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4: Direct frequency domain circuit analysis

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In chapter 2.7.2, we determined the steady-state response of electrical circuits to sinusoidal signals
using phasor representations of the signals involved, and time-domain representations of the circuit
element voltage-current relations. Applying KVL and KCL in this manner resulted in governing
equations in which the time dependence had been removed, which converted the governing
equations from differential equations to algebraic equations. Unknowns in the resulting algebraic
equations were the phasor representations of the signals. These equations could then be solved to
determine the desired signals in phasor form; these results could then be used to determine the timedomain representations of the signals.
In chapter 2.7.3, we replaced the time-domain voltage-current relations for passive electrical circuit
elements with impedances, which provide voltage-current relations for the circuit elements directly in
the frequency domain. At the end of chapter 2.7.3, we used these impedances to schematically
represent a circuit directly in the frequency domain.
In this section, we will use this frequency-domain circuit representation to perform circuit analysis
directly in the frequency domain using phasor representations of the signals and impedance
representations of the circuit elements. This will allow us to write the algebraic equations governing
the phasor representation of the circuit directly, without any reference to the time domain behavior of
the circuit. As in chapter 2.7.2, these equations can be solved to determine the behavior of the circuit
in terms of phasors, and the results transformed to the time domain.
Performing the circuit analysis directly in the frequency domain using impedances to represent the
circuit elements results can result in a significant simplification of the analysis. In addition, many
circuit analysis techniques which were previously applied to resistive circuits (e.g. circuit reduction,
nodal analysis, mesh analysis, superposition, Thevenins and Nortons Theorems) are directly
applicable in the frequency domain. Since these analysis techniques have been presented earlier for
resistive circuits, in this section we will simply:
1. provide examples of applying these analysis methods to frequency-domain circuits, and
2. note any generalizations relative to using phasors in these analysis methods.
Throughout this section, the student should firmly keep in mind that we are dealing only with the
steady-state responses of circuits to sinusoidal forcing functions.


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2.7.4: Direct frequency domain circuit analysis

Before beginning this module, you should

be able to:

Use phasors to represent sinusoidal

signals (chapter 2.7.1)
Perform complex arithmetic
Calculate impedances for resistors,
capacitors, and inductors (chapter 2.7.3)

After completing this module, you should be

able to:

State, from memory, KVL and KCL in

phasor form
State, from memory, voltage and current
divider formulae in phasor form
Determine equivalent impedances of
parallel and series impedance combinations
Apply circuit reduction techniques to
frequency domain circuits
Analyze frequency domain circuits using
nodal and mesh analysis
Use superposition to analyze circuits in
which multiple frequencies are present
State Thevenins and Nortons theorems for
frequency domain circuits
Determine the load impedance necessary to
deliver maximum power to a load

This module requires:


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2.7.4: Direct frequency domain circuit analysis

Kirchoffs Voltage Law:

Kirchoffs Voltage Law states that the sum of the voltage differences around any closed loop is zero.
Therefore, if v1 ( t ),v 2 ( t ),...,v N ( t ) are the voltages around some closed loop, KVL provides:


(t ) = 0

k =1

Substituting the phasor representation of the voltages results in:


V k e jt = 0


k =1

Dividing equation (2) by

e j t

results in:

V k = 0


k =1

So that KVL states that the sum of the phasor voltages around any closed loop is zero.
Kirchoffs Current Law:
Kirchoffs Current Law states that the sum of the currrents entering any node is zero. Therefore, if
i1 ( t ),i2 ( t ),...,i N ( t ) are the currents entering a node, KCL provides:

ik ( t ) = 0


k =1

Substituting the phasor representation of the currents results in:


I k e j t = 0


k =1

Dividing equation (2) by

e j t

results in:

Ik = 0


k =1

So that KVL states that the sum of the phasor currents entering (or leaving) a node is zero.
Important result:
KVL and KCL apply directly in the frequency domain.

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2.7.4: Direct frequency domain circuit analysis

Example1: RC circuit steady-state sinusoidal response

In this example, we will revisit example 2 from chapter 2.7.2. In that example, we determined the
capacitor voltage in the circuit to the left below, using phasor analysis techniques applied to the
circuits time-domain governing equation. In this example, we will represent the circuit itself
directly in the frequency domain, using impedance representations of the circuit element. The
frequency-domain representation of the circuit is shown to the right below.

