, pornography, armed conflict, pollution,
substance abuse, and poverty, flourish because many in the world have
turned themselves over by choice to
the will of the devil and the flesh15
rather than to the will of God. They
seek not the Lord to establish his
righteousness, but every man walketh
in his own way, and after the image
of his own god, whose image is in the
likeness of the world.16
However, God invites all His children to obtain His help to overcome
and endure the challenges of this life
with these words:
1. Isaiah 58:13.
2. Mark 2:27.
3. See Genesis 2:23.
4. Exodus 20:8; see also Deuteronomy 5:12;
Mosiah 13:16; 18:23.
5. See Deuteronomy 5:1415. People who
choose to work seven days a week are
essentially in bondageto work or
perhaps to money, but they are slaves
nevertheless. A millionaire who works
seven days a week is a rich slave.
6. See Exodus 31:13, 16.
7. See Doctrine and Covenants 59:12. Prior
to His Crucifixion, the Lord introduced the
sacrament among His disciples at the Feast
of the Passover (see Matthew 26:2628;
Mark 14:2224). The resurrected Lord
The following list of selected experiences related during general conference can be used in personal study, family home evening, and
other teaching. The number refers to the first page of the talk.
NeilL. Andersen
(119) Then-Elder ThomasS. Monson tells NeilL. Andersen that the Lord opens doors and performs miracles. The faith of a couple in Thailand stays strong after
the husband is paralyzed. After meeting in the Ivory Coast, two Latter-day Saint couples build the kingdom of God there.
WilfordW. Andersen
(54) A Native American man tells a doctor that he can teach the doctor to dance but that he must hear the music.
DavidA. Bednar
(46) As a small boy, DavidA. Bednar fears he is going to prison after breaking a store window.
LindaK. Burton
(29) A father tells his children they will be safe if they stay inside a string fence around their yard. The Lord guides a sister in creating with her husband a home
where the Spirit is welcome.
Grald Causs
(98) After living 22 years in the Paris area, the Causs family realize they have never visited the Eiffel Tower. Three African men walk more than 300 miles (480
km) to attend a district conference, pay tithing, and obtain copies of the Book of Mormon.
D.Todd Christofferson
(50) D.Todd Christofferson encourages and prays for a woman who feels inadequate as a mother.
L.Whitney Clayton
(36) A seven-year-old girl who survives a plane crash stumbles toward a light in the distance until she reaches safety.
QuentinL. Cook
(62) The uncle of QuentinL. Cook is killed in action during World War II. A Samoan Church member desiring to pray about his illness sees a doctor to find out
whats wrong.
Cheryl A. Esplin
(8) CherylA. Esplin attends a meeting where sisters learn that truth and the Holy Ghost give their homes and families power to withstand evil. The sister of
CherylA. Esplins great-grandfather receives a powerful impression about sharing her testimony.
HenryB. Eyring
(17) The Holy Ghost brings comfort and strength to the grieving parents of a little boy who died in an accident.
(22) HenryB. Eyring feels blessed that his fast offering may help Saints in Vanuatu devastated by a tropical storm. A sister expresses gratitude for fast offerings
that sustained her and other Church members during a civil war in Sierra Leone.
(84) While 13-year-old HenryB. Eyring is collecting fast offerings, a man tells him to go away. HenryB. Eyring is inspired to bless an injured child to live. The Holy
Ghost inspires a dying man to serve in his calling and allows him to feel his bishops heavy load.
LarryM. Gibson
(77) The father of LarryM. Gibson gives him a silver dollar to remind him of his eternal destiny. LarryM. Gibson walks 50 miles (80 km) in 19 hours with
his sons.
JeffreyR. Holland
(104) A young man saves his older brother from falling from a canyon wall by grabbing his wrists and pulling him to safety.
ThomasS. Monson
(88) As a deacon, ThomasS. Monson feels blessed when he takes the sacrament to an ill man. ThomasS. Monson develops a love for the Book of Mormon after
visiting the gravesite of Martin Harris. While in the navy, ThomasS. Monson gives a priesthood blessing to a friend, who is healed.
