2014 AGM Minutes

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Graham Bagnall, President of Club Lac Brl Inc., acted as Chairman and Lori Baird acted as
The Chairman declared that the meeting had been duly called and requested that a copy of the
notice of the meeting be inserted in the minute book.
A quorum of members being present in person or represented by proxy, the meeting was
declared duly constituted. There were approximately 45 persons in attendance.
On motion by Lesley Stewart, seconded by Barbara Lewis, IT WAS RESOLVED THAT the
agenda, circulated with the notice of meeting, be approved and it is hereby adopted.
On motion by Bob Churchill-Smith, seconded by Martha McKenna, IT WAS RESOLVED
THAT the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of members held on June 29, 2013, copies of
which were circulated with the notice of meeting, be accepted and they are hereby approved as
Prior to delivering his report, John asked those present to observe a minutes silence in memory
of those individuals who passed away during the past year: Ken Whitley, Michael Kimpton,
Jean-Guy St. Aubin, Francine Faucher, Margaret Moffat, Alec Miller, Shirley Miller, Jeannie
Brodie and Dori Thompson.
Graham proceeded to thank the many people who volunteered their time and who contributed to
activities around the lake during the past year. The Club has numerous activities that require

many volunteers and are an important part of our lake community: Pam Erskine and Tony
Layton for the AGM cocktail, organizing the Blue Trail clearing, the Loppet and hosting the
Loppet party; the Morgan family for the trail-clearing party; Melissa Spiteri (Carlisle) and
Mylne Kocourek (Thompson) for coordinating the Childrens Program; Vicki Barrett for the
Childrens Tennis Program; Laurie Gibbons for the George Hodgson Swim; Barrie and Richard
McKenna for the Regatta; Ian Campbell for manning the PA system; Alison Moore, Laurie
Gibbons, Lori Baird, Vicki Barrett and Liam Wright for organising the swimming events;
Michael Johnston and Scott Morgan for the tilting; Vickie Campbell for organising the regatta
lunch with Sally Thomas, Lesley Stewart, Mary Mitchell, Frances DeVerteuil, Dee ChurchillSmith, Lori Baird, Heather Walker and more; Martha McKenna, Jack Warden, Elizabeth
Andrews and Emily Andrews for the raffle ticket sales; Bryce Allan, James Shetler, Hugo Ben
Barreca and Jen Miller for organising Bingo; Geordie Hodgson and Bob Churchill-Smith for the
Regatta start line; Scott Morgan and Laurie Gibbons for the finish line judging; Ben and Nancy
Martin and Kay Smith for the Regatta dance. He also thanked Alison Moore, Tony Moore and
Steve Sewell for Sports Day; Grant MacKenzie for ongoing municipal liaison; and everybody
else who helped out with all the events and activities during the year. Finally, Graham thanked
the people who turned out for this years spring clean-up: Caroline Morgan, Danielle Hodgson
and Martin Ouimet (and friends), Alexandre MacKay Smith, Wendy Hunt, Emily Robertson,
Megan Robertson, Scott Morgan, Lori Baird, Richard McKenna, Marianne Stopp, Ian Campbell,
Vickie Campbell, Alexandra Campbell, Mary Mitchell, Lesley Stewart, Kathy Mills, Barbara
Lewis, John Morgan, Graeme Whitley, Stuart Whitley, Owen Whitley and Keith Moffat.
Infrastructure work, which began with the replacement of the roof in 2012, will continue. The
latticework, doors, windows, deck and steps are in the process of being repainted. The tennis
courts have had a great deal of work and it will continue for this year.
This spring, the high water floated the docks off the cribs and the crib framework is broken. The
decision was made to partially dismantle the crib and dock and block the floating end of the dock
with barriers. It is a safety issue as the crib and posts are still in the water off the end and we all
need to be aware of this during any events or club activities. We cannot leave this as it is and
Keith Moffat and Grant McKenzie are looking at the various options.
Boats trespassing on the lake is not an easy problem and has occurred off and on for years.
Access seems to be along 329 near the clubhouse. The ministry has agreed to extend the culvert
and backfill, which will makes one access point more difficult to use. Grant MacKenzie is also
asking about extending the fence (on the highway corner). There was a discussion about who
actually owns the water, and what the SQ can be expected to do in terms of trespassing violations
across private land. The SQ will react but it seems to be a low priority for them. Signs should be
posted by the landowners. Other ideas, such as using large boulders, were suggested. Graham
summarized that we need to share ideas and continue to be vigilant.
Regarding real estate, there have been 3 transfers in the past year: Alex Courtois purchased the
Morton property; Richard McKenna and Mary Ann Stobbs purchased Toms Timbers from the
Alice Stewart estate and the Pollocks back lot was sold to Diane Desfresne and Jean Yves (last
name not known). The properties currently for sale are detailed on the website. Some prices have

