Diophantine Equation

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Diophantine equations

The word Diophantine comes with the name Diophantus, a mathematician lived in the
great city of Alexandria sometime around 250 AD. Often referred to as the father of
Algebra, Diophantus in his famous work Arithmetica presented 150 problems that
marked the early beginnings of number theory, the field of study about integers and their
properties. Diophantine equations play a central and an important part in number theory.
We call a Diophantine equation to an equation of the form, f(x1,x2,
xn)=0 where n2 and x1,x2,xn are integer variables. If we can find n integers a1,a2,
an such that x1=a1,x2=a2,xn=an satisfies the above equation, we say that the
equation is solvable. You can read more about Diophantine equations in [1] and [2].
Currently, following five types of Diophantine equations can be
using diophantine() and other helper functions of the Diophantine module.

Linear Diophantine equations: a1x1+a2x2++anxn=b.

General binary quadratic equation: ax2+bxy+cy2+dx+ey+f=0

Homogeneous ternary quadratic equation: ax2+by2+cz2+dxy+eyz+fzx=0

Extended Pythagorean equation: a1x21+a2x22++anx2n=an+1x2n+1

General sum of squares: x21+x22++x2n=k


Diophantine equations
Remember, our eventual goal is to talk more about algebraic number theory. But first
let's take a short detour to say a little about plain old-fashioned number theory, which
has been a subject of investigation for over 1800 years. Primarily, what this has been
about is the study of what are called Diophantine equations. In them we'll find some
Diophantine equations get their name from Diophantos of Alexandria. Diophantos
flourished in the 3rd century CE and wrote a highly regarded treatise he called
the Arithmetica. Much of this dealt with solving algebraic equations in several
unknowns, with the added restriction that solutions had to be rational or integral. This
was especially important to the Greeks because of the discovery by Pythagoreans
centuries earlier that many solutions of algebraic equations, even something as simple
as the square root of 2, were not rational numbers. Then, as now, the term "irrational"
had very negative connotations (though no longer in modern times as regards

In any case, early mathematicians were very interested in finding solutions of simple
algebraic equations that are rational or integral numbers. This is often a very natural
condition to impose on a particular problem. The equation, for example, may apply to
things which ordinarily occur in whole number amounts, such as living animals.
A Diophantine equation, then, is an algebraic equation for which rational or integral
solutions are sought. (Systems of such equations are also considered.) An algebraic
equation is one that involves only polynomial expressions in one or more variables.
What makes the equation "Diophantine" is that the coefficients of the polynomials
should be rational numbers (or often, integers), and further that only rational (or integer)
solutions are sought. Since these are the only conditions, not much in the way of a
general theory has developed, though a lot is known about many more specialized
The closest thing to a general theory is to be found in algebraic geometry, which deals
with the geometric properties of solution sets of algebraic equations, usually over an
"algebraically closed" field of numbers, such as the complex numbers. Algebraic
geometry, indeed, turns out to be very helpful in solving problems with Diophantine
equations, and a great deal of very deep and beautiful theory has been developed.
However, a general theory that can deal with finding integral or rational solutions of
arbitrary algebraic equations, or even with determining whether such solutions exist, is
In 1970 Yuri Matiyasevich gave a negative solution of the so-called 10 th Hilbert problem
by showing that there is no general decision procedure to determine whether solutions
of an arbitrary Diophantine equation exist. Subsequently Matiyasevich showed that
equations with as few as 9 variables lack a decision procedure. It is possible there may
be equations with even fewer variables that lack such a procedure. However, the
methods used in Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem indicate that all equations in 3
variables should be decidable. It is at present an open question what the least number
Nevertheless, we do have some very illuminating theory. For instance, there is a very
celebrated conjecture stated by Louis Mordell in 1922 which says, roughly, that if P(x,y)
is a polynomial with rational coefficients, then the equation P(x,y)=0 has only finitely
many rational solutions (provided P(x,y) also has a "genus" greater than 1). This was an
open problem until a proof was finally given by Gerd Faltings in 1983. The result can be
interpreted geometrically as saying that a surface which contains all complex number
solutions of the equation has only finitely many points on it with rational coordinates.

