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The document provides an introduction to LARPs and details on the Requiem game system including basics, rules, and character customization options like war paint recipes.

LARPs are live action role-playing games where participants physically act out their characters. There is no winning or losing, and play involves being fully immersed in the game world as your character. Settings, rules, and levels of interaction vary significantly between different LARP systems.

The text recommends bringing costumes, weapons/armor that comply with safety and game rules, items to decorate living areas, and materials to get involved in plots and storylines.


A Live Action Role Playing Game
Josh Slowick
Maurice Spaulding
Deric Wilson
Brandon Challies




Table of Contents


Table of Contents

= RequieM Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 1:

Beginnings are always muddled in history, as generally

those doing the recording are too nostalgic or harsh.
The origins of Nexus are no different; all those that
were there and took part in it are inherently biased
and thus often get it wrong.


The Basics ...............................................................................................................................................6
Campaign Info ........................................................................................................................................ 8
What is an Event? .................................................................................................................................... 9
Don't Bring ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Bring ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Costuming ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Weapons & Armor ............................................................................................................................. 12
Cabin Dcor ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Getting Involved .................................................................................................................................... 15
How to get Plot ................................................................................................................................. 15
Using this Rulebook .............................................................................................................................. 16

RequieM Chapter 1 Introduction

The Basics

ing element, where your character might have some

specific goals to achieve, either alone or with the help
of others. Many conflicts and goals in LARPs are resolved with simulated boffer combat, similar to sports.
While role-playing is the main focus of LARP, combat
is often a large part of the game.

What is a LARP?
A live action role-playing game (LARP) is a form
of role-playing game where the participants physically
act out their characters' actions. Role-playing games
are very different from normal games, as there is no
defined winning or losing. Similar to improvisation or
reality television, there are no scripts or pre-defined
actions your character must do. Playing involves being
immersed in a game world where you live, dress, act,
and even sleep as the character you have created. Different LARPs vary greatly. There is a broad spectrum
of settings that play takes place in, methods of physically representing the characters, the setting, game
rules, and types of activity that characters are involved
in. While there are many types and styles of LARPs,
this book specifically explains how to play the game
Requiem, and all of its rules.

Boffer Combat
All manner of attacks used in a LARP have a high
consideration for safety. The rules of the game are
simply a system for handling combat, magic, and
thieving which is designed to make sure no one gets
hurt. There may be the odd bruise or ankle-twist, but
Boffer combat shouldnt be any more dangerous than
hiking or a game of soccer or baseball. Boffer combat
typically features foam and tape or latex weapons and
beanbags (birdseed packets) used to represent magic
and ranged abilities. Weapon construction is further
outlined later in this rulebook. Weapon strikes should
always be lightest touch meaning that players should
not only restrict their swings to a minimum of force
but also count strikes against them even if it was barely
felt. However a partially blocked blow is still a block.
Head, hands and groin are all illegal targets and anyone struck a blow in one of those areas with a weapon
need not count it against them. Some players enjoy
this aspect of LARPing immensely while others prefer
to avoid it. Both can exist and both can have fun in
the same setting!

What is Requiem?

The Requiem is a Fantasy Adventure LARP based

in a medieval world with elements of magic and limited technology. We use the FAE rule system (Fantasy Adventure Education) which focuses on system of
live action boffer combat. This means that there are no
dice, or anything like that to simulate combat, except
foam weapons made to (safely) resemble real ones.
More of the focus of the rules is to promote an atmosphere that is purely In Game, or in other words where
you are always pretending to be a character.

A Player (thats you) will have a Character (thats
what you create) that he or she is playing, and the interaction between many characters (good and evil)
creates a story. Some characters are played by the Staff
that helps to run the game, but many are played by
players like you! This character that you create can
grow in strength and skills and is saved between
Events, and you can play the same character again the
next time you play. This character becomes the focus
of your role-playing, and his or her involvement in
plotlines (or stories) is how most people find enjoyment in LARPing. Your character can be put in difficult or impossible situations, can be a hero (or a villain!) or could even tragically perish, all inside the parameters of the game. There is also an adventure gam6

RequieM Chapter 1 Introduction

Why People LARP

Honor System

People LARP for a number of reasons, the most

important being that it is fun! Some play to be someone else for a few hours or a few days at a time. Some
enjoy the social aspects of the game and the opportunity to meet new people. Others play for the pure exhilaration of letting your mind run wild in a world of
complete fantasy. Some players just like the opportunity to get away from their desks and do something
physical in the fresh air. Whatever your reason, reading this book is the first step. The first rule is dont be
daunted! Learning to LARP is relatively strait forward.
While mastering LARPing can take years, there is a
small learning curve you need to pass before the learning becomes fun. Generally everyone is welcoming of
new players, and we will all forgive your mistakes and
are glad to answer questions you have. Eventually, it
will all come naturally to you, but the beginning is
expected to be a little bumpy.

The most important part about LARPing is to

remember that it based on the Honor System. This
means that in almost all circumstances, we trust you to
accurately keep track of your own characters statistics,
abilities, and hit points. It is easy to get caught up in
competitive nature of the game, but remember that
everyone you fight, even the lowly skeleton or zombie,
is being played by a real person. Treating them with
respect Out of Game (or to the player not the character) is extremely important. Acknowledging hits you
take, and avoiding even the semblance of cheating will
cause everyone to respect you and accept you into the
community. The important part is that everyone has
fun in the boundaries of the rules. Cheating is taken
very seriously, and can lead to disciplinary actions all
the way up to being asked to leave Requiem LARP

LARP Interest

Now while the rules to play the game itself are

fairly straightforward, many people are quickly overwhelmed with Character Creation. We understand
that learning a new system of rules and learning about
characters can be quite burdensome. We have split the
rules of the game to play and the character creation
into two separate chapters for that reason. The 3rd
chapter deals exclusively with the character building
process, but do not be afraid to ask for help from your
friends, Staff or other players on how things work.
The Forums and Email are also excellent resources if
you need help not at an Event.

How to Make a Character

People generally get out of LARPing what they

put in. This means that if you come to an event prepared, and have done the small amount of legwork
required things are more fun. If you have a costume
and are willing to give it an honest shot and expect to
have fun, you usually do. If you come unprepared or
with preconceived notions about your dislike of
LARPing; that can generally happen as well. We assume that you are interested, or would like to be interested because you are reading this. Our main advice
for you is to get involved. Put on a Costume, grab
some Boffer Weapons, and put your heart into your
character, and you will be pleasantly surprised (we
hope!) how much fun you really can have.


When you register and pay for an event, that

money is used for props, campsite rental, insurance,
etc. We dont run this to make money. Our goal is to
entertain every player and give them an enjoyable
event. However, that being said, Nexus is an extremely
hostile world; expect that your character might die.
Without that fear of death, something is generally
missing from the atmosphere of realism. If your character does permanently die during an event we welcome you to make another character or to help Staff
the event and play NPCs (Non-Player Characters) for
the remainder of the weekend. It should be understood that your event fee is no guarantee to your characters safety or advancement.

Dont be afraid that the rules seem confusing or
overwhelming at first. This is perfectly normal, and
everyone started out new at some point. Even experienced players make mistakes; new players are forgiven without a second thought. If you have questions,
there are always people to help out, and if you are in
combat there is even something called Clarification
that is meant to help you new players specifically out.
Just say Clarification, What does that do? and
whoever hit you with something will be glad to explain
what it does.

RequieM Chapter 1 Introduction

Campaign Info

medieval setting, with some small elements of steampunk. The difference of course being that Nexus is a
world of magic. Powerful spells, magical creatures
(again, good and evil) and miracles are an almost everyday occurrence.

In Requiem, you are not limited to playing human; in fact we actually discourage it! Part of getting
into a LARP is getting into a costume, makeup and
character. There are 30 playable Races, in Requiem,
giving a large choice. There are no filler races, each
one designed specifically to be unique and interesting.
Whether you want to be an angel like Seraphim, a
limber Wyld Elf, or even a nefarious Ghoul, there is
something for everyone. Often a characters race is one
of the first and most important decisions in character
creation. If you are willing to put the time and effort
into more face paint or prosthetics, there is access to
even more powerful racial abilities for your character,
as races with a high costuming requirement have more
potent skills.

Runevale - A Brief History

The town the campaign focuses around is called

Runevale. Strategically located over the underground
Dwarven city of NaeGrum, Runevale is on the northern section of the continent of Bolterra. The town has
formed in mutual defense, guarding the Dwarves
back door and access to above ground. The Church
of Light, one of the few organizations against rhe Undead left, also has a vested interest in the locale. That
is not to say that there are not enemies! Runevale is on
prime real-estate, which is partially on a thick sheet of
bedrock, which leaves the town itself defended against
the Worms, but is wanted by other forces as well.

Types of Characters


Part of the worry some people have when reading

a new rule system is whether the type of character you
want to play is available, viable and fun. Have faith
that there is something in Requiem for everyone!
Without trying to overwhelm newer players there are
over a 100 of available headers with 1000s of individual skills to uniquely customize your character! While
this might sound overboard, the rule system is designed for ease of play, and while you may not know
how a skill works exactly, you will always know what it
does. The goal is that no two players ever have to be
identical, and characters can vary widely even in assigned stereotypes. Ideally every character imaginable
is not only viable, but fun and interesting to play, with
unique twists to the typically boring types.

While their exact origin is unknown, the worms

have decimated the population of Undead and the
remnants of the races alike. Recently freed from the
Crimson Sands to the north, most consider them a
blessing, for without them, the hordes of Undead
would surely overpower the rest of the living. Blind,
but with excellent seismic hearing, worms are attracted
to large groups of people. This makes fielding an army
next to impossible, and people are generally limited to
banding together in groups of 6 or less, except in very
specific circumstances.

How to Learn More

There are pages and pages of history available written from an In Game perspective, that can give you
some idea what to expect, and assist in coming up with
a Character History and learning about the game
world. More information is located in Chapter 6,
which is all about the Game World. In addition, there
are specific Racial Packets about each of the races, explanations of the Deities and other useful information
in the Library section of the Website. If you have any
questions, feel free to Email us, or ask them on our
Forums, or to any of the players, everyone is generally
glad to help out, or to point you in the right direction!
Of course, some information may not be available easily, and need to be found out during an Event.

World of Nexus
Requiem focuses on the world of Nexus. Nexus is
a world on the decline; civilizations have fallen and
humanity is in danger of going extinct. Deities have
awakened, many new races have appeared, Undead
seek to wipe life from the world, and even darker
forces may be stirring. Those who have survived have
banded together in small communities. Only by working together with others do any of the characters stand
a chance of pushing back the darkness. Most technology does not work, or works much differently there.
While some does, it is similar to the dark ages, or a

RequieM Chapter 1 Introduction

What is an Event?

Event Preparation

An Event is a specific time and location that the

game runs. These are usually months apart, to give
people time to recover, and to give Plot a chance to
come up with the necessary items and ideas to run the
next one. While you can RP (role-play) with each
other between events, many actions are limited to at

So we have sold you on this whole LARPing concept and you are ready to leave. Not so fast! Would
you go to work, school or even vacation unprepared?
We didnt think so. Being prepared and knowing what
to bring to a LARP is an important part of making
sure that you have fun.

Always IG

Just because you cannot drive to a particular

Event, does not always mean you cannot attend.
There will be posts on the Forums about carpooling,
and ways of saving gas. If you have spare room in your
car, feel free to chime in as well, offering it to those in
need. Often this is a great way to make new friends at
a game as well!

Rides & Carpooling

Requiem runs events with the philosophy that

while the game is running, you are always In Game.
This means that you eat, sleep, and breathe your character the whole time. Exceptions are made for things
like the bathroom, but there is no putting a hand on
your head or a headband that denotes Out of Game.
In addition, NPCs and Plot will react to Out of Game
comments as if you are possessed and speaking in tongues. Of course things like clarifications are allowed,
but try to avoid discussions of the latest video game, or
sports team.

Always be Prepared

This type of Event has a general start and stop

time in the span of a day, providing time for Set Up
and Clean Up. These events do not involve staying
overnight, and almost always do not have kitchen service, but there will be a break for food, and/or a large
delivery or takeout order.

Especially for Full Weekend Events, there are generally a lot of things that players bring to Events. It is
always better to bring more than is needed, then not
have something you might not have thought to bring.
This includes spare / extra costuming, and anything
else you might have lying around. Even if you are
planning to NPC, if you have costuming that fits you,
and/or spare weapon reps, they are well appreciated,
and will give you items you are already comfortable
using. We have tried to list some helpful reminders of
suggestions of things you might forge.

Full Weekend

Not Everything is Listed!

This type of Event is the bread and butter of

LARPing. They start on Friday Evening, generally run
until game is called Sunday afternoon. These events
involving staying overnight in Cabins or Tents, and
will generally have a kitchen and food prepared there
available for a modest fee.

This is not an exhaustive list, but is a start for

those that have no idea what to expect. If there is
something you think you might need, bring it! A
quick word of advice though, be aware of your packing
as sometimes cars can get full fast, especially if multiple
people are riding together.

Other Gatherings


Adventure Day

There are other types of social or LARP gatherings

that can happen, These fall into two broad categories:
Events where you are playing your character and/or in
costume (Feasts, Play Tests, IG Parties, etc) and those
that happen when you are not in character (Fighter
Practices, Work Days, OOG Parties, etc). Almost
always there will be Influence and/CP for attending
them and becoming part of the community though.

First, there are some items you should never bring

to any Requiem sponsored Event. This rule is serious,
and for safety reasons even first offenses of Contraband
Rule can lead to disciplinary action, up to and including permanent expulsion from all future Requiem
Events. These and all safety rules are taken very seriously, anything that constitutes a safety hazard is
strictly against the rules.

RequieM Chapter 1 Introduction

Don't Bring


No Alcohol or Recreational Drugs

Emergency Information

You should never bring, or be under the influence

of any alcohol or drugs at a Requiem event. If you
have to bring prescription drugs to an Event, make
sure you let a member of Plot know in advance. Anyone found to be under the influence of alcohol or nonprescription drugs will be asked to leave the premises
immediately. No exceptions.

During Check In, if your emergency contact information is not up to date, please be ready with any
information you may need. We dont expect anything
to happen, but we want to be prepared if it does. All
participants must also sign Requiems Liability Waiver
to play, as well as anything other documents specific
sites may require. Young Adults (ages 16-17) must
have parental signature and permission to play as well.

No Real Weapons

Duct Tape

This includes replica swords or other period weapons that you might have. Unsafe latex or plastic weapons for decorations for cabins are acceptable, but anything metal or sharp should not be brought. Nor
should any knife over 4 inches, or not used for utility
purposes. There is never any reason to ever bring a
real gun to events.

It has a Light side, a Dark side and holds the universe together. It is incredibly useful, bring some.
Duct tape can be used to quickly repair a weapon, or
anything else damaged, used in marking items Out of
Game (if it is Yellow) and 1001 other uses, that you
probably have never thought of, but will need while
you are there.

No Valuable or Delicate Items

Sleeping Bag or Bedding

Dont bring anything extremely valuable or sentimental to events that you could not afford to lose or
have accidentally broken. LARPing is generally stressful on costuming and supplies, and it is a sport. While
we encourage great costuming, be aware that spending
hundreds of dollars on a costume does not mean your
character is guaranteed to survive as well.

Most sites have an old mattress on a rickety metal

frame. Make sure to bring comfortable sleeping gear,
pay special attention to the weather and pack according. Most Events we will not have heated buildings so
make sure to bring extra if you get cold easily. It can
still get cold at night even in the summer so regardless
of the season pack as if it may get much colder or
much warmer. Also do not forget a pillow.

No Grills, Candles or Open Flame

Real fire or anything with an open flame or heat is
not allowed unless specifically stated by the Game
Owner. This includes lit candles (though unlit ones
for decoration is fine), incense, grills and/or portable
cooking devices. This also includes space heaters and
electric blankets. Often we have agreements with the
Sites we rent at, and it is not our choice.

Extra Clothing
Full Weekend events are generally from Friday
evening to Sunday afternoon. That means you are
going to need some spare sets of clothing for the
Event. Remember to bring a lot of different layers as
events can get hotter or colder then you expect. Also
do not forget a towel.

OOG Treasure

Bring Extra Socks

Bring Extra Socks

Dont bring any treasure to an Event you do not

intend to be In Game during the event. This specifically includes anything you may want to trade before
or after events. Leaving treasure in a car, an Out of
Game chest, or anywhere else similar is never allowed,
without specific Plot Permission. Feel free to gather or
utilize In Game resources, such as Wards, Traps or
Locks to protect your well earned loot.

Thats right, we said it twice, because you should

bring 2 pairs per day the event is going to last. Also
consider bringing a second pair of shoes. It may rain,
or you may step into a puddle. Things happen and its
a good idea to always have a spare and dry set of everything to change into.


RequieM Chapter 1 Introduction



Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and mouthwash,

deodorant, soap, washcloths, toilet paper, brush,
comb, shampoo, conditioner, etc All of the important stuff that somehow someone always manages to
forget. And did we mention to always bring a towel?

Event Fee, Vendors, Food, Gas, Emergencies etc...

Cleanup Supplies
Garbage bags are useful for keeping your cabin
clean, as emergency ponchos, covering a nasty mattress, among many other things. Also remember a
broom and dustpan may not always be available from
the camp so its often a good idea to bring your own.
Every players Cabin is their own responsibility to set
up at the beginning and clean up afterwards. You
cannot rely on Plot or NPCs. We rent these sites and
if they are not properly cleaned we may not be invited

Costuming and Decor

Double check all of your costuming and any decorations you have for your Cabin. In fact, we recommend triple checking it, as it is easy to forget a pivotal
piece, such as a pouch or belt. If you have costuming
for another Character, that can be useful as well, in
case your character dies, and/or you spend some time

Item Tags and Treasure

Makeup Supplies

If you have been before, dont forget any tags or In

Game treasure you might have. Anything not brought
to the event cannot be used, and anything brought to
the event must be In Game at all times. A good word
of advice is to check and double check all of your tags
and treasure every event before you go, along with all
other Out of Game supplies you may need.

Mirror, baby wipes, character makeup, sponges,

spirit gum/ remover, prosthetics, airbrush, etc. Races
that require makeup generally require multiple applications during a weekend to keep it looking good.
Make sure to inspect your makeup supplies before getting on site, and realize they are ruined or you will not
have enough to finish the Event.

First Aid
While Staff will have a first aid kit available, having extra Band-Aids, an ace bandage, etc is never a bad
idea. Its recommended to bring some Advil or Tylenol, and another thing people often forget is insect
repellent, and/or anti-itch cream. Remember that
these Events are generally heavily outdoors.


Many people have their own ideas on what makes

good food for an Event. We will attempt to provide
meals at Full Weekend events, unless announced in
advance. Even with food service, there is it might be
something you dont like or do not wish to purchase.
Often, snacks are better purchased ahead of time.
Some food/drink that is often brought to events is the
same that is brought to sporting events or picnics: Water, Soda, Gatorade, energy drinks, cookies, chips,
crackers, ready to eat foods etc. Please remember that
modern labels and wrappings on food are discouraged,
and to bring mugs, and/or covers for food and drink
to keep things in atmosphere.


RequieM Chapter 1 Introduction


Weapons & Armor


Safety Check

At Requiem, we require certain makeup and prosthetics to be worn by those playing non-humans, for
instance all players playing Dark Elves must wear black
face paint and pointed ears with white or silver hair.
This allows others to identify your character's race at a
glance. This makeup should be maintained reasonably
through the whole Event.

All weapons must pass a safety inspection before

they can be used in the game. This is especially true of
any Latex Weapon. While we are less strict about latex
weapons then many LARPs they still must be approved, and be safe to use. Weapons will often fail
safety check for a number of reasons so its good to
bring along extra materials for emergency repairs and a
spare weapon is always a smart idea. Safety check must
be done at Check In, before the Event begins.

PC Costume
Our system requires that you make at least a token
effort at costuming; this includes no printed tee-shirts,
no white sneakers or blue jeans. Avoid labels, zippers,
and anything that looks overly modern. Your costume
need not be elaborate, but you should at least make an
attempt at one for your first event. A large square piece
of fabric with a hole cut for the head works well as a
first event tabard for a bare minimum. During your
first event you will not be required to wear an Armor
Rep, but must have one for the second event you attend, if you wish to wear armor. In addition to going
to an Event to see costuming, there are many resources
available online on our Website and Forums you can
get ideas or buy pieces from.

Acquiring Weapons
Boffer weapons are relatively easy to make, though
most people shy away from this practice and contact
someone that know that is proficient in making them,
and has the materials and experience already. If you are
interested in making your own, there are guides available on our Website. If not there are also suppliers for
weapons online or at Events.

Armor Check
Armor must also be inspected upon character creation in order to rate how many points it is worth. Safety is still a consideration in armor and no armor
should have ridged spikes or other dangerous additions. Also keep in mind other dangers when wearing
armor. Dont wear armor that is too heavy for you and
be sure to wear lighter or less armor during very hot
events or to forgo wearing metallic armor during an
electrical storm etc... For more information on how
armor is rated, check out Chapter 6: Items.

NPC Costume

Wear something neutral, sweats are good. No labels are recommended; turn them inside out if necessary. Darker colors are recommended. It is also recommended that you bring your own boffer weapons as
we may not be able to provide them for you. If you
have costuming that you like to wear or fits well, bring
it along as well, we can usually find you a role that you
can wear it, and it is always nice to have stuff in your
size reserved specifically for you, in case you want it.

Acquiring Armor

Armor is a little more difficult and costly to make,

so we recommend getting some advice before attempting to make any. Feel free to Email us if you have any
questions. Armor is typically made out of Leather,
Chain Links, or Plates. There is a strong emphasis in
Requiem on making your armor look great and real,
more so then actually having to drag around 50+
pounds of armor. Armor is rated on what it appears to
be, so plastic done up right to look like plate mail gives
Armor equal to plate, though there is a small bonus for
using authentic materials as well. There is a fairly extensive list of places to buy the materials and fully
crafted suits of armor on our Website.

Acquiring a Costume

To create a costume you dont have to be rich, but

just need a little time and some ingenuity. Thrift
stores, scrap leather, and hand-me-downs from other
players are how most people begin to collect costuming. Most great costumes are acquired slowly, piece by
piece to spread out the financial burden, though some
people tend to get it all at once for a new character. Of
course there are many reasonable prices sites online
too, that you can find on our Website.

RequieM Chapter 1 Introduction

Cabin Dcor

Common Terms

Cabin Dcor includes any cabin decorations or

props used to give your building an In Game feel.
These include rugs, curtains, tapestries and banners,
etc. Honorable mentions and awards will be made for
well decorated cabins. Again, it need not be fancy or
expensive, but some effort into hiding things that are
blatantly modern is encouraged. In addition a Dream
Catcher phys-rep is needed to require supervision to
steal items from a Cabin, so you may want one.

LARPing, like anything else, has its own lingo

which can be fairly confusing to an outsider at first.
Feel free to use the Glossary or Index to look anything
up as you are reading this book. In addition, if you are
reading this online, any word that is underlined in
blue is a hyperlink to another spot in the rulebook that
has the definition. Some common definitions you will
need to know are below as well:

Fire Hazards

Out of Game is described as anything that happens in the real world, between Events, or anything
that does not relate to the actual Characters in the
game and their relations. Something that happens to
you the Player is out of game. Anything that happens
to your character is not. For instance your character
may despise someone In Game, but Out of Game you
could still be great friends with them. Using out of
game knowledge in game is cheating. Out of Game is
often abbreviated OOG.

Out of Game

Please be aware of any fire hazards your cabin decorations may cause. If heating is provided keep all
fabric and flammable items away from the heat source.
Candles, open flames, space heaters and electric blankets are not allowed except with the express permission
of the Game Owner.

Forges, Laboratories and Libraries

Forge, Laboratory and Library reps are specifically
required in cabins for certain skills. There is no set
exact required rep needed, but each should be set up
on a table or corner and be obvious what it is. A library should have books, a laboratory should have bottles or vials, and a forge should have tools and an anvil.

In Game

This refers to your Character, and everything that

happens during the event, to all characters in the world
around them. Your character might be hurt, bleeding,
or even die, but you as a player are still OK. Another
instance is that in game you might be unconscious, so
your character cannot hear what is going on around
him, even if out of game, you the player hear it just
fine. In Game is often abbreviated IG.

Pathways and Cleanliness

One of the most important aspects of cabin dcor

is to keep your cabin clean and the pathways clear.
Remember that cabins can never have their doors
physically locked, or physically blocked by a bed or
such. All Cabin Notes should be on the Outside of
the Cabin near the door as well.

Player Character
This refers to someone that has paid for an Event,
and has made a character in the Game World. Often
abbreviated PC, these are fellow townsfolk and adventurers. Generally everyone is on the same side and
plays the good guys but exceptions do exist! Remember that players can be a variety of good (or evil) races,
and personalities. When someone signs up as a PC for
an event, they get to play the same character the entire

Food Containers
A perfectly decorated cabin can be ruined by modern food containers and wrappers. Try to have mugs
and drink covers, and other containers or other ways
of hiding blatantly out of period items.

Acquiring Decor

Almost all places that sell costuming have some

sort of Dcor available as well, but in addition, home
stores can have useful items. Check the resource links
on our Website or Forums for more details.

Non-Player Character
The opposite of a PC is an NPC, or non-player
character. These are people that have been assigned a
role by a member of Plot, and generally do not pick


RequieM Chapter 1 Introduction

their abilities, race, or motivation. These can be allies,
enemies, or neutral parties in the world, but they generally exist for a reason or to advance a plotline. When
someone signs up to NPC, they get to play many different characters and monsters, and are rarely out as
one role for too long. NPCing is a form of Volunteering, and can get you credit towards playing at a later
date, or towards other LARPs we have NPC exchange
policies with.


Plot refers to the people that actually run the

game. They make the decisions, mediate disputes, run
Adventures and plotlines, give stats to NPCs and everything else needed for each Event. Although they
may be playing a role, if a Plot members generally can
be approached subtly or with Request Sheets for information. Between Events, they are always available
to answer questions via the Forums or Email as well.
Please do not argue with any decision a Plot member
makes, if you have an issue with one of them, contact
the Game Owner.

Physical Representation

Character Points

This refers to the actual object in question, as opposed to the tag, or what it is supposed to be. Commonly abbreviated phys-rep, this can be a confusing
concept at first. A boffer that looks sort of like a sword
might be the phys-rep for your characters long sword.
Rope lights around a doorway might phys-rep a portal
that character is trying to get through, etc Everything in game has a phys-rep, though not everything
needs a tag to go along with it.

These are what everyone is after. Abbreviated CP

(Dont get this confused with PC) character points
represent points that you may use to learn new skills,
train new headers, or advance your attributes. Every
event that you attend, and extra work you do (like
doing event write-ups and a character history) gains
you a certain amount of CP towards your character.
With additional CP, you progress and grow in power
in the game, thus these are highly coveted by the majority of the players.


A tag is a piece of paper given to you by an NPC

or a member of Plot signifying that you have the ability to use a specific item, or piece of treasure. Tags
come in many colors, shapes and sizes, though the
most common ones are Sticks, Half-Business Card,
and Business Card and Index Card tags. Attempting to
forge or counterfeit tags is a serious form of cheating
and could get you banned from Requiem. Some items
require that you have the tag and the phys-rep available to use the item, Some just require a phys-rep, while
others just require a tag. This may seem confusing at
first, but think of it like your drivers license (the tag)
and the car itself (the phys-rep).

Helping out the game above and beyond normal
grants Influence, which is a form of reward points.
These can be spent to add extra CP to your character,
assist in learning skills, gain extra treasure, and other
ways to gain benefits In Game. Additionally, Influence is transferrable, so you can use your Influence to
help your friends characters as well. See the Donations section for more information on how to earn
Influence, but the main two ways are for donating
items the game needs and volunteering your time to
help the game out.


RequieM Chapter 1 Introduction

Getting Involved

How to get Plot

Its often confusing was a new player trying to get

involved with the game more so wed like to include a
few tips. LARPing can be daunting, and there is a certain learning curve to LARPing and to a specific game.
Trying to overcome both of them at once can seem

Its easy to look at some of the players in a game

and see them immersed in the storyline and see them
constantly busy and enjoying it. But how can you get
the same attention? What did they do that you didnt?
There are some simple steps to get Plot in Requiem
(and consequently in most LARPs!).

Resolving Questions

Do your Character History

First and foremost remember that we are here to

help. The vast majority of newer players often come
with someone to a game, so you can rely on them, or
Plot to help out. If you are confused, lost, or just need
someone to talk to about anything about the game,
you can also Email us through our website. During the
game itself, feel free to use Request Sheets, and the
Clarification effect. Generally if you have questions
during an event, try to get the players to answer them
first, and try to stay in game.

This is key; not only is a history required for some

races and concepts but its worth a fair amount of your
starting CP. A Character History allows Plot to tailor
the story to target your character or involve you in a
plot without indirectly challenging your pre-existing
ideas on your character origin. Hopefully we have included enough references in our world overview for
you to create a well thought out character history but
if you need additional info or have questions just
Email us.


Do your Event Writeups

Sometimes new players get so wrapped up in attempting to learn everything at once that they forget
the main point of a LARP, to have fun! If you are not
having fun at an Event, it is important that you let us
know. Out of Game we cant read minds, we need
your input about anything to know what is going
wrong (or right!). Believe it or not, the majority of
players that are not having fun never let Plot know
that there is something wrong, until after the Event is
over, or sometimes not even then!

Yes, this means every event. Write-ups are worth

CP but more importantly it helps Plot to know what
you enjoyed and didnt enjoy at an event. Plot will
always read your write-up so tell us what youd like to
see more of. Let us know in your write-up what your
goals are and how you intend to move toward accomplishing them. If you want more plot attention during
events, let us know! Communication is extremely important between Plot and the PCs, and we will do our
best to maintain an open channel, so that you as a
player can always feel that your input is being heard.


Interact with Everyone

Whether it be In Game through letters, messages

and such, or Out of Game through emails or phone
calls, communication is the key to involvement. If no
one knows who you are, and cannot reach you between events, they are less likely to remember you, or
to come to you in game when a problem that you
might specialize in dealing with arising. Keep active
watch on the Forums, email other players or Plot between events, and get yourself involved. If in game you
are looking for information about something, dont be
shy to write an in game letter to someone your character knows. Youd be surprised how effective that can
be sometimes, especially towards an NPC!

During the game, try to talk to other players and

any NPCs you find. Dont limit yourself to traveling
only with your own group. Many skills and abilities
will be needed in order to overcome difficult challenges and those skills are often something that your
immediate group wont have available to them. So
make friends, become well known and work towards
being a leader. The lone swordsman might be a cool
character concept but it only works in the stories because he is far more powerful than his opponents. Remember that in this world you are going to very often
be fighting odds you have little chance of overcoming

RequieM Chapter 1 Introduction

Using this

Overview of the

The rulebook is big. Its long, and it can be daunting at first. We have done our best to organize it in the
simplest way we can, and to use language that is not
too technical. If you have an idea on how to make it
better, or a section that is confusing, feel free to let us
know, as we are always looking to improve upon it.

Chapter 1 - Introduction

You will have questions, it is inevitable. Always

feel free to get in touch with Plot or other players on
the Website, via Forums or Email. The rulebook is
merely one part of information available at your fingertips. Needless to say if you have a question someone
else likely has a similar question, so its good to ask!

This chapter is designed for people that are brand

new to LARPing or need a basic introduction about
the concepts of LARPs and Requiem in general. It is
the simplest and consequently the smallest chapter.
Anything you get stuck on here should be addressed,
because after you get your feet wet in this chapter, you
get to dive right in. If you are an experienced LARPer
feel free to skip this chapter, though we recommend
that you at least glance through the topics to see if
anything catches your eye. With this chapter, as with
any, if you need to ask questions, feel free on the Forums or through Email.

How it is Organized

Chapter 2 - Core Rules

Ask Questions

Each Chapter is attempted to contain one aspect

of the game. The majority of the rulebook is designed
that if you have never played before, everything is explained in as plain English as we can make it. We do
not recommend reading everything in one sitting!
Each chapter is intended to be read in order, and
builds on each other, but if you want to skip around, it
shouldnt be impossible to do as well. If you are having trouble with definitions, or would like the ability
to use the links in this rulebook, we recommend you
read it online.

This chapter is in a nutshell how to play the game.

Everyone that participates in a Requiem Event (PC
and NPC) should read through this chapter beforehand, or at the bare minimum the Quick and Dirty
version. This covers Health, all of the Effects and Defenses and everything else needed to play the game.
The Core Rules and the Character Creation are separated, so you do not need to learn both at once if you
do not wish to. Remember that you do not actually
ever need to know how an effect was generated; only
what the effect does.

What NOT to Do

Chapter 3 - Character

Dont try to sit down in one sitting and digest all

the information in this book, the night before an
Event. Even the most experienced LARPer will probably need a day or two to go over things, due to the
vast amount of information. Our philosophy has always been to try to cover our bases more so then to
omit things. The best way to read the rulebook is one
chapter at a time and then to give it time to let it digest. Then you can use it as reference to look something specific up. Ideally during the game the rules are
designed so there isnt as much of the rules that actually need to be memorized besides everything in the
Core Rules, and perhaps things specific to your own

This chapter deals exclusively with building a

Player Character, and all the rules associated with
such. This includes Attributes the character will need,
and Skills to allow him to do things. Many people will
need assistance building a character, as it is more involved than some other systems. There are unique
parts of character creation here, so it is recommended
to read this first before attempting to choose your individual skills from the Skill Matrixes. This section
also includes a brief amount on each of the 30 different player Races so that you can get a feel for them. In
addition there are rules and hints on writing a Character History. More information is available about the
IG history and Races is available in the Game World
chapter, and in the Library section of the Website as
well, if you need more to make an informed decision.


RequieM Chapter 1 Introduction

the downfall of the world, information on major
Landmarks, Organizations and the Deities. This section also details how the library section of the Website
works, and information on the location of much more
in depth history and information. If you need more In
Game information, feel free to post on the Forums, or
Email us directly.

Chapter 4 - Matrixes

This chapter is a large amount of charts, which

detail all of the purchasable Skills and Recipes in the
game. These charts are split up into five subsections:
Races (a), Skills (b), Spells & Miscellaneous (c), Craft
Skills (d), and Craft Recipes (e). A brief summary or
short description of each skill, spell or recipe is listed
for easy reference. If this is your first time looking at
them they can be daunting, but we recommend reading through the Headers (categories of skills) first. The
concept here is to make no two characters the same,
and allow tons of different concepts to be both viable
and fun. A lot of time and effort was spent especially
on what are normally considered problem or unfun characters in other games. We hope that the
short descriptions are enough to make decisions upon,
and that you should not have to go read through the
Skill Descriptions unless absolutely necessary.

Chapter 8 - Skill Descriptions

This is by far the longest and most in depth part

of the rules, and is largely unnecessary unless you have
specific questions about a particular skill. Ideally the
game skills are designed to attempt to explain everything you need to know on one line on the Skill Matrix, but sometimes questions can occur that are covered more in depth in the description of the skill.
Skills are broken down into wide categories (Skills,
Spells, Recipes, etc) and then alphabetized for ease of
finding them. We do not recommend reading
through this entire chapter unless you have a lot of
time on your hands, picking and choosing individual
skills to read will help retention, and sanity.

Chapter 5 - Events
This chapter deals with everything involving the
Events you (and your character!) attend. This includes
everything before (Pre) and after (Post) the Event; including Pre-registration, Check In, Check Out, Event
Writeups, and everything else that does not involve
Character Creation. As everything during the event is
attempted to be handled in game, there are some basic
rules and guidelines here that are mostly common
sense and should be followed. If you have trouble with
any of the writing that we ask you to do as well, there
is information here to help.

Chapter 9 - Staff

This chapter covers everything from the reverse

side, if you choose to NPC your event. What is expected of you, what Monster Camp is, and staffcentric Event Writeup forms and such are all parts of
helping Staff an Event. It also goes over exchange policies with other LARPs and all the etiquette that goes
into what we expect from our NPCs. In addition it
covers the benefits of NPCing, donations of props and
time, and other Out of Game rewards, like Influence
and Medallions, that a player can receive. Most of this
chapter can be skipped if you plan on playing the
game as a PC.

Chapter 6 - Items
This chapter deals with most of the things that
you will encounter In Game, and what each of them
does. This also covers some Out of Game items that
you will find, and how they limit or allow your characters involvement in different ways. Crafting Items are
also gone over in depth here, as well as all the Components, Reagents and Treasure that exists in Requiem.
In addition, there are rules for creating Weapons and
Armor, and how each of these is checked for safety and
point values.

Index and Glossary

While not really a chapter, these can be helpful
especially as a reference or a new player to look something specific up, or get the definition of a term, In
Game or Out of Game. The Glossary, like the rest of
the Rulebook, is a living document and relies on input
from players and readers like you to expand. This can
be useful especially if you are not viewing this document online and thus are unable to directly use the
links and bookmarks available.

Chapter 7 - Game World

This chapter has a brief amount of history, to get

yourself acquainted with the world of Nexus. This is
kept general, and short to avoid overwhelming anyone
at first. There is a recent history of events leading to

RequieM Chapter 2 Core Rules

Chapter 2:
Core Rules
There isnt anyone above the rules. One might think
that in my position, that would not be the case. They
would be wrong. Like men have higher laws to follow
than the animals of the land, Deities have higher laws
to adhere to than mortals. Free will is a glorious gift,
use it wisely.


Rules of Etiquette ................................................................................................................................. 19

Health .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Incapacitated ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Effects................................................................................................................................................... 23
Durations .......................................................................................................................................... 24
Standard Effects ................................................................................................................................ 24
Standard Effects Quicklist ................................................................................................................. 25
Advanced Effects ............................................................................................................................... 35
Game Stopping Effects ...................................................................................................................... 37
Effect Modifiers .................................................................................................................................... 38
Effect Modifiers Quicklist ................................................................................................................. 38
Prefixes ............................................................................................................................................. 39
Damage Calls .................................................................................................................................... 40
Suffixes ............................................................................................................................................. 40
Combat ................................................................................................................................................ 42
Illegal Combat Moves ........................................................................................................................ 43
Weapon Attacks ................................................................................................................................ 44
Packet Attacks ....................................................................................................................................... 44
Special Attacks .................................................................................................................................. 45
Defenses ............................................................................................................................................... 46
Special Defenses ................................................................................................................................ 47


RequieM Chapter 2=Core Rules

Rules of Etiquette

them with a boffer weapon but could not actually

touch them. To use any skill that requires touching
someone, you must use a packet to touch them and
state the effect, unless you specifically have permission

Honor System
This game is played under the honor system,
which allows for players to decide whether they were
hit with an attack, manage their own Health, and in
general play nice with each other. If people fail to
abide by this system, the game will fall apart. If you
use an item, please turn it in at a Tag Turn-in Container at your earliest convenience. Please do not cheat:
not turning in tags, not counting your hits, or using
more abilities then you actually have are all versions of
cheating. Please play honestly, and understand that
your reputation in a game as being honest is very important. If Plot receives complaints about anyone violating this honor system, they may speak to the player, impose greater restrictions, or even ask them to
leave the game. Please keep in mind there are many
different skills and abilities in the game, and just because someone generates something that you do not
know how they did it, it does not mean they are cheating. We hold our own plot members and NPCs to a
high standard, and expect that all players do the same.

Carrying Someone

Since carrying someone would violate the No

Physical Combat rule, there are special ways of doing
this in game. You clearly state to the person that you
are carrying them. If you have the ability to run with a
body you may state such to the person, but the both of
you may only run as fast as the slowest person. Without a skill or ability to run with someone, you are considered under the effect of a Slow while carrying anyone and you may only carry one person at a time unless you specifically have an ability that says otherwise.
If the person gives you permission you may actually
carry them, but only if given permission ahead of time.
Also, if a player holds out their arm with his elbow
bent, and arm facing down, you may interlock your
arm with theirs to signify dragging someone. You must
have one free hand to be able to carry someone.

Searching Someone


Since searching someone would violate the No

Physical Combat rule, there are special ways of doing
this in game. You clearly state to the person that you
are searching them. They have a couple options at this
point. They can say Go ahead in which you may
physically search them, they may request that you describe your search, in which you must be more specific, or they may simply hand you all the items that they
have on them. If an item is hidden on a player, it must
actually be hidden in the place, so if you wish to carry
your extra silver in your hat, it must actually be there.
Items can never be hidden in places that would make
someone uncomfortable to search. A described search
should never take more than a couple of minutes to
complete, and if someone has been searching you for 5
minutes they are considered to have found everything
that they would have normally found. Some skills allow for players or NPCs not to have to give up any or
all of their items with a normal search, and some
NPCs do not have treasure that can be found with
searching, it must be harvested. Either way, just because a person does not give you everything on them,
do not assume that they are cheating.

If you have a problem with another Player Character or NPC, or believe someone is cheating, do not
argue with them. You may state politely, and in game
something to the effect of what you believe is wrong,
but if the person ignores you, go find a Plot member
or NPC, and do not continue or escalate the issue.
The infraction will be dealt with, and you do not need
to get further involved. If possible, try to learn the
name of the player or NPC, which will make things
easier. If the issue is not pressing, or does not require
immediate attention, feel free to include it in your
Event Writeup instead of pursuing it right there.

No Physical Contact
There is no physical contact allowed in Requiem,
especially without prior permission. This includes
combat and non-combat situations. The only contact
between players, especially in combat should be between safety approved boffer weapons and safety approved spell packets. If at any point during a combat
you can reach out and touch someone that is considering crowding, and is against the rules as well. You
must back up to a safe distance where you could strike

RequieM Chapter 2 Core Rules

tween events, at a restaurant with your friends, etc)
is to be held in the same manner, unless both parties
specifically agree beforehand that they are communicating IG. Using out of game knowledge or information your character wouldnt actually know in game is
a severe form of cheating, called Meta-gaming. Abuse
of this rule is cheating and will be dealt with, with anything up to and including being asked to leave the

Complete Game Immersion

Simply said, there is no Out of Game in Requiem

during the events. If you wish to be participating at
the Event, you must be In Game, and react as such.
Characters will react to out of game comments in
game. You may be accused of being possessed or have
to deal with specific in game consequences of breaking
character. Unless a specific skill states otherwise, you
cannot do something with a counted action, unless
you actually just do it. Examples of this are disarming
a trap or running away. In addition, you may not do
anything actually dangerous or destructive, for example, you may not break down a door or climb a tree in
actuality or say that you are doing it. Every problem
presented to you will have ways of solving it without
resorting to actions such as those. There are mechanics
in the game that may alter what can affect you, such as
turning you into a spirit or letting you fly, but there is
nothing that actually hides or removes you from where
you are. If you see something, you always actually see
it, or hear something you actually hear it. The exception to this is the Perception Rule below.

Contraband Items

There are just some items and actions that should

not be brought or done on LARP campsite ever, or
without explicit Plot approval. Violations of these rules
can lead to expulsion of the game on the first offense.
It really is that serious. No lit candles, fires, grills or
anything with open flame or severe heat is allowed
without the Game Owners permission. No real weapons are allowed. These include real guns, real swords,
and real knives that are longer than 3 inches and not
used as a tool. No alcohol or recreational drugs are
allowed, nor is it allowed to be under the influence of
such while at the event. If you have prescription medication and must bring it, make sure you inform a
member of Plot of such.

Late Arrivals
Arriving to an Event late can be a tricky thing.
You should avoid it all costs, but if you have to, there
are few rules that should be followed. First, you
should never drive a vehicle onto a site that is currently
In Game, and should dress in some in period clothing,
like a cloak to walk on site. NPCs can walk as a Spirit
to Monster Camp; players should walk to their designated cabin, and fill out a Request Sheet to Check In.
Any clearly non-period items (food containers / coolers
/ modern labels) should be covered in cloth or burlap.
This includes coming back to site with food, like pizza.

Smoking is allowed at events, but only in designated areas, and can be disallowed if people do not
police their own butts. While in the smoking area, you
are still considered in game, and are still expected to
react to anything as such, including being attacked. If
you are attacked you are still are responsible for the
safe disposal of the cigarettes. An empty bin will be
provided for used cigarettes, and it is up to all those
that smoke to make sure the area is kept clean.

Perception Rule


While many In Game effects may render you Unconscious or otherwise unable to perceive the world
around you; you do not actually have to close your
eyes for safety reasons. If you are dead on the floor,
you may watch out for players or NPCs that might
step on you and even warn them with a Caution if
they might harm you or themselves, but any information you hear or see, cannot be used In Game. Examples of this are recognizing who is searching you, overhearing conversations or seeing someone hide something. In addition, anything told to you Offboard (be-

While sometimes characters within In Game situations may get tense or hateful, things should never be
taken out of game. Insults, derogatory slurs, and yelling Out of Game is not tolerated. If another player or
NPC is making you uncomfortable, try to let them
know in an In Game way. If this does not work, report
it to a member of Plot or an NPC. If it is not immediately pressing put it in your Event Writeup. If at all
possible try to learn the persons name, which is helpful for Plot.


RequieM Chapter 2=Core Rules


Body Points

A character's Vitality is the relative condition of

their body. The more vitality you possess the more
punishment you can take. This is represented by body
points. As you take damage your body points are reduced. Body points are fully restored at the beginning
of each Event and may be restored during the event
through Healing and other means. Your body point
total is generally your number of Vitality your character possesses, plus any modifications from specific
skills (like Fortitude) or Living Well. In addition your
body points can be modified temporarily by Bonus
Vitality. When body points are lost, this does not
lower your vitality, or your maximum body.

Hit Based System

Requiem uses a hit based system to represent your
characters general health. That means a character has a
specific number of hit points, which are lowered when
Damage or Effects reduce them. Every hit to any legal
location on your body does the same amount of damage, regardless of where it lands. Some strikes must be
done to a limb or the torso, but it is a requirement in
the Effect or Skill. Any strike that does not have a specific call that goes along with it does 1 point of Uncalled Damage. Generally, a characters total Health is
calculated by adding their Armor and Body Points
together. Certain effects and low numbers of body
points also adversely affect your Character.

Bonus Vitality
Some skills, abilities or effects may generate bonus
vitality. These body points are lost after any Armor or
Bonus Armor is lost, but before your normal Body
Points are lost. Bonus vitality does not stack with other
forms of bonus vitality, unless specifically stated that
they do. Bonus vitality can be Healed, but is considered different from normal body points. Generally
bonus vitality only lasts for the current Battle you are
in, and is lost at the end of that Battle. If different, it
will be stated in the skill or ability.

Armor Points
Armor points are a specific type of health that is
always lost first. It is generally based on the armor
Phys-Rep that you are wearing, and the skills you have
to wear it. Some armor does not require a phys-rep,
which is called Natural or dexterity armor. No forms
of regular, natural, or dexterity armor can stack unless
specifically stated that they do. In order to wear any
armor over 1 point, your character must possess a skill
to do such, such as Light Armor Proficiency, which
allows 2 Points of armor. Armor Points may be repaired to full, or refitted to a lesser amount with specific skills easier as well. Your total number of Armor is
generally your specific Armor Points (which is your
Armor Proficiency provided you have the phys-rep on)
plus any enhancements received by racials, consumable, or skills. More information on Armor Rating can
be found in the Items chapter.


You are considered defenseless if you do not have

any weapons or packets in either hand, or clearly visible on your person. Some skills can only be used on
defenseless targets. These are things that someone
might be able to a hostage or someone that isnt tied
up (which is considered Helpless). While defenseless
you cannot be Searched or affected by a Killing Blow,
and suffer no other adverse conditions.

Bonus Armor

1 Body Point

Some skills, abilities or effects may generate bonus

armor. This armor is always lost first, and generally
cannot be recovered as easily as normal armor. Bonus
armor does not stack with other forms of bonus armor,
unless specifically stated that they do. Bonus armor
can be repaired during the duration it is active for, but
is considered different from normal Armor. All bonus
armor only lasts for the current Battle you are in, and
is lost at the end of that battle, unless specifically stated
otherwise in the skill or ability.

When a player is reduced to one body point they

are automatically affected by a Permanent Weakness
and Slow, which is removed when the player is healed
above one body point. This effect is to represent that
the player is too injured to move quickly or attack with
their full strength. While at one body, you should role
play being extremely weak or injured. Players with a
maximum of 1 Body are always under a Permanent
Enfeeble and Slow effect.


RequieM Chapter 2 Core Rules


Bleeding Out

When you are dropped to Called Damage (even to

exactly 0), or are reduced to 1 Body Points in any
way, you are bleeding out. When bleeding out you are
considered Unconscious, and cannot perceive the
world around you. Unless the character receives a Stabilize effect or Healing within 60 seconds they will
take a Death effect.

0 Body Points
When dropped to 0 Body Points with Uncalled
Damage, you fall to the ground, you are barely conscious, and can only whisper and drag yourself around
by your arms only. If you are hit in the process of falling, unless it is Called Damage, you are still at 0; if
you are dropped to 0 or lower with Called Damage of
any kind anywhere, you instantly are brought to -1
and Bleeding Out. At any point while at 0 body
points, you take uncalled damage to a limb, that limb
is now affected by Maim and if you take uncalled
damage to your torso, you will be reduced to 1 and
Bleeding Out. While you are at 0 Body Points you are
affected by a Permanent Fatigue and are also considered Helpless. The fatigue is removed when you are
no longer at 0 Body Points. You may use potions and
items that do not require a skill to use (IE you may not
use scrolls or weapons) but you must role play being
very feeble. After 5 minutes of being at 0 hit points,
you will return to 1 Body Point.

If you are Bleeding Out for more than 1 minute,
take a Killing Blow, or take a Death effect then you are
dead. Being dead removes any effect on you that is not
Empowered, and ends any durational skills or abilities.
All Inflict and Imbue effects are considered to be empowered unless specifically stated that they are not.
When dead you are considered Unconscious, and gain
the Dead trait, while losing the Living trait. Normal
Healing will not work on you while Dead, the only
effects that will is anything to Dead or a Cure Death
effect. Once you are dead for 5 minutes your spirit is
too weak to stay in your body. You must drop all in
game possessions, rise as a Spirit and slowly walk to
Deaths Realm.

While you are affected by Stun, Paralyze, Bind, 0
Body Points or any other effect that renders you helpless you are extremely susceptible to incoming attacks.
In addition, you may not use any skills or abilities unless they are Passive and specifically state that they can
be used while helpless. Anyone can Killing Blow you,
Search you, or use other abilities/skills that require a
helpless target. While helpless you cannot resist the
ability for anyone to Touch Cast anything upon you.

Killing Blow

Killing Blows are specific Counted Actions that

can reduce someone to Dead. Any character, regardless
of skill can perform a normal Killing Blow on with a 3
second counted action, with any weapon regardless of
their skill. Without any special skills, you may not killing blow someone without a weapon. Killing blows
must be done on Helpless individuals. If an individual
is struggling but not helpless you must render him
helpless first. You cannot begin a Killing Blow on
someone until their body comes to a complete rest on
the ground. To Killing Blow, you place a boffer weapon to the torso of the person, and state Begin Killing
Blow, Killing Blow 1, Killing Blow 2, Killing Blow 3,
Death. Each statement of a counted action should take
approximately one second. The counted part does not
need to be out loud, but Begin Killing Blow Death
at the minimum must be stated. If any point before
the effect Death is stated, if you or your weapon is
struck with any uncalled or called effect then the Killing Blow was interrupted. Some skills allow you to
modify Killing Blows, such as shortening the duration,
or increasing the effect.

Many effects leave your character in a state where
they cannot perceive the world around them. These
include Bleeding Out, Stun, being Dead and others.
While unconscious, you must collapse in a heap, and
cannot move unless you are carried. You are always
considered to be helpless while unconscious. If at any
time you are dropped while being carried you will collapse to the ground again. If you are in an unsafe or
unpleasant area, you may choose to shift your character a couple feet in either direction or take a couple
faltering steps before falling to find a safe spot. You do
not have to close your eyes for safety reasons, see the
Perception Rule for more details.

RequieM Chapter 2=Core Rules


Acknowledgement Rule

When you are struck with any Effect, including

Uncalled Damage, you must role-play that the effect
or damage struck you somehow. You can wince, gasp,
cry out, or role-play pain, but it must be clear that the
effect struck you. Even if you normally could not
speak or were Incapacitated, you must still follow this
rule with a grunt, wince or spasm. Note that in Requiem saying Got it or Taken is unacceptable, and
detracts from the atmosphere of the game. Keep in
mind that a lot of skills that a person has are not used
until someone role-plays taking the effect. This means
it is always in your best interest to accurately convey
that you have taken an effect.

Verbal Calls
Every effect in the game has a verbal call that signifies the specific effect. It usually goes something like
<Effect> by <Trait>. Some Examples might be 5
Damage by Magic, Death by Poison. These calls must
be stated to generate an effect, but are Out of Game.
You may always state the verbal call for an effect even
if you are Silenced, Stunned, Unconscious or Dead.
Likewise, hearing a verbal call means you know what
just happened. If you hear a call, and understood it,
you know what effect and trait was used. Verbal calls
need to be stated in a clear voice, easily loud enough
for whoever is the target. If the target is yourself, you
still must state a verbal call in a normal tone of voice.

Prefixes and Suffixes

Effects can have modifiers on them, in the beginning (Prefix) or at the end (Suffix) that sometime
change the effect. Examples of this would be all consumables have the Prefix Activate and the by Supremacy Suffix is a special trait that cannot be Reduced
or No Effect to. Be aware of these, as they can greatly change, worsen or lessen an effect. Effect modifiers
are gone over in detail later in this chapter.

Every effect call has a corresponding trait that goes
with it. This flavors the effect towards a specific direction, and allows other specific skills to be used against
it. All weapon blows and packets without a specific
trait are assumed to be by Physical. Certain skills can
only be used against specific traits. If you have the ability to Resist Magic then you may only use it on an
effect or damage (which is just another effect) with the
Magic Trait. If a Magus shoots a Fireball (5 Damage
by Fire) at you, Resist Magic would not help you.

Player Traits

In addition, all characters have traits as well, that

can be used or targeted with specific Effects. Most
Player Characters except Undead or Constructs have
the Living trait, and all player characters have the
Town trait. Every Header you possess is a trait you
have as well. These include Primary and Secondary
Racial Headers, as well as Skill Headers. In addition,
your total amount of CP you have comes with a trait
as well. 1-100 total CP is Novice, 101-200 CP is
Seasoned, and 201+ CP is Experienced. Examples
of this would be a 30 CP Dark Elf Assassin has the
following traits at a minimum: Living, Town, Novice,
Elf, Dark Elf, Rogue, Blade and Assassin. This matters when an effect is to <Trait>. With the previous
example a Death to Elf would affect the character
but a Voice Attack 10 Damage to Undead would


RequieM Chapter 2 Core Rules


Standard Effects

All effects have a standard duration, except when

an Extend, Permanent, or Quicken Prefix is used.
These durations are almost always 5 minutes or less
and fall into the following categories:

These make up the bread and butter of the game.

The vast majority of all game play is made up of the
following standard effects. At the bare minimum,
these effects should be reviewed, as many of them are
often liable to come up during game play normally.


Incants and RP time

This effect occurs instantly, and does not have a


While some Skills and Spells require specific RP

time or Incants to use them, those will always be before an effect, and are just for flavor. You do not need
to pay attention to any of the incant of a spell until it
comes to the actual Verbal Call. For instance, if a
player recites a scroll, with the incant With this Mystic Scroll I embrace you in Corruptions Dark Grasp
Activate Root by Disease, you only need to know that
you took a Root Effect, with the Disease Trait.

10 Seconds

This effect lasts for 10 seconds. This should be

counted out slowly, as it is easy to shorten this duration accidently.


This effect ends when you are incapacitated in

some way where you cannot perceive your surroundings or 5 minutes passes, whichever comes first.

Extra Wording

Some effects require extra words to specify there

exact purpose. These are placed at the top of the Effect description. Words with square brackets ([])
around them are optional extra wording, and angled
brackets (<>) are required. The exact meaning of the
extra wordings are always covered in an effects description.

Line of Sight

This effect ends when out of Line of Sight of the

caster for 10 seconds or 5 minutes passes, whichever
comes first. Line of Sight is defined as being able to see
the caster, and he is not incapacitated or helpless.

5 Minutes
This effect lasts for 5 minutes. Feel free to use a
watch subtly.

Beneficial Effects

Some effects are helpful and not harmful. These

effects are not removed with the Cure effect, and can
just be removed at will. For instance, if a character is
affected by a Carrier Magic effect, at any point they
can choose to end it. All beneficial effects say so in
their description.


This effect lasts for the current Battle you are in.


This effect ends when you spend 5 minutes resting, not involved in combat. Any combat action, such
as running/dodging/fighting will reset this count.

Special Cases
While every effort has gone into standardizing and
simplifying everything, sometimes there are going to
be cases where Plot needs to have a specific change or
effect for an Event. Anytime this is done, it will be
gone over in Opening Ceremonies, and posted previously on the Forums. While it should be a rare occasion, as we have tried to cover everything we can think
of, invariably there is something we have not thought


This effect ends when you use an Endurance to

Refresh your attributes.

These effects end when a specific circumstance is
met or a specific time is has passed, which is stated on
the specific effect. Any Effect with special duration will
always explain it more thoroughly.


RequieM Chapter 2=Core Rules

Standard Effects Quicklist


Brief Description



Extreme pain, cannot attack or use offenses

10 seconds


Must attack closest targets indiscriminately



Cannot move arms, legs, or from the neck down

Line of Sight


Attempt to pacify an NPC so that it will not attack

Line of Sight


All spells and weapon blows delivered are by (or to) <Trait>



Must obey a single order from a specific list provided



Remove a single or all effect(s)



Target is reduced to Dead



Target item is rendered unusable



Yes or No question about specific effect, status or trait



Target must drop weapon



Target is forced back out of weapon range or to take a knee



Remove a single or all effects by a Trait



Target obeys all commands from the caster

5 Minutes


Target loses a Skill or Attribute



Target cannot use Uncalled Damage



Target must cry out loudly revealing themselves



Target loses all skills that aren't Passive



Target in <Trait> form, cannot be affected normally without a to <Trait> attack

5 Minutes


Target cannot move or use skills, but cannot be affected by anything

5 Minutes


Target gains a use of skill or ability for the Battle, which is lost afterwards



Gain treasure or extra treasure from certain NPCs and specific locations



Target regains a # of lost Body Points, default is 1



Target is forced away by 30 feet, or to take a knee



Targets limb is unusable



Targets limb is unusable, not easily cured



Target is frozen in place

Line of Sight


Target cannot receive healing, and dies if not cured



Target is forced into melee range of Character



Cure Effect or Dispel Trait, this is self only and is always Passive



Fixes target item or repairs Target's Armor # amount



Target must attempt to stay 10 feet away from caster



Restores # of lost Attribute(s) to target



Targets foot is stuck in place

Line of Sight


Target cannot speak or use Incants



Target is instantly sent to Death's Realm



Target must instantly sleep, any Damage or attempted Killing Blow removes this Effect



Target cannot run



Allows communication with a target that could not normally communicate

5 Minutes


Target is Healed to 0 Body Points if Bleeding Out



Target collapses into a heap, rendered Unconscious

5 Minutes


Target receives Double negative Effect from <Trait>



Target cannot use any Called Weapon Effects, and reduces Called Weapon Damage, min 2



RequieM Chapter 2 Core Rules

such creatures, and a creature may decide it has been
provoked too much for a calm to work. This effect will
always fail on creatures already engaged in combat.
Usually this skill will only work on a specific type of
creature or a specific trait, such as animals, or elementals. This effect will never work on Player Characters,
or intelligent and sentient NPCs.
Duration: Line of Sight


The character affected must role-play 10 seconds

of intense pain. You must cry or call louder than the
Acknowledgement Rule normally requires, but may
quiet to whimpers or winces for the rest of the duration if you wish. While affected by agony, characters
may still block with weapons, but may not attack. Also, characters affected may not use any other skills or
spells except Defenses (Evade, Parry, etc) The defenses
of Volley and Aura may not be used while under the
effect of Agony as they are also attacks. Note that effects like Disengage or Knockback are not defenses
and may not be used while affected by agony.
Duration: 10 seconds

Extra Wording: [to] <Trait>
This effect allows the character to generate all
Weapon and Packet Delivered Effects for the Battle by
the specific Trait or in some circumstances to a specific
trait. If the Carrier includes the word To before the
trait, you may only use the attack to the trait, if not
then you may only use the attack by the trait. This
includes Called Damage and all other called effects.
The character does not have to use the trait, or may
choose to use another trait if they have the skill or ability to do so. Usually the most common traits for this
ability are by Magic, Holy, Fire, Earth, Air and Water,
but others may exist. The traits Spirit and Flying are
generally almost always used as a To Trait allowing
the character to affect people that normally would not
be able to. This is a beneficial effect.
Duration: Battle

This effect will cause the character to become
enraged and see everyone as an enemy. The character
affected will immediately attack the nearest target to
them. This effect does not require the character expend any skills unless they specifically desire, but they
must immediately attempt to attack the nearest target
to you.
Duration: Unconscious


Extra Wording: [Arm/Legs]

Without any other descriptor, this effect will trap
both the arms of the character to their sides and their
legs together. If just arms or legs are stated in the call,
it only affects the specific area in question. Once affected by a normal Bind a character is considered to be
Helpless. Bind arms means they cannot use their arms,
any items in them, or any skills that use them. Bind
Legs means the character cannot move from the spot
they are in, including with hopping. When a characters hands or feet are manacled or tied with rope, they
are considered under a Permanent Bind arms or legs
effect while the manacles are in place. While bound,
the character may not use any skill that requires the
use of arms and/or feet except any skill that specifically
says you can, i.e. Pick locks.
Duration: Line of Sight


The character must immediately follow the next

direction that the caster gives him. The command
must be followed to the best of the targets ability, and
until it is completed the target can take no other action. The directions are limited to certain phrases, and
the caster must state one and only one phrase from the
Tell the truth: The target must answer any
yes/no question truthfully.
Attack <person/group>: The target must attack
the person(s) stated.
Defend <person/group>: The target must protect the person(s) stated.
Give <person> <item(s)>: The target must peacefully give up item(s) stated.
Do <Task>: The target must attempt to do the
non-combat task in question.
Flee: The target must attempt to flee the area.
Duration: Unconscious

This effect will attempt to sooth or pacify a creature. While affected by Calm, a creature will not be
aggressive unless provoked. This will not work on all


RequieM Chapter 2 = Core Rules

dition, and must be affected by a Repair, which generally requires a skill or ability. If Armor is destroyed,
then it is automatically breached, and Weapons cannot
be used to block or strike with. Any claw or natural
weapon (denoted by a red boffer) that is affected by
Destroy is instead affected by a Maim. Certain creatures, such as Clockworks, take addition damage from
destroy effects.
Duration: Instant


Extra Wording: [All] / <Effect>

This effect will remove a pre-existing effect on a
character. Cure will only target effects, and not traits.
With multiple effects affecting a character, they may
choose which one the cure removes. For example, with
a leg and arm both affected by Maim, and the character is hit with a Cure Maim they may choose which
one is fixed. Broader, a Cure All <Effect> will remove
all of a specific effect. Broader still, a Cure All will
remove all effects except Death. No Cure effect will
remove death unless specifically stated in the call. A
Cure Death will return a character back to 1 Body
Point, and any other cure does not Heal a character in
addition to curing them. A character may use the cure
effect on themselves, but only if they are not helpless,
and have a free hand to do so. Cure will not work on
effects with an instant duration, or on any beneficial
effect, but cure itself is a beneficial effect.
Duration: Instant

Extra Wording: <Trait/Effect>
This effect is used to determine specific yes or no
questions about a character. In general this is usually
done via Touch Cast, but there are exceptions. Each
specific Diagnose skill states what questions it may be
used with. When hit with a successful diagnose effect,
a character must respond to it truthfully, unless they
possess a specific skill that allows them to alter their
answers. All answers to Diagnose must be a yes or no
response, which is Out of Game, with the exception of
diagnose damage, which if optionally desired, the target may state a number of Body Points they are down.
This is done to prevent excessive questions and anyone
may choose not to answer with a number.
Duration: Instant


This effect kills a character outright, and puts

them to the Dead status. This can be generated by a
Killing Blow, by powerful skills or abilities, or environmental hazards or traps. This bypasses any amount
of Health the character has left, breaches their Armor,
and removes all Bonus Armor and Bonus Vitality.
Some skills can Reduce this effect, but most of them
involve still collapsing to Helpless. After 5 minutes of
being dead, a character must drop all in game tags, and
their spirit will rise and head to Deaths Realm.
Duration: Instant

Extra Wording: <Item/Hand/Shield>
This effect will cause a character to drop a specific
item, or all items in a specific hand. If it is generated
with a Melee attack, it will effect whatever weapon was
struck. Ranged and packet attacks may specify an item,
or everything in a specific hand. When effected by a
disarm, you must immediately drop the item in question, and cannot pick it up again for 5 seconds or until
it stops moving, whichever takes longer. If you are carrying fragile props (including guns, traps, or nonboffer items) you may choose to place them on the
ground, but cannot retrieve them for 10 seconds. This
effect will not work on shields unless the specific verbal call Disarm Shield is used. Skills that let disarm
shields clearly state they can or must use it on a Shield
and you cannot target a shield with disarm unless your
ability specifically states that you can.
Duration: Special
(Until the weapon stops moving on the ground or 5
seconds passes, whichever is longer.)


Extra Wording: [All] / <Item>

This effect targets an item, or all items that a character carries. If the effect is Destroy All then all items
are destroyed. This will only target Weapons, Armor,
and any tagged item that a character has on his person.
Clothing and items without tags, such as jewelry, belt
pouches, etc, cannot be affected. If this effect is generated by a Melee attack and a specific Item was not specified, then it affects whatever item that was struck.
Ranged and packets attacks that do not specify an
item, allow the character to choose, but it must be
something in their hands. When an item is successfully
affected by a Destroy, it is unusable in its current con-


RequieM Chapter 2 Core Rules



This effect moves a person or multiple people

away from a character. The effect does not need to
land a legal blow; the character merely needs to plant
both their feet, and state the effect and gesture with
their weapon or hands. Anyone gestured to, including
allies needs to back away from the character, at least 10
feet. While moving, the targets should choose a direct
and safe path, but cannot attack anyone by any means,
including ranged attacks, and is considered under the
effects of Agony without the pain. The general rule of
thumb is that a person must back up at least until their
weapons cannot possibly touch the characters weapons. The effect ends when the person moves the full
distance back. If a target is Planted, in a corner, or
otherwise unable to back up easily, they may go to one
knee, and not attack the character for a full 10
seconds. Characters cannot use this ability to press
someone back and then move forward. While people
are moving away from them, the character cannot advance towards them, but may attempt to flee or move
to another area not occupied.
Duration: Special
(Until target is at least 10 feet away and cannot strike
characters weapon, or 10 seconds if they go to a knee.)

This effect will put the character affected in complete control of the person that generated the effect.
The character cannot attack or harm the person in any
way, and must attempt to follow any and all commands given by the person, even if they clearly involve
the character dying. The person can issue as many or
little commands as he wishes, and while under this
effect the character may call No Effect to any Command effect which would directly contradict any of the
persons commands. Like with Command, any commands to tell the truth may only be used with yes or
no questions. Unlike Command, this effect lasts a full
5 minutes or until Cuted, even if the character is rendered unconscious.
Duration: 5 minutes

Extra Wording: [ #/All] <Attribute/Skill>
This effect removes a specific skill, header, or an
attribute point from a character. In the case of Headers, the character loses all skills under that header,
and/or any sub-headers. Stamina, Stealth, Inspiration,
Arcane, Zeal and Power are considered attributes for
this effect, and not skills. With the case of skills, you
temporary lose the use of the skill, as if you did not
possess it. With the case of draining attribute points,
you lose a temporary point or points based on the call.
For example if you had 5 strength, and 3 strength
points left and were hit with Drain Strength you
would still have 5 strength, but only 2 remaining
strength points. In the same example, Drain All
Strength would remove all of your strength points.
You cannot go into negative point pools, and may call
No Effect or Reduced to any Drain effect that
would remove you below 0 points of an attribute. Like
Restore, if no number is specified, the default number
is 1. The All modifier is used slightly differently with
all attributes and no Drain effect will remove your Endurance unless specifically stated Endurance in the
call. For example Drain 3 Endurance would remove 3
up to Endurance Points, but Drain All Attributes
would remove all attributes except Endurance that the
character had. Broader still, Drain All would remove
all skills and attributes (again, except Endurance) until
the character Endurance Refreshed.
Duration: Refresh


Extra Wording: [All] <Trait>

This effect will remove a temporary Trait or effect
with a specific trait on a character. Dispel will only
target traits, and not effects. With multiple effects affecting a character, they may choose which one the
dispel removes. For example, with a Silence by Magic
and a Slow by Magic on a character, and they are
affected by a Dispel Magic they may choose which
one is fixed. Broader, a Dispel All <Trait> will remove all effects with a specific trait. Broader still, a
Dispel All will remove all effects except Death. If an
Imbue or Inflict gives you a temporary trait, Dispel
will remove it (if the trait is not Empowered, or the
dispel is) but dispel has no effect on permanent traits
your character always has, like his Race, or Living. A
character may use the Dispel effect on themselves, but
only if they are not helpless and have a free hand to do
so. If Dispel removes a negative effect then it is a beneficial effect.
Duration: Instant


RequieM Chapter 2 = Core Rules

a type of form, with a different gesture. While in a
Form, you must keep your head bowed and your arms
crossed in front of you or to both sides in a nonthreatening way, unless a skill specifically states differently. The Gesture for Flying is twirling a piece of
String, ribbon or a weapon clearly over your head.
While in form, you may not attack or use any other
skill unless it specifically states it may be used in form.
Generally different skills or spells that allow forms
have different allowances on moving and speaking. If
not specifically stated, you may move but not speak in
a Form. This is a beneficial effect.
Duration: 5 minutes


This effect prevents a character from generating

any Uncalled Damage with weapons. The character
may still use Called Damage, and block and defend
with weapons normally. This has no effect on spells,
but has the same effect on ranged weapons.
Duration: Rest


Extra Wording: <Trait/All>

This effect causes anyone that has the specified
trait to cry out in pain in a loud voice if affected by it.
Broader, an Expose All will cause everyone to cry out.
Crying out to the effect is In Game, and may not be
done under a Silence effect, but must still be mimed.
Generally this effect is delivered with a Voice Attack,
but exceptions do exist. Targets affected must cry out
loud enough for the character to hear, and at the bare
minimum in a loud tone of voice. For example if a
character hears Voice Attack Expose Living from the
other side of a field and they possessed the Living
Trait, they must cry out loud enough that whoever
generated the Effect could hear the response.
Duration: Instant

This effect requires the character to remain completely frozen in place in whatever position they were
in when they were struck by the effect. If a character is
completely uncomfortable they may shift slightly, but
it should be readily apparent that they are frozen in
place. Targets under the effect of freeze are immune to
all effects, including uncalled damage while they are
affected by Freeze, unless the effect would remove the
Freeze. The target may be moved, but not Searched, or
posed while affected.
Duration: 5 minutes

This effect causes the target to lose use of all game
skills that are not Passive, and in addition target may
not run until the effect ends. Weapons and items may
still be carried but cannot be used to even block attacks. Characters at 0 Body Points are always considered to be under a Permanent version of this effect
while at 0 Body.
Duration: Rest

Extra Wording: <Ability>
This effect allows a character the use of a skill or
ability for the Battle. Almost all Consumable Items
with a non-Instant duration are usually considered
Grant effects, which will be stated on the tag. A character may only have one Grant effect active at one
time, and if given another, must choose which one to
keep. Grant effects are generally Minor Use, but sometimes they can be continuous whole Battle abilities.
Some examples of Grant would be Grant Shield Magic giving the character affected a Shield Magic versus
the next attack that hits them, or Grant Maim by
Weapon giving them the ability to generate the call
Maim with a weapon blow. Any effect that is continuous must be used immediately. For example if a
character were affected by Grant Spirit Form they
must immediately go into Spirit Form, or lose the ability. At the end of the Battle, any unused Grant abilities
are lost. This is a beneficial effect.
Duration: Battle


Extra Wording: <Trait>

This effect causes the character to either become
insubstantial or unaffected by normal attacks and
spells. You may call No Effect: <Trait> to any attack
that does not target the form you are in. For example
if you are in a Spirit Form you would call No Effect:
Spirit to anything that was not to Spirit in the call,
including uncalled damage. The exception to this is
Dispel <Trait> which if the trait matches the form,
will remove it, even without a to <Trait> in the call.
The most common forms are Spirit, Earth and Shadow, but others do exist. In addition, Flying is merely


RequieM Chapter 2 Core Rules

path, but cannot attack anyone by any means, including ranged attacks, and is considered under the effects
of Agony without the pain. The number given is the
minimum distance you must go, and the effect ends
when you move the full distance. This effect will always disrupt a planted Frenzy or other Planted actions,
ending it if the person is affected by Knockback. If the
person is in a corner, or otherwise unable to back up
the full length easily, they may go to one knee, and be
affected as per agony for a full 30 seconds. Characters
can use this ability to press someone back and then
move forward, unlike Disengage.
Duration: Special
(Until you move back the required amount, or 30
seconds if you go to a knee.)