Vpcos( t)


VP 0 o




By the definition of impedance, we can determine the current through the capacitor to be:


= j C Y

The voltage across the resistor can now, by the definition of impedance, be written as
V R = R I = R( jCY ) . We now apply KVL for phasors to the circuit to the right above, which
leads to:

VP 0 = R( jCY ) + Y
Solving for

Y in this equation provides Y =

VP 0
1 + jRC

By the rules of complex arithmetic, we can determine the magnitude and phase angle of

Y =

to be:

1 + (RC )2

Y = tan 1 (RC )
And the time-domain solution for y(t) is thus

y( t ) =

1 + (RC )

cos t tan 1 (RC )

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2.7.4: Direct frequency domain circuit analysis

Parallel and Series Impedances & Circuit Reduction

Consider the case of N impedances connected in series, as shown in Figure 1. Since the elements
are in series, and since we have seen that KCL applies to phasors, the phasor current I flows
through each of the impedances. Applying KVL for phasors around the single loop, and incorporating
the definition of impedance, we obtain:

V = I( Z1 + Z 2 + + Z N ) = 0








Figure 1. Series combination of impedances.

If we define

Z eq

as the equivalent impedance of the series combination, we have

V = I Z eq , where

Z eq = Z 1 + Z 2 + + Z N


so that impedances in series sum directly. Thus, impedances in series can be combined in the same
way as resistances in series.
By extension of the above result, we can develop a voltage divider formula for phasors. Without
derivation, we state that the phasor voltage across the kth impedance in a series combination of N
impedances as shown in Figure 1 can be determined as:

V k =V

Z1 + Z 2 + + Z N


so that our voltage division relationships for resistors in series apply directly in the frequency domain
for impedances in series.
We now consider the case of N impedances connected in parallel, as shown in Figure 2. Since the
elements are in parallel, and KVL applied to each loop shows that all circuit elements share the same
phasor voltage difference V . Applying KCL for phasors at the upper node, and incorporating the
definition of admittance, we obtain:

I = V( Y 1 + Y 2 + + Y N ) = 0


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2.7.4: Direct frequency domain circuit analysis







Figure 2. Parallel combination of impedances.

If we define

Y eq

as the equivalent impedance of the series combination, we have:

I = V Y eq


Y eq = Y 1 + Y 2 + + Y N



so that admittances in series sum directly. Converting our admittances to impedances indicates that
the equivalent impedance of a parallel combination of N impedances as shown in Figure 2 is:

Z eq =



+ 1


+L+ 1



Thus, impedances in parallel can be combined in the same way as resistances in parallel.
By extension of the above result, we can develop a current divider formula for phasors. Without
derivation, we state that the phasor current across the kth impedance in a series combination of N
impedances as shown in Figure 1 can be determined as:

Ik = I


+ 1



+L+ 1



so that our current division relationships for resistors in parallel apply directly in the frequency domain
for impedances in parallel.

Important result:
All circuit reduction techniques for resistances apply directly to the frequency domain for
impedances. Likewise, voltage and current divider relationships apply to phasor circuits in the
frequency domain exactly as they apply to resistive circuits in the time domain.

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2.7.4: Direct frequency domain circuit analysis

Example 2: Use circuit reduction techniques to determine the current phasor I leaving the
source in the circuit below. (Note: the circuit below is the frequency domain circuit we obtained in
example 1 of chapter 2.7.3.)


Since impedances in series add directly, the inductor and resistor can be combined into a single
equivalent impedance of (2+j1), as shown in the figure to the left below. The capacitor is then in
parallel with this equivalent impedance. Since impedances in parallel add in the same way as
resistors in parallel, the equivalent impedance of this parallel combination can be calculated by

( j 3 )( 2 + j1 )
3 j6
( j 3 ) + ( 2 + j1 )
2 j2
= 2.37 18 ; the final reduced circuit is

dividing the product of the impedances by their sum, so Z eq =

Converting this impedance to polar form results in Z eq
shown in the figure to the right below.

30 o

30 o

2.37 18

Using the reduced circuit to the right above and the definition of impedance, we can see that:


[30 ( 18 )]A
2.37 18 2.37

so that

I = 8.4448 A

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2.7.4: Direct frequency domain circuit analysis

Example 3: Use circuit reduction techniques to determine the current, i(t) through the inductor in
the circuit below.

With =2 rad/sec, the frequency domain representation of the circuit is as shown in the figure to
the left below; in that figure, we have also defined the current phasor I S leaving the source.

50 o

We now employ circuit reduction techniques to determine the phasor I . To do this, we first
determine the circuit impedance seen by the source; this impedance allows us to determine the
source current I S . The current I can be determined from a current divider relation and I S .
The impedances of the series combination of the capacitor and the 4 resistor is readily obtained
by adding their individual impedances, as shown in the figure to the left below. This equivalent
impedance is then in parallel with the inductors impedance; the equivalent impedance of this
parallel combination is as shown in the circuit to the right below.