The most famous Diophantine equation of all, of course, is Fermat's equation: x n + yn =

zn. Andrew Wiles finally proved in 1995 that, if n is 3 or more, this equation has no
nonzero integral solutions -- even though Fermat had conjectured as much more than
350 years earlier. The final solution turned out to require extremely sophisticated tools
from algebraic geometry (such as the theory of elliptic curves), and much more besides
Note that Fermat's problem is really about solutions of an infinite set of equations (one
for each value of n). Technically speaking, if n were regarded as one of the variables in
the equation, it would no longer be algebraic. Many other famous Diophantine problems
have this feature, where one of the "variables" occurs as an exponent.
Elementary examples

Diophantine equations need not be limited to equations in only one variable (such as x 22 = 0). It's frequently more interesting to consider equations with several variables, such
as the Fermat equation. Just about the simplest equation with two variables and degree
higher than 1 is x2-y2= 0. (The degree of a single term is the sum of exponents of all
variables occuring in the term. The degree of the equation is the largest of the degrees
of its terms.) But this equation isn't very interesting, because it can be written as a
product of polynomials of first degree: (x+y)(x-y) = 0. When the polynomial in such an
equation is a product of factors of degree one having suitable coefficients, the solutions
consist of the solutions of any of the factors, and those are trivial.
The next simplest second degree equation in two variables is x 2+y2 = 1. (The equation
x2+y2 = 0 has only the trivial solution x=y=0 when excluding complex numbers.) You
probably recognize that as the equation of a circle of radius 1. Any point on the circle
has coordinates satisfying the equation, and vice versa. The polynomial x 2+y2-1 does
not factor into first degree polynomials with real (i. e., not imaginary) coefficients.
Nevertheless, it has solutions for x and y that are rational numbers, and even integers,
such as (x,y) = (1,0) or (0,1). Clearly these are the only integer solutions, because we
must have -1x1, so x has to be -1, 0, or 1, and so does y.
It was Diophantos himself who discovered all the rational solutions of this equation. He
found what is called a parametric solution, obtained via elementary algebra. Namely, if
t is any rational number (or even complex number, for that matter), then
x=(1-t2)/(1+t2), y=2t/(1+t2)

gives a point on the circle, and the coordinates are obviously rational if t is. Conversely,
suppose (X,Y) is any point on the circle. It also lies on a straight line passing through
the point (-1,0), having some slope t. The equation of this line is Y=t(X+1). The line
intersects the circle at a unique point besides (-1,0), and if you do the algebra, you see
that point must be given by X=(1-t2) and Y=2t/(1+t2). Since t = Y/(X+1), t must be rational
if X and Y are. This shows that every rational point (except (-1, 0)) on the circle has the
parametric form given, for some rational t. I. e., there's a very tidy 1:1 correspondence
between rational numbers and points on the circle with rational coordinates.
This is actually just a special case of a second degree equation in three variables, which
was extremely important to Greek mathematicians, namely x 2+y2 = z2. Geometrically,
this is the equation of a circle of radius z, centered on the origin. But more importantly to
the Greeks, if x and y are the lengths of the sides of a right angled triangle, the length of
the hypotenuse is z. This equation was discovered by Pythagoras (or someone in his
school) some time in the 6 thcentury BCE, and (of course) it was known as the
Pythagorean theorem. If the lengths of the sides of the triangle are whole numbers, it is
not necessarily true that the so is the length of the hypotenuse, since all we know is
z=(x2+y2). Indeed, the length isn't necessarily even rational a fact which was
But if the length of the hypotenuse is a whole number, then (x,y,z) is called a
Pythagorean triple. Such a triple was held in mystical regard by the Pythagoreans, so
the search for such triples assumed a high importance. This search amounted to finding
integer solutions of what we now call an instance of a Diophantine equation in 3
variables. Note that any solution in rational numbers also yields an integral solution.
This is because if (x,y,z) is a rational triple, then multiplying through by the least
common multiple of the denominators gives a triple of integers. (This works because the
equation is homogeneous, with all terms having the same degree.)
No lesser a man than Euclid discovered how to describe all solutions in (positive)
integers of this equation. Again, this is given in parametric form:
x=(u2-w2)w, y=2uvw, z=(u2+w2)w
It's trivial to check that you get a soution of the equation for any integer u, v, w (including
0 and negative values). The proof that this gives all solutions is harder and we leave
that for you to think about.
Pell's equation

