Test Bank
Test Bank
Test Bank
0Als! need 4&% N!r%al Histr =n ta#le2
@@@ 7 S&pp!se y!& devel!p a %&t&al "&nd that incl&des 500 NOS6 st!c$s, all with e<&al weights in
the "&nd;s p!rt"!li! 8he average standard deviati!n !" the st!c$s is +*F, and the
average pair/wise c!rrelati!n a%!ng the st!c$s is 040 'hat is y!&r esti%ate !" the
standard deviati!n !" the "&nd;s p!rt"!li!D
a ())F
# ,,8F >
c ,*,F
d +,(F
, C ( , ,
2M 0 > 2
( 0 2 0 >
L +
@@@ 8 S&pp!se y!& devel!p a %&t&al "&nd that incl&des 78 st!c$s, all with e<&al weights in the "&nd;s
p!rt"!li! 8he average standard deviati!n !" the st!c$s is 44F, and the average pair/wise
c!rrelati!n a%!ng the st!c$s is 0+0 'hat is y!&r esti%ate !" the standard deviati!n !"
the "&nd;s p!rt"!li!D
a ()5F
# ,45F >
c ,)5F
d +45F
, C ( , ,
2M 0 > 2
( 0 2 0 >
L +
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ ) Using the .in!%ial E!del, "ind the val&e !" a "ir%;s levered e<&ity 0632 given the "!ll!wing
val&esB QJ(00, &J(+, dJ(C&, pJ07, r"J5F, NJ(00, and 8J+
a +,+4
# ,7+4
c ,+)*
d (8)* >
( 3
( 3
6 6
A 6
( 3
2 r ( C0 6
L Q +
2 N Q , 0 %a90 6 2A N Q , 0 %a90 6
@@@ (0 Using the .in!%ial E!del, "ind the val&es !" a "ir%;s levered e<&ity 0632, and the e9pected ret&rn
!n the e<&ity, r36, given the "!ll!wing val&esB QJ(00, &J(+, dJ(C&, pJ07, r"J5F, NJ(00, and
63 r36
a +,+4 *),F
# +,+4 (074F
c (8)* *),F
d (8)* (074F >
( 3
( 3
6 6
A 6
( 3
2 r ( C0 6
L Q +
2 N Q , 0 %a90 6 2A N Q , 0 %a90 6
6 6
2 p ( 0
6 6
p r
@@@ (( 8he e9pected ret&rns !n the de#t and e<&ity !" a levered "ir% are r6J(5F and rHJ7F, and the
c&rrent %ar$et val&e !" the de#t and e<&ity are 6J** and HJ44, respectively 'hat is the
"ir%;s weighted average c!st !" capital 0'A442D
a 78F
# )8F
c ((8F >
d (+8F
=:REU3AB 'A44JrH0HCQ2Kr3606CQ2
@@@ (, 8he e9pected ret&rns and standard deviati!ns "!r st!c$s A and . are rAJ(4F and r.J()F,
respectively, and AJ,+F and .J+4F, respectively 8he c!rrelati!n !" the ret&rns !n the
tw! st!c$s is A.J0+ 'hat is the e9pected ret&rn, rP, and standard deviati!n, P, !" a
p!rt"!li! with weights !" wAJ0*0 and w.J040 in st!c$s A and ., respectivelyD
rP P
a (*F ,,(F >
# (*F ,48F
c (7F ,,(F
d (7F ,48F
=:REU3ASB rp J wArA K w. r.A pJ L
A. . A . A
w w , w w + + M
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ (+ =!r y!&r retire%ent "&nd, y!& have decided t! place 40F !" y!&r c!ntri#&ti!ns int! a ris$"ree
asset that pays 4F interest per ann&%, and the re%aining *0F !" y!&r c!ntri#&ti!ns will
#e placed in an availa#le st!c$ %&t&al "&nd that appr!9i%ates the h!ldings !" the %ythical
market portfolio O!& e9pect this "&nd t! pr!vide an average ret&rn !" rPJ)F, #&t will e9p!se
y!& t! ris$, %eas&red in ter%s !" an esti%ated standard deviati!n !" PJ,0F 'hat is y!&r
esti%ate !" the e9pected ret&rn and standard deviati!n !" y!&r c!%plete p!rt"!li!, r4 and 4,
rP P
a *F 5)F
# *F ,00F
c 7F (,0F >
d 7F ,00F
=:REU3ASB rc J w"r" K wprpA c J wpp J *0,0F2J(,F
@@@ (4 S&pp!se the #eta !" the st!c$ !" Eicr!s!"t, -nc is %s"tJ(45 -" r"J4F and rEJ)F, what is the
e<&ili#ri&% e9pected ret&rn !n Eicr!s!"t st!c$, r%s"t, acc!rding t! the 4APED As an analyst
!" the "ir%s in the high/techn!l!gy ind&stry, y!& e9pect Eicr!s!"t t! pr!vide a ret&rn !" (0F
!ver the ne9t year 4!%paring y!&r esti%ate with e<&ili#ri&% e9pected ret&rn !n Eicr!s!"t
that y!& R&st calc&lated, w!&ld y!& rec!%%end t! y!&r invest!rs that they #&y Eicr!s!"t
a OesB Eicr!s!"t is &nderpriced
# N!B Eicr!s!"t is !verpriced >
=:REU3AB r" K iLrE/r"M
+ssay *uestions
( =ir% NOP is c&rrently a privately held, all/e<&ity "ir% 8he "ir%;s shareh!lders are a#!&t t! sell
all !" the "ir%;s shares t! the p&#ic in an initial p&#lic !""ering 0-P:2 Ass&%ing that an !pti%al
capital str&ct&re that inv!lves a "inite pr!p!rti!n !" de#t e9ists "!r "ir% NOP, present an
arg&%ent that, even th!&gh the c&rrent shareh!lders will present an all/e<&ity "ir% t! the p&#lic, the
pr!ceeds that the c&rrent shareh!lders will receive will #e e<&al t! the val&e !" the "ir% at
its !pti%al capital str&ct&re
, S&pp!se a "ir% is "inanced entirely with e<&ity, and the c&rrent %ar$et val&e !" its assets and
e<&ity is QUJ6UJ(00 As an ar#itrage&r, y!& $n!w that i" the "ir% was capitaliGed with 50F
e<&ity and 50F de#t, the %ar$et val&es !" the de#t and e<&ity !" this levered versi!n !" the
"ir% w!&ld #e 63J*0 and H3J50, respectively 'hat w!&ld y!& d!D
ANS'6RB P&rchase the "racti!n !" the e<&ity !" the &nlevered "ir% at a c!st !" (00 Place
these shares in a tr&st, and iss&e de#t with a val&e !" H3J50 that is a clai% against the
shares in the tr&st, $eeping the pr!ceeds !" this de#t !""ering 8hen sell this Slevered; tr&st "!r a
price !" 63J*0 O!&r pr!"it will #e 050K*0/(002J(0
+ S&pp!se a "ir% is "inanced with 50F e<&ity and 50F de#t, and the c&rrent %ar$et val&e !" the
"ir% is Q3J(00, with 63J50 and H3J50 As an ar#itrage&r, y!& $n!w that i" the "ir% was
"inanced entirely with e<&ity, the %ar$et val&e !" its assets and e<&ity w!&ld #e QUJ6UJ(,5
'hat w!&ld y!& d!D
ANS'6RB P&rchase the "racti!n !" #!th the e<&ity and de#t !" this levered "ir% at a t!tal c!st
!" 63KH3J(00, place these sec&rities in a tr&st, and sell &nlevered e<&ity sec&rities
against this tr&st, which w!&ld yield pr!ceeds !" (,5 8h&s, y!&r pr!"it will #e 0(,5/(002
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
C * A P T E R /
Separa%ion o, O0nership and
Con%ro1 Prin"ipa2Agen%
Con,i"%s1 and Finan"ia Poi"ies
)ulti"le Choice *uestions
@@@ ( 8ransacti!n c!sts and pers!nal ta9es %ay a""ect invest!rs; a#ility t! &nderta$e ar#itrage Als!, a
"ir%;s earnings are ta9ed, and interest pay%ents are ded&cti#le while dividends are n!t
8hese are e9a%ples !" the vi!lati!n !" which !" the ass&%pti!ns !" an ideal capital %ar$etD
a 4apital Ear$ets are "ricti!nless >
# H!%!gene!&s e9pectati!ns
c At!%istic c!%petiti!n
d 8he "ir% has a "i9ed invest%ent pr!gra%
e :nce ch!sen, the "ir%;s "inancing is "i9ed
@@@ , Qariati!n in pers!nal ta9 rates and transacti!n c!sts acr!ss #!th invest!rs and sec&rities %ay
di""erentially a""ect the val&es !" c!rp!rate sec&rities Als! a "ir% "aces s&#stantial
transacti!n c!sts in iss&ing sec&rities, which %ay inhi#it its a#ility t! &nderta$e !therwise
pr!"ita#le capital invest%ents 8hese are e9a%ples !" the vi!lati!n !" which !" the
ass&%pti!ns !" an ideal capital %ar$etD
a 4apital Ear$ets are "ricti!nless >
# H!%!gene!&s e9pectati!ns
c At!%istic c!%petiti!n
d 8he "ir% has a "i9ed invest%ent pr!gra%
e :nce ch!sen, the "ir%;s "inancing is "i9ed
@@@ + Information asymmetry is chie" a%!ng vi!lati!ns !" which !" the ass&%pti!ns !" an ideal capital
a 4apital Ear$ets are "ricti!nless
# H!%!gene!&s e9pectati!ns >
c At!%istic c!%petiti!n
d 8he "ir% has a "i9ed invest%ent pr!gra%
e :nce ch!sen, the "ir%;s "inancing is "i9ed
@@@ 4 An individ&al invest!r has either s&""icient wealth !r s&""icient #!rr!wing capacity t! p&rchase !r
sell a s&#stantial pr!p!rti!n !" a given "ir%;s sec&rities, s! that invest!r;s trades %ay a""ect the
%ar$et val&e !" these sec&rities 8his is an e9a%ple !" the vi!lati!n !" which !" the
ass&%pti!ns !" an ideal capital %ar$etD
a 4apital Ear$ets are "ricti!nless
# H!%!gene!&s e9pectati!ns
c At!%istic c!%petiti!n >
d 8he "ir% has a "i9ed invest%ent pr!gra%
e :nce ch!sen, the "ir%;s "inancing is "i9ed
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ 5 :ne principal/agent c!n"lict is that #etween a "ir%;s credit!rs 0as a principal2 and its
shareh!lders 0as agent2 =!r e9a%ple, a"ter iss&ing ris$y de#t, st!c$h!lders have an incentive
t! increase the ris$iness !" the "ir%;s assets 0eg, #y changing !perating strategy2, which w!&ld
tend t! e9pr!priate wealth "r!% credit!rs t! st!c$h!lders 'hich !" the ass&%pti!ns !" an ideal
capital %ar$et is vi!lated in this e9a%pleD
a 4apital Ear$ets are "ricti!nless
# H!%!gene!&s e9pectati!ns
c At!%istic c!%petiti!n
d 8he "ir% has a "i9ed invest%ent pr!gra% >
e :nce ch!sen, the "ir%;s "inancing is "i9ed
@@@ * A "ir% initially "inances its assets with speci"ied pr!p!rti!ns !" de#t and e<&ity, and then later
iss&es additi!nal de#t, &sing the pr!ceeds t! pay a dividend t! shareh!lders -" the new de#t
has the sa%e pri!rity as the !riginal de#t, the val&e !" the !riginal de#t will pr!#a#ly "all, an
e""ect called claim dilution 'hich !" the ass&%pti!ns !" an ideal capital %ar$et is vi!lated in
this e9a%pleD
a 4apital Ear$ets are "ricti!nless
# H!%!gene!&s e9pectati!ns
c At!%istic c!%petiti!n
d 8he "ir% has a "i9ed invest%ent pr!gra%
e :nce ch!sen, the "ir%;s "inancing is "i9ed >
@@@ 7 8he tw! %!st "&nda%ental aspects !" a c!rp!rati!n 0as a "!r% !" #&siness !rganiGati!n2 that lead
t! n!t !nly tre%end!&s ec!n!%ies !" scale and sc!pe 0as a p!sitive2 #&t als! are lin$ed t! the
"inancing pr!#le%s that we address in the c!&rse 0as a negative2 areB
a the separati!n !" !wnership and c!ntr!l ANH private !wnership
# li%ited lia#ility ANH private !wnership
c the separati!n !" !wnership and c!ntr!l ANH li%ited lia#ility >
d private !wnership ANH leverage
@@@ 8 N&triti!n, -nc, a vita%in s&pple%ent %an&"act&rer, is "inanced entirely with e<&ity that is
c&rrently privately !wned #y its %anagers 8he "ir% is e9pected t! generate earnings !" I5
%illi!n per year int! perpet&ity, and all earnings are paid !&t in dividends 8he !wner/
%anagers receive n! additi!nal c!%pensati!n =!r all !" the !wner/%anagers, their shares !"
the "ir%;s e<&ity acc!&nt "!r the #&l$ !" their pers!nal wealth As a res<, in deter%ining
their pers!nal val&ati!n !" the "ir% they apply a high disc!&nt rate !" ++F t! their "&t&re
e9pected dividends, and th&s they val&e the "ir% at I(5(5 %n 0JI5 %nC0++2
8he %anage%ent tea% has recently c!ns<ed with an invest%ent/#an$ing "ir% a#!&t selling all
!" the "ir%;s e<&ity p&#liclyA that is, a#!&t going pulic with the "ir%;s shares Ass&%ing
that the c&rrent %anage%ent will c!ntin&e t! !perate the "ir%, the invest%ent #an$er esti%ates that
the %ar$et will val&e the "ir%;s e<&ity #y applying a ,5F disc!&nt rate t! e9pected "&t&re
dividends H!wever, e9pected dividends t! p&#lic shareh!lders will #e !nly I4 %n, #eca&se
%anagers will n!w #e paid a t!tal !" I( %n per year in salaries -gn!ring ta9es and transacti!n
c!stsB the %ar$et val&e !" the "ir%;s p&#lic shares is @@@0i2@@@A the present val&e !"
%anage%ent;s salaries 0disc!&nted at ++F int! perpet&ity2 is @@@0ii2@@@ A and there"!re the
%anage%ent tea%;s wealth gain 0!r l!ss2 "r!% g!ing p&#lic is @@@0iii2@@@
@@@0i2@@@ @@@0ii2@@@ @@@0iii2@@@
a I(, %n I+0+ %n /I0(, %n
# I(* %n I+0+ %n I4(, %n >
c I(* %n I4 %n I485 %n
d I(, %n I4 %n I085 %n
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ ) All !" the "!ll!wing were %enti!ned in the te9t as %eans #y which the %anager !" a "ir% %ay
increase his !r her c!%pensati!n 0!n a sel"/serving #asis2 6N46P8B
a having the "ir% p&rchase his/her principal private residence >
# e9cessive c!ns&%pti!n !" per<&isites
c %anip&lati!n !" earnings and dividends
d %a9i%iGing the siGe !" the "ir%, rather than its val&e
@@@ (0 All !" the "!ll!wing were %enti!ned in the te9t as %eans #y which the %anager !" a "ir% %ay
decrease the his !r her pers!nal e9p!s&re t! the "ir%;s ris$ 0!n a sel"/serving #asis2 6N46P8B
a e9cessive c!rp!rate diversi"icati!n
# #ias t!ward invest%ents with near/ter% pay!""s
c sec&ring his !r her li"eti%e c!%pensati!n with a pr!perty/cas&alty ins&rance p!licy
p&rchased #y the "ir% >
d &ndere%pl!y%ent !" de#t
e %anage%ent entrench%ent
" pac$ing the #!ard
@@@ (( S&pp!se a "ir%;s initial para%eter val&es areB QJ500, NJ+00, 8J+, r"J,F,
Q J750, and
Q J+++++ 4!%p&te the c&rrent val&es !" the "ir%;s de#t and levered e<&ity, H and
63, respectively
H 63
a ,8,7 ,(7+ >
# ,5,7 ,47+
c ,,,7 ,77+
d ,007 +00+
6 6
A 63 J
2 r ( C0 6
L Q +
2 N Q , 0 %a90 6 2A N Q , 0 %a90 6
@@@ (, 4!ntin&ing with the n&%#ers "r!% the previ!&s <&esti!n, c!%p&te new val&e !" the "ir%;s
levered e<&ity,
6 , a"ter the "!ll!wing acti!ns #y the "ir%;s %anage%entB Eanage%ent
iss&es additi!nal p&re/disc!&nt de#t which has a pr!%ised pay%ent !" N;J*,( at 8J+ and has
the sa%e pri!rity as the "ir%;s !riginal de#t 8he "ir% receives t!tal pr!ceeds !" 500 "!r the
new de#t Eanage%ent &ses the pr!ceeds t! d!&#le the "ir%;s !perati!ns &nder identical
c!nditi!ns, s&ch that Q>J(,000,
> &
J(,500, and
> d
a ,(7+
# ,58+ >
c ,)8+
d ++8+
6 6
A 6
2 r ( C0 6
L Q +
2 N Q , 0 %a90 6 2A N Q , 0 %a90 6
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ (+ 8he c&rrent val&e !" levered "ir% A.4, -nc is I(00 %illi!n -ts capital str&ct&re c!nsists !"
