Pan African University PAUWES Institute Academic Positions and Job Descriptions
Pan African University PAUWES Institute Academic Positions and Job Descriptions
Pan African University PAUWES Institute Academic Positions and Job Descriptions
Institute of Water
and Energy Sciences
advancing africa
Table of Contents
Pan African University PAUWES................................................................................................................................ 4
1. Tasks and Responsibilities................................................................................................................................................ 5
Master of Science in Energy................................................................................................................................................ 5
Position E5: Field of Expertise: Energy Efficiency & Demand Side Management.................................................. 6
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and mark examinations in accordance with the Institute regulations and guidelines;
Carry out all academic duties including interaction with students;
Support the development and supervision of laboratories as required.
Position E2:
Field of Expertise: Introduction to Energy
(one course)
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Position E3:
Field of Expertise: Energy for Sustainable
Development (one course)
Position E5:
Field of Expertise: Energy Efficiency & Demand
Side Management (one course)
Position E6:
Field of Expertise: Thermal Science and Engineering Applications (one course)
thermodynamics as applied to energy systems. First,
the course provides a review of the basic concepts
of thermodynamics, the first and the second law
of thermodynamics and the notion of irreversibility.
Then the course studies the fundamentals of chemical
reactions and combustion processes. Topics on ideal
and real gases as well as on steam production and
thermodynamic properties of steam are covered.
State-of the-art in the thermodynamic cycles will be
presented in an interdisciplinary perspective. Among
the thermodynamic cycles considered, there are
Carnot cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Atkinson cycle,
Ericson cycle and Brayton cycle as well as Rankin cycle.
Regenerative cycle, reheat cycle and binary cycle are
also considered. Topics on gas power cycles and steam
power cycle are covered. Finally, the internal combustion
engine topic is addressed and the two-stroke cycle
engine and the four-stroke cycle engine are covered.
Position E4:
Field of Expertise: Renewable Energy Technologies (one course)
Position E7:
Field of Expertise: Technical Performance
Assessment (one course)
The course provides the conceptual and analytical
approaches and tools for assessing how well the
technology performs as promised. These includes:
statistical analysis, Bayesian confidence profile analysis,
surveys / questionnaire, trial use periods, s-curve
analysis, Beta testing, human factor analysis, outcomes
research and technometrics.
(one 2-credit course, 20 contact hours, to be taught in
Energy, Engineering Track, 3rd semester)
Position E8:
Field of Expertise: Instrumentation (one course)
This course aims to provide the students with the
tools for proper experimental design and experimental
measurement techniques for data collection, treatment
and analysis. It is also meant to provide the knowhow for testing techniques and failure diagnostic. It
covers primarily measurement fundamentals, sensors
and transducers, techniques for signal conditioning,
analog/digital conversions, PC-interfacing (Hardware,
Software), PC configurations and hardware for data
acquisition, data storage and compression techniques,
processing and data analysis techniques as well as
commercial data acquisition products.
(one 3-credit course, 30 contact hours, to be taught in
Energy, Engineering Track, 3rd semester)
Position E9:
Field of Expertise: Hybrid Systems (one course)
This course aims at introducing the student to energy
generation using hybrid systems. The course covers first
the basics and the technology of the most commonly
used energy generation components of hybrid systems.
This course aims at introducing the student to energy
generation using hybrid systems. The course covers
first the basics and the technology of the most
commonly used energy generation components of the
hybrid systems. Focus is on the hydrocarbon-renewable
energy sources hybrid systems and on different
renewable energy sources hybrid systems. The course
addresses also the issue of hybrid system design, sizing
and performance estimation in relation to the expressed
needs and to the availability of the different energy
resources. It includes also the study of the effect of
the interconnection possibilities between the different
energy generation components. The course deals also
with the economics of hybrid systems. A significant part
of the course is dedicated to case studies addressing
African preoccupations.
(one 6-credit course, 60 contact hours, to be taught in
Energy, Engineering Track, 3rd semester)
Position E10:
Field of Expertise: Externalities / Impact Analysis (one course)
This course introduces students to two economic tools
which are of particular importance in implementing and
evaluating technical solutions: externalities and impact
analysis. For externalities, the course will introduce the
notion of unintended consequences of intended action
/ decision and apply it to technical projects in energy. In
addition, it will cover impact analysis as a specific tool
to anticipate, model, and evaluate the economic effects
of energy projects based on input-output models
(e.g. IMPLAN or EMSI) or economic simulation models
(such as e.g. REMI).
(one 2-credit course, 20 contact hours, to be taught in
Energy, Engineering Track, 3rd semester)
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Position E11:
Field of Expertise: Solar Photovoltaic Energy
(one course)
Position E13:
Field of Expertise: Hydro-Maritime Energy
(one course)
Position E12:
Field of Expertise: Solar Thermal Energy
(one course)
This course aims at introducing the student to solar
energy. It covers the nature of Solar Radiation, solar
radiation spectrum, solar constant, air-mass numbers,
modes of heat transfer, solar thermal conversion
techniques, surface absorption properties, absorption
of direct and diffuse sunlight by surfaces, spectral
absorption properties, thermal conversion materials and
selective surfaces, design of solar thermal devices: Flat
plate collectors, focussing collectors, solar cooling and
heating, solar air heaters, water heaters, different types
of CSPs, heat losses and their calculations, effects of
wind on solar thermal converters, Heat storage systems,
solar drying and solar desalination.
