Lightining Protection
Lightining Protection
Lightining Protection
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I thank God who to us in giving force and will to
accomplish this modest work.
This stain will have been possible succeed under the support of
several persons to the which I express here every my recognition
and sympathy.
I thank to my picture framer Mr. T.M, to have run this plan for
this precious advice, who does not have hesitate to give advices
and especially his comments and his precious help.
My sincere gratitude to the jury members who were kind enough
to honour with their presence.
My gratitude also goes to all professors who taught me during
my university programme.
At the end I deeply let us thank all those who of meadows or
from a distance, contributed in either way to the realisation of
this project.
I dedicate this modest job to all persons
who are expensive to me, my two dear
parents for their support and their
Encouragement, my sisters Nad, and
my brother.
My best friends: Fati.
My group; kenza, Bilal, Amal, Zaki,
Meriem, Hala.
To all the family M and k .
Without forget all my friends.
And the first Promotion of LMD.
M. Atika
General introduction...08
*Chapter I:
The phenomenon of lightning
I.1. The stormy cloud .................................................................................... 10
I.2. Electrical field ......................................................................................... 11
I.3. Effect of point .......................................................................................... 12
I.4. Leader by bound ..................................................................................... 12
I.5. The origin of lightning............................................................................ 13
I.6. Different type of lightning...................................................................... 13
I.6.1. Intra Cloud .............................................................................. 14
I.6.2. Inter Cloud .............................................................................. 15
I.6.3. cloud-ground ........................................................................... 15
I.7. Main types of lightning strokes ............................................................. 15
I.7.1. The downward lightning stroke ............................................ 16
I.7.1. 1) The negative ................................................................... 16
I.7.1. 2) The positive .................................................................... 16
I.7.2. The upward lightning stroke ................................................. 17
I.7.2. 1) The negative ................................................................... 17
I.7.2. 2) The positive .................................................................... 17
I.8. Mechanisms of the lightning .................................................................. 18
I.9. Effects of the lightning............................................................................ 18
Chapter II
The risks of lightning
II.1. Artificial triggering of the lightning .................................................... 20
II.2. The Danger of the lightning ................................................................. 21
II.2.1. Keraunic level ........................................................................ 21
II.2.2 The density of striking by lightning ..................................... 22
II.2.3 Risks of the lightning ............................................................. 22
II.2.4 Damage of the lightning on the man .................................... 24
II.3 Prevention and detection of the lightning ............................................ 26
II.3.1 Lightning detector in the space meteorology centre....26
Chapter III
The protection against lightning
III.1. protection of the persons .................................................................... 30
III.2. protection of the installations electrical............................................. 30
III.2.1 The lightning rod with simple stem .................................... 30
III.2.2 the Faraday cage ................................................................... 31
III.2.3 The lightning rod with tense threads .................................. 32
III.2.4 the installation of lightning rod ........................................... 33
III.2.4 -1 The installation portrays ............................................. 33
III.2.4-2 Situation of Lightning rods .......................................... 33
III.2.4-3 The Mast......................................................................... 34
III.2.4-4 The descents ................................................................... 35
III.2.4-5 Earth plug ...................................................................... 35
A. Value ohmic earth plug...................................................... 35
B. equipotentiality ................................................................... 36
C. Look of visit......................................................................... 36
D. Improvement of earth plug................................................ 36
III.2.4-6 crow's foot ...................................................................... 36
III.2.4-7 pickets............................................................................. 37
III.2.4-8 Mixed .............................................................................. 38
III.2.5 lightning arrester .............................................................. 38
III.2.5.1 Lightning conductor medium tension (HTA) .............................. 39
A. Constitution.............................................................................. 39
B. Functioning principle .............................................................. 40
III.2.5.2 Lightning conductor of high voltage (HTB)................................. 42
A. Constitution.............................................................................. 42
B. Functioning principle .............................................................. 43
present so the electrical field and the effect of point, the formation of the stormy clouds and
various forms of lightning stroke. Then, a quick description of the characteristics of
discharges which occur between the cloud and the soil is followed by the presentation of the
mechanism of the lightning. Finally, we finish this first part by the effects of the lightning.
