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3.1 Testing Preparation

This research was conducted at the Servo Test Room, Structural Strength
Laboratory, BJ Habibie Science and Technology National Innovation Research Agency,
Serpong, last Juni. The Structural Strength Laboratory provides services in the form of
Material Characteristics Testing, Calibration, Inspection and product certification. In
addition, this laboratory also provides certification, engineering and technological
evaluation of structural strength [13]. The facilities in this testing laboratory include:
● Area 40x40x20 m (LxWxH), strong floor 25 tons/m2, equipped with:
a. 20 Ton Cranes
b. Static test machine
c. Dynamic testing machine
d. Custom testing machine
e. Machine tools
Apart from that, there are also 6 hydraulic power pack units, hydropuls actuators with
capacities ranging from 25 kN to 4000 kN, and several servocontrollers [13]. In LKS, test
applications consist of two types, namely, static tests and dynamic tests. Basically, this test
consists of tensile and compression tests. A servo valve is needed as an important
component in the Hydropuls actuator as a testing tool, for this reason a servo valve
performance test is needed to maintain the accuracy of the test results.
The research framework is depicted in Figure below.

Figure 3. 1 Framework of Research

3.2 Working Principle of Servovalve Testing

As explained in the previous chapter 2, a servovalve performance test is needed to
determine the servovalve's performance. In order to carry out the test, things that need to
be prepared include a testing machine and servo valve. There are two systems that work on
the servovalve performance testing machine, namely; hydraulic systems, and electronic
Servovalve performance test equipment, namely equipment used to test the
performance of a servovalve with technical specifications covering an adjustable input
range of 50/60/100/150/200 milliAmpere plus-minus, output range up to 150/200 LPM.
The equipment can generate a miliAmpere input signal as a command and can read the
response in the LPM servovalve quantity, so that a report can be generated in the form of a
comparison between the miliAmpere command input versus the LPM response output.

When the command signal input from the servocontroller is given, the fluid flow
will enter door A through gate P. The flow rate flowing into the actuator is proportional to
the command signal input value given. The remaining fluid flow that is not functioned will
return back to the tank through door R through hose B. Meanwhile, fluid flow from door P
flows to the hydraulic actuator through door A. Vice versa, if door B is used to drain fluid
for a tensile test, the fluid flow in door A will return to return to the tank through door P.
There is a correlation between the input signal given and the volume of fluid that comes
out at the output door A/B. This system will work continuously in a closed loop to monitor
the signal input command given via the servocontroller.

3.3 Structural Strength Test Equipment

The Structural Strength Testing Equipment System is a series of equipment used to
generate loads either in the form of force loads (kN) or in the form of actuator steps (mm).
Structural Strength Testing Equipment System is divided into:
• Hydraulic Gear System.
• Electronic Equipment System.
Diagrammatically the Structural Strength Testing Equipment System can be seen in the
following scheme:

Figure 3. 2 Structural Strength Testing Equipment System

3.4 Hydraulic System Of Structural Strength Testing
The hydraulic system is a device that functions to generate power based on high
pressure oil which is used to generate traction and pressure on the actuator. Hydraulic-
based power generation starts from the Hydraulic Power Pack which pumps oil through the
P line to the actuator. On the P line, a safety valve (Connecting Block, Start/Stop Valve,
Distribution Manifold) is installed which functions to maintain system security, and a
control valve (servovalve) which functions to control the actuator towards Pull or Press
and regulates the amount. The hydraulic system equipment used in this study includes:
3.4.1. Hydraulic powerpack, with specifications:
• Flow 350 LPM per unit.
• Operational pressure 280 bar.
• Maximum pressure 420 bar.
• Tangki total 5000 L.
• Power 200 KVA per unit.
• Safety system (over heat/pressure/filter).
• Integrated control system.
The hydraulic power package is a resource generator whose system work
circuit is divided into 3, namely the working cylinder, control device and power unit.
The working cylinder functions to do the work obtained from the working fluid. The
working cylinder is divided into 2 namely Linear Motion Actuator and Rotary
Motion Actuator. The control device functions to control the fluid flow rate.
While the Power Unit or Power Unit in this hydraulic circuit includes several
equipment that supports system performance, including Electric or Mechanical
Motors, Gear pumps, Diaphragm accumulators, and Hydraulic pumps [4]. The power
pack image is shown by the following figure.