Position E14:
Field of Expertise: Bio-Energy (one course)
This course covers the identification and characterization
of raw materials for biofuels, biofuel development and
food security, natural product extraction and purification
methods, chemical structures and properties of different
biofuels (ethanol, biodiesel, etc.), bioenergy crops, liquid
biofuels, bioenergy production by anaerobic digestion,
gasification process, Charcoal production techniques,
heat and electricity generation from agricultural
biomass wastes.
(one 6-credit course, 60 contact hours, to be taught in
Energy, Engineering Track, 3rd semester)
Position W2:
Field of Expertise: Introduction to Integrated
Water Resource Management (one course)
This course provides an introduction to the
fundamental concepts and practice of Integrated
Water Resource Management, skills and knowledge
required to understand and manage water resources. It
introduces students to the technical, economic, social
and environmental complexities of water resources
management so that they will be able to appreciate
the importance of IWRM approach for sustainable
development. It will provide students with context and
a view of water use and management by presenting
some examples of integrated water resource plans
already implemented in various parts of Africa. The
general principles of IWRM will be visualized as three
interlocking and interdependent areas: the hydrologic
cycle, watershed and land-use features and the
economics, social interactions and institutions involved.
There are external impacts such as global climate
change, water transfer between watersheds and others.
(one 4-credit course, 40 contact hours, to be taught
in Water, Engineering Track and Policy Track,
1st semester)
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Position W3:
Field of Expertise: Water Quality (one course)
The first of this course part covers general concepts
of the problems related to organic and inorganic
substances of natural or anthropogenic origin in
aquatic systems such as lakes, rivers, dams, oceans,
groundwater, drinking and wastewater. The basics of
thermodynamics, acid-base, precipitation-dissolution,
co-ordination and oxidation-reduction reactions are
provided which are necessary to understand the
environmental behaviour of such compounds. The
second part of the course covers general concepts of
environmental microbiology with the specific focus on
aquatic systems including quantification of microbial
processes, energy fluxes in microbial ecosystems,
microbial diversity and nutrient cycles. The focus of the
second part will be on key waterborne pathogens, their
transmission, life cycle, survival and growth in natural
environment, drinking and wastewater systems and
disease burden. The third part of the course is organized
as a laboratory practicum which demonstrates important
analytical methods gives insights in application of stateof-the-art microbiological tools.
(one 4-credit course, 40 contact hours, to be taught
in Water, Engineering Track and Policy Track,
1st semester)
Position W4:
Field of Expertise: Hydrology (one course)
This course introduces hydrologic cycle, system
concept, hydrologic system model, hydrologic model
classification and the development of hydrology. It then
moves on to watershed morphometry (definition, study of
form, study of stream networks, relief study), atmospheric
water (atmospheric circulation, precipitation, rainfall,
evaporation and evapotranspiration, climate study),
subsurface and surface water (unsaturated flow,
infiltration, sources of stream flow, stream flow
hydrograph), hydrologic measurement (measurements
of surface water, hydrological measurement system)
and finally hydrologic analysis (hydrologic statistics and
frequency analysis, modelling in hydrology).
(one 5-credit course, 50 contact hours, to be taught in
Water, Engineering Track, 1st semester)
#0 Summer
Position W5:
Field of Expertise: Water Economics
(one course)
Position W7:
Field of Expertise: Physical Instrumentation and
Measurement (one course)
Position W8:
Field of Expertise: Applied Numerical Analysis
and Modelling (one course)
Position W6:
Field of Expertise: Geographical Information
Systems (one course)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to design
a GIS application, to understand how multi sources data
is structured in a GIS software, to know the potential
analysis that can be done in various situations to
produce useful information to support decision making
in planning, monitoring and management of resources
(water, forests, soil, lands) and infrastructures (drinkingwater systems, a network of roads and tracks, ...), to
choose the type of GIS software to operate according to
its needs, be aware of the problems associated with the
information flow and the reliability of data used in a GIS
for the success of its operations. The course will cover
modeling geographical space (systemic approach), the
methodology for developing a Data Conceptual Model
(DCM), numeric Modelling in GIS (topologic and nontopologic system), acquisition digital, Digital Elevation
Model (DEM), Quality of data.
Position W9:
Field of Expertise: Fluid Mechanics (one course)
This course should allow students to understand
the various theories of fluid mechanics. Aside from
basic concepts (characteristics and properties of
fluids, compressibility, viscosity, surface tension,
basic characteristics of fluid flow and fluid statics) it
will thus cover topics such as laminar unidirectional
flow, fundamentals of turbulent flows, hydrodynamic
lubrication, the flow of an ideal fluid as well as flow with
a free surface.
