Managing Change ACTIVITY 1: Ice Breaking - Knowing Me Knowing You

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ACTIVITY 1: Ice breaking knowing me knowing you

Getting to know each other is important and this ice-breaking activity will help you
achieve just that!
In the cut-outs (suitcase) given, write three interesting things about
Do not write your name on your cut-out (suitcase) piece.
Move around the room and introduce yourself to the first person.
Exchange your cut-out (suitcase) with that person. Dont forget to take that
persons cut-out (suitcase)!
Now introduce yourself to a second person.
Then, introduce the person whose cut-out (suitcase) you are holding and
relate the three interesting things about that person (read from the back of
the cut-out (suitcase).
Exchange your cut-outs (suitcase).
Move around and repeat with a third person. Remember to exchange the
cut-outs (suitcase)!
By now you have met three people and have the cut-out (suitcase)given by
the third person you met.
Return to your seat.
Take turns to introduce the person whose cut-out (suitcase) you are

ACTIVITY 2: Self evaluation checklist Examining teachers

professional attitude, practices, values and beliefs.

Task 1

Study the information on Handout 1, a Self

Evaluation Checklist. Listed on the handout are 7
statements related to your role as an English
teacher. Choose the option that best describes

Task 2

Once you have completed the checklist, your

facilitator will brief you on the scoring method to
calculate your overall score. You are not
compelled to reveal your score to anyone but if
you wish to share it with your fellow course
mates, you may do so.

ACTIVITY 3: Getting Unstuck

Task 1

Below are some characteristics of a stuck teacher.

Unwilling to take risks

Poorly prepared
Bored with own teaching

In the space below, write down the other characteristics you think describe a stuck

In groups of 5, read Handout 2 which has a list of negative

characteristics of a stuck teacher.
You may add to this list other negative characteristics from
Task 1.
Task 2

Study the list and discuss how these negative characteristics

can be made positive.
Choose any 10 negative characteristics and write the
corresponding positive characteristics.


are provided in the handout.

Share your ideas with the class.

Listed below are 7 statements related to your role as an English language teacher.
Choose the option that best describes you.
1. Before I enter my English class, I am

a. ready
b. hesitant
c. ill-prepared
2. During my English lesson, I am
a. bored
b. excited
c. indifferent
3. After my English class, I am
a. relieved
b. satisfied
c. motivated
4. The activities that I carry out in class are
a. planned
b. done on an ad hoc basis
c. routine and predictable
5. When I attend the English panel meeting, I have
a. a lot to share
b. a lot to complain about
c. nothing to say
6. Im teaching English because I am
a. TESL-trained
b. forced to do so
c. interested
7. Whenever something new that is related to the teaching of English is
introduced, I am
a. receptive
b. skeptical or resistant
c. non-committal

Characteristics of a stuck teacher (Katie Head and Pauline Taylor, 1997)
(You may add to the list)

stale, cynical
dwindling enthusiasm
lack of interest in students
finds work a grind
cruises through predictable routine
unwilling to take risks
hate their own lessons


getting older
does not respond to opportunities
drag on others
mean, complaining, resentful, bitter
projecting blame onto others
Ill only do what Im paid for
closed to friendships
poorly prepared
contagious discontent
us versus them
resentment at lack of promotion and low pay
resentment at bureaucracy

Stale, cynical
Finds work a grind

Fresh, hopeful
Finds work an adventure

Choose any 10 characteristics from the list above and substitute them for positive
ones. Two examples have been done for you.


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