Cucumber Beetle08

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Published by Utah State University Extension and Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory

March 2008

Western Striped Cucumber Beetle

Western Spotted Cucumber Beetle

(Acalymma trivittatum and Diabrotica undecipunctata undecipunctata)

Diane G. Alston, Entomologist Dennis R. Worwood, Emery County Agriculture Agent

What You Should Know

Western striped cucumber beetle can be a
severe pest of cucurbits in Utah, while western
spotted cucumber beetle is a milder pest
Larvae of striped beetles feed on cucurbit roots
which can stunt and kill young plants
Adults of both species feed on leaves, but only
striped beetles feed on cucurbit fruits which can
make them unmarketable
Melons have been the primary cucurbit crops
damaged in Utah
It is critical to protect cucurbit seedlings in the
spring and flowering plants and fruits in the mid
and late summer

ucumber beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

are pests of cucurbits throughout the U.S. Western
species of cucumber beetles will also feed on leaves
of other vegetables (especially corn, tomato, potato,
and bean) and soft fruits (especially apricot and peach)
(Table 1). In Utah, watermelon and cantaloupe have
been the main commercial crops attacked. In home
gardens, zucchini, cucumber and cantaloupe have
suffered the most damage. Of the two species that
occur in Utah, the western striped cucumber beetle
(Fig. 1) is a more severe pest to cucurbit crops than
the western spotted cucumber beetle (Fig. 2). Adults
of both species feed on leaves of seedling cucurbits in
the spring, but only the striped beetle will lay eggs on
cucurbits. Spotted adult beetles fly to other vegetable
and grass hosts to lay eggs. Larvae of striped beetles
feed on cucurbit roots and can cause major yield loss
by stunting and killing young plants. During the summer,
again adults of both species will feed on cucurbit leaves,
but adults and larvae of striped beetles will feed on
rinds of fruits, which can cause aesthetic injury (Fig. 3),
and if severe, crop loss (Fig. 4). In addition to direct
feeding injury, cucumber beetles vector plant diseases,
such as bacterial wilt, squash mosaic virus, and others
(Table 1). Bacterial wilt has not been detected in Utah,
but squash mosaic virus does occur. Cultural practices
to deter cucumber beetles and insecticides are the
key management tactics that effectively prevent crop

Fig. 1. Striped cucumber beetle adult.1

Fig. 2. Spotted cucumber beetle adult.2

Western Striped Cucumber Beetle
Adult - Overwintering, Dispersal, and
Damaging Stage
About 1/3 inch (8-9 mm) long; black head, yellow
prothorax (segment behind head), and wings with
alternating yellow and black (3) stripes (Figs. 1 and 6)
Spend the winter in protected sites near agricultural

fields and home gardens (under plant debris, in

wooded areas, in crevices of buildings and fence
posts, etc.)

Table 1. Western cucumber beetle plant hosts

and types of host injury.

Become active in the spring when temperatures >50F

Feed on pollen, nectar, and blossoms before host
plant material is available
Can fly long distances (up to 500 miles in high-altitude
air currents)
Mate in the spring; females lay 200-1,200 eggs in moist
soil at the base of cucurbit plants

Western Striped
Cucumber Beetle

Roots and fruits of


Roots of corn, beans,

small grains, and


Leaves, stems,
blossoms, and fruits
of cucurbits, corn,
potatoes, tomatoes,
beans, ripening
peach fruits, and

Leaves and soft fruits

of cucurbits, corn,
potatoes, tomatoes,
beans, peach, and

injury to

1. Overwintering
adults chew holes
in cotyledons and
2. 1st generation
larvae feed on
3. Later generations
of adults chew
holes in leaves,
stems, blossoms,
and scar fruits
4. Later generations
of larvae feed on
roots and tunnel
into soft fruits

1. Overwintering
adults chew holes
in cotelydons and
leaves, and then
disperse to noncucurbit hosts to lay
2. Later generations
of adults migrate
back to cucurbits to
feed on leaves and,
sometimes, on soft


Bacterial wilt, squash

mosaic virus

Bacterial wilt, squash

mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus,
bean mosaic virus,
maize chlorotic mottle

