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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: September 17, 18, 2014

2014- 09- 27 11:09:27 GKToday

1. Who among t he f ollowing has been recent ly awarded Saraswat i Samman

f or his book "Dhool Paudhon Par"?
[A]Sunil Gangopadhyay
[B]Govind Mishra
[C]Narendra Kohli
[D]Amar Kant h
Govind Mishra
Govind Mishra has won t he Saraswat i Samman f or his work Dhool Paudhon
Par. T he novel deals wit h lif e and st ruggles of t he modern Indian woman.
Saraswat i Samman is annually given t o celebrat ed writ ers f or out st anding
cont ribut ion t o lit erat ure in Indian languages. Mishra is a f ormer IRS of f icer and
was awarded wit h Vyas Samman (1998) and Sahit ya Akademi Award (2008)
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2. Which count ry is t he current chair of G20 group of count ries?
[D]Aust ralia
G20 is a group of 19 count ries and EU. It st art ed in 1999 and has served as a
major plat f orm f or int ernat ional economic cooperat ion and decision-making.
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3. T he successf ul launch of Mars Orbit al Mission int o Mars orbit was done by
t he crit ical t est -f ire of LAM of Mangalyaan. What does LAM st and f or?
[A]Land Apogee Mot or
[B]Liquid Aerial Mot or
[C]Land Aerial Mot or
[D]Liquid Apogee Mot or
Liquid Apogee Motor
T he crit ical t est f ire of LAM ult imat ely placed af t er a burn of 4 seconds using
0.5 kg f uel t o slower t he spacecraf t . T he success of Mangalyaan places India
as t he f irst nat ion in t he world t o do so in f irst at t empt and also t he f irst Asian
nat ion t o be able t o reach Mars.

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4. Who has been appoint ed as t he new Prime Minist er of Fiji?
[A]Voreqe Bainimarama
[B]Epeli Nailat ikau
[C]Laisenia Qarase
[D]Sit iveni Rabuka
Voreqe Bainimarama
Voreqe Bainimarama has been sworn-in as t he new PM of Fiji. General
elect ions af t er 2006 milit ary coup by Bainimarama, were held on 17
Sept ember 2014. He has won a clear majorit y of 60 % seat s.
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5. Which among t he f ollowing places has been decided as t he next SAARC
Cult ural Capit al f or t he year 2015-16?
[C]Kat hmandu
[D]New Delhi
At t he 3rd meet ing of SAARC at New Delhi, Bamiyan was declared as t he new
Cult ural Capit al of SAARC f or t he year 2015-16. T he Summit also declared
2016-17 as t he SAARC Year of Cult ural Herit age. T he Summit t ook place at
New Delhi in Sept ember 2014.
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6. Government of India celebrat ed Sept ember 25 as which of t he f ollowing
[A]Urja Diwas
[B]Ant yodya Diwas
[C]It ihas Diwas
[D]Sadbhawana Diwas
Antyodya Diwas
Ant yodya Diwas was observed t o mark t he 98t h birt h anniversary of Pandit
Deendayal Upadhyay who was t he not ed philosopher, hist orian and polit ical
act ivist .
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7. Which of t he f ollowing f orms a boundary bet ween Nort h and Sout h Korea?
[A]17t h Parallel
[B]38t h Parallel
[C]49t h Parallel
[D]19t h Parallel

38th Parallel
38t h Parallel f orms t he boundary bet ween Nort h and Sout h Korea. It lies 38
degrees nort h of t he equat or.
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8. Who among t he f ollowing has been select ed f or t he 'Right Livelihood Prize'
[A]Ole von Uexkull
[B]Paul Walker
[C]Sima Samar
[D]Edward Snowden
Edward Snowden
Edward Snowden has been select ed f or t he Right Livelihood Award also
known as Alt ernat e Nobel Prize f or his ext raordinary courage t o reveal t he
ext ent of st at e surveillance which violat ed all int ernat ional norms of mut ual
t rust and privacy.
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9. Which t wo int ernat ional cricket ers have been select ed as Bradman Honoree
[A]Sachin T endulkar and Virat Kohli
[B]Virat Kohli and St eve Waugh
[C]Shane Wat son and Sachin T endlkar
[D]Sachin T endulkar and St eve Waugh
Sachin T endulkar and Steve Waugh
Sachin T endulkar and St eve Waugh have been select ed by Sir Donald
Bradman as t h select ed awardees of t he prize. T he awardees are select ed
on t he basis of t heir cont ribut ion t o int ernat ional cricket which will promot e t he
sport . It is a non-prof it able organisat ion set up in 1987.
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10. India has recent ly approved t he Agreement on Elect ric Power T rade wit h
[B]Bhut an
[D]Sri Lanka
T he Union Government has approved t he Elect ric Power T rade Agreement
wit h Nepal and has also rat if ied t he grid connect ivit y and t ransmission across
t he border. T he agreement will st rengt hen t he power t rade bet ween t wo
nat ions.

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