Extra Wording: <Type/All>

This effect will sometimes allow a character to
receive extra treasure from a NPC or Location. This
effect will never work on Players. The harvest effect
must be used while the NPC is helpless and a successful harvest generates a Killing Blow. Use of this effect
in a location will always be accompanied by a Yellow
Hex that will explain how it works. The types used for
harvesting are generally Elemental, Herbal, Magical,
Mystical, and Physical Components but others may
exist. Broader the word All can be used to receive all
components that an NPC has, if a skill specifically
states it allows it. If an NPC is worth nothing, has already been harvested or does not have the type of
component that the character specifies, then they will
reply You find nothing sometime during the
counted action or immediately after the effect is generated. An NPC that states Minion to a Harvest effect
has no treasure, and never will, but follows the Minion
rules, and has a cache of treasure located somewhere.
Duration: Instant

Extra Wording: [All] [Leg/Arm]
This effect causes the target to lose the use of a
single or multiple limbs. Weapon blows that do not
have a specific limb stated affect the limb that is
struck, while ranged and packet attacks without a limb
stated allow you to pick which limb becomes useless. A
specific limb can be targeted, such as Maim Left Arm
in which the character would lose use of that limb. If
an arm is affected by maim, a character must drop anything in the arm, and it hangs to their side limply and
cannot be used. If a leg is targeted, the character must
go to one knee, and can never hop around on one leg;
a character may attempt to crawl with other limbs that
are not maimed though. Broader, Maim All Arms
will maim both of your arms, and Maim All will
maim all of your limbs. To Cure a Maim, there must
be an individual Cure Maim for each limb affected,
even if they were all generated with the same effect.
Duration: Rest


Extra Wording: [#/All]

This effect will cause the target to gain back lost
Body Points. This effect may restore a numbered
amount of Damage taken, for example Heal 4 by Spirit. Without a number it is always assumed the number is one. Broader, Heal All, heals the target to full
Body Points. Heal cannot raise characters above their
maximum Body Points. Any Bonus Vitality that is
lost may also be restored with a Heal effect, but will
still go away when stated. This is a beneficial effect.
Duration: Instant



Extra Wording: [# Feet]

This effect moves a person or multiple people
away from the character. The effect does not need to
land a legal blow; the character merely needs to plant
both their feet, and state the effect and gesture with
their weapon or hands. Anyone gestured to, including
allies, needs to back away from the character. A number of Feet can be specified with this Effect, for example Knockback 100 feet. If no number of feet is specified the number is assumed to be 30 feet. While
moving, the person should choose a direct and safe

Extra Wording: [All] [Leg/Arm]

Like Maim this effect causes the target to lose use
of a limb or multiple limbs. See Maim for the complete details, as Mangle works the exact same. However, the effects of Mangle are more severe and cannot be
as easily cured. Unlike Maim, this effect generally requires Attributes to remedy. In addition, the duration
is longer than the Maim effect.
Duration: Refresh


RequieM Chapter 2 = Core Rules



This effect requires the character to remain completely frozen in place in whatever position they were
in when they were struck by the effect. If a character is
completely uncomfortable, or deliberately being
Posed they may then choose to collapse to the
ground. While Paralyzed, a character is aware of what
is going on, but cannot move, speak or communicate
in any way. Since being Dead removes Paralyze, If a
character enters the Dead state for any reason while
paralyzed, they will instantly collapse to the ground.
While paralyzed, a character is considered helpless.
Duration: Line of Sight

Extra Wording: [All] <Trait/Effect>

This effect will remove an effect or trait from the
character using it. Purge is limited to Self only. It is
always considered to be a Passive skill, meaning it may
be used while Unconscious, affected by Fatigue, Stun,
Sleep, etc, Incapacitated, or even when stated that character may not use skills or abilities. The majority of
skills or abilities that use this effect require a certain
amount of RP time, but exceptions do exist. Purge
<Effect>, like Purge Berserk will remove a single instance of the effect on the character, exactly like the
Cure effect would. Purge <Trait>, like Purge Fire will
remove a temporary trait of Fire, or a single instance of
an effect with the fire trait, exactly like the Dispel effect would. Broader, Purge All <Effect/Trait> would
remove all instances of a specific effect or trait. Broader still Purge All will remove all effects and temporary
traits (including beneficial ones) affecting the character
except Death. No Purge effect will remove Death unless specifically stated in the call. A Purge Death will
return a character back to 1 Body Point, and any other
purge does not Heal a character in addition to fixing
them. If removing a negative effect, Purge is a beneficial effect.
Duration: Instant


While affected by Plague, the character becomes

No Effect to all Heal and Stabilize effects. Plague
must be Cured or removed in some way before a character can be healed at all. In addition, if Plague is not
cured within its duration (without altering, of 5 minutes) then the character will collapse to the Dead
state, and begin his death count.
Duration: Special
(If not cured within 5 minutes, character collapses to

This effect causes the character to move into melee
range of the target that generated the effect. This effect
may move characters that normally could not move by
themselves, or are helpless. While moving, the character should choose a direct and safe path, but cannot
attack anyone by any means, including ranged attacks,
and is considered under the effects of Agony without
the pain. The effect ends when the character is in melee combat range of the Target or the character cannot
reach the target reasonably in 30 seconds of trying.
This effect will always disrupt a planted Frenzy or other Planted actions, ending it if the person is affected by
Pull. If the character is affected by an effect that does
not let him move, such as Root, would have to cross
an Obstacle or otherwise is unable to travel the full
length safely to the target the character may go to one
knee, and be affected, as per the same agony for a full
30 seconds.
Duration: Special
(Until you move into melee range of the target, or 30
seconds whichever comes first.)


Extra Wording: [#/All] <Item>

This effect will restore a target item (ie. Weapon,
Armor or Tagged Item) that is Damaged or had the
Destroy effect used upon it. This effect will never work
on consumable items that have been used, only ones
that have been actually destroyed. If used with Armor,
a number of Armor points may be stated, only repairing that many armor, for example Repair 3 Armor. If
no value is stated, the assumption is the entire suit of
Armor is repaired to full point value, removing any
breach and resetting the ability to use the Refit Armor
skill on it. Broader, 'Repair All <Item>' will repair all
of a specific type of item on the target. Broader still, a
'Repair All' will repair all items on the target. Generally, skills that generate this effect require Attributes or a
specific Blacksmith made Material to work. This is a
beneficial effect.
Duration: Instant


RequieM Chapter 2 Core Rules

range. Weapon blows that do not have a specific foot
stated affect the leg that is struck, while ranged and
packet attacks without a limb stated allow you to pick
which foot becomes rooted. This effect has no bearing
on the other foot, and you may pivot the foot rooted,
to swivel to different directions, as long as it does not
move from the specific spot. A character can only be
affected by a single root at a time, and if one foot is
rooted, and the other one is targeted, it overrides the
old root effect.
Duration: Line of Sight


This effect will force the character to try to remain

at least 10 feet away from the person that generated
the effect. If at any point doing so would force the
character to enter a dangerous area or prevent movement, then they may move within the 10 foot range in
order to achieve a safe position, but must then attempt
to move back away to 10 feet. In addition, the character may not use any attacks on the caster of the effect,
including any ranged attacks. This effect will immediately end if the character is attacked in any way by
the caster of the effect.
Duration: Special
(Until attacked by caster or 5 Minutes whichever
comes first.)

This effect will cause the characters voice to stop
working completely. The character may not verbally
communicate with others In Game, cast Spells/Scrolls
requiring an Incant, or otherwise use their voice to cry
out. Any skill that requires an RP time of performance, talking, shouting or even whispering may not
be used while the character is affected by the Silence
effect. This also includes any effects that would force
the character cry out, such as Expose or a Command.
If affected by one of those and the character was silenced, they would mime or pretend to cry out, but
make no sound. This has no bearing on any out of
game verbal calls, and all of those may still be used
normally. Examples of such verbal calls would be Parry, Disengage or Activate 5 Heal 3 by Poison.
When a characters mouth is bound with cloth or
rope, a character is considered under a Permanent
Silence effect while gag remains in place.
Duration: Rest


Extra Wording: [#/All] <Attribute>

This effect will replace missing Attribute Points to
the character. For the purpose of this effect, Stamina,
Stealth, Inspiration, Arcane, Zeal and Power are considered to be attributes instead of skills. If no number
is used with this effect, like Heal, the number 1 is implied. Used with a number and an Attribute, this will
replace up to that many missing Attribute Points the
character is lost. For instance, Restore 2 Strength will
restore up to 2 used Strength Points. A character may
never be restored over their maximum of a specific
Attribute, and may use the call Reduced or No Effect to indicate such. In the previous example, if the
character had 3 Strength, and 2 Strength Points left,
they would receive 1 Strength Point, bringing them to
their maximum of 3 Strength Points. Broader, a Restore All <Attribute> will restore all missing Attribute
Points, and Restore All will restore all lost attributes
as if just Refreshed. Endurance works differently with
this effect, much like Drain. No restore effect will replace used Endurance Points unless specifically mentioned in the call, like Restore Endurance. This is a
beneficial effect.
Duration: Instant

This effect kills the character outright reducing
them to Dead, and then bypasses the normal 5 minute
Death Count, causing them to rise as a spirit to resurrect instantly. Any skill or ability that can Reduce a
Death effect will not work to reduce a Slay unless specifically stated in the skill that it will work. In addition, a Cure Death will have No Effect on a character
affected by Slay, unless the Cure Death is specifically
to Spirit. If affected the character must first fall to
the ground, then the character must drop all In Game
possessions, and then their spirit will rise and head to
Deaths Realm.
Duration: Instant


Extra Wording: [Left/Right Foot]

This effect will disallow the character to move a
specific foot. In addition, this effect will immediately
cause the player to have to take a knee to the Disengage, Knockback or Pull effects, if they are within


RequieM Chapter 2 = Core Rules



This effect causes the character to collapse into a

deep slumber that they are unable to rouse from easily.
The character must fall to the ground, and role-play
sleeping for 5 minutes. They may snore, or do anything else that is sleep related (no sleepwalking or talking though!) to give people the idea of the effect they
are under. While under the sleep effect, the character is
considered Unconscious, and cannot perceive the
world around them. If the character takes at least a
point of damage (Called or Uncalled) they will awaken
with a start. If someone begins a Killing Blow on the
character, they will take a point of uncalled damage,
and awaken instantly.
Duration: Special
(Until 5 minutes passes, character is damaged or a
Killing Blow is begun, whatever comes first.)

This effect causes the character, if they are Bleeding Out at -1 Body Points, to return to 0 Body Points.
This will have no effect on any character that is not in
their Bleed Out count. If a character is at 0 Body or
higher or they are in their Death Count, the character
must reply No Effect to a Stabilize effect generated
on them. In addition, a Counted Action stabilize (Begin Stabilize) will pause a characters Bleed Out count
wherever it is at. If the action is interrupted or
stopped, the Bleed Out count will continue where it
left off. For example, if a character is at 23 seconds
into their Bleeding Count, and receives a Begin Stabilize for 50 seconds, they will remain at 23 seconds,
but will begin counting again if the person doing the
action stops. This is a beneficial effect.
Duration: Instant


This effect will cause the character to slow down

to the point they cannot move faster than a slow walk.
The character can swing and fight normally, providing
that they never run or move their feet quickly. If anyone attempts to flee from the character, they must let
them get away. Conversely, any pursuit against a character affected by Slow should always catch up.
Duration: Rest

This effect allows the character to be able communicate with others, this includes any effect in which
the character could not talk (such as being Dead, or a
Spirit) except the Silence effect. Anyone within earshot
will be able to hear what the character affected by
Speak is saying, but the character affected will not be
able to understand anyone else except the caster of the
Speak effect if they couldnt normally. Usually this is
done with a trait, such as Elemental, or Dead, allowing
a conversation to take place even if the caster could not
normally communicate with the character. The Speak
effect does not force the target to tell the truth, or
force communication in any way; it merely allows
communication to take place. Keep in mind that some
targets thoughts or words might be so different or
alien, that while a character is able to speak to the target, they might not completely understand what the
target is trying to convey.
Duration: 5 Minutes


RequieM Chapter 2 Core Rules

but Triple Death by Fire would remain unchanged.
Broader, if this effect is used with Damage, for example Vulnerable Damage then the character would add
the Double prefix to any Called Damage attack (of any
trait) that the character receives, from weapons or
spells. Broader still, Vulnerable All would make the
character add the Double prefix to all negative called
effects (of any trait) that the character receives. This
effect has no effect on Uncalled Damage.
Duration: Rest


This effect causes the character to fall limp to the

ground and immediately become Unconscious. While
under the Stun effect, the character cannot perceive
the world around them. The character will not lose
any Health while being stunned, and will awaken with
whatever Body and Armor Points they had prior to
being stunned. While stunned, a character is considered Helpless. In addition, there are no visible differences between being stunned and being unconscious
for any other reason, unless a Diagnose effect is used.
Duration: 5 Minutes


Extra Wording: [#]

This effect causes the character to be unable to
generate any Called Weapon Effects besides damage,
and reduces all Called Damage they generate with Melee and Ranged Weapons by a specific number. If no
number is specified, then the default number is 5.
Weakness has no effect any ability that is not generated with a weapon of some kind. This effect can never
reduce the number of a called weapon strike below 2.
This effect cannot stack with itself, and any new more
powerful Weakness will override the old one.
Duration: Rest

Extra Wording: <All/Trait/Damage>
This effect causes the character to take double
negative effect from all non-beneficial effects from the
specific Trait in the call. The character merely adds the
Double Prefix to any incoming negative effect. Note
that this will have no additional effect on already
Double or Triple effects, as they can never be doubled
again. For Example, if the character was affected with
Vulnerable Fire, and was hit with 5 Damage by Fire
they would receive that as Double 5 Damage by Fire


RequieM Chapter 2 = Core Rules

Advanced Effects

Inflict Trait

Extra Wording: <Trait>

This specific exception to Inflict does not usually
come with a separate card, or Let me Clarify but exceptions do exist. Instead this effect gives the character
a specific trait as named in the call for the duration of
the Event. This effect is considered Empowered, for
the purposes of attempting to remove it, but unless
specifically stated with a card or by a member of Plot,
this trait usually goes away at the end of an event.
Some Inflict traits Inflict an additional effect at the
end of the duration if they are not removed, which will
be accompanied by a Card, or Sealed Envelope.

These effects are more complicated, and tend not

to just be thrown or used in combat, unlike Standard
Effects. The vast majority of these effects need additional explanation, either through verbal communication, or a written card. While not as common as standard effects, these effects are used frequently to provide
a simple way of covering situations or effects not covered in the previous effects, or rare enough effects that
it would not be worth memorizing them. Knowing
how these effects work, will allow you to, without additional memorization, to be able to react appropriately to any situation in game with an advanced effect.


Imbue is almost identical in nature to Inflict, except that it is almost always beneficial and generally are
positive effects. The Imbue effect is always accompanied by one of two things; a card that states the exact
effect or the person that imbued the character using a
Let me Clarify which will also explain the effect. Refer to Inflict for more details, as Imbue uses the similar
rules. Unlike inflict, Imbues are not Empowered unless otherwise stated. For Example, if you do an Imbue by Magic that allows you to swing +1 with all
Called Damage, a Dispel Magic will remove it. Remember that Cure does not remove beneficial effects
though, so in the same example a Cure All would not
remove it. This effect is generally used by players to
give another player a temporary ability or grant themselves a power. No player, unless explicitly given Plot
permission can use Imbue other characters without an
accompanied official card. Skills that imbue a character and are Self Only, do not come with a card, as they
cannot be transferred. This is a beneficial effect.

This effect is a catchall effect that can include anything that isnt specifically in the standard effects. The
Inflict effect is always accompanied by one of two
things; a card that states the exact effect or the person
that inflicted the character using a Let me Clarify
which will also explain the effect. If a character is affected with the Inflict effect, they must pause to wait
for its delivery method, whether it is a card given to
the character or sentence explained. The character
must read this card as soon as possible without directly
interrupting any role-playing or combat. Once read,
the character must assume everything on the card is
true, and any instructions given must be followed. Answers to any questions should be addressed on the card
itself, but if a character has any issues that need to be
clarified, they should talk to a member of Plot or circumspectly ask the person that inflicted them for a
Clarification. Inflicts are almost always detrimental
and generally are negative effects. For the purposes of
an Inflict, unless a Cure specifically states Cure Inflict
that the cure effect will not remove them, and unless
otherwise stated, Inflicts are considered Empowered.
Remember that Empowered effects cannot be removed
without an Empowered Dispel, or Empowered Cure,
and will not be removed by going to the Dead status,
or travelling to the Realm of Death. Inflict Cards
usually last a specific duration, or until a specific action occurs, and the duration is always on the card
itself, with the default being for the full Event. Sometimes a card will have instructions on where to give the
card to when finished with it, instead of using a normal Tag Turn-in Container.

Sealed Envelopes
If an Inflict or Imbue is in a sealed envelope then
it has an unknown delayed effect. Some sealed envelopes are opened when instructed to do so, either by
the instructions on the envelope itself, or by another
person with the Let me Clarify effect. The other type
of sealed envelope can be voluntarily opened under
certain conditions, or whenever a character wishes,
which will be stated clearly on the sealed envelope itself. This is done to provide an element of mystery to
some effects, and should not be viewed until the correct time.


RequieM Chapter 2 Core Rules

instructions as well. This effect is used extremely rarely
in Players hands if at all. Every instance of this effect
must be specifically approved by a member of Plot.
This effect can be used to explain how a specific Adventure works, or what that Inflict or Imbue really just
did. If given instructions, the character must follow
those as well. Even if the person that uses this is untrustworthy in the game, the character can assume that
anything stated in this effect is true, and can be taken
as fact. This effect is used to help keep the game running smoothly, when a placard, written card, or exact
instructions are not always available.

Counted Actions

Some Skills or abilities allow you to generate an

effect on a helpless or willing target after a certain
amount of time. These can be helpful or harmful, and
all follow the same format. They all require that you
touch a weapon or packet to the player, as required for
Touch Casting. In all cases, a counted action must
take place between the time of the first call and the
effect. This action is interrupted by damage or any
effect or if the character wishes to stop for any reason.
The character may quietly count out loud, or in his
head, for example Begin Killing Blow, Killing Blow
1, Killing Blow 2, Killing Blow 3, Death. In that example Begin Killing Blow and Death must be
stated, but all of the counting may be done quietly, or
silently. In addition, the character may extend the duration of the count for as long as he wishes, without
penalty. Begin Stabilize is a special case as it will halt a
characters Bleeding count, and Killing Blow is a special case because it can be done by anyone without a
skill. All other counted actions require a skill to use.
If the end call is Inflict or Imbue, the character must
then hand the target the appropriate Inflict or Imbue
Card. Some examples are as follows:
Begin <Skill Name> <Effect>
Begin Awaken Cure Sleep
Begin Stabilize Stabilize
Begin Killing Blow Death
Begin Feeding <Effect>
Begin Infliction Inflict

Yellow Hexes
A yellow hexagon is the usual way that Out of
Game information is displayed to Players to avoid
speaking out of character, and interrupting the flow of
the Event. If at any point a character comes across one,
they must first pause and read it before taking any other action. Sometimes a particular Staff member will
clarify information if needed, but in general any information needed should be contained on yellow hexes. Yellow hexes usually contain information that cannot be easily gleaned from the props. This does not
mean that other information is not available elsewhere
as well, but this Out of Game information is usually
clear and to the point. Examples of this are what effect
a Rope Light Portal has, what skill it takes to open the
following door, or what exactly is in that pit between
the jumpy stones. Yellow hexes also can limit access to
areas, and designate Out of Game locations, and other
restricted access.


Some skills or abilities will allow a character to

perform a normally counted action instantly. To avoid
confusion, you merely state Instant <Effect> while
delivering the effect normally, instead of the word Begin. The effect must still be delivered in the same way
as a counted action, which is usually touching a weapon or packet to your target. For example, if a character had the ability to Instant Killing blow, they would
touch a weapon to the torso of the target and state
Instant Death as the call.


Hazards are a specific type of Yellow Hex, that

contains an effect, is usually used to represent what
danger will befall someone that steps into a pit, or gets
hit with falling rocks or any other environmental malady. These are generally predominantly displayed in
the area of question, or clearly marked when they will
occur. For example of there was a pit of acid
represented by a green tarp, with a 10 Lethal by Acid
Hazard on it, missing a jumpy stone and stepping in
the pit would result in taking 10 Lethal by Acid.
Hazard damage, along with Trap damage, is generally
Lethal. This represents an inherent extra danger in
physical challenges and premade traps.

Let me Clarify
This effect means that whatever is stated next is
true, and should be followed. This effect does not need
to land a legal blow and can never be defended against.
It is generally informational in nature but can contain


RequieM Chapter 2 = Core Rules

Game Stopping

question, a character cannot call a Clarification if they

think someone else is not taking the correct effect.
There are many skills in the game that can reduce,
change or flat out make a character No Effect to an
effect, so do not instantly come to the conclusion that
someone is cheating. A character that wishes to ask an
important question to a member of Plot may circumspectly use Clarification: I need to talk to Plot to any
NPC, or fill out a Request Sheet. Clarifications should
not last more than approximately 10 seconds, and can
never be used because you are confused about anything In Game, only rules mechanics. Abuse of this
effect is cheating and will be dealt with, with anything
up to and including being asked to leave the game.

These effects are so important, that they deserve a

category of their own, and effect players, not characters. Any player can use any of these effects, if the situation requires it.

This effect is a warning or exclamation of a danger
or hazard Out of Game, or a reaction to a minor injury. All players of the game may use this effect, if
they deem it necessary. All play around where the caution is called must be paused while the problem is
dealt with. Play not directly around where the specific
Caution happens may continue, but all characters may
not attempt to attack or take advantage of anyone in a
caution. This pause to the game should be short, between a couple of seconds to a minute or two at the
maximum. Common reasons for a Caution are a bad
fall, knocked off glasses, or a bad head shot with a boffer or packet. Feel free to also use Caution as a preventive measure or a warning if someone is going to trip,
back into someone or do something that may harm
them. If desired and you are the injured party of a caution, you may sit the Battle out. Place your hand or
weapons over your head, and inform anyone that approaches you Caution: Resting. If someone is hurt
badly, then an Emergency Hold should be used, but
please try to keep Holds to an absolute minimum, and
only for when someone is actually hurt. Abuse of this
effect is cheating and will be dealt with, with anything
up to and including being asked to leave the game.

Emergency Hold
This effect stops game for everyone around that
hears the call. All players of the game may use this effect, if they deem it necessary. In addition, this call
should be repeated for anyone that approaches the
area. This effect is used in the rare event that someone
is hurt badly and needs medical attention or to go to a
hospital. A Caution can be suddenly upgraded to an
Emergency Hold if needed, so sometimes its better to
be cautious about calling this for someone else, unless
you are absolutely certain. All play should stop, and all
players should go to one knee, indicating that there is a
serious a problem. Anyone medically trained should
approach to see if they can assist in any way they deem
necessary, or runners may be sent to go get someone
else that can help. Game will not continue until the
Emergency is dealt with. Abuse of this effect is cheating and will be dealt with severely, with anything up to
and including being asked to leave the game.

Lay On


While not a game stopping event, this is closely

tied in with the above effects, as it is the effect that can
start game up again. With a Clarification, this should
be stated by the person that called it in the first place.
With a Caution, It can be for whoever called the Caution in the first place, or whomever the Caution was
called can state Lay On again. For an Emergency
Hold, only an EMT or a member of Plot should use
this, unless called in error. Before using this effect to
resume game, the character should check to make sure
all issues are resolved and game will continue smoothly.

This effect is used when character is confused

about an effect, call, or specific in game action that
occurred. Like a Caution, this effect essentially pauses
the game around where the call was made while an
effect is explained or a call is restated. Usually this is
only needed for newer players, but all players of the
game may use this effect, if they deem it necessary. A
character may not call a Clarification to state that a
packet or weapon hit someone; it is up to that person.
If you believe that someone is breaking the rules then
refer to the Honor Rule on how to deal with it instead.
Clarifications must always be used by someone to ask a


RequieM Chapter 2 Core Rules

Effect Modifiers

and are generally referred to as Called Damage, because of that. There are many skills and abilities in the
game to increase Called Damage done, or decrease the
amount taken, so do not assume someone is cheating,
with the amount of damage they deal or receive.

Effects can have a couple of different words that

can alter exactly what an effect does. These should be
learned, as they can apply to any Standard Effect, and
even some of the Non-Standard effects. The template
for modifiers involves before or after the effect. For
example an effect would look like [Prefix] <Effect>
[Suffix] where the prefixes and suffixes are optional.


Suffixes come after an effect call, and generally

modify the trait that the effect is by, to, the delivery
method, or any additional linking effects. All effects
have a suffix of by <Trait> and if it is not specifically
called, by Physical is the default.


Prefixes come before an effect call, and generally

modify the effect itself, or the delivery method. Prefixes can make it harder to defend again, increase or
decrease durations, and other types of effect modifiers.


Some Effect Modifiers have specific defaults,

which if not explicitly stated, default to a number or
time. This is similar to the Heal Effect defaults to 1
without a number. These defaults are all clearly stated
in each of the modifiers, and are standardized to be as
simple to remember as possible.

Damage Calls
Damage calls are similar to effects but just generate damage. They are always preceded by a number,

Effect Modifiers QuickList


Brief Description



Signifies that the Effect was generated with a Consumable Item



Effect does not take place immediately, Suffix contains time it will, default 1 hour



Character affected will take Effect twice consecutively



Effect cannot be Cured or Dispelled normally, and lasts while character is Dead



Effect has a longer, new duration, Suffix contains new duration, default 1 hour



Skill generating Effect is not used up on normal Defenses, cannot be Deflected



Effect cannot be blocked by Weapons or Shields, packet attacks default to this



Effect can be blocked by Weapons and Shields, weapon attacks default to this



Effect now lasts the duration of the Event



Effect has a shorter, new duration, Suffix contains new duration, default 10 seconds



Character affected will take Effect three times consecutively



Effect cannot be defended against, except Reductions and No Effects


<#> Damage

Normal Called Damage, if it drops target they are go to Bleeding Out

Damage Call

<#> Body

Damage bypasses Armor and Bonus Armor Points.

Damage Call

<#> Lethal

Damage cannot be Reduced, and if it drops target, they collapse to Dead

Damage Call

[#] Padded

Damage that is less harmful, without a number does no damage

Damage Call

and <Effect>

Links two Effects together, causing both of them to effect target


by <Trait>

Effects trait, used to provide flavor of attack, and signify what defenses work, default Physical


by Supremacy

Effect cannot be Reduced or No Effect to


except <Trait>

Effect does not work on those with Trait specified


to <Trait>

Effect only works on those with Trait specified


to <Name>

Effect only works on Character with Name, Nickname, or Pseudonym


to Back

Signifies that the Effect only works from behind the target, and can be done quieter


to Self

Effect works on Character generating it, used to prevent confusion



RequieM Chapter 2 = Core Rules



This prefix signifies an effect that is much more

difficult to remove than normal. Cure and Purge effects will not remove any Empowered effect, unless
they too have the Empowered Prefix. In addition, the
effect will remain active while in a characters Death
Count. Empowered effects will generally still be removed when a character goes to Deaths Realm to resurrect, but exceptions can occur with specific Imbue
or Inflict Cards. By default Inflicts are considered to
be empowered unless specifically stated otherwise on
the card.

This prefix signifies the use of a consumable item,
and it must be used to accompany any effect that is
used with Gas Poisons, Scrolls, Magic Items, etc
This Prefix is only used with consumable items, so it is
clear that the effect generated was not from a skill.
Remember that characters that use a consumable on
themselves, like a Potion or an Elixir, still must use
this prefix and state the effect out loud after doing any
RP time to consume the item.



This prefix signifies that the effect lasts a longer

than the normal default duration. If accompanied with
a Suffix of time, that is the new duration, else the default is 1 hour. For example, Extend Stun would
change the Stun duration from normal (which is 5
minutes) to 1 hour, the default. Any effect that requires Rest to remove will now require the new duration of rest as well. This prefix does not modify any
ability to Cure or Dispel the effect, but will only alter
its duration.

This prefix signifies that an effect will happen in a

specified certain duration. If accompanied with a Suffix of time, the effect will occur then, else the default is
1 hour. For example, Delay Death by Fire 6 hours
will cause the character to take a Death by Fire in six
hours. The effect can still be dispelled by removing the
trait that comes with it, (remember that an affect is
always physical by default if not stated) but cannot be
cured until the actual effect occurs.



This prefix signifies an effect or defense that is

twice as potent as normal. The Double prefix means
that a character will take two of the specific effect consecutively. For Instance a Double 5 Damage by Fire
will make the character take 5 Damage by Fire twice.
Both attacks must be individually defended, or the
attack must be defended with a Double prefixed defense. This prefix on a defense will stop two of attacks
of similar nature, and is generally used to avoid repetition. For example, if a character was hit with a 5
Damage by Fire and a Death by Fire at the same
time, or a Double Paralyze by Fire and they had the
ability to Parry Fire, they could use double the
attributes and call Double Parry. In addition, some
skills may allow you to generate the Double Prefix on
defenses. The Double prefix can never stack with itself,
nor any other effect that causes a character to take
Double or Triple effect, only the greatest multiplier is
used. An example of this is a race that is Vulnerable to
Fire, is struck with a Double 5 Damage by Fire
Normally the character would add the Double Prefix
to the attack since it was fire but since it already had
the Double Prefix, no additional effect is added.

This prefix signifies an effect or Defense that is

much more powerful than normal. The Deflect defense cannot be used against any effect with this Prefix,
and any non-major Defense will work just like a Deflect normally does. Any defense used without the Major Prefix will successfully defend against one attack
with the Major trait, but will refund the attributes or
skill used to generate the Major effect to character.
Any Major effect that is Voice delivered or Area of
effect in nature cannot be defended against except with
a Major Defense.


This prefix signifies that the effect cannot be successfully blocked. A complete miss will still not work,
but any legal blow or attack that successfully strikes the
weapon or a shield of a character will cause them to
take the effect. This prefix can only be applied to a
weapon, as all packet attacks are always considered to
be Massive by default. This does not change the effect other than allowing it to be able to affect characters through their weapons and shields.


RequieM Chapter 2 Core Rules

Damage Calls


This prefix signifies that the effect can be successfully blocked with a weapon or a shield. This prefix
can only be applied to a packet, as all Weapon attacks
are always considered to be Natural by default. This
does not change the effect other than allowing it to be
able to be successfully blocked with a weapon or

<#> Damage

Normal damage is by far the most common damage call, and is stated as # Damage for where the effect would be placed. Examples of this are Massive 10
Damage and 5 Damage by Fire. Damage is subtracted normally as per the Health section of the rules.
Bonus Armor, Armor Points, Bonus Vitality, and then
Body Points are what are affected by damage, in that
order. If called damage drops a character, regardless of
whether they are exactly at 0 or less, they are always
put to -1 and Bleeding Out. Damage may be reduced
by skills and abilities, but never to below 1.

Like Extend, this prefix signifies that an effect lasts
a different, longer duration of the entire Event. For
example, Permanent Slow would change the duration
of slow from normal (which is 5 minutes) to the remainder of the event. Any effect that requires Rest to
remove cannot be removed with this prefix. This prefix does not modify any ability to Cure or Dispel the
effect, but will only alter its duration.

<#> Body

This form of damage bypasses all forms of Armor

Points and Bonus Armor, and does its Damage directly to Body. Other then bypassing armor, it works exactly like Damage works. Examples of this are Natural
2 Body and 3 Body by Mind. Just like called Damage, if Body damage drops a character, regardless of
whether they are exactly at 0 or less, they are always
put to -1 and Bleeding Out. Body damage may be reduced by skills and abilities, but never to below 1.


This prefix signifies that the effect lasts shorter

than the normal default duration. If accompanied with
a Suffix of time, that is the new duration, else the default is 10 seconds. For example, Quicken Stun 20
seconds would change the Stun duration from normal
(which is 5 minutes) to 20 seconds. Any effect that
requires Rest to remove will now require the new duration of rest as well. This prefix does not modify any
ability to Cure or Dispel the effect, but will only alter
its duration.

<#> Lethal

This form of damage bypasses damage reduction

and Lethal damage is more likely to kill a Character.
Lethal damage is subtracted normally as per the Health
section of the rules, refer to Damage for details. Examples of this are Massive 3 Lethal and 6 Lethal by
Trap. In addition, if Lethal damage drops a character,
regardless of whether they are exactly at 0 or less, they
are affected by a Death effect, and begin their Death
Count. Just taking Lethal damage will not kill a character, they must be dropped to 0 or less. In addition,
Lethal damage may not be reduced in any way,
through any skill or ability.

This prefix, like Double signifies an effect or defense that is more potent than normal, causing the
character to take three of the specific effect consecutively, or defend against three attacks. See Double for
any clarifications on exactly how this works. The
Triple Prefix can never stack with itself, or any other
damage multiplier, like Double or Vulnerable.


[#] Padded

This prefix signifies the Effect is much more powerful than normal. Any Effect with the Unstoppable
Prefix cannot be defended against, with any Defenses
(Shield, Parry, Evade, etc). This Prefix will not alter
the ability to Reduce or be No Effect to the effect; only what active defenses can use to stop it. This prefix
does not modify any ability to Cure or Dispel the effect, but will only alter ability to defend against it.

This form of damage is non-lethal, and can be

generated by anyone. Converting Called or Uncalled
Damage to Padded can be done without skill. The call
Padded in replacement of Uncalled Damage will not
do any damage, and is used for sparring. With a
number prefix, such as 3 Padded this will reduce a
character to 0 instead of Bleeding.

RequieM Chapter 2 = Core Rules


to <Trait>

This suffix signifies that an effect is targeted towards a specific character trait. This causes the attack
to have No Effect on any character without the specific trait in the call. Examples of this are 5 Damage to
Elf or Death to Fire by Water. In addition, if the
effect with this prefix has a duration longer than and
somehow the character loses the trait, they are no
longer affected by it. For instance, with Agony to
Spirit while a character is in Spirit Form, removing
the Form will remove the agony. This does not change
anything else about an effect except who it can target.

by <Trait>

This suffix signifies what Trait an effect has. All

effects have a trait that comes with them, which flavors
the effect and allows specific defenses against it. See
the Trait section of Effects for exact clarification. If an
effect call does not have a by <Trait> then the assumption is that it is by Physical. This is mainly used
for weapon attacks, to make the calls less verbose. Defenses that only work on a specific trait must hear that
trait to work on them. Examples of this are 5 Damage
by Fire vs. a Parry Fire.

to <Name>

This is a special case of the to <Trait> suffix that

affects a character with the name, nickname, or pseudonym in question. If a character has introduced
themselves with a name, they must then be affected if
that name is then used to target them. For Example,
Voice Attack to Dark, Agony by Fear would target
anyone that calls himself Dark, whether they were lying about that being their real name or not.

and <Effect>

This suffix can be used on an effect or defense to

link two effects together. This will cause a character to
take multiple effects from a single call. With effects, an
example of this could be Silence and Root by Magic.
A single defense against magic would negate the entire
attack. A defense against Silence would leave the character still affected by Root by Magic or a defense
against Root and a defense against Silence would also
negate the entire attack. In the above example, a Cure
Silence would remove the Silence, leaving the Root
and a Cure Root would vice versa. A Dispel Magic
would remove the entire effect. With defenses, generally this is used to signify a secondary effect that is happening with a defense. Examples of this are Parry and
10 Damage Aura or Resist and Heal 2 to Self.

to Back

This special case of the to <Trait> suffix limits

the effect to be a legal blow behind the character to
count. This can be generated with Melee or Ranged
Weapons or Packets. If a character is clearly struck in
the front with this effect, then they may state No Effect: Front to signify that the attack did not strike the
character from behind. To Back attacks can strike a
character in any limb or the torso, as long as it came
from behind the character. Reaching around a character to call to Back is never allowed, and the general
rule of thumb is that to use this ability, the caster
should be behind both shoulder blades of a target. Examples of this are Maim to Back or Double 10
Damage to Back. In addition, this attack may be
whispered if generated by a Melee Weapon, as long as
it is loud enough the target can hear it.

by Supremacy

This special case of the by <Trait> suffix is a specific trait that always affects the target. Any Verbal
with the by Supremacy call may not be Reduced or
No Effect to. This means if a character is normally
immune to Stun, a Stun by Supremacy will still affect
them. This does not change the effect, nor change
what Defenses can be used against it, only who it affects.

to Self

except <Trait>

This is a special case of the to <Trait> suffix in

which the effect was used on the character that generated it. This is used to prevent confusion over targeting in some situations, especially when combing multiple effects. Examples of this are Cure Maim to Self
and Resist and Heal 5 to Self.

This trait is the opposite of the to <Trait> as it

does not affect anyone with the specific trait. This is
generally used in conjunction with another trait, or in
an area of effect call. An example would be Voice
Attack except Town Repel by Fear, which would
affect everyone except characters with the Town trait.

RequieM Chapter 2 Core Rules


Flurry Rule

The flurry rule governs the number of times you

can swing at an opponent. Since Requiem uses uncalled hits, normal damage calls do not limit the speed
of attacks. The flurry rule states that you may attempt
to swing at a character three times, and no two of
them in the same place, before taking a step back and
pausing. Three attacks means three, regardless of
whether an attack missed, was blocked, or was actually
a legal blow. A character dual wielding is still governed
by this rule, where as they must limit both of the weapons to three total swings. If you are hit in the same
spot twice in a row, or swung at more than three times
in a row without a pause, you may state Flurry to
remind an opponent. Pausing and stepping back need
not be for more than a second or two, but should allow both combatants a quick break.

The absolute and primary concern in combat is
safety. All rules are in the game are designed with this
in mind, but cannot be all encompassing. Any action
in combat that would violate the No Physical Contact
Rule is not allowed. If you believe that a situation is
unsafe, then do not get involved in it. Back away or
remove yourself from the problem, and let someone
else know. Please keep in mind that the number one
most dangerous aspect of combat is running or backing up at night. If you choose to do such, be very careful and pay attention to your surroundings. Abuse of
any of the rules in the combat section is cheating and
will be dealt with, with anything up to and including
being asked to leave the game. Penalties for safety rule
violations are generally judged much harsher, as we
dont want anyone getting hurt.

Down Rule

A player with his hands or weapon over his head

does not wish to be hit. It is called the down rule, because you know the character is actually down and not
just possuming. Generally this is used as a non-verbal
way of stopping people from hitting them, if falling is
impossible due to safety or health reasons. If a player
places their weapons over the head, they are either Incapacitated or Bleeding Out. Even if they normally
would be at 0, they are now Bleeding Out. They may
then move to a safer spot or take their time getting
down on the ground and other players will know that
the character is actually not a threat anymore. If someone is minorly hurt during a combat and wishes to sit
it out, he may do so with the Caution: Resting rule,
with his weapons over his head. Unlike other games,
this does not mean Out of Game and the character is
still there and can be Searched or Killing Blowed, etc.
You may not use this rule while walking around unless
injured and returning somewhere safer.

Illegal Targets

In Requiem, the head, neck, hands and groin are

all illegal targets. Be especially careful of not hitting
those targets in bad lighting or at night. Any weapon
blow struck there does not count, nor will ever negatively affect the character struck. In fact they often lead
to a Caution. Packets may never be intentionally
aimed at those targets but if struck there with a packet,
players are expected to take the effect.

Boffer combat is meant to simulate real combat,
but restrictions apply in how a weapon boffer is
swung. In regards to weapon blows, Requiem uses a
Lightest Touch system, which means that any weapon strike, regardless of how lightly struck is considered to have affected the character. Since the Honor
System is used, any block that you believe blocked a
blow is considered to have. As a general rule of thumb
though, if you believe that you were struck before you
blocked, then always take that hit. When swinging, a
player should use his wrist in a snapping motion more
so then putting real force into weapon blows. Weapon
blows should be arced between 45 degrees and 90 degrees. Less than 45 degrees is against the rules because
you can hit too fast. Over 90 degrees is against the
rules because it is unsafe and encourages too hard hits.


Anyone with bright neon orange or yellow armbands and headbands, one of which should glow at
night should not be struck with a boffer weapon at all.
Usually this is because of a medical condition, so be
extra careful. To attack the person, merely go up to
them and pantomime hitting them, with or without
damage calls. They will take everything and often fall
very quickly.


RequieM Chapter 2 = Core Rules

Illegal Combat

Costume Rule

We in Requiem love good costuming, but sometimes it can hamper your combat effectiveness. This is
a rule that encourages costuming that might not otherwise be worn. Any Packet or Weapon that hits a billowing cloak or piece of clothing that would never
have actually struck the person will not affect the character. The Weapon or Packet must be a clear and obvious miss, minus the piece of costuming in the way.
You may never attempt to catch packets or weapons
with this rule or block them from striking yourself or
someone else. This rule works for larger racial prosthetics such as wings as well. The appropriate response
is Costume. As a rule of thumb, if you believe the
packet or weapon would have actually hit you, do not
use this rule. Abuse of this rule is cheating and will be
dealt with, with anything up to and including being
asked to leave the game.

Charging and Crowding

Deliberately running into a character, or running
at full speed towards a character is considered charging, and is against the rules. Players must be in enough
control to fully stop at least 3 feet before engaging
someone in combat. This can be really dangerous, and
breaks the No Physical Contact Rule. When fighting
any other player in combat, at no time should you be
able to reach out and touch them; fighting that close is
considered crowding and is against the rules. You must
back up to a safe distance where you could strike them
with a boffer weapon but could not actually touch

Turtling and Cover

Fighting from a location of cover or even behind a

shield where your opponent has no legal targets is considered Turtling and is against the rules. The reason
for this is the normal moves that would counter such
combat would break the rules and would involve physical contact. Be especially careful of this if you are a
shorter player with a maximum sized shield, as shield
sizes are meant as an average and might be large
enough that you would be considered Turtling. Fighting with a 2-hander from behind a shield fighter is
acceptable, as long as the shield fighter is able to be hit.
This also includes fighting through holes in walls, or
from around corners for a prolonged period of time,
the occasion safe shot is OK, but purposely drawing
the fight out using cover is against the rules. In addition, you should never swing around a corner or
through a hole without clearly seeing your target, as
this can be unsafe and lead to an illegal blow.

Pinning and Trapping

Trapping or pinning someones weapon in combat

is against the rules. The reason for this is the normal
moves that would counter such would break the rules
and would involve physical contact. Be especially careful of this if your weapon is hooked or has any strange
curves or blades, which could trap a weapon. Weapons
may fail safety inspections because of this. At any
point a player without using extra force should be able
to pull their weapon back away from you.


RequieM Chapter 2 Core Rules

Weapon Attacks

Packet Attacks

Uncalled Weapon Hits

Uncalled Packets

Any Weapon Strike that does not have any call to

go with it, is considered uncalled damage, and does 1
point of damage. This includes ranged weapons and
arrows. The majority of combat is silent like this, so it
is easier to hear effects when they are generated. Uncalled damage is less deadly then called damage, and
when you are reduced to 0 Body, you do not immediately go to Bleeding Out, unless you are then struck
again on your torso after falling.

Simply said, there is no such thing. If you are

struck with a packet there was a call that went along
with it. If you did not hear it, feel free to call Clarification: What hit me? and whoever did will be glad to
tell you. All Ranged Weapons will never be thrown
with packets.

Packet Delivered Effects

Unless otherwise stated with the word Natural,

packet attack is considered to affect you if it strikes any
part of you, or any weapon or shield you may be carrying. The exception to this is the Costume Rule. The
full effect of the packet must be stated before you begin to throw it at all. All packet attacks that are delivered without a trait are considered to be by Physical
in order to use Defenses on them.

Weapon Delivered Effects

Any weapon strike that has an accompanying call
with it, you are assumed to take the call assuming the
character lands a legal weapon blow. The weapon
swing and call may be done simultaneously; you do
not need to state the full call first. If there is no trait
with a weapon strike, it is automatically considered by

Sometimes a skill or ability allows a character to
throw multiple packets at the same time, to strike multiple opponents, but not the same opponent more
than once. This is noted with the word Burst at the
end of the effect call. All characters struck with one or
multiple of the packets take the effect, like they were
only hit with one of the packets. An example of this
would be a breath weapon from a monstrous drake
might be 10 Damage by Fire Burst then the drake
would throw a whole handful of packets. If you are hit
with any or all of the packets you would only take 10
Damage by Fire once, along with anyone else that was
hit. All player based Burst effects denote the number
of packets you are allowed to use in the skill description.

Extend Strike
Extra Wording: <Effect> ... [Effect2]
This call indicates a different duration of a non
instant effect held for as long as the character wishes,
followed sometimes by an optional second effect
which the target must then take. The attack must first
land a legal blow, then the character holds weapon to
the targets body, similar to Extend Gesture as long as
contact is maintained then effect remains. Removing
the weapon for any reason, being Disengaged away
from the target, or being rendered helpless will all end
this effect. For example, Extend Strike Root would
Root the target as long as the character held the weapon to them. Sometimes a skill or ability will let you
do a second effect after a certain amount of time,
which would be stated right before the weapon is removed. An example of this would be a snake that constricts and binds its target until it is dead after 10
seconds, the call would be Extend Strike Bind then
after a 10 second Counted Action would call Death.
In some cases the call is the same, which merely follows the normal duration at that point. For example, a
Spider that wishes web its victim with Extend Strike
Bind then after the appropriate count Bind which
would then leave the character under the effect of a
Bind for the standard duration of 5 minutes.

Touch Cast
This is generally a packet delivered attack that has
the pre-requisite that the target is helpless or willing.
You should never actually touch another player without his/her permission, but merely take a packet and
touch the packet to the player to deliver the effect.
Some touch casts require touching a weapon to the
target instead of a packet, such as Killing Blow, and
will be stated. Anyone not helpless may choose to call
Resist against any touch delivered effect.


RequieM Chapter 2 = Core Rules

Special Attacks

Major Voice Attacks

The Major prefix on Voice Attacks works slightly

differently than on other delivery methods. Major
Voice Attacks cannot be defended against at all except
by a Major defense. This does not alter whether
someone can Reduce or be No Effect to the attack,
only what Defenses can be used.

Gesture Attacks
Some abilities allow a character to target someone
without a packet or weapon, by merely pointing or
gesturing at them. The target does not have to be directly looking back, but needs to know he was targeted. The character using a gesture attack can use the
targets name, or any identifying characteristic to get
the targets attention. The duration and effect is unchanged; merely the character does not need to throw
a packet. An example of this would be a Medusas gaze
turning someone to stone, Gesture Attack - Permanent Paralyze by Stone. Just like all other delivery
methods, if a trait for a Gesture Attack is not stated
then the default trait is by Physical.

to Room

The to Room is a special suffix that restricts a

Voice Attack to an enclosure or room. All of those in
the same room as the call must take the effect, but
those outside of the location are unaffected. For the
purposes of the effect, the specific room may be stated
to avoid confusion. If any part of a character is inside
the room, the Voice Attack will affect them. For Example, a trap could set off Voice Attack to Room
Death by Trap which would affect everyone in the
room, but those outside the room could attempt to do
something for their friends.

Extend Gesture
Some Gesture attacks are like the Extend Strike
weapon counterpart, and last as long as the character
casting them maintains the Gesture. With Extend Gesture, if the duration of the effect is not instant, then
duration instead becomes for as long as the character
maintains the gesture. Stopping the gesture or becoming Incapacitated will stop the effect. An example of
this would be Extend Gesture - Repel by Force
which would Repel the target for as long as the character maintained the gesture. Unlike the weapon version, there is no second effect possible with an Extend
Gesture, as it would be too confusing if the character
effected became too far away, or other obstructions

to Circle

Similar to the to Room suffix, the to Circle suffix restricts a Voice Attack to those in a specific glowing circle. For purposes of the effect, the specific circle
may be stated to avoid confusion. If any part of a character is inside the circle, the Voice Attack will affect
them. In addition, circles do not have to be glowing
before the effect is stated, but may become glowing as
the effect is called, such as phys-repping the effects of a
pit trap. In that example the call might be Voice Attack to Circle 10 Lethal by Trap which would only
affect anyone inside or partially inside the circle.

Voice Attacks

Voice Attacks generally affect a large number of

people, up to all of those in earshot of the character
generating the Voice Attack. Without any other limiter, Voice Attack affects everyone except the character
generating it. In the case of beneficial Voice Attacks,
the character generating it can choose to take the effect
if they wish. Some skills or abilities may limit the volume that you may generate certain voice attacks at.
Targets may not attempt to plug their ears, shout
loudly or otherwise avoid Voice Attacks. Examples of
this are Voice Attack Slow by Water and Voice
Attack Major Expose Living by Fear. Just like all
other delivery methods, if a trait for a Voice attack is
not stated then the default trait is by Physical.

RequieM Chapter 2 Core Rules


used against an attack that strikes the back or front of

the torso, though special skills may modify these restrictions.

Defenses are specific skills or abilities that can end,

prevent, or pause an attack against a character without
the character being affected. They are only used
against legal hits. If a character actually dodges an attack or blocks a strike then there is no need to call anything. All defenses come in a couple of types below,
which behave differently.


This defense is usually tied to a trait or a specific

set of circumstances (such as a Melee swing or an attack by Magic) and will successfully defend against
the attack. A Parry will end a Minor Use, Single Use,
or Until Hit ability, meaning that they cannot use it
again without spending its cost again. A Parry will refund the cost of any attack with the Prefix of Major,
much like Deflect against a normal attack. The exact
type of the Parry need not be stated in the call, but
sometimes for flavor a trait may be used. For example,
if a character is struck with a 5 Damage by Faith attack and they have the ability to Parry Faith then the
appropriate call would be Parry indicating that the
attack was defended against. Unless otherwise noted,
Parry defenses always require that the character is
holding a weapon they are skilled with and normally
may not be used against an attack that strikes the back
or front of the torso, though special skills may modify
these restrictions.


This defense is usually tied to a trait or a specific

set of circumstances (such as a Melee swing or an attack by Magic) and will successfully defend against
the first, and only the first attack of that type to affect
a character. Shields are considered the only defense
that isnt smart, as it cannot be controlled which attack
will be shielded against. Shields cannot be used against
attacks with the Prefix of Major and are used up if the
character is affected by a Major attack that the Shield
would have tried to defend against. The exact type of
the Shield need not be stated in the call, but sometimes for flavor a trait may be used. For example, if a
character has a Shield Magic affecting him, and he is
struck with a 2 Damage by Magic then the appropriate call would be Shield indicating that the attack was
defended against, whether they wanted to use it on
that specific attack or not.

Evade or Resist

These defenses function exactly like parry in all

aspects except that they may be used against any legal
blow and do not require that a weapon be in hand.
While different words are used for flavor, Evade and
Resist are basically the exact same under the rules.
They are usually tied to a trait or a specific set of circumstances (such as a Melee swing or an attack by
Magic) and will successfully defend against the attack.
An Evade or Resist will end a Minor Use, Single Use,
or Until Hit ability, meaning that they cannot use it
again without spending its cost again. An Evade of
Resist will refund the cost of any attack with the Prefix
of Major, much like Deflect against a normal attack.
The exact type of the Evade or Resist need not be
stated in the call, but sometimes for flavor a trait may
be used. For example, if a character is struck with a
Sleep by Magic attack and they had the ability to
Resist Magic then the appropriate call would be Resist and if the character was affected by a Voice Attack
Agony by Fear and they had the ability to Evade
Anything they could call Evade indicating the attack
was defended against.


This defense is usually tied to a trait or a specific

set of circumstances (such as a Melee swing, or an attack by Magic) and will successfully defend against
the attack. A deflect will end a Minor Use ability, but
will refund the cost of a Single Use or Until Hit ability. This means that they person that had the attack
Deflected, is free to use it again immediately. A deflect cannot ever be used against any attack with the
Prefix of Major or any Voice Attack or Area of Effect
Hazard. The exact type of the Deflect need not be
stated in the call, but sometimes for flavor a trait may
be used. For example, if a character is struck with a 5
Damage attack with a melee weapon and they have
the ability to Deflect Melee then the appropriate call
would be Deflect indicating that the attack was defended against. Unless otherwise noted, Deflect defenses always require that the character is holding a
weapon they are skilled with and normally may not be

RequieM Chapter 2 = Core Rules

Special Defenses

This defense is usually tied to a trait or a specific
set of circumstances (such as a Melee swing or an attack by Magic) and will successfully defend against
the attack and then return an identical attack against
the caster. A volley will never return any Prefix on any
attack, and may never used against another volley. In
addition, no more than one volley may be used against
a single incoming attack, even if the Double or Triple
Prefix is used. A volley used against a Major attack will
defend against the specific attack and refund the
attributes, but will return a non-Major (since Major is
a prefix) attack back against the caster. A Major Volley
in addition to successfully ending any attack will return a Major attack against the caster, even if the original attack was not Major. The exact type of the Volley
need not be stated in the call, but sometimes for flavor
a trait may be used. For example, if the character is
struck with 5 Damage with a melee attack and they
have the ability to Volley Melee then the appropriate
call would be Volley indicating that the attack was
defended against, and the caster then would immediately take a 5 Damage instead.

Extra Wording: [to <Effect>]
This can be an actively used defense, or a character
can have a blanket reduction against all incoming attacks of the same type. Any time an Effect or Damage
does not do the full amount against a character, at a
minimum the Reduced call must be made. This is to
indicate that it had a lesser effect. With damage and
most NPCs the call is usually just Reduced to indicate that some reduction occurred. With most Player
skills, the actual reduction is stated afterwards. For
instance if a character had the ability to Reduce the
effect of Stun to 5 Damage, then when struck with a
Stun they would call Reduced to 5 Damage to Self.
Another example would be a Player used a 10 Damage on a powerful creature, and the creature merely
responds with Reduced making it unclear to the player exactly how much he really did. Remember that
Reduced is not a valid defense against any attack by
Supremacy. Please keep in mind that in large combats for certain creatures it is impossible to state Reduced to every incoming effect if being attacked by
many opponents, so please give such creatures some

Extra Wording: <Effect>...
This defense does not defend against an attack,
but causes the target that just struck the character to
take the Effect listed in the Aura. This attack is by default smart, and the character may use it however they
please, but some specific skills or abilities might limit
this. This defense will not stop damage or an effect to
character in any way even if either party falls to the
effect. Sometimes Auras are linked together with
another defense with the and <Trait> modifier. Specific skills that allow Aura defenses are generally tied to
a trait or a specific set of circumstances (like a Melee
swing or an attack by Magic). An example of this
could be a mage has a spell that lets him call 5 Damage by Fire Aura to the first melee swing that hits
him. If the mage is then hit with an uncalled strike,
the Mage would take 1 point of damage and then call
5 Damage by Fire Aura against the person that struck
him. If no trait is specifically stated with an Aura, then
it is assumed to be by Physical.

No Effect
This defense states that an incoming attack did
not have, nor will ever have under the current circumstances, any effect. This will use up any Minor Use
ability, but will refund the cost of any Single Use or
Until Hit ability. Sometimes a character can use an
ability to have No Effect to a specific thing (such as
Uncalled Damage, or All Called Damage and Effects
by Fire) for a specific amount of time, usually the
Battle, but sometimes for the entire Event or until they
Refresh or even while they remain Planted. If later that
character is then affected again, do not assume that he
is cheating. Some skills or abilities just let characters
be permanently be no effect to some traits or effects.
This defense is never used actively but is always a
blanket reduction. Remember that No Effect is not a
valid defense against any attack by Supremacy. Please
keep in mind in large combats that is impossible to
state No Effect to every incoming attack that a large
creature is unaffected by, if they are No Effect to uncalled damage. Please give such creatures some leeway.

RequieM Chapter 3 Characters

Chapter 3:
In the history of Nexus, there has been no greater
unpredictable force than the character of mortal men.
The disparity between the best of their heroes and the
worst of the villains is astounding. Lessons of the
past have taught us all well; it is both their most powerful strength and weakness at the same time.


Rules of Etiquette ................................................................................................................................. 19

Health .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Incapacitated ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Effects................................................................................................................................................... 23
Durations .......................................................................................................................................... 24
Standard Effects ................................................................................................................................ 24
Standard Effects Quicklist ................................................................................................................. 25
Advanced Effects ............................................................................................................................... 35
Game Stopping Effects ...................................................................................................................... 37
Effect Modifiers .................................................................................................................................... 38
Effect Modifiers Quicklist ................................................................................................................. 38
Prefixes ............................................................................................................................................. 39
Damage Calls .................................................................................................................................... 40
Suffixes ............................................................................................................................................. 40
Combat ................................................................................................................................................ 42
Illegal Combat Moves ........................................................................................................................ 43
Weapon Attacks ................................................................................................................................ 44
Packet Attacks ....................................................................................................................................... 44
Special Attacks .................................................................................................................................. 45
Defenses ............................................................................................................................................... 46
Special Defenses ................................................................................................................................ 47


RequieM Chapter 3=Characters


Steps of Character

Before You Start

So you want to make a character? It will seem
daunting at first, but by following these simple directions, in no time you will have a handle on the system.
More important than the rules governing character
creation, is your concept of what you want your character to be like. Try to use these rules to help guide
your character towards a vision and you will have a
happier and more rewarding time then the reverse and
letting the skills choose how you want to play your

A lot of people can get tied up in the rules, and
totally forget what character creation is about. The
goal is to create a whole character instead of just the
specific skills they can do. The first thing that you
should attempt to work on is the concept of the character. What are his or her goals, what do you as a
player want to try out? How do you picture them in
combat (or not!), do they wield powerful spells, or an
old well used sword? Sometimes people write character histories before they even start worrying about CP,
which is perfectly fine. See the section on Character
Histories for more information and help designing the
non-rules part of the character creation process.


Keep in mind that a starting character is just that,

a place to start. You may not like your starting build,
and may wish you had more CP to play around with.
Thats intentional! We want players to progress and to
have their characters grow with them, as they begin to
become immersed in the game. There are two balances
that you will need to keep in mind when creating a
character. The first is how well your character can
function to begin with, and the second is how well
your character can function at higher CP levels. Sometimes its easy to plan for a higher CP level, and forget
that you will have no useful starting skills, or plan for
the present too much, and have no idea where the character will grow to. There needs to be a balance.

Race & Mortality

These two choices majorly affect your character
and should be made before you attempt to purchase
skills or raise your attributes. Your characters race can
greatly benefit or detriment certain concepts, though
sometimes people deliberately go against the molds
for fun as well. Mortality refers to how survivable
your character is compared to how fast they advance.

Attributes & Skills

These are the main two parts of character creation

that take the long. Attributes refer to the physical nature of a character, and include how strong they are,
how smart, etc... Skills refer to actual abilities the character has, like the ability to cast a spell or wield a
weapon, or evade a trap. Dont forget Attribute Requirements, as many different aspects of a character,
including many skills require a minimum attributes to
accomplish. We recommend that 1/3 of your build be
devoted towards attributes.

Each of the main sections of this chapter deals
with a main topic of creating a character. Character
Points covers how many CP you can start with, Races
covers the player races, Attributes covers the main ways
to generate skills, Skills explains how skills are used,
organized, and their different types; lastly, the Character History section explains in detail how to go about
writing a background. These should be the five main
sections you will need to learn to successfully build a
character in Requiem. But it is up to you to really
flush a character out, and have him fit seamlessly into
the world of Nexus. We understand that this can be a
lot to take in. If at any point you need assistance, or
have any questions about character creation, do not be
afraid to Email us, post on our Forums or get help
from other players.

Finishing Touches
With all of that done, it is time for a Character
History, costuming, accent, mannerisms, and other
final aspects of a character. This is where a character
can really come together and fit into the world. Also,
it is good to conceive how a character fits into a team
or group, as it is important to realize that this is a social game, and is meant to be played in groups.


RequieM Chapter 3 Characters

Character Points

ters also have no free first death from being judged

favorably. Mortal characters Advance at roughly
double the CP of their Gifted counterparts until very
high CP totals.

Starting CP
All new characters start with a certain number of
CP, which stands for character points. Character
points are used to buy new skills, racials, attributes and
abilities. Your character does not have a level in Requiem; they merely continue to accrue character
points. There are two main choices when starting your
character that greatly affect your CP: Mortal or Gifted.
They are explained below, but the choice is a very important one. After that choice, there are modifications
to starting CP, when you add all of those up, that is
how many CP you have to start with.

The world of Nexus is harsh and unforgiving, and
Plot never recommends playing a Mortal character
ever. It is a level of hardcore that some people enjoy,
and some even claim that the risks are worth it. Be
aware though, that if you choose Gifted, your character could still permanently die, and just because you
chose Mortal, it does not mean you cannot resurrect at

Bonuses & Awards


From this 20 or 30 CP is time to add any Awards

or Bonuses that you will receive, which are all outlined
below. These are set up to reward those that put more
time and effort into their character, for helping the
game achieve a certain level of costuming and immersion. Influence and Volunteer Credits can also increase CP, as they help the game out.

Gifted characters have a strong spirit, but are

harder to train and advance. Gifted characters start
with 20 CP base, before any other modifications. In
the world of Requiem, being gifted is relatively rare,
and they are seen almost as to be destined for great (or
evil) things. The exception to the rarity is the Celestial
races, which are always gifted. Sometimes called chosen ones, gifted characters have a much better chance
of returning from Deaths Realm than Mortals. Gifted
characters have approximately a 1 in 10 chance to
draw a Harsh Card from the Deck of Fate to start,
(which could permanently kill your character) and
never have worse than a 1 in 2 chance. As an added
bonus if Death judges you favorably (there are specific
skills and abilities that allow this) then a Gifted character cannot permanently die on their first death. Gifted
characters advance at roughly half the CP of their
Mortal counterparts until very high CP totals.

Grand Total

With this information all sorted out, you should

have a pretty good idea of how much CP you are
going to start with, but please keep in mind that
awards are not always guaranteed. It is recommended
that you have two character builds in advance, one
with and one without awards you expect to receive. If
you know your racial makeup or costume is great
though, feel free to ignore this advice, for we look forward to being impressed.

Rewrite Rule


Before the second event playing a character, you

may without any penalty change anything or everything about your character that you wish, once. Race,
Headers, Skills, Attributes, Character History can all
be edited or completely changed. This is done so players can try a concept out, and if they are not completely happy with it, or have some ideas on how to change
it does not require them to start over again. Generally,
this is used by newer players, as sometimes they are
convinced to play a specific type of character, or realize
they do not like what they picked. All characters less
than 50 CP may apply for a rewrite, but special circumstances must exist if it after your second event.

Mortal characters have a weak spirit but advance

and train very easily. Mortal characters start with a 30
CP base, before any other modifications. Mortal characters are the norm in Requiem, and most NPCs
both good and evil are mortal. Satyrs/Nymphs are always Mortal on the world, outside of the Fae Realm.
Sometimes just called normal, Mortal characters have a
much worse chance of returning from Deaths Realm
than the Gifted. Mortal characters have approximately
a 1 in 2 chance to draw a Harsh Card from the Deck
of Fate to start, and can go all the way to the point
there are only harsh cards in the deck. Mortal charac50

RequieM Chapter 3=Characters


Influence Bonus

Many different ways to help the game grant Influence, which is a form of reward points. One of the
many uses of Influence is to gain CP on your (or
someone elses) character. The full cost of gaining CP
and other uses of Influence can be found in the Spending Influence section. While the amount of Influence
you can accrue has no limit, the amount you can
spend on CP is limited by Events attended and per
year. This cap applies to each character separately, in
the case of alts and paying for other players CP. The
cap is +5 CP, with an additional +5 per event attended, with a yearly cap of +15 CP. This means that
if you have not attended an Event in the year, you may
spend enough Influence to gain +5 CP, but after attending a single Event the cap raises to +10 CP. After
the second, and any subsequent event of the year, the
cap is at +15 CP. Years are defined as calendar years,
not from the actual time you have been playing, so this
cap resets every January 1st each year.

Character History Bonus

Writing a character history is by far the most important optional work you can do, and grants the most
CP. It allows plot a deeper understanding of your character, and lets them play with your characters past,
and bring back people that your character might recognize. Character histories must be at least 2-3 pages
long, but have no maximum, and must be submitted
at least 2 weeks before the event, to be considered for
CP. All character histories must be approved before
they can be used, and usually Plot will have suggestions or changes to them, but if your history was sent
in with enough time, you will always get the CP
Award, even if the approval process takes longer. See
the full Character History section for more details.
Starting characters with an approved character history
receive +10 CP to their starting CP total. While this
must be submitted before your first Event, you may
rewrite it, retaining the full CP with the Rewrite Rule,
if you are changing your character. Any character history submitted after attending events lowers the bonus
received. If you submit it before 100 CP, the bonus
changes to +5 CP, between 101 and 200 CP the bonus
is +2 CP, and after 201 CP, the bonus lowers to +1

Volunteer Credit Bonus

The second form of reward points are Volunteer
Credits. These can also be used to gain CP on characters. The full conversion between Volunteer Credits
and CP and other uses of Volunteer Credits can be
found in the Volunteer Credits section. Again, the
amount of Volunteer Credits you can accrue has no
limit, but the amount you can spend on CP is limited
by Events attended and per year. This cap also applies
to each character separately, in the case of alts and paying for other players CP. The cap is +2 CP, with an
additional +2 per event attended, with a yearly cap of
+5 CP. This works exactly like the influence CP caps,
see the Influence Bonus section for more details

Character History Update Bonus

Every full year and least 6 events (whichever is

more) that you have attended after your character history is approved you may submit a character history
update. This should encompass all events since your
character history, or last update. It should go into detail about every important event that your character
was involved with, and why it was important, and any
changes or adaptations your character has made. You
may do these in a diary form every event, or make
notes and write a complete update when you are ready
to. In general Updates should be at least 2-3 pages
long (though again have no maximum). This bonus
grants between +1 and +5 CP, based on how well done
and thought out the update is, and how much CP
your character is at. These help keep your history relevant if your character manages to survive a while, and
helps you keep track of everything that has happened.
See the full Character History section for more details.

Recruitment Bonus
Recruiting a new player to the game helps greatly
and thus is worth a two-fold bonus. Any player
brought to a Requiem event for the first time grants 25
Influence, whether the new player NPCs or PCs. At
Check In, make sure to bring this up, to gain credit.
In addition, this bonus will grant you a Volunteer
Credit for any new player you have brought to the
game that PCs at least 3 events. This recruitment bonus has no limit on the amount of NPC Credits and
Influence you can receive for recruiting people.


RequieM Chapter 3 Characters


award includes religiously maintaining it well constantly during the weekend for every Event. This
award can be revoked if the quality of makeup does
not remain consistent.
Award: +4 CP

These are specific starting bonuses to CP that are

given for going above and beyond the basics in a costume, and assisting in creating an excellent atmosphere. These are not guaranteed, and are reserved for
those that go above and beyond normal expectations.
Basically, awards are granted for things we want you
doing anyways, but we are willing to award you CP for
them as well. Awards are usually only granted on the
first or second Event that a character attends, but exceptions can be made.