Feed on stems, leaves, blossoms, and fruits of cucurbits

(Fig. 3) and other vegetables (Table 1)
Two summer generations of adults occur in east
central Utah (Fig. 5)

Western Spotted
Cucumber Beetle

Fig. 3. Striped cucumber beetle adults scar rinds of


Oval, yellow to orange in color
Hatch in 7-10 days

Larva - Damaging Stage

Wormlike, 1/3-1/2 inch (8-13 mm) long (Fig. 6)
White to yellowish white body, brown head and three
pairs of brown legs
In the spring and early summer, feed exclusively on the
roots of cucurbits (Table 1)
In the later summer, will also feed on the rinds and
flesh of cucurbit fruits (Fig. 4)
Requires about 15 days to complete development

White to yellow, about inch (6 mm) long
Look like a soft-bodied adult without wings (Fig. 6)

Fig. 4. Striped cucumber beetle larvae tunnel into

rinds and flesh of cantaloupe.4

Resting stage in the soil

Lasts about 7 days
Page 2

except wings are yellowish green with 12 black spots

(Figs. 2 and 6)
Head, legs, and antennae are black
Feed and lay their eggs on many vegetable and grass
plants, including wild grasses (Table 1)

Larva - Damaging Stage

Feed on the roots of corn, beans, small grains, and
many grasses, but not cucurbits (Table 1)


Fig. 5. Seasonal life history of western striped

cucumber beetle in east central Utah.5

Striped cucumber beetle adults and larvae feed on

cucurbit fruits. Smooth-skinned cucurbits such as
watermelon, honeydew, crenshaw and casaba are
especially sensitive to injury. Beetles prefer to feed on
soft rinds before fruits mature; injury can be worse on the
undersides of fruits (Figs. 3 and 4). Striped cucumber
beetle larvae feed on cucurbit roots and can stunt and
kill plants reducing plant stands. Adults will also chew
holes in leaves (Fig. 7) and stems and can destroy flowers.
Injured stems will break during high winds reducing plant
stands and runners. Spotted cucumber beetle is a less
severe pest of cucurbits. Larvae do not feed on cucurbit
roots while adults will feed on cucurbit leaves, and
sometimes on soft fruits (Table 1).

Fig. 7. Striped cucumber beetle adults and feeding

injury to cucurbit leaves.7

Fig. 6. Life stages of striped (above) and spotted

(below) cucumber beetles.6

Western Spotted Cucumber Beetle

Life history is similar to striped cucumber beetle with the
following differences:

Adult - Overwintering, Dispersal, and

Damaging Stage

Both species will vector plant diseases (Table 1). Bacterial

wilt, caused by Erwinia tracheilphila, overwinters in the
bodies of hibernating beetles and is a major problem
in central and eastern U.S., but not in the West. In
Utah, squash mosaic virus, vectored by both species of
cucumber beetles, is a greater concern. Aphids are the
primary vector and the virus is also seed-borne. Use of
certified seed and suppression of aphid and cucumber
beetle populations when they occur are the primary
tactics to manage squash mosaic virus. Virus symptoms
include mosaic patterns, leaf mottling, ring spots, blisters,
and fruit deformation (Fig. 8).

Similar in size and shape to striped cucumber beetle,

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Trials in east central Utah indicate that field scouting

provides a more accurate estimate of beetle populations
than trapping. Several different traps were tested over
three growing seasons. None consistently caught beetles
even when scouting showed high numbers of beetles on

Cultural Practices
Trap Crops and Baits
The goal of trapping tactics is to lure beetles away from
the main crop with attractive odors and colors.

Fig. 8. Squash mosaic virus symptoms on squash



Trap crops release high concentrations of

cucurbitacin, a feeding stimulant to cucumber
beetles, and several floral volatiles. Sow 5% or more
of the land to trap crops as border strips or adjacent
plots about two weeks before planting the main
crop. Overwintered adults will be lured to the trap