e<&ity and p&re disc!&nt de#t !n which a pay%ent !" I80 %n is d&e in 5 years 8he ris$/"ree rate
is 5F Using the .lac$/Sch!les :pti!n Pricing E!del, the val&e !" the "ir%;s e<&ity is @@@0i2@@@
i" J,0F, and is @@@0i2@@@ i" J40F Ass&%ing that the increase in was a deli#erate acti!n !"
the "ir%;s %anage%ent designed t! e9pr!priate wealth "r!% #!ndh!lders t! st!c$h!lders, what
was the val&e !" this e9pr!priati!nD
@@@0i2@@@ @@@0ii2@@@ @@0iii2@@
a I40+ %n I40+ %n I0
# I+++ %n I504 %n I(7( %n
c I+++ %n I40+ %n I70 %n
d I40+ %n I504 %n I(0( %n >
08he .S:PE "!r%&la and val&es !" the c&%&lative n!r%al distri#&ti!n "&ncti!n, %&st #e
+ssay *uestions
( .rie"ly disc&ss the e""ects !" vi!lati!ns !" each !" the ass&%pti!ns !" the -deal 4apital Ear$et listed
0a2 Ass&%pti!n (B =ricti!nless Ear$etsA
0#2 Ass&%pti!n ,B All %ar$et participants share h!%!gene!&s e9pectati!nsA
0c2 Ass&%pti!n +B At!%istic c!%petiti!nA
0d2 Ass&%pti!n 4B 8he "ir%;s capital invest%ent pr!gra% i" "i9ed and $n!wnA
0e2 Ass&%pti!n 5B :nce ch!sen, the "ir%;s "inancing is "i9ed
, 69plain the tw! %aR!r #ene"its t! shareh!lders !" the separati!n !" !wnership and c!ntr!l
+ 3ist and #rie"ly disc&ss the sel"/serving acti!ns that %anage%ent %ay ta$e t!B
0a2 increase their c!%pensati!n
0#2 decrease the ris$ !" their pers!nal p!rt"!li!s
4 3ist and #rie"ly disc&ss three acti!ns that %anage%ent can ta$e t! e9pr!priate wealth "r!% the "ir%;s
de#th!lders t! the "ir%;s shareh!lders
5 H!w d! li%ited lia#ility and the separati!n !" !wnership and c!ntr!l re"lect ris$ aversi!n !n the part
!" the !wners !" 0e<&ity2 capitalD
* 'hy is the separati!n !" !wnership and c!ntr!l a virt&al necessity "!r the s&ccess"&l "inancing !"
large c!rp!rati!nsD
7 69plain the tw! %aR!r #ene"its t! shareh!lders !" the separati!n !" !wnership and c!ntr!l
8 'hat are the three p!sitive e""ects !" shareh!lders; diversi"icati!n acr!ss "ir%s !n the %ar$et val&e !"
a "ir%;s sharesD
) 'hy is the separati!n !" !wnership and c!ntr!l partic&larly i%p!rtant "!r a "ir% that !perates in an
e9tre%ely c!%petitive pr!d&ct %ar$etD 8hat is, what is a critical r!le !" %anage%ent &nder s&ch
(0 He"ine the classical !#Rective "&ncti!n !" %anage%ent, and descri#e a set !" circ&%stances in which it
is the appr!priate !#Rective "!r %anage%ent t! "!ll!w in !rder t! act in the shareh!lders; interest
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
(( H!w d!es the sta$eh!lder the!ry !" the "ir% in"l&ence !&r &nderstanding !" the !#Rective "&ncti!n !"
%anage%entD 'hat is the revised !#Rective &nder these circ&%stancesD
(, 3ist and #rie"ly disc&ss three sel"/serving acti!ns that %anage%ent %ay ta$e t! increase their
(+ 3ist and #rie"ly disc&ss "ive sel"/serving acti!ns that %anage%ent %ay ta$e t! decrease the ris$ !"
their pers!nal p!rt"!li!s
(4 3ist and #rie"ly disc&ss three acti!ns that %anage%ent can ta$e t! e9pr!priate wealth "r!% the "ir%;s
de#th!lders t! the "ir%;s shareh!lders
(5 'hat is empire uildingD 'hy d!es it see% t! #e s&ch a c!%pelling g!al "!r %anagersD
(* 69plain the underin!estment prolem "!r a "ir% that has ris$y de#t !&tstanding, !therwise $n!wn as
the det"o!erhang pr!#le%
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
C * A P T E R 3
In,or4a%ion As'44e%r'
And %he &arke%s ,or
Corpora%e Se"$ri%ies
)ulti"le Choice *uestions
@@@ ( As A$erl!" arg&es, sellers wh! have a lemon, !" c!&rse, $n!w they have le%!n #&t are n!t
willing t! tell the tr&th a#!&t the c!nditi!n !" their a&t! and, "!r the sh!rt selling peri!d
inv!lved, can p&t their a&t! in a satis"act!ry c!nditi!n that appr!9i%ates the n!r%al c!nditi!n
!" the a&t! that are n!t le%!ns -n s&#se<&ent literat&re, this pr!#le% called the @@@@@@@@@@
a in"!r%ati!nal asy%%etry
# agency
c %!ral haGard >
d certi"icati!n
@@@ , A$erl!" als! disc&sses the pr!#le% !" @@@@@@@ in the health ins&rance %ar$et Health ins&rers
atte%pt t! esti%ate, "!r each individ&al ins&rance applicant, the pr!#a#ility that they will "ile
an ins&rance clai%, and price ins&rance pre%i&%s acc!rdingly H!wever, this is an i%per"ect
pr!cess, s! the ins&rer %&st !""er a c!%%!n pre%i&% t! a speci"ied gr!&p !" individ&als that
re"lects the a!erage health !" the individ&als in the gr!&p, even th!&gh the individ&als in the
gr!&p di""er in ter%s !" their health and th&s the pr!#a#ility !" a clai% 6ach individ&al $n!ws
their !wn health #etter than the ins&rer, s! th!se %e%#ers !" the gr!&p wh! are less healthy 0and
th&s %!re li$ely t! "ile a clai%2 will #e %!re li$ely t! p&rchase ins&rance p!licy, and th&s the
pre%i&% set #y the ins&rer t! re"lect the average health !" the entire gr!&p will #e inade<&ate t!
c!%pensate the ins&rer "!r the ex post s&#/gr!&p !" individ&als that act&ally p&rchase a p!licy
a adverse selecti!n >
# certi"icati!n
c %!ral haGard
d in"!r%ati!nal asy%%etry
@@@ + 'hich !" the "!ll!wing was N:8 %enti!ned #y A$erl!" t! %itigate the le%!ns pr!#le%D
a certi"icati!n
# &sing a c!stly signal
c private neg!tiati!n >
d esta#lishing a rep&tati!n
e c!ntract en"!rce%ent
@@@ 4 Acc!rding t! the "inance literat&re related t! in"!r%ati!nal asy%%etry, !ne !" the %!st i%p!rtant
r!les !" an invest%ent/#an$ing "ir% 0in ter%s !" assisting a "ir% in iss&ing sec&rities t! the
p&#lic2 is t! v!&ch "!r the val&e !" the sec&rity, a"ter it has !#tained c!n"idential
in"!r%ati!n "r!% the "ir%;s %anage%ent a#!&t its #&siness strategy 8his v!&ching is
$n!wn asB
a certi"icati!n >
# &sing a c!stly signal
c private neg!tiati!n
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
d esta#lishing a rep&tati!n
e c!ntract en"!rce%ent
@@@ 5 3eland and Pyle 0()772 e9a%ine the e""ect !" in"!r%ati!nal asy%%etries !n e<&ili#ri&%
c!rp!rate val&ati!n and "inancial str&ct&re 8he a&th!rs devel!p a signaling %!del and w!r$
thr!&gh a speci"ic e9a%ple, "!c&sing !n !pti%al de#t levels &nder c!nditi!ns !"
asy%%etric in"!r%ati!n -n their signaling %!del, an entreprene&r see$s "inancing "!r a
pr!Rect wh!se tr&e val&e is $n!wn !nly t! hi% 4learly, direct trans"er !" in"!r%ati!n t! lenders
is i%p!ssi#le -n"!r%ati!n %ay, h!wever, #e trans"erred #y a credi#le signal Here, the
signal isB
a the entreprene&r;s willingness t! incl&de de#t in the "ir%;s capital str&ct&re
# the willingness !" the entreprene&r t! invest in his !wn pr!Rect >
c the entreprene&r;s a#ility t! attract private e<&ity capital
d the entreprene&r;s e9pressed willingness t! re%ain as a %anager !" the "ir%
@@@ * Eiller and R!c$ 0()852 devel!ped an ingeni!&s signaling %!del in which @@@@@@@@ #y a "ir%
serve as p!wer"&l signals !" the "ir%;s earnings capacity, and th&s its val&e Any s&ch
@@@@@@@ reveal that the "ir% has #een generating, and is e9pected t! c!ntin&e t! generate, high
net cash in"l!ws
a cash pay!&ts >
# de#t iss&ance
c e<&ity iss&ance
d earnings ann!&nce%ents
@@@ 7 8he leading piece !" the!retical research in c!rp!rate "inance is Eyers and EaRl&" 0()842 8hey
sh!wed that when there is in"!r%ati!n asy%%etry #etween the %ar$et and %anagers, a
pecking order e%erges in ter%s !" h!w the "ir% sh!&ld !#tain "&nds "!r capital invest%ents
Speci"ically, a "ir% w!&ld pre"er t! &seB
a de#t, then retained earnings, and "inally !&tside e<&ity
# retained earnings, then de#t, and "inally !&tside e<&ity >
c retained earnings, then !&tside e<&ity, and "inally de#t
d de#t, then !&tside e<&ity, and "inally retained earnings
+ssay *uestions
( .rie"ly e9plain the lemons prolem as presented #y A$erl!"
, .rie"ly e9plain the &se"&lness !" each !" the "!ll!wing %eans !" %itigating the e""ects !"
in"!r%ati!nal asy%%etry in the credit %ar$etsB
a ScreeningA
# 4erti"icati!nA
c 4!stly SignalingA
d Rep&tati!n
e Hiscl!s&re r&les
+ -n 3eland and Pyle;s %!del !" the e""ects !" in"!r%ati!nal asy%%etry !n !wnership str&ct&reB
a 'hat is the costly signal e%pl!yed #y the entreprene&rD
# -n what sense is this a costly signal "!r the entreprene&rD and h!w d!es this signal lead t!
separating e<&ili#ria that %itigates the in"!r%ati!nal asy%%etry pr!#le%D
4 .rie"ly e9plain the lemons prolem as presented #y A$erl!"
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
5 -n ec!n!%ic %!dels "!c&sing !n in"!r%ati!nal asy%%etry, h!w d! we generally interpret the price !"
a given asset in a pooling e#uiliriumD H!w w!&ld y!& descri#e the set !" prices in a separating
* Hescri#e the pr!#le% !" moral ha$ard in the %ar$et "!r an asset "ra&ght with in"!r%ati!nal
asy%%etry and &n!#serva#le variati!ns in the <&ality !" the asset
7 Hescri#e the pr!#le% !" ad!erse selection in the ins&rance %ar$et
8 .rie"ly e9plain the &se"&lness !" each !" the "!ll!wing %eans !" %itigating the e""ects !"
in"!r%ati!nal asy%%etry in the credit %ar$etsB
a ScreeningA
# 4erti"icati!nA
c 4!stly SignalingA
d Rep&tati!n
e Hiscl!s&re r&les
) 3ist and #rie"ly e9plain the three c!nditi!ns re<&ired in !rder "!r ex post c!ntract en"!rce%ent t! #e
an e""ective %eans t! %itigate the lemons prolem in credit %ar$ets
(0 -n 3eland and Pyle;s %!del !" the e""ects !" in"!r%ati!nal asy%%etry !n !wnership str&ct&reB
a 'hat is the costly signal e%pl!yed #y the entreprene&rD
# -n what sense is this a c!stly signal "!r the entreprene&r, and h!w d!es this signal lead t!
separating e<&ili#ria that %itigates the in"!r%ati!nal asy%%etry pr!#le%D
(( Hisc&ss the pecking order hyp!thesis !" c!rp!rate "inancing as Eyers 0()842 de"ined it
(, Hisc&ss Eyers and EaRl&";s 0()842 the!retical %!del that rati!naliGes the pec$ing !rder hyp!thesis in
the c!nte9t !" in"!r%ati!nal asy%%etry
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
C * A P T E R 5
The Roes o, 6o)ern4en%1
Se"$ri%ies &arke%s1 Finan"ia
Ins%i%$%ions1 O0nership
S%r$"%$re1 Board O)ersigh%1
and Con%ra"% De)i"es
)ulti"le Choice *uestions
@@@ ( Under the Sec&rities 69change Act !" ()+4, 4!ngress created the Sec&rities and 69change
4!%%issi!n 0the SS64;2 8he S64;s %issi!n is t! ad%inister "ederal sec&rities laws and
iss&e r&les and reg&lati!ns t! pr!vide pr!tecti!n "!r invest!rs and t! ens&re that the sec&rities
%ar$ets are "air and h!nest 8his is acc!%plished primarily #yB
a creating a nati!nal syste% !" sec&rities #r!$ers and dealers
# re<&iring p&#lic "ir%s t! discl!se acc&rate and ti%ely in"!r%ati!n t! the investing p&#lic >
c creating a syste% !" ar#itrati!n #!ards t! pr!vide R&dg%ents !n invest!rs; c!%plaints
d reg&lating the trading pr!ced&res in US sec&rities %ar$ets
@@@ , Eeans #y which the sec&rities %ar$ets serve t! %itigate principal/agent !r in"!r%ati!n
asy%%etry pr!#le%s incl&de all !" the "!ll!wing 6N46P8B
a Eanage%ent realiGes that its reputation with invest!rs is val&a#le, and can #e s&stained !nly
i" acc&rate in"!r%ati!n is pr!vided !n a ti%ely #asis
# Qari!&s %ar$et %echanis%s e9ist t! discipline a "ir%;s %anage%ent, and th&s t! %itigate
c!n"licts !" interest #etween %anage%ent and shareh!lders :ne !" the %!st p!wer"&l is
the threat !" a h!stile ta$e!ver !" the "ir%, a"ter which %anage%ent is "ired
c 69changes s&ch as the NOS6 reg&larly p&#lish lists !" "ir%s that appear t! #e !verval&ed
#eca&se their %anage%ent is p!!r >
@@@ + =inancial instit&ti!ns 0s&ch as c!%%ercial #an$s and "inance c!%panies2 play an i%p!rtant r!le
in %itigating in"!r%ati!n asy%%etry pr!#le%s in "inancial %ar$ets #eca&seB
a they re<&ire a p!tential #!rr!wer t! discl!se c!n"idential in"!r%ati!n a#!&t their pr!Rect t!
the p&#lic #e"!re they are appr!ved "!r a l!an
# they reg&larly receive private in"!r%ati!n "r!% the "ir% a#!&t the <&ality !" the "ir%;s
pr!Rects, and yet will $eep s&ch in"!r%ati!n c!n"idential >
c they lend !nly t! "ir%s that d! n!t s&""er "r!% in"!r%ati!n asy%%etry pr!#le%s
@@@ 4 A "ir%;s #!ard !" direct!rs has a variety !" t!!ls at its disp!sal t! c!ntr!l %anage%ent;s
activities, incl&ding all !" the "!ll!wing 6N46P8B
a 4!ntr!lling the "ir%;s capital str&ct&re
# Re<&iring #!ard appr!val !" %aR!r capital e9pendit&res, ac<&isiti!ns, divestit&res, sec&rity
!""erings, etc
c re<&iring #!ard appr!val !" all %ergers and ac<&isiti!ns
d hiring !&tside c!ns<ants t! scr&tiniGe %aR!r pr!Rects
e "iring the 46:
" A33 := 8H6 A.:Q6 AR6 8::3S AQA-3A.36 8: 8H6 .:ARH >
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ 5 8! %itigate deadweight c!sts ass!ciated with the shareh!lder/%anage%ent principal/agent
c!n"lict, s!%e invest!rs #ec!%e %aR!r shareh!lders and atte%pt t! in"l&ence %anage%ent t!
act in the #est interest !" shareh!lders 8his is an e9a%ple !"B
a a ta$e!ver
# shareh!lder activis% >
c pac$ing the #!ard
d principal interventi!n
+ssay *uestions
( H!w can a "ir%;s internal c!ntr!l %echanis%s, partic&larly a "ir%;s #!ard !" direct!rs, #e #r!&ght t!
#ear t! ens&re that the "ir%;s %anage%ent acts in the shareh!lders; interestD
, 3ist and #rie"ly disc&ss the e9ternal and internal g!vernance gr!&ps that c!nstrain the sel"/interested
#ehavi!r !" a p&#lic "ir%;s %anage%ent
+ Hescri#e vari!&s %eans #y which contract specifications can #e &sed t! %itigate agency c!sts !"