Exceptional Prosthetics Award

This award is for players that go above and beyond

the normal prosthetic requirements of their race.
Doing up an awesome hair dye/wig and well blended
black ear tips for a Dark Elf, or great ears, tail, contacts, and face prosthetic for a Pure Borne are examples. This is for players that go well beyond the minimum racial requirements and put time and effort into
assisting the atmosphere and look the part of their
race. For a list of prosthetic suppliers, check the Resources section of the Website.
Award: +2 CP

Award Cap
Awards have a cap per character. No matter how
many awards you have, you can only get a maximum
of +7 CP. Just because you are capped does not mean
you shouldnt go above and beyond for costuming
reasons. Other more subtle things will reward you, we

Exceptional Armor Award

This award is for those that put tons of time into

coming up with in-period, amazing looking armor, or
purchasing the real deal. This is more than normal
armor, but looks impressive (and photo-worthy) and
enhances the atmosphere of the game. Examples of
this are full suits (with extra coverage) of studded and
scaled leathers, real plate and scale armor, and well
done real chain mail. The armor itself does not have to
be made out of totally real materials but must look the
part, be impressive, and be noticeable from a distance.
For a list of armor suppliers, check the Resources section of the Website.
Award: +2 CP

Exceptional Costuming Award

This award considers the players that go above and

beyond and come with an excellent costume. This
award is meant for those that go above and beyond
the normal minimum costume requirements of the
game with an interesting, recognizable, in-period costume which enhances the atmosphere of the game. It
does not have to be historically accurate, but should be
visually impressive, with nothing remotely modern
looking. This is more than just a ren-shirt and pants
and a tabard, but should be photo-worthy, and convey
a sense of the character. For a list of costume suppliers, check the Resources section of the Website.
Award: +2 CP

Exceptional Weapons Award

This award is for those that go above and beyond

the normal weapon phys-rep requirements of the
game. Latex weapons, well crafted elaborate duct tape,
excellent shield designs or covers, and weapon sheaths
and extra weapons all factor into this. This is not an
award for someone with a typical boffer sword and
shield at a game, but those that go well above and
beyond to look the part and enhance the atmosphere
greatly. For example a sword should clearly look like a
sword, including coloring, cross-guard, etc. Remember that all weapons must still pass Weapon Safety
Check as well. For a list of Latex Weapon suppliers,
check the Resources section of the Website.
Award: +2 CP

Exceptional Makeup Award

We understand putting full face paint and devoting time towards your characters appearance can be
annoying. This award is for players that consistently
and awesomely have their face and exposed skin
painted up well (or a mask and paint). The only races
eligible for this have full face paint requirements. This
is for players that put constant and a lot of effort into
their makeup, covering all exposed skin, and doing it
well. This includes well done patterns/highlights, if
your race allows or requires them, and should be photo-worthy, not smudged or poorly done. Part of this


RequieM Chapter 3=Characters

CP Requirements

Racial Requirements

All characters of a race besides Pure-Blooded Human are required to purchase a percentage of their total build towards racial skills and headers. These racials
define the race, and many of the same race may look
down upon you as being strange or weak without
them. The requirements are the same as the NonCombat Requirements. By 50 CP, all characters must
have at least 5 CP spent in racial skills and headers. By
100 CP, all characters must have 10 CP in racial skills
and headers. By 200 CP, all characters must have 20
CP in non-combat skills, and after 200 CP all characters must maintain roughly 10% of their total build in
racial skills and headers. Some skills, such as any with
an Extra Rep requirement, being Award only, certain
optional skills, and skills with downsides to them are
exempt from this requirement. If a character ever
runs out of racial skills and headers to buy he no
longer has to fulfill the 10% quota. Many characters
will have much more than 10% of their total CP in
racials, which is perfectly acceptable. These are merely
the bare minimum. Any exceptions to this rule or
putting off of racials skills must be approved by a
member of Plot, or risk having a random skill removed
for the CP freed up for the racials.

Starting Character
All characters are required to spend a certain
amount of their starting CP in racial skills and racial
headers, and in non-combat skills. Gifted characters
must spend at least 2 CP in non-combat skills, and
Mortal Characters must spend at least 3 CP in noncombat skills at the minimum to start. All characters
are required to start with their races subtype and race
header. Starting characters do not need to spend any
additional build on racial skills besides those headers.
There is no minimum attributes that characters must
have, but keep in mind that every attribute score of 1
has a disadvantage that goes with it, and often it is required to raise attributes to gain certain skills. Other
than non-combat skills, and Must Purchase skills (disadvantages), there are no other restrictions on a starting character. Thought, if a character starts with a
build total of 50 CP or higher, the requirements go
immediately up to 5 CP or higher as shown in the requirements below.

Non-Combat Requirements
All characters are required to purchase a percentage of their total build towards non-combat skills.
These skills generally do not directly help in combat,
and examples of such are Harvesting or Crafting skills.
While hotly debated, we believe that requiring this
forces players to round out their characters well, and
encourages skills that are good for the game. These
skills are clearly marked on the skill matrix with an
(NC) after the skill name. No skill without an (NC) is
a non-combat, even if it sounds like it might be, and
no header is ever considered to be non-combat. By 50
CP, all characters must have at least 5 CP spent in
non-combat skills. By 100 CP, all characters must
have 10 CP in non-combat skills. By 200 CP, all characters must have 20 CP in non-combat skills, and
after 200 CP all characters must maintain roughly
10% of their total build in non-combat skills. Many
characters will have much more than these numbers,
which is perfectly acceptable. These are merely the
bare minimum. Any exceptions to this rule or putting
off of non-combat skills must be approved by a
member of Plot, or risk having a random skill removed
for the CP freed up for non-combat skills.


RequieM Chapter 3 Characters


Plot Permission

Certain races require Plot Permission to play, as

they are involved or come with a pretty large stigma.
This is not meant to be something that is not accomplishable, but that you must go over and discuss your
concept with us. Typically brand new LARPers
should avoid these races, though as with anything, exceptions can be made. All characters requiring plot
permission to play will require an approved history to
play, it is not optional. There is extreme caution recommended on any race that requires Plot Permission
to play.

After learning about CP, and how many you have
to start, you may be anxious to spend CP on Skills and
Attributes, but first we recommend that you choose a
race. Choosing a race is one of the most important
decisions when creating a character, so make sure to
devote some time to doing so. This can really flush
out and define a character. There are 30 different
player races, divided into 10 categories, so there is
plenty of choices and something for everyone. Below
you will find a list and one line description of a race,
then a brief description each race and requirements to
play one. Also, do not forget about the CP Bonus for
playing a race with prosthetics and makeup, if done
well. For much more in depth information about a
specific race feel free to check out the Racial History
section of the Library on the Website. For quick reference to racial skills, you may look at the Races under
the Skill Matrix as well.

Humans are rare on the world of Nexus, as they
have almost all been wiped out. In fact, Plot does not
recommend you play one! This does not mean they
are not available to play though, so if you feel up to
the challenge or thing it would be the best fit, you are
welcome to try your luck. Keep in mind, all humans
have the ability to be greatly affected by the Plague of
Undeath. The Human subtype header has no available skills, but also has no disadvantages. The PureBlooded (or normal) Human is the only racial header that is free as well, but is severely limited to a skill
selection as well.


Please keep in mind the racial requirements when

checking each race out, if makeup is not your thing,
you wouldnt want to end up playing a race with full
makeup. The five general requirements a race has is
makeup, prosthetics, costuming, height and role-play.
On the note of makeup, generally the more makeup
and prosthetics a race has to wear, the more powerful
its racials are. All racial makeup and costuming must
be approved before you can play your first time. Roleplay of a race, while almost never a requirement, defines a large part of the race. Your concept may sound
interesting and cool by itself, but remember that your
character should be able to mesh with the society of
the world, at least on the outside.

Racial Traits

Every race has a couple of different traits they gain

for being that specific race. The first is their sub-type
trait, which is generally the name of their subtype, for
example Human. This trait is stated in the description
of the subtype. Then they receive their race trait,
which is their type, for example: Earthen. All races
except Constructs and Undead receive the Living trait.
Some races, such as Elementals, receive an extra trait,
and it will be noted in their description. The exception to this rule is Possessed, that receives the same
traits as a Pure-Blooded Human instead.

There are a couple races that require a certain
height to play. This includes short requirements for
traditionally smaller races, and tall requirements for
the typically bigger races. This is not meant to be a
hard line in stone, but to convey a sense of realism.
With Plot Permission, you may play a race with a
height requirement if you are not the specific height,
provided you are close to the required height and have
a good reason or an excellent concept.

Half Breeds

Simply said, there is no such thing. Any mating

between two separate races produces a full type of one
of the two races. While you can claim heritage from
multiple races, you will have no extra benefits or disadvantages and will be a full of one type of race. Keep
in mind that many of the different races breed differently or cannot breed at all.


RequieM Chapter 3=Characters

Races Quicklist

Beast Kin

Strange amalgamations of three or more animals, often completely mad


Pure Borne

Half Beast in nature, this proud nomadic race is the oldest of the Beast Kin, and cannot change



Beast Kin with the ability to shift between Human, Animal, and Hybrid forms



Beings of pure magic with metallic skin and glowing eyes created by Argandris



Demon souls hiding in a human host as a symbiotic or parasitic relationship



Beings of pure light with angel like white feathered wings and a glowing halo created by Rapture



Strange mechanical creatures with artificial intelligence and a spirit, often built by Tinkerers



The summoned children of Synter that have retained a spirit on Nexus



Carved grotesque beings of stone, awoken by Rapture to assist in the War



Short and gruff humanoids with long beards and metal flowing through their veins

PR, H-


Short and gruff humanoids with long beards and skin of stone

FM, PR, H-


Short and interesting humanoids with extra long pointed ears and related to the Fae

PR, H-




Dark Elf

Dark skinned and silver / white haired humanoids with pointed ears and an affinity with the night FM, PR

Sun Elf

Fair skinned and gold / blond haired humanoids with pointed ears and an affinity with the day


Wyld Elf

Fair skinned humanoids with pointed ears and an affinity for the forest and War Paint


Satyr / Nymph

Creatures from another plane with pointed ears, short horns, and optional furry legs


Sprite / Pixie

Short creatures from another plane with pointed ears and insectoid / non-feathered wings

PR, H-

Treant / Dryad

Tree or Plant like creatures from another plane with green hair



Tall brutish humanoids with yellow skin, large lower tusks and optional short horns

FM, PR, H+


Tall green skinned humanoids with pointed ears and optional large lower tusks related to the Fae

FM, PR, H+


Tall red or brownish humanoids with large curved ram like horns, related to demons

FM, PR, H+


Giant Kin


Hearty and Uncivilized nomadic humans with an affinity for War Paint


Emotionless humans that have recovered from the Plague and have lost their humanity


The typical, unaltered human which is now an endangered species

Drake Borne

Blue scaled and horned draconic creatures with a great affinity for magic

FM, PR, H+


White, Red or Green scaled lizard like creatures that come from all parts of Nexus



Secretive snake-like patterned creatures with fangs that speak in whispers



Intelligent rotting corpses created by the Plague and without a true soul



Intelligent white haired and skinned spectral creatures created by the Plague without a true body



Intelligent living dead with gothic dress and fangs that feed off the life force of the living



*(PR) Prosthetics Required, (FM) Full Makeup, (PP) Plot Permission, (H-) Short Height Restriction, (H+) Tall Height Restriction


RequieM Chapter 3 Characters

Beast Kin

Extremely rare, Chimera are a combination of a
human and multiple animals. Their forms are very
unstable and over the lifetime of a Chimera their animal aspects may change and shift many times, or remain a single combination. It is unknown what causes
the creation of Chimera, as sometimes they are born,
but sometimes a Pure Borne or even in rare cases a
Shifter will become one. They are said to be a blight
upon the Beast Kin for their dealings with Satya. It is a
much feared and horrific fate to become a Chimera in
the Beast Kin culture. See the Beast Kin Racial History on the Website for further details.

Culture & Role-play

Chimera are generally ostracized and considered
insane. The vast majority of Chimera cannot handle
the conflicting aspects of their different primal natures
and become so mad that they cannot be dealt with
rationally. Rarely, a Chimera will, either through luck
or force of will, retain enough sanity to rejoin society.
Due to fear and suspicions of contagion, they are rarely ever accepted by other Beast Kin, though exceptions
have been made.

We are the true chosen ones. Combining

strength, adaptation and specialization
that no one else can mach.

All Beast Kin have the Beast and Living traits.


General Information

Chimera have difficult racial makeup. Chimera are

a constantly shifting group of at least 3 different types
of animals, which all must clearly define a part of the
players makeup. In addition, Chimera must have at
least two or more extra prosthetics that denote their
specific animal choices. These animals can differ or
shift from event to event, but the more this changes
the more mental problems a Chimera is rumored to
have. Unlike Pure Borne and Shifters, Reptiles and
Insects may be part of the blend of races, but at least
one Mammal or Bird must be fully visible. Think of
animals like Manticores or Hippogriffs for inspiration.
Like all races of full colored makeup, no exposed unpainted skin may be visible. You must have specific
Plot permission to play a Chimera character.

The Beast Kin of the world of Nexus always appear to be a mix of human and mammal or bird.
While Chimera sometimes have other creatures, there
is never any purely reptile or insect Beast Kin. As a
people, Beast Kin tend to follow traits and behavior
that mimics their animal halfs nature. While the three
different types of Beast Kin do not always get along
well, individual animal types seem not to matter as
much. There are rumored entire packs of different
animals that live together.

Often grouped together in packs, Beast Kin tend
to be nomadic and thus can be found on all parts of
Bolterra. Many have recently traveled north to aid in
the war. They often work alongside the Wyld Elves
and aid in the defense of the Wyldwood. The nation
of Therianth, in Southern Bolterra, was the origin of
the Shifters. In recent times, more Shifters and all
Beast Kin have been seen in Northern Bolterra.

Chimera generally dress in strange or exotic clothing, often as mismatched as they are. They are often
shrouded in bulky or baggy garments, which are meant
to hide their true natures or unsightly appendages.


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Chapter 3 Characters

Pure Borne


Oldest of the Beast Kin it is said that Pure Borne

predate the Age of Magic and may be descendants of
the primal beasts that roamed the land during the
dawn of all things. Pure Borne will always appear to be
half human half animal and are unable to shift between forms or animals. Self named, the Pure Borne
consider themselves the highest of all Beasts and Animals. This mindset has prevented interaction with
many of the other races of Nexus until the recent Age.
See the Beast Kin Racial History on the Website for
further details.

Shifters are a relatively new race to Nexus, created

in the past century. Historians state that the nation of
Therianth, located in Southern Bolterra on the edge of
the Wyldwood, made a deal with Satya in order to
overcome the rampant spread of the Plague of Undeath. This granted them the ability to freely change
back and forth between animal and human forms,
similar to their Pure Borne allies. Unlike rumors this
process is slow and often painful. See the Beast Kin
Racial History on the Website for further details.

Culture & Role-play

Shifting is not fast process, and is painful and generally Shifters like to be alone while they shift. It always takes a least a couple minutes. Some shifters embrace their shadowed heritage, but many still scoff the
Mistress of the night and for her other dark dealings,
as they did not ask for the position they are in. Unfortunately with close ties to Satya, few Shifters are ever
really fully trusted by outsiders. Even more tied to the
moon then the Pure Borne, their power and even
mood is closely linked with the phases of the moon
which can widely alter what magics can and cannot
cure their effects.

Culture & Role-play

Because Pure Borne are unable to change they are

the most mentally stable of all Beast Kin. Though this
close ties with a specific beast has its downfalls as well.
Unlike most races, the claws of a Pure Borne prevent
skilled use of most of the other races weapons and
shields. Often organized in nomadic packs or clans,
most of the time they keep to themselves. There are
rumored large get-togethers of Pure Borne called
Moots that strengthen family bonds and make decisions for the good of the whole. With strong ties to the
Green Man, Pure Borne also tied to Satya, and during
times of need they are able to draw upon the power of
the moon.


Shifters are animal/human hybrids, and can have

up to three forms. In human form they require no
makeup and look exactly like a human. In hybrid form
they have partial or no makeup, but at least one or two
prosthetics that clearly mark them as not being human. In beast form, they have makeup identical to
Pure Borne, based on their specific animal choice. The
time it takes to shift is the time it takes you, the player,
to adjust your racial makeup accordingly. While in
beast form, like all races of full colored makeup, no
exposed unpainted skin may be visible. Shifters, just
like Pure Borne may be of any Mammal or Bird, but
may not be reptiles or insects.


Pure Borne must wear a specific animal themed

full makeup, prosthetics or Plot approved mask on
their exposed skin and face. In addition, Pure Borne
must have at least one or more extra prosthetics that
denote their specific animal choice. These can be Ears,
Horns, Nose, Tail, Wings, Contacts, or anything else
that you can think of that would get the point across.
Pure Borne may be of any Mammal or Bird, but may
not be reptiles or insects. Like all races of full colored
makeup, no exposed unpainted skin may be visible.



Pure Borne are widely varied in their dress, based

on which animal they are, so be creative in your costume choice. Often they will be clothed in items that
will be comfortable with wings, ears, and tails and
such, preferring to actively flaunt their heritage as opposed to hiding them beneath clothing.

Shifters are also widely varied in their dressed

based on which animal they are, and often have slits
for ears or tail to come through for when they shift.
Some shifters prefer to have different sets of clothing,
one for human form and one for beast form.

RequieM Chapter 3 Characters


Rumored to be a gift to Humanity in the fight
against the Undead, Etherions origins are widely a
mystery. Most believe these beings of magic were
created by the Great Wyrm Argandris to preserve magic in this broken world. Their ability to channel Magic
is unmatched except perhaps by the Drake Borne
themselves. While Etherion have claws, they are not
true claws in the sense of the word, but more natural
weapons of pure energy. There are rumors of more
powerful Etherion gaining a greater connection with
their claws and gaining great powers. See the Celestial
Racial History on the Website for further details.

Culture & Role-play

Some say it is the goal of all Etherion to spread the
wonder of magic throughout the land. Others claim
that they are warriors of magic, meant to mimic the
goals of the Seraphim. Etherions themselves know
very little of their own heritage, and are an eclectic
group, often travelling alone, away from others of their
own kind. While Etherions have the ability to breed
normally, many Etherion has no more than vague recollections of their origins past a certain point in their
lives. It is not true amnesia, but blurred and dreamlike
altered memories. They refer to this memory loss as
Tairius-Krn or loosely translated: The lost years.

We are here and we remain; we will

serve. It is our purpose that defines us
above all others.

All Celestials except Possessed have the Celestial

and Living traits. Possessed have the Human trait.

General Information
The Celestials are beings born of the primal forces
of Magic and Faith. It is believed that they are the
thoughts and desires of the Deities given form and free
will. Most Celestials serve their patron Deity however
there are some who choose to follow their own path.
It is said that every Celestial created was created for a
specific purpose, and whether known or unknown, is
different for each of them. Since Celestials are one of
the newest races of Nexus, they are finding their own
place here still.


Etherion must have metallic colored makeup applied to their skin and face and glowing eyes during
the night. They may optionally wear colored contacts
of either the same metallic color, or the color their eyes
glow at night. The metallic colors acceptable for an
Etherion are silver, gold and copper, and a single solid
color must be used and cannot change throughout an
Etherions life. Like all races of full colored makeup,
no exposed unpainted skin may be visible.



Bound by a common thread of creation, the Celestials are the most varied of the races, with the concepts of Possessed and Seraphim even being in direct
Seraphim are scattered throughout
Northern Bolterra, Etherion seem to be more nomadic
and follow the Leylines of Nexus, and Possessed are
always lurking in the shadows,

Being a mix between pure mages and more hybrids, Etherion have varied styles of clothing, with similar themes in common. Flowing robes and close fitting tunics are both common. Etherion often dress in
shades of blue, which is the color of magic, some Etherion seem to shun this, and dress in metallic satins and
cloths that match their skin tones.


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Chapter 3 Characters



Possessed are Demon Spirits who have bound

themselves to a human host in order to enter and then
remain in this world. The process of possession creates
a symbiotic relationship with a human host. It is said
that this process must be done voluntarily. Very rarely
a host with an incredibly strong mind may retain some
control however in most cases the hosts personality is
completely suppressed. There is no known cure for
possession. Although Demons may possess many different forms, Pure Blooded humans are the most
common, due to their susceptibility to such. See the
Celestial Racial History on the Website for further

Seraphim are beings of pure light and order. They

appear to be white-feathered winged humans sheathed
in a glowing halo of light. Created by Rapture to be
soldiers in his fight against Azraal and Maalor upon
Nexus, it is said that they were granted wings to be
able to cross to the Scorched Northern Reaches, where
the Armies of Azraal reside. Seraphim are all generally
completely sworn servants of Rapture, and gain additional powers of the light. See the Celestial Racial
History on the Website for further details.

Culture & Role-play

Seraphim first came to Nexus in what appeared to
be Humanities final moments in the defense of Pinnacle. Most Seraphim believe that they have a purpose
of why they are on Nexus and that their entire life revolves around this purpose. While every Seraphim is
different, there are two main categories, those that
know their purpose and those that do not. It is unclear what separate the two or even if a mortal can actually know it. While some Seraphim are old enough
to remember the battle of Pinnacle, most of the current Seraphim are second generation from the pivotal time of their creation. With Pinnacle behind the
lines, many Seraphim have travelled north to assist in
defense, with the hope that it can be retaken someday.

Culture & Role-play

While a Demon has no free will, some claim that

the act of possession creates a situation where a Demon is not always bound their true master, Azraal.
Others claim that this is but a trick, and is a rumor
spread by the Demons themselves to spread discord.
While possessed are said to be able to follow other deities, this is extremely rare. Unlike even Undead, Demons are to be destroyed on sight or reveal, by edict of
the Church of Light. To merely harbor knowledge of a
Possessed is considered heresy. The mind of a possessed is complex, and the actual amount of control by
either party varies greatly. The main power the demon
spirit has is the ability to end both itself and the hosts
life at will. This makes capturing one impossible.


Seraphim must wear feathered wings and a glowing halo. The halo does not have to be raised over your
head, but it may if you wish it to, it must glow at
night. How the player wishes to wear the wings is up
to their imagination but they must clearly protrude
from your back, and be visible from a distance. Most
of the time Seraphims wing feathers are white, but
rare exceptions do exist. You must have specific Plot
permission to play a Seraphim character with different
colored wings than white.

Possesseds physical appearance matches that of
humans, it is their RP that defines them. Possessed are
demon spirits permanently fused in a human body.
While possessed can exist as other races, no Player may
play one that is not in a human host. You must have
specific Plot permission to play a Possessed character.



While a garb of a Possessed often matches in

seamlessly with other humans and no set costuming
gives them away, often a Possessed with wear long
clothing, masking marks on their arms, or other parts
of their body. Some Possessed go the reverse and have
become to actively flaunt their associations with Azraal
in opposition to the Church.

Seraphim tend to dress in light colors to denote

their purity and their clothes are very regal and flowing. Often in pure white, their clothing represents
their statement that they will not hide from the upcoming battles. Some Seraphim also choose to decorate their wings with ornaments, or other items.

RequieM Chapter 3 Characters


Beings constructed with the knowledge of ancient
technologies, Clockwork posses a crafted body of metal, gears and wires. There is no flesh or living elements
of a clockwork at all, but somehow some of them
manage to gain a spirit. Only clockworks with a spirit
tend to be able to function for any length of time.
Clockworks will often serve their creator, as they constantly are requiring maintenance and upgrades. A
Clockwork without a tinkerer is akin to an adventuring group without a healer. No one really knows how
a Clockwork comes to possess a spirit, and how the
process can be duplicated reliably. Sometimes a different spirit can even inhabit an old, shutdown Clockwork, causing it to reawaken again. See the Construct
Racial History on the Website for further details.

What constitutes life? Do I not think?

Do I not feel? Who are you to tell me I
am not alive.

Culture & Role-play

A Clockworks manner of speech, movement even

the way in which they decorate their weapons and personal items tends to have a very mechanical feel to it.
They act in logic circuits and have an artificial intelligence, which does not always process emotions or
more human thoughts very well. Some Clockworks
try hard to emulate other races, and some try just as
hard to stay true to themselves and be completely different. Some Clockworks are built to be machines and
serve, while others are more self supporting.


All Constructs have the Construct trait and do

not have the Living trait. Elementals have the trait of
the element they are tied to, Air, Earth, Fire, or Water.

General Information

The creation of a construct often varies depending

upon the type. One thing all Constructs hold in common is that they are a combination of a form that has
been crafted or conjured into this world and a spirit
that binds itself to that form, thus anchoring it to this
plane of existence. With strange bodies and different
metabolisms, many constructs are resistant or completely immune to many effects. Many races have had
ancient stigmas against some constructs and have in
the past considered them little better then slaves. Nowadays, it is rare to refuse any aid, , so some of these
prejudices have fallen to the wayside.

Clockworks must appear to be mechanical in nature, and accomplish this with visible gears, wiring or
other apparatuses. You must wear a Plot approved
mask or a full face helmet, and may not have any of
your face or hair showing. You may not have visible
skin showing anywhere; it must be covered or painted
with metallic makeup. Imagine a Clockwork as mechanical creature from the Steampunk era of gaming
more so than a modern robot.



Clockworks should not wear any normal clothing

if at all possible. They should have exposed gears, armor plating, primitive lighting systems, steam vents
and lots of wires to cover up any clothing. Feel free to
be creative as you come up with how you wish to do
this, but final costumes need to be approved by Plot.

Without a place of their own, Constructs tend to

remain with whoever brought them into existence, or
they deliberately set out to find their own fortune, and
thus they have spread all over Northern Bolterra.
Sometimes they even find and inhabit places where it
is too dangerous for the Living to survive.

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Chapter 3 Characters



Elementals are most often the result of a being of

energy that is conjured into this world from one of the
four primary elemental planes. Somehow during this
ritual, the Elemental becomes bound to this plane of
existence and gains a spirit. Each Elemental is composed of an elemental type: Air, Earth, Fire, or Water
and sometimes variants of those such as Lightning,
Stone, Magma, or Ice. No one knows what causes
some Elementals to gain a spirit and others not to. No
Elemental without a spirit can remain on this plane for
long. In addition to full Elementals, sometimes a partially formed elemental Motes of Energy are formed,
which is a non-sentient Elemental. See the Construct
Racial History on the Website for further details.

Gargoyles are grotesque, silent stone guardians,

animated through divine power. Gargoyles generally
are very quiet, and require specific skills to even be
able to talk at all! Gargoyles are a relatively new race
on Nexus, appearing at the same time as the Seraphim;
in the battle for Pinnacle, they fought with them to
successfully defend the city. No one knows what causes some gargoyles to awaken and others to remain
dormant. Some gargoyles awaken immediately, and
some havent from centuries ago. See the Construct
Racial History on the Website for further details.

Culture & Role-play

Since their first awakening, Gargoyles have gravitated towards defending locations and Holy Ground.
Although intelligent, many underestimate them because of their ability to remain silent and motionless
for so long. Often Gargoyles find a shrine, or location
to become their home and to defend. Gargoyles of
Rapture are the most prevalent, although exceptions
do exist. It requires Plot permission to play a Gargoyle
that was awoken by any Deity except Rapture.

Culture & Role-play

Elementals will often choose to travel alongside
the Magus who summoned them however they sometimes break free of their original summons and make
their own way in the world. Elementals require a form
of runic bindings to center their existence on this
Realm. It is rumored that Elementals without spirits or
runic bindings fall into rages at being trapped on this
Realm, and are dangerous. It is also said that Elementals can focus themselves towards accepting great rituals of power.


You must wear a Plot approved mask or enough

prosthetics to obscure the outline of your face and
head enough that it is clearly not humanoid. Of these,
you must possess at least an elongated chin and horns
and the entire coloring must appear to be stone. You
may not have any normal hair showing, and must cover it with stone-like cloth mimicking the color of the
mask and the rest of your costume. Optionally some
Gargoyles have stone wings, a tail, or moss covering
parts of them. Like all races of full colored makeup, no
exposed unpainted skin may be visible.


Elementals are one of the most difficult races to

makeup and costume. You must wear a Plot approved
mask or enough prosthetics to obscure the outline of
your face and head enough that it is clearly not humanoid. You may not have any normal hair showing with
this mask or prosthetics, and must cover it with strips
of cloth or a veil. Alternatively, you may dye your hair
or wear a wig that is a stark and clearly unnatural color
that fits your element. Like all races of full colored
makeup, no exposed unpainted skin may be visible.


Gargoyles should not wear any normal clothing if

at all possible. They should have a uniform stone like
color or pattern that covers their entire body. This
should match your mask or makeup design and convey
a look of uniform carved stone. There are plenty of
pictures of gargoyles to get inspiration from, and feel
free to be creative as you come up with how exactly
you wish to do this, but final costumes need to be approved by Plot.

Elementals should not wear any normal clothing if
at all possible. They should have flowing robes, lots of
strips of cloth, carved foam or other appearances of
your element to cover up any clothing. Feel free to be
creative as you come up with how you wish to do this,
but final costumes need to be approved by Plot.

RequieM Chapter 3 Characters


Created of the metals of the earth, the Adamant
are the most common of all the Dwarves. Said to literally have liquid metal in their veins, Adamant are what
typically comes to mind when someone pictures a
Dwarf. Unmatched, except by perhaps the Trolls of
Azgaard, Adamant possess some of the best Blacksmiths of Nexus. It is said that the forges of
NaeGrum never die down, and that the majority of
the Armor and Weapons used to combat Eramus and
his Legions of Undead come from the Adamant. See
the Dwarf Racial History on the Website for further

Culture & Role-play

The formula for success is simple.

Rise early, work hard, strike Gold.

Adamant are extremely stubborn and can hold a

grudge for years. They tend to focus on one thing and
devote themselves entirely to the exclusion of all else
whether it be an oath of vengeance or committing to a
path of magic. Adamant have many master Blacksmiths and merchants, and are better at dealing with
surface folk then their stony brethren. Due to the
high percentage of Adamant in the Dwarven people, a
vast majority of the Council of Kings, which rules the
Dwarven people, are Adamant. Although not all Adamant worship Ktar, whom they consider their patron
deity directly, it is unheard of for a Dwarf to not pay
some sort of homage to their creator.

All Dwarves have the Dwarf and Living traits.

General Information
It is said the Dwarves were created by Ktar to
help rebuild the mountains and the earth after the Requiems fall. All Dwarves lives focus around their craft
and their clan, and it is unheard of for a Dwarf not to
be able to create some sort of item. Stout and hearty,
they are literally born of stone or metal of the mountains and the vast majority of them live within the
earth. A new dwarf is created with the Song of Creation deep within a clans mountain, which forms fully
adult body; they are not born naturally from other
Dwarves. Gnomes are said to be a variant of the Song,
given to them by the Fae. Having stayed largely out of
the war, it is only now that the 12 major clans, which
compose the vast majority of Dwarves, have begun to
work with the other races against the Undead legions.

Adamant Dwarves must wear beards of black or
red. These beards must be full face, and at least 4 inches in length. Female Adamant may opt instead for
heavy sideburns and/or a small goatee, but are fully
capable of growing a full beard as well. In addition,
Adamant, like all dwarves are short, they may only be
played by players under 59 for males and under 56
for females. See the Height section for more details.

Due to the current state of the world the majority
of Dwarves have retreated to NaeGrum, the City of
Stone and Steel, which is located deep under the
mountains of Kazamar mountain range in Northern
Bolterra. It is only through the Dwarves generosity
and work with the Church and the Inquisition that
space has been provided for Runevale, above the
Dwarves capital city.


Adamant generally dress metals and metallic armor, often wear metallic jewelry and adornments. The
vast majority of all Adamant keep their beards well
maintained, and decorate them with metal jewelry or
beads. It is rare to see an Adamant in non-metal armor, and they tend to shun rich or elegant fabrics in
preference for tough and durable, practical clothing.


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Chapter 3 Characters



Practical and as enduring as the stone from which

they are created from. Earthen are very resilient with
hardened skin and bone like that of granite. It is said
that Earthen are as patient and tough as the mountains
themselves. The rarest of the Dwarves, it is even rarer
to see an Earthen that habitually resides above ground.
Earthen have such a strong connection with Nexus
that they can get physically sick if they go prolonged
periods of time without their feet touching the ground
itself. This makes sea travel next to impossible, and
often an Earthens home has no floor. See the Dwarf
Racial History on the Website for further details.

Perhaps the most adventurous of all Dwarves,

Gnomes tend to be very curious and inventive. It is
said that Gnomes are responsible for excavating and
rediscovering many of the ancient lost technology of
Nexus. Natural born tinkerers, they are constantly fiddling with new improvements to things, much to
the annoyance of others. Gnomes are said to have
strong ties with the Fae, and resemble them slightly.
Dwarven lore states that Gnomes are created with a
variant of the Song of Creation that was gifted to the
Dwarves by the Fae for an ancient debt. This makes
Gnomes more recent of a race, but their exact origins
are still lost in the Ages. See the Dwarf Racial History
on the Website for further details.

Culture & Role-play

Less fiery than their Adamant brothers, Earthen
tend to look at the big picture. Isolationists by nature,
it is rare for surface dwellers to meet Earthen often.
This has caused friction in the past, but were it not for
the situation of present, the Dwarves would not be
able to provide the assistance they have. Earthen have
many master Rune Carvers and consider there to be an
art in their work. Their nature seems to make any
deep study of magic or divine spells impossible, but
they seem to be able to learn the simpler ones easily.

Culture & Role-play

The vast majority of the Steeltongue clan,
Gnomes seem to just enjoy building things, and tinkering more than any other race. This has led to most
of Clockworks having gnomish craftsman as builders.
Misunderstood, they tend to find solace in their creations and bury themselves in work. Some of the
wondrous items they create rival anything possible
even with magic. Unlike their gruff cousins, Gnomes
tend to get along better with other races, and are the
most likely to react positively to surface dwellers.


Earthen must have grey makeup applied to their

exposed skin and face as well as grey or white beards.
These beards must be full face, and at least 2 in
length. Female Earthen may opt instead for heavy sideburns and/or a small goatee, but they are fully capable of growing a full beard. In addition, Earthen, like
all dwarves are short, they may only be played by players under 59 for males and under 56 for females.
See the Height section for more details. Like all races
of full colored makeup, no exposed unpainted skin
may be visible.


Gnomes must wear extra long pointed ears, that

are clearly longer then elves, of at least 4 inches in
length. In addition, Gnomes must also wear a big or
long nose prosthetic of some sort. Optionally they may
wear side burns, and/or a goatee that shows their
Dwarven heritage. In addition, Gnomes, like all
dwarves are short, they may only be played by players
under 59 for males and under 56 for females. See
the Height section for more details.



Earthen generally dress in earthen and grey colors,

and often wear stone jewelry and adornments. Most
Earthen take great pride in their beards, and decorate
them with stone jewelry or beads. Some even don armor made of stone itself, and decorating their armor,
weapons and even clothing are both magical and nonmagical runes.

Gnomes generally dress in fun and interesting

clothing, which portrays their creative side. Unlike
Adamant and Earthen, Gnomes prefer loose fitting
leathers, and other clothing, often containing many
pockets. Some gnomes even wear aprons, goggles and
tool belts all the time, never knowing when they will
come in handy.

RequieM Chapter 3 Characters


Dark Elf
A nocturnal race whose society mirrors that of the
Sun Elves, Dark Elves strength tends to diminish each
day and return again each night. Unlike rumors, Dark
Elves do not dwell underground. In fact, they have
such a strong connection with the night that they can
get physically sick if they go prolonged periods of time
without being able to see the stars. Most Dark Elves
reside in Krynth, home to the Court of the Stars,
which composes the most honored Dark Elves, though
recently they have had more contact with the other
races. There are always 12 governing members of Dark
Elves on the Radial Council, who guide the path of
the Elves in the Darkness, led by the title of Midnight.
Many Dark Elves are intensely magical, and have resistance to Magic based spells. See the Elf Racial History
on the Website for further details.

Perhaps the greatest folly of Nexus is

the term ownership. How do you own
land? When the world sees the error of
this, we will be here to teach them.

Culture & Role-play

Dark Elf society is harsh and unforgiving, where
ones honor and face mean everything. Almost all
Dark Elves are split amongst the 5 main ruling houses,
which are intensively competitive with each other. To
be a Quelvah, which translates to outcast, and not
have a house is a great dishonor. From birth, Dark
Elves are trained in mental and physical warfare, culminating in a 5 year Academy, where all Dark Elves
enter from the ages of thirteen to eighteen. Although
rumored to have a matriarchal society, the gender of a
Dark Elf matters not, and is rarely ever brought up,
and thus there as many women leaders as men.


All Elves have the Elf and Living traits.

General Information

Called the children of the Green Man, it is said

that the Elves were created when the Fae left this
Realm. Most Elves have made it their mission in life
to protect the forests and the natural world. Although
once said to be immortal, elves have natural lifespans
similar to all other races, but they just do not show age
until the day they die. Once a unified front, the Elves
have been divided greatly over the past century. With
a ruling government called the Radial Council, 24
elves govern both the Court of Sun and Court of Stars.


Dark Elves must have black makeup applied to

their exposed skin and face as well as pointed ears. In
additional dark elves hair is always silver or white in
color. Dark elves are the only elves that may have optional facial hair, but it must be colored white/silver to
match their hair. Like all races of full colored makeup,
no exposed unpainted skin may be visible.


In recent times the Elves have been sorely tested

by the tide of Undead and have had to withdraw their
forces from the now corrupted northern forests, and
mostly reside in the Southern Wyldwood, but have
been seen everywhere. The fortress cities of Krynth
and Illyth, now rebuilt and moved south, are two of
the few remaining cities still standing. Recently more
and more Elves have been seen in Northern Bolterra,
though their purpose there is unknown.


Dark Elves generally dress in colors that blend in

at night; generally black, shades of blue and/or grayscales. In addition, most Dark Elves proudly display
the colors and symbol of their House, as badge of
Honor in Dark Elven society.


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Chapter 3 Characters

Sun Elf

Wyld Elf

With an intense tie to the sunlight, Sun Elves

strength tends to diminish each night and return again
each day. In fact, they have such a strong connection
with the day that they can get physically sick if they go
prolonged periods of time without being in direct sunlight. More peaceful and scholarly than their Dark Elf
cousins, Sun Elves spend entire portions of their lives
collecting and categorizing knowledge. The majority
of Sun Elves reside in Illyth, home to the Court of the
Sun, the elite and eldest of the Sun Elves. There are
always 12 governing members of Sun Elves on the
Radial Council, who help guide the path of the Elves
in the Light, led by the title of Zenith. Many Sun
Elves are intensely religious, and have resistance to
Faith based spells. See the Elf Racial History on the
Website for further details.

Wyld Elves tend to shun the typical trappings of

civilization, instead preferring to become closer to the
Green Man directly. Of all the Elves, they are the
most connected to the forests and have a very tribal
and nomadic culture. Over the last century they have
fought to defend the Wyldwood from the relentless
tide of Undead with the Fae. Wyld Elves generally
have no love of politics, and have deferred rule of the
Radial Council of the Sun and Dark Elves. Due mostly to the efforts of the Wyld Elves, the Wyldwood is
one of the few refuges left in this war-torn world,
though recently this is even in jeopardy. See the Elf
Racial History on the Website for further details.

Culture & Role-play

The Wyld Elves reside mostly in the southern

Wyldwood, though anywhere there are forests in Bolterra it is likely to encounter at least a small number of
them. Composed mostly of Druids, Rangers and
Scouts, it is almost unheard of that a Wyld Elf would
not worship the Green Man. With some of best archers of Nexus, often others will travel far or wide for
the sought after Elven Bows, which Wyld Elves craft
out of special Sylvan Timber. Wyld Elves have a special connection with plants allowing them to grow and
shape entire villages without having to resort to cutting
down trees. With the Heart of the Wood being
moved, and the Wyldwood weakened, so have the
Wyld Elves. Frailer than their cousins, rumor has it
that Wyld Elves are a slowly dying race.

Culture & Role-play

In Sun Elf society, the pursuit of knowledge is
everything. With the destruction of the Great Library
in the old city of Illyth it has been their goal to rebuild
it. Writing a book accepted into the new Library is
considered to be one of the highest honors awarded to
a Sun Elf. Unlike the Dark Elves, there are hundreds
of different Houses, which work together in tandem.
Often these houses are named after Birds, Plants, and
other aspects of Nature. Sun Elves have cultivated
great gardens, and have been rumored to grow plants
as strong as metal, and trees into direct houses.


Sun Elves must have pointed ears and no facial

hair. In addition they have bright blond or bright gold
colored hair or a wig. Optionally, Sun Elves haves
bright white, yellow or gold contacts to enhance their


Wyld Elves must wear pointed ears and have no

facial hair. They are also able to use War Paint, which
is a big part of the Wyld Elf culture. Part of the requirement of a Wyld Elf is their costume, instead of
any face paint.


Sun Elves often dress in whites, golds, yellows and

other colors of light and brightness. It is rare to see a
Sun Elf in a lot of armor, but when they do, they prefer brightly shined armor. Often a Sun Elf will have a
sash or small symbol over his heart that depicts house.
Subtlety and elegance in clothing choice show status in
Sun Elf culture, and often two Elves will know a lot
about each other merely by their clothing choices.


The costume of a Wyld Elf is generally what signifies him or her. Wyld elves generally dress in earth
tones and greens that blend in with the forest. Many
Wyld Elves adorn themselves with leaves and leaf-like
jewelry, or animal furs, feathers, teeth, and other paraphernalia. From a distance, it should be clear with
costuming that you are a Wyld Elf.

RequieM Chapter 3 Characters


Called Satyrs for the male version, and Nymphs
for the female version, this rambunctious race are
known for their passion of life. It is said that they
were created when Changelings of old stayed on Nexus
for too long, most often because of festivals or celebrations. Satyrs and Nymphs always come into this world
as Mortals and they understand that time on this plane
is limited. The most vibrant of the Fae, it is said they
were offered the gift of immortality and turned it
down, as it would be a bore. See the Fae Racial History on the Website for further details.

Culture & Role-play

Satyrs and Nymphs goal is to live life to the fullest

and that they should see and learn as much as possible
in the time that they have here. They tend to take
great pleasure in life and all parts of living. Often
talkative and persuasive, these Fae tend to do well in
groups and with social interactions. Typically relying
on their wits and likability to get them through situations, there is a subset of Satyrs and Nymphs that believe that the only way to experience Nexus is to fight
in the battle for it. Of course this does not stop them
from enjoying it as well, with a weapon in one hand
and a stein of Dwarven Ale in the other. With an extreme, almost limitless, fondness for alcohol, even the
stout Giant Kin and Dwarves cant hold their liquor as
well as a Satyr or Nymph on a bad day.

You will never do anything in this

world without courage. It is the greatest
quality of the mind next to honor.

All Fae have the Fae and Living traits.

General Information

The Fae are beings who were originally tied to

nature, but now have branched off into different aspects. Fae have three major stages in their lives, Childling, Youngling, and Elderling. Most Fae are Younglings, which are sent off from the Realms of Order or
Chaos to Nexus without a memory of their past. The
Fae do this in order to have their Younglings learn,
grow and discover their true selves. When a Fae accomplishes something significant on Nexus, they are
then allowed into a Court, and become an Elderling of
their race, and are granted additional powers.


Nymphs/Satyrs must wear small horns on their

forehead, as well as pointed ears much like elves. These
horns generally curve upwards if at all and are usually
2 or less. Any exposed legs must be covered in fur, or
they may wear fur leggings instead of pants. Optionally they may wear hooves instead of boots or shoes, and
glitter on their cheeks.



Fae reside in either the court of Order or the

Court of Chaos which are separate from this world in
much the same way the Elemental Planes are. On the
Realms of Chaos and Order is the Grand city of Avalon, where all Fae reside, different from the rest of the
Realm. Avalon is said to exist in both Realms simultaneously, though its exact mechanics are unknown.

Satyrs and Nymphs generally dress in wild or

flamboyant colors that show off their love of life, and
like any jewelry that makes noise, especially bells.
They frequently go pant-less, showing off their fur legs
and hooves. When they wear armor, they tend to prefer leathers, and are known for decorating their clothing with artistic flair.


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Chapter 3 Characters



The most magic oriented of the Fae, almost all

Sprites (males) and Pixies (females) are of capable of
some kind of magic. Whimsical and flighty, Sprites
and Pixies are found in every section of the world of
Nexus. With a short attention span, and a desire to
explore new places, it is rare for a Spire or Pixie to settle down anywhere for too long. The most agile of all
the flying races, Sprites or Pixies are seeing flying almost anywhere. With their extremely small size, it is
rare that they are able to use any but the smallest of
the other races weapons are armor, but are often agile
enough to make up for this. Sprites and Pixies are
fully intelligent and should not be confused with Faeries, which are unintelligent versions of Fae. See the
Fae Racial History on the Website for further details.

Despite rumors that they are two different races,

male Treants and female Dryads are a single race of
Fae. They are the most nature oriented of any race
except possibly the Wyld Elves. It is said that at some
point, all Fae exclusively worshipped the Green Man,
and were solely nature oriented, and Treants and
Dryads are what became of the ancient Changelings
that choose to the dwell in the forests instead of returning to Avalon. Treants and Dryads resemble
plants and trees in appearance, and are almost exclusively found in a forest setting. Thought little more
than a myth up until a century ago, they have become
much more visible in the war, and now can be found
all over Bolterra. See the Fae Racial History on the
Website for further details.

Culture & Role-play

Culture & Role-play

Sprites/Faeries are very adventurous and often

found assisting various adventuring groups and explorers. They often lean towards professions that require
dexterity as they tend to be very agile. It is said that
the dust of Sprite or Pixie can instantly put anyone to
sleep, as a defense mechanism. Natural loners, it is
rare to see Sprites or Pixies in large groups, though it is
rumored a large city of them once existed in Ages past.

An elusive race, it was rare to see one at all before

the Age of Conflict, when they emerged from the
Wyldwood in great numbers to help defend the forests
of the corrupting influence of the Undead. Like the
Wyld Elves, it is rumored that with the devastation of
the Wyldwood and moving of the Heart of the Wyld,
Dryads and Treants have been weakened and are slowly dying out. Recently, more Treants and Dryads have
been seen in the forests of Northern Bolterra. With an
affinity to plants, many of their abilities mimic plants,
including literally rooting themselves into the earth, to
have a greater connection with the Green Man, which
Treants and Dryads almost exclusively worship.

Sprites and Pixies must wear glitter on their exposed skin and face as well as pointed ears similar to
elves. In addition, all Sprites and Pixies must wear insect or unfeathered wings. How the player wishes to
wear the wings is up to their imagination but they
must clearly protrude from your back, and be visible
from a distance. Most of the time Sprites wings are
translucent and mimic those of insects found in nature, like a butterfly, moth or dragonfly, but rare exceptions do exist. Sprites are short, they may only be
played by players under 59 for males and under 56
for females. See the Height section for more details.


Treants and Dryads must have green hair, full

plant or bark designs on their exposed skin and face, as
well as pointed ears similar to Elves. Any facial hair
that a player has must be green as well. Usually a
Treant or Dryad has a cohesive theme for a specific
plant instead of random amalgamation of different
plants. Like all races of full colored makeup, no exposed unpainted skin may be visible.



Sprites and Pixies generally wear light colors, often

pastels or very bright floral colors. They will usually
wear colors that match their bright and colorful wings.
Generally unarmored, Sprites tend to shun cumbersome armor in favor of greater mobility and dexterity.

Treants and Dryads generally dress in earth tones

and greens and may wear vines or leaves on their clothing. Often they will incorporate wood into any armor
or weapons they possess as well.

RequieM Chapter 3 Characters

Giant Kin

Ogres are incredibly strong, even more so than
other Giant Kin. It may be impossible to catch an
Ogre unarmed as they are capable of ripping small
trees straight from the ground to use as clubs. In addition the strength of their blows is often so jarring that
it is folly to even try and block their swings. Traditionally, an Ogre family is led by a Shaman, who through
worshiping Dias, is given prophetic dreams. These
shamans all follow the High Shaman, or OrlockTi,
which is the Avatar of Dias. It is said that some of the
Ogres foresaw the destruction of Azgaard, and migrated directly to the Dreamscape to avoid Aztaals
wrath. See the Giant Kin Racial History on the Website for further details.

The harder the conflict, the more

glorious the triumph.

Culture & Role-play

Ogres live in small family dens with a shamanic
based society. They have strong ties to Dias, and are
said to follow wherever their dreams take them. Rarely, an Ogre devoted towards Dias can actually grow a
second head, which is rumored to see into Dreamscape
itself. Often living in caves in the past, recently, they
have become more nomadic as food has gotten scarcer.
While many Ogres have taken up arms in the fight
against Azraal and Maalor, some have resorted to becoming bandits instead. There have also been sightings
of strange blue-skinned Ogres and Ogres with a single
eye, but more information is lacking.

All Giant Kin have the Giant and Living traits.

General Information
Most Giant Kin are survivors hailing from the
continent Azgaard, which is now referred to as the
Scorched Northern Reaches. All Giant-Kin are large
humanoids of varying features; however they all share
in a desire to find glory in combat. With being the
strongest of the races on Nexus, they rumored to be
descendants of the Titans themselves. Giant Kin are
often mentally stunted or slow, and thus are vulnerable
to Psions and other tricks of the Mind. Generally
combined into large clans or war parties, a group of
charging Giant Kin is a sight to behold. Bringing their
war-like culture to Bolterra with them, sometimes this
has caused friction with the other races, when their
attention is not against the Undead.

Ogres must wear yellow makeup on their exposed
skin and face, as well as tusks on their lower canine
teeth. They may optionally wear small horns that
curve upwards if at all and are 2 or less. Ogres are tall,
like all Giant Kin, they may only be played by players
over 60 for males and over 59 for females. See the
Height section for more details. Like all races of full
colored makeup, no exposed unpainted skin may be

When Rapture interfered in mortal affairs, Azraal
retaliated in force. The Demon invaded and destroyed
Azgaard, the native soil of the Giant Kin, a continent
to the north. After having to abandon their homeland
they have largely settled in northern Bolterra and fight
to hold back both the Tide of the Undead and the
Legions of Azraal. It is a goal of all Giant Kin to eventually retake the Scorched Northern Reaches.

Ogres tend not to be picky about their clothing,
and generally wear whatever armor or clothing is available and fits. Often connecting their armor with
chains or retrofitting other suits to their use, as there
large size often makes finding fitted armor difficult.


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Chapter 3 Characters



Even more warlike than other Giant Kin the Orcs

show their true strength in combat. Amazingly persistent they are able to push past most defenses in order
to overcome their enemies. Tasked by the Fae, in Ages
past to guard the roots of the Heart of the Wyld, Orcs
have Fae blood in their veins. This is rumored to have
saved them when whatever consumed the Minotaurs
with Rage attempted to do the same with Orcs. Orcish Berserkers are considered especially dangerous as
Orcs are all but unable to shake off the effects of a berserking rage once it has taken hold of them. It should
be pointed out that armies have laid down their arms
and surrendered after hearing only an Orc war clans
opening battle cry. See the Giant Kin Racial History
on the Website for further details.

Trolls are extremely tough and able to stand up to

obstacles that would crush other races. Considered the
Heartiest of the Giant Kin, Trolls are unmatched in
the raw ability to take punishment in the Realm. It is
said that the Trolls are a distant cousin to the demonic
Dark Trolls; in an ancient battle between Rapture and
Azraal, the Dark Trolls descended on Rapture, and the
blood spilt created a new breed of Troll. Often
ashamed of their demonic heritage the majority of
Trolls loyally follow Rapture. Another interesting
thing about Trolls is their ability to regenerate is far
more prominent than in other Giant Kin, even allowing them to regenerate a maimed limb or even fully
recover from near death with a short rest. See the
Giant Kin Racial History on the Website for further

Culture & Role-play

Culture & Role-play

Orcish society is very clan based. They possess

strong territorial instincts, and to cross an Orc is said
to invoke the wrath of the entire clan. Clans are led by
the strongest, and leadership is challenged whenever a
leader grows complacent, or a younger Orc believes he
can best the Chieftain in single combat. Recently, stirrings of the Ironfist clan in the lands around the Kazamar Mountains have been said to be a worry for the
town of Rulevale. It is said their Warlord, Ohm, is
brutal and unforgiving, and he is said to have the
blessing and tactics of Kade himself.

Trolls are race that values honor and reputation

highly and most would rather die than face dishonor.
Master Armorsmiths, they rival even the Dwarves in
their ability to create suits of Battle Atmot. It is rumored that once Trolls had the ability to craft suits of
War Armor, stronger than anything available in the
current Age, but the skills were lost when Azgaard was


Trolls must wear brown or dark red makeup on

their exposed skin and face, as well as curved ram-like
horns. These horns must be greater than 3 in length
and must visibly curve in an inward spiral. Trolls are
tall, like all Giant Kin, they may only be played by
players over 60 for males and over 59 for females.
See the Height section for more details. Like all races
of full colored makeup, no exposed unpainted skin
may be visible.


Orcs must wear green makeup on their exposed

skin and face, as well as pointed ears. They may optionally wear tusks on their lower canine teeth. Orcs
are tall, like all Giant Kin, they may only be played by
players over 60 for males and over 59 for females.
See the Height section for more details. Like all races
of full colored makeup, no exposed unpainted skin
may be visible.



Trolls are rarely ever found without armor, and

usually wear lots of it. A Trolls suit of Armor is something they cherish and maintain above all else. Trolls
tend to decorate their armor with runes, symbols and
other ways to make it more intimidating. They generally dress in uncomplicated and unsophisticated clothing, which will help pad their heavy armor.

Orcs generally dress much like barbarians, shunning metal armor, and tending to wear leathers and
furs. Often Orcs wear trophies of those that they have
killed in combat. An Orc wearing Red is the color of a
Blood feud, and is considered to be incredibly dangerous as there is no reasoning with them in that state.

RequieM Chapter 3 Characters


Pure-blooded humans are normal humans in every
way, from noble to peasant, merchant to soldier. Many
of the other races view them with suspicion as they are
very susceptible to becoming infected with the Plague
of Undeath. The many fallen nations of Galvoria were
home for many different and diverse cultures, all of
which have slowly deteriorated and retreated into
Northern Bolterra. With the only the strength of the
Church and Inquisition left, Humans are forced to ally
with the other races, to attempt to save themselves
from complete annihilation. See the Human Racial
History on the Website for further details.

Culture & Role-play

Pure-blooded humans are widely varied in characteristics, cultures and mannerisms, based on the specific land they were from, and their upbringing. The
most diverse race of Nexus, Humans are becoming
rarer and rarer on the world of Nexus, and this influences their actions. Unfortunately, with their susceptibility to becoming Possessed and Undead, even the
humans that are fighting the tyranny of Eramus and
his Legions are often distrusted or worse, actively hostile against. While the Church is still predominately
humans, many other races have flocked to the Light of
Rapture since the war began.

The sins of the father revisited upon

the children. We will not waver; our path
is known to us now.

All Humans have the Human and Living traits.

General Information

For over a thousand years, the Galvorian Empire

ruled the land in prosperity and peace. That all
changed, when the 3 sons of the old King, in an attempt to find a cure for their father, unleashed the
Plague of Undeath and became the Avatars of Maalor,
and declared war on the living. Once the most populous and dominant races of Nexus, the past century of
war, famine, and plague has brought Humans to the
brink of extinction. Those who are left, still attempt to
rally others to their cause to combat against the Brothers. With both the Galvorian Empire and the Allied
Empire both collapsed, it is up to the remaining stragglers and the Church of Light to attempt to maintain a
defense again the legions of Undead.


Pure blooded humans require no racial makeup or

particular costuming, although you must still look in
period. Plot does not recommend that you play a human in Requiem. They are considered a dying breed,
and are generally extra vulnerable to both Demons and

Pure-blooded Humans are diverse and dress, in
many types of period clothing and armor. The colors
of the Church of Light and Inquisition are white and
blue, and often humans wear this to show their devotion. From the furs of the mountainous regions, light
cottons of the islands and plains, and sturdy leathers of
the forests, there are different clothing choices that suit
each of the Human cultures. Feel free to be creative
with your costume choices.

Largely scattered throughout the world, Humanity
survives in small groups and settlements. Other than
the one human city of Pinnacle humanity has no safe
place left in this world.


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Chapter 3 Characters



Barbarians are a race composed of many different

tribes of Humans who live in the wilds and tend to be
more robust than their Pure-Blooded cousins. With a
connection with the Green Man, Aveena, Dias, and
other Deities, most Barbarians do not worship Rapture. They have done better than the Pure-Blooded,
and the surviving barbarian tribes are either extremely
skilled at hiding or have developed tactics that allow
them to escape the waves of Undead. Rumor has it
that their tough ways of living make them less susceptible of the Plague, but that has not been proven. See
the Human Racial History on the Website for further

When afflicted with the Plague of Undeath, a

small percentage of Humans fight off the infection and
are not turned Undead. These humans seem to have
had their humanity stripped from their very soul. Although they recover physically, this recuperation is not
complete and they are changed mentally and emotionally by the Plague. Turned cold and emotionless, Displaced become a different person then before the disease. Often shunning others, they tend to be loners or
outcasts that survive day to day. The very act of people
showing extreme emotions around a Displace can agitate them, as they cannot relate to it at all. See the
Human Racial History on the Website for further details.

Culture & Role-play

Culture & Role-play

Although less civilized then Pure-Bloods, the barbarian culture has been a boon in helping them survive
a ravaged and war torn world. There are many tribes
spread out over the world but they all tend to be nomadic and live off the land. The majority of all barbarians hail from Morgoth, the closest continent to Bolterra, which was once a rich and untamed land. When
Morgoth was shrouded in darkness and became the
Isle of Eternal Night, many fled for the shelter of the
light on Bolterra. Those that remained are left alone,
but hunted for sport by the Vampire Lords. This has
caused them to become even hardier and the Morgothians are known for their unmatched battle prowess.

It is said that there are two options when infected

with the Plague of Undeath, to become a monster or
just be turned Undead. This portrays the sentiment
that becoming Displaced is considered a fate worse
than death. Often survivors will first attempt to stay
with those they used to love and care about before becoming Displaced, but soon realize that things are not
the same, for they have lost everything that makes
them Human. This usually drives them away from
those they used to care about, as they cannot feel what
those around them are telling them they should feel.
As often as continuing the fight against the Undead, a
Displaced is just as likely to become a bandit, murder
or worse, as they feel no remorse or guilt for their actions.


Barbarians require no racial makeup. They are

also able to use War Paint, which is a big part of the
Barbarian culture. Part of the requirement of a Barbarian is their costume, instead of any face paint.

Displaced require no racial makeup, however their
RP is difficult. You must exhibit no emotions, as you
have lost your humanity. You cannot show passion,
joy, anger, sadness, love or any other feeling. Think of
examples like Spock, or a Robotic personality for examples.

The costume of a Barbarian is generally what signifies him or her. They generally are garbed in wild
and earthen tones. They wear the furs of beasts and
leather goods that they have made themselves or taken
from their kills. Bones, Skulls, Feathers and other aimal items are considered sacred in Barbarian culture,
and often adorn the clothing of their elders or mystics.
Barbarians often shun metal, or metal crafted armor.
From a distance, it should be clear with costuming
that you are a Barbarian.


Displaced Humans dress plain and uninteresting

clothing, choosing bland colors without patterns. Often they will don the clothes of fallen allies or enemies,
as a practicality, which can unnerve other people that
they travel with.

RequieM Chapter 3 Characters


Drake Borne
Drake Borne, also known as The Brood of Argandris, are a magical race said to have existed since
the time of the Titans. Drake Borne have exclusively
blue scales, that is said to resemble the Great Wyrm
himself. Typically a nomadic race, that follow the Leylines of the world, recently, more of them have been
seen in Northern Bolterra. Whether they are aiding in
the fight against the Undead, or other purposes is unknown, as they rarely explain themselves to outsiders.
See the Reptilian Racial History on the Website for
further details.

Culture & Role-play

Extremely arrogant, Drake Borne often consider

many of the other races of less importance, and blame
Humans completely for the state of the world. They
are said to have a society that focuses upon learning
and the study of magic. Every Drake Borne is expected
to learn at least some magic in their culture, or risk
being shunned. Rumor has it that none but Etherions
themselves can rival the true power of Drake Borne in
the schools of magic. Unlike the humans, Drake
Borne seem to naturally pick up entire paths, spheres
and schools, with the barest effort. It is said to be an
Elder of the race, one must be excel as a ritual caster.

What the warm-bloods dont know is

that with all of that energy saved we
are capable of more than they can
possibly imagine.
All Reptilians have the Reptile and Living traits.

General Information


Little is known of the Reptilian races. Secretive

and often living in small groups they rarely traveled
amongst the other races until recently. All Reptilians
claim ties to the ancient Dragons, Drakes and Wyverns of Ages past. Although each of the Reptilians are
very different from each other, they share a common
bond. Unlike the warm-blooded races, Reptilians are
cold blooded and egg-laying. With strong, protective
scales, Reptilians have little to no use for armor.

Drake Borne must wear a blue scaled pattern of

makeup, prosthetics or a plot approved mask on their
exposed skin and face. In addition, Drake Borne have
long strait horns or spikes, of at least 2 in length, generally pointing strait up or back following the slope of
their forehead or sides of their head. Drake Borne are
tall, they may only be played by players over 60 for
males and over 59 for females. See the Height section
for more details. Like all races of full colored makeup,
no exposed unpainted skin may be visible.

There are different tribes of Reptiles are spread
throughout Nexus living in varied climates. Ironically,
many of the Reptilians seem to have settled into many
of the areas that other races find inhospitable. From
the harsh mountains of the Hand of Ktar, the searing
heat of the Crimson Sands, and the frigid temperatures
of the Arctic Southern Reaches, Reptilians are not only
found on Bolterra, but supposedly on all the known


Drake Borne generally shun armor in favor of

their natural armor they get with their scales. They
often dress regally, favoring flowing robes with stark
color contrasts, with the main color of all their vestments being exclusively blue. Often they adorn themselves in runes and draconic symbols as well. The Staff
is the Drake Borne weapon of choice.


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Chapter 3 Characters



Lizardman are the most resilient and able to adapt

to their environment the most out of all races of Nexus. The Red Lizardmen of the Crimson Sands, the
White Lizardmen of the Southern Arctic Reaches and
the Green Lizardmen of the Wyldwood are the three
known tribes of Lizardmen. See the Reptilian Racial
History on the Website for further details.

Snakelike, and always talking in whispers, these

Reptilians are extremely secretive. There is very little
concrete actually known about them in recent times.
Rumored to hail from tall mountainous regions, such
as the Hand of Ktar, that rumor is unconfirmed, as it
is a penalty of death to lead outsiders to a Slith home.
Many think this might be an untapped resource to
bring to bear against the Undead, but if it is such, the
Slith are not talking. Rumors speak of a cult of Slith
assassins that work closely with the Dark Elves of
House Serpentine. See the Reptilian Racial History on
the Website for further details.

Culture & Role-play

Each tribe has its own customs and ways. The Red
Lizardman come from a harsh desert climate, and
many have since migrated south when the GulDrac
Mountains were destroyed. It is said that the Red Lizardmen have the most experience in dealing with the
Worms. The Green Lizardman hail from swamp and
forest regions, and many have fled north with the corruption of the Wyldwood. While forests used to be
teaming with Green Lizardman, they are rarer now,
and it is rumored that they are slowly dying out.
White Lizardman are from a frigid snowy climates,
where they seem to thrive. A dying race of only females, it is a mystery where the males of the race went,
as many White Lizardman remember little to none of
their past, in the same way a Fae do not recall their
own past. This has many thinking that somehow the
Fae are involved.

Culture & Role-play

Back in the Age of Myth, it is said that there was a
Great War in which Satya cursed a flight of Drakes to
nevermore walk or fly in Nexus. It is unclear what
exactly has transcribed since then, but there are accurate historical records that show for thousands of years
Slith had no legs. It is only recently in the Age of
Magic that Slith have somehow regained the use of
them. While quiet, the wrath of an angered Slith is
without match. It is said that to cross a Slith is to invite a deadly response. Their Homeland, culture, and
habits are generally unknown to most other races and
even some of the Slith themselves.



Lizardman must wear a scaled pattern of makeup,

prosthetics or a plot approved mask on their exposed
skin and face. Lizardman must have horns or spikes
protruding from their skin of 1 or less. The scales
must be all of the same color, and there are three different colors denoting the specific types of Lizardman.
Red, Green and White are the three available colors
for Player Characters. Additionally, White Lizardman
can be only played by female players. You must have
specific Plot permission to play a White Lizardman.
Like all races of full colored makeup, no exposed unpainted skin may be visible.

Slith must wear a snake scaled pattern of makeup,

prosthetics or a plot approved mask on their exposed
skin and face. In addition, Slith must have fangs on
their upper canine teeth. Optionally, some Slith players choose to use reptilian contacts to enhance their
appearance. Slith must be of a specific snake type that
has a pattern, and must visibly distinguish themselves
from Lizardman. Slith may not have solid Blue,
Green, White, Red or Black colored scales without a
pattern. Like all races of full colored makeup, no exposed unpainted skin may be visible.


Slith generally shun armor in favor of their natural

armor they get with their scales. They generally dress
for stealth, and prefer camouflaging to whatever environment they are in. They often favor blacks and covering most of their face in shrouds or wraps.


Lizardmen generally dress in simple and uncomplicated clothing, and generally shun weapons and
armor in favor of their razor sharp claws and armored
scales they possess naturally.

RequieM Chapter 3 Characters


Resembling half rotten corpses Ghouls are the
most common form of awakened Undead. In the same
family of Undead as Zombies and Liches, Ghouls are
intelligent, but unable to raise the fallen with magic.
They do not eat normal food and drink; they feed
upon the bodies of the sentient in order to sustain
themselves. It should be noted that all player Undead
were Humans when they were alive, without exception. Although nocturnal, Ghouls are the least affected
by the daylight of all the Undead. See the Undead
Racial History on the Website for further details.

Culture & Role-play

Sometimes called the spawn of Eramus, Ghouls

are said to not have true a spirit or soul. The process
of dying and becoming a Ghoul is so twisted and horrible, that it can forever change someone for the worse.
Ghouls, like all undead, suffer during the day time
hours, and thus often accomplish as much as possible
at night. While unable to move quickly, Ghouls are
relentless hunters and will often stalk their prey for
hours. The vast majority of Ghouls serve Maalor, but a
very small percentage have actively held onto their sanity, and sided with the living against him. It is said
that even those, that worship other Deities and retain
common decency constantly fight against the hunger
and desire to fall into a feral state.

The desire not to be anything can become the desire to be.

All Undead have the Undead trait and do not
have the Living trait.

General Information

In an attempt to cure their ailing father, the King

of Galvoria, the three prince sons accidently unleashed
the Plague of Undeath upon this world, thus starting
the Age of Conflict. Undead are feared and hated by
the living and most of the worlds population of humans have been killed and reanimated to serve Maalor.
Long dead corpses reanimate as mindless undead and
recently departed sometimes retain their memories and
intelligence. Even if an Undead is willing to work
against their fallen brethren, they are often looked
upon with fear, scorn and mistrust. This has caused
the majority of intelligent Undead to take up Eramus
banner, which seems to be winning.

Ghouls must wear white or grey makeup on their
exposed skin and face, and black makeup around their
eyes at a minimum. In addition, Ghouls may have
optional black lipstick and fingernail polish to enhance
this effect. Prosthetics, such as open sores or wounds,
exposed bone, and sewn together patches of skin are all
encouraged and help to give the appearance of a walking corpse. You must have specific Plot permission to
play a Ghoul character.



Undead control the vast majority of the continent

of Bolterra, and rumor says that Eramus has conquered other continents as well. The last refuges of
the Southern Wyldwood and Northern Bolterra are
actively being sieged by legions of Undead, though in
recent years the Worms have all but halted this advance north, leaving a sort of stalemate.

Ghouls tend to have ancient or old clothing and

armor; it is often neglected, deteriorated, or ruined.
Often shunning nice clothing, even the Undead that
actively oppose their brethren and attempt to be more
civilized, usually still have bloodstained clothes due to
their grisly eating habits.


a= RequieM

Chapter 3 Characters



Spectral beings that feed upon the life force of the

living; it is said that Specters are disembodied spirits or
souls trapped on this Realm without a body. In the
same family of Undead as Ghosts and Wraiths, Specters are supposedly the result of someone affected by
the Plague whose body was destroyed. Unable to possess normal items or to even touch someone easily,
Specters subside from consuming the spirits of the
sentient in order to sustain themselves. During the
day Specters partially fade from this world and become
completely incorporeal, unable to affect anything
around them, but also become virtually immune to
everything, like in a Spirit Form. It should be noted
that all player Undead were Humans when they were
alive, without exception. See the Undead Racial History on the Website for further details.

The rarest of the undead, it is said that a twisted

version of a body reanimated with a spirit is known as
a Vampire. Sometimes able to pass as human, Vampires possess pale skin and elongated fangs. In the same
family of Undead as Revenants and Vampire Lords,
Vampires subsist off of feeding upon a combination of
body (blood) and life-force of the Living to survive.
Unlike Ghouls and Specters, this requires a living victim, and does not kill them. Vampires are capable of
incredible Endurance provided they have a food
sources available. It should be noted that all player
Undead were Humans when they were alive, without
exception. See the Undead Racial History on the Website for further details.

Culture & Role-play

Sometimes called the spawn of Illuthar, the majority of the Vampires of Nexus reside on the Isle of
Eternal Night. This has become an entire nation of
Vampires, shrouded in darkness, that use humans as
little more than cattle for food. There are a few Vampire Lords that have chosen to return to Bolterra, but
Vampires are extremely rare. Vampires are the only
Undead not created unintentionally; the disease must
be passed to a willing host. Since they require living
beings as food, there are more vampires neutral to
Maalor than other Undead, though recently it is said
Eramus has recruited more Vampire Lords for his war.

Culture & Role-play

Sometimes called the spawn of Ktharsis, many
Specters were created in the early years of the war
when Humanity did not understand then that to destroy the bodies of the fallen created a non-corporeal
Undead. This has changed recently, with graveyards
being used again, but the damage had already been
done. Said to be incredibly traumatic to be torn back
from the Nether, it can forever change someone for
the worse. It is said Specters constantly have to fight to
remain aware of the world. The vast majority of Specters worship Maalor, but exceptions do exist, and it is
said that the leader of the Inquisition itself is a Specter,
that holds a burning hatred for the rest of the Undead.


All Vampires must have elongated fangs on their

upper canine teeth. At night, their undead nature is
revealed farther, it up to the player how they wish to
emphasize this, the creepier the better. At the bare
minimum this should be with a much paler complexion. Part of the requirement of a Vampire is their costume. You must have specific Plot permission to play
a Vampire character.

Specters must wear white makeup on their exposed skin and face, and all hair or facial hair must be
white in color. Optionally, white contacts are encouraged as well. Part of the requirement of a Specter is
their costume. You must have specific Plot permission
to play a Specter character.