Figure 3. 3 Hydraulic Power Pack

The oil flow diagram as the servovalve work system on the actuator is shown
in the following figure,

Figure 3. 4 Oil Flow Diagram

3.4.2. Actuator, with a range of capacities and strokes ranging from 25-4000 kN.
The actuator is a device that can move up and down or pull and press
which is carried out by the piston where the piston is stored in the piston
housing, the top of which comes out of the piston housing. In the piston
housing there is a mechanism where if high pressure oil flows from the top
of the piston housing, the piston will move down or pull. Conversely, if the
piston housing is flowing with oil at the bottom, the piston will move up or
press. Flow control by going to the top of the piston housing or to the

bottom of the piston housing is carried out by a servovalve. Servovalve
besides controlling the flow of oil to the top of the piston housing or to the
bottom of the piston housing also controls the amount of oil volume (LPM)
so that the actuator can adjust the frequency of its motion.

3.4.3. Control valve, LKS BRIN uses include:

• Connecting block.
• Start/stop valve.
• Hydraulic Distribution Manifold.
• Servovalve.

3.5 Electronic System Of Structural Strength Testing

The electronic system for testing the strength of the structure, namely the control
system equipment known as the servocontroller, which functions as a load controller, and:
• Determine the size of the load.
• Determine the type of load (pulse, straight, sinusoidal).
• Determine the shape of the spectrum (constant, random, points).
• Determine the frequency of testing.
• Determine the counter testing.
• Securing overload (overload and shutdown accident).
Servocontroller is a series of electronic components packaged in a special box along
with computer equipment. Structural Strength Testing Equipment System on the
Servocontroller section. The components in the Servocontroller include:
• Computer and software.
• Analog to Digital Converter (DAC).
• Load cells and their amplifiers.
• Linear Varoadcellable Displcement (LVDT) and their amplifiers.
• Digital to Analog Converter (ADC).
• Voltage to Ampere Converter.
• Digital Out.
• Relay 24 VDC.

3.6 Digitizing the Safety Valve System
The safety engine oil system that is applied to the performance testing machine
software system is intended to make it easier for operators to activate and deactivate the
testing machine. In a diagram you can see the addition of components to the Safety Valve
system below,

Figure 3. 5 Safety Valve Digitization Diagram

Details of the process of sending Digital Value to ON/OFF Safety Valve are shown in the
diagram below,

Figure 3. 6 Safety Valve Digitization Diagram

The Safety Valve functions to ON/OFF the flow of oil from the HPP to the
actuator. ON/OFF oil flow is intended to secure the test. Safety valve specifications: Flow
100 LPM, Operational Pressure 280bar, Maximum Pressure 420bar, Solenoid Supply
24VDC 1Ampere. Figure 2 illustrates the safety valve control mechanism.

Figure 3. 7 Illustration of Safety Valve control mechanism

Figure 3. 8 Illustration of Safety Valve control mechanism

Computer Software sends ON/OFF status to PCI-1742U module Digital Out to convert
digital numbers to 0/5V with the following instructions:
Private Sub DOBinary(DOValue)
lpDioWritePort.Port = 0
lpDioWritePort.Mask = 255
lpDioWritePort.state = DOValue
ADCErrCde = DRV_DioWritePortByte(ADCDeviceHandle, lpDioWritePort)
If (ADCErrCde <> 0) Then
DRV_GetErrorMessage ADCErrCde, szErrMsg

Response = MsgBox(szszErrMsg, vbOKOnly, "Error!!")
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
If Status is OFF, then DOValue is sent the value 0 = 00000000

If Status is ON, then DOValue is sent the value 1 = 00000001

PCI-1742U is connected to the PCLD-8710 terminal. In the Pin Assignment Image

below. Then pin 47 (DO0) will vary with a voltage of 0/5V depending on the status sent by
the computer. Pin 47 is connected to the Relay supply, it will cause a 0/24V voltage to
flow to the Selenoid Safety Valve, as a result it will be able to drain/stop the flow of oil.

