Nelson Central School: Term 1

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17 th F ebrua ry
Nelson Central School
2 010 Week l y N e ws l ett er
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te
Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – greetings to friends and Upcoming events
family of Nelson Central School. 18 Feb NMIT ELTO group to visit school
23 Feb Totara Tryathlon
Thanks to everyone who supported the ‘Meet the 24 Feb College of Education students to visit
Teachers’ evening last week. There will be a more formal 3 Mar Te Pouahi swimming sports
opportunity later in March to meet teachers and to discuss 4 Mar Pohutukawa swimming sports
your child’s goals for the year. As was done in July last 5 Mar Kahikatea swimming sports
year, you will need to go online to book an interview time 11 Mar Inter school swimming sports
– more details including log on details to follow in another 12 Mar Heritage to take school photos
newsletter. 16 Mar Teachers’ Paid Union Meeting – afternoon
22-25 Mar Parent-Teacher meetings
Road Safety 1 Apr End of Term
Some people are using the Trinity Church driveway as a 19 Apr Term 2 starts
temporary parking spot while they drop off and pick up
Term dates for 2010
children. Those actions are creating a danger zone for Term 1 starts Wednesday 3 February
children because they interfere with the procedures road Term 1 finishes Thursday 1 April
patrollers are required to carry out. Can people please not Term 2 starts Monday 19 April
do that! The Trinity Church grounds are also out of bounds
Term 2 finishes Friday 2 July
for school traffic.
Term 3 starts Monday 19 July
Term 3 finishes Friday 24 September
Bike Wise Family Fun Rides Term 4 starts Monday 11 October –
Get on your bike and take part in the ride on Saturday 6 Term 4 finishes Thursday 16 December
March 2010. The ride starts at 10am from the ASB
Aquatic Centre. There is a longer ride, but also a shorter Public Holidays During Term Time
ride for the younger kids. Queen's Birthday - 7 June (Monday)
The ride is free and just by taking part you will be in with a Labour Day - 25 October (Monday)
chance of winning a new bike or one of the other spot
prizes. Terms and dates for 2011
So fasten your helmet, put on your sun block and join other Term 1 starts Monday 7 February
cyclists on the Bike Wise Family Ride. Term 2 finishes Friday 15 April
For more information contact Krista Hobday at Tasman Term 2 starts Monday 2 May
District Council on 03 543 8551 Term 2 finishes Friday 15 July
Term 3 starts Monday 1 August
Learn to play brass Term 3 finishes Friday 7 October
Nick Sharpe is again offering children an opportunity to Term 4 starts Tuesday 25 October
learn to play a brass instrument. If your child is interested Term 4 finishes Tuesday 20 December
in learning he/she can pick up an application form at the
front office. Public Holidays During Term Time
Queen’s Birthday 6 June (Monday)
Nelson Central Achievers
• Akira M (R9) fantastic mathematics Nelson Youth Orchestra
• Gyung K, Jonny L, Sophie M, Zoe F, Ellie M (all The start date is Friday, February 26th
R5) super homework Term fees: $30 for 1 child
• Hyeonboom (R3) great diary writing $50 for 2 family members
$60 for 3 family members
• Luc G, Krystal F, Jazmine S, Aulay F, Pete M,
For further information contact: [email protected]
Charlotte M, Carleigh H, Yasmina C, Luke M (all
R3) home work on a special day
Dr Paul Potaka
Well done people – what a great start to the year!
Our weekly newslett er is kindly
sponsored by –
½ size guitar for beginner. Ph 545 8070
7 0 N il e St r e et , N e lson – Ph on e 0 3 5 4 8 4 9 7 2 – Fa x 0 3 5 4 8 4 4 8 3 – E ma il st a ff@ n el son cen t ra l.sch o ol.n z
Principa l: tumuaki @t Sec reta ry: secret ary @nel so ncent ral.scho BO T Cha irma n: Geof f Cl ark 545 8010 W ebsite: www.nel so ncent
Calling all senior syndicate children...Dean will be
running a ukelele group for 5 weeks. If you have a
ukelele bring it to school on Fridays for a 10 o’clock
Registrations for school sports teams have Week ended 14th February
closed. Hardball Cricket
More players needed for: Nelson Central v Appleby. 123 runs. Game rained off.
Softball team – year 4/5/6 only IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR SPORTS RESULTS
Mini Soccer Team – Year 5/6 only RECORDED IN THE NEWSLETTER EACH WEEK,
OFFICE OR EMAIL [email protected]
Please return all sports shirts to the office.
This will be an
These are needed urgently for those playing
awesome event if you
sports in term 1. Thank you.
like getting dirty.
Port Nelson There will be lots of
Kauri Kids Aquathon laughing and slipping
Sunday 21 February 2010 round in the mud.
Run the Kauri Trail of the Centre of New Zealand See the poster on the
Climb over the NBS Inflatable Obstacle Course Sports noticeboard. All welcome - register on the
Swim 2 lengths of Riverside Pool day from 9.30am Ph 03 546 3305 Janice Oliver.
Year 4,5 & 6
Year 7 & 8
Entry Fee: $20 individual, $30 Team
Registration and briefing: 3pm-3.45pm Botanical
Race Start: 4pm If you want to play basketball for Nelson Central School this year, come along to pre-season
training and selection trials after school next
Wednesday 23 February and every Wednesday this
Weetbix Tryathlon 2010 term unless raining. Returning and new players
Tahunanui Recreation Grounds welcome. We aim to select two full-court and one
Sunday 28th february 2010 half-court teams for the 2010 competition, which will
Race starts 9am be held at Stoke on Fridays after school in Terms 2
Transition area open 7am and 3.
Race briefing 8.30am Sessions will start on Wednesdays at 3.15 at St
Enter online @ Joseph's courts (directly across Manuka Street from
Entries close Friday 26th February Central School). We will work on indiv idual skills
Or see Sheryll in the school office from 9 -12.30pm training, shooting drills and some game
preparation. All abilities will be catered for but we
Girls and Womans Football Week strongly encourage any new players to attend the
Stoke Miniball development programmes. Years 3 &
15 – 21st February
4 is on Mondays at 4.15; Years 5 & 6 is on
To celebrate Girls and Womans Football Week Wednesdays at 4pm - see the sports noticeboard or
various activities will be taking place across the contact Sheryll for registrations. These sessions
country. started this week but it's not too late to join.
Fun Festival - Nelson School Bring your togs if you want a quick swim afterwards
6 years and over at St Jo's pool. Parents: pick up time 4pm at courts
Thursday 18 February (or 4.30 outside pool on Manuka Street if your child
4pm-8pm wants a swim). Call Sasha Ripley on 548 8022 for
more information.
Saxton Field, Stoke
Closing date for registrations: 16th February “Please bring your own basketball if you have one
and bring your running shoes and a full drink bottle."
Or contact Nelson Bays Football ph: 547 5600
Sunday, 21st March 2010