Vampires wear gothic and dark clothing, such as

capes with open hoods, spiked and studded leather,
and other clothing with the same feel; it is often elegant and creepy. Feel free to be creative on how you
do this, but from a distance it should be clear with
costuming that you are a Vampire.

Specters have white clothing and armor, to enhance their ghostlike appearance. It is often pristine
condition, but faded or outdated. Feel free to be creative on how you do this, but from a distance, it should
be clear with costuming that you are a Specter.

RequieM Chapter 3 Characters


Attribute Point Pools

Every attribute gets a pool of points, you may

spend these points to fuel skills and abilities, except
Vitality, whose pool is the number of Body Points you
have. The pool of points doesnt ever change your
Attribute score. For instance if you have 5 Strength,
and 0 Strength Points left, you can still use any ability
that strength gives you (like wearing armor) except you
cannot fuel anymore skills or abilities that take
Strength Points. In addition some skills let you gain
points of their own (Arcane, Stealth, Stamina, Inspiration, Zeal and Power) which can be substituted for any
attribute while fueling a specific Header or Subheaders skills. All Attribute Points and Secondary
Attribute Points except Endurance Points refill to full
(to your Attribute score) every time you spend an Endurance to Refresh.

The Next Step

Hopefully by now, you have chosen a race, and
know approximately how many starting CP your character will have, now its time to spend some of it.
There are three main expenditures of CP: Attributes,
Headers, and Skills. Attributes represent how strong or
fast or powerful your character has, where skills
represent the ability to use those attributes towards a
specific goal. Headers merely allow you access to skills.
Attributes without Skills would be just as useless as
Skills without Attributes. Remember that a lot of races
also give a bonus to attributes too, which is helpful in
raising them to higher levels. Some people skip
Attributes and go strait to Skills at this point, but if
you do so, do not forget to save some CP for them, as
it is easy to get caught up in individual skills.

Attribute Costs

To raise your Attributes, it takes an amount of CP

equal to what you are raising them to. For example to
raise an attribute to from 1 to 2 takes 2 CP, 2 to 3
takes 3 CP more, etc All costs must be paid additively. This formula works for every Attribute except
Endurance, which takes double the CP of what you
are raising it to. This cost caps at 5, and you will never
have to spend more than 5 CP for stat point increase
or 10 for an Endurance increase after the Attribute is
at 5 or more. Any skill or ability that raises an attribute
is always considered at the end (so it is best cost for
you). An example of this is the +1 Strength which
Warriors get is always counted after any strength you
have bought. So if you had 1 Strength, and skill Warriors Strength, purchasing your third Strength would
be the CP cost of the second. See the Attribute Cost
Table below to see the full breakdown of the CP costs.

There are 6 main attributes as follows: Agility,
Intellect, Spirit, Strength, Vitality and Endurance.
Agility represents you characters mental and physical
speed and dexterity, Intellect represents your characters wisdom and intelligence, Spirit represents your
characters chi or inner fire, Strength represents your
characters mental and physical fortitude, Vitality
represents your characters health and ability to withstand punishment, and Endurance represents how
long your character can continue to perform under
duress. All Attributes start at 1 unless otherwise
changed by a race or ability. Unlike some games, In
Requiem, all Attributes are important for all characters, as there are no useless ones.

Bonuses & Penalties

Every attribute has a bonus when it is raised to 5

(or any number higher) and a penalty if it is left at 1,
except Endurance. In addition, Attributes lower than 4
generally limit your ability in the game to perform
actions or purchase skills, such as wield weapons or
cast complicated spells. If an Attribute limits the purchasing or use of a skill, raising the Attribute will
merely allow the skill in question to be used or purchased, but will not actually grant you the skill, which
you must still purchase with CP. See the Attribute
Quicklists below to see the full breakdown of what
each Attribute does and allows.

Training Attributes

To raise any attribute to 5 or less is considered a

Free skill, and does not require an Instruction Card.
Any stat trained above 5 is considered supernatural,
and is an Uncommon skill, and must be learned In
Game from someone with Instruction Cards. Even if
the raising an attribute to 6 would cost you less than
normal, because of specific skills or racial abilities, it is
still considered an uncommon skill. Starting Characters can never start with any Attribute over 5 to begin


RequieM Chapter 3 Characters

Attribute Cost Table
Agility, Intellect, Spirit, Strength, Vitality



CP Cost

Total CP Cost


CP Cost

Total CP Cost


0 CP

0 CP


0 CP

0 CP


2 CP

2 CP


4 CP

4 CP


3 CP

5 CP


6 CP

10 CP


4 CP

9 CP





5 CP

14 CP


10 CP

28 CP



5 CP

19+ CP


10 CP

38+ CP


Attribute QuicklistS


Allows / Requires


Allows / Requires

Small Weapons only

No Called Weapon Strikes
Touch Cast Spells only

Costume Armor only allowed

Cannot drag bodies

Short Weapons or lower allowed

Packet Delivered Spells or lower allowed

Light Armor or lower allowed

Per Refresh skills allowed

Long Weapons, Staff, Buckler Thrown or lower allowed

Gesture Delivered Spells or lower allowed

Medium Armor or lower allowed

Per Event skills allowed

2-Handed Weapons, Shield, Ranged or lower allowed

Voice Delivered Spells or lower allowed

Heavy Armor or lower allowed

Per Battle and Per Year skills allowed


Battle Armor allowed

Can run with body or drag two bodies


Allows / Requires


Epic Weapons allowed

+1 to all Called Weapon Damage over 2


Allows / Requires



Able to purchase 2 CP skills or less

No Minor or Major Schools or Disciplines may be cast

Cannot Live Well

Affected by Permanent Weakness and Slow

Able to purchase 3 CP skills or less

Gain +1 Body from Living Well

Able to purchase 4 CP skills or less

Gain +1 Body from Living Well

Able to purchase all non-Epic Skills

Gain +1 Body from Living Well


Epic Skills
+1 to all Called Spell Damage over 2


Gain +2 Body from Living Well


Allows / Requires



Allows / Requires

Able to fuel skills requiring 2 Attribute or less

x2 duration on all RP times including Refreshes

1 Attunement Point

Able to fuel skills requiring 2 Attributes or less

2 Attunement Points

Able to fuel skills EACH, END or ALL(2+)

3 Attunement Points

Able to fuel skills requiring 3 Attributes or less

4 Attunement Points


Able to fuel all skills

-1 Called Damage Taken from all sources



5+ Attunement Points
(+1 for every Endurance over 5)

RequieM Chapter 3 Characters



Agility represents your physical and mental speed

and dexterity. Someone with a high agility is most apt
at quick decisions and dexterous use of their body.
Agility also limits what weapons you are able to wield
effectively and what delivery of spells you can cast. In
addition some skills use something in relation to your
agility, such as you may be able to generate a number
of disengages equal to your Agility, or an amount of
spells in a battle equal to half your agility. If for any
reason your Agility score is reduced to 0 (not your agility points) you may not use any weapons at all.

Intellect represents your intellectual capacity and

decision making skills. Someone with a high Intellect
is generally both smart and wise. Intellect also limits
how complicated a skill or spell you may purchase, in
terms of CP (Headers do not count for this). In addition some skills use something in relation to your Intellect, such as you may be able to make a certain
amount of scrolls equal to your Intellect, or generate
healing in a battle a number of times equal to half your
intellect. If your any reason your Intellect score is reduced to 0 (not your intellect points) you may not
speak or converse in any way at all.

1 Agility

1 Intellect

PENALTY: No Called Weapon Strikes

CAN: Wield Small Weapons, Touch Cast Spells
CANNOT: Wield Short, Long, 2-Handed, or
Ranged Weapons, Bucklers, or Shields. No Packet
Delivered, Gesture Attack or Voice Attack Spells.

PENALTY: No Minor or Major Schools of Magic or Disciplines of Faith may be purchased.

CAN: Cast Cantrips and Prayers. Purchase Skills
and Spells of 2 CP or less.
CANNOT: Purchase Skills and Spells of 3 CP or

2 Agility

CAN: Wield Small and Short Weapons. Touch

Cast and Packet Deliver Spells.
CANNOT: Wield Long, 2-Handed, Ranged
Weapons, Bucklers or Shields. No Gesture or Voice
Attack Spells.

2 Intellect

CAN: Purchase Skills and Spells of 3 CP or less.

CANNOT: Purchase Skills and Spells of 4 CP or

3 Agility

3 Intellect

CAN: Wield Small, Short, Long Weapons,

Staves, Thrown Weapons, and Bucklers. Touch Cast,
Packet Deliver and Gesture Attack Spells.
CANNOT: Wield 2-Handed Weapons except
Staves, Shields, Missile Weapons. No Voice Attack

CAN: Purchase Skills and Spells of 4 CP or less.

CANNOT: Purchase Skills and Spells of 5 CP.

4 Intellect
CAN: Purchase all non-epic Skills and Spells,
including those of 5 CP or less.
CANNOT: Purchase Epic Skills or Spells.

4 Agility

5+ Intellect

CAN: Wield All non-epic Weapons, including all

Melee, Ranged and Shields. Can cast all types of
Spells including Touch Cast, Packet Delivered, Gesture and Voice Attacks.
CANNOT: Wield Epic Weapons

BONUS: Gain +1 Damage with all Called Spell

Damage over 2.
CAN: Purchase Epic Skills and Spells.

5+ Agility
BONUS: Gain +1 Damage with all Called Weapon strikes over 2 Damage.
CAN: Wield Epic Weapons


a= RequieM

Chapter 3 Characters



Spirit represents your physical and mental fortitude. Someone with a high spirit is strong willed and
does not falter easily. Spirit also represents how many
of a spell or skill you may fuel with points one time. In
addition some skills use something in relation to you
Spirit, such as you may be able to resist a called damage attack equal to your Spirit or less. If for any reason
your Spirit score is reduced to 0 (not your spirit
points) you may not fuel any skills or spells that take
attributes at all.

Strength represents your physical and mental

might. Someone with a high Strength is apt at the
brute force approach and is powerful both in body and
in mind. Strength also limits what size armor you may
use and what skills you can perform on certain frequencies (such as Per Refresh or Per Battle). In addition some skills use something in relation to your
Strength, such as you may heal an amount of Body
Points equal to your Strength, or generate a called
damage a number of times in a battle equal to half
your Strength. If for any reason your Strength score is
reduced to 0 (not your strength points) you may not
use any armor at all.

1 Sprit
PENALTY: Any ability that requires RP to use
(including Endurance refreshes) takes twice as long.
CAN: Use Skills/Spells that require 1 or less
Attribute to fuel.
CANNOT: Use Skills/Spells that require 2 or
more Attributes to fuel, or that require EACH, END,
or ALL(2+) Attributes to use.

1 Strength

PENALTY: Cannot Drag Bodies.

CAN: Ability to use Costume Armor.
CANNOT: Purchase Light Armor Proficiency or
higher. Purchase Per Refresh, Per Event, Per Year or
Per Battle skills/spells.

2 Spirit

2 Strength

CAN: Use Skills/Spells that require 2 or less

Attributes to fuel.
CANNOT: Use Skills/Spells that require 3 or
more Attributes to fuel, or that require EACH, END,
or ALL(2+) Attributes to use.

CAN: Purchase Light Armor Proficiency. Purchase Per Refresh skills/spells.

CANNOT: Purchase Medium Armor Proficiency or higher. Purchase Per Event, Per Year or Per Battle skills/spells.

3 Spirit

3 Strength

CAN: Use Skills/Spells that require 2 or less

Attributes to fuel, or that require EACH, END, or
ALL(2+) Attributes to use.
CANNOT: Use Skills/Spells that require 3 or
more Attributes to fuel.

CAN: Purchase Medium Armor Proficiency.

Purchase Per Refresh and Per Event skills/spells.
CANNOT: Purchase Heavy Armor Proficiency
or higher. Purchase Per Year or Per Battle skills/spells.

4 Spirit

4 Strength

CAN: Use Skills/Spells that require 3 or less

Attributes to fuel, or that require EACH, END, or
ALL(2+) Attributes to use.
CANNOT: Use Skills or Spells that require more
than 3 Attributes.

CAN: Purchase Heavy Armor Proficiency. Purchase Per Refresh, Per Event, Per Year and Per Battle
CANNOT: Purchase Battle Armor Proficiency.

5+ Strength

5+ Spirit

BONUS: Run with a single Body at the slower of

the two of you can run or Drag 2 Bodies at the same
CAN: Purchase any Armor Proficiency Skills,
including Battle Armor Proficiency.

BONUS: Take -1 Damage from all Called Damage of any source (Weapons and Spells).
CAN: Use any Skills/Spells, regardless of any
Attributes it takes to fuel.


RequieM Chapter 3 Characters



Vitality represents how robust and healthy you

are. Someone with a high vitality is much less likely to
die to damage then someone with a low one. Vitality
also represents how well the benefit of living well does
for you. Vitality is does not generate points to use like
other stats, but your Vitality sets how many Body
Points you have, which is how many hits you can take
before you fall. See the Health section of the Core
Rules for more details. Some skills use something in
relation to your vitality, such as you may be able to
heal someone equal to your Vitality. If for any reason
your Vitality score is reduced to 0 (not your body
points) you are reduced to the dead status, if that does
not remove the effect that brought you to 0 Vitality,
you must instantly rise as a spirit go to Deaths Realm.

Arcane represents a point pool that can be used in
replacement of a single Attribute (AGI, INT, SPI,
STR) in any skill in the Magus header or any SubMagus header (Battle Caster, Myrmidon, Psion, Ranger, Sorcerer, Elementalist, Invoker, Illusionist, Wizard, Enchanter, Ritualist, Scholar).


Inspiration represents a point pool that can be

used in replacement of a single Attribute (AGI, INT,
SPI, STR) in any skill in the Artisan header or any
Sub-Artisan header (Craftsman, Apothecary, Hunter,
Scribe, Metal Worker, Artificer, Smith, Tinkerer, Tradesman, Entertainer, Merchant, Jack of All Trades).

1 Vitality

Since at 1 Body Point you are considered under a

Permanent Weakness and Slow, at 1 Vitality you are
always permanently affected by Weakness and Slow. In
addition, a character with 1 Vitality can never Live
Well for extra body points during the Event.

Stamina represents a point pool that can be used
in replacement of a single Attribute (AGI, INT, SPI,
STR) in any skill in the Warrior header or any SubWarrior header (Fighter, Berserker, Brawler, Soldier,
Defender, Champion, Guardian, Paladin, Specialist,
Archer, Blade Master, Marshal).

2-4 Vitality

At 2, 3, or 4 Vitality, a character can Live Well at

Check In, and gain +1 Body for the Event.

Stealth represents a point pool that can be used in
replacement of a single of Attribute (AGI, INT, SPI,
STR) in any skill in the Rogue header or any SubRogue header (Blade, Assassin, Brigand, Thug, Stalker,
Acrobat, Scout, Thief, Shroud, Alchemist, Outlaw,

5+ Vitality
At 5 Vitality, a character can Live Well at Check
In, and gain +2 Body for the Event. In addition, all
characters at 5 or more Vitality restore all their Body
Points to full any time they Endurance Refresh.


Zeal represents a point pool that can be used in

replacement of a single Attribute (AGI, INT, SPI,
STR) in any skill in the Mystic header or any SubMystic header. (Acolyte, Cleric, Inquisitor, Priest,
Prophet, Monk, Oracle, Seer, Spiritualist, Druid,
Shaman, Spirit Walker).

Power represents a point pool that can be used in
replacement of a single Attributes (AGI, INT, SPI,
STR) in any Header you possess, including Racial,
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Headers.

a= RequieM

Chapter 3 Characters


Attunement Score

The amount of Endurance you have directly affects the amount of Attunement Score your character
possesses. This Score does not have Attribute Points,
but is used to fuel powerful Magic Items and special
Epic Skills. A player receives 1 Attunement Score per
Endurance they posses. Attunement Score is not spent
like point pools, but tells how many specific Attunement Skills or Items that you may have attuned to you
at any one time. It cannot be restored except by unattuning yourself to a specific Skill or Item. Certain
skills or abilities may positively or negatively affect a
Players Attunement Score, without changing their
Endurance. If you have Attunement Costs equal to
your Attunement Score you gain the Attuned trait,
which lets people know you cannot attune to anything

Endurance measures how long your character can

continue fighting at peak condition.
This is
represented by the amount of times your character can
Endurance Refresh, or restore all of their point pools
to full. In addition, Endurance directly increases your
Attunement Score, which affects the amount of magic
items your character may possess. You do not get your
Attributes Points back at certain times in Requiem,
instead you must choose when you wish to refresh, by
spending a point of Endurance. Some exceptionally
powerful skills or abilities actually take a point of endurance to fuel. Since you start with 1 Endurance (like
all other Attributes), if you do not purchase any addition points, you will have all the points you can use for
showing up to the event and can refresh your point
pools once. If you have 0 Endurance points left, you
gain the Exhausted trait, which lets people know you
are out of the ability to refresh. Endurance Points are
only restored between events normally, but exceptions
do exist.

Attunement Costs

Attunement costs are generally broken down into

a couple separate categories. If it is a specific number,
that is how much Attunement Score it takes, for instance a 2 would take 2 of your Attunement Score.
The exception to this is that if you have no other attunement items you may always have at least one
numbered attunement item. In the example above, if
you only possessed an Attunement Score of 1 and were
not attuned to anything else, you may still attune to
the Item, but you could not attune to anything else
until your Attunement Score were raised higher than
the attunement cost. Items that have an exclusive attunement, or take all of your attunement points may
not be attuned if you have any other skill or item that
you are attuned to, and are represented by a plus sign
(+) on the item.

Endurance Refresh
Spending 1 Endurance Point, and spending 5 uninterrupted minutes role-playing some sort meditation
will refresh all your other point pools except Body
Points (unless you have 5+ Vitality). This never refreshes Endurance points itself though. How exactly
you role-play the 5 minutes is up to you, but you may
not use any skill and may not speak or travel anywhere. Some people sleep, some meditate, some do
exercises; so do whatever your character would do!
While this can be done while combat is going on, any
damage to you will reset this count.

Event Modifiers for Endurance

Most Events that are not a Full Weekend have a
modifier to your Endurance Points for the particular
Event. This ensures that the Event can be scaled well
enough and that Endurance is equally useful on both
short and long events. For Adventure Days, the
amount of Endurance Points you start the Event with
is halved (round up). For Long Weekends, the
amount of Endurance you start the Event with is
doubled. Paying for a Premium Event, always grants
the extra Endurance after any Event Modifier for Endurance.

RequieM Chapter 3 Characters


Skill Delivery

Each skill that delivers an effect has a delivery method for doing so. These are all covered under the
Combat section of Chapter 2: Core Rules. Generally
the main types of delivery are Weapon, Extend Strike,
Packet, Cast, Weapon or Packet, Voice, and Extend
Gesture. Also, some skills have an Imbue or Inflict
Card, if the particular skill can be used on others. After
successfully affecting someone with an Imbue/Inflict,
make sure to give them the specific Card accompanying the skill. Skills in the rulebook are defaulted to be
a weapon delivered and Spells are defaulted to be
Packet delivered, unless otherwise stated.

Skills are abilities that your character can do. They

encompass the vast amount of actions in the game,
from wielding weapons to casting spells. Even some
things that you as a player can do, your character is
limited to not be able to do without a skill, like wear
certain armor. Some skills just modify other skills, or
change the duration of a skill. All skills also have a
Header, a Rarity and many other aspects to them, covered below, most of which are denoted in some way on
the Skill Matrix. The entire Matrix is designed that
you once you understand it, you dont need to look
past it unless you have any very specific questions.


You may only purchase a skill provided you have

the free Character Points for the skill, and meet any
and all other prerequisites. This includes any skills,
headers, or anything else stated. Some skills actually
require that you do not buy other skills, and are thus
exclusive of each other. All pre-requisite information
is clearly located in the Prerequisite column on the
Skill Matrix.

Purchase Overview
All skills have a limit of how many times they may
be purchased (once, twice, thrice, unlimited). Skills
that may only be purchased once may not be purchased multiple times, and will only have the CP cost
and nothing else. For other multiple purchase skills,
this is denoted on the Skill Matrix next to the CP cost
by a (*x) for unlimited, or a (*#x) for a skill that can be
purchased a set number times. For any skill that can be
purchased multiple times, you have to spend your
Character Points per time you wish to buy the skill,
though every purchase past the first is considered a
Free rarity wise.

Headers are basically a grouping of skills. The
games vast assortment of skills is divided up into many
different headers. Many headers require another header to purchase them; these are called secondary and
tertiary headers. Primary Racial Headers are 0 CP but
require you to be of a specific race group, Secondary
Racial Headers are 3 CP and require you to be of a
specific race. Primary Skill Headers are 5 CP each, and
represent a basic understanding of particular type of
skills, Secondary and Tertiary Headers are 3 CP. As a
general rule, Secondary and Tertiary Headers represent
more and more specialization into a set of skills. Every
Header in the rulebook is considered a common skill.
Some skills are 0 CP in a header, but remember that
just because you learned the header, this does not
mean you have learned the skill. Even a 0 CP skill has
a rarity and requires Instruction Card(s) to learn. Unless of course it is a common skill, and you are creating
your character, when you may learn any common or
free skill you wish. In the skill Matrix, headers are denoted as bold, and encompass all the skills directly
below them. A list of all the Primary, Secondary and
Tertiary skill headers can be found below.

How Skills Work

Skills have Limitations, Durations, Types and Restrictions, which affect or classify a skill, and state generally what it does before even reading it. This helps
people learn what a skill does or does not do with similarities to preexisting skills they may know. Costs
are how many times a skill can be used. All skills have
a Cost, and the vast majority of skills only have a single cost, but the rare exception does exist. Durations
are how long a skill lasts. Do not confuse them with
effect durations, as they only apply to skills. The majority of skills do not have a duration (they are instant
or permanent) but the ones that do have set durations.
Types classify a skill into one of a couple different categories, all with broad rules that affect the entire type.
Skills have one and only one Type. Restrictions are
rules that a Skill must follow, either to be used, on
which target, or for how long. Generally skills have at
least one Restriction.

a= RequieM

Chapter 3 Characters

Skill Header Quicklist


With magical concoctions, apothecaries can craft Potions, as well as use them to enhanced effect


Living off the land, hunters are self sufficient experts of the Bow and Spear


Masters of the written word, able to craft Scrolls and Books, as well as use them to enhanced effect

Metal Worker

Able to harness the art of Rune Carving to inscribe Weapons, Armor and other items with arcane symbols


The bread and butter Blacksmith, able to craft magic armor and weapons, as well as repair them


Masters of ancient and lost technology, tinkerers can craft technological devices and work on Clockworks


Able to sing or perform to gain benefits for anyone in the range of their voice


Masters of buying, selling, and bartering, access to many resources Offboard to facilitate trade

Jack of All Trades

With a little of everything, they are able to dip into the Warrior, Rogue, Mystic and Magus headers

Battle Caster

Masters of Martial and Spell Combat, Myrmidons learn to fight and cast at the same time


Harnessing the magic of the Mind, Psions are cable of powerful thought attacks and rituals


Able to harness the magic of the Beasts, Rangers are at home in the woods and in harmony with the Wyld


Masters of the four elements, these mages can learn to channel up to two of them, which are non-opposing


The most raw power of any of the Magus, Arcanuum provides little else besides raw damage


Using tricks and subterfuge, these Mages are masters of Phantasm, and cloud peoples minds


Dedicated to the ancient art of imbuing items with arcane power, the sphere of enchantment is a difficult path


Masters of powerful, multiple person rituals, that are capable of feats well beyond any other Magus


Not true mages, but chroniclers of lore, and masters of knowledge, scholars derive their power from libraries


Harnessing the power of Sacrament, given by Rapture, Clerics generally choose Demons or Undead to combat


The army branch of the church, which is taught to combat specific races with weapons and prayers


Masters of Divinity, Priests are able to channel the power of their Deity into unmatched healing spells.


Typically peaceful martial artists, these mystics often follow the chosen one on a path to Enlightenment


Fortune Tellers and masters of Prophecy, the mystics are often able to channel and affect the web of Fate itself


Masters of Dreams, Seers are able to see into and greatly affect the Dreamscape


Masters of the Wyld, Druids harness the power of Nature and unpredictable Wyldmagic to preserve the land


Able to channel the power of their ancestors into War Paints and Curses, little is know about these Mystics

Spirit Walker

With a direct connection to their own Spirit, these Mystics are able to manipulate Spirits directly


RequieM Chapter 3 Characters


Experts at killing, with a favored weapon of daggers, these Rogues are not to be underestimated at all


Dwellers of Roads, these Rogues combine stealth and combat for a lethal combination


Masters of Brute Force, the Rogues are powerful henchmen, able to break bones as easily as striking someone


Although Unarmored, their speed and agility is unmatched, literally able to dodge anything sent at them


Masters of the Forest and the Bow, Scouts employ Stealth and Tactics to accomplish their missions


Preferring stealth and subterfuge to direct combat, these Rogues are masters of acquiring goods


Able to craft poisons and powerful salves, alchemists are home in the laboratory or working with Acid


Masters of the criminal underworld, Outlaws tap into the Black Market and the darker side of Merchanting


The most reviled of Rogues, masters of Infection and Disease, Warlocks employ the dark magics of Corruption


Able to harness their own rage and channel it into powerful 2-handers, even allies fear these Warriors


Using their fists as weapons themselves, Brawlers evolved from bar-fighting into something more deadly


Trained Soldiers from fallen Armies, these Warriors are used to fighting in a unit and being self sufficient


Fully protected in Battle Armor, Champions learn to use their armor to defend them against all sorts of attacks


Masters of the Shield, Guardians learn the art of shield walls, and fighting as a team


Holy Warriors, using the power of the divine to protect their sacred charges from all harm


Adept with all sorts of Missile weapons, archers wear light armor and are able to rein death from afar

Blade Master

Masters of a single weapon, these Warriors practice arcane lost arts that are rumored to border on magic


Leading a small or large group into combat, Marshals are able to use Battle Standards to enhance a whole team


RequieM Chapter 3 Characters


Skill Durations

Non-Combat Skills
Non-combat skills are those which are not useful
directly in combat. Mainly skills are classified this because of the Skill Requirements that players have.
Non-combat skills encourage diversifying characters
into more than being just fighting machines. Characters are required to maintain 10% of the total CP in
non-combat skills. Any skill with this classification is
denoted on the Skill Matrix with an (NC) after the
skill name.

Passive Skills

This skill ends immediately after it is used or does

not have a set duration. The majority of Skills have
this duration. Do not confuse this with an Effect duration, as being able to swing a Maim by Weapon
doesnt have a skill duration, but maim does.

This skill is active for the current Battle you are
involved in. Note that all Multiple Use skills have the
duration of Battle standard, as any unused uses are lost
at the end of each Battle.


This skill always works, even under circumstances

that remove all skills, like Fatigue or in situations
where you normally cannot use any abilities, like being
Dead. This does not mean that you can always use a
passive ability in every situation, just that it has the
potential to be used. For instance, you cannot actually
read and write while dead because you cannot see.
Generally a passive skill dictates very specific situations
in which it can be used. The Purge effect is always
considered passive.

This skill is active until your next Endurance Refresh. This is the second most common duration of
skills. Skills that last until next refresh generally require fueling a number of Attributes every Refresh to
keep the skill active.

Offboard Skills


This classification of skill happens between events.

Generally dealt with at Check In or Check Out, these
skills represent work or time devoted in between
events. Examples of this are Crafting Skills, Knowledge
Skills, and other skills that would take a large block of
time to complete. Offboard skills are almost always
considered Non-combat, but the reverse is not true.
This is denoted on the Skill Matrix with an Offboard
in the skill description.

Exclusive Skills
This classification of a skill means that the skill
cannot be active with any other exclusive skills at the
same time. You may only have one exclusive skill active, and if you try to use another one you must choose
to end the first one. By definition, this only applies to
skills that interact with other skills, such as Battle duration skills or Multiple Use skills. Unless specifically
stated, no skill can stack with itself, even if it is not


This skill is active for the current Adventure you

are involved in. Generally these are only useful on Adventures, or 'far outside' of town.

Until Refresh

This skill is active for the time listed. The most

common times are generally 30 seconds, 5 minutes
and 1 hour, but others exist. Note the difference between this duration and Battle and Adventure durations. For the 5 minutes and over variety, feel free to
use a watch subtly.

RequieM Chapter 3 Characters

Skill Costs

Per Event

This skill can be used a specific number of times

each event that you attend. This includes Full Weekend and Adventure Days. This Cost is generally reserved for the most powerful and potent abilities that a
character can do. In the Skill Matrix, these skills are
represented with #/event in the Cost section, with the
number being how many times per event a character
can use the skill, which is usually one.

This skill is always active or can be used whenever
the character wishes without cost. Examples of this
would be a Weapon Proficiency, or the Refit Armor
skill. In the Skill Matrix, these skills are represented
with a blank Attribute box.


Per Year

This skill is fueled with a certain amount of

Attributes. You may use these skills as long as you have
Attribute Points left to fuel them. In the Skill Matrix ,
these skills are represented with the a number and abbreviated attribute type in the Attribute box. The abbreviations are STR for Strength, AGI for agility, INT
for Intellect, SPI for Spirit and END for Endurance.
ANY for skills that can take any of the 4 main
Attributes (STR/AGI/INT/SPI) and EACH for skills
that require a number of each Attribute. For example
2 SPI requires 2 Spirit Attribute Points to fuel.

This skill can be used a specific number of times

each season, or calendar year. This resets at the Time
of Gloaming, on Midnight Dec 31st each year. These
skills are generally extremely powerful or game altering. Uses of these skills are carefully monitored and
regulated, to make sure that a character is played
enough, and deserves the ability to be using these
skills. In the Skill Matrix, these skills are represented
with #/year in the Cost, with the number being how
many times per event a character can use the skill,
which is usually one.

Fueled Special Cases

Per Battle

Some fueled skills have special characters in them,

which denote special cases of fueling a skill. Skills
marked with an asterisk (*) instead of an Attribute
abbreviation takes any of the 4 main Attributes, but
does something different depending on which
Attribute is chosen. For some skills the number is X,
which means it can be fueled with any number of
Attributes, and does a different effect based on how
many are spent. A plus sign (+) after a number means
that the skill takes all of a specific Attribute, but you
must have the minimum number there to be able to
activate it.

This skill can be used a specific number of times

per battle you are involved in. At the bare minimum,
per battle skills will not refresh for at least 5 minutes.
This means that some battles very close together do
not always guarantee that these skills will be available.
In a specific Adventure, especially in a building, if
there is a noticeable break, feel free to always assume
that your Per Battle skills have returned. Any beneficial per battle skill, such as healing, can be used in a
similar manner but is expected not to be blatantly
abused, and follow the spirit of every battle instead
of once every 5 minutes. Abuse of beneficial per battle
abilities will cause them to be changed, or the character in question to have the skill removed. In the Skill
Matrix, these skills are represented with #/battle in
the Cost section, with the number being how many
times per battle a character can use the skill.

Per Refresh

This skill can be used a specific number of times

each time you Endurance Refresh. For example if you
have 2 Endurance, and have a skill that is useable once
per refresh, you may use the skill once (since you start
at full) then two more times, once per refresh, but not
all 3 times at once. In the Skill Matrix, these skills are
represented with #/refresh in the Cost section, with
the number being how many times per refresh a character can use the skill. Also denoted with */refresh
for skills with a variable amount of uses per Refresh,
such as skills you may buy multiple times.


This type of skill has a different, variable cost, that

is usually because the skill itself changes from one
Event to another. All skills with this cost will come
with a specific Skill Card for every Event, explaining
the skill description and giving a separate cost from the
ones above.

RequieM Chapter 3 Characters

Skill Type Quick List


Brief Description


Gives the character a special ability or enhances something about them

Bonus Attribute

Gives an Attribute or Secondary Attribute


Used as a defense versus attacks


Gives the character the ability to gain components from NPCs and location


Deals with learning new skills and training known skills to Players


Allows a character to use money to ask 1 question about the topic between each Event


Deals with Maintenance - Upkeep, Living Well or Training Well

Major Use

Useable until hits or a major defense is used, Deflect cannot be used, see Major Prefix


Allows a player to sell, buy, or receive components, money, or items at Check In or Check Out every Event

Minor Use

Skill is useable once, hit or miss. Deflect will use up this skill


Modifies an existing skill or Attribute to do something extra

Multiple Use

Multiple usually Minor Use skills in a single Battle, any extras at the end are lost


Gives the character an ability to use something in game, such as weapons or armor


Gives the character an amount of information at Check In every event

Single Use

Useable once, hit or miss, Deflect will refund cost of the skill

Until Hit

Useable until hits or a defense is used, Deflect will refund cost of the skill.


Allows the player to make specific items with Production in between Events


RequieM Chapter 3 Characters

Skill Types


This type of skill grants you a beneficial game affect for a specific duration or indefinitely. Usually abilities are a buff that positively affects your character.
Some examples of this would be a skill that did -1
Called Damage taken by Faith or another that did
May Re-throw one missed 'by Magic' spell. These
skills will have an accompanying Imbue Card if they
can be used

Bonus Attribute

This type of skill grants a bonus to a specific

attribute, or grants a player one of the Secondary
Attributes. Sometimes in order to grant an attribute,
there are specific requirements. Examples are Gain +1
Agility or Gain +1 Arcane while wearing Wizard
Robes. Each of the primary headers has bonus
attribute skill that does not stack with any other like
one. Unless stated, all other attribute skills stack, and
are always counted at the end when purchasing them
(always at best cost).

This type of skill is used to prevent an attack
against a character, if a legal hit was landed. Defenses
can negate the damage or effect, or even return the
attack on the attacker. Defensive skills are usually tied
to a specific trait or ability, such as Evade to Back,
Parry Melee and can only be used against what is
stated. If the word Anything is used, the defense can
be used against anything. See the Defenses section of
Chapter 2: Core Rules for more information.

This type of skill affects treasure gained from specific NPCs and Locations. The five main harvesting
skills are Core Extracting, Herbalism, Mining, Essence
Gathering and Spiritual Focusing but other specialized
ones exist. Sometimes, as is the course with Town
Fights, the treasure for the entire fight will be on a
larger creature or in a treasure box. In these fights, or
the call Minion will be used to denote there is nothing available but treasure is somewhere. It is assumed
that all the harvesting was done, and nothing was
missed. This is denoted on the Skill Matrix with
Harvest - in the skill name.

This type of skill deals with leaning and training

other skills. The most common of these are skills that
grant a specific amount of Instruction Cards per event
and/or the ability to teach a specific group of skills.
The amount of Instruction Cards needed to teach a
skill is based on the Rarity, which is gone over in
Learning Skills. This is denoted on the Skill Matrix
with Instruction - in the skill name.


Knowledge skills are generally Offboard skills that

allow a specific question about the skills topic to be
researched in between Events. This generally requires
money for research or to grease the wheels, to garner
any sort of useful information, but simplistic questions
may take none. You may only have one question per
knowledge skill you possess out there, and sometimes
exceptionally difficult questions may take multiple
events and more money to answer. The veracity of
Knowledge skills can sometimes be in question, but
they are generally reliable. Examples of knowledge
skills are Elven Lore or Tactics. This is denoted on
the Skill Matrix with Knowledge - in the skill name.


Maintenance skills are generally Offboard skills

that specifically deal with Maintenance. The most
common of these skills modify Upkeep, Living Well,
and Training Well. An example of a Maintenance skill
is Half cost off Upkeep per Event. This is denoted
on the Skill Matrix with Maintenance in the skill

Major Use

This type of skill is usable for the current battle

until you successfully hit, or an appropriate Major defense is called. The defense Deflect may not be used
against a Major Use skill. If the weapon swing or packet physically misses, or any non-major defenses including No Effect are used against it, then the cost of the
skill is refunded. A Voice Attack with Major cannot
be defended against without a Major Defense at all.
See the Major Prefix for more details. If the battle
ends, and this skill is still active then the cost of the
skill is refunded. The cost of this skill will be refunded
is if the hit successfully lands, and is not role-played
through the Acknowledgment Rule.

a= RequieM

Chapter 3 Characters



Minor Use


This type of skill is usable once, hit or miss. If the

weapon swing or packet physically misses or anything
is called in defense, including Deflect, No Effect or
Reduced then the skill is used up and any Cost or
Attributes are lost. The only time the cost of this skill
will be refunded is if the hit successfully lands, and is
not role-played through the Acknowledgment Rule.
Often Multiple Use skills generate a number of Minor
Uses of a single ability.

Rumor skills are generally Offboard skills that

grant a player specific information about the skills
topic every event at Check In. The amount of information and exact topics of discussion vary between
events and characters cannot seek additional information with this type of skill. In addition, the veracity of
all the rumors can often be in question, much more so
than Knowledge skills, but sometimes they yield useful
information. Examples of rumor skills are Tavern
Tales and Whispers of the Divine. This is denoted
on the Skill Matrix with Rumor in the skill name.

Mercantile skills are generally Offboard skills that

allow buying or selling items from a specific list, or
receiving components, money or items at Check In or
Check Out. Examples of mercantile skills are Thrifty
or Bazaar. Lists available have the ability to change
between Events, based on IG occurrences and work
players do to establish Merchant contacts. This is denoted on the Skill Matrix with Mercantile - in the
skill name.

This type of skill allows a character to do something In Game that normally could not be done without a skill. You as a player may know how to wield a
sword, but without sword proficiency your character
could not use one. Your character can only use the
specified ability only as well as you, the player can. For
example, if a skill Proficiency gives you the ability to
pick locks, you must actually attempt to pick a lock,
and cannot assume your character knows how.

This type of skill generally alters or modifies an
existing skill or ability. While usually doing nothing by
itself, it enhances an existing skill you already possess,
which is usually the prerequisite. It can change the
type, duration, restrictions, cost or anything else about
a specific skill. Unless otherwise noted, any modifications alter the skill, and replace it, instead of allowing
both to be used. For example if a skill has a cost of
1/event and another modifier skill reduces it to
1/refresh, then you would have the skill once per refresh. All modifiers for skills, unless specifically stated,
stack with all other modifiers.

Single Use
This type of skill is usable once, hit or miss. If the
defenses No Effect or Deflect are used against it,
then the cost of the skill is refunded. If the weapon
swing or packet physically misses or any other defense
including Reduced is called, then the skill will be
used up, and any Cost or Attribute is lost. The cost of
this skill will be refunded is if the hit successfully
lands, and is not role-played through the Acknowledgment Rule.

Until Hit

Multiple Use

This type of skill is usable for the current battle

until you hit, or an appropriate defense is called. If the
weapon swing or packet physically misses, or the defenses Deflect or No Effect are used against it, then
the cost of the skill is refunded. If the battle ends, and
this skill is still active, then the cost of the skill is refunded. If the skill successfully lands or if any other
defense including Reduced is called, then the skill
will be used up, and any Cost or Attribute is lost. The
cost of this skill will be refunded is if the hit successfully lands, and is not role-played through the Acknowledgment Rule.

When activated this type of skill is usable a number of times in a single battle. Each use is usually considered Minor Use unless specifically stated otherwise.
If all uses are not used when the battle is over, the extras are lost. A lot of multiple use skills have uses based
on a specific Attribute of a character. The special call
of Frenzy denotes that the multiple use skill used
does not have a number of uses, but is unlimited. Multiple Use is denoted on the Skill Matrix with a (#)x, *x
or Frenzy in the description of a skill. Any Multiple
use based off of an Attribute will have how many can
be generated clearly in the skill description.

RequieM Chapter 3 Characters

Craft Skills

placed on weapons. Shield runes can be placed on

shields. Power Runes can be placed on people, power
circles or cabins.

Craft skills are generally Offboard skills that grant

a player a specific amount of production points each
Event in which to create items specific to the craft.
These are generally involving and CP intensive abilities
that let players use components that are turned into
reagents, and then reagents are turned into usable
Consumable Items. In addition all craft skills besides
War paint, Enchanting and Blessing (which arent true
craft skills, but for the purpose are similar) can Break
Down, Combine, and Transmute components as well.
For more information, visit the Items chapter or the
Craft Matrix.

Scroll Making

This craft skill makes magical books and scrolls

that can be activated for special powers. Magic Scrolls
can be used to cast spells with a School of Magic,
Scrolls can be used to cast spells with a Discipline of
Faith, Formula can be used to hold crafting recipes
and Books can be used to store skills and spells.

This craft skill makes mechanical contraptions
that can be used defensively or offensively. Upgrades
can be used to enhance Clockworks or other tinkering
items. Explosives can be used in combat from a distance(bombs), or set up in advance to provide an advantage(traps). Repairs can be used by tinkerers to fix
machinery and items. Gadgets are generally useful and
interesting items for tinkerers.

This craft skill creates poisons that can be thrown,
used in a drink like form, or applied to weapons.
Salves are restorative concoctions only useable with
Poison Expertise that grant beneficial effects. Gas Poisons allow characters will Poison Expertise to throw
from a distance. Toxins are concoctions that are force
fed to people for adverse effects. Venoms are caustic
poisons that can be applied to a weapon to deliver powerful effects.


Similar to enchanting, this skill allows the creation

of powerful holy symbols that last the event and grant
the wielding power in every Battle that they fight in.
Each Symbol is attuned to a specific Deity, and may
only be wielded by followers of that deity. In addition,
The Blessing skill also allows the creation of circlets,
which can be attuned to people with a specific requirement.

This craft skill makes enhanced weapons and armor that are long lasting or benefits to weapons or
armor that are short lasting. Melee weapons create special weapons and stones or grips. Ranged Weapons
create special weapons, arrows and quivers. Shields
create special shields and stones and grips. Armor
creates special armor and stones or strapping.

Similar to Blessing, this skill allows players to
create magic items that last the event, and grant the
wielder power in every Battle they are in. Wands are
items used by Elementalists. Rings are items used by
anyone with a Major School of Magic. Amulets are
items used by anyone with a Minor School of Magic.
Crowns are items used by non-magic users and are
generally attuned to something specific.

Potion Making
This craft skill creates magical concoctions that
have beneficial effects when quaffed. Treatments are
specific concoctions that can be poured on items.
Cauldrons are larger concoctions that up to 6 people
can drink from. Elixirs are curative concoctions that
generally fix problems. Potions are concoctions that
heal or give beneficial effects.

War Paint

While not a real craft skill in sense, war paints allow a character to apply powerful magical paints to
themselves and sometimes others that grant them
beneficial or altering effects until they Endurance Refresh. The four levels are: Creator of Masks, Art of
Faces, Crafter of Visages and Master of Veils.

Rune Carving
This craft skill makes runes that can be placed on
objects or people to grant them special powers. Armor
runes can be placed on armor. Weapon runes can be


RequieM Chapter 3 Characters

Skill Restriction Quicklist

Brief Description


Requires a specific weapon or armor be wielded or worn

Award Only

Skill cannot be purchased or taught normally, must be awarded or granted by Plot

Bright Day Only

Skill can only be used during 10am to 2pm and in direct sunlight

Cabin Only

Skill can only be used inside and where you reside or sleep

Dark Night Only

Skill can only be used during 10pm to 2am and in direct moonlight

Day Time Only

Skill can only be used during the day, 6am to 6pm

Deep Woods Only

Skill can only be used outside and in line of sight of any buildings

Extra Rep Required

Requires that extra makeup, costuming or an extra phys-rep is used

Indoors Only

Skill can only be used inside

Must Purchase

Skill must be purchased, as long as the prerequisite Skill or Header is

Night Time Only

Skill can only be used during the night, 6pm to 6am

Outdoors Only

Skill can only be used outside


Requires planting your foot while the skill is active

RP Time

Requires a specific amount of time role-playing to use the skill

Self Only

Requires that the skill or ability can only be used on yourself


Specific restrictions that are unique or do not fall into any other category

Skill Restrictions

Bright Day Only

This restriction requires that the specific action
that the skill generates or benefit of the skill may only
be used while wielding the stated weapon or wearing
the stated armor. For instance, some skills require that
you be wearing Light Armor or less, or that you must
be wielding an Axe. If you are not using the correct
armaments, you cannot gain any benefit or use of the
skill. Skills that have an armament restriction and a
use, must be used with the weapon or armor in question. For example, the archer skills that are Arrow
Only may only be used with an arrow.

Award Only
This restriction limits how a skill is learned or
taught. The restriction, Award Only, means that a
player may not purchase this skill normally, or learn it
from other players; it must be awarded through an In
Game action or role-playing. In addition, players with
skills with this restriction may not teach them to other
players at all. Skills with this restriction are generally
harder to get compared to skills of similar rarity, and
these skills cannot be purchased with Influence.

This restriction limits the use of a specific skill to

only during the day time and during 10am to 2pm,
with the additional restriction, that the sun is directly
visible from your location.

Cabin Only

This restriction limits the use of a specific skill to

only indoors, with the additional restriction that you
are in the location of your residence and/or where you
sleep at night depending on the type of Event.

Dark Night Only

This restriction limits the use of a specific skill to
only during the day time and during 10pm to 2am,
with the additional restriction, that the moon is directly visible from your location.

Day Time Only

This restriction limits the use of a specific skill to

only during the day time. For the purposes of simplicity, day time is considered from 6am to 6pm, not sunrise to sunset. Some specific Adventures may allow or
disallow use of Day Only skills based on the specific
flavor of the adventure.

RequieM Chapter 3 Characters

Deep Woods Only


This restriction limits the use of a specific skill to

being outdoors only, with the additional restriction
that there are no permanent structures (tents and leantos do not count towards this restriction) in sight of
the location which you are at.

This restriction requires that for a skill to remain

active, you must choose to plant a foot. Similar to a
root effect, you may pivot the foot or move the other
one, but cannot move it from the spot. While planted,
if you are affected by Disengage or Repel you are not
forced back if you do not wish, but would be required
to go to a knee, as per Disengage rules. A Knockback
effect will force you back and end whatever skill had
this restriction. Generally planted skills give a Multiple
Use frenzy effect, but exceptions do exist.

Extra Rep Required

This restriction on a skill requires a Phys-rep or
more extra makeup or costuming than normal. Examples of a skill with this restriction would be Mark of
Azraal that requires a specific tattoo or a skill like
Battle Standard which requires a 6 foot tall phys-rep
with the team of a team on it. This is denoted on the
Skill Matrix with an asterisk (*) next to the skill name.

RP Time

This restriction causes skills or abilities to take a

specific duration of role-play before the effect may be
generated. This is denoted with an amount of time, for
example 10 seconds RP. You may choose how this is
role-played, keeping in mind the skill, but it must be
for the full time stated. If a specific action is stated in
parentheses after RP for example 5 sec RP(aiming)
then you must direct your role-playing to whatever the
specific instructions are. This role-play is generally not
interrupted by damage unless specifically stated. Remember that having a 1 Spirit doubles all RP times for
a character. This is denoted in the Skill Matrix with #
RP: at the beginning of the description of the effect.

Indoors Only
This restriction limits the use of a specific skill to
only while the character is inside. For the purposes of
simplicity, indoors is where you have a roof over your
head. Some specific Adventures may allow or disallow
use of Indoors skills based on the specific flavor of the

Must Purchase

This restriction requires that the skill must be purchased, when the header or prerequisite that the skill is
in is purchased. Typically these skills are reserved for
penalizing and disadvantageous or restrictive skills, and
are mostly used for racial disadvantages. This is denoted on the Skill Matrix with an asterisk (*) next to
the CP cost of the skill, which is generally 0.

Self Only

This restriction on a skill makes it so the effect can

only be generated on the character that purchased it.
This can be denoted on the Skill Matrix with a self
only in the skill description, or a to Self in the effect,
but any Ability skills that grant a non-standard effect
and do not include an Imbue Card. Any skill that
gives the Purge effect is always considered self only.

Night Time Only

This restriction limits the use of a specific skill to

only during the night time. For the purposes of simplicity, night time is considered from 6pm to 6am, not
sunset to sunrise. Some specific Adventures may allow
or disallow use of Night Only skills based on the specific flavor of the adventure.


The list of the above restrictions is not 100% inclusive, and there are many unique and special restrictions that are not covered in exact detail above. Usually these requirements are very specific and spelled out
both on the Skill Matrix and in the full Skill Description. Some examples of this include takes a Material
Component or May only be used while Berserked.
Were we to list every specific exact restriction, this
rulebook would be far too unwieldy and long. The
restrictions above are to clarify well used restrictions
and to standardize them. Check for special restrictions
on skills you plan on purchasing.

Outdoors Only
This restriction limits the use of a specific skill to
only while the character is outside. For the purposes of
simplicity, outdoors is where you can see the sky or the
trees above you. Some specific Adventures may allow
or disallow use of Outdoors skills based on the specific flavor of the adventure.


a= RequieM

Chapter 3 Characters

MAGIC & FAITH Quicklist

Minor Schools of Magic
Path of Performance

Entertainers path of the Entertainers, providing morale and beneficial effects to everyone hearing it

School of Acid

Alchemists school combining poisons and sorcery into powerful acidic spells

School of Dreams

Seers school that draws power from the Dreamscape for mind effecting spells

School of Kinetic

Myrmidons school combining the might of weapons with force spells

School of Warding

Artificers school of protective spells that combine with the might or armor

Major Schools of Magic

Path of Air

Elementalists path of movement, lightning, and mobility spells

Path of Earth

Elementalists path of fortitude, stone, and defensive spells

Path of Fire

Elementalists path of destruction, flames, and pure damage spells

Path of Water

Elementalists path of cleansing, ice, and utility spells

School of Arcanuum

Invokers school of harnessing the raw power of the arcane itself into pure magic

School of Phantasm

Illusionists school of trickery and phantasmal magics that deal with the Dreamscape

School of Thought

Psions powers of the mind channeled into telekinesis, telepathy and powerful thought rituals

Sphere of Enchantment

Enchanters sphere of creation of magic items, manipulation of items and auras

Minor Disciplines of Faith

Discipline of Corruption

Warlocks dark discipline of plague and disease magic manipulating the immune system of a victim

Discipline of Enlightenment

Monks discipline mimicking the animals of the land, and requiring deep meditative states

Discipline of Ferocity

Rangers animalistic discipline that deals with animals and powers of the Primal Beasts

Discipline of Nature

Druids discipline that harnesses the essence of The Green Man and the natural world

Discipline of Spirit

Spirit Walkers discipline that can manipulate and effect spirits of themselves and others

Path of Holy

Paladins protective discipline revolving around guarding a specific target

Pyramid of Wyldmagic

Druids strange and random discipline that harnesses the unpredictability of the Wyld

Major Disciplines of Faith

Discipline of Divinity

Priests pure divine power of healing and curative magic of the various Deities

Discipline of Prophecy

Oracles unique discipline of the Weave, fortune telling, destiny and fate

Discipline of Sacrament

Clerics gift of a discipline from Rapture himself in order to combat the Undead and Demons

Pyramid of Curses

Shamans strange voodoo discipline that mixes offense and defense with afflictions and boons


RequieM Chapter 3 Characters

Magic & Faith Skills

Spells & Casting

Schools & Disciplines


While called something else, Schools of Magic and

Disciplines of Faith are just a type of Skill Header that
allow you access and understanding of the magical
language of the particular School or Discipline and
allow you to cast scrolls of it as well. These are predominately the province of the Magus and Mystic respectively, but exceptions exist. Sometimes schools and
disciplines have other restrictions as well which change
the exact name of what they are called, and are mentioned below. Spells usually have no other prerequisites other than the specific school or discipline, but all
require a specific and personalized incant, and both
hands free (without additional skills), which is the
same for all spells.

Spells are a type of skill and generally cost 0-5 CP,

exactly like skills. The term spell is used for both Magic and Faith. All spells require an Incant and both
hands to be free unless specifically noted. Some skills
allow a single weapon or shield to be held, but without
a skill, weapons must be sheathed or dropped to cast.
Even with the ability to cast with a weapon and a
shield, you still must have at least 1 free hand. You
may not put an item under your arm to cast; it must
be appropriately sheathed or dropped. Weapons also
cannot be tossed in the air and then caught after the
spell is cast.


Spheres are a specific type of School or Discipline

that limits how a character learns the spells in it.
Spheres' spells do not have CP cost, but must be
learned In Game, and cannot be purchased normally.
In addition, Spheres magic cannot be taught normally, it must be learned from a spell book.

Paths are specific Schools or Disciplines that limit
how the spells in them are learned. Paths require that
all the spells be purchased in CP order, from 0 to 5,
like the previous one was a prerequisite to the next
one. If there are multiple spells of a specific CP they
may be purchased in any order but all are required for
the next CP spell.

Pyramids are specific Schools or Disciplines that
limit how the spells in them are learned. The Spells
must be purchased in an order that creates a pyramid,
hence the name. For example, to purchase a 2 CP
spell, two of any of the 1 CP spells must be purchased,
a second 2 CP spell would require three 1 CP spells.
To purchase a 5 CP spell: two 4 CP spells, three 3 CP
spells, four 2 CP spells and five 1 CP spells must be
purchased. This requirement is for which order the
spells may be purchased, and does not guarantee all
pyramids have a full 15+ spells in them, and may cap
at different CP.


Incants for spells are not standardized, but you

must follow certain rules while creating them, and all
spell incants need to be approved by Plot. Once you
create a spell incant, it cannot be changed, except in
certain circumstances, and if you have the permission
of Plot. Incant length is based on three factors: It must
have the spell name (or a good enough variation that it
is easily figured out), the Spells School or Discipline
name and an additional number of syllables which is
based on the CP of a spell, for the syllable count, the
spell and school/discipline name do not count towards
it. For Discipline of Faith spells you may replace the
name of the Deity that the character follows for the
Discipline name if thematically appropriate. The
amount of extra syllables needed in an incant is 5 plus
2 times the CP of the spell. Using a Magic or Faith
Scroll always has a specific and standardized incant,
which you must read from the scroll itself.

Cantrips and Prayers

While not real spells, prayers which are the faith
version, and Cantrips which are the magic version, are
small spell-like effects that a character can generate.
Prayers and Cantrips do not require a specific School
or Discipline, generally found under normal skill
Headers. All other Spell rules, including an incant and
free hand restrictions must be followed. Incants for
Prayers must include the name of the Deity that the
character follows and 5 additional syllables. Incants for
Cantrips must include the word Magic and 5 additional syllables.

a= RequieM

Chapter 3 Characters

Learning Skills


Training Skills


Skills always have a header pre-requisite, and

sometimes an additional skill pre-requisite. All prerequisites must be met before learning (or beginning to
learn a skill). When you wish to learn a skill that takes
longer than one event, the CP for the skill must be put
in reserve. Skills have 4 rarities, and during character
creation you may only start with skills that are free or
common. Skills are always learned in between events,
and players must turn in any instruction cards for any
skills they wish to learn during checkout, in addition
to writing what they wish on their character sheet. Until a player has enough instruction cards to learn a skill,
it is their responsibility to keep them. When a player
has enough instruction cards, he may then turn them
in to learn the skill. Stored instruction cards are the
responsibility of the player, so dont lose them! The
Skill Rarities are as follows.

Any of these skills may be learned without an Instruction Cards. They may be updated online between
events, at Check Out or Check In. The only exception
is unlearning a free skill still requires an instruction
card. All multiple purchase skills are considered free
after purchasing the first one, even if the first one was
Common, Uncommon or Rare.

CP Refunds

These are harder to learn skills, and represent an

amount of work gone into learning them. You may
not start with any skill that is uncommon, and finding
a teacher for uncommon skills is generally slightly
more difficult than common skills. Generally for uncommon skills, NPC instructors require more then
just money, such as doing them a favor or going on an
Adventure. Uncommon skills require 3 instruction
cards to learn.

These are easy to learn skills, and represent the
vast majority of the skills in Requiem. NPC Instructors of common skills generally require only money or
small favors to teach them. Common Skills require 1
Instruction Card. Until 50 CP, your culture may help
you learn some of these skills without any Instruction


Sometimes when you purchase a header, you may

find the same skill you already have under it for a
cheaper cost. If so, you are always assumed to have the
cheapest way that you can get the skill, and are refunded any CP if necessary. In addition, some skills
are a group of other skills, any skill which includes
another skill overrides the old skill and the old skills
CP is refunded. The general rule is you will never lose
CP, and always pay the best possible cost for skills.
This does not let you gain a cheaper cost for a different
but similar skill, such as Force Back (1 Agility: Disengage) or Rebuke (1 Spirit: Disengage). Any group skill
is considered the prerequisite if it contains the skill
that is required. For instance, if a certain skill has the
prerequisite of axe and your character has Weapon
Expertise (all weapon skills) then your character is considered to have the pre-requisite. Now the skill itself
may have the Armament Axe Restriction, which
means you could only use the skill with the requirements in the skills wording, in this case an axe.

These skills represent the best and hardest to learn
skills in Requiem. While there may be Epic or hidden
skills, nothing has a rarity higher then rare to actually
learn. NPCs will be selective and will generally require
a larger amount of work and resources to teach a Rare
skill. These skills require 10 Instruction Cards to learn.


RequieM Chapter 3 Characters

Unlearning Skills

Special Skills

Any character that possesses Instruction Cards

may unlearn almost any skill that they posses. Any skill
that gives you a specific access to information, such as
a language may not be unlearned. In addition you may
not unlearn a skill that is a prerequisite to any skill you
possess, including headers, without first unlearning all
the skills that require the one you wish to unlearn. To
unlearn a skill you must inform a member of Plot at
Check In, agree to remove the skill from your character sheet. To get the CP back for the skill the same
amount of instruction cards as it would take to learn
the skill must be turned in, signifying your characters
time spent devoted towards other tasks. This always
takes a minimum of 1 event. You may only unlearn a
maximum of 1 skill per event.

Sometimes in game you may come across the

ability to learn a skill or header that is not in the skill
list. These are generally exceptionally rare and powerful skills, and usually require vast amounts of work and
sacrifice. Epic skills and Headers may not be taught to
other players without a specific Instruction skill, which
is also Epic. Most Epic skills are rare, but exceptions
do exist. In order to see Epic skills on the Character
Generator you must have a plot member give you
access to a specific skill or header. Remember that you
do not need to know what a skill does to know what
effect you take, as there will NEVER be epic skills that
give you the ability to generate an effect that does not
exist, without an Inflict or Imbue card.

Changing Your Mind

Attunement Skills

Epic Skills and Headers

If at any point during learning or unlearning a

skill you change your mind and do not wish to do
such anymore, you may decide to stop the process. At
the Check In or Check Out, talk to a member of Plot
and tell him you wish to stop learning or unlearning
the specific skill in question, and turn over all instruction cards related to such. You will regain the skill, in
the case of unlearning it or regain the saved CP for the
skill, in the case learning it.

Attunement skills are the most powerful of epic

skills, as they generally allow you access to something
extremely powerful that has an additional cost, as well
as just CP. All attunement skills cost Attunement
Points the same as Magic Items, and count towards
the same Attunement Score. This means that you may
not have an attunement skill if you have an Exclusive
Attunement Item, or vice versa. This is done to limit
the strength of a single character, or require him or her
to make choices on what they truly want.

Great Weapon Skills

Another form of epic skills is the skill in use of any
great weapon or shield. These weapons cannot be
learned from other players and must be taught with
permission of Plot. These weapons can be unsafe if
used wrongly, and such you must prove to Plot that
you would be able to act safely with such a skill. Any
complaints about such a skill from other players or
NPCs can end up in the removal of the skill, and refunding of all CP.


a= RequieM

Chapter 3 Characters


if you want the full CP for it. This deadline only affects the first draft you send in, and will still award you
CP if it is in the process of being approved. If you pass
the deadline, generally the CP will be awarded on the
event after, but exceptions do occur. Unless otherwise
specifically stated or extended, it is 2 weeks before the
Friday of the event. This means that if the event was
on October 24-26th the deadline would be Friday October 10th at 11:59pm.

Writing a Character History

This is pretty much one of the biggest fears that
players have, in starting a new character, but it really
doesnt have to be hard or painful at all. We have included an entire section of guidelines and help, to attempt to make this part a little easier. You need not be
a great writer, elegant or full of prose to attempt this
task. A computer with a spell checker and an idea of
your character is really what you need to start. Keep in
mind that there are no real set in stone rules about a
character history, but if you are stuck or lost, below
can help you out immensely. Even if you are very experienced at writing, we ask that you at least read below to see what we want Included, and what to Avoid.
Below will explain more about how to go about writing a character history, and easy steps to get it approved.


A much argued and debated topic of character

histories are their length. Generally if Plot goes, we
want a 2+ page history, it can be intimidating. Keep in
mind that what we are really asking for is for you to
devote some time and effort to your first draft. Try not
to send us something that needs a lot of improvement
or doesnt even begin to address any of the points we
want covered in a history. If you have questions during
the project feel free to Email us specific questions
though, and we will attempt to get back to you as soon
as we can. The minimum length for a character history
is 2 pages, and we expect at least an hour or two devoted towards the project, in reading IG History and
writing your own. This minimum is set to avoid
people rushing and sending us in histories just for CP,
without any real content. There are no maximum to
character histories, and we dont really expect histories
to be as short as 2 pages. If yours is longer, or even
much longer, do not be worried. We will read any
length of them, though we do ask not to unnecessarily
pad them with not needed information just for length
purposes alone.

What it Accomplishes

Character Histories are the act of writing a character Bio and Summary of the history or past of the character, and are used to generate Plotlines or fit your
character into the world more seamlessly. To do a
Character History you must Email us and sure it follows the specific format, and includes all required
fields. Character histories help improve the game and
improve the enjoyment and involvement level you get
out of LARPing in general. It is much harder to next
to impossible to target specific people with Plotlines if
they have not at least attempted some sort of character
history. Ideally we want all characters to have a submitted and gotten an approved character history and
such are willing to give a large amount of CP for them,
which is explained in the Character History Award.
Writing a character history for your second character if
your first character Perms gives even great benefits according to the New Character CP Table.

There is no hard and fast rule about the perspective that a character history has to be in. Depending
on the style of the writer, you, there can be different
ways of creatively addressing the perspective of a history. Some people choose to keep in confined to only
things their character would know and In Game in the
first person. Others like to write in the third person,
and describe actions the characters are doing, and others still like to narrate the story from someone else entirely. As long as you follow the general guidelines, we
encourage character histories done in any format that
you are most comfortable with. The bare minimum
can even just contain answers to the Questions, with
an introduction and conclusion paragraphs.


While there is never a deadline to writing a character history, there is a deadline to receive CP for them
on a specific event. Keep in mind that character histories scale based off of the CP your character has as
well, so it is important to pay attention to this deadline


RequieM Chapter 3 Characters

These, again, are not completely set in stone, but can
help guide you, if you are unsure about a specific idea.
These are not all encompassing though, and keep in
mind just because we do not specifically ask you to
avoid some things, we consider you to have common
sense in writing a history.

Creative Process

A lot of people are shy to make things up in their

history. We ask you not to be! If you need another
clan of Barbarians, or a remote sector of Dwarves that
have held against the Undead, then feel free. We ask
that you read over some of the general knowledge and
flavor of your race and the history of Nexus, and anything you dont find, feel free to include. We may alter
or include it somewhere else, but we dont want people
scared to think character histories will not be approved
if they make up too much. Certain hard and fast rules
(like the workings of magic, or the origin of the Undead) should be avoided, but really anything that does
not globally affect everyone else can be added to the
world, to flush it out even more. Exceptionally well
thought out additions, may be added to the general
knowledge or IG History, and may receive even more
CP, or any other bonus that Plot deems correct for the
amount for the work.

List to Avoid
Not everyone is an orphan and no other family.
No one is perfect, everyone has flaws.
You are not all powerful or all knowing.
Avoid making the character history hard to read, or

Approval Process

Once a character history is submitted a couple of

things can happen. If the history is well done, and
there are no issues, then the history can be approved
exactly as it stands. If the history is very close, but only
requires a few changes, we may just alter it directly,
and show you the approved and changed version. If
more editing or changes are required, we will ask you
to resubmit the history with a list of changes or suggestions. In very rare cases, we may ask that you completely start over, as the entire character concept does
not fit into the world we are trying to build. This generally does not happen, or only tends to happen in
cases of extremely wacky/silly concepts, such as time
travel, parallel worlds, or direct copy/plagiarism of
another authors work. If your character history is in
approval process, we will advance you the CP for it,
but we ask that you devote time and effort to completing it in a reasonable manner.

Things to Avoid

Do not be too scared about reading about histories

that have to be completely re-written, because anyone
that really tries to follow our set of guidelines generally
does not even have a problem staying in the confines
of what we want. For those that wish more information, we have a included a list of 20 things that we
wish players to avoid in writing character histories.


too cryptic.
Avoid anything that makes it harder on Plot.
Avoid Amnesia, Time Travel, and Alternate Universes.
Dont copy or plagiarize.
Avoid adding padding to history, just to make it
Avoid clichs and bland stereotypes.
Avoid too far against a stereotype too. Not everyone
is the one nice undead.
Avoid long lists of accomplishments; your character
is just starting out.
This is a social game, dont be a Loner, or against
being in groups.
Avoid not having any friends, family, acquaintances
or enemies.
Avoid adding a lot of facts your character would not
actually know.
Avoid overly graphic or offensive material if possible.
Dont resolve issues and conflicts in the history;
save them for In Game.
Avoid characters far from what you are like, they are
hard to play.
Beware of races or faiths with negative stigmas, they
are dangerous to play.
If you are going to be evil, be smart and subtle
about it.
Remember these are just guidelines, if you wish to
ignore them feel free, but do so realizing your history may not be approved.

RequieM Chapter 3 Characters

50 Questions a Character History
should answer
Knowing what to avoid is helpful, but knowing what we would like is generally why you are reading this section. Ideally, a well done character history will answer all of the questions below, and should solidify your character for yourself. Some of the questions you might not have thought about yet, and the goal is to help you flush out
your character. You do not 100% have to answer every single question, but really we ask that you try to at least go
over them before writing a history. Plot are not psychics, and you cant really assume we will know something
about your character from inference or reference. You may choose to write a history purely on answering each of
these questions, but generally we ask that you try to write it in a more flowing and suitable manner. Some of these
questions are much more involved than others and will take a lot longer to explain, you should not weigh every
question equally. Remember that this is not a test, and there are no right and wrong answers, and not to be apprehensive about the number of them. They are there for a guideline, and for people that need help and direction
in writing a character history.

Character and Background


What is your characters full and true name? Is it known?

Any nicknames or slurs your character is called by?
Where was your character born? Where was he raised?
How would you describe your characters childhood?
What culture were you brought up in?
How old is your character? How Mature?
What did your character do in the past?
How does your character tend to dress, and what armor do they wear?
Any tattoos, scars or distinguishing characteristics of your race?
Why is your character adventuring? What would cause them to stop?

Relationships and Interactions


Who are your characters immediate family?

Who are your characters extended family?
Who are your characters best friends? Acquaintances?
Who does your character dislike? Enemies?
Who taught your character what you know? Teachers?
Does your character look up to anyone? Mentors?
Does or has your character had and romantic interests? Failed?
How would your character recognize any of the above?
Is there anyone that your character didnt know, that would know them?
Does your character belong or wish to belong to any Organizations?

Mannerisms and Opinions


How does your character value Wealth? Information? Friendship?

Any unusual habits or mannerisms?
What are your characters Ethics? Morals? Are they Honest?
What is your characters definition of Justice? Do the ends justify the means?
What does your character think about the other races?
What is your characters view on religion? Deities?
What does your character like? Favorite things? Hobbies?


RequieM Chapter 3 Characters

28. What does your character hate? Avoid? Afraid of?
29. What or who makes your character angry? What happens then?
30. Whats your characters opinion on Death? Murder?

Strengths and Weaknesses


What are your characters best qualities?

What is your characters single greatest strength?
Does your character have any flaws?
What is your characters single greatest weakness?
Why might someone like or dislike your character?

Goals and Motivations


What are your characters immediate and long-term goals?

What motivates your character? What does your character want?
What is your characters greatest fear?
What wouldnt your character do?
How does your character seek to obtain his/her goals?

Past and Recent History


What are the notable events that happened in your characters life?
Was your character present at any key events in the last 50 years?
What are the best and worst things that happened and how did it affect them?
How has your character dealt with the war? How has he/she survived?
Do you have any notorious or celebrated ancestors? Is your family known?
Does your character have a reputation of any kind? Does he/she want one?
Why is your character in Runevale?
Does your character know anyone in Town already?
What does your character hope to accomplish here?

The Most Important Question

50. Is there anything else Plot should know about your character?


RequieM Chapter 3 Characters

Character histories are broken into a couple of
sections, which are designed to make it easier on Plot
to catalog, and go through everyones history. All of
the following should be covered in a character history.
For the Character History Award to be worth CP,
every section should be filled out and labeled appropriately, to begin the approval process. Character histories should at the minimum take an hour or two to
write, but feel free to put as much time and effort into
it as you wish. In general the more work and effort put
into a history, the more Plot is inclined to use it, and
the more a character fits into the world. You may never write a character history for someone else, but may
help or edit one, if asked. The Following categories, in
this order should be covered in a character history:

This is a 1 paragraph idea of what you wish to

accomplish, and what goals your character has. Do not
ignore this section, it is actually pretty important. All
short and long term goals, desires and plans should be
summarized here. This can be simply goals, or even
situations you the player wish to see your character in.
Include any conflicts, or cool mental images you
would love to see happen in game here. This should be
from the players perspective, not the characters. Include anything you wish to avoid as well.

This is the meat and potatoes of your history, and
what that should be at least 2 pages long. Feel free to
go into as much detail as you require here, to fully explain the above two ideas, and attempt to answer all
the questions about your character, and important
events that happened to them. The majority of time
spent writing a character history should go into this


Player Name:

Your full real name.


Your email address.

Character Name:

Your characters full and true name


Your characters race

Core Concept:

1 paragraph summary of character.

Statement of In- 1 paragraph summary of goals


2+ pages unabridged history of the



List of important events and times


List of important names and places

Other Sections:

Anything else you wish to include

Core Concept
This is a 1 paragraph summary of the core concept
of your character. You should be able to sum up your
character in a single paragraph for readers at the beginning of the history, in a way that explains all relevant and key points. Try not to include too much, or
think of this as how you would explain your character
to anyone if they were to ask, without going into any
great detail.

Statement of Intent


Any important events mentioned in the above

history should be included in a short one line phrases,
in an ordered timeline. This helps concrete the history
in your and Plots mind, and shows at a glance what
happened to your character and when. All timeline
entries should be dated with at least a month/year, and
should begin with your character being born, and end
with him coming to Runevale.

