Causes, Detection and Prevention
It costs the oil industry between $200 and $500 million each year, occurs in 15% of wells, and in many cases
is preventable. Stuck pipe remains a major headache that demands and is getting industry-wide attention.
Louise Bailey
Tim Jones
Cambridge, England
Jim Belaskie
Jacques Orban
Mike Sheppard
Sugar Land, Texas, USA
Otto Houwen
Start Jardine
Dominic MeCann
‘Montrouge, France
Torhelp preparation oti anid anise
rte Bush Fevelum (8 suck pe wk res
‘asi ond fe cab of TOTAL nes’ Balipapan
ed Steve Davis, Pal Hamvond Gey
elf Shere Sblamiege abr
ese, canbe, El
‘The following fictionalized conversation
describes events that aclvally occurred on a
tig driting ofshore inthe Gulf of Mexico. It
is noon on a Monday and drilling is at 3470
feet. The mud logger has just jotned the
‘riler on the rig floor,
October 1991
Mud Logger: We've drilled shee feet
into a break, Better pick up and check
{for flow
Driller: One flow check coming up.
‘Atlow check tells whether a kick isin
Progress. This is routinely performed after @
‘riling break, a sudden inerease in penet
tion rate, usually indicative of permeable for-
‘mation. The mud jogger returns to his unit, A
shatt time later, the driller phones.
Dritlor: We've slus down for five mine
utes and there hasn't been any flow:
We're going back to drilling
Mud Logs
Before recommencing diling, the driller
picks up a lite to work the plpe—and then
calls the toolpusher.
Driller: The hook load shot way up
when I picked up after the flow check
We must have had 100 kb of overpull
for a couple of seconds there,
Toolpusher: How does it look now?
Driller: Everything fine.
Toolpusher: Keep an eve on it'll go
talk to the company man.
BFitleen minutes later, the measurement-
hile-diling (MWD) engineer appears on
the drill floor.
MWD Engineer: Did you notice the
overpull when you picked up?
Driller: Sure did. It was over 100 Alb.
What are we drilling down there?
MWD Engineer: The gamma ray shows
a clean sand, and it looks like there
night be something in it too.
Thirty minutes late, inthe mud logging unit:
Mud Logger: How's the nd doing?
Mud Engineer: Lousy. The nud cleaner
and desander take urns breaking down.
The company man is upset about the
high water loss, and the nuid weight
keeps increasing. I'm stuck between a
rock and a hard place
Mud Logger / Det the mudstone we
arilled earlier is feeding the mud sys-
tem. That suff was soft—it practically
dissolved in water.
Mud Engineer: That must be it. The
aril solids are steadily increasing. It
inust be coming from the open hole
High water loss and increasing dil solids
produce thick, sof mudcake, a primary cause
of eitferential sticking. Fifteen minutes later,
atthe mud pits
Company Man: When are we going to
reduce this water loss?
Mud Engineer: I'm trying everything 1
know, but the mud cleaner is down and
that mudstone we drilled is putting a
lot of solids into the system. We need to
get it fixed and the desander needs
work too.
Company Man: Tlie rental company
says they won't have a man out for
another day at the earliest. We'll just
have to make do, at least until the crew
‘change tomorrow morning.
(One hour later, inthe company man's office:
MWD Engineer: Pore pressure is still
«at 87 ppg. Is there any reason the mud
weight has been increased to 94 ppg?
Company Man: Yeah, we can't keep
the sols control equipment running
The weight is creeping up
MWD Engineer: Hien we shut down
{for the flow check in that sand, we had
100-Kib overpull. We could be gesting
some differential sticking.
Company Man: Maybe you're right
Filcall the dill floor and have them
keep the pipe maving. Let me know
when we get out ofthe sand.
‘The next morning, the mud cleaning equip-
‘meat i stil malfunctioning, but drilling pro-
ceeds. Meanwhile a helicopter arrives with a
‘new company man.