4 Hescri#e vari!&s %eans #y which contract specifications can #e &sed t! %itigate agency c!sts !"
%anagerial discreti!n
5 Hisc&ss an e9a%ple each !" a c!ntract that c!&ld #e &sed t! %itigate principal/agent c!n"licts
0a2 shareh!lders and %anage%entA and
0#2 shareh!lders and #!ndh!lders
* .rie"ly disc&ss the c!ntent !" the Sec&rities Acts !" ()++ and ()+4 and their relati!nship t! the
"&nda%ental c!rp!rate "inance pr!#le%s 0ie, principal/agent c!n"licts and in"!r%ati!n asy%%etry2
7 Hescri#e vari!&s %eans #y which the sec&rities %ar$ets the%selves %itigate agency and
in"!r%ati!nal asy%%etry pr!#le%s
8 H!w d! "inancial instit&ti!ns help t! res!lve in"!r%ati!nal asy%%etry pr!#le%s ass!ciated with a
"ir%;s iss&ance !" sec&ritiesD
) H!w d! "inancial instit&ti!ns help t! %itigate c!n"licts !" interest #etween a "ir%;s 0di""&se2
shareh!lders and its %anage%entD
(0 Hisc&ss the r!le !" c!n"identiality in the c!nte9t in which a "ir% see$s the assistance !" a "inancial
instit&ti!n t! raise de#t !r e<&ity capital
(( H!w d!es the in"!r%ati!n/pr!d&cti!n "&ncti!n !" a "inancial instit&ti!n serve t! %!nit!r a "ir%;s
(, Hescri#e the t!!ls availa#le t! a "ir%;s #!ard !" direct!rs t! discipline %anage%ent in !rder t!
%itigate c!n"licts !" interest #etween the shareh!lders and %anage%ent !" a "ir%
(+ Hescri#e vari!&s %eans #y which c!ntract speci"icati!ns can #e &sed t! %itigate c!rp!rate "inancing/
related pr!#le%s
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
C * A P T E R 7
The 8e)erage De"ision
)ulti"le Choice *uestions
@@@ ( 4!%p&te the present val&e !" the ta9 shield generated when S%ith 4!%pany iss&es I(00 %n in
perpet&al de#t with an 8F c!&p!n rate, and &ses the pr!ceeds t! retire e<&ity 8he c!rp!rate
ta9 rate is +4F
a I,7, %n
# I8 %n
c I+4 %n >
d ,7, %n
@@@ , -n this pr!#le%, we ad%it !nly !ne real"world factor in an !therwise ideal capital %ar$et 8his
real w!rld "act!r is c!rp!rate ta9ati!nA speci"ically that interest pay%ents !n de#t are
ded&cti#le while dividend pay%ents are n!t ded&cti#le S&pp!se Helaware 6ast, -nc has &ntil
n!w #een an all/e<&ity "ir% with a %ar$et val&e !" I(00 %n N!w, the "ir% decides t!
increase its leverage #y iss&ing I40 %n in de#t, with the pr!ceeds #eing &sed t! pay a dividend
t! shareh!lders Ass&%ing that this de#t will #e a per%anent part !" the "ir%;s capital
str&ct&re, and that the "ir%;s ta9 rate is +4F, and acc!&nting "!r the ded&cti#ility !" the interest !n
the de#t, what is the t!tal %ar$et val&e !" the "ir% a"ter the recapitaliGati!nD
a I((+* %n >
# I(00 %n
c I7+* %n
d I(+* %n
@@@ + 8he val&e !" J!nes 4!%pany as an &nlevered "ir% is QUJ+00 H!wever, J!nes 4!%pany has
perpet&al de#t !&tstanding with a val&e !" HJ(50 8he rate !n the "ir%;s de#t is rHJ7F 8he
"ir%;s ta9 rate is 4J+4F 8he "ir%;s e9pected ann&al a"ter/ta9 cash "l!w t! shareh!lders and
#!ndh!lders c!%#ined is A84=JI40, int! perpet&ity 4!%p&te the "ir%;s val&e,
Q , ta9/
adR&sted c!st !" capital,
r , and c!st !" e<&ity,
a +00 ((4F (47F
# +00 (00F (+0F
c +00 ((4F (+0F
d +5( ((4F (47F >
e +5( ((4F (+0F
" +5( (00F (+0F
r J A84=C
r J rH
6 H
6 H
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ 4 8he val&e !" J!nes 4!%pany as an &nlevered "ir% is QUJ,00 H!wever, J!nes 4!%pany has
perpet&al de#t !&tstanding with a val&e !" HJ)0 8he rate !n the "ir%;s de#t is rHJ7F 8he
"ir%;s ta9 rate is 4J+4F 8he "ir%;s e9pected ann&al a"ter/ta9 cash "l!w t! shareh!lders
and #!ndh!lders c!%#ined is A84=JI,5 4alc&late the "ir%;s val&e,
Q , ta9/adR&sted c!st
!" capital,
r , and c!st !" e<&ity,
a ,+0* (084F ((+F
# ,+0* (444F (,+F
c ,+0* (084F (++F >
d ,*80 (084F ((+F
e ,*80 (444F (,+F
" ,*80 (084F (++F
r J A84=C
r J rH
6 H
6 H
@@@ 5 8he tradeoff in the traditi!nal trade!"" the!ry !" !pti%al capital str&ct&re is #etweenB
a agency c!sts !" de#t and in"!r%ati!n asy%%etry c!sts !" de#t
# the ta9 #ene"it !" de#t and the e9pected c!sts !" "&t&re "inancial distress >
c the ta9 #ene"it !" de#t and agency c!sts !" de#t
@@@ * =ir% NOP is c&rrently "inanced entirely with e<&ity that has a t!tal %ar$et val&e !" I)00 %n
8he "ir%;s %anage%ent is c!nsidering engaging in a de#t/"!r/e<&ity swap t! add leverage t!
the "ir%;s capital str&ct&re Eanage%ent rec!gniGes tw! "act!rs that w!&ld a""ect the
val&e !" the "ir% as leverage is added =irst, the additi!n !" per%anent de#t in the a%!&nt
!" H w!&ld pr!vide a ta9 shield that has a val&e !" cH, where "!r "ir% NOP cJ0+4,
!r +4F 8he sec!nd, and !""setting, "act!r is the present val&e !" e9pected c!sts !" "&t&re
"inancial distress, PQL%04==H2M, which increases at an accelerating rate with leverage
Eanage%ent decides that the relati!nship !" PQL%04==H2M t! leverage can #e
appr!9i%ated with the "!ll!wing e<&ati!nB PQL%04==H2MJH
, where J00005 Tiven
these speci"icati!ns, "ind the val&e !" de#t, H>, that w!&ld %a9i%iGe the val&e !" "ir%
NOP 'hat is the %ar$et val&e !" the "ir%,
Q , i" it has this a%!&nt !" de#tD
a +40 I(,0(5*
# +40 I)578 >
c 500 I)450
d 500 I)0)8
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ 7 =ir% NOP is c&rrently "inanced entirely with e<&ity that has a t!tal %ar$et val&e !" I)00 %n
8he "ir%;s %anage%ent is c!nsidering engaging in a de#t/"!r/e<&ity swap t! add leverage t!
the "ir%;s capital str&ct&re Eanage%ent rec!gniGes tw! "act!rs that w!&ld a""ect the
val&e !" the "ir% as leverage is added =irst, the additi!n !" per%anent de#t in the a%!&nt
!" H w!&ld pr!vide a ta9 shield that has a val&e !" cH, where "!r "ir% NOP cJ0+4,
!r +4F 8he sec!nd, and !""setting, "act!r is the present val&e !" e9pected c!sts !" "&t&re
"inancial distress, PQL%04==H2M, which increases at an accelerating rate with leverage
Eanage%ent decides that the relati!nship !" PQL%04==H2M t! leverage can #e
appr!9i%ated with the "!ll!wing e<&ati!nB PQL%04==H2MJH
, where J000( Tiven
these speci"icati!ns, "ind the val&e !" de#t, H>, that w!&ld %a9i%iGe the val&e !" "ir%
NOP 'hat is the %ar$et val&e !" the "ir%,
Q , i" it has this a%!&nt !" de#tD
a (00 I)480
# +40 I)578
c (70 I)578
d (70 I),8) >
@@@ 8 Acc!rding t! the @@@@@@@@@@@ hyp!thesis, sh!rt/ter% assets sh!&ld #e "inanced with sh!rt/ter%
capital and l!ng/ter% assets with l!ng/ter% capital
a %at&rity %atching >
# hedging
c ris$/ret&rn
d capital asset
@@@ ) 8he @@@@@@@@@ hyp!thesis is stated as "!ll!wsB A%!ng l!ng/ter% assets, the "ir% sh!&ld "inance
l!ng/ter% tangi#le assets, s&ch as PP56, with l!ng/ter% de#t, while !ther l!ng/ter% assets,
s&ch as invest%ents and intangi#les, %&st #e "inanced with e<&ity
a tangi#le asset
# de#t/e<&ity
c c!llateral >
d =isher
@@@ (0 8he c&rrent %ar$et val&e !" the assets !" levered "ir% A.4, -nc is I(00 %illi!n 8he ann&al
standard deviati!n !" ret&rns !n the assets is +0F 8he "ir%;s capital str&ct&re c!nsists !" e<&ity
and p&re disc!&nt de#t "!r which pay%ent !" I80 %illi!n is d&e in 5 years 8he ris$/"ree rate is
5F Using the .lac$/Sch!les :pti!n Pricing E!del t! calc&late the val&e !" the "ir%;s de#t
a I44
# I55 >
c I**
d I77
08he .S:PE "!r%&la and c&%&lative n!r%al distri#&ti!n "&ncti!n val&es %&st #e s&pplied2
+ssay *uestions
( Hisc&ss 0in w!rds2 and descri#e 0with a graph2 the Miller e#uilirium regarding !pti%al capital
, Hescri#e the #asic "eat&res !" the -RS ta9 c!de as it applies t! #!th c!rp!rati!ns and individ&als
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
+ -n a w!rld with c!rp!rate ta9es, e9plain h!w the g!vern%ent #ec!%es a sta$eh!lder in each "ir%
h!w ris$y is the g!vern%ent;s clai% !n a "ir%;s earningsD
4 Hescri#e the &nderinvest%ent, !r de#t/!verhang, pr!#le%, and speci"y the circ&%stances &nder
which it can a""ect a "ir%;s &se !" de#t "inancing
5 3ist and #rie"ly e9plain the real/w!rld "act!rs thatB
a ind&ce a positi!e relati!nship #etween "ir% val&e and leverageA and
# ind&ce a negati!e relati!nship #etween "ir% val&e and leverage
* Hisc&ss 0in w!rds2 and descri#e 0with e<&ati!n0s2 and a graph2 the Miller %#uilirium
7 69plain why the c!rrect "!r%&la "!r a "ir%;s a"ter/ta9 'A44 is given #y e<&ati!n 0(2 #el!w rather
than e<&ati!n 0,2 #el!wB
6<&ati!n 0(2B
r J rH
6 H
6 H
, where
r J r36
+ H 6
c 3
K rH
H 6
c 3
6<&ati!n 0,2B
r J rH0(/c2
6 H
6 H
8 .el!w is the list !" "ir% characteristic and p!licy and decisi!n varia#les that were &sed as
independent varia#les in !&r cr!ss/secti!nal regressi!n !" year/end ())8 "ir% de#t rati!s
a -n the space pr!vided #eside each varia#le, indicate the sign !" the relati!nship "!&nd in the
# =!r each varia#le, #rie"ly e9plain why the sign was p!sitive !r negative
Relati!nship t! Relati!nship t!
-ndependent He#t Rati! -ndependent He#t Rati!
Qaria#le 0K !r /2 D Qaria#le 0K !r /2 D
=ir% SiGe 0ln8A2 Hiv;s Paid 0last + yrs2C8A
PP56C8A Sales !" 4!%% St$0last + yrs2C8A
R5H0last + yrs2C8A @@@@@@@@@@ Rep&rch !" 4!%% St$0last + yrs2C8A
N-0last + yrs2C46U 4hg 0N!n/He#t 4&rr 3ia#0last + yrs2
4hg H0last + yrs2C8A HUEEOLJ( i" HC8A0+ yrs ag!2J0M
HUEEOLJ( i" HC8A0+ yrs ag!2V50FM
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
C * A P T E R :
Ana'sis o, %he Fir4 and %he
Va$a%ion o, E#$i%' and De;%
)ulti"le Choice *uestions
@@@ ( %conomies of scale are present where the c!st !" pr!d&cing each &nit declines as the <&antity !"
pr!d&ct pr!d&ced increases -n this envir!n%ent, large/scale "ir%s have a c!st advantage
8h&s, ec!n!%ies !" scale serve t! @@@@@@@ the c!st !" entry int! an ind&stry
a increase >
# decrease
@@@ , &apacity surpluses res< in 0i2 pr!d&ct prices and 0ii2 pr!"it %argins
0i2 0ii2
a l!wer higher
# higher l!wer
c l!wer l!wer >
d higher higher
@@@ + -n a the!retical paper, 'illia%s 0())52 devel!ps a %!del !" ind&stry e<&ili#ri&% that
inc!rp!rates agency c!sts d&e t! #!th credit!r/shareh!lder and %anage%ent/shareh!lder c!n"licts
His %!del has i%plicati!ns "!r the distri#&ti!n !" "ir%s within an ind&stry in e<&ili#ri&%
'hich !" the "!ll!wing state%ents c!rrectly descri#es 'illia%s; depicti!n !" ind&stry
a 6ach ind&stry has a c!re !" large, pr!"ita#le, sec&re, capital/intensive "ir%s, each with at least
s!%e e9ternal de#t, and a c!%petitive "ringe !" s%all, %arginally pr!"ita#le !r &npr!"ita#le,
ris$y, la#!r/intensive "ir%s >
# All "ir%s in an ind&stry will <i%ately #e large, la#!r/intensive "ir%s with large pr!p!rti!ns
!" de#t in their capital str&ct&res
c All "ir%s in an ind&stry will <i%ately #e s%all, capital/intensive "ir%s with n! de#t
d All "ir%s in an ind&stry will <i%ately #e large, capital/intensive "ir%s with large pr!p!rti!ns
!" de#t in their capital str&ct&res
@@@ 4 8he standard deviati!n !" a "ir%;s st!c$ ret&rns is generally greater than the standard deviati!n !"
its acc!&nting ret&rn !n e<&ity
a 8r&e
# =alse
@@@ 5 8he @@@@@@@ hyp!thesis p!sits that a "ir% %ay ch!!se high leverage as a c!%petitive strategy t!
either win %ar$et share "r!% rivals !r t! deter entry int! the ind&stry
a l!ng/p&rse
# strategic capital str&ct&re
c c!%petitive leverage
d leverage aggressiveness >
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ * 8he @@@@@@@ hyp!thesis p!sits that a "ir% %ay ch!!se l!w leverage as a c!%petitive strategy t!
s<&eeGe !ther, %!re highly levered, "ir%s !&t !" its ind&stry
a having a l!ng/p&rse >
# strategic capital str&ct&re
c c!%petitive leverage
d leverage aggressiveness
@@@ 7 6%pirical evidence indicates that the %ar$et e<&ity val&e !" a %<iple/seg%ent "ir% generally
is @@@0i2@@@ than the s&% !" the i%p&ted %ar$et val&es !" its individ&al seg%ents, a
phen!%en!n called the @@@0ii2@@@
@@@0i2@@@ @@@@@@@@0ii2@@@@@@@@
a l!wer diversi"icati!n disc!&nt >
# l!wer seg%ent e""ect
c higher diversi"icati!n pre%i&%
d higher seg%ent e""ect
The ne(% %hree pro;e4s re#$ire %he da%a sho0n ;eo0 ,or a arge ,ir4 <P,i=er> and a
s4aer ,ir4 <I44$nogen> in %he Che,icals - !llied Products ind$s%r':
=:REU3ASB R:6tJ0N-tC.6Ut/(2J0N-tCSalest20SalestC8At/(208At/(C.6Ut/(2
@@@ 8 4alc&late each "ir%;s ,000 R:6
R:60P"iGer2 R:60-%%&n!gen2
a ,,,F (0,F
# ,,,F /44F
c 4(8F (0,F
d 4(8F /44F >
@@@ ) 4!nd&ct a H&P!nt R:6 #rea$d!wn analysis "!r each "ir% 'hich #rea$d!wn rati! is %!st
i%p!rtant in e9plaining R:6 di""erential #etween the tw! "ir%sD
a pr!"it %argin >
# t!tal asset t&rn!ver
c leverage
@@@ (0 'hich !" the "!ll!wing "act!rs %!st li$ely e9plains the di""erence in the pr!"ita#ilities !" these
tw! "ir%sD
a di""erential a#ility t! sec&re de#t "inancing
# di""erential ec!n!%ies !" scale >
c the di""erence in the n&%#er !" #&siness seg%ents
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
Co4pan' Seg. PP?E TA De;% BE@ Saes Ne%.In". BE@ &E@
P=-P6R + 5,+4+ ,0,574 5,5,* 8,887 ,),574 +,7(8 (*,07* ,)0,,(*
-EEUN:T6N ( (58 7(7 007 5+ (((8 /0,4 (54 8,,+
.alues /0 ,n(1
22.alues /0 ,n(1 at Y2+ 344422 3444 .alues /0 ,n(1 at Year2+nd %&&&
+ssay *uestions
( Hisc&ss the e""ects !" ind&stry c!%petiti!n !n a "ir%;s !pti%al leverage
, .rie"ly disc&ss the the!retical papers that "!c&s !n principal/agent c!n"licts "r!% an ind&stry
+ .rie"ly disc&ss the in"!r%ati!n asy%%etry pr!#le% "r!% an ind&stry perspective, incl&ding a
disc&ssi!n !" discl!s&re p!licies
4 Hisc&ss the &se !" "inancing decisi!ns as part !" a "ir%;s c!%petitive strategies within an ind&stry
5 S&%%ariGe the reas!ning #ehind, and the vari!&s predicti!ns !", 'illia%s; the!retical %!del !"
ind&stry e<&ili#ri&% 4!%%ent !n the e9tent t! which these predicti!ns are s&pp!rted #y e%pirical
evidence presented in the chapter
* Hisc&ss Ea$si%!vic;s 0())02 arg&%ents a#!&t the i%p!rtance !" the type !" l!an c!ntract that a
"ir% receives "r!% a #an$, with respect t! its a#ility t! c!%pete in its ind&stry
7 =ries, Eiller, and Perra&din 0())+2 arg&e that the !pti%al initial capital str&ct&re "!r a "ir% within a
c!%petitive ind&stry depends cr&cially !n the de%and elasticity "!r ind&stry !&tp&t, and %ay
generally #e relatively l!w H!wever, "ir%s %aintain val&a#le options t! increase their leverage
!ver ti%e Hisc&ss their arg&%ent, and arg&e whether !r n!t the hist!rical evidence presented in
=ig&res 74 and 75 s&pp!rts their arg&%ent
8 69plain Ea$si%!vic and Pechner;s 0())(2 arg&%ent that a "ir%;s leverage decisi!n %&st #e
addressed in an ind&stry "ra%ew!r$
) 69plain Shlei"er and Qishny;s 0()),2 arg&%ent a#!&t the relati!nship #etween li<&idati!n val&e and
de#t capacity, which is set in an ind&stry c!nte9t 4!&ld their arg&%ent e9plain why the e%pirical
evidence "!r the 'etroleum Refining and Related Inds( ind&stry s! severely vi!lates the c!llateral
hyp!thesisD 69plain
(0 EcAndrews and Na$a%&ra;s 0()),2 arg&e that, when viewed "r!% an ind&stry perspective, an
increase in leverage can itsel" i%pr!ve pr!"ita#ility Hisc&ss their arg&%ent
(( S&%%ariGe the res<s !" the analyses presented in the chapter c!ncerning the c!ncentrati!n !"