All names that are used in the above history
should be included in a glossary. Any names or important places that you made up should be included with
a short one line phrase that explains them again. This
is very helpful to quickly reference a person, place or
thing that is important. Put [Deceased] next to any
dead character in the glossary. Any difficult names
must include a pronunciation guide.

Other Sections

If there are any other sections that you wish to

include above and beyond the above ones, feel free. If
you wish to organize it into chapters, diary dates, or
any other method, feel free to be creative and as long
as it has at least the aforementioned sections, you
many have any additional parts or divisions that make
sense to you.

RequieM Chapter 3 Characters

Chapter 4:
To even have a chance to combat Eramus army we had
to learn to specialize. Every member of my army had a
purpose, and even the lowliest trooper knew something
that his fellow squad members did not. Even a thug or
brawler can be taught to enhance his techniques



Rules of Etiquette ................................................................................................................................. 19

Health .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Incapacitated ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Effects................................................................................................................................................... 23
Durations .......................................................................................................................................... 24
Standard Effects ................................................................................................................................ 24
Standard Effects Quicklist ................................................................................................................. 25
Advanced Effects ............................................................................................................................... 35
Game Stopping Effects ...................................................................................................................... 37
Effect Modifiers .................................................................................................................................... 38
Effect Modifiers Quicklist ................................................................................................................. 38
Prefixes ............................................................................................................................................. 39
Damage Calls .................................................................................................................................... 40
Suffixes ............................................................................................................................................. 40
Combat ................................................................................................................................................ 42
Illegal Combat Moves ........................................................................................................................ 43
Weapon Attacks ................................................................................................................................ 44
Packet Attacks ....................................................................................................................................... 44
Special Attacks .................................................................................................................................. 45
Defenses ............................................................................................................................................... 46
Special Defenses ................................................................................................................................ 47


RequieM Chapter 4 Matrixes

Using this Matrix


How many times a character is capable of generating a skill is the next category. Skills with a fueling
requirement will have the number then an abbreviation for stat. The ANY word used for skills that can
be fueled with any attribute, and the EACH word
means it takes the number of each of the 4 main
attributes (INT, STR, SPI, AGI). Instead of an
attribute, some skills have an asterisk (*), this skill can
be fueled with any attribute but changes based on
which. An X means the number of attributes can be
anything. A plus sign (+) means that it takes all of a
specific attribute, but you must have at least the number stated to generate it. If a skill has a number then a
/, it can be used that many times per the time stated,
such as per Battle, per Refresh, per Event, and per
Year. Skills with no Cost may be continuous or used

There are a lot of skills in Requiem A LOT.

This can be overwhelming at first, but everything is
built so that if you know all the Effects in the Core
Rules, you know all the skills. Any skill not covered in
with a standard effect will have an Imbue or Inflict
Card that accompanies it. Remember that you do not
need to know how a skill was generated, just what the
effect does.

Each of the tables in this document represents a
single Header, which is a grouping of like skills. To
purchase any of the skills in the header requires the
header be purchased. The CP cost of all headers, and
any prerequisite header is conveniently located at the
top of each header.


Skill Names

The description of a skill lets you know what it

does. Restrictions or extra Phys-Rep requirements are
stated afterwards with an asterisk. Any required RP
time to activate the skill is also stated. This time must
be spent, but the exact nature of how you role-play it
is up to you. Some skills may require further clarification, in which you should see if the skill has a long
description in the Skill Descriptions chapter.

The name of the skill is the first category. Uncommon skills are in grey/white. Rare skills are in italics, grey/white, and have a (R) preceding them. No
uncommon or rare skills may be purchased at the start
without using Influence. Skills are primarily sorted by
rarity, so uncommon and rare skills are always at the
bottom of a header. Some skill types, such as Knowledge or Harvest are also stated in the name for ease.
An asterisk (*) next to the skill name means it requires
an extra Phys-Rep, and a (NC) means it counts towards the Non-Combat skill requirement.


Some skills, in addition to requiring the Header,

also require the purchase of an additional one or more
skills. Some skills require that you do not purchase a
skill, in which it will clearly state Cant buy in front
of the skill. An or means either skill is an acceptable
prerequisite, where a comma (,) means that all of the
skills are needed


The cost of a skill in Character Points is the next

category. If a skill can be purchased multiple times, it
will have a number in parenthesis, such as (*3x) meaning it can be purchased three times, while (*x) means it
can be purchased as many times as needed. Every other skill may only be purchased once. Skills with an
asterisk (*) must be purchased, as they are disadvantages. Skills with two asterisks (**) cannot be purchased
normally and must be found, taught, or awarded In
Game. Skills are secondarily sorted by CP, so lower
CP skills are at the top, and higher CP skills at the
bottom. Remember that if a skill is common and 0
CP in a Header you purchased, you can start with it

4a Races:

Racial Subtype and Type headers

4b Skills:

Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Skill headers

4c Spells & Misc:

Minor/Major Spells and Miscellaneous headers

4d Craft Skills:

Crafting Skill headers

4e Craft Recipes:

Starting Recipes in Craft Skills


RequieM Chapter 4a Race Matrix

Beast Kin SKILLS
Beast Kin

0 CP





+2 CP Cost on all Craft, Rush Work, Extra Work Skills *does

not include reagent or item skills

Silver Vulnerability


Character is permanently affected by Vulnerable Silver

Enhanced Vitality

Gain +1 Vitality

Short Claws

Able to wield 2 Short Claws

Knowledge Beast Lore(NC)

Information about Animals, Beast Kin and Mythical Monsters

Enhanced Scent(NC)

All Diagnose skills are packet delivered instead of touch cast

and Character is able to notice Toxins in food and drinks

Poison Resistance

Diagnose Keen Scent(NC)





Lunar Madness



Resist Poison
10 sec RP: Diagnose (All Traits, Effects, Stable, Bleeding,
Damage, Inflict, Imbue, etc) *packet delivered

3 CP



Beast Kin



Must have a plot approved madness or neurosis

Disease Resistance

Curse Immunity

No Effect to Curse or Curse Inflictions


May Learn/Unlearn Racial Skills without Instruction Cards.

May change which 2 Primal Aspects character has

Twin Aspects

Access to Two Primal Aspects (Strong, Swift, Fierce, Wise or Sly)

(R) Swiftmend

Pure Borne




Resist Plague or Disease

Twin Aspects

5 sec RP: Purge All by Will *does not work on Silver Trait

3 CP

Beast Kin





Primal Grasp


Cannot use Weapons or Shields except Claws and Thrown Weapons

Animal Empathy(NC)

Speak or Calm to Animal

Pure Aptitude

-1 CP cost to Attribute of your choice purchases *not Endurance

Envenom Claws and Thrown

Able to apply Blade Poisons to Claws and Thrown Weapons

Long Claws

Able to wield 2 Long Claws

2-Handed Claw

Able to use a 2-Handed claw

Casting Claws

Able to cast all spells (Magic and Faith) with a single Claw

Cant buy
2-Handed Claw

Hardened Claws

No Effect to Destroy on Claws

Can't buy
2-Handed Claw

Primary Aspect

Access to a Primal Aspect (Strong, Swift, Fierce, Wise or Sly)

Enhanced Poison Resistance


Resist Poison

(R) Lunar Alignment


Greatly Empower your Attributes and Racials and grants you

new abilities for the Event



Short Claws
Can't buy

Hardened Claws

or Casting - Claws

or Casting - Claws

or Casting - Claws

Poison Resistance

RequieM Chapter 4a= Race Matrix


3 CP

Beast Kin





Every Other Event: Command and Berserk last 5 minutes(not

until Unconscious) and Can't be Cured or Purged

Beast Form

Full racial bonuses and makeup requirements in beast form

Human Form

No racial bonuses or makeup requirements in human form

Moon Touched*




Marked by the Court of Stars *must have a silver crescent moon

face paint around one eye *award only


Hybrid Form

No Claws or Aspect bonuses and partial makeup requirements

in hybrid form

Waxing and Waning

While the Moon is Waxing, Gain +1 Damage with Spells, When

its Waning gain +1 Damage with Weapons

Primary Aspect

Access to a Primal Aspect (Strong, Swift, Fierce, Wise or Sly)

Lunar Power

(R) Fortitude of the Moon


Gain +1 Power during each Battle that the moon is visible

Gain +2 Endurance *while not sleeping, if the moon is visible
character must be in Beast Form


Moon Touched

RequieM Chapter 4a Race Matrix

Celestial SKILLS

0 CP



Earthly Form


Cannot play as a Mortal character

Enhanced Spirit

Gain +1 Spirit

Gather Aura(NC)



Knowledge Celestial Lore(NC)

Offboard: Information about Etherion, Seraphim and Possessed

Diagnose Umbral Sight(NC)

10 sec RP: Diagnose or (All Effects and Traits) *touch cast only

Rumors Whispers of the


Receive a list of rumors every event dealing with Divinity and

Deities and Demons

Divine Protection


Reduce Death Effect: Collapse to Bleeding Out *does not work

on Killing Blow or self inflicted

Harvest Limited Essence



30 sec RP: Harvest Magical Components from NPC or Location

until next Refresh

Innate Spell







1 min RP: Able to go Spirit and gather spell packets, must return
to point of origin to come out
Able to use a Glow Stick *player provides phys-rep *self only


*x Disengage (+1 per Spi) *may only be used if not wielding



Target Spell does not require an Incant or casting restrictions

3 CP






Ethereal Form


Cannot use long or 2H Melee Weapons

Faith Intolerance


May not purchase the Mystic Header or any Disciplines of Faith

Arcane Devotion

-2 CP cost to Devotion if Following: (Argandris, Synter or Dias)

Enhanced Intellect

Gain +1 Intellect

Magic Aptitude

-1 CP cost on all Schools of Magic

Short Claws

Able to wield 2 Short Claws

Concentrate Aura


Aura Mastery


Resist Aura attack

Concentrate Energy


Silence by Weapon *must be used with claws

Magic Absorption


Resist Magic and Heal 5 to Self

Arcane Focus


(R) Innate Magic


30 sec RP: Change one of your cast spells without an RP time

into an Aura, active until used or next Refresh

May re-throw one missed 'by Magic' spell

30 sec RP: No Magus Spells require an incant for the Battle




Short Claws

RequieM Chapter 4a= Race Matrix


3 CP




Fatal Confinement


May receive a plot determined Slay effect if ever captured or

held against character's will, or through role-play

Weakened Form


Character takes +1 on Called Damage Attacks (Melee and


Enhanced Endurance

Gain +1 Endurance

Second Sight(NC)

Able to perceive your surroundings while bleeding out,

unconscious or Dead


You may lie, even under any effect that states you must tell the
truth. *Does not include Death's Realm

Demon Skin

-3 Damage taken from Called Damage 'by Shadow'

Soul Siphon(NC)

Mark of the Demon*


Siphon Life

Dark Grip


Stabilize by Will *self only

(R) Demon Form*


10 min RP: Turn into a Demon, gaining special powers for an

Adventure *Player must provide costuming






Choose a Player, while they are attending the Event and alive,
you are judged favorably by Death, if the player dies, you do too
Gain +2 Power *must wear mark of Azraal on both forearms


Inflict Card: Target must attempt to complete a specific task

*possessed must remain in Monster Camp
Permanently Reduce character's Vitality Points by one for the
event to Major Resist any Attack

3 CP

Soul Siphon






Astral Form


Cannot use Bucklers or Shields

Magic Intolerance


May not purchase the Magus Header, or any Schools of Magic

Exceptional Spirit

Gain +1 Spirit

Healing Aptitude

Gain +1 Healing with Faith spells over 1

Spiritual Devotion

Free Cost on Devotion, providing character follows Rapture


Gain +2 Body *may not wear Armor

Can't buy Light

Armor Prof.

Soul Bond

1 min RP: Heal all by Faith *touch cast only, must follow


Light of Truth

Soul Link


Winged Flight*


Divine Focus


(R) Soulful Haste




Gain +2 Power *may not break your word, knowingly lie, or

omit the truth
1 min RP: Cure Death by Faith *touch cast only

Soul Bond

5 sec RP: Fly for Battle 5 sec RP: Land from flying without cost
*must have Prosthetic Wings
May re-throw one missed 'by Faith' Spell
Instant RP time on Soul Bond or Soul Link, they become packet
delivered and 1/refresh


Soul Link

RequieM Chapter 4a Race Matrix


0 CP





No Effect to Beneficial Potions, Cannot wear War paints, May

not Live Well or Train Well

Foreign Make


No Effect to Healing or Cure Death that is not 'to Construct' 'to

<Race>' or 'by Will'

Altered Mental State

Able to Reduce Stun to 5 Damage to Self

Enhanced Vitality

Gain +1 Vitality

Reduce Body

Remove Body from all Damage attacks (Still take normal Damage)

Glowing Eyes*

Heavy Natural Armor

5 min RP: 4 Natural Armor *no armor may be worn

Hvy Armor Prof,

Med Nat. Armor

Medium Natural Armor

5 min RP: 3 Natural Armor *no armor may be worn

Med Armor Prof,

Light Nat Armor

Short Claws

Able to wield 2 Short Claws

Extreme Tolerance

No Effect to Agony or Sleep

Light Natural Armor

5 min RP: 2 Natural Armor *no armor may be worn

Harvest Limited Core


No Bone Structure

Reduce Mangle to Maim

No Metabolism

No Effect to negative Poison, Disease or Plague effects and traits








Able to use a Racial Ability that normally takes Attributes

without cost *must have glowing eyes at night

Light Armor

30 sec RP: Harvest Elemental Components from NPC or

Location until next Refresh

3 CP






Acid Vulnerability


Character is permanently affected by Vulnerable Acid



3 Damage from Destroy Effects and double Upkeep cost every

Event at Check In

Spell Intolerance


May not Purchase Schools of Magic or Disciplines of Faith

Backup Battery(NC)

May speak softly while Incapacitated, during Bleed Out or

Death Counts

Enduring Aptitude

-1 CP cost to Endurance Attribute purchases

Enhanced Endurance

Gain +1 Endurance

Internal Light Source

May use any Day only skills during the Night

Memory Overload


Purge Command or Dominate and Empowered Stun to Self

*may not be reduced in any way



Hide all items from a normal search and carry all possessions
with you when you go to Death's Realm for the Battle


Able to receive Tinkerer upgrades

Shutdown Sequence

Gain +1 hour on Death Count *self only

Defense Mechanisms


May Upgrade any Parry Defense to a Volley *against melee

swings only, all Parry restrictions apply

(R) Extended Shutdown


Gain an additional +1 hour on Death Count (may stack)



Shutdown Seq.

RequieM Chapter 4a= Race Matrix


3 CP




Faith Intolerance


May not purchase the Mystic Header or any Disciplines of Faith

Planar Ties


May not use defenses against, Purge or Reduce Command or

Dominate, No Effect to Cure Command or Cure Dominate

[Opposing] Vulnerability


Character is permanently affected by Vulnerable [Opposing Element]

Enhanced Intellect

Gain +1 Intellect

Reform Limbs

[Element] Immunity and Healing

No Effect to [Element] and Healed by Damage by [Element]

Bindings of Elements(NC)

Cant be Banished while wearing Bindings *runed bracers required

Open Portal: Plane of



Open a Portal for Character and 5 others to Plane of [element]

for an Adventure *requires a Power Circle (time/location)



Resist Bind or Resist Paralyze

[Element] Carrier


Reform Body


Air Form*


Instant Air Form *may move but may not talk or use skills

Air Based

Fire Aura*


Destroy Weapon by Fire Aura

Fire Based



3 Damage by Water *packet delivered

Water Based

Stone Shell*


Parry Melee *must be wielding a weapon, does not work on

strike to the torso

Earth Based

(R) Ritually






10 sec RP: Purge All Maim

Grant Carrier [Element] (Air: INT, Earth: STR, Fire: SPI,

Water: AGI) *only the Element you based on
Reduce Death to Unconscious and Stable *doesnt work on Self
Inflicted or Killing Blow

Able to receive Magic Rituals to increase Power

3 CP

Bindings of





Magic Intolerance


May not purchase the Magus Header, or any Schools of Magic

Magic Vulnerability


Character is permanently affected by Vulnerable Magic

Silent Guard


May not speak unless a Speak spell is cast

Enhanced Strength

Gain +1 Strength


Instant Earth Form, 5 min RP: Purge Earth *may not move or talk

Watchful Guard

10 min RP: Heal all to Gargoyle, may Refresh in Stoneform

*self only, must be in Stoneform

Break Out


10 sec RP: Purge Earth *self only, night time only



May Speak and Cast for 5 minutes

Religious Nature(NC)

May walk on Holy or Unholy ground. May speak on Holy or

Unholy ground without cost.


Strength of Faith

All Stamina, Stealth, Inspiration, Arcane and Zeal can be used

as Stamina or Zeal



+1 Healing taken and not Immune to Healing and Cure Death

by Faith


(R) Innate Faith




While Defending Holy/Unholy Ground, the Tavern, or

Character's place of Residence, Gain +2 Stamina or Zeal
Faith Spells do not have spell incants *without this skill
Character cannot cast without being affected by Speak first



RequieM Chapter 4a Race Matrix


0 CP



Born to Work


Character must possess a Craft Skill



+2 CP cost to Knowledge and Rumor skills that do not relate to

Crafting, Weapons or Armor

Alcohol Tolerance(NC)

Takes double the amount of Intoxicants for negative effects


All Stamina, Stealth, Arcane and Zeal can be used as Inspiration

Refit Armor

1 min RP: Able to refit personal armor to 1 less than last refit
*requires removing a piece, a hammer and flat surface

Hammer Expertise

Ability to use all types of Hammers (Short, Long and 2-Handed)

Mercantile Metallurgy(NC)

Offboard: Able to Receive a common Physical Component every


Knowledge Dwarven Lore(NC)

Offboard: Information about Dwarves, their Ancient Cities,

Weapons and Armor

Hard to Kill

+1 Minute on Bleed out count

Repair Weapon and Armor(NC)

5 min RP: Repair Weapon or Armor at a Forge *takes a Material

to fully repair

Harvest Limited Mining(NC)


30 sec RP: Harvest Physical Components from NPC or Location

until next Refresh

Purge Magic


5 sec RP: Purge Magic




3 CP






Spell Casting Stubbornness


May only purchase 1 School of Magic or 1 Discipline of Faith

Enhanced Endurance

Gain +1 Endurance


Metal Aptitude

-1 CP cost to Blacksmith (Craft, Rush Work, Extra Work)

Skills *does not include reagent or item skills

Mercantile Metal

Upgrade Metallurgy to receive an uncommon Blacksmith


Acid Immunity

No Effect to negative 'by Acid' Damage and Effects





Weapon Master

Liquid Metal

(R) Iron Willed



Resist 'by Silver' or 'by Iron'

Resist Element (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)

Information about a Location of Metal or Ore (time/location)
Ability to wield any Melee or Ranged Weapon *does not include
Shields or Great Weapons



30 sec RP(on weapon): Generate a Called Weapon Strike 'by

Silver' or 'by Iron'
Gain +* Spirit (+1 per End) *max 5



RequieM Chapter 4a= Race Matrix


3 CP




Spell Casting Ineptitude


May only purchase Minor Schools of Magic and Minor

Disciplines of Faith

Enhanced Endurance

Gain +1 Endurance

Runic Aptitude

-1 CP cost to Rune Carving (Craft, Rush Work, Extra Work)

Skills *does not include reagent or item skills

Underground Terrain

May ignore any environmental restriction on combat skills for

being underground or in poor lighting

Mercantile Rune

Upgrade Metallurgy to receive an uncommon Rune Carving



Half Duration on Stun, Sleep and the time to return to 1 Body

from 0 Body and Stable

Tough Skin

5 min RP: Gain +1 Bonus Armor (max 1), Natural Armor may be

Disease Immunity

No Effect to Plague or negative 'by Disease' effects.



Information about a Location of a Quantity of Stone or Gems


Improved Purge


1 sec RP: Purge Magic or Purge Faith

(R) Rock Steady






Purge Magic

Gain +* Strength (+1 per End) *max 5

3 CP






Short Stature


Cannot use 2-Handed Weapons or Shields, Cannot Wear Armor

over Medium

Engineering Aptitude

-1 CP cost to Tinkering (Craft, Rush Work, Extra Work) Skills

*does not include reagent or item skills

Enhanced Intellect and


Gain +1 Intellect and +1 Agility

Mercantile Spare Parts(NC)

Offboard: May purchase Items and Components from a specific

list at Check In

Mercantile Mechanical

Upgrade Metallurgy to receive an uncommon Tinkering



Craft Jury Rig(NC)


Offboard: Substitute any one Component in any Craft Skill

*must be same type and same level or higher

Craft Skill

Quality Assurance(NC)


5 min RP: Identify specific magical properties of an Item

*requires a Library



Information about a Location of a Quantity of Salvaged Goods


Craft Wondrous Items(NC)


(R) Clever Hands

Gain +* Agility (+1 per 2 craft skills) *max 5

Can't buy
Quick Witted

(R) Quick Witted

Gain +* Intellect (+1 per 2 craft skills) *max 5

Can't buy
Clever Hands

Offboard: Allows Craft Skills to Create Wondrous (and

Unreliable) items from a specific list


Craft Skill

-1 Attribute Cost to an ability that costs 2 or more Attributes


RequieM Chapter 4a Race Matrix


0 CP



Disease Vulnerability


Character is permanently affected by Vulnerable Disease

Slight of Build


Cannot use two handed weapons, except Staves

Enhanced Intellect

Gain +1 Intellect


May notice special colored or labeled stickers and Envelopes,

but may not open them

Sleep Resistance

Ancient Elven(NC)

Command Resistance


Light Sleeper


Knowledge Elven Lore(NC)

Offboard: Information about Elves, Nature, and the Court of

Sun and Stars

Ranged Expertise

Ability to wield all Ranged Weapons *does not include Great


Harvest Limited Herbalism(NC)


Dark Elf



Read and Write in the ancient elvish script



Resist Sleep

Resist Command
Evade any attack made while you are physically asleep or
affected by the Sleep effect

30 sec RP: Harvest Herbal Components from NPC or Location

until next Refresh
Every time you use a skill that Disengages, you may use the
same skill again during the Battle without cost

3 CP




Embrace of Dusk


May not Refresh during the Day (6am to 6pm)

Brewing Aptitude

-1 CP cost to Potion Making (Craft, Rush Work, Extra Work)

Skills *does not include reagent or item skills

Enhanced Spirit

Gain +1 Spirit

Night Vision(NC)*

May use a plot approved muted Flashlight/LED *player

provides phys-rep *self only

Moon Touched*





Marked by the Court of Stars *must have a silver crescent moon

face paint around one eye *award only


Magic Nullification

-1 taken to called Damage by Magic



Magic Immunity


Choose Target, Frenzy Resist Magic towards target for the



Magic Resistance


Resist Magic


(R) Eclipse

No Effect to Death and will always fall stable *dark night

(10pm to 2am) and able to see the moon only

Moon Touched


No Effect to negative 'by Shadow' Damage and Effects until next

Gain +1 Vitality and +1 Power at night (6pm to 6am)


RequieM Chapter 4a= Race Matrix

Sun Elf

3 CP




Embrace of Dawn


May not Refresh during the Night (6pm to 6am)

Exceptional Intellect

Gain +1 Intellect


Able to use a Glow Stick *player provides phys-rep *self only

Writing Aptitude

-1 CP cost to Scroll Making (Craft, Rush Work, Extra Work)

Skills *does not include reagent or item skills

Sun Touched*




Enhanced Intellect

Marked by the Court of Sun *must have gold sun rays face paint
around one eye *award only


Faith Nullification

-1 Called Damage taken by Faith

Transfer Glow(NC)

Remove self only restriction from all Light Sources

Solar Flare

Gain +1 Vitality and +1 Power during day time (6am to 6pm)

Faith Immunity


Choose Target, Frenzy Resist Faith towards target for the Battle

Faith Nullification

Faith Resistance


Resist Faith

Faith Nullification

(R) Radiance

No Effect to Death and will always fall stable *bright day

(10am to 2pm) and direct sunlight only

Sun Touched

Wyld Elf

3 CP






+1 CP cost on each Vitality Attribute

Enhanced Agility

Gain +1 Agility

Natural Aptitude

-1 CP cost on (Archer, Scout, Ranger and Druid) Headers

Wyld Touched*





Marked by the Green Man *must have green leaves and vines
face paint around one eye *award only


Tracking or
Limited Tracking

Expert Tracker(NC)

-1 Attribute to Opening Tracking Envelopes

Limited War Paint(NC)*

Allows access to a limited section of War Paints and able to

apply them to self *takes Attributes and Components

Soothe Beast

Calm to Animal

Ranged Specialization

+1 Called Damage to Missile/Thrown Weapons

Maintenance Close to

Offboard: Half cost on Upkeep, Training Well and Living Well if

Staying in a Tent or non-permanent Structure

Archery Mastery

All Blade Poisons on missile weapons are until hit, and No RP

time on any Arrow skill requiring Aiming


(R) Rebirth

If Death Count expires, may instead rise at 1 Body *must be

Outdoors and deep woods(out of line of sight of buildings

Wyld Touched



RequieM Chapter 4a Race Matrix


0 CP




Iron Vulnerability


Character is permanently affected by Vulnerable Iron



All spell incants (Magus and Mystic) must Rhyme


Enhanced Intellect





Evade Trap, or Evade Voice Attack to Circle *may not use vs. 'by
Gain +1 Intellect


30 sec RP: Purge Bind or Able to Exit any Enclosure or

Confinement as a Spirit, if they are not bound with Iron

Mark of Chaos*


Significant achievement of Chaos *must wear chaos' mark on

both forearms *award only

Can't buy Mark

of Order

Mark of Order*


Significant achievement of Order *must wear order's mark on

both forearms *award only

Can't buy Mark

of Chaos

Triumphant Return(NC)


Recalling the Dream(NC)


Knowledge Fae Lore(NC)

Harvest Limited Spiritual


The Dreaming

Satyr / Nymph


Able to contact and Travel to the Fae Realm (location/time)

*award only
Able to recall past life and history on the Fae Realm



Natural Command [Gender] by Mind *opposite gender only

Offboard: Information about the Fae, The Green Man, Order
and Chaos


30 sec RP: Harvest Mystical Components from NPC or Location

until next Refresh
May choose to be Banished for a Year and a Day instead of
having to be Judged by Death

3 CP

Mark of Order
or Mark of





Live to the Fullest


Cannot play as a Gifted character

Enhanced Spirit

Gain +1 Spirit

Performance Aptitude

-2 CP cost on Brawler, Acrobat and Entertainer Headers

Strong Willed

Alcohol Immunity(NC)

Life of the Party(NC)

Rumors Gossip(NC)

Extremely Likable




Courage of Spirits


(R) Persuasive





No Effect to Command until next Refresh

No Effect to the negative effects of Intoxicants


Imbue Card: Bless a Building that holds a Party or Feast, that as

long as the Party continues, cannot be attacked
Able to buy 1 Rumor skill in any Header
Inflict Card: NPC will react favorably to you, and consider you a

Life of the

Resist Dominate
10 sec RP: and Drink an Intoxicant Resist any Attack that
would Incapacitate you once during the Battle
Command by Supremacy



RequieM Chapter 4a= Race Matrix

Sprite / Pixie

3 CP




Small Stature


Capture Magic

Enhanced Agility

Pixie Dust




Bright Eyed


No Effect to Sleep until next Refresh



-3 damage taken from Called Melee Weapon Strikes from 2Handed Weapons for the Battle



Evade any Called Damage attack of 3 or less

Enhanced Winged Flight


Release Magic

Immediately after using Capture, may throw the effect Resisted

without Attribute cost

Capture Magic

(R) Conviction

Allows Capture and Release Magic to work with 'by Faith'

packets, as well

Release Magic

Treant / Dryad




May only use Small or Short Weapons and Buckler, May only
use Light Armor

Resist any packet attack 'by Magic' provided that the player
physically catches the packet
Gain +1 Agility
Natural Sleep by Magic *packet delivered
Reduce an RP time to Instant *certain skills do not work with


5 sec RP: Fly for the Battle 5 sec RP: Land from flying without

3 CP







May not use Stamina, Stealth, Inspiration, Zeal, Arcane or

Power during the night (6pm to 6am)

Enhanced Vitality

Gain +1 Vitality

Natural Devotion

Free Cost on Devotion, providing character follows The Green



Living Roots

10 sec RP: Root to Self 2 min RP: Purge Root

Plant Empathy(NC)

Calm or Speak to Plant

Maintenance Close to

Offboard: Half cost on Upkeep, Training Well and Living Well if

Staying in a Tent or non-permanent Structure

Nourishment of the Earth

5 min RP: Heal All to Self *must be Rooted, outdoors only, day
time only

Tree Walk


Instant Spirit Form *must be touching a Tree and may only

travel from Tree to Tree

Bark Skin*


1 min RP: Gain +2 Bonus Armor *must have bark on costume



Heal 3 to Self *must have leaves on costume *must be used after Can't buy Bark
Skin or Thorns
a Root effect is removed from character



1 Damage Aura vs. Melee Attack, or +1 to any damage Aura

*must have thorns on costume

(R) Fertile Soil




Cure Root *packet delivered

2 min RP: Cure <Effect> to Self *must be Rooted, deep woods

only (out of line of sight of buildings)


Living Roots

Can't buy Leaves

or Thorns

Can't buy Leaves

or Bark Skin

RequieM Chapter 4a Race Matrix

Giant Kin SKILLS
Giant Kin

0 CP





+2 CP to Read/Write and Any Spheres of Magic, Knowledge and

Rumor Skills

Mind Vulnerability


Character is permanently affected by Vulnerable Mind

Enhanced Strength

Gain +1 Strength

Alcohol Tolerance(NC)

Takes Double the Amount of Intoxicants for Negative Effects

Long Strides(NC)

Maintenance Huge Appetite

Gain +1 Stamina from Living Well, but Living Well's cost is


Tough Skin

5 min RP: Gain +1 Bonus Armor (max 1), Natural Armor may be

Break Root

10 sec RP: Purge Root and 2 damage to Self

Feat of Strength(NC)

Able to open any envelopes that require Strength, regardless of

Character's Strength


Improvise Weapon








Able to bypass jumping or ground based physical challenges for

the Battle (Evade)

Feat of

Feat of

Resist Weakness or Enfeeble

1 min RP: Repair Weapon *no called Strikes, and will break at
the end of Battle, self only


5 min RP: Heal 2 by Will, without additional cost until next


3 CP

Giant Kin




Dream State


May not use defenses against, Purge or Reduce Sleep, No Effect

to Cure Sleep, damage does not remove Sleep

2-Handed Expertise

Able to use all 2-Handed Weapons *does not include Great


Break Bind

10 sec RP: Purge Bind and 5 Damage to Self

Break Root

Exceptional Strength

Gain +1 Strength


Improvisation Expert

RP time on Improvised Weapon reduced to 5 sec and may use

called strikes, but at a -2 penalty


Crushing Blows

Plant Foot: Able to use Massive on any Called Melee Attack for
the Battle



+1 Called Damage with All Melee Weapons


Character is no longer affected by Weakness and Slow at

1Vitality Point

Crushing Blows

Exceptionally Strong


No Effect to Weakness or Enfeeble until next Refresh




Add 'Massive' Prefix to any called Weapon Damage attack with

a Melee Weapon

(R) Adrenaline Rush




While Berserked, Reduce Fatigue, Maim, Mangle, Paralyze

and Stun Effects, take them after Berserk Ends




RequieM Chapter 4a= Race Matrix


3 CP

Giant Kin



Out of Control


May not use defenses against, Purge or Reduce Berserk, No

Effect to Cure Berserk

Enhanced Agility

Gain +1 Agility

Pain Threshold

Half Duration on Agony(after 5 seconds: Purge Agony)

Weapon Aptitude

All Weapon Proficiencies upgraded to Expertise

Intimidating Shout


5 sec RP(shout): Voice Attack Repel by Fear except to Town

Battle Trance


Plant Foot: Unlimited 2 Damages with a Melee Weapon for the





Resist Knockback

Relentless or

Offhand Specialization


Add 'Double' Prefix to any Deflect or Parry while dual wielding

*attribute cost for Defense paid normally

Relentless Assault


No Effect to Disengage until next Refresh


Roar of Frustration


3 sec RP(shout): Regain up to 1 attribute from a Weapon Attack

that was successfully defended against


(R) Blade Fury


Free 2 Damage with Offhand immediately after Called

Weapon Strike until next Refresh *dual wield only

Battle Trance




3 CP


Relentless Assault

Giant Kin





Demonic Ties


May not use defenses against, Purge or Reduce Command, No

Effect to Cure Command

Enhanced Vitality

Gain +1 Vitality

Health Aptitude

-1 CP cost to Vitality Attribute purchases

Reduce Fatigue


Reduce Fatigue to Weakness and Slow

Fitted Armor


Remove Body from all Damage attacks (Still take normal

Damage) until next Refresh

Enhanced Stoneskin


Armor Specialization

Gain +1 to any armor you are wearing

Reduce Massive

-2 Damage on Massive attacks if Attack is physically blocked

Frenzied Regeneration

(R) Enhanced Regeneration



-1 to taken Called Weapon Damage



Plant Foot, No Effect to Uncalled Weapon Damage for the Battle



Heal 3 by Will or Cure Maim by Will *self only

5 min RP: Heal All by Will



RequieM Chapter 4a Race Matrix


0 CP




Humans have no Skills or Disadvantages in their Subtype Header







+2 CP Cost to Read/Write and all Schools of Magic

Enhanced Strength

Gain +1 Strength

Barbaric Aptitude

-1 CP cost to the Berserker, Hunter, Shaman Headers

Honor Combat(NC)


Gain +1 Power *must wear furs and may not wear metal armor

Knowledge - Barbaric Lore(NC)

Information about Barbarians, Tribes and their Verbal History



Furious Shout


Limited War Paint(NC)*

Battle Shout


(R) Battle Challenge






Resist Fear or Mind

3 sec RP(shout): Gain +2 Vitality and +4 Strength for a Battle
*must be outnumbered
Allows access to a limited section of War Paints and able to
apply them to self *takes Attributes and Components
3 sec RP(shout): Heal 2 by Will *self only

3 CP




May not Purchase Religion, No Effect to Will or Inspiration

Enhanced Immune System

No Effect to Infected, Possession and Undead Inflictions.

Cannot be turned into Undead, Demon or Fed upon

Enhanced Intellect

Gain +1 Intellect

Pain Immunity

No Effect to Agony


Calm by Mind *only useable while alone



1 hr RP: May Refresh without an Endurance *must be alone the

whole time.



Inflict Card: Target is not seen as a threat, or in the way *only

useable while alone

Learning Aptitude

-1 CP cost to Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Skill Headers.


May use Stamina, Stealth, Inspiration, Arcane and Zeal

Interchangeably as Power Points

Cold Tactics


4 Damage to Back *must be used immediately after friend or

ally falls to damage or effects

(R) Improvisation


Use any Skill from any Skill Header *restrictions apply, no spells

Enhanced Attribute



0 CP

Furious Shout

30 sec RP(challenge): Gesture Attack Command by

Supremacy "Kill Me"




1 min RP: Fully Refresh before a Duel *return to previous stats




3 CP





Gain +1 to a single Attribute of your choice *not Endurance



RequieM Chapter 4a= Race Matrix

Reptilian Skills

0 CP



Cold Blooded


-1 Endurance and lose benefit from Enhanced/Exceptional

Attribute racials from Nov 1 to April 31

Water Vulnerability


Character is permanently affected by Vulnerable Water


Able to breathe underwater, and ignore environmental

restrictions in swamps and water

Enhanced Agility

Gain +1 Agility

Enhanced Scent(NC)

All Diagnose skills are packet delivered instead of touch cast

and Character is able to notice Toxins in food and drinks

Self Sufficient(NC)

Upkeep costs are never above normal and Character cannot

starve to Death *may still be reduced to 1 Vitality

Can't buy

Enhanced Glands

Voice Attack Expose Taint


Heavy Natural Armor

5 min RP: 4 Natural Armor *no armor may be worn

Hvy Armor Prof,

Med Nat. Armor

Medium Natural Armor

5 min RP: 3 Natural Armor *no armor may be worn

Med Armor Prof,

Light Nat. Armor

Short Claws

Able to wield 2 Short Claws

Knowledge Draconic Lore(NC)

Offboard: Information about Dragons, Reptiles and various

Clans and Wars of such

Light Natural Armor

5 min RP: 2 Natural Armor *no armor may be worn

Regenerate Limb

1 min RP: Purge Maim *self only

Shed Skin(NC)


1 hr RP: Empowered Cure All and Heal All by Will

Surprise Attack


Add Major to any *first attack only, must be hidden

Drake Borne




3 CP

Can't buy
Self Sufficient

Light Armor






Cannot flee from combat

Rumors Ancestral

Offboard: Information about Past lives, and Dragons


Enhanced Intellect



Partial or complete IG History and Identification a Magic Item

or Artifact (time/location)

Breath Weapon


2 Damage by Fire Burst *six packets

Magic Specialization

+1 Called Damage with Magic Spells, Breath Weapon and

Devotion Powers

Racial Arcane

Gain +1 Arcane (substituted for any Attribute when using a

Magus/Sub-Magus Skill)

Shift Alignments


Draconic Potency


Add the Double Prefix to any by Magic spell



Become a Full Drake, gaining special powers for an Event

*extra costuming required *must sleep for a year afterwards

(R) Brood of Argandris*






No Effect to Silence until next Refresh

Gain +1 Intellect

Change any of the 'by Element' to another elemental type, until

next Refresh



Permission of

RequieM Chapter 4a Race Matrix





Unquestionable Leadership


Unable to Ignore or Disagree with any decision from a Leader

(Alpha of Pack, Group Leader, Town Leader, etc)

Enhanced Strength

Gain +1 Strength

Forked Tongue

Voice Attack Expose Taint, Corruption, or Infected

Rage of the Fallen

Tough Scales

Alpha Leader






Enhanced Glands

If two or more of your Pack or Team falls, Berserk and +2 to

called Damage for the Battle
1 min RP: Gain +1 Bonus Armor (max 1), or Natural Armor may
be used


No Effect to uncalled Damage while Berserked for the Battle

*award only

Hardened Claws

No Effect to Destroy on Claws

Long Claws

Able to wield 2 Long Claws

Racial Stamina

Gain +1 Stamina (substituted for any Attribute when using a

Warrior/Sub-Warrior Skill)

Frozen Climate Adaptation*

Remove Cold Blooded and Water Vulnerability Disadvantages

*plot permission to play a white Lizardman

White Scales

Poison Glands*


1 Body by Poison (+1/battle per 2 Str) *packet delivered

Green Scales

Spiked Scales*


3 Damage Aura *only useable vs. Melee attacks

Red Scales

(R) Pack Loyalty


3 CP

Short Claws

Do not have to attack members of your Pack or Team while

Berserked, Commanded or Dominated

3 CP







Rasping Voice




10 sec RP(meet gaze): Gesture Attack Sleep by Mind

Cant buy Venomous

or Constricting



Extend Strike Bind (10 count) Death

Can't buy Charming


Exceptional Agility

Gain +1 Agility

Poison Aptitude

-1 CP cost to Alchemy (Craft, Rush Work, Extra Work) Skills

*does not include reagent or item skills



5 min RP: Heal 1 to self *must be in direct sunlight


May use any Night only skills during the day

Poison Specialization

+1 Called Damage to 'by Poison' and 'by Acid' Attacks and able
to apply Blade Poisons to Claws


Racial Stealth

Surprise Strikes


-1 Attribute to any 'to Back' attack or any Called Weapon strike

if you change it 'to Back'


(R) Elusive Strikes


Evade any Packet or Ranged Attack *must be wielding claws


Cannot speak over a whisper, Cannot use any skills requiring

RP(shout), cannot buy Entertainer and cannot generate Voice



Add +4 Damage and add 'by Poison' to Claw or Packet attack

Deliver any weapon delivered attack as a Packet Attack *must

be wielding claws

Can't buy Charming

or Constricting

Surprise Attack

Gain +1 Stealth (substituted for any Attribute when using a

Rogue/Sub-Rogue Skill)


RequieM Chapter 4a= Race Matrix


0 CP



Embrace of Dusk


May not Refresh during the Day (6am to 6pm)

Holy Vulnerability


Character is permanently affected by Vulnerable Holy



Cannot Live Well or Train Well, Heal by Faith Effects are

always reduced to 1, may never walk on Holy Ground



No Effect to negative 'by Fear' Damage and Effects


No Effect to Sleep

Maintenance Dark

Offboard: No Cost for Upkeep every Event

Expose Living

Lurching Movements(NC)





No Remorse


No Metabolism








Resist Curse or Curse Infliction

Voice Attack Expose Living

While in Bleeding out or Death Counts, may get up and walk
slowly, no talking or game skills
10 sec RP: Purge Maim
Inflict Infected (+1/refresh per purchase) *weapon delivered
*x Resist Agony (+1x per Agi)
No Effect to negative Poison, Disease or Plague effects and traits

3 CP







Affected by Permanent Slow



May not use Stamina, Stealth, Inspiration, Arcane, Zeal and

Power during the day (6am to 6pm)

Enhanced Strength

Gain +1 Strength


Begin Stabilize... (30 sec) ...Death and Heal 2 to self *helpless

target only, must be alive


Reduce Stun to 3 Damage to Self



Burst of Speed

Monster Claws

Able to wield 2 Short or Long Claws

Tainted Claws

30 sec RP: Inflict Infected to helpless target, Paralytic is

3/refresh. Gain Tainted Trait



3 Damage by Weapon or add +3 Damage to one weapon swing

(R) Unkillable


Fight through Bleed out Count ignoring the affects of Damage

but still taking it, After 1 minute fall to Dead



Paralyze to Infected *packet or weapon delivered

30 sec RP: Purge Mangle or Purge All Maim




Able to run for the Battle *night time only



RequieM Chapter 4a Race Matrix







Permanent Empowered Spirit Form during the Day (6am to

6pm) *may talk and run, but may not fight or use skills



Cannot Carry any Items, Wield normal Weapons Armor or use

any skills that require touch casting

Drain Soul

Begin Stabilize... (30 sec) ...Death and Heal 2 to self *helpless

target only, must be alive


Reduce Bind or Paralyze to 3 Damage to Self

Spectral Weapon Proficiency

Able to wield a Spectral Melee Weapon of any type character

can use


Spectral Armor Proficiency

Able to use Spectral Armor of any type character can use

Spectral Offhand Proficiency

Able to use a Spectral Shield or Offhand of any type character

can use


No Effect to ground based environmental effects and physical






(R) Insubstantiate



3 CP



3/refresh Repel to Infected *packet or weapon delivered

Pick up a single item or body or Touch cast for the Battle *night
time only
Resist Uncalled Damage
10 sec RP: No Effect to Physical Called damage for the Battle

3 CP







Sunlight Aversion


All Skills/Spells Attribute cost is doubled during the day (6am

to 6pm)



-1 Endurance, Cannot Purchase Endurance, or raise endurance

in any way

Feeding Preference Human

Able to Feed on anyone with the Human trait, 10 sec RP:

Diagnose Human *packet delivered

Diagnose Sense Living(NC)

10 sec RP: Diagnose Exhausted, Stable, Bleeding, and Infected

or Living *packet delivered

Taste of Blood

This skill provides one free Feed, and the ability to Feed on
Infected Targets



10 sec RP(meet gaze): Gesture Attack Command by Fear




5 min RP: Drain 1 Endurance from Target to Refresh *target

must be helpless or willing and not Exhausted, touch cast only

Feeding Preference [Race]



Able to Feed on anyone with the [Race] trait, 10 sec RP:

Diagnose [Race] *packet delivered

Dread Gaze

3/refresh Gesture Attack Root to Infected

Recognize Prey

Gaseous Form


Instant Spirit Form *May run or talk but no game skills, night
time only

(R) Convert(NC)


1 hr RP: Imbue Card: Able to change target's Race to Vampire

*willing target only, must have Feeding preference

10 sec RP: Voice Attack Expose Living, or any Feed Preference

Expose Living
Character has *night time only


RequieM Chapter 4b= Skill Matrix

Artisan SKILLS

5 CP



Artisan's Vitality

Gain +1 Vitality *does not stack with Warrior's Strength,

Rogue's Agility, Magus' Intellect or Mystic's Spirit

Masseuse - Cure Sleep

30 sec RP(back rub): Cure Sleep *touch cast only

Light Armor Proficiency*

Able to wear Light Armor(2 Points) with appropriate phys-rep


Able to read and write In Game

Small Weapon Expertise

Able to wield all Small Melee Weapons (24" and under)

Masseuse - Cure Weakness

1 min RP(back rub): Cure Weakness *touch cast only

Diagnose - Damage(NC)

10 sec RP: Diagnose (Stable, Bleeding, Dead) *touch cast only

Estimate Value(NC)

Evaluate IG worth of most Items



5 min RP: Repair any one consumable item *does not work on
weapons, armor or used items





Masseuse Cure Sleep


Must declare faith to a specific Deity and may walk on Holy or

Unholy Ground depending on Deity

Instruction - Artisan Skills(NC)


1 Instruction Card per event. Allows teaching of any

Artisan/Sub-Artisan Skill player knows



Offboard: Receive 2 Silver per Event *must choose a profession

First Aid - Basics(NC)

1 min RP: First Aid (Stabilize and Cure Maim)


May Access the Divine Power of specified Deity


May notice special colored or labeled stickers and Envelopes,

but may not open them

Offhand - Small

Able to use a Small Weapon in offhand

Mercantile - Store(NC)

Receive 5 Silver an event (Also Required to sell OOG item IG)

Weapon Proficiency




Able to wield one Specific Melee Weapon (long sword, short

axe, etc.)


Gain +1 Inspiration (substituted for any Attribute when using

an Artisan/Sub-Artisan Skill)


Medical Treatment(NC)


5 min RP: Heal All by Poison * must be at a Laboratory, touch

cast only



30 sec RP: Cure Bind *may not be Shackles or Rope Bindings


First Aid

RequieM Chapter 4b Skill Matrix


3 CP




Mercantile - Thrifty(NC)

Well Kept

Masseuse - Cure Fatigue

1 min RP(back rub): Cure Fatigue *touch cast only

Masseuse Cure Weakness

Instruction - Journeyman(NC)

5 Instruction Cards for target of Apprentice only



May set up a Laboratory in Cabin *player provides the phys-rep

Maintenance - Apprentice(NC)

Harvest - Expert(NC)

All Harvesting skills 1 min RP and less are Instant, all others are
1 min RP

Mercantile - Farmer's Market(NC)

Offboard: May purchase Components from a specific list at

Check In or Check Out



Offboard: Receive one Common Component every Event



5 sec RP: Purge Slow or Purge Enfeeble by Will

Imbue Card: Target player does not have to pay Upkeep for the
Event *not self

Offboard: Able to sell one type of item at Check In or Check Out

(tinkering, scrolls, alchemy, etc)



10 sec RP: Purge or Cure Paralyze or Purge or Cure Freeze by

Inspiration *packet delivered

3 CP






Iron Stomach


Resist any 'by Toxin' effect from eating or drinking anything

Sensitive Palate

Medical Treatment(NC)


Well Fed(NC)


Healing Ointment


Poison Expertise

Use Salves, Treatments, Gas Poisons and apply Blade Poisons

to any Melee or Ranged Weapon

Craft - Potion Making(NC)

Offboard: Access to the craft skill: Potion Making and

production equal to the character's Intellect


Craft - Rush Work, Potion


Make 1 Potion item during event, can make reagents into

items between same events *must have Laboratory in Cabin

Potion Making,

Craft - Extra Work, Potion



Offboard: Extra Production (x2/x3/x4) for Potion Making

*must have a Laboratory in Cabin

Potion Making,

Anytime you drink a Potion, Elixir or Cauldron you receive an

extra Heal 1 by Poison

Shatter Vial




Smoke Bomb


Molotov Cocktail


Combat Medic

(R) Tincture

5 min RP: Heal All by Poison * must be at a Laboratory, touch

cast only

First Aid

30 min RP(eating): +1 Body until next Refresh

5 sec RP: *x Heal 1 by Poison (+1x per 2 Int) *touch cast only

Drink a Potion or Elixir, instead of taking the effect generate it

as a packet *must be beneficial
Generate any one Potion Making effect character can make
*touch cast only

Potion Making

Frenzy Evade vs. Uncalled Thrown and Ranged Weapons for

the Battle
10 sec RP: 3 Damage by Fire *packet delivered
Able to feed potions to helpless targets while in Form, without
breaking Form


Add 'Double' prefix to any potion you drink or to Shatter Vial


Shatter Vial

RequieM Chapter 4b= Skill Matrix


3 CP





Mark Target


Inflict 'Marked' *packet delivered




10 sec RP: Spirit Form *must touch man-sized foliage, may

not move, day time only



Repel to <Race> (Beast, etc), Diagnose <Race> *packet delivered

Terror of <Race>


Set and Disarm Traps *outdoors only

Bow And Spear Expertise

Expose Target


Voice Attack Major Expose to Marked



Resist any 'to <Race>' attack



Able to notice Blue Envelopes and Stickers and able to open

them by spending Attributes



Mangle to [Race] (Beast, Dwarf, etc) *weapon or arrow

Terror of <Race>

Able to use a Long Weapon in offhand

Offhand - Short

Nemesis of <Race>
Offhand - Long

Reveal Vulnerability(NC)


Bane of <Race>

Able wield all Bows and Spears *doesnt include Great Weapons


1 min RP: Inflict Card reveal a Vulnerability *helpless target only

Camouflage is Instant and you may move in it *deep woods only


5 damage to [race] (Beast, Dwarf, etc) *weapon or arrow

Nemesis of <Race>

Expose Target



Stalk Target


Able to use Terror, Nemesis or Bane on "to Marked" instead

*attribute cost paid normally

(R) Back Roads(NC)


Safer Travel to a location for an Adventure (time/location)


3 CP


Mark Target



Language Barrier(NC)

Imbue Card: Speak to Target *only written communication,

target must be able to read/write



+1 Called Damage with Scrolls and able to officially witness and

sign binding documents and agreements.


Instruction - Quick

When teaching skills into a book, Uncommon skills take 1 and

rare skills take 5 instruction cards



Gain +1 Inspiration *must be wearing glasses or a monocle

Forgery Lore(NC)

Able to recognize forged and counterfeit items and documents

Estimate Value

Craft - Rush Work, Scroll


Make 1 Scroll item during event, can make reagents into items
between same events *must have a Laboratory in Cabin

Scroll Making,

Scroll Expertise

Able to use any scroll, regardless of school requirements


Craft - Scroll Making(NC)

Offboard: Access to the craft skill: Scroll Making and production

equal to character's Intellect

Craft - Extra Work, Scroll



Offboard: Extra Production (x2/x3/x4) for Scroll Making *must

have a Laboratory in Cabin

Knowledge - Librarian(NC)

Information about subject of choice *must be information in books




The Pen Is Mightier

(R) Forgery(NC)*


Generate any Scroll effect character can make *packet delivered

Scroll Making

Character may cast Scrolls with unopened Scroll Case in hand

Scroll Expertise

1/battle May change trait of a scroll to any trait that character can create

Scroll Making,


Parry Any Melee Attack *no torso, must have pen or scroll in hand
Able to craft forgeries of most documents (time/location)
*player must actually make phys-rep *requires a Library


Forgery Lore

RequieM Chapter 4b Skill Matrix


3 CP




Fire Tempered

Take -1 Called Damage from 'by Fire', 'by Silver' and 'by Iron'

Instruction - Patient(NC)

One Free Instruction Card

Burning The Midnight Oil

Gain +1 Inspiration at night (6pm to 6am)


May set up a Forge in Cabin *player provides the phys-rep

Refit Armor

1 min RP: Able to refit personal armor to 1 less than last refit
*requires removing a piece, a hammer and flat surface

Repair Weapon And Armor(NC)

5 min RP: Repair Weapon or Armor at a Forge *takes a Material

to fully repair

Medium Armor Proficiency

Able to wear Medium Armor(3 Points) with appropriate physrep

Harvest - Mining(NC)

30 sec RP: Harvest Physical Components from NPC or Location

Offhand - Buckler

Able to use a Buckler in offhand.

Iron Will


Light Armor

Resist any non-damage attack

3 CP





Crafted To Perfection*


Resist Destroy *Weapons or Armor with Personal Symbol only

Thrown Expertise

Able to use all Thrown Weapons

Knowledge - Items(NC)

Information about special or important items and crafting them

Craft - Rune Carving(NC)

Offboard: Access to the craft skill - Rune Carving and

production equal to character's Strength


Craft - Rush Work, Rune


Make 1 Rune item during event, can make reagents into items
between same events *must have a Forge in Cabin

Rune Carving,

Minor School of Magic - Warding

Access to the Minor School of Magic - Warding

Craft - Extra Work, Rune





Extra Production (x2/x3/x4) for Rune Carving *must have a

Forge in Cabin

Cool Composure

Reduce duration of Berserk effect to 30 seconds (Purge)

Battle Armaments*

Gain +1 with Called Weapon Damage over 2 *weapon must have

Personal Symbol

(R) Battle Regalia*

Gain +1 Armor *armor must have Personal Symbol



Rune Carving,

RequieM Chapter 4b= Skill Matrix


3 CP





May set up a Forge in Cabin *player provides the phys-rep

Refit Armor

1 min RP: Able to refit personal armor to 1 less than last refit
*requires removing a piece, a hammer and flat surface

Hammer Expertise

Able to use all Hammers (Short, Long and 2-handed)

Heavy Armor Proficiency*

Able to wear Heavy Armor(4 Points) *with appropriate phys-rep Med Armor Prof

Craft - Blacksmithing(NC)

Offboard: Access to the craft skill - Blacksmith and production

equal to character's Spirit


Field Repair(NC)


5 min RP: Repair a Single Armor or Weapon without a forge

*requires hammer, flat surface and a Material

Repair Weapon
and Armor

Fortified Stance


Resist Pull or Resist Knockback

Craft - Rush Work,


Craft - Extra Work,



Chink In The Armor

Offhand - Shield

Reduce Faith Damage


Reduce Called Damage by Faith *amount by Character's Spirit

Reduce Magic Damage


Reduce Called Damage by Magic *amount by Character's Spirit

Quick Refit


Able to refit personal armor to full, and do not have to remove

rep *nothing else in hands

Refit Armor,
Field Repair

(R) Master Armorer

Half RP Time on any Repair or Refit Skill, Never have to

remove armor from self to Repair/Refit

Quick Refit,


Make 1 Blacksmith item during event, can make reagents into

items between same events *must have a Forge in Cabin

Offboard: Extra Production (x2/x3/x4) for Blacksmithing *must Blacksmithing,

have a Forge in Cabin

3 Body by Weapon
Able to use a Shield in offhand

3 CP






Explosives Expertise*

Disable Device(NC)


Gain +1 Inspiration *must be wearing Goggles

Knowledge - Construct

Offboard: Information Concerning Elementals, Clockworks and


Maintenance-Grease Monkey(NC)

Necessary Repairs

5 min RP: Heal All to Clockwork *must be at a Forge, touch cast only

Craft - Rush Work,


Make 1 Tinkering item during event, can make reagents into

items between same events *must have a Forge in Cabin

Security Measures(NC)

Craft - Tinkering(NC)

Offboard: Access to the craft skill - Tinkering and production equal

to character's Agility



Offboard: Extra Production (x2/x3/x4) for Tinkering *must have a

Forge in Cabin

Tinkering, Forge

10 sec RP: Cure Death to Clockwork *touch cast only

Necessary Repairs

Craft - Extra Work,



Firearms Expertise*

Quick Fix

Craft - Master Engineer(NC)

(R) Craft Retrofit(NC)

Able to use of Bombs, and set Traps indoors *player must supply reps





Attempt to Pick a Lock or Disarm a Trap *5 minute attempt

Offboard: Clockwork doesn't have to pay Upkeep for the Event


Ward of Protection on Cabin or Permanent Structure

Allows use of Simple Firearms *player must supply rep


10 sec RP: Repair 3 armor or Heal 3 to Clockwork *touch cast only

Offboard: Access to a limited section of a craft skill (Blacksmith,

Alchemy, Rune Carving, Potion Making, Scroll Making)


Substitute one Reagent in a Craft Skill *same type and level only


Craft Skill

RequieM Chapter 4b Skill Matrix


3 CP




Maintenance - Largesse(NC)


Business Hours

Gain +1 Inspiration during day time (6am to 6pm)

Masseuse - Cure Root

1 min RP(back rub): Cure Root *touch cast only

Masseuse Cure Weakness

Masseuse - Cure Slow

1 min RP(back rub): Cure Slow *touch cast only

Masseuse Cure Weakness

Well Known(NC)

Offboard: Reputation gained through rumors and stories in

between events

Mercantile - Bazaar(NC)

Offboard: May purchase Reagents from a specific list at Check

In or Check Out

Offhand - Short

Able to use a Short Weapon in offhand

Offhand - Small

Enhanced Inspiration

Gain +1 Inspiration




Offboard: Half Cost to Living Well every Event



Agony by Weapon *weapon or packet delivered

Change Attributes of any one Skill to of ANY (Instead of STR,

AGI, SPI or INT) for the Event *cannot be used on spells

3 CP





Cantrip - End The Bloodshed


30 sec RP(performance): Voice Attack to Town - Stabilize by




Inflict Card: NPC will react favorably to you and consider you

Maintenance - Minstrel(NC)

Cantrip - Performance of A

Death Scene(NC)

Able to Perform in a soft voice during Bleeding or Death Count

Masseuse - Master

Half Duration to all Masseuse Skills

Minor Path of Magic Performance

Access to the Minor Path of Magic - Performance


Offboard: Defame one person between events through rumors,

articles, setup etc


(R) Cantrip - Martyr's Call


Offboard: Half cost off Upkeep every Event



5 min RP(performance): Once Dead may perform for Death to

attempt to gain favorable judgment

30 sec RP(taunt): Gesture Attack - Command by Mind "Kill Me"

1 min RP(performance): Slay to Self and Cure Death to
Spirit(Must be done before Judged)



RequieM Chapter 4b= Skill Matrix

Jack of All Trades 3 CP




A Little Luck


Quick Learner(NC)

May learn Uncommon or Rare Skills with 1 or 5 Instruction Cards

Mercantile - Resourceful(NC)

Upgrade Thrifty to receive an Uncommon component every event

Well Rested(NC)

Instruction - All(NC)





Stabilize to Self


5 hr RP(sleep): Heal All by Will *self only

2 Instruction Cards per Event. Allows teaching of all Non-Epic Skills

Rogue Training


Use one of the following Rogue skills once (Disable Device,

Poison Expertise, Mantle of Night, Waylay)

Warrior Training


Use one of the following Warrior skills once (Critical Strike,

Deflect Melee, Combat Reflexes, Force Back)

Exceptional Inspiration

Gain +1 Inspiration

Craft - Rush Work, All(NC)*

Gain the Rush Work Skill with all non-limited Craft Skills *must
Craft Skill
have a Forge/Laboratory in Cabin

Craft - Extra Work, All(NC)*


Enhanced Inspiration

Offboard: Gain the Extra Production (x2/x3/x4) with all nonlimited Craft Skills *must have a Forge/Laboratory in Cabin

Craft Skill

Harvest - Scavenger(NC)


5 min RP: Harvest All components from NPC or Location

Improvisational Weapon Use


Able to use all Melee Weapons at -2 to Called Damage until next Refresh

Magus Training


Use one of the following Cantrips once (Absorb Damage,

Glowworm, Arcane Bolt, Shield Magic)

Mystic Training


Use one of the following Prayers once (Healing, Shield Faith,

Tongue of Beasts, Purity)


(R) A Little of Everything


Use One of the 4 Training Skills without Attribute cost

All 4 Trainings


3 CP




Maintenance - Business

Mercantile - Wealth of

Masseuse - Improved Cure Sleep

10 sec RP(back rub): Cure Sleep *touch cast only

Cure Sleep


Offboard: Reputation Increased as a reputable and honest

merchant in between Events

Well Known

Rumors - Commerce(NC)

Offboard: Receive a list of rumors every event dealing with

Business and Commerce

Masseuse - Cure Stun

1 min RP (back rub): Cure Stun *touch cast only

Knowledge - Locations(NC)

Offboard: Information about a specific Location or Area

Mercantile - Market(NC)

Offboard: May purchase Components, Reagents and Items from

a specific list at Check In or Check Out


Mercantile - Merchant Caravan(NC)

Offboard: Able to sell most items at Check In or Check Out




Deal Gone Awry


Repel by Weapon



Inflict Card: Search reveals all hidden treasure on Target

Maintenance - Finest Quality(NC)

Friend In Need


Hire a henchman to help you for a few hours (time/location)

(R) Mercantile Favor(NC)


Inflict Card: 50% off single item from a Mercantile list or NPC

Offboard: No Cost for Upkeep every Event while in Runevale


Offboard: Able to purchase Instruction for a Common Skill at

Check Out for yourself or another

Improved Cure Sleep

Resist Mind or Command

Offboard: Half Cost to Living and Training Well every Event



RequieM Chapter 4b Skill Matrix


5 CP



Cantrip - Detect Magic


Able to cast Expose Magic until next Refresh *packet delivered

Cantrip - Glowworm(NC)*

Able to use a Glow Stick *player provides phys-rep *self only

Magus' Intellect

Gain +1 Intellect *does not Stack with Warrior's Strength,

Rogue's Agility, Artisan's Vitality or Mystic's Spirit


Able to read and write In Game

Small Weapon Expertise

Able to wield all Small Melee Weapons (24" and under)

Archaic Script(NC)

Read and Write in the Archaic Script of the Magi




Resist Faith *may not buy Religion or Mystic Header

Cannot buy
Religion or Mystic

Cantrip - Evil Eye



Light Armor Proficiency

Able to wear Light Armor(2 Points) with appropriate phys-rep

Cantrip - Phantasmal Spike

10 sec RP: Thrown Weapon (2" - 4" size) for one Battle *must be
white in Color

Quick Study(NC)

May learn Uncommon skills with 1 Instruction Card, Rare Skills

with 5 Instruction Cards *Magus only


Must declare faith to a specific Deity and may walk on Holy or

Unholy Ground depending on Deity

Cantrip - Suspended

Touch Cast: Begin Stabilize (May pause Bleed out as long as

Touching target)

Instruction - Magus Skills(NC)


1 Instruction Card per Event. Allows teaching of any

Magus/Sub-Magus Skill player knows

Casting - Incantation, Magic

Incants for Schools of Magic are considered 1 less CP then they

actually are (min 0)

Knowledge - Magic(NC)

Information about Spells, Magic and the History of Magic

Staff Proficiency

Able to wield a Staff

Casting - Staff/small Weapon,


Able to cast Magus Spells with a Staff or Small Weapon in hand

Instruction - Study of Spells(NC)

5 Instruction Cards per Event, that may only be used on spells

(Magus or Mystic)


Gain +1 Arcane (substituted for any Attribute when using a

Magus/Sub-Magus Skill)

Cantrip Mastery

Cantrips no longer have an RP time or an Incant


May Access the Divine Power of specified Deity




RequieM Chapter 4b= Skill Matrix

Battle Caster

3 CP





Cantrip - Absorb Damage


10 sec RP: Reduce next Called Damage Taken From Weapon or

Spell to 3 during the Battle *self only

Might Over Magic


+2 damage to Called Weapon Damage over 2 but may not cast

Spells for the Battle



Refit Armor

Cantrip - Sigil of Protection

Medium Armor Proficiency*

Able to wear Medium Armor (3 Points) with appropriate physrep

Casting - Weapon, Magus

Able to cast Magus spells with a single weapon equipped

Weapon Proficiency

Defensive Magic


Battle Magic

Resist any Aura attack

1 min RP: Able to refit personal armor to 1 less than last refit
*requires removing a piece, a hammer and flat surface


10 sec RP: Your Armor points are doubled (max 6) for the Battle
Light Armor

Able to wield one Specific Melee Weapon (long sword, short

axe, etc.)


Battle Magic


You may cast touch cast spells on yourself only with weapons in
both hands

Add the Major call to any defense against an attack by Magic

*attributes for defense paid normally

3 CP

Sigil of

Battle Caster




Deflect Melee or Magic


Deflect any Melee or 'by Magic' Attack *Must be wielding a

weapon, does not work on strikes to the torso

Casting - Buckler, Magus

Forceful Strike

Heavy Armor Proficiency*


Able to cast All Magus spells with a buckler in your hand

Buckler, Casting
- Weapon

5 Damage by Magic *weapon delivered


Able to wear Heavy Armor (4 Points) *with appropriate physrep

Med Armor Prof

Minor School of Magic - Kinetic

Access to the Minor School of Magic - Kinetic

Parry Magic

Offhand - Buckler

Able to use a Buckler in offhand


Allows Arcane And Stamina Points to be interchangeable



Resist Uncalled Damage

(R) Channel Spell


After Incant, May Swing weapon to deliver spell with 'Massive'

Battle Magic
Prefix *Magus Spells only




Parry any 'by Magic' *Must be wielding a weapon, does not work
on strikes to the torso

3 CP

Absorb Damage

Battle Caster




Mind Link(NC)


5 min RP: Inflict Card: Enter helpless or willing person's mind

to read general thoughts *requires a Power Circle

Focusing Crystal*


Refund Cost of a Thought Spell that successfully landed *must

wear crown or crystal on forehead

Major School of Magic - Thought

Limited Premonition(NC)


Able to notice Orange Envelopes and Stickers and able to open

them by spending attributes

Telepathic Connection


Gain +1 Arcane while on the Dreamscape

Access to the Major School of Magic - Thought



RequieM Chapter 4b Skill Matrix



Battle Caster


Casting - Weapon, Ferocity

Able to cast spells with any melee or ranged weapon in hand

*Ferocity Spells only

Natural Perception(NC)

May notice special colored stickers and Envelopes, but may not
open them *outdoors only

Offhand - Small

Able to use a Small Weapon in offhand

Minor Discipline of Faith Ferocity

Access to the Minor Discipline of Faith - Ferocity

Limited War Paint(NC)*

Allows access to a limited section of War Paints and able to

apply them to self *takes Attributes and Components

Prayer - Tongue of

Speak to Animal by Faith

Ranged Proficiency


Offhand - Short
Maintenance - Leader of the
(R) Harvest - Nature's

3 CP



Able to wield one Specific Ranged Weapon (long bow, light

crossbow, etc.) *no great weapons
Able to use a Short Weapon in offhand
Offboard: No Upkeep cost for Ranger: Another 1/2/3 players
also included
30 sec RP: Harvest All to Plant or Animal


Offhand - Small

RequieM Chapter 4b= Skill Matrix


3 CP





Cantrip - Arcane Bolt


2 Damage by Magic

Cantrip - Control Magic

10 sec RP: Purge or Cure <Effect> by Magic *only from spells

you personally cast

1 Handed Block - Staff

Able to use a Staff 1 handed to block weapon strikes

Cantrip - Calm Elemental

Calm Elemental by Magic

Cantrip - Improved Incantation,


Incants for Schools of Magic are considered 2 less CP then they

actually are (min 0)

Cantrip - Shimmering Barrier


Shield Weapon Damage *lasts until used or next Refresh, self


Staff of Wonder


Resist Disarm or Resist Destroy *staff only, self only



Use a Magic Spell without incant, or attribute cost, or casting


Surge Magic


Spell Mastery



Add 'Major' Prefix to one Spell (Magus or Mystic)


1 Handed Block
- Staff


Change Attributes of any one Spell to of ANY (Instead of STR,

AGI, SPI or INT) for the Event

3 CP





Cantrip - Speak With


Speak to Elemental by Magic

Attunement Mastery

-1 Attribute Cost to fuel Resist [path] and Resist [second path]

Cantrip - Elemental Shield


Elemental Attunement


Primary Path

Access to one of the Elemental Paths of Magic - (Water, Air, Fire

or Earth)

Secondary Path

Access to a second Elemental Path of Magic (Cannot be

Opposing to Primary)

Primary Path

Path Mastery

Gain +1 Arcane for Path of <Element>

Attune. Mastery,
Primary Path




Shield Elements *lasts until used or next Refresh, self only

Resist Fire(SPI) Water(AGI) Earth(STR) or Air(INT)

3 CP






Cantrip - Detect Mind


Expose Mind by Magic

Detect Magic

Cantrip - Art of Vaguery(NC)


Pierce The Veil


Major School of Magic Phantasm

Parlor Tricks

Add One Racial Trait (Human, Dwarf, etc) until next Refresh
Resist Fear or Mind
Access to the Major School of Magic - Phantasm


Change any Spell "trait" to another Spell "trait" you know

*Magus Spells only


Art of Vaguery

RequieM Chapter 4b Skill Matrix








10 sec RP: Cure <Effect> by Magic *must be able to generate

Effect with a spell, touch cast only

Control Magic



1 min RP: Able to Gain +1 Arcane, but Lose -1 Vitality for the

Cantrip - Magic Shield


Shield Magic *lasts until used or next Refresh, self only

Major School of Magic Arcanuum

Mana Shield

Cantrip - Remove Magic


3 CP

Access to the Major School of Magic - Arcanuum


Spend 1 point of Arcane to Reduce any Called Weapon Damage

by 5


Magic Shield

RequieM Chapter 4b= Skill Matrix


3 CP






Magical Lore(NC)


5 min RP: Identify specific magical properties of an item

*requires a Library

Knowledge Magic

Cantrip - Redirect Arcane

Gather Aura(NC)


May set up a Library in Cabin *player provides the phys-rep

Robes of Wizardry*

Gain +1 Arcane *must be wearing Wizard Robes

Harvest - Essence Gathering(NC)

30 sec RP: Harvest Magical Components from NPC or Location

Item Lore(NC)

Identify all Alchemy and Potion Making Items and Evaluate IG

Worth of most items.