Arriving Company Manz ITow's every-
thing going?
Leaving Company Man: Pretty good.
But yesterday, we had a 100-klb over-
ull after a flow check. We haven't seen
anything since.
Arriving Company Man: What do you
think it was?
Leaving Company Man: / think if was
differential, We'd been having problems
with the mud cleaners. Everything is in
the reports. I'd better get going, the heli-
copter's waiting. See you in two weeks.
Arriving Company Man: Have a good
time off.
Later that evening, total depth (TO) is reached.
The driller cals the new company man.
Driltor: We just reached TD and are
going to pull out. You want me to rotate
when breaking connections?
Company Man: No, let's not waste any
time, We've gota long logging pro
gram and we're behind schedule
Driller: OK.
Oilfield ReviewThey pall five stands and then cannot raise
the pipe aera connection. The bottombhole
assembly (BH) happens to be opposite the
Sand where the dling break occu and
has became diferentally stick pressured
against the permeable sand so hard that no
force on earth can move it. Iisa dille’s
nightmare that is less common than ten
years ago, but till common enoukh. In most
cases, petting stuck is preventable and the
main reason it happens i that warming signs
come sporadically over days or even weeks,
This pipe got stuck because warning signs
\wete poorly communicated and eventually
forgotten. If the mud cleaning equipment
had been working if the pipe had been kept
moving while pulling out, ithe ig had had
the advantage of the latest information ss
tem technology, then perhaps the incident
‘would have been averted. Poor commun
«ation i often the main culprit ehind stuck
pipe, with the many players—itom com:
pany man to shaker hand—not pooling their
observations and fling o arrive at a cllec-
tive decision atthe right moment.
The industy’ interest in stuck pipe is cure
rently going through a renaissance. Several
operators are making determined effonts to
codify the warning signs and to improve
communication—not just for thei own
alles, but for all on-site dling and service
company personnel. Meanwhile, beter
Sensors an information systems ae prove
ing sigefloor “Smart” alarms to help the diler
recognize wouble before it gts out of hand.
‘The causes of stuck pipe have been
known since drilling began (next page)
Broadly, they re divided among derential
sticking, formation-related sticking and
mechanical sticking." Diferential sticking
‘occurs in permeable zones wien dil cok
lars, drillpipe or casing get embedded in
rmudeake and pinned to the borehole wall
by the difrence between the muds hydro-
static pressure and a lower formation pres
sure, Formation-related sticking occurs
\when unstable formation constrict the dil
string. This includes unconsolidated rock,
swelling shale, flowing formations such as
salt and plastic shale, and geopresured for
mations. Mechanical sticking covers numet-
‘ous causes such as key seating-—in which a
joove cut in the borehole wall by dillpipe
October 1995
(Cross section ofc dill collar (etl) embedded in mudcake and
pinned fo the borehole by the differential pressure betweon
‘mud and formation, The pinning force is ihe pressure difference
fimes the contact aroa between ail collar and muceake.
‘According the Coulomb fiction model, the overpull required to
‘ree the drstring is the pining force times the friction factor,
which is generally 0.3 0.0.4.
1 the dillistring remains stationaxy for any reason, more mud
‘cake can build up, increasing the contact area and making the
dillistring harder to tree.
traps the larger-diameter hardware when
tripping out—accumulation of cuttings due
to poor hole cleaning, undergauge hole,
doglegs, junk, collapsed casing, and fray-
mented cement.