e<&ity %ar$et val&es acr!ss "ir%s in %aR!r US ind&stries
(, He"ine and di""erentiate the le!erage aggressi!eness hyp!thesis and the long"purse hyp!thesis
(+ 69plain h!w the asset s&#stit&ti!n pr!#le% can create a leverage dich!t!%y a%!ng the "ir%s in a
given ind&stry in which s!%e "ir%s ad!pt leverage and p&rs&e ris$ier pr!Rects, while !ther "ir%s are
less levered and p&rs&e less ris$y pr!Rects
(4 69plain h!w the dyna%ics !" asset li<&idity in an ind&stry creates circ&%stances in which the !pti%al
leverage !" an individ&al "ir% depends !n the leverage !" !ther "ir%s in its ind&stry
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
(5 69plain h!e a "ir%;s !pti%al leverage %ay #e deter%ined #y a trade!"" #etween %anagerial agency
c!sts and c!sts !" rivals; pr!d&ct/%ar$et aggressiveness
(* =r!% the perspective !" ind&stry c!%petiti!n, e9plain the val&e t! a "ir% !" retaining de#t capacity
0ie, retaining the !pti!n t! increase leverage at any ti%e2
(7 H!w can an inc&%#ent "ir% in a given ind&stry &se leverage t! deter entryD
(8 Hisc&ss the p!ssi#le interacti!ns #etween a "ir%;s pr!d&cti!n and pr!d&ct/%ar$et decisi!ns and its
"inancing decisi!ns
() 69plain h!w pr!visi!ns in a 46:;s c!%pensati!n c!ntract can a""ect the "ir%;s c!%petitive strategy
,0 4!%pare and c!ntrast R!int vent&res and strategic alliances as %eans #y which a "ir% can c!%pete
%!re e""ectively in its ind&stry
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
C * A P T E R A
The Fir4!s En)iron4en%1
6o)ernan"e1 S%ra%eg'1
Opera%ions1 and Finan"ia
)ulti"le Choice *uestions
@@@ ( =!r which !" the peri!ds #el!w was US %acr!ec!n!%ic per"!r%ance p!!restD
a ()*0/()7+
# ()74/()8, >
c ()8+/,000
@@@ , 8echn!l!gical advances all!w a "ir%;s earnings t! gr!w !ver ti%e #eca&se they increase the
pr!d&ctivity !"B
a la#!r
# capital
c #!th la#!r and capital >
@@@ + 8he %!st "&nda%ental services that g!vern%ents pr!vide t! "ir%s areB
a the esta#lish%ent !" pr!d&ct and "inancial %ar$ets
# the reg&lati!n !" ind&stries
c the esta#lish%ent !" pr!perty rights and the en"!rce%ent !" legal c!ntracts
d #&ilding in"rastr&ct&re and %!nit!ring %anagers >
@@@ 4 Scr&tiny #y the %edia and analysts has at least tw! i%p!rtant i%plicati!ns "!r a "ir%, #&t d!es
N:8 incl&deB
a in"!r%ati!n they generate red&ces in"!r%ati!n asy%%etry
# their !versight !" a "ir%;s %anage%ent serves shareh!lders; interest
c they acc&rately "!recast the ret&rns !n individ&al "ir%s #ased !n private in"!r%ati!n they
generate >
@@@ 5 A typical @@@@@@ inv!lves a ca%paign a%!ng c!%peting gr!&ps "!r the right t! cast
shareh!lders; v!tes !n their #ehal" in electi!ns "!r a "!cal "ir%;s #!ard direct!rs
a pr!9y c!ntest >
# shareh!lder/initiated pr!p!sal
c initiati!n pr!ced&re
d ta$e!ver c!ntest
@@@ * A typical @@@@@@ inv!lves changing s!%e aspect the "ir%;s internal c!rp!rate g!vernance, s&ch
as the str&ct&re !r c!%p!siti!n !" a "ir%;s #!ard !" direct!rs
a pr!9y c!ntest
# shareh!lder/initiated pr!p!sal >
c initiati!n pr!ced&re
d ta$e!ver c!ntest
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ 7 Shareh!lders have s&ed #!ard direct!rs "!r l!sses arising "r!% alleged %is%anage%ent :ver the
years ()84/87, a direct!r lia#ility crisis e%erged in the US #eca&se !" accelerating litigati!n
against c!rp!rate direct!rs 8he threat !" litigati!n severely decreased the s&pply !"
<&ali"ied !&tside direct!rs nati!nwide -n resp!nse t! this crisis, %any states have passed
@@@0i2@@@ stat&tes, which all!w "ir%s t! ad!pt new @@@0ii2@@@ that pr!tect direct!rs "r!%
shareh!lder s&its
@@@@@@@0i2@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@0ii2@@@@@@@@
a direct!rs; i%%&nity lia#ility li%itati!n pr!visi!ns 033Ps2
# lia#ility li%itati!n direct!rs; i%%&nity pr!visi!ns 0H-Ps2
c c!rp!rate i%%&nity direct!rs; inde%nity pr!visi!ns 0H-Ps2
d lia#ility li%itati!n lia#ility li%itati!n pr!visi!ns 033Ps2 >
@@@ 8 8he @@@@@@@ !" a "ir%;s %anage%ent hierarchy is de"ined in ter%s !" the all!cati!n !" decisi!n/
%a$ing p!wer a%!ng seni!r %anagers vers&s l!wer/level %anagers
a steepness >
# c!%p!siti!n
c sharpness
d str&ct&re
@@@ ) A "ir%;s @@@@@@ pr!vides val&a#le services in ter%s !" ens&ring thatB 0i2 all parties inv!lved in a
pr!Rect are w!r$ing !n c!!rdinated and ti%ely #asesA 0ii2 !riginal plans and speci"icati!ns are
"!ll!wed, !r alternatively that necessary changes are appr!ved #y seni!r %anage%entA
0iii2 e""ective pr!d&ct <&ality and c!st c!ntr!ls are instit&ted at every stage !" the pr!cessA
and 0iv2 rep!rts !n all activities are acc&rate
a internal a&diting tea% >
# inspecti!n tea%
c e9ternal g!vernance c!%%ittee
d internal g!vernance c!%%ittee
@@@ (0 6%pirical st&dies have "!&nd that, acr!ss "ir%s, Toin)s * rati! initially increases with
%anagerial !wnership "racti!n, #&t #ey!nd a critical level, the rati! decreases with "&rther
increases in %anagerial !wnership :ne arg&%ent "!r why this rati! decreases at higher
%anagerial !wnership levels is thatB
a #!ard direct!rs n! l!nger #elieve that they need t! %!nit!r %anage%ent;s incentives
# "ewer passive shareh!lders !wn the "ir%;s st!c$
c !&tside #l!c$h!lders tend t! #e attracted t! "ir%s with high %anagerial !wnership, and
!&tside #l!c$h!lder !wnership generally destr!ys "ir% val&e
d %anage%ent can &se their shares t! leverage their entrenched p!siti!n >
@@@ (( 3ang, :"e$, and St&lG 0())*2 analyGed the relati!nship #etween leverage and gr!wth
!pp!rt&nities 8hey "!c&s !n the %ar$et;s assess%ent !" the a#ility !" the "ir% t! generate
profitale gr!wth 8heir %eas&re !" pr!"ita#le gr!wth !pp!rt&nities is Toin)s # ratio,
the rati! !" the %ar$et val&e !" the "ir%;s e<&ity t! its #!!$ val&e 8hey s&%%ariGe their
res<s as "!ll!wsB W'e sh!w that there is a negative relati!n #etween leverage and "&t&re
gr!wth 8his negative relati!n #etween leverage and gr!wth h!lds "!r "ir%s with 0i2
8!#inXs < rati!, #&t n!t "!r "ir%s with 0ii2@@ 8!#in;s <
0i2 0ii2
a l!w high >
# high l!w
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ (, At the end !" year ( "ir% NOP has 8AJI+,5 #n, and it is "inanced with de#t with a #!!$ val&e
!" I(,5 %n and e<&ity with a #!!$ val&e !" I,00 %n 8he "ir% %&st pay (0F interest
ann&ally !n its de#t -n year ,, the "ir% had a net inc!%e !" I55 %n 8he "ir%;s year , R:A
was @@@0i2@@@, and the "ir%;s year , R:6 was @@@0ii2@@@
R:A R:6
a (,0F ,75F
# (,0F (7(F
c (*)F ,75F >
d (*)F (7(F
@@@ (+ =!r "ir% NOP in the previ!&s pr!#le%, s&pp!se the "ir%;s #&siness ris$ is de"ined in ter%s !"
0R:A2, and 0R:A2J()F Ass&%ing that the de#t is de"a</"ree, c!%p&te 0R:62
a ()000F
# ,4+,5F
c +0875F >
d 4)400F
=:REU3AB 0R:62J 0R:A2L8AC.6UM
+ssay *uestions
( 3ist and #rie"ly disc&ss the "!&r ele%ents that de"ine a "ir%;s #&siness envir!n%ent
, 3ist the external g!vernance gr!&ps that in"l&ence a "ir%, and h!w they c&r# sel"/serving decisi!ns #y
a p&#lic "ir%;s %anage%ent
+ 3ist the internal g!vernance gr!&ps that in"l&ence a "ir%, and h!w they c&r# sel"/serving decisi!ns #y
a p&#lic "ir%;s %anage%ent
4 69plain h!w the c&rrent and e9pected "&t&re states !" the ec!n!%y %ay a""ect a "ir%;s capital
invest%ent decisi!ns #y a""ecting 0i2 e9pected pr!"itsA 0ii2 ris$A and 0iii2 the "ir%s; c!st !" capital
5 H!w d!es a "ir%;s internal g!vernance str&ct&re interact with its #&siness strategyD
* .rie"ly disc&ss the g!vernance r!le !" a "ir%;s #!ard !" direct!rs, and "act!rs that %ight %a$e a #!ard
wea$ !r str!ng in this respect
7 He"ine and #rie"ly disc&ss the n!ti!n !" the steepness !" a "ir%;s %anagerial hierarchy
8 Hisc&ss the vari!&s advantages !" #eing a large 0vs s%all2 "ir%
) Several st&dies have st&died the relati!nship #etween the percentage !" a "ir%;s shares held #y
e9ec&tives and the "ir%;s per"!r%ance 'hat did they "indD H!w w!&ld y!& e9plain the res<sD
(0 Henis, Henis, and Sarin 0())72 c!nd&cted an e%pirical investigati!n t! deter%ine whether the
li$elih!!d !" t!p e9ec&tive t&rn!ver is related t! the "ir%;s !wnership str&ct&re .rie"ly disc&ss their
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
(( Acc!rding t! Agrawal and NagaraRan 0())02, why d! %any s%all "ir%s have n! de#t in their capital
(, 3ang, :"e$, and St&lG 0())*2 test tw! c!%peting hyp!theses a#!&t the relati!nship #etween leverage
and gr!wth 3ist these hyp!theses and s&%%ariGe their "indings
(+ Hisc&ss the &se !" incentive devices in %anagerial c!%pensati!n c!ntracts
(4 .rie"ly disc&ss the e""ects !" each !" the "!ll!wing !n a "ir%;s #&siness ris$B 0a2 the "ir%;s ch!sen
ind&stryA 0#2 the "ir%;s siGeA and 0c2 the "ir%;s capital intensity
(5 3ist and #rie"ly descri#e the pri%ary ele%ents !" a "ir%;s !perati!nal str&ct&re
(* 3ist and #rie"ly descri#e the pri%ary ele%ents !" a "ir%;s "inancial str&ct&re
(7 He"ine #&siness ris$ and "inancial ris$ 'hat is the relati!nship #etween the%D
(8 'hy is the standard deviati!n !" a "ir%;s st!c$ ret&rns, 0R2, generally %&ch greater than the
standard deviati!n !" its ret&rn !n e<&ity, 0R:62D
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
C * A P T E R B
&arke% E,,i"ien"'1 E)en%
S%$dies1 Cos% o, E#$i%' Capi%a1
and E#$i%' Va$a%ion
)ulti"le Choice *uestions
@@@ ( -" the sec&rities %ar$ets are e""icient, the %ar$et;s reacti!n t! new in"!r%ati!n a#!&t a "ir%;s
val&e 0s&ch as an earnings ann!&nce%ent2 sh!&ld #eB
a grad&al, as invest!rs rati!nally deli#erate the e""ect !" the in"!r%ati!n !n the st!c$;s val&e
# i%%ediate and &n#iased >
c sl!w !r "ast, depending !n the a%!&nt !" Ss&rprise; c!ntained in the new in"!r%ati!n
d negligi#le 0the in"!r%ati!n w!&ld have already #een i%p!&nded int! the "ir%;s st!c$ price2
@@@ , -n the @@@@0i2@@@@ !" the e""icient %ar$et hyp!thesis 06EH2, a sec&rity;s price re"lects all
p&#licly availa#le in"!r%ati!n -n the @@@@@0ii2@@@@ "!r% !" the 6EH, a sec&rity;s price
re"lects all in"!r%ati!n that %ay #e c!ntained in the hist!rical prices !" a sec&rity -n the
@@@@0iii2@@@@ !" the 6EH, a sec&rity;s price re"lects all in"!r%ati!n, whether it is p&#lic
in"!r%ati!n !r in"!r%ati!n held privately
0i2 0ii2 0iii2
a wea$ se%istr!ng str!ng
# str!ng se%istr!ng wea$
c wea$ str!ng se%istr!ng
d se%istr!ng str!ng wea$
e se%istr!ng wea$ str!ng >
@@@ + -n an event st&dy, what tw! steps d!es a researcher ta$e t! adR&st "!r the val&ati!n e""ects !" !ther
new 0and si%<ane!&sly/revealed2 val&e/relevant in"!r%ati!n, in !rder t! is!late the val&ati!n
e""ect !" a speci"ic eventD
a 0i2 &sing the %ar$et %!del t! re%!ve the e""ects !" !ther "ir%/speci"ic "act!rsA and 0ii2
averaging a#n!r%al ret&rns acr!ss %any "ir%s with a si%ilar event t! wash !&t the e""ect
!" the %ar$et
# 0i2 &sing the %ar$et %!del t! re%!ve the e""ect !" the %ar$etA and 0ii2 averaging a#n!r%al
ret&rns acr!ss %any "ir%s with a si%ilar event t! wash !&t the e""ects !" !ther "ir%/
speci"ic "act!rs >
c 0i2 averaging ret&rns !n Sevent; st!c$s !ver several days t! Ss%!!th; the in"!r%ati!n i%pactA
and 0ii2 washing !&t the e""ect !" the %ar$et #y incl&ding !nly days when the %ar$et
ret&rn was s%all
d 0i2 averaging ret&rns !n Sevent; st!c$s !ver several days #y incl&ding !nly days when the
%ar$et ret&rn was s%allA and 0ii2 washing !&t the e""ect !" the %ar$et t! Ss%!!th; the
in"!r%ati!n i%pact
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ 4 :ver the wee$end pri!r t! April +, ,000, a US Histrict 4!&rt r&led that Eicr!s!"t 4!rp is a
%!n!p!ly :n E!nday, April +, Eicr!s!"t;s st!c$ ret&rn was /(447F, while the ret&rn !n
the S5P500 0the S%ar$et;2 was 04)F =!r the tw! years leading &p t! this date, the S%ar$et
%!del; relati!nship #etween Eicr!s!"t;s daily ret&rns and the %ar$et;s daily ret&rns was as
given #el!w Using this %ar$et %!del relati!nship, c!%p&te the Sa#n!r%al ret&rn; !n
Eicr!s!"t;s st!c$ !n April +, ,000
RES=8J0()F K 0*00RE182 K
a /,5*F
# /55*F
c /85*F
d /(4)5F >
=:REU3ASB Rit J i K iR%t K itA ARi0 J Ri0 / 0
i K
@@@ 5 8he "!ll!wing in"!r%ati!n !n the st!c$ !" Av!n, -nc was !#tained !n 8h&rs, N!v ((, ()))B
St!c$ price J Q6 J I,850A
3atest ann&al dividends per share J Ht/( J I07,
5/year average earnings gr!wth rate J ghist!rical J 4+(F
S&pp!se dividends per share "!r the ne9t year are pr!Rected t! #e Ht J I075 -" we als! ass&%e
that the %ar$et is pricing Av!n st!c$ t! have an e9pected ret&rn !" r6 J )F, is the %ar$et
pricing Av!n st!c$ t! have @@@@@@@@ earnings gr!wth rate, g, thanCas it had !ver the past 5
a a higher >
# a l!wer
c the sa%e
=:REU3AB Q6JHtC0r6/g2JHt/(0(Kg2C0r6/g2
@@@ * 8he "!ll!wing in"!r%ati!n !n the st!c$ !" Av!n, -nc was !#tained !n 8h&rsday, N!ve%#er
((, ()))B PC6 rati! J ,4+*, and the latest ann&al earnings is 6t J ((7 per share -" we
ass&%e that the e9pected ret&rn !n Av!n st!c$ is r6J)F, what is the present val&e !"