Cantrip - Magic Shield

Enhanced Arcane

Cantrip - Reconstruct Magic


Refund Cost for a missed Spell *once per spell when using a


1 min RP: Able to go Spirit and gather spell packets, must return
to point of origin to come out


Cantrip - Ward of



Refund Cost of a Spell that was successfully defended against

*must be using a wand

3 CP


Shield Magic *lasts until used or next Refresh, self only

Gain +1 Arcane







Access to the Enchanting Skills and production points equal to

character's Endurance

Magical Lore

Ward of Protection on Cabin, Tent or Structure of your choice

(+1/event per purchase)

Craft - Limited Rune


Offboard: Access to a limited section of the craft skill - Rune

Carving and production points equal to character's Strength

Major Sphere of Magic Enchantment

Access to the Major Sphere of Magic - Enchantment



Offboard: Destroy an recently expired magic item to receive

components from it




RequieM Chapter 4b Skill Matrix


3 CP



Casting - Cooperative Magic

Able to lead cooperative rituals, and perform extremely powerful spells

Knowledge - Magic

Ritual Training

This Skill provides 1 free Ritual Scroll and Memorization

Cooperative Magic

Cooperative Magic - Communication

Allows access to the Ritual of Communication

Cooperative Magic

High Magic Ritual - Summoning

Allows access to the Ritual of Summoning

High Magic

Ritual Magic - Open Portal

Allows access to the Ritual of Open Portal

Ritual Magic


Half Duration on most RP skills in Magus/Sub-Magus Headers

and Endurance Refreshes *some restrictions apply


Knowledge - Rituals(NC)

Offboard: Information about Rituals and Powerful Spells

Scroll Expertise

Able to use any scroll, regardless of school requirements

Temporal Displacement

Exceptional Arcane

Cantrip - Power Circle

Ritual Memorization


You must purchase this skill once per Ritual Scroll you wish to Memorize

Mercantile - Arcane

Offboard: This skill allows for buying, selling and trading of Ritual
Scrolls with the Arcane Assembly at Check In or Check Out

Casting - Ritual Magic

Able to use Ritual Magic Scrolls, and perform ritual magic

Coop. Magic,
Knowledge - Rituals

(R) Casting - High Magic

Able to use High Magic Ritual Scrolls and Documents

Ritual Magic




Enhanced Arcane

5 min RP: Cast a Power Circle (Magic or Faith) *lasts until next Refresh

3 CP


Instant (no RP time) on any RP skill in Magus or Sub-Magus Headers

Gain +1 Arcane

Ritual Magic




Gain +* Intellect (+1 per 3 knowledge skills) *max 5

Extensive Research


Cantrip - Peace And Quiet




Knowledge - Extra


Offboard: Able to ask 2 questions with specific knowledge skill

*must have a Library in Cabin

Knowledge Skill

Instruction - Book

May use Instruction Cards to teach someone without

Read/Write a Skill or Spell from an Instruction or Spell Book


Craft - Limited Scroll


Offboard: Access to a limited section of the craft skill - Scroll

Making and production points equal to character's Intellect



Able to read and write in Ancient Elven, Thieves Cant, Archaic

Script and Ancient Sil'dorae


Maintenance - Sage(NC)*

Offboard: No Upkeep Cost and Reputation gained for being

knowledgeable *must have a Library in Cabin



Silence by Magic
May notice special colored or labeled stickers and Envelopes,
but may not open them


Knowledge - Lore Master(NC) 2(*x)


5 min RP: Hint on any riddle, code or puzzle (time/location)

Able to purchase any Knowledge Skill from any header

Knowledge - Extensive

Knowledge - Rush

Intellectual Aptitude

Well Read(NC)

Once you learn or teach a skill or spell from a Book or Scroll,

that item is not destroyed *versatile formula then locked

Book Learning,

(R) Knowledge Area(NC)

Offboard: Information about plot approved subject of choice




Offboard: Able to get A LOT more information from one Knowledge Skill

Knowledge Skill

Able to use one of your knowledge skills during the Event

(time/location) *must have a Library in Cabin

Knowledge Skill

Resist Mind


RequieM Chapter 4b= Skill Matrix


5 CP



Diagnose - Damage(NC)

10 sec RP: Diagnose (Stable, Bleeding, Dead) *touch cast only

Mystic's Spirit

Gain +1 Spirit *does not Stack with Warrior's Strength, Rogue's

Agility, Artisan's Vitality or Magus' Intellect


Able to read and write In Game


Must declare faith to a specific Deity and may walk on Holy or

Unholy Ground depending on Deity

Small Weapon Expertise

Able to wield all Small Melee Weapons (24" and under)

Ancient Sil'dorae(NC)

Read and Write in the ancient holy Sil'dorae language

First Aid - Basics(NC)

1 min RP: First Aid (Stabilize and Cure Maim)

Masseuse - Cure Sleep

30 sec RP(back rub): Cure Sleep *touch cast only


May Access the Divine Power of specified Deity

Diagnose - Effects(NC)

10 sec RP: Diagnose (Any Effect: Berserk, Stun, etc) *touch cast only

Prayer - Holy Radiance(NC)*

Able to use a Glow Stick *player provides phys-rep *self only

Light Armor Proficiency*

Able to wear Light Armor(2 Points) with appropriate phys-rep

Prayer - Strike With Awe

Instruction - Mystic Skills(NC)




1 Instruction Card per Event. Allows teaching of any
Mystic/Sub-Mystic Skill player knows


Knowledge - Deities(NC)

Offboard: Information about Prayers, Deities and Religion

Casting - Divine/Club, Faith

Able to cast spells with divine weapon or club in hand *Faith Spells only

Medical Treatment(NC)

Divine Weapon




5 min RP: Heal All by Poison * must be at a Laboratory, touch

cast only

First Aid

Able to wield one of Deity's Preferred Weapons


Reduce Death Effect: Collapse to Bleeding Out *does not work

on Killing Blow or self inflicted


Divine Protection

Casting - Incantation, Faith

Incants for Disciplines of Faith are considered 1 less CP then

they actually are (min 0)


Gain +1 Zeal (substituted for any Attribute when using a

Mystic/Sub-Mystic Skill)

Desperate Prayers

Prayers no longer have an RP time or an incant


RequieM Chapter 4b Skill Matrix


3 CP






Divine Lore(NC)


5 min RP: Identify specific magical properties of an item

*requires a Library

Knowledge Deities

Prayer - Healing


Heal 2 by Faith if touch cast or Heal by Faith if packet delivered

First Aid - Dual(NC)

Able to use any First Aid skill on two people or two limbs

First Aid


May set up a Library in Cabin *player provides the phys-rep


Imbue to Dead or Spirit: Give target a Parchment to Death

petitioning him to judge Favorably (+2/event per purchase)


Merciful Judgment(NC)



Prayer - Faith Shield


Medium Armor Proficiency

Able to wear Medium Armor(3 Points) with appropriate physrep

Light Armor


Immediately recast any Faith spell that missed *once per spell


Offboard: No Upkeep Cost for 1/2/3 other character that

worships [Deity] *not self


Maintenance - Covenant(NC)
Miraculous Recovery




Shield Faith *lasts until used or next Refresh, self only

Heal All by Faith *self only, may only use if there is no allies
standing and character is Bleeding

3 CP




Access to the Blessing Skills and production points equal to

character's Endurance

Divine Lore

Inflict Card: Able to ask Deity to intervene if Death is Judging





Knowledge - Denizens of the


Offboard: Information concerning Demons and Undead

Major Discipline of Faith Sacrament

Access to the Major Discipline of Faith - Sacrament vs. <Demon

or Undead> *chosen at purchase



Able to use Sacrament on both Demons and Undead *must be

adorned in colors/symbols of Deity




RequieM Chapter 4b= Skill Matrix


3 CP




Expose [Deity] or Expose [Martyr Race] by Will *packet


Martyr Race

Knockback to [Martyr Race]

Martyr Race


Prayer - Judgment

Martyr Race <Race>

-1 Called Damage taken by<Race>, and +1 Called Damage Dealt

to <Race>

Diagnose - Race(NC)

10 sec RP: Diagnose any Racial Trait (Demon, Human, Dwarf,

etc) *touch cast only

Focused Assault


4 Damage to [Martyr Race] by Weapon

Focused Power

Prayer - Focused Power


3 Damage to [Martyr Race] or Heal 3 to [Martyr Race]

Martyr Race

Heavy Armor Proficiency*


Able to wear Heavy Armor(4 Points) *with appropriate phys-rep Med Armor Prof

Knowledge - <Race> Lore(NC)


Offboard: Information concerning a <Race> and racial history

Weapon Proficiency


Able to wield one Specific Melee Weapon (long sword, short

axe, etc.)

Offhand - Buckler

Able to use a Buckler in offhand

Casting Weapon/Buckler,

Able to cast all Faith Spells with a single Weapon or Buckler in


Prayer Binding Light


Prayer - True Strike

(R) Zealot



Empowered Bind by Faith *touch cast only, target must be

helpless or willing
Any points of Arcane, Stamina, Stealth or Inspiration may also
be used as Zeal (not affected by Zealot)


Add +2 Damage and to [Martyr Race] to any Called Damage

(Spell or Weapon)
All Zeal that Character has is doubled

3 CP

Buckler, Casting Divine/club





Prayer - Blessing of

1 min RP: Cure Poison or Acid *touch cast only

First Aid

Craft - Limited Potion


Offboard: Access to a limited section of the craft skill: Potion

Making and production equal to character's Intellect


Blessed Ground(NC)

Designate a Shrine or Graveyard as Holy or Unholy Ground for

the Event or Remove Holy or Unholy Ground from Location


Major Discipline of Faith Divinity

Halo of Virtue


Access to the Major Discipline of Faith - Divinity


Add Double Prefix to all Heal spells for the Battle


Blessed Ground

RequieM Chapter 4b Skill Matrix


3 CP




Inner Peace

Reduce the time on Endurance Refresh counts by 1 minute

Trance of Honesty(NC)

Imbue Card: While in trance character will be incapable of

lying, and target will know such

Astral Guidance

May use Astral Projection and walk through space and time,
able to return to town from anywhere


Prayer - Moment of Clarity(NC)


Imbue Card: Able to tell exactly how much time is left on any
Effect until next Refresh *touch cast only


Prayer - Requiem(NC)


Imbue Card: Able to tell exactly how much time is left on a

Death Count until next Refresh *touch cast only

Diagnose - Traits(NC)

10 sec RP: Diagnose (All Traits) *touch cast only

Knowledge - Fortune Telling(NC)

Offboard: Vague hints warnings and riddles about subject of


Great Destiny(NC)




Astral Projection



Offboard: Able to beseech divine aid for a specific task or to aid

a specific person *must follow Dias, Aveena or the Chosen One


Restore Strength, Agility, Spirit or Intellect by Inspiration

*touch cast only, helpless or willing target (takes same)

Great Destiny

May leave your body as a spirit that can see and talk for 1 hour
*requires a Power Circle

3 CP

Diagnose - Effects




Short Claws

Able to wield 2 Short Claws

Maintenance - Simple

Offboard: No Upkeep Cost *may not Live Well


Training of the Fist

Can use Deflect/Parry Skills without anything in your hand,

may cast/meditate with claws in hand *Enlightenment only

Minor Discipline of Faith Enlightenment

Access to Minor Discipline of Faith Enlightenment

Parry Weapon




1 min RP(meditation): 1 Point Dexterity Armor (may stack to 4)

until next Refresh *armor may not be worn

Frenzy - Deflect Ranged


Plant foot, Frenzy Deflect vs. Missile, Thrown, or Natural attack

without cost while planted

Training of the

(R) Aesthetic

Gain +1 to all Attributes (Strength, Agility, Intellect and Spirit)

*must follow a special code




Religion - The
Chosen One

No effect to Berserk until next Refresh

Parry any Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack *Must be wielding a

weapon, does not work on strikes to the torso
Gain +3 Zeal *must follow a special code


Simple Living

RequieM Chapter 4b= Skill Matrix


3 CP





Gain +1 Zeal at night (6pm to 6am)


5 min RP: Vision or Dream about a specific topic of choice


Major Discipline of Faith Prophecy

Access to Major Discipline of Faith - Prophecy

Dark Portents(NC)

Spirits will warn character about dangerous places and

imminent attacks

Great Destiny


5 min RP: Do a reading on someone(bones/leaves/tarot) and

Restore Endurance *not self

Fortune Telling



3 CP



Cantrip - Awaken

Mental Fortitude

Power From Dreams(NC)

Gain +2 Endurance while on the Dreamscape

Minor School of Magic Dreams

Access to the Minor School of Magic - Dreams

Knowledge Dreamscape(NC)

Offboard: Information regarding Nightmares and Dreams, the

Dreamscape, and its inhabitants



Evade to Back attack



Able to notice Orange Envelopes and Stickers and able to open

them by spending attributes

Casting - Weapon, Dreams

Sixth Sense

(R) Draw From

The Veil (NC)


10 sec RP: Cure Sleep by Mind


No Effect to negative Mind Effects and Damage for the Battle

Knowledge Dreamscape

Able to cast spells with a Weapon in hand *Dream Spells only


Evade any Attack (Weapon, Trap, Spell, Voice, Attack etc...)


Allows the extra Endurance Refreshes from Power from

Dreams to work on any other plane except this one

Power From


RequieM Chapter 4b Skill Matrix


3 CP




Diagnose - Special(NC)

Prayer - Torment The Wicked


Agony or Repel to Spirit

Fortify Spirit


Extend Bleed out time by +1 minute *once per Bleeding Count

Prayer - Revealing Aura(NC)


Inflict Card: Able to read all Inflict and Imbue Cards on player
*must be helpless or willing

Spectral Attunement


Resist to Spirit attack

Divine Radiance


10 sec RP: Spirit Form, May not move, speak or use any other
abilities *day time only

Harvest - Spiritual Focusing(NC)

30 sec RP: Harvest Mystical Components from NPC or Location

Divine Influence

Divine Protection costs 1 SPI to use instead of 2 SPI

Divine Protection

Enhanced Zeal

Gain +1 Zeal


Spectral Spells

Add to Spirit to any Faith Spell until next Refresh without

additional cost




3 CP

Fortify Spirit




Minor Pyramid of Faith Wyldmagic

Access to the Minor Pyramid of Faith - Wyldmagic

Prayer - Voice of the Green


Speak with Plant or Animal by Faith

Casting - Wooden,

Able to cast any Nature Spell with any wooden weapon in hand
*bucklers/shields do not count

Prayer - Blessing of

Ward of Protection on Tent or Non-Permanent Structure of

your choice

Minor Discipline of Faith - Nature

Access to the Minor Discipline of Faith - Nature

Knowledge - Wyld(NC)

Offboard: Information about Nature, Plants and Animals and

the Wyldwood

Exceptional Zeal

Gain +1 Zeal

Enhanced Zeal

Enduring Purity

No Effect to Infected, Disease, Corruption or Taint *may only

purchase Nature or Wyldmagic Spells

Voice of the
Green Man

Vestments of Nature*

While outdoors most Plants and Animals will not harm

character *must be wearing Druidic Vestments

Enduring Purity,

(R) Touch of the Green Man

Stabilize to Self at will *deep woods only

Vestments of Nature


10 sec RP: Diagnose - Inflict and Imbue *touch cast only

3 CP

Religion - The
Green Man

Knowledge - Wyld




Major Pyramid of Faith - Curses

Access to the Major Pyramid of Faith - Curses

Witch Doctor(NC)

1 min RP: Dispel Disease or Dispel Curse *touch cast only

First Aid

Alter Paint(NC)

Substitute one Attribute requirement for another in War Paint

War Paint or

War Paint(NC)*

Voodoo Doll*


Allows access to War Paints and able to apply them to self and
others *takes Attributes and Components

Craft a Voodoo doll of a Target *must have plot approved phys-rep


Limited War Paint

RequieM Chapter 4b= Skill Matrix

Spirit Walker

3 CP





Speak to Dead or Spirit by Faith

Divine Spirit

When using Divine Protection, allows character to fall stable



Mortal Coil(NC)

10 sec RP: Stabilize by Will *touch cast only

First Aid

Walk of the Cadaver(NC)

While in Death Count, may get up and walk slowly, no talking or

game skills

Final Judgment(NC)

Minor Discipline of Faith Spirit

Divine Meditation


5 min RP(meditation): Heal All by Will *self only

Extend Life


No effect to Killing Blows until next Refresh *self only

Prayer - Spirit Tether(NC)


(R) Spirit Link



Inflict Card to Dead or Spirit: Give target a Parchment to Death

petitioning him to judge harshly
Access to the Minor Discipline of Faith - Spirit

Imbue Card: Pause Death Count indefinitely while character has

both hands on target
Extend Death Count by 5 minutes (may stack)


Fortify Spirit

RequieM Chapter 4b Skill Matrix


5 CP




One Foot may miss physical challenges (Evade)

Contact Poisons*

Able to apply and remove contact poisons *requires a section of cloth

Light Armor Proficiency

Able to wear Light Armor(2 Points) with appropriate phys-rep

Rogue's Agility

Gain +1 Agility *does not Stack with Warrior's Strength,

Artisan's Vitality, Magus' Intellect or Mystic's Spirit

Small Weapon Expertise

Able to wield all Small Melee Weapons (24" and under)


Master Rope Use(NC)*

30 sec RP: Bind *player provides phys-rep *helpless target only


Able to read and write In Game


Must declare faith to a specific Deity and may walk on Holy or

Unholy Ground depending on Deity

Rope Use(NC)*

Thieves Cant(NC)




Instruction - Rogue Skills(NC)


1 Instruction Card per Event. Allows teaching of any

Rogue/Sub-Rogue Skill player knows

Weapon Proficiency


Able to wield one Specific Melee Weapon (long sword, short

axe, etc.)

Back Attack - Agony


Agony to Back

Cut Loose


5 sec RP: Cure Bind and 3 Damage *Weapon delivered, target

must be affected by Bind, bladed weapon only

Glancing Blow


Reduce Death Effect: Collapse to Bleeding Out *Does not work

on Killing Blow or self inflicted

Offhand - Short

Able to use a Short Weapon in offhand

Offhand - Small

Able to use a Small Weapon in offhand

Thrown Expertise

Able to use all Thrown Weapons

Mantle of Night


Gain +1 Stealth (substituted for any Attribute when using a

Rogue/Sub-Rogue Skill)


May Access the Divine Power of specified Deity

Rope Use

1 min RP: Bind Arms or Legs *player provides phys-rep

*helpless target only
Able to send and receive special coded messages




Offhand - Small

10 sec RP: Spirit Form *may not move, may not speak, must be
in shadows, night time only



RequieM Chapter 4b= Skill Matrix


3 CP



Envenom - Missile/thrown

Apply Blade Poisons to a Missile or Thrown Weapon

Poison Lore(NC)

Identify all Alchemy and Potion Making Items

Envenom - Blade

Apply Blade Poisons to any Bladed Melee Weapon

Refit Armor

1 min RP: Able to refit personal armor to 1 less than last refit
*requires removing a piece, a hammer and flat surface

Back Attack - Maim

Offhand - Buckler

Escape Bonds(NC)

Medium Armor Proficiency

Sneak Attack


3 Damage to Back



Extend Strike Bind... (10 seconds) ...Sleep *Both feet must be

planted, target must be unaware



Maim to Back
Able to use a Buckler in offhand.


1 min RP: Purge Bind *manacles or rope bindings only

Able to wear Medium Armor ( Points) with appropriate physrep

3 CP


Light Armor




Offhand - Dagger

Able to use a Dagger in offhand



Cure Inflict Torture *touch cast only

Cut Throat


Silence and Root to back *dagger only



Plague Strike *dagger only



5 sec RP: Purge All Poison by Will

Seal Fate


Dagger Specialization

Double Damage


Add Double Prefix to any Called Damage with a dagger from

behind *must use 2 daggers

Inflict Torture(NC)


5 min RP: Inflict Card: Target is in extreme pain, and under

Delay Slay 1 hour effect. *helpless target only

Diagnose - Triage(NC)



3 Damage to Back

Nerve Strike


Extend Agony 30 seconds *dagger only

Potent Toxins

Vital Organs


Sleep to Back *Both feet must be planted, target must be

unaware, dagger only


(R) Execute


Death to Back *Both feet must be planted, dagger only


Inflict Torture

Begin Killing blow...(1 minute)... Slay *helpless target and

dagger only
+1 Called Damage with Daggers and Called Strikes over 2

10 sec RP: Diagnose (Dead, Stable, Unstable) *touch cast only

Back Attack Agony

Minor/Single-Use Blade Poisons on Daggers becomes Until-Hit, Dagger

Until-Hit becomes Major-Use *self only


RequieM Chapter 4b Skill Matrix







5 min RP: May Unstoppable Slay victim at any time while

target is defenseless with weapon to him *touch cast only

Work Alone(NC)

Learn any Common or Uncommon Rogue or Sub-Rogue Skill

*Requires 1 or 3 Instruction Cards from Self

Maintenance - Bandit(NC)

Offboard: Half cost off Upkeep every Event



Repel by Fear *packet delivered.



Berserk by Mind *packet delivered

First Aid - Granting Quarter(NC)

1 min RP: First Aid (stabilize only)

Mercantile - Illicit Deals(NC)

Offboard: May purchase Components from a specific list at

Check In or Check Out

Craft - Limited Alchemy(NC)

Offboard: Access to a limited section of the craft skill - Alchemy

and production points equal to character's Vitality


Offhand - Long

Able to use a Long Weapon in offhand

Offhand - Short



Dispel Spirit to Spirit *weapon delivered

Stand and Deliver


5 sec RP(taunt): Voice Attack to All except Town - Major Slow by Fear



Stun to Back *Both feet must be planted, target must be unaware


Evade Melee


Evade any Melee Attack

Glancing Blow

High Step


Evade attack made against character's legs

Evade Melee

(R) Ambush



3 CP


Major 10 Damage to Back *Both feet must be planted, target

must be unaware

3 CP










Command "Tell the Truth" *packet delivered, defenseless target only

Back Attack - Restrain


Extend Strike Bind to Back



Resist Disengage



Resist Knockback

Sunder Armor


Destroy Armor to Back *Both feet must be planted, target must

be unaware

Bone Setting(NC)

10 sec RP: Cure Maim *touch cast only

Heavy Armor Proficiency

Able to wear Heavy Armor(4 Points) *with appropriate phys-rep Med Armor Prof

First Aid - Splinting(NC)

1 min RP: First Aid (Cure Maim only)

Five Finger Discount

Offhand - Shield

Compound Fracture


Deadly Throw


Breaking Blow


(R) Bad Breaks


Heal by Will for every Agony Effect that you land, and all Agony
Skills no longer have restrictions *self only


Relentless or

Relentless Assault

First Aid

5 Damage to Back
Able to use a Shield in offhand


Add Major Prefix to any Maim or Mangle effect delivered

Packet Deliver any to Back call, instead of normal delivery
*does not work on Extend Strikes
Maim to Back

Back Attack Maim

All Maim attacks you generate become Mangles until next




RequieM Chapter 4b= Skill Matrix


3 CP





Complete Silence


Resist Expose

To The Grave(NC)


Dark Pact

Feign Death(NC)


Give false answer to Diagnose Dead, Damage, Stable and Bleeding

Alter Condition(NC)


Give false answer to any Diagnose question

Cloak of Shadows*


Resist Gesture attack *must be wearing a dark hooded cloak or

cape *night time only



No Effect 'to Race' attack for the Battle *night time only

Nocturnal Creature



You do not have to drop any possessions when your Spirit goes
to Death's Realm

5 min RP: Apply Black faceless/ski mask to self, cannot be removed

by others until next Refresh *player provides the phys-rep

Gain +1 Stealth and the Shadow Trait

Feign Death

Alter Condition

+1 Called Damage to Weapons and Spells *night time only


1 min RP: No Attribute cost on Complete Silence and Alter

Condition until next Refresh

3 CP






May set up a Laboratory in Cabin *player provides the phys-rep

Casting - 1 Hand, Acid

Cast with any 1 handed weapon in hand *Acid Spells only


Minor School of Magic - Acid

Access to the Minor School of Magic - Acid

Craft - Alchemy(NC)

Offboard: Access to the craft skill: Alchemy and production

equal to character's Vitality

Poison Expertise

Use Salves, Treatments, Gas Poisons and apply Blade Poisons to

any Melee, Missile or Thrown Weapon

Craft - Rush Work,


Make 1 Alchemy item during event, can make reagents into

items between same events *must have a Laboratory in Cabin


Craft - Extra Work,



Offboard: Extra Production (x2/x3/x4) for Alchemy *must have

a Laboratory in Cabin



Resist Poison or Acid


Pain Tolerance


Resist Agony (+1/battle per 2 Vit)


(R) Attractant


Pull by Poison *packet delivered



RequieM Chapter 4b Skill Matrix






Deep Pockets(NC)


Hide any or all items from normal searches until next Refresh

Disable Device(NC)


Attempt to Pick a Lock or Disarm a Trap *one minute attempt



Masseuse - Cause Silence

1 min RP(back rub): Unstoppable Silence by Will *touch cast


Masseuse Cure Sleep

Item Lore(NC)

Identify all Alchemy and Potion Making Items and Evaluate IG

Worth of most items.


Mercantile - Black

Offboard: May purchase Components, Reagents and Items from

a specific list at Check In or Check Out

Masseuse - Cause Stun

1 min RP(back rub): Unstoppable Stun by Will *touch cast only

Masseuse - Cure Sleep

30 sec RP(back rub): Cure Sleep *touch cast only

Knowledge - Informant(NC)

Offboard: Information about a specific person

Craft - Limited Tinkering(NC)

Offboard: Access to a limited section of the craft skill Tinkering and production equal to character's Agility


Maintenance - Crime

Offboard: No cost for Upkeep and Living Well between events,

reputation gained through shady deals



Mercantile - Fence(NC)
(R) Masseuse - Cause



Inflict Card: NPC will react favorably to you for an amount of money

Masseuse Cause Silence

Offboard: Receive amount of counterfeit money at Check In


Double Cross


3 CP


5 Damage to Shadow or Spirit *weapon or packet delivered

Dark Pact

Offboard: Able to sell most items at a discounted price, no

questions asked at Check In or Check Out

Black Market

5 min RP(back rub): Unstoppable Death by Will *touch cast


Masseuse Cause Stun

3 CP








Plague by Disease Aura

Casting - 1 Hand, Corruption

Casting - Airborne




Minor Discipline of Faith Corruption

Access to the Minor Discipline of Faith - Corruption

Dark Following

Religion and Devotion free one of the Following: (Satya, Maalor, Dark Pact,
Azraal or the Nameless One)



Major Resist Disease or Plague

Infected Wound


Fatigue by Disease to Back

Twin Faiths

Able to follow 2 separate gods with Religion and Devotion *may

be looked upon unfavorably

Dark Following

(R) Rampant Infection

Use 6 Packets with the Airborne Skill and if the Pestilence Spell
drops target, target is inflicted by Pestilence


Cast with any 1 handed weapon in hand *Corruption Spells only

Burst any Corruption Spell *3 packets


Use any Rogue or Sub-rogue skill that takes Attributes without



RequieM Chapter 4b= Skill Matrix


3 CP






Cheap Shot


Agony to Back

Back Attack Agony

Cloak of Darkness*

Improved Agony

Shadow's Walk


Knowledge - Espionage(NC)

Offboard: Information and attempt to infiltrate a court, guild or


Harvest - Herbalism(NC)

30 sec RP: Harvest Herbal Components from NPC or Location

Enhanced Stealth

Gain +1 Stealth






Gain +1 Armor *must be wearing a dark hooded cloak or cape

*night time only


*x Agony by Weapon (+1x per 2 Int)

Cheap Shot

You may walk in Mantle of the Night but are affected by Slow

Mantle of Night

Resist Mind or Resist Sleep


Refund Cost from a skill that was successfully defended against

5 min RP: Your next Endurance Refresh is instant (Still takes
the Endurance)

3 CP






Resist Ranged Weapon if character catches the projectile *no

armor may be worn

Escape Artist(NC)

30 sec RP: Purge Bind *shackles or rope bindings only

Dancing Shadows

You may run in Mantle of the Night

Exceptional Balance(NC)

Both Feet may miss physical challenge (Evade) *must come

within 1 foot of intended target


Combat Evasion

Deft Hands

Safety Net(NC)




Shadow's Walk

Resist Slow or Root

Take -1 on all Called Damage (Weapons and Spells) *no armor
may be worn



Resist Disarm (+1/refresh per Agi)

Sleight of Hand


1 min RP: Imbue Card - Next time target falls to Bleeding he

receives Stabilize by Will *cannot be self

Sleight of Hand



1 min RP: 1 Point Dexterity Armor (max 1) may be worn

Offhand - Long

Able to use a Long Weapon in offhand

Offhand - Short

Dexterity Armor

5 min RP: +* Dexterity Armor (+1 per Agi) *no armor may be
worn, max 5




Evade any Weapon or Packet attack

Tumbling, Deft



Evade Packet or Ranged Weapon


(R) Limber

Reduce Mangle to Maim or Reduce Maim to 2 Damage *self



Disarm Weapon to Back


RequieM Chapter 4b Skill Matrix





Silencing Shot


Silence by Weapon *arrow only

Calm Animal


5 sec RP: Calm Animal by Inspiration *packet delivered


5 min RP: Repair personal non-metal armor *no Material needed

Able to wield one Specific Ranged Weapon (long bow, light
crossbow, etc.)


Eternal Shadows

From The Brush


5 sec RP(aiming): 3 Damage to Back *weapon or arrow

Locate Person


Voice Attack - Expose <Name> by Mind

Offhand - Ranged

Limited Tracking(NC)


Arrows From The Woods


Blunted Tip




(R) Perfect Aim




10 sec RP: Gain +2 points of Bonus Armor *only Light Armor

may be worn

Combat Reflexes


Mantle of Night may be used during the day and without shadows

Able to use a Bow or Crossbow in offhand

Shadow's Walk

Offhand - Short

Able to notice Blue Envelopes and Stickers and able to open

them by spending attributes
5 sec RP(aiming): 3 Damage to Back (+1/refresh per Agi)
*arrow only

From The

10 sec RP(aiming): Stun by Weapon *arrow only

Evade any 'to Back' attack
10 sec RP(aiming): Add Major Prefix and 'to Back' Suffix to
any Arrow attack

3 CP


Able to block with a bow/crossbow 1 min RP: Able to shoot with

it again

Desperate Defense

Ranged Proficiency

3 CP




Device Proficiency(NC)

Pick Locks, Set and Disarm Traps


Maintenance - Cutpurse(NC)

Evade Trap

Night Vision(NC)*

May use a plot approved muted Flashlight/LED *player

provides phys-rep *self only

Shadow's Beckon

Mantle of Night is now instant and you may speak in it


Hide one item on self only, that is undiscoverable from normal searches

Shadow Affinity

Mantle of Night requires 1 SPI to use, instead of 2 and is

Shadow Form instead of Spirit Form

Knowledge - Underworld(NC)

Offboard: Information about Crime or Criminal Activities

Exceptional Stealth

Gain +1 Stealth

Enhanced Stealth

Thieves Intuition

Evade Voice or Gesture Attack

Evade Trap

Escape Measures

No Effect to Slow, Root and Maim effects that hit character from behind

Improved Feint

Pick Pocket(NC)

Improved Feint

(R) Unlawful Entry(NC)


Weakness and Silence by Weapon

Offboard: Half cost off Upkeep every Event





Evade Trap

Shadow's Walk


Inflict Card: place card in subjects possession without them

knowing about it, steal named item
Upgrade Feint to be used Once per Battle


1 min RP: Able to bypass a single Ward of Protection

Pick Pocket,
Shadow Affinity


RequieM Chapter 4b= Skill Matrix

Warrior SKILLS

5 CP





10 sec RP: Heal by Will *self only

Light Armor Proficiency*

Able to wear Light Armor(2 Points) with appropriate phys-rep

Small Weapon Expertise

Able to wield all Small Melee Weapons (24" and under)

Warrior's Strength

Gain +1 Strength *does not Stack with Rogue's Agility, Artisan's

Vitality, Magus' Intellect or Mystic's Spirit

Weapon Training

Able to wield one Specific Melee Weapon (this skill provides on

one free Weapon Proficiency)

Medium Armor Proficiency*

Able to wear Medium Armor (3 Points) with appropriate physrep

Refit Armor

1 min RP: Able to refit personal armor to 1 less than last refit
*requires removing a piece, a hammer and flat surface


Must declare faith to a specific Deity and may walk on Holy or

Unholy Ground depending on Deity

Offhand - Small

Able to use a Small Weapon in offhand

Waylay Protection*



1 Instruction Card per Event. Allows teaching of any

Warrior/Sub-Warrior Skill player knows

Weapon Proficiency


Able to wield one Specific Melee Weapon (long sword, short

axe, etc.)

Offhand - Buckler

Deflect Melee


Deflect any Melee Attack *Must be wielding a weapon, does not

work on strikes to the torso

Force Lock(NC)


5 min RP: Destroy Manacles or Lock *must have weapon in hand


Gain +1 Body Points


Able to read and write In Game

Offhand - Short

Able to use a Short Weapon in offhand

Able to use a Buckler in offhand



Offhand - Small

Able to wield one family of Melee Weapons (Swords, Axes, etc.)

*does not include Great Weapons



Light Armor

Resist Stun or Sleep by Melee Weapon only *must be wearing a

metal helmet or chain coif

Instruction - Warrior Skills(NC)

Weapon Expertise


May Access the Divine Power of specified Deity


Slow by Weapon
Gain +1 Stamina (substituted for any Attribute when using a
Warrior/Sub-Warrior Skill)



RequieM Chapter 4b Skill Matrix


3 CP








Resist Fear or Heal 2 by Will *self only


Suck It Up


5 sec RP: Cure Maim and Delay Maim 5 minutes *touch cast only

Deflect Magic


Deflect Magic *must block attack with shield

Heavy Armor Proficiency*

Able to wear Heavy Armor(4 Points) *with appropriate phys-rep Med Armor Prof

Diagnose - Triage(NC)

10 sec RP: Diagnose (Dead, Stable, Unstable) *touch cast only

Enhanced Fortitude

Gain +1 Body Points


Parry Melee

Parry any Melee Attack *Must be wielding a weapon, does not

work on strikes to the torso

Deflect Melee

First Aid - Splinting(NC)

1 min RP: First Aid (Cure Maim only)

Offhand - Shield

Able to use a Shield in offhand

Last Stand




Deflect Melee


No Effect to Uncalled Damage for the Battle *If dropped or at

the end of the Battle collapse to Dead

3 CP






Divine Protection


Reduce Death Effect: Collapse to Bleeding Out *does not work

on Killing Blow or self inflicted




5 sec RP: Purge Fatigue



Resist Disease or Plague



Resist Destroy Armor

Battle Armor Proficiency*

Able to wear Battle Armor (6 Points) *plot approved phys-rep

Hvy Armor Prof

Exceptional Fortitude

Gain +1 Body Points

Enhanced Fortitude

Perfect Fit(NC)

5 min RP: Repair Armor at a Forge *may only repair personal

armor, takes a Material to fully repair

Second Wind


10 sec RP: Heal 2 by Will *self only

Steel Skin


Resist Poison *weapon blow only



10 sec RP: No Effect to Effects and Damage by Fear until next Refresh

Second Wind

Runic Awareness(NC)


Offboard: May refresh one personal armor rune without cost

Perfect Fit




(R) Righteous Might


No Effect to uncalled Ranged Weapon attacks (missiles/thrown) Battle Armor

while wearing Battle Armor


Reduce Maim to Slow, while wearing Battle Armor


Take -2 on Called Weapon damage when wearing Battle Armor


Character always falls Stable while wearing Battle Armor

until next Refresh

Battle Armor


RequieM Chapter 4b= Skill Matrix


3 CP






Shield Bash


Silence by Weapon *must be wearing a Shield


Shield Mastery


No effect to Destroy on Shield until next Refresh

Repair Shield(NC)

Shield Spike*


*x 2 Damage Aura (+1 per 2 Str) *must have Foam Spike on

Shield *only against melee attacks

Block Massive


Plant Foot, Able to block Massive attacks with shield for the
Battle (No Effect)

Shield Defense


Plant Foot, Frenzy: Cannot be Dropped to uncalled Damage

*must be 2 other allied shield fighters in 5' range

Shield Specialization

Volley Alchemy

Volley Faith

5 min RP: Repair Shield at a Forge *takes a Material to fully


+1 Damage on Shield Spike

Shield Spike


Volley Poison or Acid *must block attack with shield

Volley Magic


Volley Faith *must block attack with shield

Volley Magic

Volley Magic


Volley Magic *must block attack with shield

Deflect Magic

Casting - Buckler, All

Able to cast all Spells with a Buckler equipped (Magus and



Improved Last Stand

Upgrade Last Stand to 1/refresh, and if dropped or ended

collapse to Bleeding

Last Stand

Shield Wall

Casting - Shield, All

Able to cast all Spells with a Shield equipped (Magus and


Shield, Casting
- Buckler

(R) Reflective Shield

-1 Attribute cost to any Volley ability while wearing a shield

Volley Alchemy
or Volley Faith



Resist Called Damage that would have dropped Character *must

Shield Defense
be 2 other allied shield fighters in 5' range

3 CP


Prayer - Sacrifice

Casting - Buckler, Holy

Parry Ranged


Minor Path of Faith - Holy

Prayer - Intervene

Parry Mastery

Improved Parry

(R) Parry Faith




Must declare faith to a specific Deity and may walk on Holy or

Unholy Ground depending on Deity
1 min RP: Imbue Card: Resist Damage and Voice Attack to
<Character> # Damage *protection target only


Able to cast Spells with a Buckler equipped *holy spells only



Parry any Ranged Weapon attack *must be wielding a weapon,

does not work on strikes to the torso

Parry Melee


5 min RP: Imbue Card: Target becomes under the protection of

character until next Refresh


Access to the Minor Path of Faith - Holy


1 min RP: Imbue Card: Parry Melee *May only use if in

weapons reach of character, protection target only


Allow all Parry and Deflect skills to work on torso strikes *self

Parry Melee


Parry any Melee Weapon Attack *must be wielding a weapon

Parry Mastery


Parry any 'by Faith' Attack *must be wielding a weapon





RequieM Chapter 4b Skill Matrix


3 CP







Resist Mind

Agony Strike


Agony by Weapon

Difficult Terrain Mastery


Ignore Environmental Restrictions on combat skills for the Battle

Maim Strike


Maim by Weapon

Critical Strike


3 Damage by Weapon

First Aid - Granting Quarter(NC)

1 min RP: First Aid (stabilize only)

Offhand - Long

Able to use a Long Weapon in offhand

Offhand - Short

Enhanced Stamina

Gain +1 Stamina




May choose which arm is affected by Maim or Mangle


Agony Strike

Able to swing infinite 2 Damage for the Battle *If dropped or at

the end of the Battle collapse to Dead

3 CP





Control Rage


Choose the first target of your Berserk *once per berserk

Furious Momentum


Instant Purge Root, Slow or Repel *must be berserked to use

Destroy Strike


Destroy Weapon or Destroy Shield *2-handed weapon only



2-Handed Expertise

Back Breaker


7 Damage to Back *2-handed weapon only

Massive Strike


Add Massive to any Melee Weapon Attack *2-handed weapon




Cure Berserk *packet delivered

Improved Damage

Scars of Battle(NC)

Mangle Strike


3 sec RP(shout): Berserk by Will *self only, must take two

points of body damage to use
Able to use all 2-Handed Weapons *does not include Great
Critical Strike

Gain +* Called Damage with all 2-Handed Weapons

(+1 per 2 Str)



5 min RP(war stories): Heal All by Inspiration *self only, must

be in Town

Can't buy Med

Armor Prof


Mangle by Weapon

Maim Strike



End Rage

Instant Purge Berserk and Stun to Self

Blood Craze

Gain +3 Bonus Vitality when character is under a Berserk effect

(R) Rage Mastery

Instant Purge Berserk, May target all foes first under a

Berserk effect

Refund cost of Weapon Strike if it dropped target


Control Rage

End Rage

RequieM Chapter 4b= Skill Matrix


3 CP





Drunken Fighting


Drinking an Intoxicant will Heal 2 by Poison for the Battle

Hard Headed


Resist Stun or Sleep

Envenom - Claw



Destroy Armor by Weapon *claws only

Take Cover


Evade any one Packet attack *day time only

Dual Threat


2x 3 Damage by Weapon while dual wielding *must be used

after each other, one in each hand

Short Claws

Sleep It Off(NC)

Rumors - Tavern Tales(NC)

Double Strike


Add Double Prefix to any Called Weapon Strike while dual wielding

Dual Threat

Fist Weapons


Able to wield 2 Long claws until next Refresh

Short Claws

Improved Recklessness

Upgrade Recklessness to 1/refresh, and if dropped or ended

collapse to Bleeding


Dual Wield Mastery


Add +2 Called Damage with a weapon with your offhand

Dual Threat

Frenzy - Maim


Plant Foot, Frenzy: Maim by Weapon for the Battle

Long Claws or
Fist Weapons

(R) Triple Strike


Add Triple Prefix to any Called Weapon Strike while dual


Dual Wield


Able to apply Blade Poisons to Claws *self only

Able to wield 2 Short Claws


5 hr RP(sleep): Empowered Cure Inflict *self only, 1 Inflict

Offboard: Receive a list of rumors every event dealing with
Tavern Tales and Gossip

3 CP





1 min RP: Able to refit personal armor to 1 less than last refit
*requires removing a piece, a hammer and flat surface

Refit Armor

Unity Loyalty

Heavy Armor Proficiency*

Able to wear Heavy Armor(4 Points) *with appropriate phys-rep Med Armor Prof

Repair Armor(NC)

5 min RP: Repair Armor at a Forge *takes a Material to fully repair

Repair Weapon(NC)

5 min RP: Repair Weapon at a Forge *takes a Material to fully repair

Attack of Opportunity

First Aid - Basics(NC)

1 min RP: First Aid (Stabilize and Cure Maim)

Craft - Limited

Offboard: Access to a limited section of the craft skill

Blacksmith and production equal to character's Spirit


Exceptional Stamina

Gain +1 Stamina

Enhanced Stamina

Offhand - Shield

Able to use a Shield in offhand


Weapon Master

Able to wield all Melee and Ranged Weapons *does not include
Shields or Great Weapons

Enhanced Focus


*x Resist Mind (+1x per Int)


Improved Critical Strike


3 Damage by Weapon

Critical Strike

Maintenance - Combat

Offboard: Half cost off Training Well every Event

Weapon Master

(R) Tireless





Imbue Card: Marshal does not have to spend attributes to

exclusive Imbue Character

Major Disarm by Weapon *must be 2 other allied shield fighters in 5' range

Warrior or sub-Warrior Skill with an Attribute cost is now

useable once a Battle without cost *one skill per purchase


RequieM Chapter 4b Skill Matrix


3 CP


Able to use a 2-Handed Weapon with one hand to block weapon

1 Handed Block

Battle Stances


5 min RP: Deal -2 or +1 on Called Weapon Damage, but take -1

or +2 on Called Weapon Damage until next Refresh *one or the

Disarm Strike


Disarm by Weapon

Force Back



First Aid - Basics(NC)

Combat Reflexes

Harvest - Core Extracting(NC)

30 sec RP: Harvest Elemental Components from NPC or


Knowledge - Tactics(NC)

Offboard: Information about tactics, military conflicts, combats

and fighting

Weapon Specialization
Calm Under Pressure


1 min RP: First Aid (Stabilize and Cure Maim)


10 sec RP: Gain +2 points of Bonus Armor *only Light Armor

may be worn

+1 Called Damage with Specific Weapon with Called Strikes

over 2



Weapon Skill

Resist Berserk

3 CP





Envenom - Arrow

Able to apply Blade Poisons to Missile Weapons *self only

Root Shot


5 sec RP(aiming): Root by Weapon *arrow only

Fiery Arrows


10 sec RP: Gain +1 Called Damage with strikes over 2 and

Carrier Fire for the Battle *self only, arrow only


Icy Arrows


10 sec RP: Gain +1 Called Damage with strikes over 2 and

Carrier Water for the Battle *self only, arrow only


Maintenance - Poacher(NC)

Silver Arrows


1 min RP: Repair destroyed Bow or Crossbow *outdoors only

Desperate Defense

Able to block with a Bow or Crossbow 1 min RP: Able to shoot

with it again

Ranged Expertise

Able to wield all Ranged Weapons (does not include Great


Critical Shot


Gather Ammunition(NC)


Hold at Bay


Extend Gesture Repel by Fear *gesture is pointing Ranged

Weapon at target

Pierce Shield


10 sec RP(aiming): Massive Destroy Shield and 3 Damage

Firearms Expertise*

(R) Reign of Arrows

Offboard: Half cost off Upkeep every Event


10 sec RP: Gain +1 Called Damage with strikes over 2 and

Carrier Silver for the Battle *self only, arrow only


5 sec RP(aiming): 4 Damage by weapon *arrow only

1 min RP: Able to go Spirit and gather own ammunition, must
return to point of origin to come out

Critical Shot

Allows use of Simple Firearms *player must supply rep


10 sec RP(aiming): Plant Foot: *x 2 Damage by Weapon (+2x

per Agi) *arrow only


Pierce Shield

RequieM Chapter 4b= Skill Matrix

Blade Master

3 CP




Able to use all 1-Handed Melee Weapons *may not buy Offhand
or Claws skills

1-Handed Expertise

Deflect Anything


Deflect any one Attack (Weapon, Trap, Gesture, Voice, etc)

Deflect Melee

Body Strike


All Called Weapon Damage is 'Body' with a single 1-Handed

Weapon for the Battle


Target Shield


Destroy Shield or Disarm Shield

Disarm Strike

Maintenance - Duelist(NC)

Honor Combat(NC)


1 min RP: Fully refresh before a duel *return to previous stats


Improved Disengage



Disengage (+1/battle per purchase)

Force Back or

Even the Odds


Disarm by Supremacy *only usable on opponent with 2


Target Shield,



Gain +3 Bonus Vitality and +2 Stamina when Fighting 2 or

more Opponents by yourself for the Battle



3 Damage by Weapon *only useable immediately after you a

Deflect Skill is used


Twist of the Wrist


Volley Disarm

Target Shield

Magic Strike


Carrier Magic *self only, single 1-handed weapon only


Sacrifice Limb


Reduce any Called Damage Strike or Called Damage Spell to a

Maim on arm of your choice

Twist of the

Blade Song


No Effect to any Effect except Called Damage for the Battle

when no allies are standing


(R) Major Strike


Add Major Prefix to any Called Weapon Strike *1-handed

weapon only


Offboard: No cost on Upkeep every Event and reputation gained

through fighting in duels


RequieM Chapter 4b Skill Matrix


3 CP




Organized Unit(NC)*




Battle Standard*

Rallying Cry

Attack Expert



Imbue yourself and 5 others with a plot approved team <Trait>

*must be all wearing same tabards/colors
Able to Imbue 5 members of [Team] with an exclusive Imbue
*one per person, lasts until they Refresh

Organized Unit

Able to use a Battle Standard in combat *must be 6' tall,

displayed and carried by someone on [Team]



5 sec RP(shout): Voice Attack - Heal X to [Team] *must have

Battle Standard Displayed

No Man Left


Exclusive Imbue: 1x per Battle, Maim by Weapon *must see

Battle Standard Displayed

Battle Standard

Defense Expert


Exclusive Imbue: 1x per Battle, Deflect Melee *must see Battle

Standard Displayed

Battle Standard

Faith Expert


Exclusive Imbue: 1x per Battle, Shield Faith *must see Battle

Standard Displayed

Battle Standard

Forced March


Voice Attack to [Team] Cure Slow and Cure Maim *must have
Battle Standard Displayed

Defense Expert

Magic Expert


Exclusive Imbue: 1x per Battle, Shield Magic *must see Battle

Standard Displayed

Battle Standard



Voice Attack to [Team] Cure Berserk and Cure Command

*must have Battle Standard Displayed

Attack Expert

No Man Left Behind

Imbue Card: All Team members that fall to Called Damage are
Stable *must see Battle Standard Displayed

Battle Standard

Organized Squadron(NC)

Imbue 3 additional people with team <Trait> and an exclusive

Imbues, also allows group of 9 in woods with marshal and
Battle Standard displayed

Organized Unit

Cleanse Faith


Voice Attack to [Team] Cure Faith *must have Battle

Standard Displayed

Faith Expert

Cleanse Magic


Voice Attack to [Team] Cure Magic *must have Battle

Standard Displayed

Magic Expert

(R) Practiced Routine


Immediately Restore 2 of the team's same exclusive Imbue

Cards if they Refresh at the same time as you



RequieM Chapter 4c Spell

= & Misc Matrix
Minor Schools of Magic
Path of Performance




Ode to Love Lost


30 sec RP(performance): Voice Attack to Town Expose Dead by Inspiration

The Ballad of Peace


30 sec RP(performance): Voice Attack to Town Cure Berserk by Inspiration

Song of Strength


1 min RP(performance): Voice Attack to <Name> Restore Endurance by

Inspiration *cannot be self

Rhyme of Freedom


1 min RP(performance): Voice Attack to <Name> Cure All by Inspiration

Heart of the Hearth


5 min RP(performance): Voice Attack to Room Heal 3 by Inspiration

The Spirit Within




Alchemy Shield


Render Inert


Dispel Poison or Dispel Acid by Acid

Plume of Acid


Silence and Slow by Acid

Acidic Geyser


5 Damage by Acid

Spirit Lock


Acidic Cloud


30 sec RP: Next Gas Poison thrown is a 3 packet burst by Acid




Whispering Torment


Silence by Magic

Banish the Dreaming





10 Damage to Mind

Waking Nightmare


*x Repel by Magic (+1x per Int)

Open Portal


Open a portal for Caster and 5 others to the Dreamscape for an Adventure
(time/location) *requires a Power Circle



Sleep by Magic




Refract Force


Cure Maim or Cure Mangle by Magic

Break Limb


Mangle by Magic

Force Spike


3 Damage By Weapon *packet delivered

Augment Weapon


30 sec RP: Imbue Card: Target gains +1 on Called Weapon Damage over 2 for the

Amplify Damage


Vulnerable Physical

Reform Armor


5 min RP(performance): Voice Attack to Room Restore Spirit by Inspiration

(+1/refresh per 2 Spi)

School of Acid

Shield Toxin *lasts until used or next Refresh, self only

Grant Empowered Shield Cure Death *touch cast only and target must be Dead

School of Dreams

Inflict Card: Target is instantly ejected from the Dreamscape, and returns to town
as a Spirit (+1/refresh per purchase) *touch cast only

School of Kinetic

10 sec RP: Repair Armor by Magic *self only


RequieM Chapter 4c Spell & Misc Matrix

School of Warding



Augment Armor


Runic Protection


Defensive Warding(NC)


Elemental Carrier




Mend Armor


30 sec RP: Imbue Card: Target takes -1 on Called Damage Taken for the Battle
*touch cast only
30 sec RP: Grant Shield Destroy *touch cast only
Ward of Protection on Cabin, Tent or Structure of your choice
Carrier Fire(SPI), Water(AGI), Earth(STR) or Air(INT) for the Battle *self only
5 min RP: Repair all to Circle *requires a Power Circle
30 sec RP: Repair Armor by Magic *touch cast only


RequieM Chapter 4c Spell

= & Misc Matrix
MAJOR Schools of Magic
Path of Air






Disarm by Air

Chain Lightning


3 damage by Air Burst *3 packets

Gust of Air


Extend Gesture Repel by Air *gesture is hand up, palm facing target

Power Circle Magic*


Static Charge


Add to Flying or to Spirit Suffix to a single Spell *Magus Spells only



Dispel Earth or 10 Damage to Earth



Knockback or Pull by Air



Voice Attack to Circle Freeze by Air

(R) One with the Wind


5 sec RP: Fly for the Battle 5 sec RP: Land from flying without cost







Cure Root by Earth

Earth Spikes


*x 2 Damage by Earth (+2x per Str)



Root by Earth

Power Circle Magic*


Rock Hardened


Earth Form *can't speak, move, or use any game skills



Dispel Air or 10 Damage to Air

Tempered Steel




(R) Forged of Stone




5 min RP: Glowing Circle until next Refresh *player provides the phys-rep

Path of Earth

5 min RP: Glowing Circle until next Refresh *player provides the phys-rep

Imbue Card: Target is No Effect to Weakness and Enfeeble for the Battle
Voice Attack to Circle Major Root by Earth
5 sec RP: Purge <Effect> by Earth *self only, may choose one effect per Battle

Path of Fire

10 sec RP: May use a plot approved muted Flashlight/LED *player provides physrep *self only

Spark of Flame(NC)*



5 damage by Fire



Destroy Weapon by Fire



2 Damage and Inflict Marked by Fire



Repair Weapon or Repair Shield by Fire



Dispel Water or 10 Damage to Water

Molten Fury




(R) Burning Within

Add Major Prefix to Spell *magus spells only

Voice Attack to Circle Destroy All by Fire
Voice Attack to Marked - 2 damage by Fire *may be used once per minute


RequieM Chapter 4c Spell & Misc Matrix

Path of Water






Agony by Water

Ice Shards


4 Damage and Slow by Water



Dispel Poison by Water

Ice Block


5 sec RP: Purge All by Water *self only

Crashing Waves


5 min RP: Fight with 2 Long Claws until next Refresh

Quench Flame


Dispel Fire or 10 Damage to Fire





(R) Ice Armor

5 damage and Cure Root to Root by Water *target must be rooted

Voice Attack to Circle Major Silence and Enfeeble by Water
1 min RP: Gain +2 Bonus Armor *only Light Armor may be worn

School of Arcanuum






*x Agony by Magic (+1x per Agi)



Gain the ability Purge All Magic *lasts until used or next Refresh, self only



30 sec RP: Regain all attributes for a Missed Spell

Magic Missiles


*x 2 Damage by Magic (+2x per Int)

Reflect Arcane


1 min RP: Able to Volley Magic once until next Refresh *doesnt stack with Shield Magic

Regain Control


Cure Paralyze or Cure Repel by Magic *touch cast only



Retributive Strike

2+ AGI

Arcane Storm


Plant Foot: Frenzy 3 damage by Magic

Power Circle Magic*


5 min RP: Glowing Circle until next Refresh *player provides the phys-rep



Double 2 Damage by Magic

(R) Obliterate


Death by Magic




Mask of Gloaming(NC)*


5 min RP Alter appearance into any race until next Refresh *requires makeup *self only

Lift the Veil


Dispel Fear or Dispel Mind by Magic

Song of the Executioner


5 min RP: Wield a single type of 2-Handed Weapon until next Refresh

Baleful Gaze


Gesture Attack Root by Fear



X Damage by Fear *Where X is 2 times the Attribute cost used

Touch of the Sandman


Sleep by Magic

Incite Rage


Berserk by Magic

Whisper of the Woods


Command by Magic



Grant Spirit Form *touch cast only

Clear the Mind


Cure Stun or Cure Sleep by Magic *touch cast only

Consuming Shadows


Vulnerable Magic by Magic

(R) Inner Demons


5 Damage by Magic Burst *6 Packets

Major 10 Damage by Magic Aura *may only be used on an attack that will drop you

School of Phantasm

Choose a Target, while target is still standing you may call Spirit defense vs.
anyone except target *may not cast, may only attack target with weapons


RequieM Chapter 4c Spell

= & Misc Matrix
School of Thought




Mind Soothe


Speak and Calm by Mind

Forceful Scream


Voice Attack to Town Cure Sleep by Mind

Psychic Vampirism


Mind Flay


3 Body by Mind

Shielding of Mind


Grant Shield Mind *touch cast only

Cause Lethargy


*x Weakness by Mind (+1x per Int)

Cause Pain


Major Agony by Supremacy



Dispel Mind by Mind



Dominate by Mind

Psychic Malady


5 min RP: While Mind Linked, Able to perform one Malady on Target known

Self Inflicted


X damage by Mind *where X is a damage call you have heard during the Battle

(R) Psychic Benediction


5 min RP: While Mind Linked, Able to perform one Benediction on Target known

1 min RP: Drain Endurance and Restore Endurance to Self *touch cast only, target
must be willing unless Mind Linked, target may not be exhausted

Sphere of Enchantment




Disperse Energy



Dispel Magic by Magic

Dissolve Power



Dispel Faith by Magic

Drive the Wedge



Destroy Shield by Magic

Enchant Weapon



Grant Carrier Magic *touch cast only




0x Disarm by Magic (+1x per Spi)

Nullify Magic



Voice Attack to Circle Dispel All Magic

Shielding of Arcane



Grant Shield Magic




Imbue a Wand or a Staff with a Spell that can be saved between Refreshes *pay
spell normally, may only have one Talisman active

Wand of Enchantment(NC)



Imbue a Wand with a per Battle Spell *from a specific list, requires Enchanting
and a recipe




Silence by Magic Aura *only useable against a 'by Magic' against you

Power Circle Magic*



5 min RP: Glowing Circle until next Refresh *player provides the phys-rep

(R) Disintegrate



10 Damage and Destroy <Item> by Magic


RequieM Chapter 4c Spell & Misc Matrix

Minor Disciplines of Faith
Discipline of Corruption




Dark Remedy


Dispel Disease or Cure Plague by Disease

Swarm of Locusts


Repel by Disease

Wasting Disease


Enfeeble and Slow by Disease



3 Damage and Plague by Disease



30 sec RP: Inflict Card: first person to touch target triggers: 6 Lethal by Trap
*touch cast and helpless target only

Deadly Infection


Change any one called Damage (Weapon or Spell) to Lethal and by Disease

Discipline of Enlightenment




Wisdom of the Snowy Owl


Cocoon of the Butterfly


Heal 2 by Will for every 5 minutes of meditation until next Refresh

Strands of the Spider's Web


1 min RP(meditation): Gain the ability Bind by Faith *weapon delivered

Strike of the Praying Mantis


1 min RP(meditation): Gain the ability 2x Disarm by Weapon *one in each hand

Might of the Charging Bull


1 min RP(meditation): Gain the ability Stun by Faith *weapon delivered

Strength of the Sleeping Bear


No Effect to anything while using any Meditation Skill for the Battle



5 min RP(meditation): Regain all Intellect Points

Discipline of Ferocity


Preserve the Wild

Stabilize to Animal or Beast

Unleash the Rage


Repel and Berserk to Animal or Beast

Spirit of the Woods

2+ SPI

Cure Death to Animal or Beast * have 2 spirit to use, but takes all Spirit

Soothe the Wild


10 sec RP: Voice Attack to Animal Calm by Faith until next Refresh

Nature's Companion


Inflict Card: Train an Animal to serve you for a period of time

Sylvan Stride


10 sec RP: Cure Repel, Cure Slow, Cure Root, or Cure Maim Leg by Faith *touch
cast only

Discipline of Nature




Nature's Grasp


Root by Faith *outdoors only

Living Growth


Plant foot, Frenzy Cure Mangle or Cure Maim by Faith while spell is active *touch
cast only

Call of the Wild


Dominate Plant or Animal by Faith *outdoors only

Summon Nature Guardian


Summons a Nature Spirit that can answer questions and provide aid
(time/location) *requires a Power Circle and Inscription of Summoning

Power Circle Faith*


5 min RP: Glowing Circle until next Refresh *player provides the phys-rep
*outdoors only

Rejuvenating Touch


30 sec RP: Heal 5 by Faith *touch cast and outdoors only


RequieM Chapter 4c Spell

= & Misc Matrix
Discipline of Spirit




Sacrificial Healing

Heal by Faith and 1 Body to Self *touch cast only, cannot use when at 1 Body

Restore Limb


Cure Mangle or Maim by Faith, but take maim on same limb *touch cast only

Spirit Anchor


Dispel Spirit by Faith

Tenuous Connection


Cure Death by Faith and Inflict by Spirit: Until rested for 5 minutes if target falls
to 0 Body they will collapse to 'bleeding'

Draw the Infection


Cure Inflict by Faith, but take Inflict Card for yourself *touch cast only and target
must be willing



Cure <Effect> by Faith and Quicken <Effect> to Self 1 minute *touch cast only




Blessed Weapons


Carrier Holy *self only

Searing Light


Purify Soul


Cure All by Faith to Protection Target *touch cast only

Lay On Hands


Heal All by Faith to Protection Target *touch cast only

Divine Intervention


Divine Shield


Path of Holy

Stabilize by Faith (+1/battle per Int)

Cure Death by Faith to Protection Target *touch cast only

No Effect to all Damage when in 5' of Protection Target and he/she is still
standing for the Battle

Pyramid of Wyldmagic




Simple Wyldmagic



1 random one CP spell each Event *same for all Wyldmages

Average Wyldmagic



1 random two CP spell each Event *same for all Wyldmages

Difficult Wyldmagic



1 random three CP spell each Event *same for all Wyldmages

Complex Wyldmagic



1 random four CP spell each Event *same for all Wyldmages

(R) Epic Wyldmagic


1 random five CP spell each Event *same for all Wyldmages


RequieM Chapter 4c Spell & Misc Matrix

MAJOR Disciplines of Faith
Discipline of Divinity




Soothing Touch


*x Stabilize by Faith (+2x per Spi)

Blessing of Health


Cure Plague or Dispel Disease

Aid the Fallen


Pull to Helpless by Faith

Binding Heal


Heal 5 by Faith and Heal 5 to Self

Blessing of Faith


Dispel Faith by Faith *touch cast only



Shielding of Faith


Grant Shield Faith

Blessing of Wisdom


Dispel Magic by Faith *touch cast only



Cure Death by Faith

Power Circle Faith*


5 min RP: Glowing Circle until next Refresh *player provides the phys-rep

Healing Touch


Heal by Faith (+1/battle per Int) *touch cast only

(R) Spirit of Redemption


Able to turn into a Spirit. May speak and move, but may not attack, and only
touch cast beneficial Faith Spells for the Battle

Voice Attack Heal 5 to Town

Discipline of Prophecy







Prophetic Aura


Conceal Fate


Reveal the Hidden


Voice Attack Expose All

Unravel the Tapestry


Dispel <Trait> by Faith



All negative effects are half duration on character for the Battle *self only

Alter Destiny


In advance, beseech the Spirits for aid on a specific Adventure of 6 people or less



Grant Evade by Faith *touch cast only



Disarm and Agony by Faith

Champion's Gamble(NC)


Sealed Envelope: Give to a Willing target, Target can open envelope at any time to
receive effects *cannot be self

Strands of Fate


Able to Generate a Beneficial Faith Spell as a Voice Attack to <Name>

(R) Reversal of Fortunes

Imbue Card: Next time target bleeds out to Dead, they are now Stable instead
*cannot be self
30 sec RP: Able to us Sleep by Faith Aura once until next Refresh *self only
Imbue Card: Target is not considered to have any Traits for the Battle *target
must be willing

5 Damage by <Trait> *Usable once after each touch casting a dispel <Trait>


RequieM Chapter 4c Spell

= & Misc Matrix
Discipline of Sacrament






Extend Gesture Repel to [Sacrament] by Supremacy *gesture is holding symbol

of [Deity]

Raise the Fallen




Sanctified Movement


Cure Paralyze or Cure Bind by Faith

Sanctified Vigor


Cure Mangle or Cure Maim by Faith

Sanctuary of the Living*


Frenzy Disengage to [Sacrament] for the Battle *must have symbol of [Deity] in

Sacred Duty


*x Heal 2 by Faith (+2x per Spi)

Power Infusion


Major Cure Death and Heal All by Faith

Righteous Fire


Plant foot, *x 3 Damage to [Sacrament] by Faith Burst (+1x per Str) *3 packets

Symbol of Devotion(NC)


Imbue a Holy Symbol with a per Battle Spell *from a specific list, requires
Blessing and a recipe



5 Damage to [Sacrament] by Faith *must have symbol of [Deity] in hand

(R) Holy Wrath*


Major 10 Damage to [Sacrament] by Holy *must have symbol of [Deity] in hand




Boon of Mobility


Cure Slow or Cure Root by Faith



10 sec RP: Heal 5 and Agony by Faith *touch cast only

Curse of Whispering Tongues


Curse of Withering


Impale the Doll*


Boon of Usefulness


Curse of Insidious Voices


Death Grip


Inflict the Doll*


Boon of Temperament


Curse of the Plague Bearer


Locate the Doll*


Able to pursue one named target, that is in the general vicinity (time/location)
*must have Voodoo Doll of Target

Channel the Power of Boons


After touch casting a Cure <Effect> by Faith, throw that same <Effect> by Faith

Curse of Frailty


30 sec RP: Extend Vulnerable All by Curse 1 Day *helpless target only

(R) Personal Curse


30 sec RP: Inflict Card by Curse: Plot approved curse of players choice, may
change each event

Heal 3 and Berserk by Faith

5 min RP: Inflict Card: Permanently Destroy or Banish [Sacrament] that is
helpless in a Power Circle

Pyramid of Curses

30 sec RP: Inflict Card by Curse: Target can only talk in a Whisper and cannot use
Voice Attacks *helpless target only
Paralyze and Plague by Faith *touch cast and helpless target only
30 sec RP: Voice Attack to <Name> 5 Damage and Agony by Faith *must have
Voodoo Doll of Target
Cure Weakness or Cure Enfeeble or Cure Silence by Faith
30 sec RP: Inflict Card by Curse: Target must obey all commands by you that are
non-combat in nature *helpless target only
Extend Gesture Silence and Agony by Faith
30 sec RP: Turn Spirit and able to cast a Curse or deliver a Curse Inflict to target
*must have Voodoo Doll of Target
Cure Berserk or Cure Fatigue by Faith
30 sec RP: Inflict Card by Curse: First person to touch target triggers: Voice
Attack Maim by Disease *helpless target only


RequieM Chapter 4c Spell & Misc Matrix

Devotion Powers




3/refresh Grant Carrier Holy

Devotion Rapture

Able to unerringly pursue one named target, that is in the general

vicinity (time/location)

Devotion Sylvana

Plant foot and Frenzy 2 Damage by Water (AGI) / Air (INT),

Earth (STR) / Fire (SPI)

Devotion Synter


May Call Upon and Speak with Avatars or Spirits that represent
the Deities (time/location)

Devotion Paragon

Fury of War

Gain +* Called Damage with Melee Weapons (+1 per 2 Spi)

Devotion Kade

Call the Huntress


Channel the Elements

2 *+

Inner Focus


Gain +1 Endurance Able to Instant Refresh once per Event

The Chosen One

Invoke the Dreaming


Use any listed skill within any skill header with an attribute cost
*no spells

Devotion Dias

Night's Deception


May use any Deity's name in incants 1/event mimic any other Divine
Power listed *night time only, every use requires a favor from Satya

Devotion Satya

Gain +2 Power

Devotion Argandris

1 hr RP: Turn into a Beast for an Adventure *Player must provide


The Green Man

Gain +* Vitality (+1 per 2 Str)

Devotion K'tar

Beneficial Skill granted at start of Event, all followers will have

the same boon

Devotion Aveena

May enter Death's Realm at any time, but must treat with

The Nameless One

Power of the Ages

The Beast Within*


The Mountain Does Not Move

Twist of Fate


Walk the Darkest Road

Psychic Benedictions



Open Portal Thought


Open a portal for Caster and 5 others to the Target's Mind, to fix serious problems
(time/location) *requires a Power Circle

Regain Memory


Imbue Card by Thought: Remove a Forget Toxin or Alter Memory that has affected the
target in the past hour

Thought Ritual Beneficial


Perform one Beneficial Thought Ritual on target while on the Dreamscape *requires
Ritual Scroll and Components

Remove Compulsion


Imbue Card by Thought: Empowered Cure Inflict: Thought Compulsion on target

Switch Minds


Imbue Cards by Thought: Transfer skill sets between two players for Adventure Duration
*must be willing, and mind linked to both




Alter Memory


Inflict Card by Thought: Alter someone's memory, not related to combat or someone
Target was attacked by (Permanent)

Compulsion Friendly


Inflict Card by Thought: Target will react favorably to Caster and up to 5 others for the next hour

Compulsion Truth


Inflict Card by Thought: Target must answer all questions truthfully for the next 15 minutes

Thought Ritual Destructive


Perform one Destructive Thought Ritual on target while on the Dreamscape *requires
Ritual Scroll and Components

Compulsion Any


Inflict Card by Thought: Target is compelled to do a specific action until completion

Psychic Maladies


RequieM Chapter 4c Spell

= & Misc Matrix
Primal Aspects







If you hear combat, you are automatically drawn to it

Enhanced Strength

Gain +1 Strength

Blood Thirst

Heal 2 to Self every time character is affected by a Berserk

Control Rage


Choose the first target of your Berserk *once per berserk

Critical Strike Claw


3 Damage by Weapon *claw only



+1 Called Damage over 2 for the Battle

2-Handed Claw

Able to use a 2-Handed claw

Casting Claws

Able to cast all spells (Magic and Faith) with a single Claw

Cant buy
2-Handed Claw

Hardened Claws

No Effect to Destroy on Claws

Can't buy
2-Handed Claw

Blood Rage







May not use Stamina, Stealth, Inspiration, Arcane, Zeal and

Power during the day (6am to 6pm)


-1 CP to all Rumor skills

Enhanced Spirit

Gain +1 Spirit

Exceptional Balance(NC)*

Both Feet may miss physical challenge (Evade) *must have a

Prosthetic Tail *must come within 1 foot of intended target

Can't buy


Hide one item on self only, that is undiscoverable from normal


Can't buy

Device Proficiency(NC)

Pick Locks, Set and Disarm Traps

Improved Feign Death(NC)

Give false answer to Diagnose Dead, Damage, Stable and



You may lie, even under any effect that states you must tell the
truth. *Does not include Death's Realm


Can't buy

Hardened Claws

or Casting - Claws

or Casting - Claws

or Casting - Claws

Gain +10 Bonus Vitality for Battle *If dropped or at the end of
the Battle fall to Dead


3/refresh Instant Spirit Form *may not move or talk



Exceptional Balance

RequieM Chapter 4c Spell & Misc Matrix






Slight of Build


Cannot use 2-Handed Weapons, except Staves

Enhanced Agility

Gain +1 Agility



Instant Purge Root by Will



5 sec RP: Purge Paralyze or Purge Bind by Will


Lightning Reflexes


Able to use any Weapon attack as a Natural Packet attack for the Battle



Frenzy Evade for 30 seconds *must be running, no skills or


Can't buy
Winged Flight

Winged Flight*


5 sec RP: Fly for Battle 5 sec RP: Land from flying without cost
*must have Prosthetic Wings

Can't buy Flee


No Effect to Slow

May choose which limb is Maimed or Mangled






Must sleep 5 hours a day, or suffer from a Permanent Weakness and Slow

Exceptional Vitality

Gain +1 Vitality


Tough Skin

5 min RP: Gain +1 Bonus Armor (max 1), Natural Armor may be Can't buy

Heavy Natural Armor

5 min RP: 4 Natural Armor *no armor may be worn

Maintenance Huge Appetite

Gain +1 Stamina from Living Well, but Living Well's cost is doubled

Medium Natural Armor

5 min RP: 3 Natural Armor *no armor may be worn


-1 Called Damage taken, but affected by Permanent Slow

Light Natural Armor

5 min RP: 2 Natural Armor *no armor may be worn






Resist Element (Air, Earth, Fire, Water) *must have Prosthetic Fur


Can't buy Tough Skin

Hvy Armor Prof,

Med Nat. Armor

Med Armor Prof,

Light Nat. Armor

Light Armor Prof

-1 Called Damage Taken for the Battle

Half Duration on Stun and Sleep





Weak Encumbrance


Cannot Purchase Heavy Armor Proficiency, Cannot Drag Bodies

Enhanced Intellect

Gain +1 Intellect

Knowledge Aptitude

-1 CP to all Knowledge skills

Quick Learner(NC)

May learn Uncommon skills with 1 Instruction Card, Rare Skills

with 5 Instruction Cards

Acute Hearing*


Evade to Back attack *must have Prosthetic Ears

Can't buy Willful



5 sec RP: Purge Dominate or Command

Can't buy
Acute Hearing

Instruction Excellent

10 Instruction Cards per Event


Item Lore(NC)

Identify all Alchemy and Potion Making Items and Evaluate IG

Worth of most items.


