Reactor AP1000 Design Control Document
Reactor AP1000 Design Control Document
Reactor AP1000 Design Control Document
Tier 2 Material
Revision 18
4. Reactor
The reactor vessel head vent lines and instrumentation conduits are one inch nominal diameter or
smaller. Breaks in lines of this size do not have to be postulated for dynamic effects,
pressurization, and spray wetting. The pressure boundary housing of the control rod drive
mechanisms is constructed to the requirements of the ASME Code and a break in this pressure
boundary is not credible.
The only instrumentation required of the control rod drive mechanism and supporting systems to
operate safely is the rod position indicator. A break in the cables connected to the rod position
indicators would neither preclude a reactor trip, nor would it result in an unplanned withdrawal of
a rod assembly. A break in the power cable to the control rod drive mechanism coils results in a
drop of the rod assembly. Information on the pressure and temperature of the control rod drive
mechanisms and surrounding areas is not required for safe operation. The design pressure and
temperature of the control rod drive mechanism housing is the same as the reactor coolant system,
which is protected by safety valves. Overheating of the control rod drive mechanism coils due to a
failure of the cooling system would in the worst case result in a drop of one or more rod
assemblies. The reactor and reactor protection system is designed to accommodate and protect
against rod drop events. Additional information is provided in subsection 3.9.1, and Sections 7.2,
and 15.4.
These tests, which are described in subsection and Sections 4.2 and 14.2, are conducted to
verify the operability of the control rod drive system when called upon to function.
Tier 2 Material
Revision 18
4. Reactor
system has been presumed as an initial condition to evaluate transients. Appropriate technical
specifications promote the correct operation or remedial action.
The AP1000 instrumentation and control system includes a diverse actuation system (DAS). This
system provides for automatic control rod insertion, turbine trip, passive residual heat removal
heat exchanger start, core makeup tank start, isolation of critical containment penetrations, and
start of the passive containment cooling system as appropriate upon conditions indicative of an
anticipated transient without scram or other failure of the plant control and reactor protection
system. This system is diverse and independent from the reactor trip system from the sensor
through actuation devices.
In addition to the above, the AP1000 plant systems provide for operator response to an anticipated
transient without scram (ATWS) event that includes core reactivity control followed by core decay
heat removal. Core reactivity control is provided by a manual trip of the control rods, insertion of
the control rods, the chemical and volume control system, or by the core makeup tank injection.
The decay heat removal can be performed by the startup feedwater system or the passive residual
heat removal system.
Tier 2 Material
Revision 18
4. Reactor
Tier 2 Material
Revision 18