Monitoring is a critical part of any cucumber beetle

control effort. The goals of monitoring are to detect
adult beetles and develop an estimate of their numbers.
Monitoring may include field scouting and/or the use of
traps that lure and capture beetles.
Scouting involves examining plants to detect adult
cucumber beetles. All above-ground parts of the plant
should be checked, including the underside of leaves
and base of the stem. Newly emerged or transplanted
cucurbits should be scouted two or three times per week,
since beetle feeding can rapidly kill small plants. Early
season scouting should focus on field margins to detect
adult beetles moving into the field from overwintering
sites. Once beetles are noted on field margins, random
locations in the center of fields should also be scouted.
Weekly scouting is sufficient after plants become larger.
Five plants should be checked at each of five different
locations in the field (a total of 25 plants) and the
average number of beetles per plant calculated.
Control measures are warranted on mature plants if five
or more beetles per plant are present. On young plants,
control is needed if unacceptable feeding damage is
Cucumber beetle traps utilize odors and colors that
are attractive to beetles. These include yellow sticky
traps, pheromone traps baited with Eugenol or similar
compounds, and kairomone traps that utilize cucurbit
fruit, floral or root extracts (Fig. 9). It is important to
specify the species of interest when purchasing traps.
Lures formulated for Western Striped Cucumber Beetles
are not attractive to Spotted Cucumber Beetles, and
vice versa. Unless otherwise specified, traps are mounted
on stakes two feet above the crop canopy to be visible
to beetles. Trap monitoring should follow the same timing
and format as field scouting, with early emphasis on field

Fig. 9. Trc cucumber beetle trap.9

crop before the main crop is attractive. Varieties of
the following cucurbits have been shown to be highly
attractive to cucumber beetles: zucchini (President,
Black Jack, Green Eclipse, Seneca Zucchini,
Senator, Super Select, Dark Green Zucchini, and
Embassy Dark Green Zucchini), summer squash
(Cocozelle and Caserta), buttercup squash
(Ambercup), melon (Classic), and pumpkin (Big
Max and Baby Poo) (Bellows and Diver 2002). Treat
the trap crop with insecticides before adults lay eggs.
Trap baits contain insect pheromones (species specific
communication chemicals) and/or kairomones
(host plant chemicals) and can be combined with
synthetic or botanical pesticides and sprayed on
the crop. Cidetrak CRW, a feeding stimulant, and
eugenol, a pheromone, have been used as trap baits.
Page 4

Cucumber beetles enticed to feed on baits are killed

by the insecticide.
Traps baited with an attractant can be used to lure
cucumber beetles away from cucurbit fields and for
population monitoring purposes. A new trap under
development by Trc includes a volatile lure, poison
bait, and a cup to collect the dead beetles (Fig.
9). Yellow sticky traps baited with a kairomone or
pheromone lure may also reduce adult cucumber
beetle populations in the immediate area.

Delayed Planting
Delaying planting or transplant of cucurbit fields until late
May to mid June, after cucumber beetles have laid their
first generation of eggs (degree of lateness depends on
climate of location), has shown success in reducing crop
injury from beetles in the Midwest. However, this tactic is
less practical for Utah melon, pumpkin, and winter squash
crops because of Utahs shorter growing season and the
number of days required to fully mature these crops. For
cucumber and summer squash, delayed planting would
eliminate early harvests, but could be a practical beetle
management option for mid and late season harvests.

Limit Irrigation Near Harvest

Moist soil under maturing cucurbit fruits is attractive to
cucumber beetles. Limiting the amount of irrigation
water applied near harvest, and/or use of irrigation
systems such as drip lines that limit the spread of water,
will reduce the likelihood of cucumber beetle injury to
plants and fruits in the mid and late summer.

Cultivation and Residue Removal

Destruction of crop residues, especially roots and
fruits, after harvest will help reduce the overwintering
population of cucumber beetles. Thorough and deep
cultivation and crop residue shredding will accelerate the
decomposition of above- and below-ground residues. To
prevent soil erosion, use appropriate tillage practices or
cover crops.

Bug Vacuums
Motorized, large-scale vacuums have been developed
to mechanically remove insects from plants. Bug
vacuums are expensive, but may be feasible for organic
farms or where cucumber beetle infestations are
especially severe.

Row Covers

Cucurbit Varietal Susceptibility

Floating row covers or plant fabrics can prevent adult

beetles from landing on plants in the spring. Row covers
need to be removed when plants begin to flower or
pollination will be reduced. Also, weed control under
covers must be handled by pre-emergent herbicides
or occasional removal of covers to physically remove
weeds. Row covers are more practical for home gardens
and small commercial fields. The cost of plant fabric and
logistics of keeping floating covers secured on long plant
rows make it less practical for large commercial fields.

