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Soalan 1

Question 1
[20 markah]
[20 marks]
Jawab semua soalan
Answer all questions
Aktiviti enzim dipengaruhi oleh beberapa factor seperti suhu, pH, kepekatan substrat dan kepekatan
Enzymes activity is influenced by a number of external factors, such as temperature, pH, substrate
concentration and enzyme concentration.
Satu eksperimen akan dijalankan untuk mengkaji kesan kepekatan enzim terhadap kadar tindak balas
An experiment will be carried out to investigate the effect of enzyme concentration on the rate of enzyme
Anda dibekalkan dengan larutan amylase yang berlainan kepekatan dan larutan kanji 1%
You are provided with different concentration of amylase enzyme solution and 1% starch suspension.
Berdasarkan rajah 1, rancang dan jalankan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan kepekatan enzim
terhadap kadar tindak balas enzim.
Based on Diagram 1, plan and carry out the experiment to investigate the effect of enzyme concentration
on the rate of enzyme reaction.

Rajah 1
Diagram 1

Jalankan eksperimen ini dengan berdasarkan langkah-langkah berikut

Carry out the experiment by using the following steps:
Langkah 1:
Sediakan dan labelkan lima tabung uji sebagai A, B, C, D dan E
Step 1:
Prepare five test tubes and label them as A, B, C, D and E.
Langkah 2:
Setiap tabung uji mengandungi bahan seperti di bawah:
A: 1 ml larutan amilase 0.1%
B: 1 ml larutan amilase 0.2 %
C: 1ml larutan amilase 0.3%
D: 1ml larutan amilase 0.4%
E: 1 ml larutan amilase 0.5%
Step 2:
Each test tube contains the following substance :
A: 1 ml of 0.1% amylase solution
B: 1 ml of 0.2% amylase solution
C: 1 ml of 0.3 amylase solution
D: 1ml of 0.4% amylase solution
E: 1 ml of 0.5% amylase solution
Langkah 3:
Rendamkan semua tabung uji ke dalam kukusan air pada 37C.
Step 3:
Immerse all the test tubes in the water bath set at 37C .
Langkah 4:
Letakkan 2 titis larutan iodin ke dalam setiap lekuk jubin putih.
Step 4:
Place 2 drops of iodine solution in each groove of a white tile.
Langkah 5:
Tambahkan 4 ml ampaian kanji 1 % ke dalam tabung uji A dengan
menggunakan picagari.
Step 5:
Add 4 ml of 1% starch suspension into test tube A by using a syringe
Langkah 6:
Mulakan jam randik. Kacaukan campuran dengan menggunakan rod kaca.
Keluarkan sedikit campuran dengan serta merta menggunakan penitis dan
tambahkan kepada satu lekuk pada jubin putih untuk ujian iodin.
Step 6:
Start the stopwatch immediately. Stir the mixture using a glass rod.
Remove a small amount of the mixture from test tube A and test with
iodine solution on the tile.
Langkah 7:
Perhatikan perubahan warna pada larutan iodin.
Step 7:
Observe the colour change of iodine solution.
Langkah 8:
Jalankan ujian iodin pada sela masa 30 saat sehingga tiada perubahan
warna pada larutan iodin diperhatikan.
Step 8:
Repeat the iodine test at 30- second intervals until no colour change to
the iodine solution is observed.
Langkah 9:
Rekodkan masa diambil untuk hidrolysis kanji yang lengkap.
Step 9:
Record the time taken for the completed hydrolysis of starch.
Lngkah 10:
Ulangi langkah 1 hingga 9 dengan tabung uji B, C, D dan E.
Step 10:
Repeat steps 1until 9 with the contents of test tube B, C, D and E.

Berdasarkan eksperimen yang dijalankan, jawab soalan-soalan berikut:

Based on the experiment which has been carried out, answer the following questions:
(a) Bina satu jadual dan rekodkan bacaan anda.
Construct a table and record your readings.

[3 markah]
[3 marks]
(b) Berpandukan data di (a), lukiskan satu graf kadar tindak balas amilase (1/masa) melawan
kepekatan larutan amilase (%).
Using the data from (a), draw a graph of the rate of amylase enzyme reaction (1/time) against the
concentration of amylase solution (%).
[3 markah]
[3 marks]
(c) Berdasarkan graf di (b), terangkan hubungan antara kadar tindak balas amilase dengan kepekatan
larutan amilase.
Based on the graph in (b), explain the relationship between the rate of amylase reaction on starch
and the concentration of the amylase solution.

