Growth and Yield Response of Momordica Charantia L

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Growth and Yield Response of Momordica Charantia L.

on the

Varying Levels of Vermicompost

Chapter I

The Problem and It’s Scope


The Philippines is not an exception to the countries

worldwide having a very limited supply of natural resources.

Because much of the country’s land area is mountainous, farmland

is in short supply. Filipino farmers have been striving to

produce sufficiently from their farms to support the demands for

food of the ever-increasing population. However, Philippine

agriculture has changed considerably and farmers are now facing

the loss of productivity due to soil degradation. A long term

sustainable agriculture is now the ultimate goal of every

Filipino farmer. It encompasses many production methods, systems

and approaches that aim to meet the goals of profitability,

stewardship and quality of life. Vermicomposting is one of these

approaches that gain worldwide adoptability.

The ability of some species of earthworm to consume and

breakdown a wide range of organic residues such as sewage

sludge, animal waste, crop residues, and industrial refuse is

well known (Dominguez et al 1997). The use of organic amendments

such as traditional thermophilic compost has been recognized

generally as an effective means for improving soil aggregation,

structure and fertility, increasing microbial diversity and

populations, improving the moisture holding capacity of soils,

increasing the soil cation exchange capacity and increasing the

crop yields (Marinari et al 2000). Vermicompost contains most

nutrients in plant-available forms such as nitrates

phosphates and exchangeable calcium and soluble potassium

(Orozco et al 1996). There is accumulating scientific evidence

that vermicompost can influence the growth and productivity of

plants significantly.

The main aim of this study is to determine the growth,

yield response and nutrition status of momordica charantia L.

under varying levels of vermicompost.


Vermicomposting is the use of earthworms for composting

crop residues, animal manure and other biodegradable wastes that

are abundantly available. Earthworms ingest all kinds of organic

material equal to their body weight per day(FAO). Under

Philippine conditions, the African night crawler (Eudrilus

eugeniae) has been found to be the most efficient for

vermiconposting (Guerrero and Guerrero 1989).

The quality of vermicompost depends on the materials used

and the methods applied. While low in major plant nutrients

(NPK) compared to chemical fertilizers, vermicompost supports

microorganism which make minerals more readily available to

plants and produce substance that promote growth and health.

Vermicompost can be used either as an ameliorant for improving

soil texture and condition or as an organized fertilizer.

The proponent will make use of rice straws, animal manure,

and other biodegradable wastes as raw materials. This study will

focus on the growth yield response and nutrients status of

momordica charantia L. in terms of leaf number, fruit weight

and length, yield of fruits per plant, and nutrients

concentration in momordica charantia L. fruit. The result of the

study would determine the positive effect on growth and yield

and nutrition status of momordica charantia L.. Farmers who

will engage in the production of vermicompost using the

available farm waste can reduce their production cost for

inorganic fertilizers. They can also contribute in minimizing

environmental pollution and in promoting soil conservation.

Levels of ition Status of
Vermicompost momordica • Augment
charantia L. Farmer’s
• 0 kg • Leaf number
• 5 kg • Fruit weight
• No. of fruits • Improve
• 10 kg soil
• No. of
• 15 kg kilograms condition
• Nutrients • Pollution
concentration free
s in fruits environment

The Conceptual Model of the Study

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the growth and the yield

response of momordica charantia L. on the varying levels of

vermicompost under field conditions.

Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following


1. What are the different levels of vermicompost used in the


1.1 0 kg

1.2 5 kg

1.3 10 kg
1.4 15 kg

2. What are the effects of vermicompost on the growth

and yield of momordica charantia L.?

2.1 number of leaves

2.2 number of fruits

2.3 number of kilograms

2.4 fruit weight

2.5 nutrient concentrations

3. Is there a significant difference on the growth and

yield of momordica charantia L. applied with varying

levels of vermicompost?


H0: there is no significant difference on the growth and

yield of momordica charantia L.. grown with varying levels of


Significance of the Study

Farmers – This study will be of great help to farmers planting

ampalaya to lessen the burden of purchasing highly priced

inorganic fertilizer. It will also improve the soil condition of

their farms.

Community – There is no imported imports required. The

technology is environment friendly, it turns trash to cash and

improves soil health.

Consumers – The people in the community will be able to purchase

ampalaya free from chemicals.

This study is limited to finding the growth, yield response

and nutrition status of momordica charantia L. on varying

levels of vermicompost under field conditions of the JRMSU-

Katipunan Campus.

Definition of Terms:

Vermicompost – is produced by the feeding action of earthworms.

Yeild response – is a result of labor or cultivation referred to

as number of fruits or number of kilograms produced.

Growth – refers to an increase in some quantity over time

Organic matter – the product of decay composed of organic


Microorganism – microscopic organism, very diverse, including

bacteria, fungi, archea and protist.

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