Waukegan, Illinois - Request To Join ICE 287 (G) Program

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City of Waukegan


420 Robert V. Sabonjiall Place. Waukegan, lIlinois 60085 RICHARD H. HYDE
C HIEF OF P OLlCE (847) $I9~l (I )(e) MAYOR

July 17,2007

Assistant Secretary Julie Myers

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement
425 I Street N.W. Room 7100
Washington, DC 20536

Dear Assistant Secretary Myers:

I am writing to request authorization from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to participate in
the Delegation of Authority Program pursuant to 287(g) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act.
Given our past relationship with LC.E., this partnership will enable us to better serve and meet the needs
of the residents of Waukegan, Illinois.

I have been in communication with your Chicago office and have spoken at length with Assistant Special
Agent in Charge, (bjUi). (b.Xl)(:c. . who has been very helpful and encouraging. With his advice I am
proposing the following:

Train two (2) Waukegan Police officers with a minimum of two years experience, who have
passed an I.C.E. approved security background investigation.

Establish an Identification Review Officer Program at the Waukegan Police Department

Officers in this program will be responsible for interviewing and processing suspected criminal

Training facilities are available at the Waukegan Police Department, where instructors can utilize
computer training aids, videos and any other materials they may need for classroom instruction.

If approved, the Waukegan Police Deparunent will enter into a Memorandum of Understanding that will
enable us to participate with LC.E. in identifying criminal immigrants who pose a risk to the citizens of
Waukegan. I look forward to your speedy endorsement of this request and moving forward with this
program for the benefit of aU.


(t>X6) . (b)(7)(C)

Richard H. Hyde
Chief of Police Mayor

('j P rinled on Recycled Paper ~ I

Office of Investigations
U.S. Department of Homeland Securil
425 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536

u.s. Immigration
and Customs

420 Robert V. Sabonjian Place

Waukegan, Illinois 6085

Thank you for your interest in the 287(g) delegation of immigration authority program. The
287(g) Program Management Office and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for U. S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (lCE) are in receipt of your request for training for the
Waukegan Police Department.

On August 2, 2007, the Program Manager for 287(g) Delegation of Authority at ICE
_Headquarters forwarded your request to the Special Agent in Charge (SAC) Chicago, IL, and
the Field Officer Director (FOD) of Detention and Removal, Chicago. Local representatives
fr0111 these two divisions will be in contact with you soon to conduct a preliminary assessment
and determine whether the 287(g) program is the appropriate application to address your local
law enforcetnent challenges.

The local ICE point of contact regarding the 287(g) program is Assistant Special Agent in
Charge (ASAC) who can be reached at 630-5Mffll. Qili7.)(C)


Acting St e and Local Coordinator
r 1
Office o/State and Local Coordination

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

500 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20536

u.s. Immigration
and Customs
JUN 0 3 2009
Robert G. Sabonjian
100 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave.
Waukegan, IL 60085

Dear Mayor Sabonjian:

On July 17,2007, Waukegan Chief of Police William Biang and then-Mayor Richard H. Hyde
submitted a letter to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) requesting participation
in the 287(g) delegation of authority program. The 287(g) program cross-designates state and
local officers to enforce immigration law, as authorized, through the Immigration and Nationality
Act. The letter requested that ICE train two Waukegan officers in order to establish an
Identification Review Officer Program at the Waukegan Police Department.

On January 6,2009, Deputy Chief Daniel L. Greathouse infonned ICE that the Waukegan Police
Department was withdrawing their request to participate in the 287(g) program due to budget
constraints and the fact that the department will not be hiring any new officers in the near future.

ICE will continue to work with you to seek a mutually beneficial resolution for the specific
issues facing your community by utilizing the ICE ACCESS program. Other ICE ACCESS
enforcement options include, but are not limited to: teaming with ICE to fI--- get specific
challenges such as gangs or document fraud; the presence of a Criminal j ~n Program (CAP)
team in local detention facilities to identify criminal aliens; or, training to :ilize the ICE Law
Enforcement Support Center (LESC), which provides officers the ability inquire about an
individual's immigration status and criminal history. (b)(6), (b)(7)(C)

ICE recognizes we have a shared public safety mission with local law em ·cement and we )k
forward to working with you to improve on this mission. Combining Fee al, state, ~)~ (b)(7)(C)
resources has proven successful in safeguarding the public and we want t mild on that su ss
by responding to the law enforcement communities that seek ICE assistance.


'0~ . fl;
William F. Riley
Acting Executive Director
Office of State and Local Coordination

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