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Panchadasi mantra

On Thursday morning of Oct 3 2013, suddenly I felt an

m nowhere , which started revealing me the secrets of
der this intuitive knowledge as divine prasadam given
would like to share with all of you and hope that you
ted by this explanation.

inflow of divine knowledge fro

Panchadasi Mantra. I consi
by Divine Mother . This I
would enjoy and be benefit

Line 1 of Panchadasi mantra : Ka E I La Hreem

Ka represents Kundalini shakti

Pingala Shakti

Ida Shakti


desire to enjoy (the mooladhara of all beings)

Hreem : It is Beeja mantra of Bhuvaneshwari

Bhuvana means palace or House or Ear
th. Spiritually it means the energy that keeps the structure of the body
So the first line states that kundalini takes residence in the mooladhara chakra
of the body and activates ida and pingala.(in 9 months of mother womb). This is
the preparation for the play of life.
Second Line: Ha Sa Ka Ha La Hreem

outgoing breath


incoming breath




Individual consciousness


desire to enjoy (mooladhara of all beings)

Hreem : Body
The second line states the birth of child, at that time Kundalini starts the bre
athing process with Ha and SA beeja mantras and awakens the individual conscious
ness (second Ha) and it goes to sleep to hide into the illusion world for experi
encing the desire to enjoy in the world.
(In the hide and seek game of shri lalitha, This is hide part of it: Soul hides
from original state of OM and forgets its reality due to the constant flux of Ha
and Sa vibration and it feels separated from the original source as individual
Third line : Sa Ka La Hreem

Seeking the real I




desire to enjoy (mooladhara of all beings)

Hreem : Body
This is the state of the child, who starts seeking his/her mother after playing

in the world. He/She starts to seek the true I. When this seeking happens, then
Kundalini awakens at mooladhara chakra in the body. This process of awakening is
accelerated and controlled by the guru.
Thus spake of the Lalitha Rahasya of the panchadasi mantra as revealed by the Di
vine Mother.

below is a post i found interesting an relevant to the topic about mantra dosham
"abhakthyakshara bhrAnthischa lupthobhinnam thathAhrasvam
deerghakathana swapnAni mantrAnAm doshamashtabhihi"
When one chants mantras given one should be careful about 8 types of doshAs(defe
cts) attached to it.
If there is even one doshA then the mantra becomes futile.

1. abhakthi--faithlessness
Mantra-mantradevatha-mantra guru form an integral part of upasanA.All the three
must be treated as one.Highest belief and faith must be had on one's guru.
Most take mantras from guru and run.This does nothing spiritually. Amba is all-k
nowing.She knows true devotees and those who 'use' Her mantra.
Some saints like Sai Baba of Shirdi never even give mantras because they know th
at the disciple/devotee becomes egoistic.They act and fall in an euphoria that t
hey know everything.
It is my experience over past few months that my knowledge despite so many posti
ngs,reading so many books,meeting so many people,etc is nothing ...not even a dr
op of water in the sea.This humbling experience has been given by Amba Herself t
o me.
My only recourse is in the trinity of mantra-mantraguru-mantradevatha.
Faith,absolute faith and concentrative power moves Her to no end.
Many srividhya upasakas also fall into the more-powerful mantra trap.
For every mantra,there is an ascendency mantra,a mantra which is higher and it i
s the guru who decides and gives the next level mantra.
Many lose faith quoting that-1. There are no sadgurus like Saibaba or Akkalkot maharaj living these days.
2. The mantra given to me is weak.
3. The mantra devatha is weak.
If you notice here,again the trinity is derided.Such people go nowhere.They are
constantly dissatisfied.
Dissatisfaction produces desperation and vexation over spirituality and then the
mantra loses power.

Infact,I myself am no great exception and these days of serious illness made me
waver a bit over the faith of given mantras(after Im a humanbeing too) but then
Amba gently guided me.She is all compassionate.My mother Rajarajeshwari is all c
ompassionate to even look at this fool called Mythreya and deign to talk to me!
This fool who lives in ghorakaliyuga where people turn into money-producing mach
ines and career-oriented beings.
I was also a victim of AbhichAra for the past few months but have come out unsca
thed purely due to sharanagathi to my guru.
Guru-mantra and devata are thus no different.

2. aksharabhrAnthi--confusion over syllables

These days many do lalithA sahasranAmA openly but many mistakes are being commit
ted openly.
For example: DoshavarjithA is being recited as doshA and then a pause and then v
The first has a meaning "One who is free from defects"
The second has doshA--"One who is defect incarnate"
And varjithA--"One who has left everything"

The whole meaning changes.

I found this even in kerala in the famous kadanpuzhA bhagavathi temple where wom
enfolk recite the sahasranAma after someone on mike recites.I shuddered to think
what devi might think.But then She is ever-compassionate and thus forgives the
lapse but then the sahasranAma loses effect/efficacy a lot.
One must take extra precautions thus during mass activities.
Also, according to me,initiation into panchadasi is a must to recite lalitha sah
asranAmA(I have no arguments with Ammachi devotees here! I respect Ammachi too)

3. luptham--scarcity of syllables (or doing the mantra in a short and abridged f

To reduce the mantrAksharas is another defect.Where there is an Om before the ma
ntra,not reciting it,or to blatantly delete some aksharas and recite--all these
form part of luptha-doshA.

4. bhinnam--different syllable
To utter entirely different syllables for example in Lalitha Sahasranama
:The nAma mahAsakthi is wrongly uttered as mahAshakthi.
The first one is mahA+Asakthi(one who has a great inclination) and the second is
mahAshakthi: mahA+shakthi(One who is a great shakthi).One might argue here that
isn't lalithA devi a great shakthi so why not call mahAshakthi.But then the who
le of lalithAsahasranAma is a mantrashAshtrA and each syllable has a proper way
of being chanted.
No wonder nothing much happens these days when people chant even the so-called "
powerful mantras"
5. hrasvam--uttering a short syllable instead of a long one.

6. deergham--uttering a long syllable instead of a short one.(Many 'srividhya up

I know utter KAA instead of KA in the panchadasi mantra itself!)
7. kathanam--revealing one's mantras and what one does to one and all.

8. svapnakathanam--revealing in a dream one's upasanA.Many might ask whether one

can have control in dream state too.I too had this doubt but then,when I learnt
a technique of urdhvaretas,I found out that it is possible to have complete con
trol of even dream sequences(lucid dreaming is a possibility but requires sexual
"gurum prakAshayeth dheemAn mantram bhAryAmapi na prakAshayeth"
One can reveal who one's guru is what His greatness is but one should not reveal
one's mantra to even one's spouse is the import of the above quote.
So unless these 8 doshAs are corrected,one's progress sopiritually is not possib
Mantra is a ladder,Guru is the one who places the ladder.Our faith is the effort
to climb up the ladder and at the end of the ladder upabove lies Amba,ever smil
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