50 o

The source current is then, by the definition of impedance, I S =



= 0.69 33.7 .
( 4 j 4 ) + 2

The circuit to the left above, along with our voltage divider formula, provides:


( 4 j 4 )
I S = ( 1 j1 ) 0.69 33.7 = 0.98 78.7
( 4 j 4 ) + j 4

And the current i( t ) = 0.98 cos( 2t 78.7 )

Nodal and Mesh Analysis:

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2.7.4: Direct frequency domain circuit analysis

Nodal analysis and mesh analysis techniques have been previously applied to resistive circuits in the
time domain. In nodal analysis, we applied KCL at independent nodes and used Ohms Law to write
the resulting equations in terms of the node voltages. In mesh analysis, we applied KVL and used
Ohms Law to write the resulting equations in terms of the mesh currents.
In the frequency domain, as we have seen in previous sub-sections, KVL and KCL apply directly to
the phasor representations of voltages and currents. Also, in the frequency domain, impedances can
be used to represent voltage-current relations for circuit elements in the frequency domain in the
same way that Ohms Law applied to resistors in the time domain (the relation V = I Z in the
frequency domain corresponds exactly to the relation v( t ) = R i( t ) in the time domain). Thus, nodal
analysis and mesh analysis apply to frequency domain circuits in exactly the same way as to time
domain resistive circuits, with the following modifications:
The circuit excitations and responses are represented by phasors
Phasor representations of node voltages and mesh currents are used
Impedances are used in the place of resistances
Application of nodal and mesh analysis to frequency-domain circuit analysis is illustrated in the
following examples.
Example 4: Use nodal analysis to determine the current i(t) in the circuit of example 3.
The desired frequency-domain circuit was previously determined in Example 3. Nodal analysis of
the frequency-domain circuit proceeds exactly as was done in the case of resistive circuits. The
reference voltage, VR = 0, and our single node voltage, VA, for this circuit are defined on the circuit

50 o

Applying KCL in phasor form at node A provides:

50 V A

A =0
( 4 j 4 ) j 4
Solving for V A gives V A = 3.9211.31V . By the definition of impedance, the desired current
phasor I =

= 0.98 78.7 so that i( t ) = 0.98 cos( 2t 78.7 ) , which is
j 4

consistent with our result obtained via circuit reduction in Example 3.

Example 5: Use mesh analysis to determine the current i(t) in the circuit of examples 3 and 4.

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2.7.4: Direct frequency domain circuit analysis

The desired frequency-domain circuit was previously determined in Example 3. Mesh analysis of
the frequency-domain circuit proceeds exactly as for resistive circuits. The figure below shows our
choice of mesh loops; the series resistor-capacitor combination has been combined into a single
equivalent resistance in the figure below, for clarity.


KVL around the mesh loop





50 2 I 1 ( 4 j 4 )( I 1 I 2 ) = 0
KVL around the mesh loop I 2 provides:

( 4 j 4 )( I 2 I 1 ) + j 4 I 2 = 0
The second equation above can be simplified to provide: I 2 = ( 1 j )I 1 . Using this result to
eliminate I 1 in the mesh equation for loop


and simplifying provides:

( 6 j 4 )

50 =
+ ( j 4 4 ) I 2
1 j

so that I 2 = 0.98 78.7 . The mesh current I 2 is simply the desired current I , so in the time

i( t ) = 0.98 cos( 2t 78.7 )

which is consistent with our results from examples 3 and 4.

Important result:
Nodal and mesh analysis methods apply to phasor circuits exactly as they apply to resistive
circuits in the time domain. Impedances simply replace resistances, and quantities of interest
become complex valued.

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2.7.4: Direct frequency domain circuit analysis