Av!n;s pr!"ita#le "&t&re invest%ent !pp!rt&nities 0PQP=-:2D
a I 7,5
# I(+,5 >
c I,0,5
d I,7,5
@@@ 7 -n recent years, Sears, R!e#&c$ 5 4! has paid !&t !nly +,F !" its earnings in dividends
Retained earnings have #een invested in e9pansi!n pr!Rects that have yielded an average
R:6 !" ,0F -" Sears; c!st !" e<&ity capital is (*F and ne9t year;s e9pected dividend is I(
per share, c!%p&te the val&e !" Sears; shares &sing the c!nstant dividend gr!wth %!del as
interpreted thr!&gh the s&staina#le gr!wth %!del
a I50(
# I)87
c I,047
d I4(*7 >
=:REU3ASB gJ#$A QJHtC0r/g2
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ 8 At date 0, the %ar$et;s e9pectati!n "!r the year ( dividend !n "ir% NOP;s st!c$ is H(JI(45
8he %ar$et als! e9pects dividends t! gr!w at an ann&al rate !" gSJ,F in the "!ll!wing +
years 0ie, years ,, +, and 42 a"ter which dividends will gr!w at an ann&al rate !" gNJ*F int!
perpet&ity -" the "ir%;s c!st !" e<&ity capital is r6J(F, the val&e !" NOP st!c$ isB
a I+(5, >
# I,55,
c I()5,
d I(+5,
( t
N 6
S (
( t
S (
r ( 0
g r
2 g ( 0 H
2 r ( 0
2 g ( 0 H
@@@ ) Eas&lis 0()802 d!c&%ented evidence that the %ar$et generally reacts "av!ra#ly t! a leverage/
increasing de#t/"!r/e<&ity swap, and &n"av!ra#ly t! a leverage decreasing e<&ity/"!r/de#t
swap 'hich !" the "!ll!wing is N:8 a legiti%ate the!retical e9planati!n "!r these %ar$et
a -ncreasing leverage increases the ta9 shield !" de#t, while e9ting&ishing de#t decreases it
# -ncreasing leverage ind&ces an e9pr!priati!n !" wealth "r!% e9isting credit!rs, while
e9ting&ishing de#t acc!%plishes the !pp!site
c -ncreasing leverage via a swap inv!lves paying a dividend t! shareh!lders while decreasing
leverage via a swap "!rces the "ir% t! iss&e e<&ity >
d -ncreasing leverage disciplines %anage%ent t! act in shareh!lders; interest #y a#s!r#ing "ree
cash "l!w, while decreasing leverage increases %anage%ent;s a#ility t! p&rs&e sel"/
serving activities
@@@ (0 8he %anage%ent !" "ir% NOP tends t! pay !&t +5F !" its earnings in dividends each year, while
the re%ainder is retained "!r capital invest%ents that pr!vide an e9pected R:6 !" (8F -" the
"ir%;s c!st !" e<&ity capital is (+F and ne9t year;s e9pected dividend is HtJI050 per share,
c!%p&te the val&e !" the "ir%;s shares &sing the c!nstant dividend gr!wth %!del as
interpreted thr!&gh the s&staina#le gr!wth %!del
a I74* >
# I(74*
c I,74*
d I+74*
=:REU3ASB gJ#$A QJHtC0r/g2
@@@ (( 8he price !" T6 st!c$ is I+8, and its latest ann&al earnings per share was I(+7 -" the
appr!priate disc!&nt rate "!r T6 st!c$ is r6J(0F, what is the present val&e !" T6;s pr!"ita#le
"&t&re invest%ent !pp!rt&nities 0PQP=-:2D
a I(4+0
# I()+0
c I,4+0 >
d I+4+0
=:REU3AB PQP=-:JQ/6tCr
@@@ (, 8he #eta 02 !" A%es; st!c$ is ,5 8he ris$"ree rate is ,F, and the e9pected ret&rn !n the %ar$et
p!rt"!li! is (*F 'hat is the e9pected ret&rn !n A%es; st!c$D
a ,,F
# ,7F
c +,F
d +7F >
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
=:REU3AB riJr"KiLr%/r"M
+ssay *uestions
( Hisc&ss the general asserti!n !" the 6""icient Ear$et Hyp!thesis 06EH2 a#!&t the price !" a
sec&rity, and its speci"ic asserti!ns &nder the wea$ "!r%, se%istr!ng "!r%, and str!ng "!r%
, -n an event st&dy, what two steps d!es a researcher ta$e t! adR&st "!r the val&ati!n e""ects !" !ther
new 0and si%<ane!&sly/revealed2 val&e/relevant in"!r%ati!n, in !rder t! is!late the val&ati!n e""ect
!" a speci"ic eventD
+ Hisc&ss the!retical arg&%ents that can e9plain Eas&lis; 0()802 "indings that the %ar$et reacts
p!sitively t! leverage increasing e9changes 0ie, de#t "!r e<&ity2 and negatively t! leverage
decreasing e9changes 0ie, e<&ity "!r de#t2
4 H!w c!&ld a "ir%;s !wnership str&ct&re a""ect its c!st !" e<&ity capitalD
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
C * A P T E R -C
Corpora%e Bonds: Ter4s1
Iss$an"e1 and Va$a%ion
)ulti"le Choice *uestions
@@@ ( 4!n"licts !" interest #etween a #!rr!wing "ir% and its credit!rs 8his pr!#le% is e9acer#ated in
the case !" a p&#lic #!nd, #eca&se the !wnership !" p&#lic #!nds is generally dispersed
a%!ng %any #!ndh!lders =!r these reas!ns, the interests !" the invest!rs in a p&#lic c!rp!rate
#!nd are pr!tected in part #y the app!int%ent !" a @@@@@@@, wh! is charged with %!nit!ring the
"ir%;s c!%pliance with the vari!&s ter%s, c!venants, and pr!visi!ns in the c!ntract
a liais!n !""icer
# tr&stee >
c sec&rity !""icer
d c!%pliance g&ardian
@@@ , Regarding c!rp!rate #!nds, i" the iss&ing "ir% d!es n!t pledge speci"ic assets as c!llateral, the
#!nd is called a @@@@@@@
a de#ent&re >
# %!rtgage
c chattel %!rtgage
d n!te
@@@ + .!nd c!ntracts generally incl&de restricti!e co!enants, designed t! pr!tect the interests !" the
#!ndh!lders 8ypical c!venants restrict all !" the "!ll!wing 6N46P8B
a the #!rr!wing "ir%;s invest%ent activities
# the #!rr!wing "ir%;s a#ility t! iss&e additi!nal de#t
c the #!rr!wing "ir%;s dividend p!licy
d the "ir%;s hiring !" %anage%ent pers!nnel >
@@@ 4 8he @@@@@@@@@@ pr!visi!n in a c!rp!rate #!nd c!ntract re<&ires the "ir% t! retire a speci"ied
percentage !" the #!nds each year, typically a"ter a de"er%ent peri!d !" 5 t! (0 years
a sin$ing "&nd >
# call
c p&t
d c!nversi!n
@@@ 5 6ssentially, a c!nverti#le #!nd is a p!rt"!li! !"B
a a #!nd and an a&t!%!#ile wh!se t!p can #e re%!ved
# an !therwise e<&ivalent n!nc!nverti#le #!nd and shares !" the iss&ing "ir%;s st!c$
c an !therwise e<&ivalent n!nc!nverti#le #!nd and a call !pti!n !n the "ir%;s st!c$ >
d an !therwise e<&ivalent n!nc!nverti#le #!nd and a p&t !pti!n !n the "ir%;s st!c$
@@@ * -nvest%ent #an$s "!r% a te%p!rary alliance, called a @@@@@@, t! &nderwrite a #!nd iss&e
a selling gr!&p
# syndicate >
c c!aliti!n
d pricing ass!ciati!n
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ 7 -n @@@@@@@, an iss&ing "ir% s!licits #ids "r!% a%!ng several invest%ent #an$s "!r the R!# !"
&nderwriting a #!nd iss&e
a c!%petitive #idding >
# neg!tiated &nderwriting
c aggressive #idding
d #argain #idding
@@@ 8 -n ()8,, the S64 ad!pted R&le 4(5, als! $n!wn as the @@@@@@@ r&le, which all!ws <&ali"ying
"ir%s t! register a #!nd !""ering and then sell it either as a wh!le !r piece%eal at any ti%e
!ver several years
a delayed registrati!n
# de"erred registrati!n
c shel" registrati!n >
d piece%eal registrati!n
@@@ ) Underwriter generally places n!n/s!licitati!n advertise%ents in the 'all Street J!&rnal andC!r
!ther i%p!rtant newspapers n!ti"ying the p&#lic !" the availa#ility !" an iss&e 8hese are
called @@@@@@@
a t!%#st!ne ads >
# headst!ne ads
c n!ti"icati!ns !" availa#ility
d #!nd iss&e sched&les
@@@ (0 -n resp!nse t! c!%petiti!n "r!% the 6&r!#!nd %ar$et, the S64 ad!pted @@@@@@@ in ())0, which
all!ws "ir%s t! iss&e #!nds in the US %ar$et with %ini%al reg&lat!ry red tape as l!ng as
they are s!ld !nly t! <&ali"ied invest!rs 0eg, "inancial instit&ti!ns2
a the N!nregistrati!n 69cepti!n
# U&ali"ied -nvest!rs R&le 0U-R2
c R&le )).
d R&le (44A >
@@@ (( 8he p&#lic %ar$et "!r new spec&lative/grade #!nds, als! $n!wn as high"yield !r +unk onds, was
created virt&ally single/handedly #y Eichael Eil$en and his "ir%, Hre9el .&rnha% 3a%#ert,
in the late ()70s Pri!r t! that ti%e, the !nly c!rp!rate #!nds that carried a spec&lative/grade
rating were s!/called @@@@@@@, #!nds that initially garnered an invest%ent/grade rating, #&t
later the iss&er e9perienced "inancial distress s! that their rating "ell int! the spec&lative/grade
a disc!&nt #!nds
# c!ncessi!n #!nds
c "allen angels >
d c&t rate #!nds
@@@ (, 8RU6 !r =A3S6 Underwriter spreads !n c!rp!rate #!nds re"lect s&#stantial ec!n!%ies !" scale
a 8RU6 >
# =A3S6
@@@ (+ Si%&lati!ns #ased !n the .lac$/Sch!les %!del indicate that, "!r all c!%#inati!ns !" leverage
0HCQ2 and "ir% ris$ 02, de#t ris$B
a increases as de#t %at&rity increases >
# decreases as de#t %at&rity increases
c re%ains "airly c!nstant as de#t %at&rity increases
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ (4 Standard 5 P!!rs ratings are gr!&ped int! tw! %aR!r categ!ries, in!estment"grade and
speculati!e"grade .!nds that are rated 0i2 are incl&ded in the invest%ent/grade
gr!&p, while spec&lative/grade #!nds are th!se rated 0ii2
0i2 0ii2
a AAA, AA, A ..., .., ., 444, 44, 4
# AAA, AA, A, ... .., ., 444, 44, 4 >
c AAA, AA, A, ..., .. ., 444, 44, 4
d AAA, AA, A, ..., .., . 444, 44, 4
@@@ (5 -n Jan&ary, ,00,, J!nes 4!%pany iss&es a p&re/disc!&nt #!nd with a pr!%ised pay%ent !"
NJI(000 that %at&res in 8J5 years 8he %ar$et price !" the #!nd is PJI777 8he #!nd is
de"a</ ris$y Speci"ically, the pr!#a#ility is 08 that J!nes 4!%pany will pay the "&ll
a%!&nt !" N at %at&rity, and is 0, that the "ir% will de"a<, in which case the pay!"" t!
#!ndh!lders will #e !nly I555 4alc&late the #!nd;s pr!%ised yield t! %at&rity, y, and e9pected
ret&rn t! %at&rity, rH
y rH
a 8(8F 5(8F
# 5(8F 5(8F
c 8(8F +,+F
d 5(8F +,+F >
e 5(8F (57F
Y(, where 60PAO2J pLNM K 0(/p2LN;M
@@@ (* 4!%p&te the promised yield to maturity and expected return to maturity !n a de"a</ris$y 5/year
p&re/disc!&nt c!rp!rate #!nd that has a c&rrent price !" I54( 'ith a pr!#a#ility !" 07, the
iss&er will repay the principal !" I(,000 at %at&rity H!wever, the pr!#a#ility is 0+ that the
iss&er will de"a<, in which case #!ndh!lders will receive !nly I500 per #!nd
Pr!%ised 69p Ret
Oield t! Eat
a (7*+F (+0*F
# (7*+F )4*F
c (+0*F )4*F >
d (+0*F ++0F
Y(, where 60PAO2J pLNM K 0(/p2LN;M
@@@ (7 4!%p&te the promised yield to maturity and expected return to maturity !n a de"a</ris$y +/year
p&re/disc!&nt c!rp!rate #!nd that has a c&rrent price !" I54+ 'ith a pr!#a#ility !" 0*, the
iss&er will repay the principal !" I(,000 at %at&rity H!wever, the pr!#a#ility is 04 that
the iss&er will de"a<, in which case #!ndh!lders will receive !nly I,00 per #!nd
Pr!%ised 69p Ret
Oield t! Eat
a ,,57F (+0*F
# ,,57F 77)F >
c (+0*F (+0*F
d (+0*F 77)F
Y(, where 60PAO2J pLNM K 0(/p2LN;M
@@@ (8 8he pr!#a#ility !" a calla#le #!nd #eing called, and th&s the yield pre%i&% that invest!rs de%and
"!r the ris$ !" a call, is directly related t!B
a the v!latility !" the #!nd;s yield >
# the de"er%ent peri!d
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
c the call price
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
5he ne6t two "ro7le,s re8uire the 7ond yield s"read ,atri6 given 7elow
@@@ () Using the #!nd yield spread %atri9 a#!ve, calc&late the "air yield !n a ,0/year calla#le c!rp!rate
#!nd that is rated W...Z #y S5P, given als! that the yield !n ,0/year 8reas&ries is 555F
a (**F
# 7,(F >
c *54F
d 88)F
@@@ ,0 Using the #!nd yield spread %atri9 a#!ve, calc&late the "air yield !n a 5/year n!ncalla#le
c!rp!rate #!nd that is rated W.Z #y S5P, given als! that the yield !n 5/year 8reas&ries is
a 4(5F
# *(5F
c 85)F >
d (05)F
@@@ ,( -" a "ir% atte%pts t! call an !&tstanding c!nverti#le #!nd, the #!ndh!ldersB
a have the pree%pt!ry right t! c!nvert the #!nds int! st!c$ >
# %&st tender their #!nds i%%ediately and receive the call price
c %&st challenge %anage%ent;s decisi!n t! call the #!nds via a pr!9y c!ntest
d have the !pti!n t! $eep their #!nds !&tstanding
@@@ ,, 8RU6 !r =A3S6 Oield spreads !n new c!nverti#le #!nds generally are negative
a 8RU6 >
# =A3S6
+ssay *uestions
( A "ir%;s !riginal credit!rs $n!w that the #!rr!wing "ir% has an incentive t! iss&e additi!nal de#t as a
%eans !" e9pr!priating val&e "r!% the% 3ist three restricti!e co!enants that can #e placed in the
#!nd c!ntract that can pr!tect the "ir%;s credit!rs "r!% s&ch e9pr!priati!n
, Hescri#e the sin$ing "&nd pr!visi!n !n a c!rp!rate #!nd and disc&ss its e""ect !n the yield !n a #!nd
+ 3ist and #rie"ly de"ine each !" the S5P rating categ!ries "!r c!rp!rate #!nds
4 =irst, list and #rie"ly disc&ss the "act!rs that are incl&ded in S5P "ra%ew!r$ "!r assessing the de"a<
ris$ !" a c!rp!rate #!nd Sec!nd, c!%%ent !n whether any !ther "act!rs sh!&ld #e added t! this
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
&a%$ri%'EF-C 'rsG Non"aa;e +4 5, *) (07 ,+* 4(5 *87
&a%$ri%'EF-C 'rsG Caa;e 58 7, (0, (50 +04 45* 5+0
&a%$ri%'D-C 'rsG Non"aa;e 5+ 7, ), (,) ,+* ,++ nCa
&a%$ri%'D-C 'rsG Caa;e ((0 (0* (+( (** ,)0 4++ 5+0
A BOND HIE8D SPREAD &ATRII <;asis poin%s>
5 69plain why the #!nd yield spread %atri9 is a p!p&lar appr!ach "!r deter%ining the "air yield !n a
c!rp!rate #!nd
* Hisc&ss the para%eters that deter%ine the val&e !" a c!nverti#le #!nd
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
C * A P T E R --
Pri)a%e E#$i%' and
Ven%$re Capi%a
)ulti"le Choice *uestions
@@@ ( S&pp!se a vent&re re<&ires I7 %n in e<&ity "inancing t! %!ve t! the ne9t stage !" devel!p%ent
8he "ir%;s %anage%ent is neg!tiating with a vent&re capital "ir% 0Q42 "!r the "&nding
Ass&%ing that the "ir%;s #&siness g!als are achieved, it will generate earnings !" I,(
%n per year int! perpet&ity starting #eginning !n the har!est date, "!&r years "r!% n!w,
when the "ir% will g! p&#lic At that ti%e, the "ir% will #e val&ed in the %ar$et acc!rding t! a
PC6 rati! !" (8 8h&s, the harvest /date val&e !" the "ir%, ass&%ing that it is s&ccess"&l, will
#e I+78 %n0J(8LI,( %nM2 H!wever, the pr!#a#ility that the "ir% will #e s&ccess"&l is !nly ,5F,
while the pr!#a#ility !" t!tal "ail&re !" the vent&re is 75F 8here"!re, the e9pected
harvest/date val&e !" the "ir% is I)45 %n 0J0,5LI+78M2 A disc!&nt rate !" ++F is applied t!