Figure 3. 9 Pin Assigment PCLD-8710

While the menu after development is shown in the image below, the difference can be seen
in the menu display, as shown by the red circle.

Figure 3. 10 Display Menu After Development 2

Algorithm to drive Digital 0/5V

• If OFF, Send Digital Output 0
• If ON, Send Digital Output 1

3.7 Configuration for Testing

Figure 3. 11 Design System

In this study, the step to be taken is to test the performance of the servo valve. The
power plant in this test comes from a power pack hydraulic tank which contains fluid
which functions as a power source for the testing machine, which then results and test data
will be displayed on a computer screen. Then, the test results and the engine system will be
analyzed. From the milliAmpere vs LPM graphic display, it can be analyzed whether or

not there is a leak in the servovalve and its performance to be used for testing the strength
of the structure.
In testing 3 servovalves, the servovalve will be installed on the base plate of the
servovalve testing machine alternately, then the operator will control the test through the
monitor. The installed servovalve is shown by the following figure,

Figure 3. 12 Illustration of Servovalve Being Installed

The results of the test performance will then be analyzed based on the testing step. The
results of the test performance analysis are described in the following points.

3.7.1. Analysis Performance Report

The process of generating the milliAmpere quantity and the process of reading the
LPM quantity at the same time is recorded into a computer array and is carried out
continuously until it ends at a certain condition, to then be processed into data and
graphical information in the form; flushing graph, static graph, sinusoidal graph and
servo test graph (mA versus LPM).

1. Flushing Test
Flushing is a form of the initial servovalve testing process that tries the miliAmpere
servovalve command input control function for the flow of oil flowing in the

servovalve oil path. The input signal control is made of the signal sequence to form a
sinusoidal signal as shown below,

Figure 3. 13 Flushing test graph example

The input signal sequence starts from 0 mA, then increases in increments to the
maximum input range value of 50 mA (the value changes according to the
specification of the servovalve), then decreases in increments to the minimum input
range value of -50 mA, finally increases in increments to a value of 0 mA. So that it
will form a sinusoidal signal like figure 3.13 mathematically the sinusoidal signal
shape can be made using the following sinusoidal line equation formula,

𝑆𝑢𝑑𝑢𝑡=360 𝑆𝑖𝑛 (𝜋 × 180 ) + 1
∫ 𝑌𝑋 = 𝑌𝑀𝑎𝑥 + (𝑌𝑀𝑖𝑛 − 𝑌𝑀𝑎𝑥) ( ) (2.4)
𝑆𝑢𝑑𝑢𝑡=0 2

YMax : Maximum input range servovalve
YMin : Minimum input range servovalve
The flushing process in addition to knowing the functioning of the servovalve
electronic control over the hydraulic mechanical function of the servovalve oil flow
control, also serves to clean all the servovalve oil paths from adhering dirt. The
flushing process is usually carried out at the beginning before testing the servovalve.
In this final project, the flushing test is not presented in chapter 4.

2. Static Test
Static is a form of interactive servovalve testing process. The miliAmpere
command input set point that has been determined by the operator is sent by the

computer in the form of a digital signal, then the digital signal is converted by the DAC
into an analog signal, which is then converted by the VAC into a miliAmpere signal,
finally the miliAmpere signal will control the servovalve electronic system part.
The servovalve electronic system will control the servovalve hydraulic system
underneath. The servovalve electronic system with a magnetic field mechanism will
move the lever connected to the servovalve hydraulic system. In the servovalve
electronic system, the lever movement is proportional to the milliAmpere quantity
received. If the milliAmpere quantity is positive, the magnetic field mechanism will
move the lever to the right, whereas if the milliAmpere quantity is negative, the
magnetic field mechanism will move the lever to the left. The lever is also connected to
the servovalve hydraulic system part, namely a piston through which oil flows, so
moving it to the right and left will cause the oil flow piston to shift to the right and left.
Along with the control mechanism for the electronic part of the servovalve whose
input is milliamperes and the mechanism for the hydraulic part of the servovalve whose
output is the volume of oil flow in the flowmeter (LPM), the milliamperes and LPM
numbers need to be stored in an array or computer storage media. The milliAmpere
quantity and the LPM quantity are then processed continuously into a graphical form as
shown in figure below.