The extension of superposition to the frequency domain is an extremely important topic. Several
common analysis techniques you will encounter later in this course and in future courses (frequency
response, Fourier Series, and Fourier Transforms, for example) will depend heavily upon the
superposition of sinusoidal signals. In this sub-section, we introduce the basic concepts involved.
In all of our steady-state sinusoidal analyses, we have required that the circuit is linear. (The
statement that the steady state response to a sinusoidal input is a sinusoid at the same frequency
requires the system to be linear. Nonlinear systems do not necessarily have this characteristic.)
Thus, all phasor circuits are linear and superposition must apply. Thus, if a phasor circuit has multiple
inputs, we can calculate the response of the circuit to each input individually and sum the results to
obtain the overall response. It is important to realize, however, that the final step of summing the
individual contributions to obtain the overall response can, in general, only be done in the time
domain. Since the phasor representation of the circuit response implicitly assumes a particular
frequency, the phasor representations cannot be summed directly. The time domain circuit response,
however, explicitly provides frequency information, allowing those responses to be summed.
In fact, because the frequency-domain representation of the circuit depends upon the frequency of the
input (in general, the impedances will be a function of frequency), the frequency domain
representation of the circuit itself is, in general, different for different inputs. Thus, the only way in
which circuits with multiple inputs at different frequencies can be analyzed in the frequency domain is
with superposition.
In the special case in which all inputs share a common frequency, the circuit response can be
determined by any of our previous analysis techniques (circuit reduction, nodal analysis, mesh
analysis, superposition, etc.) In this case, if superposition is used, the circuit response to individual
inputs can be summed directly in the frequency domain if desired.
Examples of the application of superposition to analysis of frequency-domain circuits are provided

Important result:
In the case of multiple frequencies existing in the circuit, superposition is the only valid frequencydomain analysis approach.
Superposition applies directly in the frequency domain, insofar as contributions from individual
sources can be determined by killing all other sources and analyzing the resulting circuit. In
general, however, superimposing (summing) the contributions from the individual sources must be
done in the time domain.
Superposition of responses to individual sources can be summed directly in the frequency domain
(e.g. addition of the phasors representing the individual responses) is only appropriate if all
sources have the same frequency. In this case (all source having the same frequency) any of our
other modeling approaches are also valid.

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2.7.4: Direct frequency domain circuit analysis

Example 6: Determine the voltage v(t) across the inductor in the circuit below.


Since two different input frequencies are applied to the circuit, we must use superposition to
determine the response. The circuit to the left below will provide the phasor response V 1 to the
current source; the frequency is = 9 rad/sec and the voltage source is killed. The circuit to the
right below will provide the phasor response V 2 to the voltage source; the frequency is = 3
rad/sec and the current source is killed.








To determine the voltage phasor resulting from the current source ( V 1 in the circuit to the left
above), we note that the inductor and the 3 resistor form a current divider. Thus, the current
through the inductor resulting from the current source is

I1 =

30 60
6 0 =
45 . The voltage phasor V 1 can then be
( 3 + j 3 )
3 245

determined by multiplying this current times the inductors impedance:

V 1 = j 3

45 = 390


45 = 9 245V

and the time-domain voltage across the inductor due to the current source is:

v1 ( t ) = 9 2 cos( 9t + 45 )V
To determine the voltage phasor resulting from the voltage source ( V 2 in the circuit to the right
above), we note that the inductor and the 3 resistor now form a voltage divider. Thus, the
voltage V 2 can be readily determined by:

V2 =

190 430
430 =
( 3 + j1 )

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2.7.4: Direct frequency domain circuit analysis

So that the time-domain voltage across the inductor due to the voltage source is:

v2 ( t ) =


cos( 3t + 101.6 )V

The overall voltage is then the sum of the contributions from the two sources, in the time domain,

v( t ) = v1 ( t ) + v 2 ( t )

v( t ) = 9 2 cos( 9t + 45 ) +


cos( 3t + 101.6 )V

Example 7: Determine the voltage v(t) across the inductor in the circuit below.


This circuit is essentially the same as the circuit of Example 6, with the important difference that
the frequency of the voltage input has changed the voltage source and current source both
provide the same frequency input to the circuit, 9 rad/sec. We will first do this problem using
superposition techniques. We will then use nodal analysis to solve the problem, to illustrate that
multiple inputs at the same frequency do not require the use of superposition.
Individually killing each source in the circuit above results in the two circuits shown below. Note
that the impedance of the inductor is now the same in both of these circuits.





The two circuits shown above will now be analyzed to determine the individual contributions to the
inductor voltage; these results will then be summed to determine the overall inductor voltage.

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2.7.4: Direct frequency domain circuit analysis

The circuit to the left above has been analyzed in Example 6. Therefore, the voltage phasor V 1 is
the same as determined in Example 6:

V 1 = 9 245V
The voltage V 2 in the circuit to the right above can be determined from application of the voltage
divider formula for phasors:

V2 =

j 3
390 430
430 =
= 2 275
( 3 + j 3 )
3 245

Since both inputs have the same frequency, we can superimpose the phasor results directly (we
could, of course, also determine the individual time domain responses and superimpose those
responses if we chose):

V = V 1 + V 2 = 9 245 + 2 275 = 15.2450.3V

So that the time domain inductor voltage is v( t ) = 15.24 cos( 9t + 50.3 )V . Notice that the circuit
response has only a single frequency component, since both inputs have the same frequency.
The superposition approach provided above is entirely valid. However, since both sources have
the same input, we can choose any of our other analysis approaches to perform this problem. To
emphasize this fact, we choose to do this problem using nodal analysis.
The frequency-domain circuit, with our definition of reference voltage and independent node, is
shown in the figure below.