The causes of sticking are more numerous
than can be listed here, and itis a mistake to
think that only one cause may be acting
Pipe stuck because of swelling shale may
sooner of later also get stuck differentially at
another point inthe well. One of the results
Of the industry's current attention is a better
understanding of the events leading up to
stuck pipe and their interpretation in terms
of the causes of sticking. Knowing the
causes is essential for taking correct reme-
dial action,
Dilferentil sticking
Research into dferentaly stuck pipe stared
in the 1950s. Simplisticaly, the pressure di
{erential between the mucl and formation
ppushes the dil collars and dillpipe against
the borehole wall, and the friction force
required to move the siving—the pinning
force multiplied by a coefficient of tric
tion—becomes too great for the rig draw=
‘works to pull the pipe free (above). In the
simplistic picture, pinning force equals the
pressure differential multiplied by the con-
tact area between dril collar and borehole
(cominvedon page 18)
inthis ari SPN ickrg Pipe nding wa matof
‘nail MOS erate Seo Fore
1. Mechanical skin omens ent 0
‘cide mata ig
2. Oumans H:* Mechanics of DifetetilPesre
‘Sct of Dn Calls." pevoleum Hansicons,
‘AEDS (19585 268:274
fon Marl Monaghan PH: “Dierenta Pres
Sickng Laboratory Stuties of Freon Berwcen Sal
and Mu Fie Cae," founof of Peelcun Techno!
‘ay 4 19025 337533.
15Cree ers
Uneonsoldated for:
mations such 6s
loosely compacted
‘sands and gravais
‘an collapsa into tho
wokbore forming @
bridge around the
Fiactired/Fauited formation
Formation that ie
paturally fissured
lornear a fault 2008
may break off in
lees ino te bore
Foland am tho
i 4 ilsting. Feces
an vay rom smal
Upto boulder sizo.
Formations that
commonly race
S S| sta carbenales
and shales.
Reactive formations
Carian mantmo:
lone and bentonite
shales hydrate and
‘wal on contact with
Water-base mud, fil: i
Ing the borehole
‘and creating clay
bal that oan block
the wellbore and
onsite the d
sting, Treating the
ud ith KCI and
polymer can arest
hydration. Oltbase
mud inhibits the pro
6s completoy.
Mobile formations Geopressured
Formations ike eat
‘and plastlc shales It.
erally flow iio the ce
welbore wren
recitsinng strosses | aa
fare removed jam: =
ining the dilstring
SFIS overpressurea
°F = | formations can siow
a = | apart when pene-
trated by the dl bt,
flung the borohote
wn rock particles
thatean slick the
Oilfield Revieway CT
Poor hole Cleaning
Key seating
Koy coats, grooves in
the borehole wall ut
by rotating dillpipe,
‘lk larger diameter
collars and othor
hharanare wnen tip
ping out A key seat
ream placed higher
in the eting can opon
‘tho kay sat, allowing
{ passage of cols
October 1991
Poor hole cleaning
results in overloading
the annulus vith cut
tings, potently stick:
ing the alsin.
‘Thesis most kel in
\Waehouis where ann:
Tar volocty decreases:
‘and cutngs accumu:
lato In doviated wale,
‘utings form beds on
the lon side ofthe hole
fandcan migrate uphole
Ike shifting sand dunes,
casing colapse pres
9, such as whon
+ casings too
light uty
‘casing is old
+ casings landed
vith t90 much ton:
son, redulng i
collapse rating:
Junk is eny object in
te ole not meant
lobe thera, Roller
‘cones or aven a POC
cutter aro large
‘enough fo sick the
‘sing, Once tho
isting becomes
‘ished wih a revorse-
‘euatlon junk bas-
kot or magnets,
Céilapeed easing i
Collapsed easing
cours when forma:
tion forces excond
sticking oocurs when
blocks of coment fall
ino the wellboro
from casing ratholes
forcement plugs,
Jamming crilstring. It \fatorial complied by the BP stuck pipe task force:
also occurs when
sillsiing becomes
planted in soft or
*oreen’ cement that
flash sets when
pressure Is epalod
Diferental ticking
‘curs opposite por.