Attractiveness of cucurbits to cucumber beetles differs

among cucurbit varieties. Cucurbit varieties with nonand low preference by cucumber beetles (Jarvis, 1994):

Plastic or organic mulches can deter cucumber beetles
from laying eggs in the ground near plant stems and may
hinder movement of larvae from roots to fruits to feed.
Research conducted in Virginia (Caldwell and Clarke
1998) has shown that aluminum-coated plastic mulch
significantly reduced numbers of cucumber beetles on
plants. These reflective mulches repelled cucumber
beetles and aphids and reduced transmission of bacterial
wilt and virus diseases. Feeding of cucumber beetle
larvae on cucurbit fruits is more severe when fruits are in
contact with moist soil. Use of mulches and drip irrigation
reduces soil moisture under fruits and lessens cucumber
beetle feeding on fruits.

Avoid Planting Near Other Host Plants

Preferred crop hosts for spotted cucumber beetle larvae
are corn, beans, small grains, and other grasses, including
weeds. Avoid planting cucurbits near these alternate
hosts to help reduce spotted beetle infestations.

Summer squash
Crookneck: Yellow Crookneck
Scallop: Peter Pan
Straightneck: Goldbar, Seneca Prolific
Yellow: Slender Gold, Sunbar
Winter squash
Acorn: Carnival, Table Ace
Butternut: Butternut Supreme, Zenith
Baby Pam, Jack-Be-Little, Jackpot, Munchkin,
Seneca Harvest Moon, Tom Fox

Insecticides can be effective for control of cucumber
beetles, but should not be used as the first or sole
management tool. Combine insecticides with cultural,
physical, and biological tactics for longer-term,
sustainable management.

To achieve successful results with insecticides, proper
timing is critical to target susceptible life stages (Fig. 5).
In the spring, when overwintered adults migrate into
cucurbits, treat before feeding injury is significant and
to prevent mating and egg-laying.
In the late spring and early summer, treat when eggs
hatch and before larvae move to plant roots to feed.
During mid and late summer, target high numbers
of adults and larvae to prevent feeding damage to
Page 5

leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits.

In isolated fields, good control of the overwintered
generation may prevent or reduce summer feeding
injury and crop loss. In larger cucurbit production
areas, adult beetles may migrate from nearby infested
fields in the mid and late summer despite good earlyseason control.

Spray Coverage
It is critical for insecticide sprays to penetrate the crop
canopy and contact damaging life stages of beetles.
Sprays droplets should deposit on the top and underside
of leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits. Also, drenching the
soil surface when larvae are active can increase larval

Insecticide Resistance Management

To prevent development of resistance to insecticides
in the cucumber beetle population, it is important to
rotate the chemical class or mode of action between

examples of products registered on cucurbit crops in

Utah. The availability of insecticides changes rapidly.
Always check the label for registered uses, application
and safety information, and protection and pre-harvest

Natural Enemies
Natural predators and parasitoids that attack cucumber
beetles in Utah include ground beetles, soldier beetles,
braconid wasps, tachinid flies, and entomopathogenic
nematodes (Fig. 10). Nematodes can suppress
cucumber beetle larvae and pupae in the soil while the
others will attack adults, eggs and larvae on plants or on
the soil surface. Natural populations of these beneficial
agents can be preserved by avoiding the use of broadspectrum, toxic insecticides and enhancing crop and soil
health through cultural practices. Purchase and release
of natural enemies from commercial suppliers has not
proven effective for cucumber beetles.

