Passive Cooling of The Green Roofs Combined With Night-Time Ventilation and Walls Insulation in Hot and Humid Regions

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Passive cooling of the green roofs combined

with night-time ventilation and walls

insulation in hot and humid regions.
J Ran, M Tang,Sustain.Cities Soc , 2018,38,266-275

Presented by :
Alka Singh
This presentation is aimed to analyze the two promising
passive cooling technologies, Green roof and night time
A building is assessed by a field experiment and then
simulated under different conditions validated with the
experimental data.
Green roof is simulated under three conditions: no
ventilation, night time ventilation and night time
ventilation combined with walls insulation.
The experimental data shows that green roof combined
with night time ventilation and walls insulation
showcases most promising results.
Green Roofs
• Roof covered with
vegetation and growing
• Reduces negative
impacts of building on
the environment.
• A natural and efficient
insulation method.
• Helps to break the
Types of Green Roofs
Intensive Semi-intensive
• Depth 10 inches or more. • Depth ranges from 6 to 10
• Supports trees and shurbs. inches.
• Initial investment is high. • Supports grasses , herbs
• Heavier than other types. and perennials.
• Higher initial cost.
Extensive green roofs
• Depth ranges from 3 to 6 inches.
• Supports herbs and grasses.
• Low establishment cost.
• Light in weight
Anatomy of Green Roof
Experimental method and Process
• A single story building was taken located in
• Divided into 4 rooms each of area 23m2.
• 2 rooms were taken for experimental purpose.
• One was simple roof and the other was a
green roof.
• The pant used here is Sedum Lineare.
Floor Plan of Building
• Different Sensors were set at different heights to measure
temperature of different layers.
• The sensors to measure the air temperature were installed
at the height 1m above the top surface of roof for outdoor
temperature and 1.5m above the ground for indoor
• The T-type thermocouples, WYP-type heat flux sensor and
DFY4-1-type onset solar sensor respectively recorded the
temperature, heat flux and solar irradiance.
• All the data were collected using the Agilent 34972A data
logger and sent to a central computer for storage. All data
were recorded at 30-min intervals
Design builder

The model is based on a

sensitivity analysis using the
green roof routine of the
Design Builder software
program. Design Builder
software has a user-friendly
modeling environment and
uses the EnergyPlus
dynamic simulation
program .EnergyPlus™ is a
whole building energy
simulation program that
engineers, architects, and
researchers use to model
both energy consumption—
for heating, cooling and
The experimental building was modelled
using Design Builder. The structures and
sizes of the model were kept to be same
as that of the experimental buildings.
The detailed structure of the green roof
is consistent with the
Building Practical building. Plant height was se
t according to actual measurement w
model hich is 120 mm, and other physical
characteristics parameters of plants,
such as leaf area index (LAI) is 4.6,
leaf reflectance (LR) is 0.4, and
emission rate (LE) is 0.8, which were
determined according to empirical
Weather Data
• The weather data during the
simulation period were
obtained from the Chinese
Typical Year Weather. One day
in August was selected to make
the parameters like wind speed
and air humidity similar to the
real parameters during the
experiment period.
• Outdoor temperature in
typical weather data was
modified with the data
measured during the
• Finally a complete typical
weather data have been
obtained, and it was replicated
for 16 days. Then the periodic
heat transfer processes were
simulated in this climatic
Model Validation
The reliability and validity of the Design Builder
software was tested with the actual data of the
selected experimental building.
The data from the simulation were compared
with the actual data and comparative results
are shown in following slide.
The comparison shows that the simulated
results match largely with the actual
temperature of the studied building.
Therefore the results of the simulation are
reliable and valid and it can be used to simulate
in other conditions.
• The original validated model
is modified in the Design Builder
with the partition walls and door
being removed to facilitate the
effect of green roof and night time
ventilation with walls insulation.
• Internal surface temperature
and heat flux of the roof were used
to assess the effect of night time
• Non insulating walls were
replaced with thermal insulation
walls with variable thickness which
are commonly in practice in China
to have aa clear idea of cooling
potential of the green roofs
combined with night ventilations
under various roof conditions.
Night ventilation runtime

The traditional strategy to

determine the ventilation
runtime is that it started to
ventilate when the outdoor
temperature is lower than the
indoor temperature and
stopped it when reversed.
Results and Discussion
No night time ventilation
Indoor temperature and heat flux were
analyzed when the room was not
ventilated and walls were not insulated.
The table besides show the average
temperature during the daytime and night
time which shows that the average
temperature during daytime is lower than
that at night. This phenomenon is caused
by time lag due to the thermal inertia of
the green roof and walls. It is favorable for
day time but has an adverse impact on
Thus the introduction of outdoor cold air
for the room cooling is very
important and there is large potential for
the strategy which combined green roof
with night time ventilation.
Influence of night
time ventilation air
change rate
• Night time ventilation is good strategy to
cool the room at night but the effect of
different air change is different.
• The graph shows during night the greater
the air change rate, the lower the indoor
temperature. The main role of night time
ventilation is to directly reduce the indoor
temperature at night.
• The simulation results show use of night
time ventilation is good strategy under green
roof especially at night. The average
temperature at night is reduced by 0.8 C and
average daily temperature is reduced by 0.6 C
and in case of even smaller air change rate,
this decline is even faster.
• During the daytime the heat flux
did not changed rapidly with the air
change rate.
• Obviously the above results
demonstrate the fact that the
increasing the air change rate is
beneficial for the indoor cooling.
• The indoor temperature
fluctuations are caused by the wall
which releases much heat to the
indoor air.
• Therefore an improvement of the
performance of the walls would
prevent heat transfer from outdoor
ambient to indoor space but also
increase the cooling effect.
Insulation poperties
of wall

• The advantages of night

ventilation for the inside
space of building with good
wall insulatio are better than
the building with poor wall
• It can remove the heat in
the room and the heat
accumulated in the thermal
mass of building elements by
the circulation of the night
cool air in the interior spaces.
• The relationship between
average indoor temperature
of different insulations and
different air change rates is
shown in figure.
• When the building is unventilated and there is no insulation layer in the
exterior walls, the indoor temperature under green roof in daytime is
lower than night-time, and the inside surface heat flux of roof is opposite
to that of walls, which means that the green roof absorbed heat from the
indoor air while the walls released it to the inside space.
• When the night ventilation operated, the indoor temperature under green
roof decreased with the increase in the air change rate, and the decrease
was significant at night, while it was small during the daytime. And the
value of the heat flux of the roof and walls during the daytime is almost
unaffected by ventilation. The indoor temperature can be decreased by up
to 1.5 °C when the building was ventilated well at night.
• With the improvement of external walls, the indoor temperature under
green roof will be reduced, and the heat absorbed by green roof from
indoor air will be decreased too. Meanwhile, the role of green roof at night
will be from heat absorption to cold storage. The indoor temperature can
be reduced by up to 2.3 °C when the building is ventilated at night.

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