‘meabie formations
‘when dill collars got
‘embedded in thick
‘mudeake and are
pinned to the bore-
“hole wall by the eit
{erential pressure
between mud and
formation.wall, an area that inereases with mudeake
thickness and length of BHA in contact with
the formation,
According to this picture, preventing dl
ferential sticking depends on, among other
things, careful mud design and condltion-
ing. The mud must not be too heavy
because that increases hydrostatic head and
differential pressure. A recent survey by
CChevton USA Inc. indicates the increasing
probability of differential sticking with pres-
sure and suggests @ maximum of 2000 psi,
although this obviously is subject to local
conditions (below). The mud must also
hhave good fluid loss properties to prevent
excessive mudeake buildup. And the solids
‘control equipment must be functioning cor-
rectly to prevent solids ancl cuttings from
remaining in the mud and possibly accret-
ing o the cake, building it up further.
Other preventive measures include
always keeping the string in motion, partic-
larly when adding pipe while drilling, the
‘Stuck pipe probabilty, %
Differential pressure, psi
1809 2000 2500 3000
Probability of diferenta! sticking versus
differential pressure, established from
‘analysis of 600 well histortes in the Gut of
Mexico. An ‘accoptablo" probability of
20% is achieved if diiferential pressure
ever exceeds 2000 pa, (From Weailey,
reference 3)
[three ways mudeake can be removed,
diminishing the probability of differential
sticking, While dling, the rotating pipe
‘wears ono sido of tho borehole re
the cake, During a wiper tip, the stabiiz-
‘es and hit remove a leage portion of tho
‘cake, Reaming does the best job of remov-
{ng cake, but ft takes the most time,
‘most likely moment for differential ticking
Wiper trips and teaming also help because
they remove parts of the mudcake (above).
Top dives, which permit rotation while ras
ing pipe, contribute to decreasing the
chances of getting stuck.
Preventive measures, though, must begin
in the planning stages. The first step is
selecting casing points. These are usually
picked so that in each openhole section
mud weight lies between a lower limit,
below which the mud would no longer
‘counterbalance pore pressure, and an upper
limit, above which the mud would fracture
‘or damage the formation causing lost circu.
lation. fa maximum dliferential pressure is
imposed to reduce the chances of clfferen:
lial sticking, for example opposite perme-
able depleted formations, the upper limit
may have to be reduced and an additional
‘casing point may be necessary. The extra
cost of adding a casing string, however,
must be weighed against the alternative of
simply recucing mud weight and hoping the
‘well will not kick—stuck pipe could be less
expensive than a blowout.
Further well planning is necessary for
doviated wells. The well trajectory should
be designed to minimize drag. Use of stee-
able assemblies without rotation to steer the
hole should be minimized—rotary drilling
produces fewer doglegs.
A second planning step is careful BHA
design —it is the large diameter dil collars
that usualy get stuck. The tend toward sim
pler BHAs, with only as many collars a are
strictly necessary has dane much to reduce
the incidence of sticking. Further reductions
have resulted from using spiral collars
Which present less surface are tothe bore
hole wall, and stabilizers every second or
third join that keep the entre BHA away
from the borehole wall
Athitd way to avoid diferent sticking is
to use MWD measurements to provide a
Continvous record of direction and inclna-
tion. Obtaining these data the traditional
way, by lowering instruments down the
Alpine, keeps the dilsting stationary for
Lp 10 30 minutes, time enough to get uly
stuck. Fourth, spoting lids circulated to
free diferentally stuck pipe should be pre
mixed and available at all times.