Our study of the lightning followed by the creation of this last in laboratory, and to explain
the principle of triggering artificial, and also to identify the prevention devices and to analyze
risks dregs has the lightning. And in the last part we present different methods and devices for
protection against the lightning in the whole of cases (person, installation electrical and
electronic, building), and just like that danger owed of this phenomenon was avoided.
With the approach of a stormy cloud, and under the influence of negatives charges
finding in the bottom of the cloud, the atmospheric electrical field on the soil habitually in the
order of the hundred of volts per metre per good weather is reversed and attained by stocks in
the order of 15 has 20 KV / m; the difference of potential between the cloud and the soil is
such as discharge is imminent. Negative sign results from the convention of sense chosen, for
the field on the soil: the field is negative when atmospheric electrical charges are negative.
As they move away from the point, the electrical field goes down. When he becomes
lower in 26 kV / cm, the energy of the electron becomes insufficient to continue the
phenomenon of avalanche: the avalanche stops and the leader stops during a length from 40 to
100 s. The charges of the leader are going to migrate under the influence of the electrical
field and the ionised channel becomes a point. A new avalanche of some dozens metres can
then develop at the end of the first one. The leader continues its path but not necessarily in the
same direction until the instant when the field will go back down once again below 26 kV /
cm. the field underneath 26 kV / cm. The same phenomenon will take place up to the
triggering of the lightning. That is why they say that the leader spreads by bound. This predischarge
The sense of training of the leader who develops between the cloud and the ground.
This leader creates a channel in which ionise the arch circles. According to the Origin
of the leader, the lightning strokes will be descending or ascending.
1-The negative downward lightning strokes, which is the most common, is initiated
by a negative leader spreading since the main negative charge towards the ground (fig.I.7-1).
At the end of course, the leader leads to the appearance of a return stroke to the positive cloud
and a transfer of negative charges to the ground. In the plains and low mountainous country, it
is estimated that more than 90 % of lightning strokes are of this type. [02]
3-The negative upward lightning stroke is initiated by the spread of a positive tracer
developing since the soil towards the negative cloud (fig.I.7-3). It is followed by an arch back
positive and by a transfer of negative load of the cloud towards the soil. This lightning stroke
is spread enough in High Mountain. [02]
4-The positive upward lightning stroke is initiated by the spread of a negative leader
developing since the soil towards the positive cloud (fig.I.7-4). It is followed by an arch back
negative and by a generally very important load transfer positive. This lightning stroke is also
rather rare. [02]
Mechanical Effect:
- When the current of the lightning circulates in parallel drivers, they cause the force of
attraction or of repulsion could lead to mechanical distortions and breaks.
- Degradation of material in a violent way as the straining dielectric by surge or by premature
ageing because of pressures of structures.
Electrical Effects:
- Come from very strong potentials caused by to two reasons.
- The circulation of the current of the lightning (1KA in 100KA); by far the most important.
- Surges by conduction: when a lightning stroke hits a power line, the electrical wave
propagates along the conductor, generating a very strong current in the additional power line,
who causes a surge in its turn. This phenomenon almost loads always a short circuit.
Electromagnetic Effects:
- The lightning generating of the electromagnetic waves a broad specter of frequency (KHZ in
MHZ) causes radio disruptive.
- The impact of lightning is accompanied with an electromagnetic radiance, if this last attains
a conductor (a power line for example), the electromagnetic flux is generative of tensions
induced high.
difference between two electrodes attains some threshold, a flash of lightning forms between
them. But until now, it was not possible for the scientists neither to envisage, nor to decide on
the trajectory borrowed by the flash of lightning.
The first discharge is between the electrodes, without laser (fig.II.2-B). We noticed
that the track is not straight. The lightning spreads here, as in the natural state, borrowing a
random ionised path: it can leave any place of the cloud and can touch any point of the Earth.