Insecticides, grouped by class (i.e., mode of action),

that are effective in suppressing cucumber beetles and
registered in Utah as of March 2008:
carbaryl (Sevin)
methomyl (Lannate)
imidacloprid (Admire) systemic; apply as a side-dress
or drench at planting or to young plants
Insect Growth Regulator
azadirachtin (Azatin, Neemix*)
spinosad (Conserve, Entrust*, Success)
spinetoram (Radiant)
endosulfan (Thionex)
diazinon (Diazinon)
malathion (Malathion)
Particle Barrier/Repellent
cryolite (Kryocide)*
kaolin clay (Surround)*
Synthetic Pyrethroid
bifenthrin (Capture)
cyfluthrin (Baythroid, Tombstone)
cypermethrin (Ammo, Mustang)
deltamethrin (Decis)
esfenvalerate (Asana)
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior)
permethrin (Pounce)
*OMRI approved for organic production.
All brands are registered trademarks. Examples of brands
may not be all-inclusive, but are meant to provide

Fig. 10. Natural enemies of cucumber beetles

(clockwise from top left): soldier beetle, ground
beetle, entomopathogenic nematodes emerging
from a beetle larva, and braconid wasp.10

Cucumber Beetle Management in the

Home Garden
Cucumber beetles can be a pest of cucurbits and
other vegetables (Table 1) in the home garden. In east
central Utah, zucchini, cucumber, and cantaloupe
have received the most damage. In some cases,
the leaves of these cucurbits have been riddled with
feeding holes. Cultural practices and avoidance of
planting highly susceptible cucurbit varieties are the
major recommendations for the home garden. Use of
row covers, mulches, hand removal of beetles, and crop
residue destruction in the fall can reduce cucumber
beetle populations and crop damage. If there is a history
of cucumber beetle problems in the area, planting
non- and less preferred cucurbit species and varieties
(see lists above) can help the home gardener avoid
beetle infestations. Also avoid using broad-spectrum,
toxic insecticides to preserve natural enemies that help
suppress cucumber beetles.
Page 6

Bellows, B. C., and S. Diver. 2002. Cucumber beetles:
organic and biorational IPM. National Sustainable
Agriculture Information Service, ATTRA Publication
Caldwell, J. S., and P. Clarke. 1998. Aluminum-coated
plastic for repulsion of cucumber beetles. Commercial
Horticulture Newsletter, January-February. Virginia
Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech.
Coviello, R. L., E. T. Natwick, L. D. Godfrey, C. B. Fouche,
C. G. Summers, and J. J. Stapleton. 2005. Cucumber
beetles in UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines:
Cucurbits, UC ANR Publication 3445.
Hoffmann, M. P., and T. A. Zitter. 1994. Cucumber
beetles, corn rootworms, and bacterial wilt in cucurbits
in Vegetable Crops. Cornell University Fact Sheet 781.
Jarvis, W. R. 1994. Bacterial wilt in Diseases and Pests of
Vegetable Crops in Canada, R. J. Howard, A. Garland,
and W. L. Seaman (eds.). The Canadian
Phytopathological Society and Entomological Society
of Canada, Ottowa, Ontario.

Image courtesy of Ric Bessen, Entomology, University of Kentucky

Image courtesy of Jack Kelly Clark, ANR Comm. Ser., University of California
Image courtesy of C. Kent Evans, Biology, Utah State University
Image courtesy of Daniel Drost, Plants, Soils, and Climate, Utah State University
Image courtesy of Diane Alston, Biology, Utah State University

Images courtesy of A. Spring and E. Day, Insect ID Lab, Virginia Tech

Image courtesy of University of Georgia Coll. of Ag. and Environ. Sci.
Image courtesy of Texas A&M University
Image courtesy of Trc Inc.
Images courtesy of Oregon State University

Precautionary Statement: All pesticides have benefits and risks, however following the label will maximize the benefits and reduce risks. Pay attention to the
directions for use and follow precautionary statements. Pesticide labels are considered legal documents containing instructions and limitations. Inconsistent
use of the product or disregarding the label is a violation of both federal and state laws. The pesticide applicator is legally responsible for proper use.
Utah State University is committed to providing an environment free from harassment and other forms of illegal discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin,
age (40 and older), disability, and veterans status. USUs policy also prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in employment and academic related practices and
Utah State University employees and students cannot, because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or veterans status, refuse to hire; discharge; promote;
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This publication is issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Noelle E. Cockett,
Vice President for Extension and Agriculture, Utah State University.

UPPDL, 5305 Old Main Hill, Logan UT 84322-5305

Fact Sheets: Insects - Vegetable

T: 435.797.2435 F: 435.797.8197

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