this val&e t! deter%ine the present val&e !" the vent&re, yielding a val&e !" QJI+0, %n
0JI)45 %n CL(++M
2 .ased !n this val&e and the Q4;s c!ntri#&ti!n !" I7 %n, what "racti!n
!" the "ir%;s e<&ity shares sh!&ld the Q4 receiveD
a (+,F
# ,+,F >
c ++,F
d 4+,F
@@@ , J!e :gden, the 4hair%an and 46: !" :gdenergy, -nc, a pr!%ising vent&re in the nat&ral gas
ind&stry, is neg!tiating with S&%%er Street 4apital Partners, a .&""al!, NO/#ased vent&re
capital "ir% 0Q42, "!r "&nding !" I(5 %n, which will #e &sed "!r #&ilding PP56 S&%%er Street is
i%pressed with the vent&re, and is c!nsidering pr!viding the "&nding in e9change "!r
e<&ity shares H!wever, S&%%er Street is c!ncerned that i" they de%and an e<&ity
!wnership percentage that is t!! high, :gdenergy;s entreprene&rs %ay #e less inclined
t! w!r$ hard t! ens&re the vent&re;s s&ccess 8hey deter%ine that i" they de%and a 40F
e<&ity percentage, the "ir% will #e w!rth I44 %n, #&t i" they de%and a *0F !wnership
percentage, the "ir%;s val&e will #e !nly I,* %n 'hich e<&ity !wnership percentage sh!&ld
S&%%er Street ta$eD 0ie, which %a9i%iGes S&%%er Street;s NPQD2
a S&%%er Street sh!&ld ta$e a 40F e<&ity percentage >
# S&%%er Street sh!&ld ta$e a *0F e<&ity percentage
@@@ + 'hich !" the "!ll!wing is the least li$ely s!&rce !" "&nding "!r a vent&re that is in the seed stage
!" devel!p%entD
a angel "inanciers
# #!!tstrapping
c #an$s >
@@@ 4 8RU6 !r =A3S6B Q4s are rarely inv!lved in the g!vernance and %anage%ent !" a vent&re that
they "inance
a 8RU6
# =A3S6 >
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ 5 8he Q4 ind&stry did n!t #ec!%e a %aR!r "!rce in "inancing vent&res &ntil which 8': pr!#le%s
were s!lvedD
a in"!r%ati!nal asy%%etry and principal/agent pr!#le%s
# legislati!n all!wed instit&ti!nal invest!rs t! pr!vide signi"icant capital #ac$ing, and an
e""ective legal/lia#ility arrange%ent "!r c!ntri#&ting parties was devised >
c c!ntracting pr!#le%s with the vent&re and c!%pensati!n "!r e9ec&tives
d "inancing pr!#le%s 0ie, de#t vs e<&ity2 and the &nderinvest%ent pr!#le%
@@@ * Q4s generally ta$e the "!r% !" a
a li%ited partnership >
# c!rp!rati!n
c pr!priet!rship
d R!int vent&re
@@@ 7 T!%pers; 0())52 the!retical %!del !" vent&re "inancing "!c&sed !n %itigating principal/agent
c!n"licts #etween the entreprene&r and an !&tside "inancier His %!del e9plains why
vent&res are devel!ped in stagesB the end !" each stage is
a a cash/!&t !pp!rt&nity
# an !pp!rt&nity t! harvest parts !" the vent&re
c a ti%e "!r %anage%ent t! rest and rec&perate
d a %!nit!ring !pp!rt&nity >
@@@ 8 Ad%ati and P"leiderer 0())42 arg&ed that #y having #!th inside and !&tside invest!rs c!ntri#&te
t! a vent&re, @@@@@@@@@@@@, and th&s a rati!nal c!ntin&ati!nCter%inati!n decisi!n w!&ld #e
%ade at each stage !" devel!p%ent
a #!th in"!r%ati!n asy%%etry and principal/agent pr!#le%s are res!lved
# ta9es and ris$ are #!th %ini%iGed
c the !verinvest%ent and &nderinvest%ent pr!#le%s are #alanced !&t >
d percepti!n #iases cancel !&t
+ssay *uestions
( 3ist and descri#e the eight stages !" a vent&re;s devel!p%ent and "inancing
, Hisc&ss s!%e !" the pr!#le%s that entreprene&rs have in neg!tiating with a Q4
+ Hisc&ss s!%e !" the pr!#le%s that Q4s have in neg!tiating with entreprene&rs
4 8he Q4 ind&stry did n!t #ec!%e a %aR!r "!rce in "inancing vent&res &ntil which 8': pr!#le%s
were s!lvedD
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
C * A P T E R -.
Ini%ia P$;i" O,,erings
o, S%o"k
)ulti"le Choice *uestions
@@@ ( 'hich !" the "!ll!wing is N:8 c!nsidered an advantage !" g!ing p&#licD
a Sharing c!rp!rate c!ntr!l with !&tsiders >
# .etter access t! #!th e<&ity and de#t %ar$ets in the "&t&re
c .etter li<&idity "!r the "ir%;s shares
d 8he "ir%;s entreprene&rs have a chance t! li<&idate part !" their invest%ent and diversi"y
@@@ , 'hich !" the "!ll!wing is N:8 generally c!nsidered a c!st !" g!ing p&#licD
a UnderpricingB -P:s appear t! #e s&#stantially &nderpriced
# 4!%petiti!nB N!w that the "ir% is %!re visi#le, ind&stry rivals will c!%pete %!re
intensively >
c -ss&ance 4!stsB 8he typical &nderwriter spread "!r an -P: is 7F !" the !""ering pr!ceeds
d Eanage%ent;s ti%e in preparing "!r the !""ering
e 3!ss !" 4!ntr!lB New e<&ityh!lders %ay press the "ir% t! change its invest%ent, "inancing,
!r dividend p!licies, and %ay als! atte%pt t! replace the "ir%;s !riginal %anage%ent
@@@ + 'hich !" the "!ll!wing is N:8 generally c!nsidered a c!st !" g!ing p&#licD
a Agency 4!sts !" Eanagerial Hiscreti!nB Separating !wnership and c!ntr!l leads t! s&ch
c!sts, th!&gh they can #e %itigated with %!nit!ring, incentive c!ntracting, etc
# -n"!r%ati!n Asy%%etryB Hiscl!s&re re<&ire%ents %ay c!%pr!%ise the "ir%;s strategic
p!siti!n in the ind&stry
c 8a9esB P&#lic "ir%s "ace higher "ederal and state ta9 rates than private "ir%s >
d Per"!r%ance Press&resB Eanage%ent will "ace press&re "!r per"!r%ance "r!% invest!rs, the
"inancial press, e<&ity research analysts, and #!nd rating agencies
e Histracti!nsB Eanage%ent is !"ten distracted #y ti%e/c!ns&%ing invest!r/relati!ns tas$s,
s&ch as press releases, pers!nal visits "r!% !r t! %aR!r shareh!lders, etc
@@@ 4 T!%pers 0())*2 arg&ed that s%aller, y!&nger Q4s !"ten #ring their "ir%s p&#lic earlier in !rder
t! esta#lish a rep&tati!n and there"!re attract additi!nal capital in the "&t&re He re"ers t!
s&ch sel"/serving #ehavi!r !n the part !" a Q4 as
a grandstanding >
# #!asting
c rep&tati!n #&ilding
d rep&gnant
@@@ 5 S!%e pre/-P: shareh!lders %ay wish t! ta$e the !pp!rt&nity a""!rded #y the -P: t! cash !&t
s!%e !r all !" their shares in the @@@0i2@@@ p!rti!n !" the -P: -P: "ir%s als! generally raise
"&nds "!r the "ir% in the @@@0ii2@@@ p!rti!n !" the !""ering
@@@0i2@@@ @@@0ii2@@@
a pri%ary sec!ndary
# sec!ndary pri%ary >
c tertiary pri%ary
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
d sec!ndary tertiary
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ * An i%p!rtant aspect !" insiders; c!%%it%ent t! c!ntin&ing !wnership is the @@@@@@, where#y
insiders agree t! h!ld their shares "!r a peri!d 0typically (80 days2 a"ter the -P: date
a !wnership c!%%it%ent
# signaling agree%ent
c stat&e <&! agree%ent
d l!c$&p pr!visi!n >
@@@ 7 An -P: "ir% has a ch!ice !" tw! %eth!ds !" selling shares -n the @@@0i2@@@ %eth!d, the
&nderwriter essentially acts as a @@@0ii2@@@, agreeing t! p&rchase all shares !""ered at a "i9ed
price, and then ta$es the ris$ !" reselling the shares t! the p&#lic -n the @@@0iii2@@@
%eth!d, the &nderwriter essentially acts as a @@@0iv2@@@, agreeing !nly t! c!nd&ct a search
"!r interested #&yers
@@@0i2@@@ @@@0ii2@@@ @@@0iii2@@@ @@@0iv2@@@
a "ir%/c!%%it%ent #r!$er #est e""!rts dealer
# "ir%/c!%%it%ent dealer #est e""!rts #r!$er >
c #est e""!rts dealer "ir%/c!%%it%ent #r!$er
d #est e""!rts #r!$er "ir%/c!%%it%ent dealer
@@@ 8 -n an -P:, the @@@@@@ !pti!n all!ws the &nderwriter t! sell additi!nal shares i" it is pr!"ita#le t!
d! s!
a !verall!t%ent >
# !""er e9tensi!n
c c!ntin&ance
d pr!l!ngati!n
@@@ ) :ver the years ()80/,000, %!st US "ir%s that have g!ne p&#lic have ch!sen the @@@@@ as their
listing %ar$et
a NOS6
# AE6N
c NASHAUC:84 >
d .&lletin .!ard
@@@ (0 'hich !" the "!ll!wing is N:8 a the!ry that has #een s&ggested t! e9plain e%pirical evidence
that -P:s are initially &nderpricedD
a litigati!n ris$
# the winner;s c&rse
c signaling 0ie, strategic &nderpricing2
d the -P: %ar$et is ine""icient >
@@@ (( A well/d!c&%ented an!%aly ass!ciated with -P:s is evidence that -P:s @@@@@@ !ther st!c$s in
the aftermarket "!r &p t! + years
a !&tper"!r%
# &nderper"!r% >
@@@ (, 'hat is a unit I',D
a An -P: !" a previ!&s &nit 0!r divisi!n2 !" a "ir% that is #eing sp&n !"" !" its parent
# A pac$age that incl&des #!th c!%%!n st!c$ and warrants >
c An -P: !" c!%%!n shares that is s!ld in #&l$ 0ie, as a &nit2 t! a single invest!r
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ (+ 'hat types !" "ir%s are %!st li$ely t! g! p&#lic via a &nit -P:D
a larger, !lder, %!re esta#lished "ir%s
# s%aller, y!&nger, %!re spec&lative "ir%s >
@@@ (4 N&triti!n, -nc, a vita%in s&pple%ent %an&"act&rer, is "inanced entirely with e<&ity that is
c&rrently privately !wned #y its %anagers 8he "ir% is e9pected t! generate earnings !" I5
%n per year int! perpet&ity, and all earnings are paid !&t in dividends 8he !wner/%anagers
receive n! additi!nal c!%pensati!n =!r all !" the !wner/%anagers, their shares !" the "ir%;s
e<&ity acc!&nts "!r the #&l$ !" their pers!nal wealth As a res<, in deter%ining their
pers!nal val&ati!n !" the "ir% they apply a high disc!&nt rate !" ++ percent t! their "&t&re e9pected
dividends, and there"!re they val&e the "ir% at I(5(5%n 0JI5%nC0++2 8he "ir%;s
%anage%ent tea% has recently c!ns<ed with an invest%ent/#an$ing "ir% a#!&t selling all
!" the "ir%;s e<&ity p&#liclyA that is, a#!&t going pulic with the "ir%;s shares Ass&%ing that the
c&rrent %anage%ent will c!ntin&e t! !perate the "ir%, the invest%ent/#an$ing "ir% esti%ates
that the %ar$et will val&e the "ir%;s e<&ity applying a ,5F disc!&nt rate t! e9pected "&t&re
dividends H!wever, e9pected dividends t! p&#lic shareh!lders will #e !nly I4 %n,
#eca&se %anagers will n!w #e paid a t!tal !" I( %n per year in salaries 0-gn!re ta9es and
transacti!n c!sts2 8he t!tal %ar$et val&e !" the "ir%;s p&#lic shares is @@@0i2@@@ Acc!&nting
"!r #!th the present val&e !" %anage%ent;s salaries 0disc!&nted int! perpet&ity at ++F2 and
the pr!ceeds "r!% the p&#lic sale !" shares, %anage%ent;s wealth gain "r!% g!ing p&#lic is
@@@0i2@@@ @@@0ii2@@@
a I(, %n I,,, %n
# I(, %n I+88 %n
c I(* %n I,,, %n
d I(* %n I+88 %n >
+ssay *uestions
( 'hat are the advantages and disadvantages "!r a "ir%;s %anage%ent and invest!rs !" g!ing p&#lic
vers&s staying privateD
, .rie"ly descri#e three the!ries that have #een s&ggested t! e9plain e%pirical evidence that -P:s are
+ 'hat is a unit I',D Under what circ&%stances w!&ld a "ir% #e #etter !"" g!ing p&#lic via &nitsD
4 'hat are the advantages and disadvantages !" g!ing p&#licD
5 Hisc&ss the the!ries that have #een s&ggested t! e9plain e%pirical evidence that -P:s are
initially &nderpriced Are these arg&%ents pers&asiveD
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
C * A P T E R -/
&anaging In%erna E#$i%' and
Seasoned E#$i%' O,,erings
)ulti"le Choice *uestions
@@@ ( -n the te9t;s e<&ity %anage%ent %!del #ased !n Eyers 0,0002, a "ir%;s net cash "l!w is all!cated
in three directi!ns 'hich !" the "!ll!wing is N:8 !ne !" these directi!nsD
a ac<&isiti!ns >
# dividends and share rep&rchases
c reinvest%ent
d %anage%ent;s private #ene"its !" c!ntr!l 0ie, per$s2
@@@ , Eyers 0,0002 rec!gniGes three i%per"ect s!l&ti!ns t! the #asic c!ntracting pr!#le% #etween
di""&se shareh!lders and %anage%ent 'hich !" the "!ll!wing is N:8 !ne !" these
a dividends
# %!nit!ring
c incentive c!%pensati!n
d c!ntingent shareh!lder interventi!n >
@@@ + :ne sh!rtc!%ing !" the traditi!nal capital #&dgeting paradig% is thatB
a it d!es n!t rec!gniGe that pr!Rects %&st #e eval&ated !n the #asis !" their NPQs
# it d!es n!t rec!gniGe that the "ir% %ay "ace capital rati!ning
c it d!es n!t deal with why s!%e "ir%s have %<iple activities >
@@@ 4 :ne sh!rtc!%ing !" the traditi!nal capital #&dgeting paradig% is thatB
a it d!es n!t rec!gniGe that pr!Rects %&st #e eval&ated !n the #asis !" their NPQs
# it d!es n!t rec!gniGe that the "ir% %ay "ace capital rati!ning
c it d!es n!t deal with why capital rati!ning is necessary >
@@@ 5 'hich !" the "!ll!wing is N:8 a stated reas!n why an internal capital %ar$et, %anaged #y a
"ir%;s head<&arters, %ay #e s&peri!r t! e9ternal "inancingD
a 69ternal e<&ity "inancing is pr!#le%atic #eca&se !" the in"!r%ati!n asy%%etry pr!#le%
# 6ven i" internal and e9ternal pr!viders !" capital have the sa%e a#ility t! %!nit!r, internal
pr!viders will ch!!se t! %!nit!r %!re intensely #eca&se they have resid&al c!ntr!l !ver
the assets, and there"!re get %!re !" the gains "r!% %!nit!ring
c -" !ne &nit per"!r%s p!!rly, its assets can #e redepl!yed e""iciently
d Eanage%ent is generally #etter at %anaging internal 0vs e9ternal2 e<&ity >
@@@ * -n a %<i/divisi!nal "ir%, what are the tw! "&nda%ental 0and related2 pr!#le%s with the internal
capital all!cati!n pr!cessD
a centraliGed in"!r%ati!n and ta9/av!idance
# %!nit!ring and signaling
c decentraliGed in"!r%ati!n and incentive pr!#le%s >
d signaling and ta9/av!idance
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ 7 -n &nderta$ing a seas!ned e<&ity !""ering 0S6:2, why d! "ir%s al%!st always hire an
&nderwriter via neg!tiati!n rather than c!%petitive #iddingD
a 8he S64 %andates neg!tiati!n "!r S6:s 0e9cept in rare cases2
# 8he selling pr!cess can #e pr!#le%atic #eca&se !" in"!r%ati!nal asy%%etry pr!#le%s >
c Neg!tiati!n act&ally res<s in a l!wer &nderwriter spread
@@@ 8 'hich !" the "!ll!wing is the e9planati!n !" why the %ar$et generally reacts negatively t! the
ann!&nce%ent !" a S6: !""ered in the pecking order hypothesisD
a Eanage%ent is ta$ing a sel"/serving acti!n
# Eanage%ent is signaling that the shares are !verpriced >
c 4redit!rs are "!rcing the "ir% t! increase its e<&ity #ase
d 8he "ir% is revealing that it has n!t generated as %&ch earnings as the %ar$et e9pected
@@@ ) Researchers p!int t! the decades !" the ()*0s and ()70s as a peri!d when internal capital %ar$ets
%ay have #een s&peri!r t! e9ternal capital %ar$ets in the US 8! test this arg&%ent, H&##ard
and Palia 0()))2 e9a%ined +), #idding "ir%s inv!lved in %ergers in the ()*0s 8h!se
#idders that realiGed the highest ret&rns "r!% %erger were cases in which the #idding "ir% was
"inancially @@@0i2@@@ while the target "ir% was "inancially @@@0ii2@@@
@@@0i2@@@ @@@0ii2@@@
a c!nstrained &nc!nstrained
# &nc!nstrained c!nstrained >
@@@ (0 A @@@@@@ is a seas!ned e<&ity !""ering 0S6:2 !" a "ir% that has recently g!ne p&#lic
a "!ll!w/!n >
# s&pple%ental -P:
c l!c$&p !""ering
d <&asi/seas!ned e<&ity !""ering
+ssay *uestions
( Hisc&ss the three c!%p!nents !" the !verall &nderwriting c!st !" a seas!ned e<&ity iss&e
, Hisc&ss the pecking order hypothesis as interpreted #y Eyers and EaRl&" 0()842
+ Hisc&ss the vari!&s e%pirical st&dies !" the %ar$et;s reacti!n t! seas!ned e<&ity iss&ances
4 -n a %<i/divisi!nal "ir%, what are the tw! "&nda%ental 0and related2 pr!#le%s with the internal
capital all!cati!n pr!cessD
5 69plain the inter/s&#sidiary s&#sidiGati!n pr!#le%
* -n &nderta$ing a seas!ned e<&ity !""ering 0S6:2, why d! "ir%s al%!st always hire an &nderwriter via
neg!tiati!n rather than c!%petitive #iddingD
7 69plain h!w the pec$ing !rder hyp!thesis e9plains why the %ar$et generally reacts negatively t! the
ann!&nce%ent !" a S6:
8 'hy are &nderwriter spreads inversely related t! the siGe !" a S6:D
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
) Acc!rding t! evidence presented in the te9t, the %ar$et;s reacti!n t! a S6: is negatively related t!