The second is the same experience with a guidance laser (fig.II.2-A).
translated by a rise in tension of the local earth. This one can attain very high values close to
an impact of lightning, 300.000 volts for a current of lightning of 30.000 In and resistance of
10 ohm soil (Ohm law). The electrocution by step tension, which is rather frequent, is one of
the consequences of the elevation of the potential of the earth: when the lightning touches the
soil, a current wave spreads in surface and beams all around the point of impact (as when you
throw a stone into a water expanse, a kind of phenomenon of waves) on distance which can be
relatively important. If a person or an animal in contact with the soil is close to impact, it is
the striking by lightning by tension of step that explains the massive electrocution of the stock
in fields that is why we should be strongly dissuaded to run or to walk to big strides by time
of storm.
Moreover the surges of lightning on networks are create by the direct striking by
lightning of a power line or telephone, by electromagnetic radiance or by rise in potential of
the local earth (of current return by the soil).
To finish there are other risks of the lightning, less known but also dangerous, as
electromagnetic radiance produces by the lightning channel and which acts on apparatus
containing electronic components. It is therefore possible to sum up material damage caused
by to the lightning in several points:
- Fires and resultant accidents of defects in the earth or of contacts between high and low
- Surges by conduction, by induction or by elevation of the potential of earth produce
- Lightning current leads on one hand to a tension of common mode (U = R I+ L dI/dt) and an
electromagnetic field of an exceptional intensity. He follows the generation of very powerful
parasitic electrical impulses, which indeed are to degrade sensitive electronic equipments
(television sets, computers, etc.) even if the flash of lightning is moved away. If the flash of
lightning is closer, the parasite can also destroy more resistant equipments (lamps, engines,
- Destruction of buildings and of equipments by fires or explosions.
- Accidents linked to the manipulation of flammable products.
- Deterioration of electronic components and other elements.
- Dysfunction of automatic machines and computer equipment.
- Premature ageing of the electronic components (but also insulating materials etc).
- Break of production chain in industrial middle, or computer and all that can with a
production loss due to the deflagration of the equipment.
kind, as one or several electrical arches are going inevitably to occur between the rocker panel
and the soil, these arches that can in a small number of cases draw away the fire of the vehicle
(burning of tyres, explosion by piercing the fuel tank). It is therefore necessary to pull down
the aerial of the car radio to avoid that these rare cases occur. However, a convertible vehicle
or composite material as a caravan or a camper gives no protection against direct striking by
Danger and damage of the lightning on the man, as on his environment or his daily,
are therefore real, but the lightning can be envisaged, so that this one could get ready for not
have to make for the lightning, whatever ways it is.
Fig.II.6: Meteorology
The benefit of decibel isotropic defines the angle of radiance of the aerial (therefore
defines the angle of vision of the aerial). The more this benefit is high, the more the radiance
angle is small, and therefore more the location of electrical discharges will be definite.
Consequently the parabolic antenna is more subject to physical and mechanical
disturbances; a parabolic antenna is a good choice to locate in a cloud, an intense
electrification that lets to provide the lightning. However, its not a good choice for short
distance (<2km).
It is therefore possible to conclude from it that the more the directional antennas
have a benefit of dBi raised, the more the lightning will be able to be precisely located. To
locate it we will thus use of parabolic antennas, but to locate a storm, it will be the directional
antennas of types Yagi that will be preferable to use as well than the satellite.
Fig.III.8: The directional antennas.
only 5 - 10 minutes, what is rather long for some users who need to know the location of the
lightning times by minute. The satellite is therefore suitable rather for prevention
They have therefore the satellites METEOSAT which were to the number of 5 in the
seventies, and are now no more than 3 (Mtosat 5 who notices India, Mtosat 6 and 7
notices Europe, in case or one two would break down) and are aimed at being geostationary
(they keep the same position in comparison with the Earth) and allow so the continuous
observation of a definite zone of the globe.
The satellite is therefore an additional advantage in lightning detection, because he
allows to prevent storms and therefore to orientate then the directional aerials. However these
satellites also spot thanks to their many sensors, the luminous flashes caused by to flashes of
lightning and therefore can locate the location of the lightning thanks to degrees of latitude
and degrees of longitude, by paying however attention to the parallax introduces leaving
towards poles. (The parallax is the impact of the change of position of the observer on the
observation of an object.)
