Green Building Research Template
Green Building Research Template
Green Building Research Template
Name of student
Student ID No
: 2014693818
Telephone No
: 0192023726
Title of Research
Group: AP246-5C
Aspects of
Title of research
Research statement /
Problem statement
A comparison of occupant comfort and satisfaction between a green
building and a conventional building in Malaysia
Green buildings provide better environment for their occupants. But, not all
occupant in the building comfort and satisfed. According to Gou et. al. (2012),
some green buildings enjoyed higher satisfaction and comfort, while some
green buildings attracted lower satisfaction and comfort. Based on Abbazadeh
et. al. (2006) research result, occupants in green buildings were more satisfied
with thermal comfort and air quality in their workspace. However, the average
satisfaction scores in green buildings for lighting and acoustic quality were
comparable to the non-green average.
Comparing complaint profiles of those dissatisfied with lighting and acoustic
quality, a higher percentage of occupants were dissatisfied with light levels
and sound privacy in green buildings. This is support by Warren & Peter
(2007), the green building, which is naturally ventilated, is constructed from
rammed earth and recycled materials. The conventional buildings have
heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems and are of brick
veneer construction.
The only difference between the buildings was that occupants of the green
building were more likely to perceive their work environment as warm, and
occupants who felt warm were more likely to describe their work environment
as poor. All other aspects of comfort, including aesthetics, serenity, lighting,
ventilation, acoustics, and humidity, were not perceived differently by the
occupants of the two types of building.
Scope and
The scope and limitation of this research will be to the following extent:
Among construction stakeholders, developers are the one that dealing with all
parties in order to integrate the ideas to execute the construction project on
site. Occupant of the building also is important in order to get their satisfaction
and evaluation of the building quality. Therefore, this research will be
conducted with focusing to the constructions organization and occupant of the
building within the following responsible person and areas:
About 298 number of green building that is certified by the Green Building
Index (GBI) until now. Present total gross floor area is 140,256,368.36 sqft
areas that are certified by GBI and Kuala Lumpur contribute 107 of green
building. This can be convinced (GBI, 2015) that green building industry in
Malaysia had been implemented until nowadays.
Literature Review
buildings use large amounts of energy, land, water, and raw materials for their
construction and operation. By referring on comfort on conventional building,
occupant only satisfies with lighting and acoustic. This is proven by Newsham
et. al., occupants of green buildings tend to show higher satisfaction with air
quality and thermal comfort compared to conventional buildings, whereas
satisfaction with lighting bears little difference between certified and nongreen buildings. On the contrary, their review recognized a clear trend
towards a decrease in acoustic satisfaction in green buildings.
Both green and conventional building is divided into 4 aspect: air, lighting,
noise and temperature. This is supported by Rick (2009) stated that occupant
comfort is addressed in the survey through questions relating to four basic
parameters (air, lighting, noise and temperature) and an overall comfort
question. It is not limited to indoor environment factors such as thermal
comfort and noise intrusion but includes general questions regarding the
occupants perception of the building (e.g. image, safety, cleaning) and
operational issues such as speed and effectiveness of responses to problems
related to building use (adjustments to temperature and lighting for example).
Methodology /
Research Design
I. Literature Review
The researcher find Literature review as his secondary resources with
aim to investigate the previous research and body of knowledge
particularly on element of green building and conventional building in
terms of its comfort and satisfaction of occupant.
II. Cross sectional Survey
A set of structured questionnaire will be distributed to targeted
respondent. Then the information will be analyze by compare, and
discuss with respect to the researchs objective in term of chart review.
Therefore, the questionnaire will aim to identify the current comfort of
the building. Then, the information will be used to develop issues for
determination of comfort and satisfaction of the building.
III. Semi structured Interview
Semi structured interview will be carried out to collect valuable data for
this research. This interview may conduct to the targeted group of owner
or manager of the building. This survey will aim to determine the
comfort and satisfaction of the building as found from cross sectional
Significance /
Applied value of the
This research is expected to determine and counter the problem between green
and conventional building for better building future development in
construction industry. An upgrade or improvement of vulnerability of
buildings and plan how to overcome the disadvantages of both types of
buildings forming part of the design framework. This finding eventually will
improve the quality of the green building and conventional building among
contractors to be better. It also assists in paradigm shift to migrate from lack of
quality to more advance and controlled in construction industry. Green
building is not a simple development trend; it is an approach to building suited
to the demands of its time, whose relevance and importance will only continue
to increase. The benefits to green building are manifold, and may be
categorized along three fronts: environmental, economic, and social.
Abbazadeh, S., Zagreus, L., Lehrer, D. and Huizenga, C. (2006), Occupant
satisfaction with indoor environmental quality in green buildings,
Proceedings of Health Buildings, Lisbon, Vol. III, pp. 365-370. tion%20with
Chatterjee, A.K. (2009). Sustainable construction and green buildings on the
foundation of building ecology. Indian Concrete Journal, 83(5): 27-30.
GBI certified summary as of 15 May 2015. (2015). Retrieved from
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