Data and Signals

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Data and Signals

Winter 2010

VIT University-Vellore India

„ Topics:
• Analog and digital signal
• Bandwidth of a signal
• Transmission of digital signal
„ Baseband transmission
• Low-pass channel with wide bandwidth
• Low-pass channel with limited bandwidth
„ Broadband transmission
• Data rate limits
„ Noiseless Channel: Nyquist bit rate
„ Noisy Channel: Shannon capacity

• Performance
„ Bandwidth, throughput, delay
3.1 Analog and Digital
Figure 3.1 Comparison of analog and digital signals

3.2 Periodic Analog Signals
„ Sine Wave
A sine wave
• S(t) =A*sin(2πft + θ )
• Peak Amplitude (A)
• Period/Frequency (f)
• Phase (θ )
„ Examples
From Figure 3.2 of Data Communications
• S(t) = 5 sin(2π4000t + 0)
and Networking by Forouzan, 4th
• S(t) = 10sin(2π8000t + 0)
• S(t) = 5 sin(2π2000t + π/4)

3.2 Periodic Analog Signals (cont.)
„ Time and Frequency Domains
• Time Domain Plot
• Frequency Domain

3.2 Periodic Analog Signals (cont.)
„ Composite Signals
• A combination of many sine
waves with different
frequencies, amplitudes,
and phases
„ Fourier Analysis
s(t) = A1sin(2πf1 +θ1) +
A2sin(2πf2 +θ2) + From Figure 3.9 of Data
A3sin(2πf3 +θ3) + … Communications and Networking by
Forouzan, 4th

3.2 Periodic Analog Signals
„ For a periodic composite signal
• The decomposition gives a series of signals with
discrete frequencies
„ For a nonperiodic composite signal
• The decomposition gives a combination of sine
waves with continuous frequencies
„ Bandwidth of a composite signal
• The difference between the highest and the lowest
frequencies contained in that signal

Figure 3.10 Decomposition of a composite periodic signal in the time and
frequency domains

Figure 3.11 The time and frequency domains of a nonperiodic signal

Figure 3.12 The bandwidth of periodic and nonperiodic composite signals

Example 3.10

If a periodic signal is decomposed into five sine waves

with frequencies of 100, 300, 500, 700, and 900 Hz,
what is its bandwidth? Draw the spectrum, assuming
all components have a maximum amplitude of 10 V.

Example 3.11

A periodic signal has a bandwidth of 20 Hz. The

highest frequency is 60 Hz. What is the lowest
frequency? Draw the spectrum if the signal contains
all frequencies of the same amplitude.
3.3 Digital Signals

Two digital signals: one

with two signal levels
and the other with four
signal leve ɠ

From Figure 3.16 of Data

Communications and
Networking by Forouzan,

3.3 Digital Signals
In general, if a signal has L levels, each level needs log2L bits.

1) A digital signal has eight levels. How
many bits are needed per level? We
calculate the number of bits from the

2) A digital signal has nine levels. How

many bits are needed per level?
3.3 Digital Signals
„ Bit Rate – number of bits sent in 1s, bps
„ Digital Signal
• A composite signal having an infinite number
of frequencies or harmonics
• Bandwidth (∞)
• Periodic digital signal – discrete frequencies
• Nonperiodic digital signal – continuous

Example 3.19

A digitized voice channel, as we will see in Chapter 4,

is made by digitizing a 4-kHz bandwidth analog voice
signal. We need to sample the signal at twice the
highest frequency (two samples per hertz). We assume
that each sample requires 8 bits. What is the required
bit rate?

The time and frequency domains of periodic and nonperiodic digital signals

3.3 Digital Signals (cont.)

„ Transmission of Digital Signals

• A digital signal is a composite analog signal
with an infinite bandwidth.
• Baseband Transmission – low-pass channel

Bandwidths of two low-pass channels

Case 1: Low-Pass Channel with Wide Bandwidth

Baseband transmission of a digital signal that preserves the

shape of the digital signal is possible only if we have a low-pass
Channel with an infinite or very wide bandwidth.
• Example: dedicated links in LAN
Baseband transmission using a dedicated medium

Case 2: Low-Pass Channel with Limited Bandwidth
Rough approximation of a digital signal using the first harmonic
for worst case – Required bandwidth = N/2 – 0 = N/2

Simulating a digital signal with first three harmonics

In baseband transmission, the required bandwidth is
proportional to the bit rates; if we need to send bits
faster, we need more bandwidth.

Bandwidth Requirements

What is the required bandwidth of a low-pass
channel if we need to send 1 Mbps by using
baseband transmission?

The answer depends on the accuracy desired.
a. The minimum bandwidth, is B = bit rate /2, or
500 kHz.

b. A better solution is to use the first and the third

harmonics with B = 3 × 500 kHz = 1.5 MHz.

c. Still a better solution is to use the first, third,

and fifth harmonics with B = 5 × 500 kHz = 2.5

3.3 Digital Signals (cont.)
„ Transmission of Digital Signals
• Broadband Transmission (using modulation) – bandpass
• Bandpass channel – a channel with a bandwidth that
does not start from zero.
Bandwidth of a bandpass channel

3.3 Digital Signals (cont.)
„ Transmission of Digital Signals
• Broadband Transmission (using modulation) – bandpass
„ Bandpass channel is more available than a low-pass channel
„ Digital signal can not be directly sent by bandpass channel.
„ Digital signal needs to be changed to an analog signal before
transmission using bandpass channel - modulation.

Modulation of a digital signal for transmission on a bandpass channel


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