The International AssociationScholarships 2017
The International AssociationScholarships 2017
The International AssociationScholarships 2017
The International Association for the exchange of students for Technical experience (IAESTE) is an association of National
Committee representing Academic/ Industrial and student in higher learning Institution worldwide. The aim of IAESTE is to
provide students in higher learning institution with technical experience relevant to their studies and offer employers well
qualified and motivated trainees.
Tanzania under the Higher Leaning Universities and Colleges is the associate member in the association of IAESTE A.s.b.l. Please, learn
more about IAESTE through http//
In this year 2017, IAESTE Tanzania would like to announce the following scholarships to continuing students and recent
S/N Country Ref No. Field of Study Required Duration of Employer
Specialization Traineeships
1 Poland PL-2017-UML020 Medicine, Public Health, Medicine, Public Health 4 weeks from Medical University of Lodz
Nursing Nursing June to September ,Department of General
2017 Surgery and Surgical
2 Poland PL-2017-UML020 Medical Biology Medical Microbiology 6 weeks from Medical University of Lodz
June to September ,Department of
2017 Microbiology and
Laboratory Medical
3 Pakistan PK-2017-CS-45 Computer Science Computer Science 4 to 8 weeks from National University of
June to Science and Technology
August 2017 (NUST),Pakistan.
4 India IN-2017-2214-MU Human Resource Human Resources 8-12 weeks from Manipal Institute of
Management Management June to December Technology.
5 Thailand TH2017- All except Civil Science & 16 weeks from Western Digital
0151221-C Engineering Technology/Engineering. March to
December 2017
6 Germany DE-2017-1000-14 Mechanical/ Chemical/ Mechanical/ Chemical/ 8 weeks from Bundesanstalt fur
Civil/ Fluid Mechanics/ Civil/ Fluid Mechanics/ May to October Materialforschung und
/Physical Engineering. /Physical Engineering. 2017 prufung (BAM) .
Application should include cover letter, CV, 1 passport size photos, a copy of passport and copies of relevant academic
transcripts and a bank receipt of non-refundable application fee TSh 30,000/= The fee should be deposited in any NBC with
account number 011103026125 under the name of IAESTE Scholarships. The application pack should be sent to: National
Secretary IAESTE Tanzania, The Open University of Tanzania ,P.O. Box 23409, Dar -es -Salaam, Tanzania
Deadline of receiving application: March 10th 2017.Successful candidate will be required only to pay air ticket to a country of
internship. Other living cost during the traineeship period will be covered by the employer in the host country .