We need help in the following areas:-
• Games Organiser – this involves organizing what games will be played at the gala. A full
file is available on previous years processes.
• Poster maker – we need an advertising poster created for the gala. This is normally
done in a way that it can be coloured in by the children of the school and distributed
around the district.
• Publicity Officer – someone who is keen to promote the gala. This involves approaching
the Nn Mail, radio, Community Leader etc etc
• Electrician – we need someone on the day to organize the power set up to all powered
stalls, provide leads etc
• Chocolate Wheel – Are you keen to be able to be on a loud hailer all day!! Come on be
brave, this is your chance!!
• Cake Stall Organiser – Is this your specialty? This involves some baking, organizing
other bakers, and collating and pricing all baking received.

If you feel you have the skills or desire to help with any of the above, please contact Julie
Walker ph 5488371

Jonathan in Room 7 is now calling for your SMALL elegant junk. This means items of a
manageable size that can be dropped off now to his classroom to enable him to start early with
sorting and pricing. We will advise of the drop off point of large items at a later date.

BOOKS, CDS, RECORDS, MAGAZINES – Can now be dropped off to Dave in Room 2.

Only $1.00 each

****REMINDER ****
On FRIDAY, the School Community Group will be selling Juicies outside the
library from 1 o’clock onwards.
Don’t forget –



Will be held on Thursday, 25th February 2010 at 6.30 pm (in the staff room)

STALL FILES – If you have any stall files from last years galas with stall notes please return
these asap to the front office.

GAZEBOS – If you have a gazebo that can be used on the day of the gala please call Eric
Ripley Ph 5488022.

The more helpers we can get on stalls the more fun to be had by all. This allows people to have a break
and most importantly spend some time with their child/ren so everyone can enjoy the gala . Lets all try and
help (even if only for a short time).

Your Name …………………………………….Phone Number ……………………………………….

Child’s name ………………………………………………..Room No. ……………………………….

I can help with the following – please circle

▪ Plants, cuttings, garden art ▪ Cakes, muffins, slices …………
▪ Pavlovas ▪ Sweets …
▪ Help on a stall ▪ Food Stall
▪ Help to set up gala marquees, tents etc ▪ Clean up after the gala

• Any other way ..................................................................................................................

A CUTTING EDGE AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMME is being established at Nelson Central School, part
of that process requires your input.
If you are interested in After School Care that provides a nurturing environment, emphasising fun with
technology; individualised homework help, with supporting software; one on one tutoring for learning
difficulties; Nintendo Wii; moviemaking; optional boat trips and affordable pricing -
Please go to and click on “Survey”.
Your participation will help the establishment of this programme and benefit the school and students alike.
Thank-you. Tania O’Meagher. Co-ordinator.

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