‘Advances in preventing diferent stick-
ing curently rely on further research into
the sticking mechanism better understand
ing and codification of the telltale signs that
precede sticking, improved monitoring of
Fig data through drilling information and
alarm systems to detect those sign, and,
‘most important ofall, training of rig floor
personnel that emphasizes the importance
of communication
Researchers seck answers to the most
basic questions. What exactly isthe sticking
mechanism? sit the Coulomb tition force
mentioned above, or is sticking not assoc
ated with the borehole wall but entirely
with the mudicake? Perhaps the force
needed t0 fee the BHA must simply over:
come the yield stess of the cake. Pursuing
this line of thought researchers are invest
tating in detail the properties of muccakes
next page, below leds
‘Ata larger scale, several groups of exper-
menters have bull wellbore simulators that
offer insight into the friction forces that
develop while diling oF sticking. None,
though, has satisfactorily determined what
factors contribute to the suddenness ox
intensity of the sticking pipe phenomenon 5
One more enigma for researchers is why
spoating fluids ae often successful at freeing
pipe. Does the diesel-base fluid inflate
Oiled Review‘Flow atagram for dlagnosing the causo of stuck pipe when encountering overpull after moving pipe trom a static position—for
example, after making or breaking connections during dilling, tripping or reaming.
‘This and other similar charts were compiled by the BP stuck pipe task force. Prevention of stuck pipe depends on speedily answer-
ing each query as it arises. This is being facilitated by increasingly sophisticated data provided by now MWD tools and better datr
analysis and alarms provided by computerized rig instrumentation. (Couresy of BP Fxplerotion)
Distance trom titer paper, mm
berger Cambridge Research, Cambridge,
England mudcake was developed in
{tration cell over three time periods—1
‘hour, 4 hours and 24 hours—and then dis.
‘ected to determine cake vold ratio vorsus
{stance from the iter paper. The void
1atio varies dramatically. The cake is
‘dense and nonporous adjacent fo the tl.
{er paper and increasingly porous away
irom ft Given enough time (sae the 24-
>hour data), the outer surface of the cake
‘achieves @ uniform vold ratio. Researchers
‘are analyzing the implications of this and
thor results for differential sticking.
(rom Sherwood et al. Journal of Chemical
Sosiety Favaly Tiemsactions, reference 4.)
October 1997
and destroy the cake? Or does it lubricate
the drillstrng, allowing more pulling force
to reach the stuck BHA? If scientists can
answer these questions, better methods for
fteeing stuck pipe may become available.
‘Meanwhile, the emphasis is on preven-
on. And thal means watching the warning
signs andl knowing what combination of cir-
‘cumstances presages a stuck pipe incident
(One of the aids produced by a recent BP
stuck pipe task force isa flow diagram for
each deilling operation—deilling, making
connections, tipping in and out, reaming in
and out, circulating and running casing, The
diagrams show how events accumulate 10
make sticking increasingly probable. Dif
ferential sticking usually occurs when mov-
ing from a static postion. The relevant flow
diagram leads inexorably through the
events, queries and answers that culminate
in stuck pipe (above):
* Does drag increase when moving string
from static position? Yes.
‘Is circulation restricted? No,
‘+ Ate permeable formations exposed? Yes.
+ Can dillsting be moved? No!
The BP chart not only forewams of impend-
ing disaster, but also suggests what type of
slicking should be expected. For example,
if, alter moving pipe from a static position,
Circulation had been restricted, we are led
‘o the left part ofthe diagram toward forma-
‘Wake RRs Use of tuck Pipe Sate Ree
the Occumence of Sek Pp” paper SPE 2070,
“ied atthe th SPC Anal ec Caneenee
[nf shin, New Oras, Leisng,USA
Scptembe 2326 1990.
Newhoue CC: “Succes Dalling Severely
Depleted Sands paper PEAADIC 21913, presented
he 991 SPCiADC Dali Coren, Arse
‘dame The Nee Mate He, 15.