We can therefore to conclude that different means to detecting the lightning exist,
and are more or less effective. These means of detection are often centred on the detection of
important electrical discharges, as well as of electromagnetism. They allow so to determine
the location of an imminent lightning or who is under way, and also to tell the individuals by
various ways (Internet, television, daily newspapers etc.)
The risk of striking by lightning of a person can spread to her neighbours by a spark
crossing spacing out between persons too much brought closer: this phenomenon is called
"lateral flash of lightning ".
You should not forget that, in relation to natural phenomena, each has duty to notice
a level of security rather excessive than limits, and that, by time of storm, it is sometimes
reasonable to come back at home and to prepare candles and lamps storm!
This technology is very used to protect stores of munitions and in general when it is
not possible to use the structure of the building as drivers' support that flows lightning
currents in the earth.
This value must be measured on the earth plug isolated from quite other conductive
nature element.
If 10 ohm value is not attained, we consider the earth plug to conform if it is
constituted of at least 100 m of drivers or of electrodes, every element not exceeding 20 m.
B. Equipotentiality: [5]
Norms impose in equipotentiality of lightning rods earths plugs with the existent
earth plugs of protected structures, and the metallic doorframes of windows and of doors with
distance of lower separations in 1 m,
of spark gaps; variable resistor will limit the current of discharge and to make easier one the
redemption of the arch.
The whole is placed in sealed envelope insulation full of a dry gas (air or
nitrogen). Waterproof quality is primordial to avoid the corrosion of spark gaps, the bypasses
of the active part and the modification of characteristics. By subdividing the interval of
priming into several elementary spark gaps, they stabilise the characteristics of priming of the
lightning conductor.
Fig.III.8: Lightning arrester HTA in the silicon carbide and in spark gaps.
Spark gaps are constituted of brass discs smashed up, piled and separated by small
ceramic insulating rooms.
Fig.III.9: Lightning conductor HTA in the silicon carbide and in spark gaps.
After the passage of the current of discharge, the lightning arrester remains driver,
but the tension in its bounds diminishes and favour the non-linear resistors are decreasing
rapidly the current that can be easily interrupted by the gaps in its first zero crossing. So,
surge is levelled without causing, neither artificial defect, nor cut wave, since the presence of
serial resistor with spark gaps avoids the collapse of tension after priming.
Fig.III.10: Lightning conductor HTB in the silicon carbide and in spark gaps.
Spark gaps to magnetic blowing use to diminish the residual tension nominal of
discharge. Arches are stretched in the ceramic room under the influence of a magnetic field
created by an induction coil covered by the current crossing the lightning arrester. The fluted
profile of the ceramic room favours the lengthening of the arch. So, arch tension being
augmented, the lightning arrester deactivates before passage by zero of the service tension,
limiting energy so to be dispelled by resistor non-linear and making easier the deionisation of
air in the ceramic rooms.
In this study of "protection against the lightning", we conclude that the man cannot control
this phenomenon, and it is not possible to know the time and the place of effectiveness of this
lightning stroke, consequences of the lightning are not a fate and modern researches allowed
to include physical phenomena and these effects.
Weve presented already cite protection methods. it is not mysterious or magical and can be
concluded in only respecting the elementary rules of the installation and uses.
What has just been said concerns the traditional conception of the protection of buildings and
of edifices by lightning rod or faraday cage, which has as function to avoid damage by direct
lightning strokes, and that it was necessary to indicate by external protection .
But today, there is a very net tendency to stress, at the same time, the needs necessity to install
an internal protection. Who protected electrical equipment, computer science, broadcasting,
and telecommunications pervades against lightning strokes indirect, and all domains of the
human activities, like industry, trade. The development speeded up by these techniques,
equipment of which has an extreme vulnerability with the effects of the lightning.
The equipotentiel is the guarantee of the good functioning of the modern electronic systems.
Other many installations had since been protected by these methods and results are surprising
so much got effectiveness is very good.
Of course, the lightning being an impulsionnal phenomenon, no protection system will be able
to guarantee a complete protection.