changed. Francine Renaud and Vicki Barrett have each divided their lots into two: one with land
and one with the house.
The Brl Club property taxes were appealed on 2 of the 4 properties. A new evaluation roll
began in 2013 and overall there was a 14% increase. However, there were anomalies between the
different properties so 2 of the 4 lots were contested. One was denied but the Club was allowed
about a $10 000 decrease in value on the lot that includes the tennis courts and parking lot.
Holy Island, which was part of the James Gardner estate, has been donated to Club Lac Brl as
of March. This was initiated by Tom Johnston, Jane Stewart and Lesley Stewart and took a lot of
work due to the number of owners. Graham presented a plaque to Lesley, which will hang in the
Clubhouse, to commemorate this donation.
Keith gave the treasurers report. 70% of the dues have been paid. There was a modest surplus
last year of $2 744. This year there will be a deficit due to the increase in maintenance, work for
the docks and the tennis courts.
John Holinsky proposed thanking Keith for all his hard work and on-site supervision.
On motion by Peggy Payson, seconded by Tony Layton, IT WAS RESOLVED THAT the
financial statements for 2013, which had been distributed with the call for the meeting, be hereby
On motion by John Morgan, seconded by Dick McLachlan, IT WAS RESOLVED THAT all
acts, resolutions, agreements and actions taken, adopted or made by the Directors or Officers of
the Club, up to the date hereof, be approved.
Graham thanked all the directors and officers for their time, diligence, enthusiasm and hard
work. Barrie McKenna is stepping down after 4 years. The executive came to the conclusion that
the current succession plan required an 8-year commitment. It will be changed to a six-year
commitment such that a person coming on the Executive spends 2 years as Secretary, then 2
years as President, then 2 years as Past President. The Executive will be comprised of 5 people
(President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer and Past President).
Graham Bagnall identified the following individuals standing for election to the Board: Lori
Baird as President, Lesley Stewart as Vice-President, Graham Bagnall as Past President, Keith
Moffat as Treasurer, Wendy Hunt as the new Secretary, Kathrine Carlisle, Charles Hodgson,
Grant MacKenzie, Olier Caron, Ken Atlas and John Holinsky.

On motion by Catherine Duff-Caron, seconded by Martha McKenna, IT WAS RESOLVED

THAT the above individuals be approved and are hereby elected as Directors.
The Childrens Program is being co-ordinated again this year by Melissa Spiteri (Carlisle). The
information is available on the website. The program will span four weeks, beginning on July
14th and ending on August 8th, Monday to Thursday. There will be 4 instructors. Megan
Robertson, Emily Robertson, and Sydney Martin will be instructing for the full 4 weeks. Emily
Andrews is instructing for 2 weeks. In order to get the discounted rate of $35 per child per week
(as opposed to $60), the adult parent must be a full or associate member. Lesley Stewart and
Kathrine Carlisle will be present to help with enrolment on the coming Monday as Melissa will
not yet arrived. Fewer children are expected than last year.
Tony Moore, Alison Moore, and Steve Sewell and Larissa Pickering will run Sports Day again
(August 10th).
Regarding tennis, Lori spoke about the work done on the courts over the last 2 years: new court
prep team, new tapes, new nets, 2 new posts, new piping (done twice due to Ste. Agathe snow
plow removing part if it!). A new sprinkler system controller will be purchased next year. Vicki
Barrett, who is coordinating the kids tennis program and arrangements with Rjean Soucy, our
pro, said that kids sign-up starts Monday morning with swim lesson sign up. She also mentioned
that Rjean will be available to do small group adult lessons on some days (probably Sunday)
and people should contact her.
The Trinity Church Picnic will be held on Saturday August 16th at the clubhouse.
Barrie and Richard McKenna are stepping down after 4 years of running the Regatta and Ian
Campbell is taking over. Ian spoke later in the meeting. Vickie Campbell will be organising the
lunch and is looking for contributions.
Kay Smith spoke about the importance of preserving photos and videos of Lac Brl and the
community. The new web site will have the ability to store photos. Kay suggested that people put
their photos on DVDs and send them to Charles. Charlie added that he will email everyone with
the details.
The George Hodgson lake swim does not yet have a firm date.
The Environment Committee members are John Holinsky, Barbara Lewis, Anthony Layton,
Grant MacKenzie, Georges Hebert, Bill Pollock and Genevieve Layton-Cartier. John and Tony
(replacing Genevieve Layton) reported on the issues that the Environment Committee is working

