Birch Xylan Unit BXU UNC

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Enzyme Development Corporation

(212) 736-1580 21 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10001

E-mail: [email protected]


A. Principle: Xylanase in the sample hydrolyzes the substrate, birch xylan, and the amount of
released reducing carbohydrate is determined spectrophotometrically suing dinitrosalicylic
acid. The method is suitable for measurement of enzymes samples containing Aspergillus or
Trichoderma originated xylanase. The linearity of the assay should be checked when
enzymes from other sources are analyzed.
B. Equipment:
1. pH Meter
2. Constant Temperature Water Bath at 50.0C 0.5C.
3. Boiling Water Bath approximately 100C.
4. Analytical Balance
5. Spectrophotometer with wavelength setting at 540nm
6. Volumetric Flasks
7. Volumetric Pipettes
8. 25 ml screw cap tubes
9. Timer
10. Automatic Pipetters
C. Safety Precautions:
1. Utilize standard laboratory safety practices.
2. DNS- reagent is harmful by inhalation, contact with skin and eyes and if swallowed.
D. Reagents and Reagent Preparation: Volumes may be adjusted depending on
1. Citrate Buffer (0.05 M, pH 5.3) dissolve 10.5 g of citric acid (C6H8O7 H2O) in about
800 ml of distilled water and adjust the pH with 1 M NaOH to 5.3. (The consumption
should be about 110 ml.) Dilute to 1L with water in a volumetric flask.
2. Substrate 1% birch xylan Dissolve 1.0 g of birch xylan (Fluka) in about 80 ml of
citrate buffer. Heat to boiling point on a heating magnetic stirrer. Cool with continued
stirring to room temperature. Dilute to volume in a 100 ml volumetric flask with citrate
buffer. Store at 4C for a maximum of 1 week or freeze in aliquots at -20C. Mix well
after thawing.
3. DNS reagent:(Stock Reagent)
a. Cover a 2000 ml beaker with tinfoil to avoid light exposure.
b. Place the beaker on the stir plate and add approximately 600 ml of distilled water and
a stir bar.
These suggestions and data are based on information we believe to be reliable. They are offered in good faith, but without guarantee since
conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control. Suggestions for use of our products should not be understood as
recommendations that they be used in violation of any patents or government regulations.



Use continuous magnetic stirring.

Add 10.0 g of dinitrosalicylic acid, allow to dissolve.
Gradually add 16.0 g of NaOH, allow to dissolve.
Slowly add 300 g of Rochelle Salt over a 20-30 minute period.
The solution may be cautiously warmed to a maximum temperature of 45C to clear
the solution.
h. The solution may be filtered through a Whatman #1 Filter paper if needed.
i. Allow the solution to cool.
j. Analytically transfer the solution to a 1000 ml volumetric flask and dilute to volume
with distilled water.
E. Procedure:
1. Enzyme Preparation:
a. Dissolve an appropriate amount of enzyme preparation in Citrate Buffer. Use the
same buffer if serial dilutions are required. The dilution of the enzyme should be
used within 30 minutes. The final dilution concentration should correspond to an
absorbance of approximately 0.10 0.40.
b. Calculating Enzyme preparation:
gram weight of sample = 16.7 BXU
BXU (Target)
2. Enzyme Evaluation:
a. Pipette 1.8 ml of substrate solution into 3 labeled 25 ml screw cap tubes, two for each
enzyme test and one for the enzyme blank. (1A,1B, and 1C... is recommended.)
b. Equilibrate at 50C for 5 minutes.
c. At zero time, start a timer and add 200 l of suitably diluted enzyme solution to the
first test tube and mix with a vortex mixer. Continue enzyme addition at sufficient
interval to each tube except enzyme blanks.
d. After exactly 5 minutes, add 3.0 ml of DNS reagent to both tubes and vortex.
e. Add 3.0 ml of DNS reagent followed by 200 l of sample solution to the enzyme
blank tube.
f. Remove the tubes from the water bath and place in a boiling water bath. After
boiling for exactly 5 minutes remove the tubes and cool in cold water to room
g. Read the absorbences of the filtrates in a 1-cm cuvette at 540 nm using air to set the
spectrophotometer to zero. Correct the A540 value of each enzyme test by subtracting
the reading of the respective enzyme blank.
h. Determine the xylose concentration in the sample from the standard curve.

These suggestions and data are based on information we believe to be reliable. They are offered in good faith, but without guarantee since
conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control. Suggestions for use of our products should not be understood as
recommendations that they be used in violation of any patents or government regulations.


3. Standard Curve (Daily):

a. Prepare a 10mM xylose stock solution. Dissolve 150 mg of xylose in citrate buffer
and dilute with buffer to 100 ml in a volumetric flask. The solution is diluted in buffer
as follows:


1:1 (0.150g/100ml)
(25ml/50 ml)
Do duplicate assays of each standard dilution in the way as the enzyme blanks:
Pipette into test tubes 1.8 ml of substrate.
Add 3.0 ml of DNS and 200l standard dilution.
Prepare the reagent blank by adding 200 l of citrate buffer instead of the standard
Boil the tubes exactly 5 minutes, cool.
Read the absorbencies of the filtrates in a 1- cm cuvette at 540 nm using air to set the
spectrophotometer to zero. Correct the A540 value of each enzyme test by subtracting
the reading of the average of the enzyme blanks.

F. Calculations:
1. Unit of activity: One xylanase unit (BXU) is defined as the amount of enzyme that
produced reducing carbohydrates having a reducing power corresponding to one nmol
xylose from birch xylan in one second under assay conditions (1 BXU = 1nkat).
2. The xylanase activity (BXU/g) is obtained by multiplying the xylose concentration
(determined by the standard curve in mol/ml) by 1000, dividing by the reaction time
(300 s) and the enzyme dilution concentration in g/ml.

Xylose Conc. (from curve) x 1000

enzyme conc. (g/ml) x 300 s.

G. Testing Accuracy Parameters:

1. Range: Absorbance readings for each unknown sample must be bracketed by the
absorbance readings of the standard curve.
2. Duplicate tests should not vary by more than 6%.
H. Reference:
1. Baily, M.J. and Poulanen, K. (1989). Production of xylanases by strains of Aspergillus.
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 30:5-10
These suggestions and data are based on information we believe to be reliable. They are offered in good faith, but without guarantee since
conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control. Suggestions for use of our products should not be understood as
recommendations that they be used in violation of any patents or government regulations.

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