Omar M Moma Thesis Outline 2
Omar M Moma Thesis Outline 2
Omar M Moma Thesis Outline 2
APRIL 2022
GROWTH AND YIELD OF OKRA (Abelmoschus esculentus)AS
APRIL 2022
grown for its fibrous, slimy, and nutritious fruits and consumed by all classes of
population.Is the only vegetable crop of significance in the Malvaceae family and
countries and is widely distributed from Africa to Asia, southern Europe and
temperature, water logging and drought conditions, and the cultivation from
It is an oligo purpose crop, but it is usually consumed for its green tender
calcium, potassium and other mineral matters. The mature okra seed is a good
source of oil and protein has been known to have superior nutritional quality.
Okra seed oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid, which is
essential for human nutrition. Its mature fruit and stems contain crude fibre,
America and the Philippines is in reference to its traditional use as shade trees
for cocoa tree plantations. Gliricidia sepium, often simply referred to as its genus
sepium(kakawate) is also used for its insect repellent properties. Farmers in Latin
America often wash their livestock with a paste made of crushed G. sepium
leaves to ward off torsalos (botflies). In the Philippines, the extract obtained from
Gliricidia sepium is one of the major tropical forage trees due to its
protein-rich forage and high nutritive value. Gliricidia sepium is a legume able to
fix N. It produces a lot of litter and the half-life of gliricidia leaves is about 20
days. The plant is thus considered as a good soil improver. Because of its deep
in part because they fix nitrogen in the soil and tolerate low soil fertility, so when
they are interplanted with crops they can boost crop yields significantly, without
the need of chemical fertilizers. The tree is common in the southern Tagalog
areas, shedding leaves around December and flowering February and March. G.
sepium is native to tropical dry forests in Mexico and Central America. In addition
This study will be limited to the growth and yield of okra as influenced by
Cotabato .
sugar, total cholesterol, and triglycerides and decreased the homeostasis model
roasting do not change the antidiabetic potential of okra fruits and seeds . Ortaç
et al. (2018) reported in an in vivo study that okra has a gastroprotective effect
Hossen et al. (2013) showed that the methanol extract of okra had a good
central nervous system depressant activity, along with a high painkiller activity,
on Swiss albino mice. Wang et al. (2104) demonstrated that mice fed an okra
diet execrated more cholesterol in their stools and had lower total blood
conducted on 1100 people showed that people who ate a diet rich in polyphenols
had lower inflammatory markers associated with heart disease, and as okra is
one of the polyphenol-rich diets, okra may therefore help to protect from
cardiovascular diseases . Monte et al. (2014) reported that the lection available in
okra can stop cancer cell growth by up to 63% when they did a testtube study on
mouse melanoma cells, showed that okra extract leads to cancer cell death.
Doreddula et al. (2014) revealed that the seed extracts of okra have an
Different parts of okra fruits can stimulate glycogen synthesis in the liver
the same study, the histopathological examination of the pancreatic tissue after
the administration of okra fruits revealed the evidence of pancreatic islet cell
many tropical and sub-tropical countries as a live fence. That is, it is planted
along the sides offields, and the trunks are used as fence posts In sub-Saharan
reportedly used as a mosquito repellent (Nazli et al.2008) and also has antifungal
phenylethyl alcohol, phenol and crotonic aldehyde at levels less than 1% (Jose
America and is now widespread throughout the tropics within 6°S and 19°N of
the equator. It grows well from sea level to an altitude of 1600 m, in areas where
the mean temperature ranges from 20°C to 29°C, and annual rainfall is between
900 mm and 1500 mm, with a five-month dry period. It does not withstand frost
grown from cuttings and 14 months after seedling. Thereafter lopping can be
done every 2 to 3 months during the rainy season and every 3 to 4 months
during the dry season, provided regrowth reaches 1-2 m high before harvest
good soil improver. Because of its deep roots and quick growth, it is used as a
windbreak. It thrives on steep slopes and may be used to reclaim denuded land.
Gliricidia sepium is also often used as shade for perennials (coffee, tea, cocoa)
The following materials and farm implement will be used in this study ,
okra seeds ,record book, ball pen , shovel, rake, sprayer, bolo, weighing
scale, gardening gloves ,meter sticks, sprinkler and the madre de cacao leaf
Experimental Design
(RCBD), with four (4) treatments to be replicated four (4)times .This treatments
D. 3 L/ 16 litters of water
Timing of Treatment Application
Experimental Area
After sowing ,the areas will be laid out ,there will be four blocks to be
prepared. These blocks will be subdivided into (16) plots .Each plot will have a
dimension of two meters (2 m) in width and two meters (2 m) in length with the
total area of 169 sq.meters. An alley will be 1 meter per block will be provided .
Land preparation
The experimental area will be prepared two (2) weeks before planting by
using different tillage equipment .Before Plowing,the weeds and other vegetation
in the area will be slashed and stumps and other trashes will be removed . The
area will be disc plowed twice at 25-30 cm deep and it will be followed by
Lay outing will be done three (3) days before planting using steel tape and
twine. Staking will be done using trellis using locally available materials like
One( 1) seed will be sown in a one point zero(1.0) cm deep hole and
Covered with thin soil to facilitate germination. The newly sown seeds will be
Application of Fertilizer
accordance with the concentrations per treatment. This will be done early in the
Weed Control
whenever it is necessary.
Preventing and control of pests will be done by observing closely all parts
Harvesting of okra fruits will be done by picking the fruits from the stem
when the fruits of the okra fruits turns mature green,the okra fruits will directly
picked .
D. 3 L/ 16 litters of water
counting the days when fifty percent (50 %) of the plants will emerge .It is done
by visual observation
Plant height (cm) at harvest -This parameter will be measured using the meter
stick from the base of the plants with a guide peg up to the tip of the main stem.
harvested pods from ten sample plants of each treatment .Yield per hectare will
Sample yield(kg/plot)
Yiel(t/ha)= __________________ x 10,000 sq.meter
Sample plot area (m2)
D. 3 L/ 16 litters of water
Grand Total
Grand Mean
Pre Analysis of Variance
Replication 3
Treatment 3
Error 9
Total 15
Note: This format will be followed with other tables except captions.
Literature Cited
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Gliricidia sepium as dry season feed for goat production in Nigeria / C.F.I.
Onwuka / Department of Agriculture, University of Cross River State, Uyo. C.R.S.