With the next step up in complexity, we reach some interesting territory that's directly
connected with algebraic number theory. This involves an equation of the form x 2 - ny2 =
1 for some positive integer n. n is fixed and not an additional variable. Solutions of this
equation, however, depend very much on the arithmetic properties of n, and in some
The name "Pell's equation" was conferred by Leonhard Euler, who mistakenly gave
credit for it to the otherwise obscure mathematician John Pell. However, the history of
the equation goes all the way back to the Greeks, who were especially concerned with
the case n=2, because it shines some light on the number 2. As you recall, 2 was of
great interest (or concern) to them, ever since they realized 2 is not a rational number.
If y=0, then x=1, so let's exclude that trivial solution. Then we can rewrite the equation
as (x/y)2= n+1/y2. Suppose there exist infinitely many solutions of the equation (as is in
fact the case). Taking one with y large enough, 1/y2 can be arbitrarily small. And
therefore, a solution (x,y) gives us a rational number x/y as close as we like to n. This
fact was already known implicitly to the Greeks, who also understood limit arguments.
So they were pleased to know that even though 2 isn't rational, it can be approximated
arbitrarily well by rational numbers. And the same is true of n if n isn't a perfect square,
Rather than pursue the details of Pell's equation, we need to look at how it's related to
algebraic number theory. Recall that the set of all rational numbers is usually denoted
by Q. Mathematically, this set has the structure known as a ring, in that it has the
arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication, which observe certain
rules. In fact, Qalso has the structure of a field, which also allows for division by any of
its elements other than 0. We will say much more about rings and fields in the next
installment, so let's dispense with the formalities for now. It's safe, for present purposes,
to think of the arithmetic operations of rings and fields as the ones you are already quite
The integers, Z, also form a ring. Let Z[n] stand for the set of all polynomials in powers
of n with coefficients in Z, and likewise for Q[n] (with coefficients in Q). If n is a perfect
square, these sets are just Z and Q, so let's assume n isn't a prefect square. It's obvious
that these are rings also. But they are not necessarily fields, since 1/n isn't rational if
What may be surprising, however, is that some elements of the form a+bn may have
inverses in these rings even if b0 and a1. For instance, let n=2, and consider the
number =3+22 inZ[2]. Observe that (3+22)(3-22) = 1. Hence 1/ = 1/(3+22) = 322, which is also an element of Z[2]. Thus has an inverse in Z[2]. Such an element

is called a unit. The only units of Z itself are 1. But it turns out that for any positive n
has infinitely
many units.
What do these units look like? Well, first we need to define one more thing. If a+bn is
in Z[n], define the function N(a+bn) to be the number (a+bn)(a-bn) = a 2-nb2. (This is
the same definition as the square of the norm of a complex number, where n=-1.)
Clearly, N() is also an integer for any Z[n]. It's simple algebra to show that if
Given all this, if Z[n] is a unit, with inverse 1/, so (1/)=1, we must have
N()=1/N(1/) is an integer, so N() is a unit of Z, which means it must be 1.
Conversely, if N(&alpha) = N(a+bn) = (a+bn)(a-bn) = 1, then is a unit because it
has an inverse. Hence the units ofZ[n] are precisely the such that N()=1.
This is what allows us to show that Pell's equation has an infinite number of solutions, if
there are any at all besides 1 (which we haven't actually shown here). This is because
every solution of Pell's equation a 2-nb2 = 1 gives us a unit = a+bn with N()=1. For
any such , N(k)=1 too, for any kZ by the above, hence all k are units, and give
solutions of Pell's equation. Moreover, these are all distinct, because the only rational
numbers that are units are 1 (when b=0). For any irrational unit the absolute value ||
1. We may assume ||>1 (otherwise use 1/). Then k are distinct numbers for all
kZ because
| k|=||k are
There may be other units as well, satisfying a 2-nb2 = -1. For example, if n=5, we have
N(2+5)=-1, so 2+5 is a unit of Z[5]. If there exists a unit = a+bn with N()=-1, then
there are also an infinite number of solutions of a 2-nb2 = -1, corresponding to the units
k for odd integers k. (If k is even, we get solutions of Pell's equation.)
You may think of algebraic number theory as the study of rings such as Z[n] and
certain generalizations. The serious study of Diophantine equations leads naturally to
consideration of such things. Conversely, the study of particular Diophantine equations,
such as Pell's, can tell us a lot about the properties of algebraic structures that come up
Our next installment will deal with these abstract structures, such as rings and fields, in
a lot more detail.

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