the &nderwriter;s spread Pr!vide a reas!n why this %ay is s!
(0 Acc!rding t! evidence presented in the te9t, the %ar$et;s reacti!n t! a S6: is p!sitively related t! the
pri!r year;s %ar$et ret&rn Pr!vide a reas!n why this %ay is s!
(( Harris and Raviv 0())*2 arg&e that a "ir%;s internal capital #&dgeting pr!cess is #eset #y a
c!%#inati!n !" agency and in"!r%ati!nal asy%%etry pr!#le%s 69plain their arg&%ent
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
C * A P T E R -3
Di)idend Poi"' and
S%o"k Rep$r"hases
)ulti"le Choice *uestions
@@@ ( 8RU6 !r =A3S6 8he d!llar val&e !" aggregate share rep&rchases has gr!wn relative t!
aggregate dividends in recent years
a 8RU6 >
# =A3S6
@@@ , H!w d!es Jensen;s free cash flow hypothesis relate t! a "ir%;s dividend p!licyD
a Hividends discipline %anage%ent #y "!rcing "ree cash "l!w t! #e disg!rged t! shareh!lders,
th&s %itigating %anage%ent;s tendency t! engage in e%pire #&ilding >
# Hividends act as a signal !" "ir% val&e
c Hividends s!lve the principal/agent pr!#le% #etween shareh!lders and credit!rs
d Hividends s!lve the &nderinvest%ent pr!#le%
@@@ + Under what circ&%stances w!&ld a "ir% engage in share rep&rchases rather than increasing
a -" the "ir% has e9cess "ree cash "l!w that %anage%ent e9pects will c!ntin&e inde"initely
# -" the "ir% has e9cess "ree cash "l!w that %anage%ent e9pects will #e !nly te%p!rary >
c -" shareh!lders are in a l!wer ta9 #rac$et "!r dividends than "!r realiGed capital gains
@@@ 4 'hich !" the "!ll!wing c!rrectly descri#es the Dutch auction %eth!d !" share rep&rchaseD
a 8he "ir% c!nd&cts !pen/%ar$et p&rchases
# 8he "ir% speci"ies a price and a <&antity !" shares that it will rep&rchase
c 8he "ir% a&cti!ns shares t! the highest #idder, as l!ng as that #idder %eets the "ir%;s
reservati!n price
d 8he "ir% esta#lishes an accepta#le range !" prices, s!licits and c!llects sell !""ers, calc&lates
the average price !" these !""ers, and this average price is applied t! all tendered shares
@@@ 5 S&pp!se =ir% NOP paid a dividend !" I( per share last year, and this year;s earnings per share
was I+ 8he "ir%;s target pay!&t rati! is J050, and the val&e !" the "ir%;s speed !"
adR&st%ent para%eter is J0+ 'hat is the "ir%;s e9pected dividend "!r this yearD
a 085
# (00
c ((5 >
d (+0
=:REU3AB H-Qt / H-Qt/( J H-Qt J 0>6ARNt/H-Qt/(2
+ssay *uestions
( Hisc&ss the agency c!st the!ry !" dividend p!licy
, Hisc&ss the signaling the!ry !" dividend p!licy
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
+ H!w d!es the !wnership str&ct&re !" the "ir% a""ect its dividend p!licyD
4 'hy d! "ir%s engage in share rep&rchase pr!gra%sD Hisc&ss the!ry and evidence
5 E!st "ir%s that ann!&nce a speci"ic n&%#er !" shares that they plan t! rep&rchase, in "act !nly
rep&rchase a "racti!n !" the shares that they speci"ied -s there a p!ssi#le signal g!ing !n hereD
* Hisc&ss reas!ns why the d!llar val&e !" aggregate share rep&rchases has gr!wn relative t! aggregate
dividends in recent years
7 H!w d!es Jensen;s free cash flow hypothesis relate t! a "ir%;s dividend p!licyD
8 Histing&ish the H&tch a&cti!n and "i9ed price tender !""er %eth!ds !" rep&rchasing shares 'hich
generally garners a higher %ar$et reacti!n and whyD
) Under what circ&%stances w!&ld a "ir% engage in share rep&rchases rather than increasing its
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
C * A P T E R -5
Corpora%e 8ia;ii%ies: S%ra%egi"
See"%ions o, 8enders and
Con%ra"% Ter4s
)ulti"le Choice *uestions
@@@ ( Acc!rding t! the @@@@@@@@@ principal, sh!rt/ter% assets sh!&ld #e "inanced with sh!rt/ter%
capital and l!ng/ter% assets with l!ng/ter% capital
a %at&rity %atching >
# hedging
c ris$/ret&rn
c capital asset
@@@ , Monitoring is !ne %eans #y which credit!rs can c!ntr!l a #!rr!wer;s incentive t! e9pr!priate
wealth "r!% the credit!rs H!wever, direct %!nit!ring !" a #!rr!wer;s acti!ns is %!re
di""ic< in a p&#lic #!nd iss&e than in a private #!nd iss&e #eca&se !" theB
a "ree/rider pr!#le% >
# re<&ire%ent !" registrati!n with the S64 "!r a p&#lic #!nd iss&e
c %!ral haGard pr!#le%
d adverse selecti!n pr!#le%
@@@ + 8he val&e !" a c!nverti#le #!nd is relatively insensitive t! changes in the riskiness !" the "ir%,
#eca&se the val&e !" the &nderlying #!nd is in!ersely related t! changes in the "ir%;s ris$, while
the val&e !" the i%plicit call !pti!n is directly related t! changes in the "ir%;s ris$ 4!nse<&ently,
with a c!nverti#le #!nd the "ir%;s %anage%ent n! l!nger has an incentive t! engage in
@@@@@@@@@ t! e9pr!priate val&e "r!% the #!ndh!lders, and there"!re !ne !" the %aR!r agency
pr!#le%s ass!ciated with de#t is res!lved
a e9cessive c!ns&%pti!n !" per<&isites
# ris$ shi"ting >
c e9cessive dividend pay%ents
d e9cessively c!nservative invest%ent p!licies
@@@ 4 'hich !" the "!ll!wing is N:8 !ne !" the si9 "&nda%ental "act!rs that deter%ine the !pti%al
s!&rce !" de#t "&nding "!r a "ir%D
a the "ir%;s de#t rati! >
# lender;s need t! %!nit!r the #!rr!wer;s !perati!ns
c in"!r%ati!n asy%%etry, and speci"ically the pr!#le% !" assessing creditw!rthiness
d the "ir%;s need "!r "le9i#ility
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ 5 S&pp!se a "ir% wants t! #!rr!w I,00 %illi!n "!r 5 years t! "&nd capital e9pendit&res, and is
c!nsidering the ch!ice !" a #an$ l!an !r a p&#lic iss&e thr!&gh an invest%ent #an$ing "ir% as
&nderwriter =!r si%plicity, we will ass&%e that in either case the "ir% will iss&e p&re/
disc!&nt de#t 8he #an$ de%ands a (0,5F interest rate 0with n! "ee2, while the &nderwriter
states that the interest c!st will #e ),5 percent with +F "l!tati!n c!sts 'hich "&nding s!&rce
pr!vides the l!wer e""ective interest c!stD
a the #an$ l!an
# the p&#lic iss&e >
c #!th pr!vide e9actly the sa%e e""ective interest c!st
@@@ * 'hich !" the "!ll!wing is the "&nda%ental di""erence #etween private 0#an$2 de#t and p&#licly
iss&ed de#tD
a P&#lic de#t is !"ten re"erred t! as inside det #eca&se !" the cl!se relati!nship #etween the
lenders and the #!rr!wer, while a #an$ l!an is called outside det #eca&se the lender
essentially has n! active relati!nship with the #!rr!wer
# A #an$ l!an is !"ten re"erred t! as inside det #eca&se !" the cl!se relati!nship #etween
lender and #!rr!wer, while p&#lic de#t is called outside det #eca&se the lenders
essentially have n! active relati!nship with the #!rr!wer >
@@@ 7 S&pp!se a "ir% wants t! #!rr!w I,00 %illi!n "!r (0 years t! "&nd capital e9pendit&res, and is
c!nsidering the ch!ice !" a private place%ent with several ins&rance c!%panies !r a p&#lic iss&e
thr!&gh an invest%ent #an$ing "ir% as &nderwriter =!r si%plicity, we will ass&%e that in
either case the "ir% will iss&e p&re/disc!&nt #!nds 8he ins&rance c!%panies de%and interest at
a rate !" (0 percent, with a +F "l!tati!n c!st, while the &nderwriter states that the interest c!st
will #e ),5F with 5F "l!tati!n c!sts 'hat is the e""ective c!st !" the l!an in each caseD
0-NS.%RS/ (0+,5F and )785F, respectively2
private p&#lic
place%ent iss&e
a (0+,5F )785F >
# )785F (0+,5F
c 8)75F ((,,5F
d ((,,5F 8)75F
@@@ 8 A "ir% wants t! #!rr!w I(00 %illi!n "!r 5 years 0p&re disc!&nt, "!r si%plicity2 'hich !" the
"!ll!wing s!&rces has the l!wer effecti!e interest costD
:rig =eeC
S!&rce -nterest Rate =l!tati!n 4!st
Private Place%ent )00F (F
P&#lic -ss&e 8,5F +F
a 8he private place%ent
# 8he p&#lic iss&e >
c 8he c!sts are the sa%e
=:REU3AB 6""ective interest c!stJie""ective J (
2 i ( 0 > 2 " ( 0 P
8 C (
+ +
, where P is
the a%!&nt !" l!an pr!ceeds that the "ir% needs, " is the l!an !riginati!n "ee !r "l!tati!n c!st as a
"racti!n !" P, and istated is the stated interest c!st
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
+ssay *uestions
( Hisc&ss the ec!n!%ic %ilie& that s&rr!&nded the si%<ane!&s 0partial2 de%ise !" the traditi!nal +0/
year "i9ed/c!&p!n calla#le c!rp!rate #!nd and the e%ergence !" the sh!rter/ter%, varia#le/rate n!te
, 3ist the si9 "&nda%ental "act!rs that deter%ine the !pti%al s!&rce !" de#t "&nding "!r a "ir%
+ 69plain the "&nda%ental di""erences #etween private 0#an$2 de#t and p&#licly iss&ed de#t
4 69plain the S%at&rity %atching; r&le "!r deciding whether t! iss&e sh!rt/ !r l!ng/ter% de#t
5 69plain the r!le !" the call pr!visi!n in res!lving agency pr!#le%s !" de#t
* 69plain the r!le !" the sin$ing "&nd pr!visi!n in res!lving agency pr!#le%s !" de#t
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
C * A P T E R -7
&ergers1 A"#$isi%ions1
Takeo)ers1 and B$'o$%s
)ulti"le Choice *uestions
@@@ ( -n a @@@@@@@@, #!th "ir%s cease t! e9ist, and a new c!rp!rati!n is esta#lished with a new na%e, a
new #!ard, andC!r a new %anage%ent tea%
a %erger
# ac<&isiti!n
c c!ns!lidati!n >
d #&y!&t
@@@ , -n a @@@@@@@@ the #idder;s intenti!n is t! ac<&ire the target and replace the target;s inc&%#ent
%anage%ent, wh! vig!r!&sly resist the atte%pt
a %erger
# ac<&isiti!n
c #&y!&t
d h!stile ta$e!ver >
@@@ + A @@@@@@@@ !cc&rs when a gr!&p !" individ&als &ses cash t! p&rchase the shares !" a "ir% and
ta$es !wnership and c!ntr!l !" the "ir%
a #&y!&t >
# ac<&isiti!n
c c!ns!lidati!n
d %erger
@@@ 4 -n a @@@@@@@ %erger, tw! "ir%s that heret!"!re have #een c!%petit!rs in the sa%e line !"