Sheen ID, Mete CH, Far CA and Alera
sConcenton Pot Win Novo Wa
Sees” uma of Cams Sac ad ame
tars 9 61318,
Alder N Mate GH at Shenson
Reormary of bert Cal” urn No Neto
on Fu stechancr 391990 291-10
‘heron JD, Metan GH, Fae CA ard Aleman
NNe"Squccr'n Romy o Now uterm Mo
‘ake ral of Ne Neteian Fad Mecanis
Spusen sits
‘Couns ae Zur “A New Approach Di
fel Schr” paper SPE 1424, pesersed tthe
[anSPE Anal chal Confrence sd Eb
ton, as Vegas Nevada, USA, Soper 22.25,
Quigley Ms, Onalowsi AX and Zamora Me“ Ful
‘Ste Wehr ton Serle” paper ADCPE
19858 priser a a IAD Dlg Cw
erence Ht, Tes USA, Febuary 27-Mah 2,
dey WV, Jarman, Fost RS, Wood RD, Schofield
Te Aufl ond Cotkng "Task Force
Aeproac a Reducing Suck Pip Coss” paper
SSPEIADC 71995, preside 1991 SPEAADC
Dll Coference Anstdam, The Neerland,
veh To, 199
“Flaw Chats cp Preven Sock Pipe Problems,” Oi
Gas a9 no 13 Apa 1, 1991 61
“Team ir tera in Coating Suck ge," OF
‘8x 89 9.13 pe 15-991: 3955
sed inhole
ious tit
(Cana Ba VotateaTreg™
1A more complex dlagnostic low dlagram for tripping out. (Courtesy ct BP Expleation )
20 Oilfield Reviewtion-telated sticking. A more complex chart
provides an analysis of what may happen
while tipping out (previous page). Possible
sticking mechanisms include formation.
related problems, key seating, cement
relate problems, junk andl wellbore geomet
Shale Sticking
Differential sticking accounts for more than
70% of stuck pipe in areas where wells are
drilled through depleted, highly permeable
sands asin the Gulf of Mexico. But in other
areas, such as the North Sea, where opera
tors are obliged to drill through unstable Ter
tiary shales to reach pay, shale-related stick
ing claims a similarly high percentage.
In the presence of water-base mud, shales
frequently swell—particularly those contain
ing abundant montmorillonite—constitin
the borehole and finally gripping the dei
string. Others slough off small particles that
{ill the borehole and risk packing off the
BHA or bit. Drillers are awate of shale-
related drilling problems if they have
encountered them in nearby wells, and they
have several methods of dealing with them,
The simplest is to weight up the mud,
although this does not necessaily halt the
chemical reactions berween mud ancl shale
that are responsible for shale’s instability
The simplest method of contiolling chem
ically active shale is to use oil-base mud, a
solution that transformed exploitation in the
Noxth Sea, By containing its water phase in
small eil droples, oib-base mud eliminates
contact between the water and the forma:
tion, ensuring that the shale remains stable.
In a wellbore simulator at Schlumberger
‘Cambridge Research, Cambridge, England,
oik-base mud was flowed through a one-
inch borehole drilled in a block of Pierre
shale—a highly unstable rock obtained from
‘a near-surface site in Colorado, USA con:
taining 30% clay, of which a third is mont
‘morillonte. In the simulator, overburden,
confining and mud pressures can be inde-
pendently maintained up to 30 megaPascals
(MPa) [4350 psil (top, ight). Throughout the
experiment, the borehole remained on
gauge and relatively smooth, indicating that
asin real life, oi-base mud eliminates shale-
related sticking problems (right)?
As environmental restrictions tighten,
though, the toxicity of oil-base mud has
October 1991
‘Mud prassure contol
Contning pressure
‘Shale sample
Mud reservoir
Sampling valve
‘Schematic of borehole simulator deve!-
‘pod at Schlumberger Cambridge Resoarch,
‘This siraulates mud clreulation through a
IVinch borehole drilled in a rock sample
‘measuring 6 inches in diameter and 8
Inches high. The thin mandrol inside the
Borehole carries a caliper that can mea.
sure the borehole during circulation,
Sliced view of a bored core of unstable.