[2 markah]
[2 marks]
(d) Nyatakan satu sebab suhu eksperimen perlu dikekalkan pada suhu 37C.
State a reason why the temperature of the experiment must be kept at 37C.

[2 markah]
[2 marks]

(e) Eksperimen ini diulangi dengan menggunakan larutan enzim amilase 0.5% dalam kukusan air
pada suhu 60C.
The experiment is repeated using 0.5% amylase solution in water bath at 60C.
(i) Ramalkan masa yang diperlukan untuk tindak balas hidrolisis kanji yang lengkap.
Predict the time taken for the hydrolysis of starch to be completed.

[1 markah]
[1 mark]
(ii) Berikan satu alasan untuk jawaban anda.
Give a reason for your answer.

[1 markah]
[1 mark]
(f) Nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi hidrolisis kanji oleh enzim amilase.
State the operational definition for the hydrolysis of starch by amylase enzyme.

[2 markah]
[2 marks]
(g) Berdasarkan eksperimen ini, kelaskan senarai radas dan bahan yang diberikan.
Based on this experiment, classify the list of apparatus and materials given.

[2 markah]
[2 marks]
(h) Berdasarkan eksperimen ini, nyatakan pembolehubah yang berikut:
Based on this experiment, state the following variables:
(i) Pembolehubah dimanipulasi:
Manipulated variable:

(ii) Pembolehubah bergerak balas:

Responding variable:
[ 2 markah]
[2 marks]
(iii) Nyatakan hipotesis untuk eksperimen ini.
State the hypothesis for this experiment.

[3 markah]
[3 marks]

Test tube

Concentration of amylase
enzyme (%)


Time taken for the

hydrolysis of starch
to be completed

Rate of enzymatic
reaction (1/t) min-1

[3 marks]

(b) Rate of enzymatic reaction (min )




Concentration of amylase enzyme (%)

[3 marks]
The higher the concentration of the amylase solution, the higher the rate of amylase reaction on
starch until it reaches a maximum rate. This is because more enzyme molecules can provide more
active sites for substrate-enzyme complex formation.
[2 marks]
37C is the optimum temperature for enzyme reaction.
[1 mark]
(i) The time taken is more than the reaction time by 0.5% amylase at 37C.
[ 1 mark]
The enzyme is denatured at 60C.
[1 mark]
The hydrolysis of starch by amylase enzyme is the breaking down of 1% of starch suspension
into maltose. The time taken for the iodine solution to remain yellow is affected by the different
concentration of amylase solution.
[2 marks]

5 ml syringe

1 % starch suspension

1 ml syringe
Test tube
Glass rod
Stop watch
White tile with grooves

0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% and 0.5% amylase

Iodine solution
Water at 37C

[2 marks]
(h) (i) The concentration of amylase enzyme solution
[1 mark]
(ii) the time taken for the hydrolysis of starch to be completed
[1 mark]
(iii) As the concentration of amylase solution increases, the rate of enzyme reaction increases
until it reaches a maximum rate.
[3 marks]


: Sila semak radas dan bahan yang diberikan untuk setiap soalan.
Instruction : Please check the apparatus and material given for each questions.
Soalan 1/ Question 1
Radas/ Bahan
Ampaian kanji 1%
1 % Starch suspension

40 ml

Ada() / Tiada (X)


Larutan enzim amilase 0.1%

0.1% amylase enzyme solution

5 ml

Larutan enzim amilase 0.2%

0.2% amylase enzyme solution

5 ml

Larutan enzim amilase 0.3%

0.3% amylase enzyme solution

5 ml

Larutan enzim amilase 0.4%

0.4% amylase enzyme solution

5 ml

Larutan enzim amilase 0.5%

0.5% amylase enzyme solution

5 ml

Larutan iodin
Iodine solution

25 ml

Air pada suhu 37C

Water at 37C

100 ml

Picagari 5 ml
5 ml syringe


Picagari 1 ml
1 ml syringe


Tabung uji
Test tube


Rod kaca
Glass rod


Jam randik
Stop watch


Jubin putih berlekuk

White tile with grooves


Bikar 250 ml
250 ml Beaker



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