- Eurasian milfoil
It is not yet on our lake but is present in the lakes that drain into Brl. Its early detection is
important. It propagates by small filaments so it is VERY important not to rip it or disturb it.
The Environment Committee should be called if its presence is suspected as there are specific
techniques for isolating and removing it. It also adds to the importance of ensuring we do not
have boats trespassing on the lake. Any visitors should ensure their boats are clean and free
of any possible contaminant before arriving in Lac Brl (and not rinsed beside the lake!).
- Sampling for phosphorous and fecal chlorides is continuing.
- Noise pollution
There has been noise from ATVs on the old Camp Hiawatha grounds. The owner has
complained to the SQ who may intervene. He is posting signs, and a gate to fence the
area. Lorraine Shatilla pointed out that neighbours should also phone and complain about
the noise and ask for SQ attention.
- Light pollution from the dam
There has been a request sent to ask for a motion sensor at the dam so that the light is not
on at all times. The government is looking at the issue.
- Sampling for periphyton will start this summer.
This is a good indication of the health of a lake and can be compared with 100 other lakes
in Quebec. (This is the slime that grows on rocks and weeds). Sampling will be done in
10 -12 spots.
- Drainage basin
A map was provided showing the extent of the Brl drainage basin. We need to be
vigilant in our septic system care.
Vicki Barrett questioned a report from Manitou showing Brl at the bottom of a list of 6 lakes
in terms of water quality. John replied that it depends on what is being measured, but that Lac
Brl does have a slightly higher phosphorous count then some other lakes. Mud Stream seems
to be the source for this and is being monitored. Also Lac Papineau feeds Lac Brl via Beaulne
Stream, which also has marginally higher fecal chloride and phosphorous counts (perhaps due to
many septic systems close to the stream). The outlet near Herb Blacks property, which drains
Lac Leroux, has reasonable levels.
Charles Hodgson spoke about the new Brl website. Currently the old website is operational but
users need to move to the new one as it will be shut down soon. In addition, due to the new antispam laws users need to send permission to receive emails.
Grant Mackenzie spoke about and supplied new maps of Ste Agathe (which include Lac Brl
and the new street names).
Ian Campbell enthusiastically asked for volunteers for the Regatta, both for the events and for
lunch (organised by Vickie Campbell). A safety boat is required. Paddleboards will be
introduced as a new event this year as the number of available vercheres is declining. Megan and

Emily Robertson will sell raffle tickets at the cocktail party. Ian emphasized that the raffle tickets
are a very important part of funding for the Regatta and packets will be available for people to
pick up and sell.
Tony had an aerial picture showing shoreline development and forestation. Lesley Stewart
mentioned that the municipality had visited her that morning to check on their shoreline. They
are checking both septic tanks and the shoreline vegetation.
Work is continuing to amass land as a Natural Reserve, a legal status that protects the land. The
200-acre land is from the Oliver Land Trust, there is 2-300 acres of land from Lac Noir and there
are currently discussions about another section of land (Weiner). Many people have worked on
this over the years and it is an important part of preserving the environment of Lac Brl.
There being no further business, on motion duly proposed by Scott Morgan and seconded by
Lesley Stewart, IT WAS RESOLVED that the meeting be terminated at 5:30 p.m.



Lori Baird

Graham Bagnall

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