(91) After praying in the temple about returning to his mission, a young man receives assurance from a returned missionary who served in the same mission.
BrentH. Nielson
(101) BrentH. Nielson and members of his family patiently love a less-active family member back into the Church.
BonnieL. Oscarson
(14) A young woman in Italy in 1850 stands up to a mob. BonnieL. Oscarsons daughter defends motherhood at her childrens school.
BoydK. Packer
(26) BoydK. Packer waits outside the college classroom of his future wife, Donna Smith, for her to give him a cookie and a kiss.
KevinW. Pearson
(114) President HeberJ. Grant prays that he can stay faithful to the end. KevinW. Pearson leaves his employment to accept a call as a mission president.
RafaelE. Pino
(117) RafaelE. Pinos children learn to appreciate perspective from a television show and a jigsaw puzzle. A boy asks Michelangelo how he knew the figure of
David was in a block of marble.
DaleG. Renlund
(56) A mother in South Africa teaches her daughter tolerance. A missionary receives an impression that helps him be patient with his companion.
MichaelT. Ringwood
(59) MichaelT. Ringwood learns on his mission and in seminary that the service that counts most is usually recognized only by God.
JosephW. Sitati
(126) JosephW. Sitati lifts himself from humble circumstances by obtaining a good education.
Ulisses Soares
(70) A deacon warns his classmates about pornography. Ulisses Soares learns on his mission that evil cannot thwart the power of a disciples testimony.
CaroleM. Stephens
(11) CaroleM. Stephens visits with a Native American sister in Arizona, USA, who considers herself a grandmother to everyone.
DieterF. Uchtdorf
(80) A governor in Russia assembles peasants and shop facades to impress visiting ambassadors. Stake leaders set goals that focus on their ministry.
RosemaryM. Wixom
(93) A less-active sister rekindles her faith after studying the gospel, reading the Book of Mormon, and receiving support from family and ward members.
JorgeF. Zeballos
(123) The father of 12-year-old JorgeF. Zeballos allows him to join the Church. A faithful couple accepts Heavenly Fathers will when their baby dies.
MAY 2015
They Spoke to Us
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New Leaders
Book of Mormon
in 110 Languages
President Eyring
at Vatican
MAY 2015
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MAY 2015
lder Hugo Montoya was understandably overwhelmed when he was called to the First Quorum
of the Seventy. He found comfort in President ThomasS.
Monsons gentle words during a training meeting for
new General Authorities: You are here because you
love the Savior. Elder Montoya felt uplifted, knowing
his new calling placed him on the Lords errand.
I love the Savior, and I will go wherever I am asked
to go, he said. I will do whatever I am asked to do.
I will say whatever I am asked to say. Elder Montoya
was sustained during the Saturday afternoon session
of the Churchs 185th Annual General Conference.
Elder Montoya also finds strength in his familys
legacy of faith. His great-grandfather Rafael Monroy is
a pivotal figure in the history of the Church in Mexico.
In 1915 Brother Monroy and a fellow member, Vicente
Morales, were arrested by a group of revolutionaries
during the Mexican Revolution. Both men were told
they would be released if, among other demands, they
renounced their religion.
The two refused and were shot to death by firing
Elder Montoya said his great-grandfathers example
remains a powerful influence in his life. Ive learned
that feelings of fear can be overcome by feelings of
faith and testimony when you know you are doing the
right things.
Elder Montoya was born on April2, 1960, in Fresno,
California, to Abel Montoya and Maclovia Monroy. He
has lived most of his life in Mexico.
He married Maria del Carmen Balvastro in
Hermosillo; they were sealed in the Mesa Arizona
Temple on April 6, 1983. They have five children.
After laboring as a full-time missionary in the Mexico
City North Mission from 1979 to 1981, he served as ward
Young Men president, high councilor, bishop, stake
president, area auditor, and Area Seventy.
He graduated from Sonora State University in
1986 with an agricultural engineering degree and has
worked in several management positions with Xerox
and as a Church institute teacher.
MaryR. Durham
StephenW. Owen
MAY 2015
M.Joseph Brough
DouglasD. Holmes