Figure 3. 14 Static test graph example

Testing the performance of the servovalve statically is carried out in stages, namely
by sending a miliAmpere signal by the operator. Gradually starting from the set point
of 0 mA, then the set point rises to 10 mA, then the set point rises to 20, 30, 40, 50
milliAmpere, then the set point drops to 40, 30, 20, 10, 0 mA. In line with the above
process, a flow meter response scale (LPM) is also read in parallel. At this stage what
happens is because the setpoint value is positive, the LPM response that occurs is from
line A servovalve which then goes to line C and is detected by the flowmeter.
The operator then sends a negative mA signal. Gradually starting from the set point
of 0 mA, then the set point drops to -10 mA, then the set point drops to -20, -30, -40, -
50 mA, then the set point rises to -40, -30, -20, -10, 0 mA. In line with the above
process, a flow meter response scale is also read in parallel. At this stage what happens
is because the setpoint value is negative, the LPM response that occurs is from the
servovalve B line which then goes to C line and is detected by the flowmeter. At this
stage the LPM remains positive.

3. Sinusoidal Test
Sinusoidal is a form of interactive servovalve testing process. In this sinusoidal
servovalve test, the method of operation is the same as the static test, the operator
determines the mA command input set point in the direction of increasing or
decreasing. The mA command input set point that has been determined by the operator
is sent by the computer in the form of a digital signal, then the digital signal is
converted by the DAC into an analog signal, which is then converted by the VAC into
a mA signal, finally the mA signal will control the servovalve electronic system part.
The difference between the sinusoidal and static tests is the graphic output, and this
sinusoidal test is to find out the maximum value of the output response while the static
test is to analyze the response of each set point. The following is an example of a
sinusoidal test graph,

Figure 3. 15 Sinusoidal Test Graph Example

For sinusoidal testing, the performance value is calculated using the formula:

𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 = 100% − 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟𝑠 (2.5)

4. Performance Test
Servovalve performance needs to be known for its accuracy so that the test runs
correctly and gets accurate results overall. Servovalve performance test in principle is
to compare the input command with the output response. The Command Input equation
in milliAmpere units becomes the Output Response in LPM units is shown by the
following equation:
𝐶𝑖 𝑅𝑖 (2.6)
𝑁𝑜𝑚𝑐 𝑁𝑜𝑚𝑟
Ci : Command Input (mA) to i
Nomc : Nominal Command Input (mA)
Ri : Respon Output (LPM) to i
Nomr : Nominal Respon Output (LPM)

The ideal response value is the value or standard that has been set in the servovalve
testing system. The measurement error value with LPM and % is obtained from the
𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 (𝐿𝑃𝑀) = 𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑒 − 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑒 (2.7)

𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 (𝐿𝑃𝑀)
𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 (%) = × 100%
𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑒 (2.8)

RME value - the average error is obtained from the formula:

𝑠𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎

𝑅𝑀𝐸 − 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 = (2.9)
𝑙𝑜𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎

and the performance value is obtained from the formula:

𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 = 100% − 𝑅𝑀𝐸 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 (%) (2.10)

The performance test functions to determine the asymmetry, hysteresis, and

leakage values of the servovalve. Servovalve can be said to have good performance
if the resulting performance value is more than 80%. If the resulting value is less
than 80%, maintenance or repair actions will be taken. Maintenance and repairs are
carried out by replacing damaged or poor servo valve components. The components
in question include pistons, needles, or magnets. With the replacement of these
components, there is no need to buy a new servovalve.


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