(one 4-credit course, 40 contact hours, to be taught in
Water, Engineering Track, 1st semester)
Position W10:
Field of Expertise: Fundamentals of Water Science and Engineering (one course)
The course is designed to give students an understanding
of the basic concepts in fluid mechanics, water chemistry
and water microbiology. It will thus cover fundamental
concepts of fluid flow (fluid statics, dynamics of fluid
flow, laminar and turbulent flows, pipe flow systems);
water chemistry (elements, radicals, and compounds,
chemical water analysis, hydrogen ion concentration
and pH, chemical equilibria, chemical kinetics, colloids
and coagulation, organic compounds, organic matter
in wastewater) and water microbiology (bacteria, fungi,
viruses and algae, protozoa and multi-cellular animals,
aquatic food chain, waterborne diseases, coliform
bacteria as indicator organisms).
Position W11:
Field of Expertise: Water for Agriculture:
Irrigation Techniques and Drainage & Irrigation
Project Design (two courses)
Course 1: The goal of the first course is to provide
students with the knowledge and skills required to
assess, plan and design agricultural surface and subsurface drainage works. At the completion of the
course the students should be able to understand
crop water needs; manage soil moisture to promote
desired crop response; evaluate irrigation; optimize
the use of available water supplies; minimize irrigation
induced erosion; decrease non-point source pollution
of surface and groundwater resources; manage salts in
the crop root zone; choose the appropriate and effective
techniques of irrigation to the crop; understand tile
drainage design; design, test, and analyze agricultural
irrigation systems and their components (gravity
irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, trickle irrigation).
Course 2: Collection and analysis of climatic, soil and
crop data. Determination of crop water requirements
and gross irrigation requirements; Choice of the optimal
cropping pattern based on different simulation scenarios
(limited water availability, use of saline water, etc.) and
economic criteria. Determination of specific continuous
discharge; Hydraulic design of a large scale distribution
network; Cost/Benefit analysis. Environmental Impact
Assessment Applications; Synthesis, conclusions
and reporting
(two 5- credit courses, 50 contact hours each, to be
taught in Water, Engineering Track, 3rd semester)
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Position C1:
Field of Expertise: Introduction to Policy
Analysis (one course)
The course will give an overview over the different
moments of the policy cycle and their respective
challenges. It will introduce the basic concepts, methods,
and controlling tools (hierarchical means, financial
incentives, provision of information, marketing and
influencing strategies, target control) of public policies
and will critically reflect general limitations, unintended
consequences and possible unwanted outcomes (like
harmful externalities) of a public policy. Attention will
also be devoted to aspects and tools for evaluating
public policies and their impact on further policies.
(max. 4-credit course, 40 contact hours, to be taught
in Energy, Policy track and Water, Policy Track,
1st semester)
Position C2:
Field of Expertise: African History (one course)
This course aims at providing the history of Africa in
the wider context of the world history. It examines
the evolution and development of African states and
societies, the cultural systems, the social and political
structures, the development of technology and
agriculture as well as broad changes and continuities
in Africas historical development. The course will also
illustrate how Africans have influenced regions beyond
their continents borders, how they have been influenced
from the outside.
(one 4-credit course, 40 contact hours, to be taught
in Energy, Engineering & Policy track and Water,
Engineering & Policy Track, 1st semester)
Position C3:
Field of Expertise: Project Design and
Management (one course)
Position C5:
Field of Expertise: Entre- and Intrapreneurship
(one course)
Position C4:
Field of Expertise: Academic Writing
(one course)
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or at least an MA-degree and 5 years work experience in public, private or third sector;
excellent English language proficiency.
3. Remuneration
Courses are paid as per contact hours (one credit = 10 contact hours) plus a subsistence allowance. Additionally,
housing is provided free of charge; health insurance, visa cost and travel expenses are covered according
to PAUWES guidelines.
Contact hours
of courses
Subsistence allowance/day
20 to 60
5. How to Apply
Applications for academic staff positions should be sent to The Pan African University (PAU) Institute of Water and
Energy Sciences (including Climate Change) at [email protected]
Please submit (all documents as pdf format):
Application letter:
stating your motivation current curriculum vitae
making clear reference to advertised position
indicating availability between September and January (flexibility is an asset)
Updated curriculum vitae:
personal details
professional experience
teaching experience (courses taught, level of courses)
number and themes of supervised Master and PhD students
proficiency of languages
list of publications (major publications of last 5 years, books, patents)
research projects
consultancy projects and other assignments
prizes, grants, awards etc.
contact details of three referees
6. Further Information
For more details on the PAUWES institute, study programmes and job opportunities, please see and
Institute for Water and Energy Sciences (including Climate Change) - PAUWES
c/o Abou Bekr Belkaid University of Tlemcen
B.P. 119 - 13000 Tlemcen, Algeria
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