Self Control



No Effect to Berserk until next Refresh



a= RequieM

Chapter 4a Race Matrix

Crafting Rules

though we recommend that you at least glance

through the topics to see if anything catches your eye.

ck on here should be addressed, because after you get

your feet wet here, you get to dive right in. If you are
an experienced LARPer feel free to skip this chapter,
though we recommend that you at least glance
through the topics to see if anything catches your eye.

Reagents, Bases, Free Production

ck on here should be addressed, because after you get

your feet wet here, you get to dive right in. If you are
an experienced LARPer feel free to skip this chapter,
though we recommend that you at least glance
through the topics to see if anything catches your eye.

Starting Recipes

ck on here should be addressed, because after you get

your feet wet here, you get to dive right in. If you are
an experienced LARPer feel free to skip this chapter,
though we recommend that you at least glance
through the topics to see if anything catches your eye.

Making Items

ck on here should be addressed, because after you get

your feet wet here, you get to dive right in. If you are
an experienced LARPer feel free to skip this chapter,
though we recommend that you at least glance
through the topics to see if anything catches your eye.

4D Miscellaneous

ck on here should be addressed, because after you get

your feet wet here, you get to dive right in. If you are
an experienced LARPer feel free to skip this chapter,
though we recommend that you at least glance
through the topics to see if anything catches your eye.

4E Craft Skills

ck on here should be addressed, because after you get

your feet wet here, you get to dive right in. If you are
an experienced LARPer feel free to skip this chapter,
though we recommend that you at least glance
through the topics to see if anything catches your eye.

4F Craft Recipes

ck on here should be addressed, because after you get

your feet wet here, you get to dive right in. If you are
an experienced LARPer feel free to skip this chapter,


RequieM Chapter 4d Craft Matrix

Alchemy SKILLS




Instruction - Alchemy

Allows character with Read/Write to use Instruction Cards to teach a known

recipe into an Blank Alchemy Formula

Base - Extracts(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Extracts used in Alchemy

Free Production - Alchemy(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Free Production used in Alchemy

Preserve Components(NC)

Offboard: This skill allows players to preserve components with Production


Reagent - Catalysts(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Catalysts used in Alchemy

Reagent - Compounds(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Compounds used in Alchemy

Reagent - Distillations(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Distillations used in Alchemy

Alchemy Rules


Chapter 4d Craft Matrix

a= RequieM

Blade Poisons

1 CP




Simple Blade Poisons(NC)

Allows a character to create Simple Blade Poisons

Average Blade Poisons(NC)

Allows a character to create Average Blade Poisons

Simple Blade Poisons

Difficult Blade Poisons(NC)

Allows a character to create Difficult Blade Poisons

Average Blade Poisons

Complex Blade Poisons(NC)

Allows a character to create Complex Blade Poisons

Difficult Blade Poisons

(R) Epic Blade Poisons(NC)

Allows a character to create Epic Blade Poisons

Complex Blade Poisons

Gas Poisons

1 CP




Simple Gas Poisons(NC)

Allows a character to create Simple Gas Poisons

Average Gas Poisons(NC)

Allows a character to create Average Gas Poisons

Simple Gas Poisons

Difficult Gas Poisons(NC)

Allows a character to create Difficult Gas Poisons

Average Gas Poisons

Complex Gas Poisons(NC)

Allows a character to create Complex Gas Poisons

Difficult Gas Poisons

(R) Epic Gas Poisons(NC)

Allows a character to create Epic Gas Poisons

Complex Gas Poisons


1 CP




Simple Salves(NC)

Allows a character to create Simple Salves

Average Salves(NC)

Allows a character to create Average Salves

Simple Salves

Difficult Salves(NC)

Allows a character to create Difficult Salves

Average Salves

Complex Salves(NC)

Allows a character to create Complex Salves

Difficult Salves

(R) Epic Salves(NC)

Allows a character to create Epic Salves

Complex Salves


1 CP




Simple Toxins(NC)

Allows a character to create Simple Toxins

Average Toxins(NC)

Allows a character to create Average Toxins

Simple Toxins

Difficult Toxins(NC)

Allows a character to create Difficult Toxins

Average Toxins

Complex Toxins(NC)

Allows a character to create Complex Toxins

Difficult Toxins

(R) Epic Toxins(NC)

Allows a character to create Epic Toxins

Complex Toxins


RequieM Chapter 4d Craft Matrix

Blacksmithing SKILLS




Instruction - Blacksmith

Allows character with Read/Write to use Instruction Cards to teach a known

recipe into a Blank Blacksmithing Formula

Break Down Components(NC)

This skill allows players to break down Components with Production Points

Free Production Fireproofing(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Free Production used in


Base - Materials(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Materials used in Repairing

Weapons and Armor

Reagent - Alloys(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Alloys used in Blacksmithing

Reagent - Containers(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Containers used in Blacksmithing

Reagent - Dusts(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Dusts used in Blacksmithing

Blacksmithing Rules


Chapter 4d Craft Matrix

a= RequieM

1 CP




Simple Armor(NC)

Allows a character to create Simple Strapping, Stones and


Average Armor(NC)

Allows a character to create Average Strapping, Stones and


Simple Armor

Difficult Armor(NC)

Allows a character to create Difficult Armor, Helms,

Refurbishments and Item Prefixes

Average Armor

Complex Armor(NC)

Allows a character to create Complex Refurbishments and

Item Suffixes

Difficult Armor

(R) Epic Armor(NC)

Allows a character to create Epic Armor

Complex Armor

Melee Weapons

1 CP




Simple Melee Weapons(NC)

Allows a character to create Simple Stones and Grips

Average Melee Weapons(NC)

Allows a character to create Average Stones and Grips

Simple Melee Weapons

Difficult Melee Weapons(NC)

Allows a character to create Difficult 1H and 2H Melee

Weapons, Refurbishments and Item Prefixes

Average Melee Weapons

Complex Melee Weapons(NC)

Allows a character to create Complex Refurbishments, Item

Prefixes and Item Suffixes

Difficult Melee Weapons

(R) Epic Melee Weapons(NC)

Allows a character to create Epic Melee Weapons

Complex Melee Weapons

Ranged Weapons

1 CP




Simple Ranged Weapons(NC)

Allows a character to create Simple Tips and Arrows

Average Ranged Weapons(NC)

Allows a character to create Average Tips and Arrows

Simple Ranged Weapons

Difficult Ranged Weapons(NC)

Allows a character to create Difficult Ranged Weapons,

Quivers, Refurbishments and Item Prefixes

Average Ranged Weapons

Complex Ranged Weapons(NC)

Allows a character to create Complex Refurbishments and

Item Suffixes

Difficult Ranged Weapons

(R) Epic Ranged Weapons(NC)

Allows a character to create Epic Ranged Weapons

Complex Ranged Weapons


1 CP




Simple Shields(NC)

Allows a character to create Simple Stones, Spikes and Grips

Average Shields(NC)

Allows a character to create Average Stones, Spikes and Grips

Simple Shields

Difficult Shields(NC)

Allows a character to create Difficult Shields, Shoulders,

Refurbishments and Item Prefixes

Average Shields

Complex Shields(NC)

Allows a character to create Complex Refurbishments and

Item Suffixes

Difficult Shields

(R) Epic Shields(NC)

Allows a character to create Epic Shields

Complex Shields


RequieM Chapter 4d Craft Matrix

Potion making SKILLS
Potion Making




Instruction - Potion Making


Allows character with Read/Write to use Instruction Cards to teach a known

recipe into a Blank Potion Making Formula

Free Production - Preservatives(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Free Production used in Potion

Preserve Like Components(NC)

This skill allows players to preserve similar components with Production


Base - Solutions(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Solutions used in Potion Making

Reagent - Dyes(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Dyes used in Potion Making

Reagent - Infusions(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Infusions used in Potion Making

Reagent - Oils(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Oils used in Potion Making

Potion Making Rules


Chapter 4d Craft Matrix

a= RequieM


1 CP

Potion Making



Simple Cauldrons(NC)

Allows a character to create Simple Cauldrons

Average Cauldrons(NC)

Allows a character to create Average Cauldrons

Simple Cauldrons

Difficult Cauldrons(NC)

Allows a character to create Difficult Cauldrons

Average Cauldrons

Complex Cauldrons(NC)

Allows a character to create Complex Cauldrons

Difficult Cauldrons

(R) Epic Cauldrons(NC)

Allows a character to create Epic Cauldrons

Complex Cauldrons


1 CP

Potion Making



Simple Elixirs(NC)

Allows a character to create Simple Elixirs

Average Elixirs(NC)

Allows a character to create Average Elixirs

Simple Elixirs

Difficult Elixirs(NC)

Allows a character to create Difficult Elixirs

Average Elixirs

Complex Elixirs(NC)

Allows a character to create Complex Elixirs

Difficult Elixirs

(R) Epic Elixirs(NC)

Allows a character to create Epic Elixirs

Complex Elixirs


1 CP

Potion Making



Simple Potions(NC)

Allows a character to create Simple Potions

Average Potions(NC)

Allows a character to create Average Potions

Simple Potions

Difficult Potions(NC)

Allows a character to create Difficult Potions

Average Potions

Complex Potions(NC)

Allows a character to create Complex Potions

Difficult Potions

(R) Epic Potions(NC)

Allows a character to create Epic Potions

Complex Potions


1 CP

Potion Making



Simple Treatments(NC)

Allows a character to create Simple Acids, Liquids and Glazes

Average Treatments(NC)

Allows a character to create Average Acids, Liquids and Glazes

Difficult Treatments(NC)

Allows a character to create Difficult Acids, Liquids and Glazes Average Treatments

Complex Treatments(NC)

Allows a character to create Complex Acids, Liquids and Glazes

Difficult Treatments

(R) Epic Treatments(NC)

Allows a character to create Epic Treatments

Complex Treatments


Simple Treatments

RequieM Chapter 4d Craft Matrix

Rune Carving SKILLS
Rune Carving




Combine Components(NC)

This skill allows players to combine with Production Points

Free Production - Personal


This skill provides access to produce all Free Production used in Rune

Instruction - Rune Carving


Allows character with Read/Write to use Instruction Cards to teach a known

recipe into a Blank Rune Carving Formula

Base - Upkeep Glyphs(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Upkeep Glyphs used in Rune Carving

Reagent - Arcane Glyphs

This skill provides access to produce all Arcane Glyphs used in Rune Carving

Reagent - Mental Glyphs(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Mental Glyphs used in Rune Carving

Reagent - Physical Glyphs(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Physical Glyphs used in Rune Carving

Rune Carving Rules



Chapter 4d Craft Matrix

a= RequieM

Armor Runes

1 CP

Rune Carving



Simple Armor Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Simple Armor Runes

Average Armor Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Average Armor Runes

Simple Armor Runes

Difficult Armor Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Difficult Armor Runes

Average Armor Runes

Complex Armor Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Complex Armor Runes

Difficult Armor Runes

(R) Epic Armor Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Epic Armor Runes

Complex Armor Runes

Power Runes

1 CP

Rune Carving



Simple Power Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Simple Sigils, Wards and Tattoos

Average Power Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Average Sigils, Wards and Tattoos

Simple Power Runes

Difficult Power Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Difficult Sigils, Wards and Tattoos

Average Power Runes

Complex Power Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Complex Sigils, Wards and Tattoos

Difficult Power Runes

(R) Epic Power Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Epic Power Runes

Complex Power Runes

Shield Runes

1 CP

Rune Carving



Simple Shield Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Simple Shield Runes

Average Shield Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Average Shield Runes

Simple Shield Runes

Difficult Shield Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Difficult Shield Runes

Average Shield Runes

Complex Shield Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Complex Shield Runes

Difficult Shield Runes

(R) Epic Shield Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Epic Shield Runes

Complex Shield Runes

Weapon Runes

1 CP

Rune Carving



Simple Weapon Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Simple Weapon Runes

Average Weapon Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Average Weapon Runes

Simple Weapon Runes

Difficult Weapon Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Difficult Weapon Runes

Average Weapon Runes

Complex Weapon Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Complex Weapon Runes

Difficult Weapon Runes

(R) Epic Weapon Runes(NC)

Allows character to create Epic Weapon Runes

Complex Weapon Runes


RequieM Chapter 4d Craft Matrix

Scroll Making SKILLS
Scroll Making




Free Production Doubling


This skill allows characters to produce all Free Production used in Scroll

Instruction - Scroll Making


Allows character with Read/Write to use Instruction Cards to teach a known

recipe into a Blank Scroll Making Formula

Transmute Like Components(NC)

This skill allows players to change components from one type to another of
the same type with Production Points

Base - Vellums(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Vellums used in Scroll Making

Reagent - Inks(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Inks used in Scroll Making

Reagent - Patterns(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Patterns used in Scroll Making

Reagent - Quills(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Quills used in Scroll Making

Scroll Making Rules


Chapter 4d Craft Matrix

a= RequieM

1 CP

Scroll Making



Simple Books(NC)

Allows a character to create Simple Books and Scroll


Average Books(NC)

Allows a character to create Average Books and Scroll


Simple Books

Difficult Books(NC)

Allows a character to create Difficult Books and Scroll


Average Books

Complex Books(NC)

Allows a character to create Complex Books and Scroll


Difficult Books

(R) Epic Books(NC)

Allows a character to create Epic Books

Complex Books

Faith Scrolls

1 CP

Scroll Making



Simple Faith Scrolls(NC)

Allows a character to create Simple Faith Scrolls

Average Faith Scrolls(NC)

Allows a character to create Average Faith Scrolls

Simple Faith Scrolls

Difficult Faith Scrolls(NC)

Allows a character to create Difficult Faith Scrolls

Average Faith Scrolls

Complex Faith Scrolls(NC)

Allows a character to create Complex Faith Scrolls

Difficult Faith Scrolls

(R) Epic Faith Scrolls(NC)

Allows a character to create Epic Faith Scrolls

Complex Faith Scrolls


1 CP

Scroll Making



Scroll Making Formulas(NC)

Allows a character to create Blank Scroll Making Formulas

Alchemy Formulas(NC)

Allows a character to create Blank Alchemy Formulas

Blacksmithing Formulas(NC)

Allows a character to create Blank Blacksmithing Formulas

Potion Making Formulas(NC)

Allows a character to create Blank Potion Making Formulas

Rune Carving Formulas(NC)

Allows a character to create Blank Rune Carving Formulas

Tinkering Formulas(NC)

Allows a character to create Blank Tinkering Formulas

Magic Scrolls

1 CP

Scroll Making



Simple Magic Scrolls(NC)

Allows a character to create Simple Magic Scrolls

Average Magic Scrolls(NC)

Allows a character to create Average Magic Scrolls

Simple Magic Scrolls

Difficult Magic Scrolls(NC)

Allows a character to create Difficult Magic Scrolls

Average Magic Scrolls

Complex Magic Scrolls(NC)

Allows a character to create Complex Magic Scrolls

Difficult Magic Scrolls

(R) Epic Magic Scrolls(NC)

Allows a character to create Epic Magic Scrolls

Complex Magic Scrolls


RequieM Chapter 4d Craft Matrix

Tinkering SKILLS




Free Production - Gizmos(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Free Production used in Tinkering

Base - Parts(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Mechanical Scraps used in


Instruction - Tinkering

Allows character with Read/Write to use Instruction Cards to teach a known

recipe into a Blank Tinkering Formula

Transmute Component(NC)

This skill allows players to change components from one type to another
with Production Points

Reagent - Armaments(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Armaments used in Tinkering

Reagent - Hardware(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Hardware used in Tinkering

Reagent - Power Sources(NC)

This skill provides access to produce all Power Sources used in Tinkering

Tinkering Rules


Chapter 4d Craft Matrix

a= RequieM


1 CP




Simple Explosives(NC)

Allows a character to create Simple Bombs and Traps

Average Explosives(NC)

Allows a character to create Average Bombs and Traps

Simple Explosives

Difficult Explosives(NC)

Allows a character to create Difficult Bombs and Traps

Average Explosives

Complex Explosives(NC)

Allows a character to create Complex Bombs and Traps

Difficult Explosives

(R) Epic Explosives(NC)

Allows a character to create Epic Bombs and Traps

Complex Explosives


1 CP




Simple Gadgets(NC)

Allows a character to create Simple Gadgets

Average Gadgets(NC)

Allows a character to create Average Gadgets

Simple Gadgets

Difficult Gadgets(NC)

Allows a character to create Difficult Gadgets

Average Gadgets

Complex Gadgets(NC)

Allows a character to create Complex Gadgets

Difficult Gadgets

(R) Epic Gadgets(NC)

Allows a character to create Epic Gadgets

Complex Gadgets


1 CP




Simple Repairs(NC)

Allows a character to create Simple Repairs

Average Repairs(NC)

Allows a character to create Average Repairs

Simple Repairs

Difficult Repairs(NC)

Allows a character to create Difficult Repairs

Average Repairs

Complex Repairs(NC)

Allows a character to create Complex Repairs

Difficult Repairs

(R) Epic Repairs(NC)

Allows a character to create Epic Repairs

Complex Repairs


1 CP




Simple Upgrades(NC)

Allows a character to create Simple Upgrades

Average Upgrades(NC)

Allows a character to create Average Upgrades

Simple Upgrades

Difficult Upgrades(NC)

Allows a character to create Difficult Upgrades

Average Upgrades

Complex Upgrades(NC)

Allows a character to create Complex Upgrades

Difficult Upgrades

(R) Epic Upgrades(NC)

Allows a character to create Epic Upgrades

Complex Upgrades


RequieM Chapter 4d Craft Matrix

Blessing SKILLS





Attune a Magic Item to a character at Check In or during the Event for a

production point (time/location if during the Event)

Attunement - Check Out(NC)

Attune a Magic Item to a character at Check Out for no cost

Symbolic Faith

-1 CP Cost of the Holy Symbol of [deity]

Blessing Rules



Chapter 4d Craft Matrix

a= RequieM
Holy Symbols

1 CP



Symbol Of Devotion

Symbol Of The Devout(NC)

Creates a Holy Symbol that can only be attuned to the

character with Blessing creating the wand

Symbol Of Balance(NC)

Creates a Holy Symbol with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with Devotion - Paragon

Symbol Of Chi(NC)

Creates a Holy Symbol with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with Devotion - The Chosen One

Symbol Of Deception(NC)

Creates a Holy Symbol with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with Devotion - Satya

Symbol Of Dreams(NC)

Creates a Holy Symbol with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with Devotion - Dias

Symbol Of Elements(NC)

Creates a Holy Symbol with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with Devotion - Synter

Symbol Of Fate(NC)

Creates a Holy Symbol with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with Devotion - Aveena

Symbol Of Light(NC)

Creates a Holy Symbol with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with Devotion - Rapture

Symbol Of Magic(NC)

Creates a Holy Symbol with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with Devotion - Argandris

Symbol Of Might(NC)

Creates a Holy Symbol with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with Devotion -K'tar

Symbol Of Nature(NC)

Creates a Holy Symbol with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with Devotion - The Green Man

Symbol Of Nether(NC)

Creates a Holy Symbol with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with Devotion - The Nameless One

Symbol Of The Hunt(NC)

Creates a Holy Symbol with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with Devotion - Sylvana

Symbol Of War(NC)

Creates a Holy Symbol with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with Devotion - Kade

Symbol Of Evil(NC)

Creates a Holy Symbol with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with Devotion - Maalor or Azraal


1 CP




Circlet Of Secrecy(NC)

Creates a Crown with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with the Rogue Header

Coronet Of Dire Need(NC)

Creates a Crown with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with a Minor Discipline of Faith

Crown Of Mending(NC)

Creates a Crown with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with the Warrior Header

Diadem Of Reversal(NC)

Creates a Crown with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with a Major Discipline of Faith

Tiara Of Expertise(NC)

Creates a Crown with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with the Artisan Header


RequieM Chapter 4d Craft Matrix

Enchanting SKILLS





Attune a Magic Item to a character at Check In or during the Event for a

production point (time/location if during the Event)

Attunement - Check Out(NC)

Attune a Magic Item to a character at Check Out for no cost

Enchanting Rules


Chapter 4d Craft Matrix

a= RequieM


1 CP


Wand Of Enchantment

Wand Of The Magi(NC)

Creates a wand that can only be attuned to the character with

Enchanting creating the wand

Wand Of Flame(NC)

Creates a wand with a 1/battle Spell that can only be attuned

to a character with an Elemental Path

Wand Of Ice(NC)

Creates a wand with a 1/battle Spell that can only be attuned

to a character with an Elemental Path

Wand Of Lightning(NC)

Creates a wand with a 1/battle Spell that can only be attuned

to a character with an Elemental Path

Wand Of Stone(NC)

Creates a wand with a 1/battle Spell that can only be attuned

to a character with an Elemental Path



1 CP



Ring Of Conjuring(NC)

Creates a Ring with a 1/battle Ability that can only be attuned

to a character with a Major School of Magic

Ring Of Illusion(NC)

Creates a Ring with a 1/battle Ability that can only be attuned

to a character with a Major School of Magic

Ring Of The Third Eye(NC)

Creates a Ring with a 1/battle Ability that can only be attuned

to a character with a Major School of Magic

Ring Of Wonder(NC)

Creates a Ring with a 1/battle Ability that can only be attuned

to a character with a Major School of Magic

Ring Of Supremacy(NC)

Creates a Ring with a 1/battle Ability that can only be attuned

to a character with a Major School of Magic


1 CP

Amulet Of Bards(NC)

Amulet Of Capturing(NC)

Amulet Of Ceremony(NC)

Amulet Of Nightmares(NC)

Amulet Of Returning(NC)





Creates an Amulet with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

ith Mi
S h l fM i
Creates an Amulet with a 1/battle Ability that can only be
att ned to a character ith a Minor School of Magic
Creates an Amulet with a 1/battle Ability that can only be
ith Mi
S h l fM i
Creates an Amulet with a 1/battle Ability that can only be
ith Mi
S h l fM i
Creates an Amulet with a 1/battle Ability that can only be
ith Mi
S h l fM i

2 CP

Rings & Amulets



Circlet Of Vanishing(NC)

Creates a Crown with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with the Rogue Header

Coronet Of The Wyld(NC)

Creates a Crown with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with a Minor Discipline of Faith

Crown Of Kings(NC)

Creates a Crown with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with the Warrior Header

Diadem Of Alacrity(NC)

Creates a Crown with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with a Major Discipline of Faith

Tiara Of Resourcefulness(NC)

Creates a Crown with a 1/battle Ability that can only be

attuned to a character with the Artisan Header


RequieM Chapter 4d Craft Matrix

War Paint SKILLS
War Paint




Application Self


Apply War Paint to Self with Attribute and Component Cost



Apply War Paint to a Team member with Attribute and

Component Cost

War Paint



Apply 2/3/4 War Paints to Self or Team for single Component

and Attribute Cost


Refresh Application Self


Refresh War Paint on Self with Attribute Cost only

Refresh Application


Refresh War Paint on a Team member with Attribute Cost only

War Paint



Refresh 2/3/4 War Paints on Self or Team for single Attribute

Cost only


Application - Extra

Refresh Application - Extra


Paint Expertise Self

Remove Component Cost to War Paint Applications on Self only

10 CP in War
Paint Skills

Paint Expertise All

Remove Component Cost on War Paints *does not include Face

of Truth or Veil of the Changeling

20 CP in War
Paint Skills

War Paint Rules


Chapter 4d Craft Matrix

a= RequieM
Creator of Masks

1 CP

War Paint




Mask Of Steel(NC)


Bright Metallic Lines extending a mask over the eyes

Mask Of Fangs(NC)


Dark Triangles extending from bridge of nose over eyes and

towards hair, Extended Mouth with Fangs

Mask Of Steel

Mask Of Obscurity(NC)


Thick black bar on the back of the neck

War Paint,
Mask Of Fangs

Mask Of The Champion(NC)


Half of the face (divided vertically) covered in ornate celtic

patterns/swirls, other half completely blank

Mask Of

Mask Of The Night(NC)


Dark curved "slices" that come to a point on both ends vertically

covering face from forehead to chin

Mask Of The

Art of Faces


1 CP

Creator of Masks





Face Of Dreams(NC)


Third Eye on Forehead

Face Of Storms


Lightning bolts through Both Eyes from forehead to cheeks

Face Of Dreams

Face Of Valor(NC)


Two thick bright vertical bands that come down from the
forehead over both eyes, to the neck

War Paint,
Face Of Storms

Face Of Spirits(NC)


Outline of a skull around entire face, with darkened eyes

Face Of Valor

Face Of Truth(NC)


Large symbol of new chosen Deity

Face Of Spirits

Crafter of Visages 1 CP

Art of Faces




Visage Of The Berserker(NC)


Three Diagonal Stripes on both cheeks, angling down towards

the mouth, and three vertical stripes on the forehead

Visage Of Brutality(NC)


Appearance of Blood coming from the lips and both eyes,

trailing down chin and cheeks

Visage Of The

Visage Of Thorns(NC)


Thorns and vines traveling along the jawline to the ears, and on
the neck (not around the eyes)

War Paint,

Visage Of The Corruptor(NC)


Cracks dividing face into many sections, covering forehead, chin Visage Of
and both cheeks

Visage Of The Phoenix(NC)


Red and Orange Flames surrounding both eyes, traveling up the

forehead slightly

Master of Veils

1 CP


Visage Of Brutality

Visage Of The

Crafter of Visages




Veil Of The Divine(NC)


lines of dots following under both eyes, and down vertically

both cheeks near the lips, and in a V on the forehead

Veil Of Infinity(NC)


Spider Web design on top of face, bridge of nose being center,

and covering forehead and half cheeks

Veil Of The

Veil Of Whispers(NC)


Two vertical thin red bands, one crossing both eyes 'masking'
them, one crossing the mouth

War Paint,
Veil Of Infinity

Veil Of Sorcery(NC)


Blue Flames extending from neck up the side of your face by the
ears around eyes to the forehead

Veil Of

Veil Of The Changeling(NC)


Colorful Butterfly with body on nose, and wings extending

through the eyes towards ears

Veil Of Sorcery



RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Alchemy Recipes
Free Production
Fermenting Agent

When added to a Consumable while crafting it, will remove the expiration date on the Consumable

Weak Extract (C)

Any 1 Common Component (makes 5)

Strong Extract (U)

Any 1 Uncommon Component (makes 5)

Concentrated Extract (R)

Any 1 Rare Component (makes 5)

Caustic Enzyme (C)

Raw Spores, Any Raw Magical Component

Essence of Pain (C)

Raw Venom, Any Raw Magical Component

Corrosive Enzyme (U)

Refined Spores, Any 2 Raw Magical Components

Essence of Agony (U)

Refined Venom, Any 2 Raw Magical Components

Deadly Essence (R)

Pure Blood, Pure Bone, Pure Venom

Essence of Torment (R)

Pure Venom, Any 2 Refined Herbal Components

Liquid Truesilver (R)

Pure Water, Glyph of Alacrity, Truesilver

Charged Electrum (R)

Pure Light, Glyph of Etching, Elementium

Eternal Arcana (R)

Pure Arcane, Eternal Glyph, Titan Steel

Umbral Essence (R)

Pure Essence, Glyph of Void, Null Stone

Distilled Energy (C)

Raw Energy, Any Raw Mystical Component

Distilled Thought (C)

Raw Thought, Any Raw Mystical Component

Distilled Wyld (U)

Refined Wyld, Any 2 Raw Mystical Components

Distilled Power (U)

Refined Energy, Any 2 Raw Mystical Components

Distilled Acid (U)

Pure Spores, Any 2 Refined Herbal Components

Distilled Resilience (U)

Pure Essence, Any 2 Refined Herbal Components

Distilled Dream (R)

Pure Dream, Any 2 Refined Herbal Components

Distilled Life (R)

Pure Spirit, Any 2 Refined Mystical Components

Distilled Nether (R)

Uncut Netherite, Any 2 Refined Mystical Components

Distilled Purity (R)

Pure Divine, Any 2 Refined Mystical Components

Compressed Air (C)

Raw Air, Any Raw Herbal Component

Knockout Gas (C)

Raw Dream, Any Raw Herbal Component

Adhesive Spray (U)

Refined Air, Any 2 Raw Herbal Components

Volatile Gas (U)

Refined Air, Any 2 Raw Herbal Components

Compressed Vapor (U)

Refined Water, Any 2 Raw Herbal Components

Hallucinogenic Gas (U)

Refined Shadow, Any 2 Raw Herbal Components

Explosive Gas (R)

Pure Air, Any 2 Refined Herbal Components

Breath of Argandris (R)

Pure Arcane, Any 2 Refined Herbal Components

Compressed Voidmist (R)

Pure Void, Any 2 Refined Herbal Components

Mending Gas (R)

Pure Wyld, Any 2 Refined Herbal Components


a= RequieM

Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Blade Poisons




Acidic Venom

Minor Use: 2 Damage by Acid

Weak Extract, Raw Spores

Minor Damage Venom

Minor Use: 2 Damage by Poison

Weak Extract, Raw Venom

Painful Venom

Minor Use: Agony by Poison

Weak Extract, Raw Blood

Silencing Venom

Minor Use: Silence by Poison

Weak Extract, Raw Air

Weakening Venom

Minor Use: Weakness by Poison

Weak Extract, Raw Husk

Average Blade Poisons




Damage Venom

Single Use: 5 Damage by Poison

Weak Extract, Essence of Pain

Debilitating Venom

Single Use: Mangle Poison

Weak Extract, Caustic Agent

Enfeebling Venom

Single Use: Enfeeble by Poison

Weak Extract, Essence of Pain

Phobic Venom

Single Use: Repel by Poison

Weak Extract, Distilled Thought

Stunning Venom

Single Use: Stun by Poison

Weak Extract, Knockout Gas

Difficult Blade Poisons




Affecting Venom

Single Use: Add 'to Spirit' or 'to Shadow' by Poison on All Called
Weapon Strikes for the Battle

Potent Extract, Distilled Power,

Crystal Vial

Crippling Venom

Single Use: Slow by Supremacy

Potent Extract, Essence of Agony,

Crystal Vial

Enhanced Acidic Venom

Single Use: Double 3 Damage by Acid

Potent Extract, Corrosive Agent,

Crystal Vial

Paralytic Venom

Single Use: Paralyze by Poison

Potent Extract, Essence of Agony,

Crystal Vial

Vorpal Venom

Single Use: +5 'Lethal' and 'by Poison' to next Called Weapon

Damage during the Battle

Potent Extract, Essence of Agony,

Crystal Vial

Complex Blade Poisons




Blessed Venom

Until Hit: 10 Damage by Holy

Concentrated Extract, Essence of

Torment, Divine Infusion,
Diamond Vial

Concentrated Acidic Venom

Until Hit: Triple 5 Damage by Acid

Concentrated Extract, Distilled

Acid, Amplifying Infusion,
Diamond Vial

Fatal Venom

Until Hit: Death by Poison

Concentrated Extract, Deadly

Essence, Deadly Infusion, Diamond

Incapacitating Venom

Until Hit: Fatigue by Poison

Concentrated Extract, Compressed

Voidmist, Mental Infusion,
Diamond Vial

Reapplying Painful Venom

1x per Battle: Agony by Poison

Concentrated Extract, Essence of

Torment, Restorative Infusion,
Diamond Vial


RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Gas Poisons



Minor Poisonous Gas

Minor Use: 1 Damage by Poison

Weak Extract, Raw Venom

Maiming Gas

Minor Use: Maim by Poison

Weak Extract, Raw Bone

Minor Acid Gas

Minor Use: 2 Damage by Acid

Weak Extract, Raw Spores

Slowing Gas

Minor Use: Slow by Poison

Weak Extract, Raw Husk

Nerve Gas

Minor Use: Agony by Poison

Weak Extract, Raw Blood

Average Gas Poisons




Poisonous Gas

Minor Use: 3 Body by Poison

Weak Extract, Essence of Pain

Corrosive Gas

Minor Use: Destroy to Clockwork

Weak Extract, Caustic Agent

Disarming Gas

Minor Use: Double Disarm by Poison

Weak Extract, Compressed Air

Silencing Gas

Minor Use: Silence by Poison

Weak Extract, Compressed Air

Choking Gas

Minor Use: Plague by Poison

Weak Extract, Compressed Air

Difficult Gas Poisons




Sleeping Gas

Single Use: Sleep by Poison

Potent Extract, Compressed Vapor,

Crystal Vial

Shatter Gas

Single Use: Destroy Weapon by Poison

Potent Extract, Corrosive Agent,

Crystal Vial

Disabling Gas

Single Use: Weakness and Enfeeble by Poison

Potent Extract, Compressed Vapor,

Crystal Vial

Acid Gas

Single Use: 5 Damage by Acid

Strong Extract, Compressed Vapor,

Crystal Vial

Withering Gas

Single Use: Mangle by Poison

Potent Extract, Corrosive Agent,

Crystal Vial

Complex Gas Poisons




Berserk Gas

Single Use: Berserk by Poison

Concentrated Extract, Compressed

Voidmist, Mental Infusion,
Diamond Vial

Major Poisonous Gas

Single Use: 10 Body by Poison

Concentrated Extract, Essence of

Torment, Amplifying Infusion,
Diamond Vial

Freezing Gas

Single Use: Freeze by Poison

Concentrated Extract, Compressed

Voidmist, Amplifying Infusion,
Diamond Vial

Command Gas

Single Use: Command by Poison

Concentrated Extract, Compressed

Voidmist, Mental Infusion,
Diamond Vial

Enhanced Nerve Gas

Single Use: Extend Agony by Supremacy 30 seconds

Concentrated Extract, Essence of

Torment, Amplifying Infusion,
Diamond Vial


a= RequieM

Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Salves



Stabilizing Salve

Stabilize by Poison

Weak Extract, Raw Spirit

Shielding Salve

Grant Shield Poison or Acid

Weak Extract, Raw Husk

Diagnostic Salve

Imbue: Allows any Diagnose <Effect or Trait> to a single helpless


Weak Extract, Raw Thought

Awakening Salve

Cure Sleep by Poison

Weak Extract, Raw Dream

Salve of Health

Cure Plague by Poison

Weak Extract, Raw Water




Salve of Stamina

Restore Stamina by Poison

Weak Extract, Distilled Energy

Salve of Stealth

Restore Stealth by Poison

Weak Extract, Distilled Energy

Salve of Inspiration

Restore Inspiration by Poison

Weak Extract, Distilled Energy

Salve of Arcane

Restore Arcane by Poison

Weak Extract, Distilled Thought

Salve of Zeal

Restore Zeal by Poison

Weak Extract, Distilled Thought




Healing Salve

Heal 5 by Poison

Potent Extract, Distilled Wyld,

Ornate Urn

Curative Salve

Cure <Effect> by Poison, of Character's choice

Potent Extract, Distilled Wyld,

Ornate Urn

Mana Salve

Imbue by Poison: All Spells cast for Battle become Until Hit

Potent Extract, Distilled Power,

Ornate Urn

Renewing Salve

Imbue by Poison: Restores a Per Refresh skill of Character's choice

Potent Extract, Distilled Wyld,

Ornate Urn

Restorative Salve

Restore All Stamina, Stealth, Inspiration, Arcane and Zeal by


Potent Extract, Distilled Power,

Ornate Urn




Salve of Vigor

Restore Endurance by Poison

Concentrated Extract, Distilled

Resilience, Restorative Infusion,
Precious Urn

Salve of Eternal Sleep

Imbue by Supremacy: Stops Death Count of Character Indefinitely

Concentrated Extract, Distilled

Resilience, Divine Infusion,
Precious Urn

Revitalizing Salve

Imbue by Poison: Restore a Per Event Skill of Character's Choice

Concentrated Extract, Distilled

Dream, Restorative Infusion,
Precious Urn

Treatment Salve

Allows a Character to receive Heal and Cure Effects for the Battle,
even if normally Immune

Concentrated Extract, Mending

Gas, Divine Infusion, Precious Urn

Refilling Stabilizing Salve

1x per Battle Stabilize by Poison

Concentrated Extract, Mending

Gas, Restorative Infusion, Precious

Average Salves

Difficult Salves

Complex Salves


RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Toxins




Inflict Card (by Toxin) Recipient will become drunk, carefree,

and irresponsible for 15 minutes

Weak Extract, Any Component

Stunning Toxin

Stun by Toxin

Weak Extract, Raw Earth

Marking Toxin

Inflict Marked by Toxin

Weak Extract, Raw Fire

Arthritic Toxin

Target may not wield weapons for 1 hour

Weak Extract, Raw Shadow

Toxin of Spell Suppression

Target may not cast spells for 1 hour

Weak Extract, Raw Void




Fatal Toxin

Inflict Card (by Toxin) Target collapses to Dead, if he consumes

his food or drink

Weak Extract, Essence of Pain

Knockout Toxin

Extended Stun by Toxin 1 hour

Weak Extract, Knockout Gas

Pacifying Toxin

Target may not attack Character for 1 day

Weak Extract, Distilled Thought

Warning Spores

Inflict Card (by Toxin) Body Trap, Agony by Supremacy

*Helpless target only, removed if no longer Helpless

Weak Extract, Caustic Agent

Toxin of Mutation

Imbue by Toxin Target may use 1 long claw until next Refresh

Weak Extract, Distilled Energy




Forget Toxin

Inflict Card (by Toxin) Target forgets the last 3 hours


Potent Extract, Hallucinogenic Gas,

Ornate Urn

Toxin of Control

Inflict Controlled by Toxin Character may Voice Attack to

Controlled any Ability they possess

Potent Extract, Hallucinogenic Gas,

Ornate Urn

Enhanced Knockout Toxin

Empowered Extended Stun by Supremacy 1 hour

Potent Extract, Hallucinogenic Gas,

Ornate Urn

Slow Death Toxin

Delay Slay by Poison 1 hour

Potent Extract, Essence of Agony,

Ornate Urn

Toxin of Concealment

Imbue by Toxin Give false answer to any Diagnose question until

next Refresh

Potent Extract, Distilled Wyld,

Ornate Urn




Truth Toxin

Inflict Card (by Toxin) Target must answer all questions

truthfully to the best of his ability

Concentrated Extract, Distilled

Resilience, Mental Infusion,
Precious Urn

Toxin Antidote

Empowered Cure by Toxin

Concentrated Extract, Mending

Gas, Restorative Infusion, Precious

Enslavement Toxin

Empowered Extended Dominate by Toxin 1 hour

Concentrated Extract, Distilled

Dream, Mental Infusion, Precious

Toxic Spores

Inflict Card (by Toxin) Body Trap, Death by Trap *helpless target
only, removed if no longer helpless

Concentrated Extract, Distilled

Acid, Spirit Infusion, Precious Urn

Toxin of Subterfuge

Imbue by Toxin Target may lie even under any effect to tell the
truth until next Refresh

Concentrated Extract, Distilled

Resilience, Mental Infusion,
Precious Urn

Average Toxins

Difficult Toxins

Complex Toxins


a= RequieM

Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Blacksmithing Recipes
Free Production
Fireproofing Agent

When added to a Consumable while crafting it, will make the Consumable 'No Effect' to Destroy

Materials (C)

Repairs a Normal/Untagged Item with a Repair Skill at a Forge

Any 1 Common Component (makes 5)

Enhanced Materials (U)

Repairs a Magic/Tagged Item at with a Repair Skill at a Forge

Any 1 Uncommon Component (makes 5)

Special Materials (R)

Repairs a Special/Artifact Item with a Repair Skill at a Forge

Any 1 Rare Component (makes 5)

Worked Leather (C)

Raw Ore

Worked Stone (C)

Raw Ore

Worked Metal (C)

Raw Ore

Truesilver (U)

Refined Ore, Gold Ingot, 2x Silver Ingot

Sylvan Timber (U)

Refined Ore, Refined Wyld, Any 2 Raw Herbal Components

Titan Steel (U)

Refined Ore, Durasteel Ingot, Any 2 Magical Components

Cold Iron (U)

Refined Ore, Refined Water, 2x Iron Ingot

Elementium (U)

Refined Ore, Raw Earth, Raw Fire, Raw Air, Raw Water

Null Stone (U)

Refined Ore, Uncut Onyx, 2x Uncut Obsidian

Arcanite (R)

Adamantite Ingot, Pure Arcane

Hardening Kiln (C)

Raw Earth, Any Common Physical Component

Arcane Bath (C)

Raw Arcane, Any Common Physical Component

Ornate Urn (U)

Gold Ingot, Any 2 Raw Magical Components

Crystal Vial (U)

Uncut Crystal, Any 2 Raw Mystical Components

Hardened Mold (U)

Refined Earth, Refined Void, 2x Refined Ore

Masterwork Mold (U)

Durasteel Ingot, Refined Void, 2x Refined Ore

Precious Urn (R)

Mithril Ingot, Any 2 Refined Elemental Components

Diamond Vial (R)

Uncut Diamond, Any 2 Refined Elemental Components

Mithril Mold (R)

Mithril Ingot, Pure Void, 2x Pure Ore

Adamantite Mold (R)

Adamantite Ingot, Pure Void, 2x Pure Ore

Silver Powder (C)

Silver Ingot, Any Common Physical Component

Iron Fillings (C)

Iron Ingot, Any Common Physical Component

Mending Flux (U)

Refined Essence, Cold Iron, Elementium

Repairing Flux (U)

Refined Essence, Titan Steel, Sylvan Timber

Chromatic Sand (U)

Refined Arcane, Elementium

Temporal Flux (R)

Pure Essence, Arcanite, Mending Flux

Continual Flux (R)

Pure Essence, Arcanite, Repairing Flux

Nether Dust (R)

Uncut Netherite, Pure Void

Arcanite Powder (R)

Arcanite, Any 2 Refined Elemental Components

Soul Fragments (R)

Uncut Diamond, Pure Spirit


RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Armor



Repairable Strapping

10 sec RP: Allows a suit of Armor to Refit to full once during the Battle

Worked Leather, Raw Essence

Featherlight Strapping

10 sec RP: Allows a suit of Armor to be Refit without removing it

once during the Battle

Worked Leather, Raw Air

Polishing Stone

10 sec RP: Deflect any Called Spell Damage less than 4 once during the Battle

Worked Stone, Silver Ingot

Solidifying Stone

10 sec RP: Allows a suit of Armor to 'Deflect Agony' once during the Battle

Worked Stone, Raw Spirit

Armor Spikes

10 sec RP: Convert a Called Weapon Damage to an Aura Defense

for an additional (1 ANY) once during the Battle

Worked Metal, Raw Void




Reinforced Strapping

10 sec RP: Allows a suit of Armor to call Deflect against an Aura

Attack once during the Battle

Worked Leather, Iron Fillings

Plated Strapping

10 sec RP: Allows a suit of Armor to be 'No Effect' to Agony for the Battle

Worked Leather, Silver Powder

Warding Stone

10 sec RP: Allows a suit of Armor to take -1 Called Weapon Damage

for the Battle

Worked Stone, Iron Fillings

Crystalized Stone

10 sec RP: Allows a suit of Armor to take -1 Called Spell Damage for
the Battle

Worked Stone, Arcane Bath

Protective Armor Spikes

10 sec RP: Add the Major Prefix to any Defense for an additional (2
ANY) once during the Battle

Worked Metal, Silver Powder




Armor Refurbishment

Extend a Blacksmith created Armor with a Prefix by 6 months.

x2 Enhanced Materials, Mending

Flux, Refurbishment Plans

Helm Refurbishment

Extend a Blacksmith created Helm with a Prefix by 6 months.

x2 Enhanced Materials, Mending

Flux, Refurbishment Plans

Masterworked Armor

Blacksmith created specific Masterworked Armor with a duration

of 1 year.

Masterwork Mold, Elementium x2,

Sunfeather Padding, Armor Design,
Reinforced Plating

Masterworked Battle Armor

Blacksmith created specific Masterworked Battle Armor with a

duration of 1 year.

Masterwork Mold, Elementium x2,

Sunfeather Padding, Armor Design,
Reinforced Plating

Masterworked Helm

Blacksmith created specific Masterworked Helm with a duration of

1 year.

Masterwork Mold, Elementium,

Contour Downfeathers, Armor
Design, Reinforced Plating

Enchanted Prefix

Melee Weapon, Shoulders: 1x per Battle, +1 Damage with a 'by

Magic' Spell
Helm: Counts a crown for enchanting purposes and enchanting
abilities in it will last 2 events instead of 1

Masterworked Item, Hardened

Mold, Infusion Concept, Sylvan

Blessed Prefix

Melee Weapon, Shoulders: 1x per Battle, +1 Healing with a 'by

Faith' Spell
Helm: Counts as a crown for blessing purposes and blessing
abilities in it will last 2 events instead of 1

Masterworked Item, Hardened

Mold, Infusion Concept, Cold Iron

Durable Prefix

Quiver, Melee or Ranged Weapon: 1x per Refresh, Resist Destroy

Shield, Armor, Helm, Shoulders: 1x per Refresh, Resist Destroy

Masterworked Item, Hardened

Mold, Infusion Concept, Cold Iron

Dwarven Prefix

Heavy or Battle Armor: 1x per Battle, Refit a suit to full value

Shield, Melee Weapon: Add +6 inches to max length of weapon
or shield

Masterworked Item, Hardened

Mold, Infusion Concept, Null Stone

Elven Prefix

Light, Medium or Heavy Armor: May wear a light Armor Rep

Masterworked Item, Hardened
for Medium/Heavy Armor (No Rep for Light Armor)
Mold, Infusion Concept, Sylvan
Ranged Weapon: Desperate Defense does not require an RP time Timber
and 1x per Battle, remove any 'aiming' RP time.

Average Armor

Difficult Armor


a= RequieM

Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Complex Armor



Enhanced Armor

Extend a Blacksmith created Armor with a Prefix and Suffix by 6


Special Materials x2, Continual

Flux, Reimbued Plating,
Restoration Plans

Enhanced Helm

Extend a Blacksmith created Helm with a Prefix and Suffix by 6


Special Materials x2, Continual

Flux, Reimbued Plating,
Restoration Plans

of the Ages Suffix

Anything: Blacksmith Item does not Expire

Masterworked Item, Adamantite

Mold, Enhancement Concept,
Eternal Arcana, Platinum Tesseract

of Craftsmanship Suffix

Anything: Item does not require a Material component to Repair

Masterworked Item, Adamantite

Mold, Enhancement Concept,
Charged Electrum, Living Metal

of Etching Suffix

Anything: Rune on Item does need components to Refresh every


Masterworked Item, Mithril Mold,

Enhancement Concept, Eternal
Arcana, Starmetal Seal

of Skill Suffix

Melee or Ranged Weapon: 1x per Battle: -1 Attribute Cost to

any Offensive Weapon Ability
Shield, Armor, Shoulders: 1x per Battle: -1 Attribute Cost to
any Deflect or Parry Defense

Masterworked Item, Mithril Mold,

Enhancement Concept, Charged
Electrum, Platinum Tesseract

of Smoke Suffix

Armor, Helm, Shoulders: 1x per Battle: -1 Attribute Cost to any

effect generating a Form
Shield: 1x per Battle: -1 Attribute Cost to any Evade defense

Masterworked Item, Adamantite

Mold, Enhancement Concept,
Umbral Essence, Abyssal Shard

of the Master Suffix

Helm, Shoulders, Armor: If character wears this the entire

event, gain +3 of an Attribute for purposes of production points
Shield, Melee or Ranged Weapon: All consumable Items on
character are considered Until Hit.

Masterworked Item, Mithril Mold,

Enhancement Concept, Charged
Electrum, Elemental Nexus

of Sorcery Suffix

Helm, Shoulders, Armor: Power Circles cast by Character will

last the entire Event
Shield, Melee or Ranged Weapon: Item may be held while
casting Magic spells

Masterworked Item, Mithril Mold,

Enhancement Concept, Eternal
Arcana, Arcanite Core

of the Exalted Suffix

Helm, Shoulders, Armor: Doubles the amount of times

character can generate the Merciful Judgement ability
Shield, Melee or Ranged Weapon: Item may be held while
casting Faith spells

Masterworked Item, Mithril Mold,

Enhancement Concept, Liquid
Truesilver, Blessed Emblem


RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Melee Weapons



Arcane Stone

10 sec RP: Allows a Melee Weapon to call 'by Magic' once during the Battle

Worked Stone, Raw Arcane

Divine Stone

10 sec RP: Allows a Melee Weapon to call 'by Holy' once during the Battle

Worked Stone, Silver Ingot

Lighten Grip

10 sec RP: Allows a Melee Weapon to 'Deflect Disarm' once during the Battle

Worked Leather, Raw Air

Sturdy Grip

10 sec RP: Allows a Melee Weapon to Deflect a Called Damage attack under 4
once during the Battle

Worked Leather, Iron Ingot

Guarded Grip

10 sec RP: Allows a Melee Weapon to 'Deflect Maim' once during the Battle

Worked Leather, Raw Dream

Average Melee Weapons




Sharpening Stone

10 sec RP: Allows a Bladed Melee Weapon to call +1 Called Damage

for the Battle

Worked Stone, Hardening Kiln

Weight Stone

10 sec RP: Allows a Blunt Melee Weapon to call +1 Called Damage

for the Battle

Worked Stone, Hardening Kiln

Imbued Grip

10 sec RP: Allows any Deflect Skill to work against 'by Magic' and
'by Faith' for the Battle

Worked Leather, Iron Filings

Cushioned Grip

10 sec RP: Allows a Melee Weapon to call Deflect against a Volley

attack once during the Battle

Worked Leather, Arcane Bath

Deft Grip

10 sec RP: Allows a Melee Weapon to be No Effect to Disarm for

the Battle

Worked Leather, Arcane Bath

Difficult Melee Weapons




Weapon Refurbishment

Extend a Blacksmith created Melee Weapon with a Prefix by 6


x2 Enhanced Materials, Repairing

Flux, Refurbishment Plans

2H Weapon Refurbishment

Extend a Blacksmith created Two-Handed Melee Weapon with a

Prefix by 6 months

x2 Enhanced Materials, Repairing

Flux, Refurbishment Plans

Masterworked Weapon

Blacksmith created specific Masterworked One-Handed Weapon

with a duration of 1 year

Masterwork Mold, Titan Steel x2,

Ornate Handle, Weapon Design,
Razor Edge/Balanced Weight

Masterworked 2H Weapon

Blacksmith created specific Masterworked Two-Handed Weapon

with a duration of 1 year

Masterwork Mold, Titan Steel x2,

Ornate Handle, Weapon Design,
Razor Edge/Balanced Weight

Masterworked Staff

Blacksmith created specific Masterworked Staff with a duration of 1


Masterwork Mold, Sylvan Timber

x2, Balanced Grip, Weapon Design,
Fortified Banding

Silver Prefix

Melee Weapon, Quiver: All Called strikes are 'by Silver' (+1
called damage for 2-Handed)
Helm or Armor: -1 Called Damage taken from Spells

Masterworked Item, Hardened

Mold, Infusion Concept, Truesilver

Iron Prefix

Melee Weapon, Quiver: All Called strikes are 'by Iron' (+1 called
Masterworked Item, Hardened
damage for 2-Handed)
Mold, Infusion Concept, Cold Iron
Helm, Armor: -1 Called Damage from Melee & Ranged Strikes

Keen/Weighted Prefix

Melee or Ranged Weapon: grants +X Called Damage based on

the Weapon Chart
Shoulders: +1 Armor Rating
Melee or Ranged Weapon: 1x per Battle, a Called Weapon Damage

Vampiric Prefix

Vorpal Prefix

that successfully affects a target generates 'Activate Heal to Self'

Staff: 1x per Refresh, a Called Damage Spell that successfully

affects a target generates 'Restore 1 Arcane or Zeal'
Melee or Ranged Weapon: 1x per Battle add 'Lethal' to any
Called Damage
Shoulders, Helm: 1x per Battle Reduce Death to Bleeding Out


Masterworked Item, Hardened

Mold, Infusion Concept, Titan Steel

Masterworked Item, Hardened

Mold, Infusion Concept, Null Stone

Masterworked Item, Hardened

Mold, Infusion Concept, Null Stone

a= RequieM

Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Complex Melee Weapons




Enhanced Weapon

Extend a Blacksmith created Melee Weapon with a Prefix and

Suffix by 6 months

Special Materials x2, Temporal

Flux, Recharging Matrix,
Restoration Plans

Enhanced 2H Weapon

Extend a Blacksmith created Two-Handed Melee Weapon with a

Prefix and Suffix by 6 months

Special Materials x2, Temporal

Flux, Recharging Matrix,
Restoration Plans

of the Devout Suffix

Staff: This item counts a Holy Symbol for blessing purposes and
blessing abilities in it will last 2 events instead of 1

Masterworked Item, Adamantite

Mold, Enhancement Concept,
Liquid Truesilver, Blessed Emblem

of the Magi Suffix

Staff: This item counts a Wand, Ring or Amulet for enchanting

purposes and enchanting abilities in it will last 2 events instead of 1

Masterworked Item, Adamantite

Mold, Enhancement Concept,
Eternal Arcana, Arcanite Core

of Ritual Power Suffix

Staff: This item can be Enhanced with Rituals

Masterworked Item, Mithril Mold,

Enhancement Concept, Eternal
Arcana, Bundled Leylines

of Purity Suffix

Melee Weapon or Quiver: All called strikes may be 'by Holy' (+1
Masterworked Item, Mithril Mold,
called damage for 2-Handed)
Enhancement Concept, Liquid
Shield or Armor: -1 Called Damage taken 'by Faith' and use any Truesilver, Blessed Emblem
defense you posses against a 'by Faith' attack

of Magic Suffix

Melee Weapon or Quiver: All called strikes may be 'by Magic'

(+1 called damage for 2-Handed)
Shield or Armor: -1 Called Damage taken 'by Magic' and use any
defense you posses against a 'by Magic' attack

Masterworked Item, Adamantite

Mold, Enhancement Concept,
Charged Electrum, Arcanite Core

of Runic Power Suffix

Melee or Ranged Weapon: Character may possess 2 Weapon

Helm or Shoulders: Character may possess 2 Tattoos

Masterworked Item, Adamantite

Mold, Enhancement Concept,
Eternal Arcana, Starmetal Seal

of Vision Suffix

Helm: Character receives prophetic dreams and visions

Staff: 1x per Refresh, May open a Portal to the Dreamscape in a
Power Circle for caster and 5 others for an Adventure

Masterworked Item, Adamantite

Mold, Enhancement Concept,
Liquid Truesilver, Bundled

of Planar Alignment Suffix

Helm: Most elementals will not will not harm character

Staff: 1x per Refresh, May open a Portal to an Elemental Plane in
a Power Circle for caster and 5 others for an Adventure

Masterworked Item, Mithril Mold,

Enhancement Concept, Eternal
Arcana, Elemental Nexus

2-Handed Weapon: Weapon is 'No Effect' to Destroy

Masterworked Item, Adamantite

Mold, Enhancement Concept,
Eternal Arcana, Living Metal

Deadly Prefix

2-Handed Weapon: All Called Damage by Weapon has the

Massive Prefix for no additional cost.

Masterworked Item, Adamantite

Mold, Enhancement Concept,
Umbral Essence, Abyssal Shard

Elemental Prefix

2-Handed Weapon: All Called Strikes by Weapon may be by

Fire, Water, Earth or Air interchangeably (one per swing)

Masterworked Item, Adamantite

Mold, Enhancement Concept,
Charged Electrum, Elemental

Imbued Prefix

2-Handed Weapon: All Called Strikes by Weapon may be by

Magic or Holy interchangeably (one per swing)

Masterworked Item, Mithril Mold,

Enhancement Concept, Liquid
Truesilver, Platinum Tesseract

Truesilver Prefix

2-Handed Weapon: All Called Strikes by Weapon may be by

Silver or Iron interchangeably (one per swing)

Masterworked Item, Adamantite

Mold, Enhancement Concept,
Liquid Truesilver, Bundled

Mastercrafted Prefix


RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Ranged Weapons



Piercing Tip

10 sec RP: Allows a single '2 Damage' by Ranged once during the Battle

Worked Stone, Raw Arcane

Vorpal Tip

10 sec RP: Allows a Missile Weapon to call Lethal once during the Battle

Worked Stone, Silver Ingot

Injection Tip

10 sec RP: Allows a Minor or Single Use Blade Poison to be Until

Hit on a Ranged Weapon

Worked Leather, Raw Air

Hollow Pointed Tip

10 sec RP: Allows a Ranged Weapon to call Body once during the Battle

Worked Leather, Iron Ingot

Poison Arrows

10 sec RP: Allows a Missile Weapon to call 'by Poison' with Called
Strikes for the Battle

Worked Leather, Raw Dream

Average Ranged Weapons




Blessed Arrows

10 sec RP: Allows a Missile Weapon to call 'by Holy' with Called
Strikes for the Battle

Worked Stone, Hardening Kiln

Magic Arrows

10 sec RP: Allows a Missile Weapon to call 'by Magic' with Called
Strikes for the Battle

Worked Stone, Hardening Kiln

Sharpened Arrows

10 sec RP: Allows a Missile Weapon to call +1 Called Damage for the Battle

Worked Leather, Iron Filings

Barbed Tip

10 sec RP: Allows a single 'Plague by Weapon' by Ranged during

the Battle

Worked Leather, Arcane Bath

Split Tip

10 sec RP: Allows a Called Strike by Ranged to be a 2 Packet Burst

once during the Battle

Worked Leather, Arcane Bath

Difficult Ranged Weapons




Ranged Weapon

Extend a Blacksmith created Ranged Weapon with a Prefix by 6


x2 Enhanced Materials, Repairing

Flux, Refurbishment Plans

Quiver Refurbishment

Extend a Blacksmith created Quiver with a Prefix by 6 months

x2 Enhanced Materials, Repairing

Flux, Refurbishment Plans

Masterworked Quiver

Blacksmith created specific Masterworked Quiver with a duration

of 1 year

Masterwork Mold, Titan Steel x2,

Ornate Handle, Weapon Design,
Razor Edge/Balanced Weight

Masterworked Missile

Blacksmith created specific Masterworked Missile Weapon with a

duration of 1 year

Masterwork Mold, Titan Steel x2,

Ornate Handle, Weapon Design,
Razor Edge/Balanced Weight

Masterworked Thrown

Blacksmith created specific Masterworked Thrown Weapon with a

duration of 1 year

Masterwork Mold, Sylvan Timber

x2, Balanced Grip, Weapon Design,
Fortified Banding

Shadowy Prefix

Melee Weapon or Quiver: All called strikes are 'by Shadow' (+1
called damage for 2Hs)
Masterworked Item, Hardened
Shield or Armor: -1 Called Damage taken 'by Shadow' and 1x per Mold, Infusion Concept, Truesilver
Battle, Use one defense you posses against a 'by Shadow' attack

Immaculate Prefix

Quiver: 1x per Battle, Able to go Spirit and gather ammunition,

must return to point of origin to come out
Helm, Shoulders: 1x per Refresh, 'Major Resist Disease'

Masterworked Item, Hardened

Mold, Infusion Concept, Cold Iron

Serpentine Prefix

Melee Weapon or Quiver: 1x per Battle, Convert a

Minor/Single Use Blade Poison to Until Hit
Helm, Shoulders: 1x per Refresh, 'Major Resist Poison'

Masterworked Item, Hardened

Mold, Infusion Concept, Titan Steel

Brutal Prefix

Melee or Ranged Weapon: 1x per Refresh add 'Double' to any

Called Weapon Strike
Shoulders, Shield: 1x per Refresh add 'Double' to any Defense

Masterworked Item, Hardened

Mold, Infusion Concept, Null Stone

Piercing Prefix

Melee Weapon: 1x per Refresh, A Called Strike that is defended

generates 'Activate Restore 1 Stamina or Stealth'
Ranged Weapon: 1x per Battle, add 'Body' to any Called Damage.

Masterworked Item, Hardened

Mold, Infusion Concept, Null Stone


a= RequieM

Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Complex Ranged Weapons




Enhanced Ranged Weapon


Extend a Blacksmith created Ranged Weapon with a Prefix and

Suffix by 6 months

Special Materials x2, Temporal

Flux, Recharging Matrix,
Restoration Plans

Enhanced Quiver

Extend a Blacksmith created Quiver Weapon with a Prefix and

Suffix by 6 months

Special Materials x2, Temporal

Flux, Recharging Matrix,
Restoration Plans

of the True Ownership


Anything: Item cannot be taken, and travels with spirit and Item
can be used by Specters

Masterworked Item, Mithril Mold,

Enhancement Concept, Umbral
Essence, Abyssal Shard

of Ease Suffix

Armor, Shield, Melee or Ranged Weapon: Item can be used

by anyone, regardless or skill or racial restriction

Masterworked Item, Mithril Mold,

Enhancement Concept, Umbral
Essence, Bundled Leylines

of Treatment Suffix

Anything: +1 to all Heal Effects taken, Character may be effected

by any Heal or Cure effects, even if race disallows it

Masterworked Item, Mithril Mold,

Enhancement Concept, Charged
Electrum, Blessed Emblem

of the Moon Suffix

Anything: During the Night(6pm to 6am) All 'per Battle'

Blacksmith Prefixes on item are continuous effects
Anything: During the Night(6pm to 6am) All 'per Refresh'
Blacksmith Prefixes on item are 'per Battle'

Masterworked Item, Adamantite

Mold, Enhancement Concept,
Umbral Essence, Orb of Pure

of the Sun Suffix

Anything: During the Day(6am to 6pm) All 'per Battle' Blacksmith

Prefixes on item are continuous effects
Anything: During the Day(6am to 6pm) All 'per Refresh'
Blacksmith Prefixes on item are 'per Battle'

Masterworked Item, Adamantite

Mold, Enhancement Concept,
Charged Electrum, Orb of Pure

of Perfection Suffix

Anything: All 'per Battle' Blacksmith Prefixes on item are

continuous effects
Anything: All 'per Refresh' Blacksmith Prefixes on item are 'per

Masterworked Item, Adamantite

Mold, Enhancement Concept,
Charged Electrum, Platinum

of Accuracy Suffix

Ranged: All 'Single Use' and 'Minor Use' ranged weapon Skills
become 'Until Hit'
Melee: 1x per Battle Add 'Massive' Prefix to any Called Weapon

Masterworked Item, Mithril Mold,

Enhancement Concept, Umbral
Essence, Sight of Sylvana

of Swiftness Suffix

Shield, Quiver, Melee or Ranged Weapon: Character does

not need to spend time to Endurance Refresh
Helm, Shoulders and Armor: All negative duration 5 minute
effects on character are reduced to 2.5 minutes.

Masterworked Item, Mithril Mold,

Enhancement Concept, Liquid
Truesilver, Sight of Sylvana


RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Shields



Tightened Grip

10 sec RP: Allows a Shield to 'Deflect Destroy' once during the Battle

Worked Leather, Raw Essence

Comfortable Grip

10 sec RP: Allows a Shield to 'Deflect Massive' once during the Battle

Worked Leather, Raw Air

Grounding Spike

10 sec RP: Allows a Shield to 'Resist Disengage' once during the Battle

Worked Stone, Silver Ingot

Reflecting Stone

10 sec RP: Allows any Deflect Skill to work against 'by Magic' once
during the Battle

Worked Stone, Raw Spirit

Razor Spike

10 sec RP: Allows a single '2 Damage Aura' with Shield once during the Battle

Worked Metal, Raw Void




Deflection Stone

10 sec RP: Allows a Shield to upgrade all Deflect Skills to Parry for
the Battle

Worked Leather, Iron Fillings

Hardening Stone

10 sec RP: Allows a Shield to be No Effect to Destroy for the Battle

Worked Leather, Silver Powder

Reinforcing Spike

10 sec RP: Allows a Shield to 'Resist Knockback' once during the Battle

Worked Stone, Iron Fillings

Hooked Spike

10 sec RP: Allow s a single 'Disarm Aura' with a Shield once during the Battle

Worked Stone, Arcane Bath

Sharpened Spike

10 sec RP: Allows +1 Called Damage with any Physical Aura for the

Worked Metal, Silver Powder




Shield Refurbishment

Extend a Blacksmith created Shield with a Prefix by 6 months.

x2 Enhanced Materials, Mending

Flux, Refurbishment Plans

Shoulder Refurbishment

Extend a Blacksmith created Shield with a Prefix by 6 months.

x2 Enhanced Materials, Mending

Flux, Refurbishment Plans

Masterworked Buckler

Blacksmith created specific Masterworked Buckler with a duration

of 1 year.

Masterwork Mold, Cold Iron,

Reinforcing Plating, Shield Design,
Ornate Handle

Masterworked Shield

Blacksmith created specific Masterworked Shield with a duration of Masterwork Mold, Cold Iron,
Reinforcing Plating, Shield Design,
1 year.
Ornate Handle

Masterworked Shoulders

Blacksmith created specific Masterworked Shoulders with a

duration of 1 year.

Masterwork Mold, Cold Iron,

Contour Downfeathers, Armor
Design, Reinforced Plating

Fiery Prefix

Melee Weapon, Quiver: All called strikes are 'by Fire' (+1 called
damage for 2Hs)
Shield or Armor: -1 Called Damage taken 'by Fire' and 1x per
Battle, Use one defense you posses against a 'by Fire' attack

Masterworked Item, Hardened

Mold, Infusion Concept,

Icy Prefix

Melee Weapon, Quiver: All called strikes are 'by Water' (+1
called damage for 2Hs)
Shield, Armor: -1 Called Damage taken 'by Water' and 1x per
Battle, Use one defense you posses against a 'by Water' attack

Masterworked Item, Hardened

Mold, Infusion Concept,

Earthen Prefix

Melee Weapon, Quiver: All called strikes are 'by Earth' (+1
called damage for 2Hs)
Shield, Armor: -1 Called Damage taken 'by Earth' and 1x per
Battle, Use one defense you posses against a 'by Earth' attack

Masterworked Item, Hardened

Mold, Infusion Concept,

Static Prefix

Melee Weapon, Quiver: All called strikes are 'by Air' (+1 called
Masterworked Item, Hardened
damage for 2Hs)
Mold, Infusion Concept,
Shield, Armor: -1 Called Damage taken 'by Air' and 1x per Battle, Elementium
Use one defense you posses against a 'by Air' attack

Serrated Prefix

Melee Weapon or Quiver: 1x per Battle, Upgrade a Maim

attack to Mangle
Shoulders, Shield: 1x per Refresh, -1 Attribute on any Aura

Average Shields

Difficult Shields


Masterworked Item, Hardened

Mold, Infusion Concept, Titan Steel

a= RequieM

Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Complex Shields



Enhanced Shield

Extend a Blacksmith created Shield with a Prefix and Suffix by 6


Special Materials x2, Continual

Flux, Reimbued Plating,
Restoration Plans

Enhanced Shoulder

Extend a Blacksmith created Shoulder with a Prefix and Suffix by 6


Special Materials x2, Continual

Flux, Reimbued Plating,
Restoration Plans

of Nature Suffix

Shoulders: All Outdoors skills may be used Indoors

Masterworked Item, Mithril Mold,

Enhancement Concept, Umbral
Essence, Living Metal

of Day Suffix

Shoulders: All Day only skills may be used during the night

Masterworked Item, Mithril Mold,

Enhancement Concept, Charged
Electrum, Orb of Pure Starlight

of Night Suffix

Shoulders: All Night only skills may be used during the day

Masterworked Item, Mithril Mold,

Enhancement Concept, Umbral
Essence, Orb of Pure Starlight

of Blocking Suffix

Shield: 'No Effect' to Massive attacks blocked with Shield

Melee Weapon: Deflect and Parry skills may be used against
Torso hits

Masterworked Item, Adamantite

Mold, Enhancement Concept,
Umbral Essence, Sight of Sylvana

of Awareness Suffix

Shield: Use any defense you posses against a 'to Back' attack
Helm: Use any defense you posses against a 'by Trap' attack

Masterworked Item, Mithril Mold,

Enhancement Concept, Liquid
Truesilver, Living Metal

of Defense Suffix

Shield: Any defense can be used on Packet Attacks that are

physically blocked with this Shield
Helm, Shoulders: -1 Called Damage taken

Masterworked Item, Adamantite

Mold, Enhancement Concept,
Liquid Truesilver, Arcanite Core

of Runic Might Suffix

Shield: Character may possess 2 Shield Runes

Armor: Character may possess 2 Armor Runes

Masterworked Item, Adamantite

Mold, Enhancement Concept,
Liquid Truesilver, Starmetal Seal

of Absorption Suffix

Shield: 1x per Battle, Add the 'Major' Prefix to any defense used
against attack physically blocked with this Shield
Helm, Shoulders: 1x per Battle, Resist any Melee or Spell attack
that would incapacitate you

Masterworked Item, Adamantite

Mold, Enhancement Concept,
Eternal Arcana, Abyssal Shard


RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Potion Making Recipes
Free Production
Dissolving Agent

Destroy any 1 item to return 1 random Reagent used in making it

Cloudy Solution (C)

Any 1 Common Component (makes 5)

Clear Solution(U)

Any 1 Uncommon Component (makes 5)

Purified Solution (R)

Any 1 Rare Component (makes 5)

Golden Dye (U)

Gold Ingot, Any 2 Raw Elemental Components

Cobalt Dye (U)

Refined Arcane, Any 2 Raw Elemental Components

Ghost Dye(U)

Refined Spirit, Any 2 Raw Elemental Components

Modifying Pigment (U)

Refined Shadow, Any 2 Raw Elemental Components

Protective Gloss (U)

Refined Husk, Any 2 Common Physical Components

Pearl Dye (R)

Pure Divine, Any 2 Refined Elemental Components

Azure Dye (R)

Pure Arcane, Any 2 Refined Elemental Components

Lustrous Dye (R)

Pure Light, Any 2 Refined Elemental Components

Transforming Pigment (R)

Pure Shadow, Any 2 Refined Elemental Components

Safeguarding Gloss (R)

Pure Husk, Any 2 Refined Elemental Components

Arcane Infusion (C)

Raw Arcane, Any Raw Magical Component

Cementing Infusion (C)

Raw Wyld, Any Raw Magical Component

Mercurial Infusion (U)

Refined Spore, Any 2 Common Physical Components

Tempered Infusion (U)

Refined Fire, Any 2 Common Physical Components

Deadly Infusion (R)

Pure Venom, Any 2 Refined Magical Components

Mental Infusion (R)

Pure Though, Any 2 Refined Magical Components

Restorative Infusion (R)

Pure Blood, Any 2 Refined Magical Components

Divine Infusion (R)

Pure Divine, Any 2 Refined Magical Components

Spiritual Infusion (R)

Uncut Spirit,Any 2 Refined Magical Components

Amplifying Infusion (R)

Pure Essence, Any 2 Refined Magical Components

Brilliant Oil (C)

Raw Light, Any Raw Mystical Component

Crimson Oil (C)

Raw Blood, Any Raw Mystical Component

Blessed Oil (C)

Raw Divine, Any Raw Herbal Component

Releasing Oil (C)

Raw Essence, Any Raw Herbal Component

Radiant Oil (U)

Refined Light, Any 2 Raw Mystical Components

Plasma Oil (U)

Refined Blood, Any 2 Raw Mystical Components

Hallowed Oil (U)

Refined Divine, Any 2 Raw Herbal Components

Mann Oil (U)

Refined Arcane, Any 2 Raw Herbal Component

Abyssal Oil (R)

Pure Shadow, Any 2 Refined Mystical Components

Bloodmist Oil (R)

Pure Blood, Any 2 Refined Mystical Components


a= RequieM

Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Cauldrons



Cauldron of Healing

5 min RP: First 6 people that drink from Cauldron Receive: Heal by

Cloudy Solution, Raw Divine

Cauldron of Health

5 min RP: First 6 people that drink from Cauldron Receive: Cure
Plague by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Raw Water

Cauldron of Elemental Power

5 min RP: First 6 people that drink from Cauldron Receive: Imbue by
Poison Next Called Strike by Weapon is by <Element> for next Battle

Cloudy Solution, Any 2 Raw


Cauldron of Vigor

5 min RP: First 6 people that drink from Cauldron Receive: Imbue
by Poison - Reduce Mangle to Maim, once until next Refresh

Cloudy Solution, Raw Wyld

Cauldron of Expanding

5 min RP: First 6 people that drink from Cauldron Receive a

Potion or Elixir Effect put into the Cauldron.