Plone shale that hes boon circulated with
‘ll-base miid in the borehole simulator at
‘Schlumberger Cambridge Research, Bore-
hole diameter is one inch
The borehole wall is mainly smooth,
Indicating the lack of interaction between
{crmation andl mud. The somotimes
ragged fabric atthe face occurs when the
‘core is sliced.
thrown its future into question. This is
spurting inereased research on muds made
with vegetable rather than petroleum oil oF
with polymers synthesized from petrochem-
Tcals. The latter, however, may be just as
toxic as conventional oil-base mud. That
leaves water-base mud.
The water-base solution for fighting unruly
shales is generally a mix of potassium chlo-
ride (KCI) and polymer. The role of the
polymer is poorly understood. Current joint
research at Schlumberger Cambridge
Research and Institut Francais du Pétrole,
Rucil-Malmaison, France suggests that it
plays no role in arresting the chemical reac:
tions that occurs when shale meets water.
Rather, its rofe is to prevent dispersion by
physically encapsulating clay particles as
the shale swells and disintegrates
The role of KCI is better understood. The
common denominator between mud and
shale is water activity, a measure ofthe abil-
ity of water molecules to escape from a sub-
stance. By definition, pure water has a water
activity of 1. Anything that gives up water
‘vapor less easily, and shales usually fit this
category, has an activity less than 1. When
‘avo substances are in contact, an equalizing
7s Anaterwelvorsinulator wel ein
‘eae prcblons deci
‘Simp Det Hand Salsbury OP: “Down
ole Smuiten Cal hows Uneageted ec
Shae ration on Boek Wl paper IADCAPE
17202, esr the 1568 (ADCS ling Con
ata, Tee, USA, Febrsry 26 anh
21process takes place in which the substance
with the higher water activity loses water
molecules to the substance with the lower
activity, Thus, water-base mud tends to lose
‘water to shales. In absorbing water, shales
swell or break up.
“To prevent this, a water activity balance
must be achieved by 1) reducing water
activity of the mud and/or 2) increasing
activity of the shale. Mixing sats like KCl,
sodium chloride (NaCl) or calcium chloride
(CaCI, into the mud achieves the first goal,
with KCI providing the least reduction and
aC, providing the most. The second goal
may be achieved when mud contacts the
shale and the salt enters the shale with the
absorbed water. As this occurs, the salt
‘cation—potassium, sodium or calcium—
replaces the original cations in the shale,
which are predominantly sodium. Labora
tory measurements have shown that if cal
cium replaces sodium, the shale activity
decreases—a step in the wrong direction
Sodium cations replacing sodium-rich shale
give practically no change, which does not
help. But when potassium replaces sodium,
activity increases, Thus KCI mud achieves
the dual goal of decreasing mud activity and
increasing shale activity.
Several laboratory techniques are rou
tinely used to measure the activity of shales,
shale swelling and the effectiveness of mud
formulations in stabilizing shales® A simple
relative humidity meter measures activity
Swelling is measured by compressing @
paste of shale into a receptacle with a pis
ton, exposing one end of the paste to the
mud, and then measuring the outward dis:
placement of the piston versus time once
the compression pressure has been released.
The failure or success ofa particular mud! in
controlling shale dispersion is determined in
a hot rolling oven. Small particles of shale
fre weighed, then placed with the mud in
\stect of water-base muds on the Pierre shale, A KCI mud with activity balancing the
‘shale's ol) produces a relatively smooth borehole wall. An unbalanced mud stimu-
Iates considerable hydration cid creates a rough wall (ight). In the wellbore, shale
[patticles would have fallen on the BHA and bil, possibly packing them off
closed containers. The containers are rolled
gently overnight in an oven, to enhance the
‘mud:shale interaction at downhole temper-
ature conditions. The next morning, the
resulting soup is sieved to retrieve remain-
ing particles, which are then dried and
‘weighed, The goal is to have minimum loss
‘of shale into the mud. A good inhibitive
KCl-polymer mud will typically preserve 95
to 100% of the original shale, Using larger
equipment such as the Schlumberger Cam:
bridge Research small wellbore simulator,
the effect of incorrect mud formulations can
be directly observed; the results are often
frightening (above)
‘Measuring shale activity in situ is a uch
harder challenge. Currently, the only hope is
from geochemical logging measurements
that can be interpreted to provide a sophist
cated mineralogical analysis of the forma:
tion. Ifthe activities of each mineral compo-
rent are known, the analysis may then
provide an estimate of formation activity.