KCL at node A provides:

60 =

V A 0 V A 430
j 3

Solving the above equation for V A provides V A = 15.2450.3V so that the inductor voltage as a
function of time is:

v( t ) = 15.24 cos( 9t + 50.3 )V

Which is consistent with our result using superposition.
Thvenins & Nortons Theorems, Source Transformations, and Maximum Power Transfer

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2.7.4: Direct frequency domain circuit analysis

Application of Thvenins and Nortons Theorems to frequency domain circuits is identical to their
application to time domain resistive circuits. The only differences are:
the open circuit voltage (voc) and short circuit current (isc) determined for resistive circuits is
replaced by their phasor representations, V OC and I SC
The Thvenin resistance, RTH, is replaced by a Thvenin impedance, Z TH .
Thus, the Thvenin and Norton equivalent circuits in the frequency domain are as shown in Figure 3.






(a) Thvenin circuit

(b) Norton circuit

Figure 3. Thvenin and Norton equivalent circuits.

Since Thvenins and Nortons Theorems both apply in the frequency domain, the approaches we
used for source transformations in the time domain for resistive circuits translate directly to the
frequency domain, with impedances substituted for resistances and phasors used for voltage and
current terms.
In order to determine the load necessary to draw the maximum power from a Thvenin equivalent
circuit, we must re-derive the maximum power result obtained previously for resistive circuits,
substituting impedances for admittances and using phasors for source terms. We will not derive the
governing relationship, but will simply state that, in order to transfer the maximum power to a load, the
load impedance must be the complex conjugate of the Thvenin impedance of the circuit being
loaded. Thus, if a Thvenin equivalent circuit has some impedance Z TH with a resistance RTH and

X TH , the load which will draw the maximum power from this circuit must have resistance
and a reactance X TH . The appropriate loaded circuit is shown in Figure 4 below.

a reactance


Z TH = RTh + jX TH


Z L = RTh jX TH

Figure 4. Load impedance to draw maximum power from a Thvenin circuit.

Example 8: Determine the Thvenin equivalent circuit seen by the load in the circuit below

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2.7.4: Direct frequency domain circuit analysis

In the circuit below, we have used the input frequency, = 2 rad/sec, to convert the circuit to the
frequency domain.

20 o



Removing the load and killing the source allows us to determine the Thvenin resistance of the
circuit. The appropriate circuit is:


The parallel combination of two, 2 resistors have an equivalent resistance of 1. This

impedance, in series with the j1 impedance, results in a Thvenin impedance Z TH = ( 1 + j1 ) .
Replacing the source, but leaving the load terminals open-circuited, as shown in the figure below,
allows us to determine the open-circuit voltage V OC .

20 o



Since there is no current through the inductor, due to the open-circuit condition, V OC is
determined from a simple resistive voltage divider formed by the two, 2 resistors. Thus, the
open-circuit voltage is:

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2.7.4: Direct frequency domain circuit analysis

V OC =

20 = 10 .
2 + 2

The resulting Thvenin equivalent circuit is shown below:


Example 9: Determine the Norton equivalent circuit of the circuit of example 8.

Since we determined the Thvenin equivalent circuit in Example 8, a source transformation can be
used to determine the Norton equivalent circuit. Consistent with our previous source
transformation rules, the short-circuit current, I SC , is equal to the open-circuit voltage divided by
the Thvenin impedance:

I SC =

Z TH ( 1 + j1 )

Since the impedance doesnt change during a source transformation, the Norton equivalent circuit
is therefore as shown below:


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2.7.4: Direct frequency domain circuit analysis

Example 10: Determine the load impedance for the circuit of Example 8 which will provide the
maximum amount of power to be delivered to the load. Provide a physical realization (a circuit)
which will provide this impedance.
The maximum power is delivered to the load when the load impedance is the complex conjugate
of the Thvenin impedance. Thus, the load impedance for maximum power transfer is:

Z L = ( 1 j )
And the loaded Thvenin circuit is:




To implement this load, let us look at a parallel RC combination. With the frequency = 2
rad/sec, the frequency domain load looks like:


Combining parallel impedances results in:

ZL =

R j

) R
2C = 4C


R2 + 1


4C 2

Setting R = 2 and C = 0.25F makes Z L = ( 1 j ) , as desired, so the physical implementation

of our load is as shown below:

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