Cloudy Solution, Raw Spirit




Cauldron of Restoration

5 min RP: First 6 people that drink from Cauldron Receive: Heal 3
by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Crimson Oil

Cauldron of Remedy

5 min RP: First 6 people that drink from Cauldron Receive: Dispel
Disease and Dispel Poison by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Blessed Oil

Cauldron of Benevolence

5 min RP: First 6 people that drink from Cauldron Receive: Imbue
by Poison: +1 Healing done to character for next Battle.

Cloudy Solution, Crimson Oil

Cauldron of Spell Power

5 min RP: First 6 people that drink from Cauldron Receive: Imbue
by Poison: +1 Damage done with Spells for next Battle.

Cloudy Solution, Arcane Infusion

Cauldron of Phosphorous

5 min RP: Imbue - 6 Light Sticks that may be given away and last 8 hours

Cloudy Solution, Brilliant Oil




Cauldron of Poison

5 min RP: First 6 people that drink from Cauldron Receive: Resist
Poison once, until next Refresh

Clear Solution, Plasma Oil , Ornate


Cauldron of Magic Resistance

5 min RP: First 6 people that drink from Cauldron Receive: Resist
Magic once, until next Refresh

Clear Solution, Mana Oil , Ornate


Cauldron of Faith Resistance

5 min RP: First 6 people that drink from Cauldron Receive: Resist
Faith once, until next Refresh

Clear Solution, Hallowed Oil ,

Ornate Urn

Cauldron of Luminescence

5 min RP: Imbue: 6 Plot approved Flashlights or LEDs that may be

given away and last 8 hours

Clear Solution, Radiant Oil, Ornate


Cauldron of Terrain Combat

5 min RP: First 6 people that drink from Cauldron Receive: Imbue by
Poison: Remove all Environmental Restrictions for an Adventure

Clear Solution, Mercurial Infusion,

Ornate Urn




Cauldron of Undeath

5 min RP: First 6 people that drink from Cauldron Receive:

Empowered Cure Infected

Purified Solution, Divine Infusion,

Distilled Purity, Precious Urn

Cauldron of Divine Protection

5 min RP: First 6 people that drink from Cauldron Receive: Reduce Purified Solution, Divine Infusion,
Distilled Nether, Precious Urn
Death to Bleeding Out once for next Battle

Cauldron of Complete

5 min RP: First 6 people that drink from Cauldron Receive: Cure
All and Heal All by Poison

Purified Solution, Bloodmist Oil,

Distilled Resilience, Precious Urn

Cauldron of Fearlessness

5 min RP: First 6 people that drink from Cauldron Receive: No

Effect to Fear for next Battle

Purified Solution, Mental Infusion,

Distilled Dream, Precious Urn

Cauldron of Health

5 min RP: First 6 people that drink from Cauldron Receive: No

Effect to Disease or Plague for next Battle

Purified Solution, Bloodmist Oil,

Distilled Purity, Precious Urn

Average Cauldrons

Difficult Cauldrons

Complex Cauldrons


RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Elixirs



Elixir of Health

Cure Plague by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Raw Water

Elixir of Vigor

Cure Maim by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Raw Bone

Elixir of Power

Cure Weakness by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Raw Essence

Elixir of Voice

Cure Silence by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Raw Thought

Elixir of Mobility

Cure Slow by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Raw Spirit




Elixir of Remedy

Cure Disease and Dispel Poison

Cloudy Solution, Blessed Oil

Elixir of Control

Cure Paralyze by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Releasing Oil

Elixir of Major Vigor

Cure Mangle by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Cementing


Elixir of Might

Cure Enfeeble by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Brilliant Oil

Elixir of Dreams

Imbue by Poison: Target is affected by Sleep by Poison, but after 1

minute will receive Cure All by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Arcane Infusion




Elixir of Judgment

Cure Dominate by Poison

Clear Solution, Plasma Oil , Crystal


Elixir of Enduring

Cure Fatigue by Poison

Clear Solution, Plasma Oil , Crystal


Elixir of Thawing

Cure Freeze by Poison

Clear Solution, Tempered Infusion

, Crystal Vial

Elixir of Attraction

Cure Repel by Poison

Clear Solution, Mercurial Infusion,

Crystal Vial

Elixir of Revival

Cure Stun by Poison

Clear Solution, Tempered Infusion,

Crystal Vial




Elixir of Life

Cure Death by Poison

Purified Solution, Spiritual

Infusion, Distilled Life, Precious

Curative Elixir

Cure All by Poison

Purified Solution, Restorative

Infusion, Distilled Resilience,
Precious Urn


Imbue: Remove single Inflict or Empowered Effect by Poison

Purified Solution, Amplifying

Infusion, Distilled Nether, Precious

Refilling Elixir of Health

1x per Battle Cure Plague by Poison

Purified Solution, Restorative

Infusion, Distilled Purity, Precious

Refilling Elixir of Vigor

1x per Battle - Cure Maim by Poison

Purified Solution, Restorative

Infusion, Distilled Resilience,
Precious Urn

Average Elixirs

Difficult Elixirs

Complex Elixirs


a= RequieM

Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Potions



Quickening Potion

Reduce Duration of Root, Stun, Maim to 1 minute

Cloudy Solution, Raw Energy

Minor Healing Potion

Heal by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Raw Divine

Fortifying Potion

Imbue by Poison: -2 to next Called Damage taken in the next Battle

Cloudy Solution, Raw Void

Potion of Tolerance

Grant Shield Agony by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Raw Fire

Valorous Potion

Grant Shield Fear by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Uncut Quartz




Healing Potion

Heal 3 by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Crimson Oil

Magic Shield Potion

Grant Shield Magic by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Arcane Infusion

Faith Shield Potion

Grant Shield Faith by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Blessed Oil

Spirit Form Potion

Grant Spirit Form by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Blessed Oil

Elemental Dilution Potion

Dispel <Element> (Earth, Air, Fire, or Water) by Poison

Cloudy Solution, Arcane Infusion




Full Healing Potion

Heal All by Poison

Clear Solution, Plasma Oil , Crystal


Pain Suppressant

Imbue by Poison: 'No Effect' to Agony for the Battle

Clear Solution, Tempered Infusion

, Crystal Vial

Potion of Dispel Magic

Dispel all Magic by Poison

Clear Solution, Mana Oil , Crystal


Potion of Dispel Faith

Dispel all Faith by Poison

Clear Solution, Hallowed Oil,

Crystal Vial

Potion of Relentless Assault

Imbue by Poison: 'No Effect' to Disengage for the Battle

Clear Solution, Mercurial Infusion,

Crystal Vial




Potion of Major Resistance

Grant Major Resist Magic or Faith by Poison

Purified Solution, Amplifying

Infusion, Distilled Purity, Precious

Shadowy Potion

Extended Empowered Shadow Form by Poison 1 Hour

Purified Solution, Abyssal Oil,

Distilled Nether, Precious Urn

Potion of Giant's Vigor

Imbue: Target is removed of Sleep, Command and Berserk (even if

normally Immune)

Purified Solution, Amplifying

Infusion, Distilled Dream, Precious

Refilling Minor Healing


1x per Battle Heal by Poison

Purified Solution, Bloodmist Oil,

Distilled Resilience, Precious Urn

Refilling Valorous Potion

1x per Battle Grant Shield Fear

Purified Solution, Mental Infusion,

Distilled Dream, Precious Urn

Average Potions

Difficult Potions

Complex Potions


RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Treatments



Acid of Movement

Cure Root

Cloudy Solution, Raw Air

Destructive Acid

Destroy Item

Cloudy Solution, Uncut Obsidian

Noxious Glaze

Allows an Armor to call '2 Damage by Poison Aura' once during the Battle

Cloudy Solution, Raw Venom

Glaze of Protection

Imbue by Poison: Gain +1 Armor for the Battle

Cloudy Solution, Raw Light

Liquid Invisible Ink

Offboard: Message can only be read by Intended Recipient

Cloudy Solution, Raw Thought

Liquid Phosphorous

Imbue: Character may use a Glowstick for 3 hours *self only

Cloudy Solution, Raw Light

Average Treatments



Acid of Erasure

Inflict: Remove all Tattoos and Warpaint from a Person

Cloudy Solution, Releasing Oil

Acid of Freedom

Cure Bind

Cloudy Solution, Releasing Oil

Hardened Glaze

Imbue: Weapon is 'No Effect' to Destroy for the Battle

Cloudy Solution, Cementing Infusion

Glaze of Tenacity

Imbue: Armor always refits to at least half (round down) for the Battle

Cloudy Solution, Cementing Infusion

Liquid Clarity

Imbue: Reduce fog in Certain Areas for the Battle (time/location)

Cloudy Solution, Brilliant Oil

Liquid Defense

Imbue: Ward of Protection on Cabin cannot be removed or

bypassed from 3 to 8am for the Event

Cloudy Solution, Cementing


Difficult Treatments



Acid of Access

Inflict: Destroys a Lock or Trap

Clear Solution, Mercurial Infusion ,

Crystal Vial

Acid of Removal

Inflict: Removes all Runes from a Weapon, Armor, or Shield

Clear Solution, Tempered Infusion,

Ornate Urn

Magic Glaze

Grant Carrier Magic

Clear Solution, Mana Oil , Crystal Vial

Holy Glaze

Grant Carrier Holy

Clear Solution, Hallowed Oil ,

Crystal Vial

Liquid Sunlight

Imbue: Brighten Certain Areas enough to see better for the Battle
(Time and Location)

Clear Solution, Radiant Oil, Crystal


Liquid Mending

Imbue: Repair All to Circle

Clear Solution, Tempered Infusion,

Crystal Vial

Complex Treatments



Acid of Entry

Inflict: Removes a Ward of Protection on a Structure or Cabin

Purified Solution, Spiritual Infusion,

Distilled Acid, Precious Urn

Acid of Suppression

Inflict: Remove a Glowing Power Circle

Purified Solution, Abyssal Oil,

Distilled Acid, Precious Urn

Glaze of Decursing

Empowered Imbue: Permanently removes a Cursed Item from a


Purified Solution, Spiritual

Infusion, Distilled Purity, Precious

Glaze of Refurbishment

Imbue: Blacksmith Item is Extended for 1 additional Event

Purified Solution, Restorative

Infusion, Distilled Life, Precious

Liquid of Fortification

Imbue: Ward of Protection cannot be removed or bypassed for the


Purified Solution, Abyssal Oil,

Distilled Dream, Precious Urn

Liquid Mana

Allows a High Magic Ritual to be cast in the Power Circle

Purified Solution, Amplifying

Infusion, Distilled Nether, Precious


a= RequieM

Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Rune Carving Recipes

Free Production
Personal Rune

Destroy any 1 item to return 1 random Reagent used in making it

Upkeep Glyphs
Refresh Glyph (C)

May be used in place of any Common Rune when Refreshing a

Rune expiring this Event

Any 1 Common Component (makes 5)

Renew Glyph (U)

May be used in place of any Uncommon Rune when Refreshing

a Rune expiring this Event

Any 1 Uncommon Component (makes 5)

Restore Glyph (R)

May be used in place of any Rare Rune when Refreshing a Rune

expiring this Event

Any 1 Rare Component (makes 5)

Arcane Glyphs
Glyph of Magic (C)

Uncut Obsidian, Raw Arcane

Glyph of Elements (C)

Uncut Obsidian, Raw Void

Glyph of Divinity (C)

Uncut Obsidian, Raw Divine

Glyph of Time (U)

Refined Essence, Uncut Onyx, Any 2 Raw Magical Components

Glyph of Augury (U)

Refined Divine, Gold Ingot, Any 2 Raw Magical Components

Glyph of Countering (U)

Refined Air, Durasteel Ingot, Any 2 Raw Magical Components

Glyph of Nature (U)

Refined Wyld, Uncut Crystal, Any 2 Raw Magical Components

Glyph of Distortion (R)

Pure Energy, Pure Shadow, Refined Ore, Any Uncommon Unique Physical Component

Glyph of Void (R)

Pure Void, Pure Husk, Refined Ore, Any Uncommon Unique Physical Component

Glyph of Balance (R)

Pure Light, Pure Shadow, Refined Ore, Any Uncommon Unique Physical Component

Glyph of the Magi (R)

Pure Arcane, Pure Thought, Refined Ore, Any Uncommon Unique Physical Component

Glyph of Etching (R)

Pure Fire, Pure Bone, Refined Ore, Any Uncommon Unique Physical Component

Glyph of Marking (R)

Pure Water, Pure Venom, Refined Ore, Any Uncommon Unique Physical Component

Mental Glyphs
Glyph of Knowledge (C)

Uncut Quartz, Raw Thought

Glyph of Resistance (C)

Uncut Quartz, Raw Spirit

Glyph of Dreams (C)

Uncut Quartz, Raw Dream

Glyph of Wisdom (U)

Refined Dream, Uncut Crystal, Any 2 Raw Mystical Components

Glyph of Removal (U)

Refined Shadow, Gold Ingot, Any 2 Raw Mystical Components

Glyph of Weakness (U)

Refined Venom, Uncut Onyx, Any 2 Raw Mystical Components

Glyph of Skill (U)

Refined Spirit, Durasteel Ingot, Any 2 Raw Mystical Components

Glyph of Immunity (R)

Pure Earth, Pure Spores, Refined Ore, Any Uncommon Unique Physical Component

Glyph of Benevolence (R)

Pure Thought, Pure Light, Refined Ore, Any Uncommon Unique Physical Component

Glyph of Enlightenment (R)

Pure Thought, Pure Dream, Refined Ore, Any Uncommon Unique Physical Component

Glyph of Persistence (R)

Pure Fire, Pure Air, Refined Ore, Any Uncommon Unique Physical Component

Glyph of Shielding (R)

Pure Husk, Pure Bone, Refined Ore, Any Uncommon Unique Physical Component

Glyph of Warding (R)

Pure Earth, Pure Spores, Refined Ore, Any Uncommon Unique Physical Component


RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Physical Glyphs
Glyph of Deflection (C)

Raw Ore, Raw Shadow

Glyph of Enhancement (C)

Raw Ore, Raw Essence

Glyph of Striking (C)

Raw Ore, Raw Energy

Glyph of Speed (U)

Refined Light, Uncut Crystal, Any 2 Raw Herbal Components

Glyph of Protection (U)

Refined Blood, Uncut Onyx, Any 2 Raw Herbal Components

Glyph of Power (U)

Refined Earth, Gold Ingot, Any 2 Raw Herbal Components

Glyph of Might (U)

Refined Fire, Durasteel Ingot, Any 2 Raw Herbal Components

Glyph of Alacrity (R)

Pure Venom, Pure Air, Refined Ore, Any Uncommon Unique Physical Component

Glyph of Blood (R)

Pure Blood, Pure Wyld, Refined Ore, Any Uncommon Unique Physical Component

Glyph of Absorption (R)

Pure Spores, Pure Shadow, Refined Ore, Any Uncommon Unique Physical Component

Eternal Glyph (R)

Pure Void, Pure Blood, Refined Ore, Any Uncommon Unique Physical Component

Glyph of Arming (R)

Pure Energy, Pure Venom, Refined Ore, Any Uncommon Unique Physical Component

Glyph of Guarding (R)

Pure Earth, Pure Husk, Refined Ore, Any Uncommon Unique Physical Component


a= RequieM

Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Armor Runes




Rune of Valor

1x per Refresh: Resist Fear

Personal Rune, Glyph of Dreams

Immaculate Rune

1x per Refresh: Resist Disease

Personal Rune, Glyph of Divinity

Rune of Mobility

1x per Refresh: Deflect <Effect> (Root, Slow, Maim)

Personal Rune, Glyph of Deflection

Rune of Elements

1x per Battle: -1 Called Damage from <Element> (Earth, Air, Fire, or Water)

Personal Rune, Glyph of Elements

Rune of Poison Resistance

1x per Refresh: Shield Poison or Acid

Personal Rune, Glyph of Resistance

Average Armor Runes




Rune of Enhancement

Gain +1 Attribute for the Event (Strength, Agility, Intellect, Spirit,


Personal Rune, Glyph of Power,

Glyph of Enhancement

Mental Rune

1x per Refresh: Resist Mind

Personal Rune, Glyph of Wisdom,

Glyph of Knowledge

Rune of Dreaming

1x per Battle: +1 Power while on the Dreamscape

Personal Rune, Glyph of Power,

Glyph of Dreams

Planar Rune

1x per Battle: +1 Power while on the Plane of <Element> (Earth,

Air, Fire or Water)

Personal Rune, Glyph of Power,

Glyph of Elements

Rune of Spell Evasion

1x per Refresh: Evade <Trait> (Magic, Faith)

Personal Rune, Glyph of Speed,

Glyph of Knowledge

Difficult Armor Runes




Helm Rune of Awareness

Helm gains 1x per Refresh, Evade <Trait> (Trap or Back)

Personal Rune, Glyph of Guarding,

Glyph of Speed, Glyph of Wisdom

Bracer Rune of Protection

Bracer gains 1x per Battle, gain +3 Bonus Armor *no other armor
may be worn

Personal Rune, Glyph of Guarding,

Glyph of Protection, Glyph of

Greave Rune of Swiftness

Leg Guard gains No Effect to Slow for the Event

Personal Rune, Glyph of Guarding,

Glyph of Speed, Glyph of Nature

Shoulder Rune of Sturdiness

Shoulder gains 1x per Battle, Resist Maim *arm only

Personal Rune, Glyph of Guarding,

Glyph of Weakness, Glyph of

Rune of Defense

Armor value increased by 1 for the Event

Personal Rune, Glyph of Guarding,

Glyph of Protection, Glyph of

Complex Armor Runes




Helm Rune of Enduring

Helm gains Reduce duration of Stun, Sleep, and Paralyze (1

minute) for the Event

Personal Rune, Glyph of Guarding,

Glyph of Absorption, Glyph of
Alacrity, Glyph of Benevolence

Bracer Rune of Courage

Bracer gains No Effect to Fear for the Event

Personal Rune, Glyph of Guarding,

Glyph of Immunity, Glyph of
Enlightenment, Glyph of Benevolence

Greave Rune of Freedom

Leg Guard gains No Effect to Maim (legs only) for the Event

Personal Rune, Glyph of Guarding,

Glyph of Immunity, Glyph of
Balance, Glyph of Alacrity

Shoulder Rune of Divine


Shoulder Armor gains 1x per Battle, Reduce Death to Bleeding *No

Effect to Killing Blow or Self Inflicted

Personal Rune, Glyph of Guarding,

Glyph of Benevolence, Glyph of
Distortion, Glyph of Blood

Rune of Protection

Armor gains -1 taken from Called Melee Damage

Personal Rune, Glyph of Guarding,

Glyph of Absorption, Glyph of
Distortion, Glyph of Void


RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Power Runes



Inscription of Summoning

Allows a Power Circle to be able to Summon a Creature

Personal Rune, Glyph of Magic

Inscription of Survival

Imbues a Portal to let Characters survive on another plane that

would kill them * Adventure Duration

Personal Rune, Glyph of Resistance

Ward of Alarm

Ward, so that those not attuned take 'Agony by Supremacy' for the Event

Personal Rune, Glyph of Knowledge

Ward of Persistence

Ward, All Traps on Box/Door become Resettable for the Event

Personal Rune, Glyph of Enhancement

Tattoo of Numbing

1x per Refresh: Resist Agony

Personal Rune, Glyph of Enhancement

Average Power Runes




Inscription of Renewal

Inscription is destroyed instead of Power Circle when caster


Personal Rune, Glyph of Removal,

Glyph of Magic

Inscription of Benevolence

Any Spirit summoned to this Circle will go out of their way to help

Personal Rune, Glyph of Wisdom,

Glyph of Dreams

Ward of Elements

Wards a Cabin, such that those that are not Attuned will take '5
Damage by <Element>' upon entering

Personal Rune, Glyph of Augury,

Glyph of Magic

Ward of Delay

Wards a Box Box cannot be opened without character spending (5 minute

RP) to overcome the Ward, and Box cannot be removed from the Cabin

Personal Rune, Glyph of Time,

Glyph of Magic

Tattoo of Obscurity

Player becomes No Effect to Expose for the Event

Personal Rune, Glyph of Nature,

Glyph of Enhancement

Difficult Power Runes




Inscription of Armies

Allows a Portal to accept 3 additional people for an Adventure


Personal Rune, Glyph of Etching,

Glyph of Skill, Chromatic Sand

Inscription of Ritual Magic

Allows a Ritual to be cast in a the Power Circle

Personal Rune, Glyph of Etching,

Glyph of Wisdom, Chromatic Sand

Ward of Protection

Wards a Cabin so that those not Atttuned may not enter without
the permission of someone who is Attuned

Personal Rune, Glyph of Warding,

Glyph of Protection, Protective

Ward of Safety

Wards a Box Box cannot be stolen, but cannot be opened until

the end of the Event

Personal Rune, Glyph of Warding,

Glyph of Time, Protective Gloss

Tattoo of Power

Player Gains +1 Power for the Event

Personal Rune, Glyph of Marking,

Glyph of Power, Ethereal Ink

Complex Power Runes




Inscription of High Magic

Allows a Ritual of High Magic to be cast in the Power Circle

Personal Rune, Glyph of Etching,

Glyph of Balance, Glyph of the
Magi, Arcanite Powder

Inscription of Ritual

Inscription is Destroyed instead of Components if Ritual fails

Personal Rune, Glyph of Etching,

Glyph of Absorption, Glyph of the
Magi, Arcanite Powder

Ward of Security

Wards a Cabin No Items may be removed from the Cabin without

owner's permission

Personal Rune, Glyph of Warding,

Glyph of the Void, Eternal Glyph,
Safeguarding Gloss

Ward of Peace

Wards a Cabin No combat may take place in this building

Personal Rune, Glyph of Warding,

Glyph of the Void, Glyph of
Enlightenment, Safeguarding Gloss

Tattoo of Endurance

Gives a Player +1 Endurance for the Event

Personal Rune, Glyph of Marking,

Glyph of Balance, Eternal Glyph,
Tattooing Ink


a= RequieM

Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Shield Runes




Rune of Deflection

1x per Refresh: Deflect <Trait> (Melee, Magic, Faith)

Personal Rune, Glyph of Dreams

Rune of Spikes

1x per Refresh: 2 Damage Aura

Personal Rune, Glyph of Divinity

Rune of Forming

1x per Refresh: Resist 'to <Form> Attack (Spirit, Earth, Flying)

Personal Rune, Glyph of Deflection

Rune of Force

1x per Refresh: Deflect <Effect> (Repel, Disengage)

Personal Rune, Glyph of Elements

Rune of <Element> Guarding

1x per Refresh: Deflect <Trait> (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)

Personal Rune, Glyph of Resistance

Average Shield Runes




Rune of Parrying

1x per Refresh: Upgrade any Deflect Skill to Parry

Personal Rune, Glyph of

Protection, Glyph of Deflection

Rune of Resistance

1x per Refresh: Shield Packet Attack that is physically blocked by


Personal Rune, Glyph of

Countering, Glyph of Resistance

Rune of Movement

1x per Refresh: Resist Freeze or Paralyze

Personal Rune, Glyph of Time,

Glyph of Resistance

Rune of Enhanced Force

1x per Refresh: Resist <Effect> (Pull, Knockback)

Personal Rune, Glyph of Speed,

Glyph of Resistance

Rune of Invulnerability

1x per Refresh: Parry Vulnerable

Personal Rune, Glyph of Weakness,

Glyph of Deflection

Difficult Shield Runes




Rune of Life

1x per Refresh: Shield Death

Personal Rune, Glyph of Shielding,

Glyph of Nature, Glyph of Augury

Rune of Cover

1x per Refresh: Shield Gesture Attack

Personal Rune, Glyph of Shielding,

Glyph of Speed, Glyph of

Rune of Reversal

1x per Battle: Volley Called Damage attack of 3 or less

Personal Rune, Glyph of Shielding,

Glyph of Countering, Glyph of

Rune of <Element>

1x per Battle: Resist <Element> (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)

Personal Rune, Glyph of Shielding,

Glyph of Countering, Glyph of

Rune of Fortification

1x per Battle: Parry <Type> (Natural, Massive)

Personal Rune, Glyph of Shielding,

Glyph of Protection, Glyph of

Complex Shield Runes




Rune of Steadiness

No Effect to Disarm Shield

Personal Rune, Glyph of Shielding,

Glyph of Immunity, Glyph of
Alacrity, Eternal Glyph

Rune of Volleying

1x per Battle: Upgrade any Parry to Volley if attack is physically

blocked with Shield

Personal Rune, Glyph of Shielding,

Glyph of Persistence, Glyph of
Alacrity, Glyph of Distortion

Rune of Sound

1x per Battle: Shield Voice Attack

Personal Rune, Glyph of Shielding,

Glyph of Absorption, Glyph of
Balance, Glyph of Persistence

Rune of Immunity

No Effect to Plague or Disease for the Event

Personal Rune, Glyph of Shielding,

Glyph of Immunity, Glyph of
Benevolence, Glyph of Blood

Rune of Reduction

Reduce Lethal and Body to normal Damage for the Event

Personal Rune, Glyph of Shielding,

Glyph of Immunity, Glyph of
Distortion, Glyph of Blood


RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Weapon Runes



Rune of <Element>

1x per Refresh: 2 Damage by <Element> (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)

Personal Rune, Glyph of Elements

Rune of Deft <Effect>

1x per Refresh: <Effect> by Weapon (Disarm, Agony, Disengage)

Personal Rune, Glyph of Striking

Rune of Striking

1x per Refresh: add 'to <Form>' to Called Weapon Strike (Spirit,

Shadow, Earth, Flying, etc.)

Personal Rune, Glyph of


Rune of Craftsmanship

1x per Refresh: Resist Destroy to Weapon

Personal Rune, Glyph of


Rune of Speed

1x per Refresh: Use any Deflect or Parry Defense with Weapon

sheathed, or within 5' of Character

Personal Rune, Glyph of Deflection

Average Weapon Runes




Rune of <Metal>

1x per Refresh: Carrier <Metal> (Silver, Iron)

Personal Rune, Glyph of Augury,

Glyph of Divinity

Rune of Severing

1x per Refresh: Mangle by Weapon

Personal Rune, Glyph of Weakness,

Glyph of Striking

Rune of Sacrifice

1x per Refresh: Destroy the Weapon to add 'Major' to any Parry

Defense *may not be reduced in any way

Personal Rune, Glyph of

Protection, Glyph of Divinity

Rune of Damage

1x per Refresh: Add <Type> to Called Weapon Damage (Lethal,


Personal Rune, Glyph of Nature,

Glyph of Striking

Rune of <Trait> Dispelling

1x per Refresh: Dispel <Trait> by Weapon (Magic, Mind, Faith)

Personal Rune, Glyph of Removal,

Glyph of Magic

Difficult Weapon Runes




Rune of Ease

Weapon may be used regardless of Skill Restrictions for the Event

Personal Rune, Glyph of Arming,

Glyph of Wisdom, Glyph of Might

<Attribute> Rune of Fueling

1x per Refresh: Any Fueled Skill that normally takes <Attribute>

takes ANY for 1 use (STR, AGI, SPI, INT)

Personal Rune, Glyph of Arming,

Glyph of Power, Glyph of Speed

Rune of Maiming

1x per Battle: Maim by Weapon

Personal Rune, Glyph of Arming,

Glyph of Weakness, Glyph of Might

Rune of Breaking

All Maim Effects become Mangle Effects for the Event

Personal Rune, Glyph of Arming,

Glyph of Weakness, Glyph of Time

Rune of Return

Weapon will return to you if stolen or lost sometime by the end of

the Event

Personal Rune, Glyph of Arming,

Glyph of Time, Glyph of Removal

Complex Weapon Runes




Rune of <Race> Bane

1x per Battle: 5 damage to <Racial Trait> (Undead, Elf, Demon,


Personal Rune, Glyph of Arming,

Glyph of Persistence, Glyph of
Alacrity, Glyph of Blood

Rune of Slaying

1x per Refresh: Death by Weapon

Personal Rune, Glyph of Arming,

Glyph of Void, Eternal Glyph,
Glyph of Blood

<Trait> Rune

All Called Weapon Strikes may be 'by <Trait>' for the Event (Magic, Personal Rune, Glyph of Arming,
Glyph of Benevolence, Glyph of
Enlightenment, Glyph of the Magi

Rune of Reforging

1x per Battle: Weapon will repair itself after 5 minutes of being


Personal Rune, Glyph of Arming,

Glyph of Absorption, Glyph of
Alacrity, Glyph of Persistence

Rune of Versatility

All Stamina, Stealth, Inspiration, Arcane and Zeal may be used


Personal Rune, Glyph of Arming,

Glyph of Balance, Glyph of
Enlightenment, Glyph of Distortion


a= RequieM

Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Scroll Making Recipes

Free Production
Doubling Agent

When added to a consumable while crafting it, gives a 20/15/10/5% chance (by level) to create a
duplicate item

Simple Vellum (C)

Any 1 Common Component (makes 5)

Treated Vellum (U)

Any 1 Uncommon Component (makes 5)

Imbued Vellum (R)

Any 1 Rare Component (makes 5)

Arcane Ink (C)

Raw Arcane, Any Raw Magical Component

Divine Ink (C)

Raw Divine, Any Raw Mystical Component

Rainbow Ink (C)

Raw Light, Any Raw Elemental Component

Purified Ink (U)

Refined Divine, Any 2 Raw Elemental Components

Iridescent Ink (U)

Refined Light, Any 2 Raw Elemental Components

Ethereal Ink (U)

Refined Spirit, Any 2 Raw Elemental Components

Moonglow Ink (R)

Pure Water, Pure Shadow, Any 2 Refined Magical Components

Sunfire Ink (R)

Pure Fire, Pure Light, Any 2 Refined Magical Components

Prismatic Ink (R)

Pure Arcane, Refined Air, Refined Earth, Refined Fire, Refined Water

Tattooing Ink (R)

Pure Blood, Pure Venom, Any 2 Refined Herbal Components

Formula Script (C)

Raw Thought, Any Raw Elemental Component

Book Bindings (C)

Raw Thought, Any Raw Elemental Component

Spellbook Bindings (C)

Raw Thought, Any Raw Elemental Component

Refurbishment Plans (U)

Refined Dream, Treated Vellum, Any 2 Raw Mystical Components

Infusion Concept (U)

Refined Dream, Treated Vellum, Any 2 Raw Mystical Components

Armor Design (U)

Refined Thought, Treated Vellum, Any 2 Raw Magical Components

Weapon Design (U)

Refined Thought, Treated Vellum, Any 2 Raw Magical Components

Shield Design (U)

Refined Thought, Treated Vellum, Any 2 Raw Magical Components

Restoration Plans (R)

Pure Dream, Imbued Vellum, Any 2 Refined Mystical Components

Enhancement Concept (R)

Pure Dream, Imbued Vellum, Any 2 Refined Mystical Components

Simple Quill (C)

Raw Bone

Silvery Quill (C)

Raw Bone, Silver Ingot

Whitefeather Quill (C)

Raw Bone, Any Raw Mystical Component

Elegant Quill (U)

Refined Bone

Crystalline Quill (U)

Refined Bone, Uncut Crystal

Contour Downfeathers (U)

Refined Spores, Any 2 Raw Magical Components

Sunfeather Padding (U)

Refined Fire, Any 2 Raw Herbal Components

Precision Fletching (U)

Refined Void, Any 2 Raw Herbal Components

Masterworked Quill (R)

Pure Bone

Void Quill (R)

Pure Bone, Pure Void


RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Books



Knowledge Book

Allows a Knowledge Skill to be stored in a book and used later

Book Bindings, Whitefeather Quill

Rumor Book

Allows a Rumor Skill to be stored in a book and used later

Book Bindings, Whitefeather Quill

Craft Book

Allows a Production Point to be stored in a book and used later

Book Bindings, Whitefeather Quill

Slight Alteration Magic


Changes a Magic Scroll to be able to be used by anyone with

Read/Write and <Level> School of Magic

Simple Vellum, Raw Arcane

Slight Alteration Faith


Changes a Faith Scroll to be able to be used by anyone with

Read/Write and <Level> Discipline of Faith

Simple Vellum, Raw Divine




Common Instruction Book

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 1 Instruction Card to put a

Common Skill into a Book

Simple Vellum, Book Bindings,

Simple Quill

Common Magic Spellbook

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 1 Instruction Card to put a

Common Magic Spell into a Book

Simple Vellum, Spellbook

Bindings, Simple Quill

Common Faith Spellbook

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 1 Instruction Card to put a

Common Faith Spell into a Book

Simple Vellum, Spellbook

Bindings, Simple Quill

Rewrite Alteration - Magic

Changes a Magic Scroll to be able to be used by anyone with

Read/Write and Any School of Magic

Simple Vellum, Silvery Quill

Rewrite Alteration - Faith

Changes a Faith Scroll to be able to be used by anyone with

Read/Write and Any Discipline of Faith

Simple Vellum, Silvery Quill




Uncommon Instruction Book

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 3 Instruction Cards to put

an Uncommon Skill into a Book

Treated Vellum x3, Book

Bindings, Elegant Quill

Uncommon Magic Spellbook

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 3 Instruction Cards to put

an Uncommon Magic Spell into a Book

Treated Vellum x3, Spellbook

Bindings, Elegant Quill

Uncommon Faith Spellbook

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 3 Instruction Cards to put

an Uncommon Faith Spell into a Book

Treated Vellum x3, Spellbook

Bindings, Elegant Quill

Simplifying Alteration

Changes a Magic Scroll to be able to be used by anyone with


Treated Vellum, Modifying

Pigment, Crystalline Quill

Simplifying Alteration - Faith

Changes a Faith Scroll to be able to be used by anyone with


Treated Vellum,Modifying
Pigment, Crystalline Quill




Rare Instruction Book

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 10 Instruction Cards to put

an Rare Skill into a Book

Imbued Vellum x5, Book

Bindings, Masterworked Quill

Rare Magic Spellbook

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 10 Instruction Cards to put

an Rare Magic Spell into a Book

Imbued Vellum x5, Spellbook

Bindings, Masterworked Quill

Rare Faith Spellbook

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 10 Instruction Cards to put

an Rare Faith Spell into a Book

Imbued Vellum x5, Spellbook

Bindings, Masterworked Quill

Enhancement Alteration

Change a Scroll to have no Incant

Imbued Vellum, Nether Dust,

Transforming Pigment, Void Quill

Portable Library

Setup a Library anywhere that may be used for an Encounter

Imbued Vellum, A Rare Book,

Transforming Pigment, Void Quill

Average Books

Difficult Books

Complex Books


a= RequieM

Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Faith Scrolls




Holy: Minor Healing

Heal by Faith

Simple Vellum, Raw Divine

Corruption: Dark Grasp

Root by Disease

Simple Vellum, Raw Blood

Divinity: Blessed Wrappings

Next First Aid Ability is Instant, 'by Faith' and Packet Delivered
*self only

Simple Vellum, Raw Spirit

Prophecy: Tranquility

Calm by Faith

Simple Vellum, Raw Void

Ferocity: Call the Wild

Ability to wield 2 Short Claws for the Battle *self only

Simple Vellum, Raw Wyld

Average Faith Scrolls




Sacrament: Dual Wrath

Double Destroy Claw to <Demon or Undead>

Simple Vellum, Divine Ink

Curses: Eye for an Eye

Cure Maim and Grant Maim by Faith

Simple Vellum, Rainbow Ink

Spirit: Healing

Heal 3 by Faith

Simple Vellum, Divine Ink

Nature: Roots of the World


Voice Attack to Town Cure Plague by Faith

Simple Vellum, Divine Ink

Enlightenment: Flight of the


Instantly Refresh *self only, must still spend Endurance

Simple Vellum, Rainbow Ink

Difficult Faith Scrolls




Nature: Predators' Instinct

Ability to wield 2 Long Claws until next Refresh *self only

Treated Vellum, Iridescent

Ink, Golden Dye

Curses: Spiritual Guide

Summon a Curse Spirit to a Power Circle that will locate and lead
Players to a Curse Effect or Curse Caster (Time and Location)

Treated Vellum, Iridescent

Ink, Ghost Dye

Sacrament: Dispel

Dispel All by Faith

Treated Vellum, Purified Ink,

Golden Dye

Divinity: Major Healing

Heal All by Faith

Treated Vellum, Purified Ink,

Golden Dye

Prophecy: Champion's Return Heal 2 and Grant Spirit Form by Faith

Treated Vellum, Purified Ink,

Golden Dye

Complex Faith Scrolls




Nature: Touch of the Green


Cure All and Dispel All by Faith

Imbued Vellum, Sunfire Ink,

Arcanite Powder, Lustrous Dye

Curses: Boon of Hope

Empowered Cure Inflict Curse *touch cast only

Imbued Vellum, Prismatic Ink,

Nether Dust, Lustrous Dye

Sacrament: <Demon or
Undead> Bane

Add 'Major' Prefix and 'to <Demon or Undead>' Suffix to next

Faith spell cast in the Battle *self only

Imbued Vellum, Sunfire Ink,

Soul Fragments, Lustrous Dye

Divinity: Wrath of Paragon

Major Freeze by Supremacy

Imbued Vellum, Prismatic Ink,

Soul Fragments, Pearl Dye

Prophecy: Voice Stabilize

Voice Attack to Town Stabilize by Faith

Imbued Vellum, Sunfire Ink,

Soul Fragments, Lustrous Dye


RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Alchemy Formulas



Simple Alchemy Formula

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 1 Instruction Card to put a

Simple Alchemy Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum, Formula

Script, Simple Quill

Average Alchemy Formula

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 2 Instruction Cards to put

an Average Alchemy Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x2, Formula

Script, Simple Quill

Difficult Alchemy Formula

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 3 Instruction Cards to put a

Difficult Alchemy Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x3, Formula

Script, Elegant Quill

Complex Alchemy Formula

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 5 Instruction Cards to put a

Complex Alchemy Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x5, Formula

Script, Masterworked Quill

(R) Epic Alchemy Formula

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 10 Instruction Cards to

put an Epic Alchemy Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x10, Formula

Script, Masterworked Quill

Blacksmithing Formulas



Simple Blacksmithing

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 1 Instruction Card to put a

Simple Blacksmithing Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum, Formula

Script, Simple Quill

Average Blacksmithing

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 2 Instruction Cards to put

an Average Blacksmithing Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x2, Formula

Script, Simple Quill

Difficult Blacksmithing

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 3 Instruction Cards to put a

Difficult Blacksmithing Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x3, Formula

Script, Elegant Quill

Complex Blacksmithing

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 5 Instruction Cards to put a

Complex Blacksmithing Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x5, Formula

Script, Masterworked Quill

(R) Epic Blacksmithing


Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 10 Instruction Cards to

put an Epic Blacksmithing Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x10, Formula

Script, Masterworked Quill

Potion Making Formulas




Simple Potion Making


Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 1 Instruction Card to put a

Simple Potion Making Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum, Formula

Script, Simple Quill

Average Potion Making


Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 2 Instruction Cards to put

an Average Potion Making Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x2, Formula

Script, Simple Quill

Difficult Potion Making


Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 3 Instruction Cards to put a

Difficult Scroll Making Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x3, Formula

Script, Elegant Quill

Complex Potion Making


Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 5 Instruction Cards to put a

Complex Potion Making Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x5, Formula

Script, Masterworked Quill

(R) Epic Potion Making


Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 10 Instruction Cards to

put an Epic Potion Making Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x10, Formula

Script, Masterworked Quill

Rune Carving Formulas




Simple Rune Carving


Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 1 Instruction Card to put a

Simple Rune Carving Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum, Formula

Script, Simple Quill

Average Rune Carving


Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 2 Instruction Cards to put

an Average Rune Carving Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x2, Formula

Script, Simple Quill

Difficult Rune Carving


Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 3 Instruction Cards to put a

Difficult Rune Carving Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x3, Formula

Script, Elegant Quill

Complex Rune Carving


Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 5 Instruction Cards to put a

Complex Rune Carving Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x5, Formula

Script, Masterworked Quill

(R) Epic Rune Carving


Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 10 Instruction Cards to

put an Epic Rune Carving Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x10, Formula

Script, Masterworked Quill


a= RequieM

Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Scroll Making Formulas




Simple Scroll Making


Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 1 Instruction Card to put a

Simple Scroll Making Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum, Formula

Script, Simple Quill

Average Scroll Making


Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 2 Instruction Cards to put

an Average Scroll Making Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x2, Formula

Script, Simple Quill

Difficult Scroll Making


Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 3 Instruction Cards to put a

Difficult Scroll Making Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x3, Formula

Script, Elegant Quill

Complex Scroll Making


Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 5 Instruction Cards to put a

Complex Scroll Making Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x5, Formula

Script, Masterworked Quill

(R) Epic Scroll Making


Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 10 Instruction Cards to

put an Epic Scroll Making Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x10, Formula

Script, Masterworked Quill




Simple Tinkering Formula

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 1 Instruction Card to put a

Simple Tinkering Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum, Formula

Script, Simple Quill

Average Tinkering Formula

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 2 Instruction Cards to put

an Average Tinkering Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x2, Formula

Script, Simple Quill

Difficult Tinkering Formula

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 3 Instruction Cards to put a

Difficult Tinkering Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x3, Formula

Script, Elegant Quill

Complex Tinkering Formula

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 5 Instruction Cards to put a

Complex Tinkering Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x5, Formula

Script, Masterworked Quill

(R) Epic Tinkering Formula

Allows a Player with Read/Write to use 10 Instruction Cards to

put an Epic Tinkering Recipe into a Formula

Simple Vellum x10, Formula

Script, Masterworked Quill

Tinkering Formulas


RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Magic Scrolls



Kinetic: Minor Damage

2 Damage by Magic

Simple Vellum, Raw Energy

Dreams: Watchful Guardian

Until next Refresh, able to use 5 Damage by Magic Aura when

character is physically asleep or affected by a Sleep Effect

Simple Vellum, Raw Dream

Phantasm: Spectral Weapon

Repair Weapon for the Battle *self only, Destroyed at end of Battle

Simple Vellum, Raw Shadow

Arcanuum: Shield Magic

Grant Shield by Magic

Simple Vellum, Raw Essence

Enchantment: Identify

Give Character a -1 Attribute Cost on Magical Lore Skill for 1 Item

at a Library *self only

Simple Vellum, Raw Thought

Average Magic Scrolls




Performance: Poem of

5 min RP (Performance): Voice Attack to Town Grant Shield Fear

by Inspiration

Simple Vellum, Rainbow Ink

Acid: Corrosion

Destroy by Acid

Simple Vellum, Arcane Ink

Warding: Reform Ward

Ward of Protection on a Cabin, Tent, or Structure that was

previously removed during the Event

Simple Vellum, Arcane Ink

Thought: Aneurism

Plague by Mind

Simple Vellum, Arcane Ink

<Element>: Damage

5 Damage by <Element>

Simple Vellum, Rainbow Ink

Difficult Magic Scrolls




<Element>: Elemental

Grant Carrier <Element>

Treated Vellum, Iridescent

Ink, Cobalt Dye

Enchantment: Destabilize

10 Damage to Magic

Treated Vellum, Ethereal Ink,

Cobalt Dye

Phantasm: Invisibility

10 min RP: Imbue by Phantasm Caster and 5 others may bypass

an Encounter in an Adventure

Treated Vellum, Ethereal Ink,

Cobalt Dye

Arcanuum: Forcefield

Magic Form *self only, must be in a Power Circle, may cast and
speak normally, but may not leave Circle while active

Treated Vellum, Ethereal Ink,

Cobalt Dye

Thought: Spirit of Knowledge

Summon a Spirit to a Power Circle and ask 3 questions pertaining

to an Adventure (Time and Location)

Treated Vellum, Iridescent

Ink, Ghost Dye

Complex Magic Scrolls




<Element>: Control

Dominate to <Element>

Imbued Vellum, Prismatic Ink,

Arcanite Powder, Azure Dye

Enchantment: Power Circle


5 min RP: Glowing Circle of <Type> until next Refresh

Imbued Vellum, Prismatic Ink,

Arcanite Powder, Azure Dye

Phantasm: Phase Shift

Imbue Caster and 5 others with <Trait> - Caster may Voice Attack
Imbue to <Trait> Group may return to Town regardless of

Imbued Vellum, Moonglow

Ink, Soul Fragments, Azure

Arcanuum: Argandris' Claw

Extend Grant Carrier Magic 1 Day

Imbued Vellum, Moonglow

Ink, Arcanite Powder, Azure

Thought: Mental Blast

Death by Mind

Imbued Vellum, Moonglow

Ink, Nether Dust, Pearl Dye


a= RequieM

Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Tinkering Recipes

Free Production

Used in the creation of Gnomish Wondrous Items

Improvised Parts (C)

Any 1 Common Component (makes 5)

Mechanical Parts (U)

Any 1 Uncommon Component (makes 5)

Engineered Parts (R)

Any 1 Rare Component (makes 5)

Unstable Blast Shell (C)

Raw Husk, Raw Fire

Bombshell (U)

Any 2 Raw Magical Components

Ornate Handle (U)

Gold Ingot, Refined Ore

Reinforced Plating (U)

Refined Earth, Refined Ore

Balanced Grip (U)

Refined Wyld, Refined Ore

Razor Edge (U)

Uncut Crystal, Refined Ore

Balanced Weight (U)

Uncut Onyx, Refined Ore

Fortified Banding (U)

Durasteel Ingot, Refined Ore

Reliable Mortar (R)

Pure Husk, Uncut Netherite

Reimbued Plating (R)

Pure Energy, Pure Spirit, Adamantite Ingot

Coiled Wiring (C)

Any Raw Elemental Component

Iron Widget (C)

Iron Ingot, Any Raw Elemental Component

Makeshift Tools (C)

Raw Ore, Any Common Physical Component

Raw Water (C)

Raw Water, Any Raw Herbal Component

Sparking Plug (U)

Refined Energy, Any 2 Raw Elemental Components

Energy Matrix (U)

Refined Energy, Any 2 Common Physical Components

Specialized Tools (U)

Makeshift Tools, Any 2 Refined Components

Frictionless Hydrofluid (U)

Refined Water, Any 2 Raw Mystical Components

Recharging Matrix (R)

Pure Energy, Pure Void, Mithril Ingot

Refracting Lens (R)

Pure Light, Uncut Diamond

Power Sources
Blessed Emblem (R)

2x Pure Divine, Divine Infusion, Mithril Ingot

Arcanite Core (R)

Arcanite, Amplifying Infusion, Pure Void

Bundled Leylines (R)

2x Pure Arcane, Breath of Argandris, Adamantite Ingot

Starmetal Seal (R)

2x Pure Ore, Prismatic Ink, Safeguarding Gloss

Elemental Nexus (R)

Uncut Diamond, Pure Air, Pure Earth, Pure Fire, Pure Water

Living Metal (R)

2x Pure Ore, Restorative Infusion, Pure Wyld

Abyssal Shard (R)

Uncut Netherite, Soul Fragments, Abyssal Oil

Orb of Pure Starlight (R)

2x Pure Ore, Moonglow Ink, Sunfire Ink

Platinum Tesseract (R)

2x Pure Ore, Platinum Ingot

Sight of Sylvana (R)

2x Pure Ore, Mental Infusion, Any 2 Herbal Components


RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Explosives



Small Net Bomb

Minor Use Bomb: Massive Root

Improvised Parts, Raw Earth

Stink Bomb

Minor Use Bomb: Massive Agony and Disengage

Improvised Parts, Raw Spores

Shell Casing

Basic Ammo used in most Firearms

Improvised Parts, Raw Ore


Line Trap snap or pop: 3 Lethal by Trap

Improvised Parts, Raw Shadow


Line Trap light or flash: Root by Trap

Improvised Parts, Raw Wyld




Large Bomb

Minor Use Bomb: Massive 5 Damage

Improvised Parts, Unstable Blast


Flame Thrower

Allows a character with Explosive Expertise to throw: Natural 3

Damage by Fire Burst (3 packets)

Improvised Parts, Hydrofluid

Flash Bang

Minor Use Bomb: Voice Attack to Room Agony

Improvised Parts, Unstable Blast



Pressure Sensitive snap or pop: 3 Lethal by Trap

Improvised Parts, Unstable Blast


Dye Trap

Box Trap flash or light: Inflict Trait Thief and plot approved
symbol on the back of hand for event

Improvised Parts, Unstable Blast





Goo Bomb

Minor Use Bomb: Massive Bind

Mechanical Parts, Bombshell,

Adhesive Spray

Shockwave Bomb

Minor Use Bomb: Massive 3 Damage and Knockback

Mechanical Parts, Bombshell,

Volatile Gas

Improvised Explosive Device

Any Trap Buzzer or Bell: 6 Lethal by Trap

Mechanical Parts, Bombshell, Any

2 Uncommon Reagents

Poison Dust

Box Trap light or flash: Store Gas or Blade Poison in a Trap

Mechanical Parts, Frictionless

Hydrofluid, Gas/Blade Poison

Weapon Trap

Weapon Trap Melee or Ranged: Massive 6 Lethal by Trap

Mechanical Parts, Frictionless

Hydrofluid, Titan Steel




Huge Bomb

Minor Use Bomb: Massive 10 Damage and Destroy

Engineered Parts, Reliable Mortar,

Explosive Gas, Nether Dust

Ice Bomb

Minor Use Bomb: Massive Freeze

Engineered Parts, Reliable Mortar,

Azure Dye, Distilled Nether

Anti-Magic Bomb

Minor Use Bomb: Voice Attack to Room Dispel All Magic

Engineered Parts, Refracting Lens,

Breath of Argandris, Glyph of the

Pit Trap

Circle Trap light or flash: Voice Attack to Circle 10 Lethal by


Engineered Parts, Reimbued

Plating, Glyph of Arming, Arcanite

Demolition Trap

Any Trap Render a Building a Ruin for the Event (Time and
Location Based) Inflict

Engineered Parts, Reliable Mortar,

Explosive Gas, Prismatic Ink

Average Explosives

Difficult Explosives

Complex Explosives


a= RequieM

Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Gadgets




Takes Pictures, Lasts for 1 Year

Improvised Parts, Uncut Quartz

Pocket Watch

Tells the time, Lasts for 1 Event

Improvised Parts, Silver Ingot

Thieves' Tools

Allows a player to attempt to pick a lock or disarm a trap once (one

minute attempt)

Improvised Parts, Raw Shadow

Music Player

Lasts for Event, can play only plot approved music

Improvised Parts, Raw Arcane

Alarm Clock

Wakes you up, Lasts for 1 Event

Improvised Parts, Raw Dream




Video Recorder

Takes Video, Lasts for 1 Year

Improvised Parts, Coiled Wiring

Simple Lock

Lock, Lasts for 1 Event

Improvised Parts, Iron Widget

Food Purifier

Removes any harmful Toxins in a single meal for one person

Improvised Parts, Hydrofluid

De-Crypto Machine 2000

Machine that will give a single hint on a riddle or puzzle


Improvised Parts, Iron Widget


Creates a set of 2 Walkie-Talkies that last for 1 Event

Improvised Parts, Coiled Wiring




Mining Tools

Give a Player the Skill: Harvest Mining for an Adventure

Mechanical Parts, Specialized

Tools, Glyph of Might

Botanist Tools

Give a Player the Skill: Harvest Herbalism for an Adventure

Mechanical Parts, Specialized

Tools, Glyph of Nature

Smoke Machine

Increases the smoke and cover of an area (Time and Location

Based) Inflict Card

Mechanical Parts, Sparking Plug,

Compressed Vapor

Alchemy for Dummies

Give a Player the Skill: Poison Expertise for the Battle

Mechanical Parts, Frictionless

Hydrofluid, Uncommon Book

Explosives for Dummies

Give a Player the Skill: Explosives Expertise for the Battle

Mechanical Parts, Energy Matrix,

Uncommon Book




Complex Lock

Lasts 1 Event

Engineered Parts, Arcanite Core,

Enhancement Concept, Glyph of

Prismatic Mote Magnifier

Give a Player the Skill: Harvest Spiritual Focusing, Core

Extracting, and Essence Gathering for an Adventure

Engineered Parts, Refracting Lens,

Breath of Argandris, Precious Urn

The Sleep EZ Security System

Ward of Protection Cannot be removed or bypassed for the Event

Engineered Parts, Refracting Lens,

Safeguarding Gloss, Moonglow Ink

Darkness Generator

Darken a Room or area with an unnatural Light-source (Time and

Location Based) Inflict Card

Engineered Parts, Abyssal Shard,

Abyssal Oil, Distilled Nether

Super De-Crypto Machine


10 minute RP: Solves almost any Riddle or Puzzle (Time and

Location Based)

Engineered Parts, Platinum

Tesseract, Mental Infusion, Void

Average Gadgets

Difficult Gadgets

Complex Gadgets


RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Repairs



Repair Kit

Tinkering Only: touch cast: 10 sec RP: Heal 2 to Clockwork

Improvised Parts, Iron Ingot

Sticky Gooey Glue

Tinkering Only: touch cast 10 sec RP: Repair Weapon for the

Improvised Parts, Raw Blood

The Handy 2000

Tinkering Only: touch cast 10 sec RP: Empowered Cure

Maim/Mangle to Clockwork

Improvised Parts, Raw Bone

Reset Trap

Tinkering Only: repair a trap that went off that did not affect

Improvised Parts, Raw Earth

Retrofit Bomb

Tinkering Only: repair a bomb that went off and did not affect

Improvised Parts, Raw Fire




Enhanced Repair Kit

Tinkering Only: touch cast: 10 sec RP: Heal 5 to Clockwork

Improvised Parts, Makeshift Tools

Average Repairs

Breach Sealer

Improvised Parts, Hydrofluid

Repair Firearm

Tinkering Only: touch cast 10 sec RP: Repair a destroyed Firearm

Improvised Parts, Makeshift Tools

Maintain Firearm

Tinkering Only: extend the duration of a Firearm

Improvised Parts, Iron Widget

Hydraulic Transfusion

Tinkering Only: touch cast 10 sec RP: Dispel <Trait> to Clockwork

Improvised Parts, Hydrofluid




Portable Weapon Mold

Tinkering Only: 10 sec RP: Repair Weapon

Mechanical Parts, Frictionless

Hydrofluid, Hardened Mold

Fix-It Compound

Tinkering Only: 10 sec RP: Repair Armor

Mechanical Parts, Specialized

Tools, Adhesive Spray

Automatic Repair Unit

Target Clockwork will receive a Heal 3 to Clockwork after 59

seconds the next time they are bleeding out once for the Event

Mechanical Parts, Sparking Plug,

Glyph of Time

Dude Repairs

Re-throw a missed Bomb, once per Battle for the Event

Mechanical Parts, Energy Matrix,

Volatile Gas

Mechanical Overhaul

Tinkering Only: touch cast 10 sec RP: Cure All to Clockwork

Mechanical Parts, Sparking Plug,

Refurbishment Plans




Portable Forge

Set up a Forge anywhere that may be used for an Encounter

Engineered Parts, Reimbued

Plating, Adamantite Mold, Sunfire

Portable Lab

Set up a laboratory anywhere that may be used for an Encounter

Engineered Parts, Reimbued

Plating, Diamond Vial, Void Quill

Static Shock

Tinkering Only: Cure Death and Heal All to Clockwork

Engineered Parts, Spiritual

Infusion, Charged Electrum, Elixir
of Life

Portable Structure

Allows a Ruin to be Warded and count as a Cabin for the Event

Engineered Parts, Reimbued

Plating, Glyph of Warding, Arcanite

Magical Fixative

Allows an Enchanter to Extend Magic Item that has been expired

for less than 2 months

Engineered Parts, Bundled

Leylines, Mending Gas, Temporal

Difficult Repairs

Complex Repairs


a= RequieM

Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Simple Upgrades



Claw Extension

Target Clockwork gains: Long Claws until next Refresh *must have
Short Claws

Improvised Parts, Raw Bone

Backup Backup Battery

Target Clockwork gains: while in Death Count may walk slowly

with no Skills once during the Event *must have Backup Battery

Improvised Parts, Raw Energy

Cooling Fan

Target Clockwork gains: Reduce Paralyze or Freeze to Stun once

during the Event

Improvised Parts, Raw Water

Upgrade Trap: Safety


Allows Target that sets this trap to be No Effect to it (trap still used) Improvised Parts, Raw Wyld

Upgrade Bomb: Enhanced Trigger

Upgrade a Bomb from Minor Use to Single Use

Improvised Parts, Uncut Obsidian




Tune Up

Target Clockwork under 101 CP can Live Well for the Event

Improvised Parts, Makeshift Tools

Self Mending Framework

Target Clockwork may receive a Double Effect from any Repair

received until next Refresh

Improvised Parts, Makeshift Tools

Upgrade Bomb: ReThrowable

Upgrade a Bomb from a Single Use to Until Hit

Improvised Parts, Iron Widget

Organic Wiring

Target Clockwork gains the Ability to be affected by beneficial

Poisons for the Battle

Improvised Parts, Coiled Wiring

Upgrade Trap: Timer

Upgrades a Trap to have a timer instead of a trigger

Improvised Parts, Coiled Wiring




Reinforced Limbs

Target Clockwork may choose to reduce any Called Damage strike

that hits a limb to a Mangle, once per Battle for the Event

Mechanical Parts, Specialized

Tools, Tempered Infusion

Memory Upgrade

Target Clockwork under 51 CP may Train Well for the Event

Mechanical Parts, Energy Matrix,

Infusion Concept

Shock Absorption

Target Clockwork gains the Ability to block Massive until next


Mechanical Parts, Sparking Plug,

Mercurial Infusion

Upgrade Trap: Trap Body

Upgrades any non-area effect Trap to work on a fallen body instead

Mechanical Parts, Bombshell,

Ghost Dye

Upgrade Gadget: Warranty

Target Gadget lasts for 1 year instead of one Event

Mechanical Parts, Energy Matrix,

Mending Flux




Enhanced Memory Upgrade

Target Clockwork under 101 CP may Train Well for the Event

Engineered Parts, Refracting Lens,

Glyph of Enlightenment,
Amplifying Infusion

Crystalized Energy Matrix

Target Upgrade that would normally last until next Refresh instead
lasts for the Event

Engineered Parts, Recharging

Matrix, Glyph of Balance,
Continual Flux

Bio-Slush Compound

Target Clockwork gains the Ability to be affected by beneficial

Poison effects for the Event

Engineered Parts, Living Metal,

Distilled Life, Tattooing Ink

Upgrade Trap: Resettable

Upgrades a Trap so it can be rearmed and reused during the Event

Engineered Parts, Reliable Mortar,

Restoration Plans, Glyph of

Upgrade Gadget: Extended


Target Gadget will last Indefinitely instead of 1 year

Engineered Parts, Recharging

Matrix, Eternal Glyph, Restorative

Average Upgrades

Difficult Upgrades

Complex Upgrades


RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Blessing Recipes
Holy Symbols



Symbol of the Devout

This can be any Symbol or Crown ability player with blessing

knows *self only, same for whole event


Symbol of Light

1x per Battle, Generate an a beneficial Faith spell that you already

cast at least once during the Battle *no Imbues

Blessed Emblem, Pure Light

Symbol of Magic

1x per Battle, Add the "Double" prefix to any Damage Spell

Blessed Emblem, Pure Arcane

Symbol of Nature

1x per Battle, Generate any Beneficial effect heard in battle to Self

*Outdoors only, may be used passively

Blessed Emblem, Pure Wyld

Symbol of Chi

1x per Battle, Reduce RP time of any Meditation Skill to 10 seconds

Blessed Emblem, Pure Spirit

Symbol of Nether

1x per Battle, Killing Blow that successfully affects someone

generates 'Heal 3 to Self'

Blessed Emblem, Uncut Netherite

Symbol of the Hunt

1x per Battle, Able to change 'to Trait' from any skill or spell to
another another Trait *Demon, Magic, Fire, Elf etc.

Blessed Emblem, Pure Venom

Symbol of Might

1x per Battle, Able to change 'to Trait' from any skill or spell to
another another Trait *Demon, Magic, Fire, Elf etc.

Blessed Emblem, Pure Bone

Symbol of Fate

1x per Battle, Generate any beneficial spell 'by Supremacy' *touch

cast only

Blessed Emblem, Pure Spores

Symbol of Balance

1x per Battle, Gain +1 Power on any any task or Adventure sent

upon by the Church or an Avatar

Blessed Emblem, Pure Divine

Symbol of Deception

1x per Battle, Able to remove 'to Back' from any skill or ability *no
Imbues, Night only

Blessed Emblem, Pure Shadow

Symbol of Dreams

1x per Battle, Inflict by Faith: Spirit Form for 30 seconds *must

Travel directly to target, may run, no speaking

Blessed Emblem, Pure Dream

Symbol of Elements

1x per Battle, Able to change 'by <Element>' to any other Element

(Earth, Air, Fire, Water)

Blessed Emblem, Any 2 Pure


Symbol of War

1x per Battle, Add 'Double' Prefix to any Called Weapon Damage

Blessed Emblem, Pure Blood

Symbol of Evil

1x per Battle, Access to a per Battle Spell of Deity or Avatar's

choosing at the beginning of the Event

Blessed Emblem, Pure Void




Crown of Mending

1x per Battle, Repair Armor equal to the amount you were just

Arcanite, Living Metal, Pure


Circle of Secrecy

1x per Battle, Silence by Weapon

Arcanite, Living Metal, Pure


Tiara of Expertise

1x per Battle, throw a consumable as 'Activate <Effect> by <Trait>'

*packet delivered and no other requirement

Arcanite, Living Metal, Uncut


Coronet of Dire Need

1x per Battle, consume another per Battle skill to generate a 'Heal 5

by Faith' *packet delivered

Arcanite, Living Metal, Mithril


Diadem of Reversal

1x per Battle, Convert any Heal X Spell into "X Damage by Faith"
*packet delivered, does not work on All

Arcanite, Living Metal, Uncut




a= RequieM

Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

Enchanting Recipes



Wand of the Magi

This can be any Wand, Ring, Amulet or Crown ability player with
enchanting knows *self only, same for whole event


Wand of Flame

1x per Battle, 6 Damage by Fire

Arcanite, Elemental Nexus, Pure Fire

Wand of Ice

1x per Battle, 3 Damage and Root by Water

Arcanite, Elemental Nexus, Pure


Wand of Lightning

1x per Battle, 3 Damage by Air Burst (3 packets)

Arcanite, Elemental Nexus, Pure Air

Wand of Stone

1x per Battle, Destroy Weapon by Earth

Arcanite, Elemental Nexus, Pure





Ring of Conjuring

1x per Battle, Infuses a piece of food or drink, to Heal 2 by Magic

when someone eats it

Arcanite, Bundled Leylines, Pure


Ring of Illusion

1x per Battle, Resist a Spell or Packet Attack that you have already
been hit with during the Battle

Arcanite, Bundled Leylines, Pure


Ring of Wonder

1x per Battle, After successfully defending a 'by Magic' Attack,

Restore 1 Arcane to self

Arcanite, Bundled Leylines, Pure


Ring of the Third Eye

1x per Battle, After Incant, Gesture Attack one Spell with an

attribute cost of 1 or less

Arcanite, Bundled Leylines, Pure


Ring of Supremacy

1x per Battle, change the Trait of a spell to 'by Supremacy' after

someone has called No Effect to the spell

Arcanite, Bundled Leylines, Uncut





Amulet of Bards

1x per Battle, Gain 1 Power for a spell that you add +1 minute
RP(singing) to the cast time

Arcanite, Abyssal Shard, Pure


Amulet of Nightmares

1x per Battle, Generate a 'Death by Magic' able to be touch cast

against a sleeping target only

Arcanite, Abyssal Shard, Pure


Amulet of Capturing

1x per Battle, After successfully Dodging a 'by Poison' or 'by Acid'

attack, Generate the same effect without cost

Arcanite, Abyssal Shard, Pure Husk

Amulet of Ceremony

1x per Battle, Gain +1 Power used in an offensive spell while

standing in a Power Circle

Arcanite, Abyssal Shard, Pure


Amulet of Returning

1x per Battle, Upgrade any Evade, Resist or Parry ability against a

'by Magic' attack to be a Volley

Arcanite, Abyssal Shard, Uncut





Crown of Kings

1x per Battle, Resist Death by Will

Arcanite, Living Metal, Pure Divine

Circlet of Vanishing

1x per Battle, Major Repel Aura versus a Melee Weapon attack

against you

Arcanite, Living Metal, Pure Void

Tiara of Resourcefulness

1x per Battle, Re-throw any missed Consumable Item

Arcanite, Living Metal, Pure


Coronet of the Wyld

1x per Battle, Gain +1 Power during any Battle Outdoors not in line
of sight of any buildings

Arcanite, Living Metal, Pure Wyld

Diadem of Alacrity

1x per Battle, Take -1 Attribute cost off of a Cure Spell that lands
within 10 seconds of target being affected

Arcanite, Living Metal, Mithril






RequieM Chapter 4e Recipe Matrix

War Paint Recipes
Creator of Masks




Mask of the Corruptor

No Effect to Curse or Curse Inflictions until next Refresh



Mask of Fangs

Gain +2 Agility until next Refresh


Raw Water

Mask of Obscurity

Lose Racial Trait and Remove any Racial Vulnerability

until next Refresh


Refined Water, Divine Ink

Mask of the Champion

Gain +1 Damage with Called Weapon Damage and take 1 Damage from Called Spell Damage until next Refresh


Pure Water, Purified Ink, Golden


Mask of the Night

Gain +1 Power per Battle at Night (6pm to 6am) until

next Refresh


Tattooing Ink, Abyssal Oil,

Lustrous Dye





Face of Dreams

Gain +1 Power per Battle on the Dreamscape until next




Face of Storms

Gain +2 Spirit until next Refresh


Raw Fire

Face of Courage

No Effect to Fear until next Refresh.


Refined Fire, Divine Ink

Face of Spirits

May add 'to Spirit' to any Called Spell or Strike without

cost until next Refresh.


Pure Fire, Ethereal Ink, Ghost Dye

Face of Truth

Wearing this War Paint for the entire event (every Refresh)
will cause Character to have permanent change of Faith.


Tattooing Ink, Bloodmist Oil, Pearl






Visage of the Berserker

You do not have to attack(Command/Dominate/Berserk)

those with the same Warpaint as Character until next



Visage of Steel

Gain +2 Strength until next Refresh


Raw Earth

Visage of Pain

Reduce any effect except Death to "5 Damage to Self"

once per Battle, until next Refresh.


Refined Earth, Divine Ink

Visage of Brutality

Gain +2 minutes on Bleed Out count until next Refresh.


Pure Earth, Ethereal Ink,

Modifying Pigment

Visage of Death

Next time character falls to Dead, gain 'Cure Death and

Heal 5 by Curse' until next Refresh.


Tattooing Ink, Abyssal Oil, Azure






Veil of the Divine

Gain +1 Healing to Spells targeting those with the same

Warpaint as Character until next Refresh.



Veil of Infinity

Gain +2 Intellect until next Refresh


Raw Air

Veil of Whispers

Incants for Spells are considered 2 less CP than they

actually are until next Refresh.


Refined Air, Divine Ink

Veil of Sorcery

Gain +1 Damage with Called Spell Damage and take -1

Damage from Called Weapon Damage until next Refresh.


Pure Air, Iridescent Ink, Cobalt Dye

Veil of the Changeling

Wearing this War Paint for the entire event (every Refresh)
will cause Character to have permanent change of Race.


Tattooing Ink, Bloodmist Oil,

Transforming Pigment

Art of Faces

Crafter of Visages

Master of Veils


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