Logs either come aftr the well is drilled and
the risk of sticking has passed, or from
nearby wells. Ideally, the same technique
would be used in realtime with MWD data
Current MWD technology, however, fails to
provide the
essary range of geochemical
Realtime Prevention
In other ways, MWD technology provides
valuable data for preventing stuck pipe in
real time. In the driling mode, MWD mea-
surements of downhole weight-on-bit and
downhole torque can be compared with
surface hook load and torque. Using a
‘model of the well trajectory, also deter
‘mined from MWD measurements, the com-
parison permits an estimate of pipe friction
‘versus depth that can provide early warning
of sticking.® Anadrill’s SPIN sticking pipe
indicator works on this principle and pro-
vides both drag and rotaing fiction factors
(next page)
‘A recently introduced MWD wellbore
caliper measurement provides another indi
cation of sticking by directly showing how
mobile formations and unstable shales affect
‘wellbore diameter (page 24). The evolu:
tion of wellbore diameter can be monitored
during each trip in and out ofthe hole. This
new sensor promises easy identification of
key seats.
Pipe friction in the tripping mode is one
it ofa trip monitoring program recently
Oilfield ReviewGanmarey | Surface Surlazs | Drag eon
countsisec | weight,kib | § torque, kit | factor, %
10 60 aol & | & |o ———-a5}o 10 Interpretation
faeot | dwos | 8 |]. _pror
penetration, | doumrote |< | 3 | downrote | Rotary ction
tir weight. kib | a torque, kt-Ib_ factor, %
|400——0|o a oe |t0——— 50
ROP increases 0 70 the
° Fotaryrsten decease ony
then sabizrs eave sane
e4 | Diagnosis ntemedate saci
frshangng wn sand t 310
rag ana rotary tition
increase; ROP decreates from
{800 15 the. Working and
‘reaming hole has no success
Five-stand wiper trip decreases
both tritons to normal evel.
FOP incroases to Shr
Diagnosis: inermediate stab
lizer digging in sand at 480.
Rotary tetion increases sharply
and drag increases sim, ROP
‘decreases rom 60 to 10 fr.
Thee-siand wiper tp
decreases both drag and rotary
Ircton; ROP inereases to 80 fh
Diagnosis: top stabiizer hang-
ing in sand at 710"
‘After a connection, hole was.
\Worked and reamed, Rotary rc:
tion decreases sharply
Drag fiton increases. Theo:
sland wiper tp brings it don
Diagnosis: top stabilizer hang
ing in sand at 080 1
Gin a, Hayaavou A and Galan
“Desn of Choncally Balanced Polymer Olling
Fluid LenetosReetion n Cy Deaton”
SPE Dug Eagineering 11986 31-42
{Cheever ME ad Osan SO: “hale ih
‘ion Oni With iSite Mody” SPF Dring
Frgncrng (199) 261.268
9 Lesage Falconer G and Wek C: "Ealing
Dring Paci in Devated Walsh ou and
‘Wight Dat" paper SPEIADC 16114 presi st
the 1967 SPEAADC Ding Coreen, New
‘Gers, Losin USS, Mach 518,197
(Ovban Denis MS, rion Bt an Mayes:
New Utasni Calprfor MW Open
pape SPEAAD 21947, penta athe 19
SPADE Oring Conience, Astra The
Nether Mar 4 1991
October 1991
Example of
“Anatdrills SPIN
Sticking pipe indi.
From MWD down-
hole weight-on-bit
and torque mea-
‘surements, surface
book load and
torque, and
‘model of the well,
trajectory, tho