#&siness c!%#ine
a c!ngl!%erate
# vertical
c diag!nal
d h!riG!ntal >
@@@ 5 A @@@@@@@ %erger !cc&rs #etween tw! "ir%s that had #een d!ing #&siness in di""erent stages !"
the pr!d&cti!n pr!cess in a given ind&stry
a c!ngl!%erate
# vertical >
c diag!nal
d h!riG!ntal
@@@ * A @@@@@@@@@@@@@ %erger inv!lves the c!%#inati!n !" tw! "ir%s in &nrelated ind&stries
a c!ngl!%erate >
# vertical
c diag!nal
d h!riG!ntal
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ 7 @@@@@@@@@ !#tains i" a %erger res<s in i%pr!ve%ents in any #&siness "&ncti!n, incl&dingB 0i2
%anage%entA 0vii2 la#!r c!stsA 0ii2 pr!d&cti!n !r distri#&ti!nA etc
a :perating synergy >
# =inancial synergy
c .&siness synchr!niGati!n
d 6c!n!%ies !" sc!pe
@@@ 8 @@@@@@@@@ !#tains in a %erger i" s!%e aspect !" the "inancial c!n"ig&rati!n !" the %erged "ir%
ca&ses its %ar$et val&e t! #e greater than the s&% !" the %ar$et val&es !" the separate "ir%s
a :perating synergy
# =inancial synergy >
c .&siness synchr!niGati!n
d 6c!n!%ies !" sc!pe
@@@ ) 8he !riginal credit!rs !" #!th "ir%s in a %erger w!&ld #ene"it "r!% the !verall decrease in the
pr!#a#ility !" #an$r&ptcy that attends the %erger, which in t&rn res<s "r!% the @@@@@@@@@
ass!ciated with credit!rs n!w having a clai% against a larger c!%#ined "ir%
a ta9 red&cti!n
# increased interest pay%ents
c decreased principle
d c!/ins&rance >
@@@ (0 A legiti%ate %eans !" averting an &nintended trans"er !" wealth t! credit!rs in a %erger is t!B
a decrease leverage
# red&ce the v!latility !" !perating pr!"its
c !""er a g&arantee t! the separate "ir%s; credit!rs
d increase leverage >
@@@ ((Acc!rding t! the @@@@@@ hyp!thesis, in an ac<&isiti!n !r a ta$e!ver the #idder;s %anage%ent
!verval&es the target #eca&se they !veresti%ate their a#ility t! create val&e !nce they wrest
c!ntr!l !" the target;s assets
a h&%id!r
# h&#ris >
c h&%&ng!&s eg!
d ha&ghty head<&arters
@@@ (, -n a @@@@@@, a diversi"ied "ir% is ta$en !ver and assets !r divisi!ns are s!ld, s! that the re%aining
"ir% is %!re "!c&sed and e""icient
a spin/!""
# e<&ity carve/!&t
c #&st&p ta$e!ver >
d dispersal
@@@ (+ 8he literat&re e%phasiGes three %!tives "!r a #&y!&t, incl&ding all !" the "!ll!wing 6N46P8B
a t! increase access t! capital %ar$ets >
# t! increase %anagerial incentives
c t! avert a ta$e!ver
d t! realiGe ta9/red&cti!n #ene"its
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ (4 A @@@@@@ is an agree%ent a%!ng the "ew d!%inant "ir%s in an ind&stry t! c!!rdinate pr!d&cti!n
and, as alleged, t! c&t prices te%p!rarily in !rder t! drive !&t !r ac<&ire s%aller c!%petit!rs,
a"ter which they c!&ld raise prices s&#stantially
a syndicate
# tr&st >
c n!n/c!%pete cla&se
d c&t/thr!at acc!rd
@@@ (5 8he =inancial Acc!&nting Standards .!ard 0=AS.2 has recently v!ted t! eli%inate @@@0i2@@@
acc!&nting "!r %ergers, and hence"!rth will all!w !nly the @@@0ii2@@@
@@@0i2@@@ @@@0ii2@@@
a p&rchase %eth!d p!!l !" interest
# a%alga%ati!n c!ns!lidati!n
c p!!ling !" interest p&rchase %eth!d >
d c!ns!lidati!n a%alga%ati!n
@@@ (* 8RU6 !r =A3S6B A %erger ann!&nce%ent ind&ces a s&#stantial p!sitive a#n!r%al ret&rn !n the
ac<&iring "ir%;s st!c$ 0appr!9i%ately ,0F, !n average2, while the target "ir%;s st!c$h!lders
are either &na""ected !r s&stain s%all l!sses, !n average
a 8RU6
# =A3S6 >
@@@ (7 Perhaps the #est circ&%stance that w!&ld lead t! gains "!r the shareh!lders !" #!th the #idder and
the target in a ta$e!ver is when a well/%anaged "ir% ta$es !ver a p!!rly %anaged "ir% 8h&s, the
greatest gains in th!se ta$e!vers in which the #idder has a @@@0i2@@@ 8!#in;s < rati! 0is well
%anaged2 and the target has a @@@0ii2@@@ < rati! 0is p!!rly %anaged2 6vidence s&pp!rts this
@@@0i2@@@ @@@0ii2@@@
a high l!w >
# l!w high
@@@ (8 8he #idder in a ta$e!ver generally sh!&ld ta$e advantage !" te%p!rary an!ny%ity t! p&rchase
shares !" the target #e"!re its intenti!ns are p&#licly $n!wn and the target "ir%;s price rises
S&ch initial p&rchases esta#lish a @@@@@@@
a "!!th!ld
# legh!ld
c ar%h!ld
d t!eh!ld >
@@@ () A pr!#le% with the tender !""er %echanis% in a ta$e!ver is the @@@@@@ 8he ter% re"ers t! a
sit&ati!n in which rati!nal #ehavi!r #y each individ&al shareh!lder res<s in shareh!lders as
a gr!&p #eing w!rse !"" -" individ&al target shareh!lders 0c!rrectly2 "!resee that the val&e !"
their shares will #e w!rth %!re after the ta$e!ver than they will receive in the tender !""er,
they will ch!!se n!t t! tender their shares
a h!ld!ver pr!#le%
# "ree rider pr!#le% >
c h!ld!&t pr!#le%
d n!n/tender pr!#le%
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ ,0 -" the #idder in a h!stile ta$e!ver "aces target %anage%ent resistance, as an alternative t! either
#idding higher !r ter%inating the tender !""er pr!cess, #idders s!%eti%es !""er target
%anage%ent c!%pensati!n t! end its resistance 8his c!%pensati!n is calledB
a a g!lden parach&te >
# a silver #&llet
c a g!ld watch
d re%!val re%&nerati!n
@@@ ,( -n a ta$e!ver #id, target %anage%ent %ay !""er t! rep&rchase the #idder;s shares at a large
pre%i&% i" the #idder pr!%ises t! cease and desist 8he pre%i&% pay!"" is called @@@0i2@@@,
and the agree%ent t! cease and desist is called a @@@0ii2@@@
@@@0i2@@@ @@@0ii2@@@
a s&#!rnati!n stand d!wn agree%ent
# s&#!rnati!n standstill agree%ent
c green%ail standstill agree%ent >
d green%ail stand d!wn agree%ent
@@@ ,, 4!ntract devices e9plicitly designed t! thwart a h!stile ta$e!ver atte%pt are called poison pills !r
shark repellents 69a%ples incl&de all !" the "!ll!wing 6N46P8B
a a shareh!lder rights plan that can #e iss&ed as dividends at %anage%ent;s discreti!n
# an event/triggered p&t pr!visi!n in !ne !" the "ir%;s de#t c!ntracts
c a pr!visi!n in the "ir%;s charter that gives inc&%#ent %anage%ent their p!siti!ns "!r li"e >
@@@ ,+ State legislati!n designed t! thwart ta$e!vers has #een enacted in recent years, incl&ding
@@@@@@@, which restrict the v!ting p!wer !" a c!ntr!lling shareh!lder
a #&siness c!%#inati!n laws
# v!ting share reprisal laws
c ta$e!ver p!stp!ne%ent laws
d c!ntr!l share laws >
@@@ ,4 State legislati!n designed t! thwart ta$e!vers has #een enacted in recent years, incl&ding
@@@@@@@, which can delay the c!ns&%%ati!n !" #&siness c!%#inati!ns "!r years
a #&siness c!%#inati!n laws >
# v!ting share reprisal laws
c ta$e!ver p!stp!ne%ent laws
d c!ntr!l share laws
@@@ ,5 8he p&rchasers in a #&y!&t !"ten !#tain "inancial and strategic assistance "r!% a @@@@@@@ wh!, as
a sponsor, &s&ally "inances the transacti!n with e<&ity c!ntri#&ted #y a n&%#er !" invest!rs and
de#t #!rr!wed "r!% several s!&rces
a #&y!&t specialist >
# 3.: inter%ediary
c "inance c!%pany
d vent&re capital "ir%
@@@ ,* -n %any cases a "ir% that has g!ne private via an 3.: s&#se<&ently re/e%erges as a p&#licly
traded "ir% 0via an!ther -P:2 8his transacti!n is called a
a reprise -P:
# res&%pti!n
c reverse 3.: >
d r!ll!ver
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
+ssay *uestions
( Hisc&ss Jensen;s arg&%ents a#!&t the "ail&re !" internal c!ntr!l %echanis%s
, Hisc&ss hyp!theses and e%pirical evidence !n %ergers and ac<&isiti!ns
+ Histing&ish and disc&ss each !" the "!ll!wingB 3.:, E.:, 6.:
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
C * A P T E R -:
Finan"ia Dis%ress and
)ulti"le Choice *uestions
@@@ ( .an$r&ptcy ris$ plays a r!le in the pr!pagati!n !" recessi!ns #yB
a ca&sing a #ac$l!g in the casel!ads !" #an$r&ptcy c!&rts
# ca&sing "ir%s t! increase capital e9pendit&res as the ec!n!%y #egins t! sl!w
c "!rcing "ir%s t! pay d!wn de#t
d straining the li<&idity p!siti!ns !" #!th individ&als and "ir%s, #!th !" which try t! av!id
#an$r&ptcy #y %aintaining li<&idity >
@@@ , 'hen the =ederal Reserve .!ard;s !pen %ar$et c!%%ittee uys 8/#ills, it is p&rs&ing
a c!ntracti!nary %!netary p!licy
# e9pansi!nary %!netary p!licy >
c "iscal discipline
d a p!licy !" #alancing the "ederal #&dget
@@@ + Acc!rding t! the!ry, the en mass reversal !" the c!ngl!%erate diversi"icati!n trend !" the ()*0s
and ()70s in "av!r !" focus in the ()80s and ())0s was #r!&ght a#!&t #y
a "ederal legislati!n
# ec!n!%ic, techn!l!gical, and reg&lat!ry changes that #!!sted the advantage !" internal
capital %ar$ets relative t! external capital %ar$ets
c ec!n!%ic, techn!l!gical, and reg&lat!ry changes that #!!sted the advantage !" external
capital %ar$ets relative t! internal capital %ar$ets
d gl!#aliGati!n
@@@ 4 8RU6 !r =A3S6 Agency c!sts !" %anagerial discreti!n are !ne !" the "ew c!sts that are n!t
e9acer#ated when a "ir% is &nder "inancial distress
a 8RU6
# =A3S6 >
@@@ 5 P!rter;s 0i!e 0orces %!del !" ind&stry c!%petiti!n incl&des all !" the "!ll!wing "!rces 6N46P8B
a entryCe9it #arriers
# the #argaining p!wer !" s&ppliers
c the #argaining p!wer !" #&yers
d the gr!wth p!tential !" the ind&stry
e the threat !" s&#stit&te pr!d&cts
" rivalry a%!ng c!%peting "ir%s
@@@ * -" !ne "ir% in a given ind&stry declares #an$r&ptcy, the %ar$et %ay l!wer the val&es !" !ther
"ir%s in a given ind&stry #eca&se the reveals new, negative in"!r%ati!n a#!&t the stat&s !" the
ind&stry as a wh!le 8his phen!%en!n is calledB
a the c!ntagi!n e""ect >
# the intra/ind&stry wealth trans"er e""ect
c irrati!nal #ehavi!r
d the sy%pathy e""ect
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ 7 6%pirical evidence indicates that "!r distressed "ir%s, higher pre/distress leverage increases the
pr!#a#ility !" !perati!nal acti!ns 0eg, asset restr&ct&ring and e%pl!yee lay!""s2 and
"inancial acti!ns 0eg, dividend c&ts2 8his evidence is c!nsistent with theB
a disciplinary r!le !" de#t >
# waste"&l c&ts hyp!thesis
c %anagerial discreti!n hyp!thesis
d leverage aggressiveness hyp!thesis
@@@ 8 Acc!rding t! which hyp!thesis #el!w, the %ar$et generally reacts "av!ra#ly t! an asset sale
#eca&se s&ch sales pr!%!te e""iciency #y all!cating assets t! #etter &ses
a the "inancing hyp!thesis !" asset sales
# the e""icient depl!y%ent hyp!thesis >
c the in"!r%ati!n hyp!thesis
d the "ire/sales hyp!thesis
@@@ ) -n a0n2 @@@@@@@@@@, the parent !" a %<iple/s&#sidiary "ir% iss&es, via an -P:, e<&ity shares
"!r a partic&lar s&#sidiary, th!&gh the parent &s&ally $eeps %aR!rity !wnership !" the shares,
and th&s c!ntr!l !" the s&#sidiary
a asset sale
# spin/!""
c e<&ity carve/!&t >
d targeted st!c$ iss&ance
@@@ (0 -n a d&al/class recapitaliGati!n 0!r Srecap;2, a "ir%
a creates tw! classes !" %anagers[!perati!nal and "inancial
# esta#lishes tw! classes !" sec&rities[de#t and e<&ity
c esta#lishes tw! classes !" de#t sec&rities[seni!r and s&#!rdinated
d creates a sec!nd class !" c!%%!n st!c$ that has li%ited v!ting rights and generally a
pre"erential clai% t! the "ir%;s cash "l!ws >
@@@ (( 8argeted st!c$, als! $n!wn as trac$ing st!c$ !r letter st!c$, is a class !" c!%%!n st!c$ !" a
diversi"ied c!%pany that is
a lin$ed t! the per"!r%ance !" a partic&lar #&siness &nit !r divisi!n >
# seni!r t! !ther classes !" the "ir%;s c!%%!n st!c$
c c!nverti#le int! the st!c$ !" an independent target c!%pany
d st!c$ that trac$s the per"!r%ance !" a st!c$ inde9 s&ch as the S5P 500
@@@ (, -n an e<&ity carve/!&t, the parent !" a %<iple/s&#sidiary "ir% iss&es e<&ity clai%s against a
partic&lar s&#sidiary via a
a private place%ent
# pr!/rata distri#&ti!n t! the parent;s c&rrent st!c$h!lders
c p&#lic !""ering >
d &nit distri#&ti!n
@@@ (+ A spin/!"" is a
a pr!/rata distri#&ti!n !" new e<&ity clai%s !n a s&#sidiary t! the parent;s shareh!lders >
# sale !" a divisi!n "!r cash t! an!ther "ir%
c ta9/driven sale !" depreciati!n rights t! an!ther "ir%
d sale !" patent rights 0eg, "!r a phar%ace&tical dr&g2 t! an!ther "ir%
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ (4 8! address distress, any !" the "!ll!wing changes in the "!cal "ir%;s #!ard str&ct&re are c!nsistent
with the!ry 6N46P8B
a replacing insiders with !&tsiders
# li%iting the a#ility !" the #!ard t! vet! the 46:;s pr!p!sals >
c re<&iring direct!rs t! h!ld e<&ity shares
d li%iting the ten&re !" direct!rs
e ending the staggering !" #!ard electi!ns
" red&cing the siGe !" the #!ard
+ssay *uestions
( Andrade and 1aplan 0())82 pr!vided e%pirical evidence !n the ca&ses and c!sts !" "inancial distress
a 'hat did they "ind as the chie" ca&se !" "inancial distressD
# 'hat three i%p!rtant c!sts !" "inancial distress did they identi"yD
, 8w! hyp!theses have #een devel!ped t! e9plain the %ar$et;s reacti!n t! ann!&nce%ents !" asset
sales 8hese areB 0a2 the efficient deployment hypothesis, and 0#2 the financing hypothesis of asset
sales .rie"ly e9plain each !" these hyp!theses and h!w they are c!nsistent with e%pirical evidence
!n ann!&nce%ent e""ects !" asset sales
+ H!w d! asset sales relate t! the c!ncept !" corporate focusD
4 H!w d! "ir%s adR&st their dividend p!licy in the "ace !" pr!tracted "inancial distressD
5 69plain h!w each !" the "!ll!wing c!sts are e9acer#ated when a "ir% is &nder "inancial distressB 0a2
ta9esA 0ii2 transacti!n c!stsA 0iii2 agency c!sts !" %anagerial discreti!nA and 0iv2 l!ss !" li<&idity
* He"ine and di""erentiate each !" the "!ll!wingB
a asset sale1
# spin"offA
c e#uity car!e"outA
d issuance of targeted stock
7 'hat is it a#!&t a spin/!"" that elicits a "av!ra#le %ar$et reacti!nD Researchers have pr!""ered "ive
hyp!theses t! e9plain the %ar$et;s p!sitive reacti!n 3ist the%
8 H!w d! "ir%s adR&st their dividend p!licy in the "ace !" pr!tracted "inancial distressD
) Hisc&ss the de#ate !ver, and pertinent evidence regarding, diversi"icati!n vers&s "!c&s
(0 69plain h!w in"!r%ati!n asy%%etry the!ry can e9plain the %ar$et;s di""erential reacti!ns t! spin/!""
(( Hisc&ss arg&%ents and evidence !n e<&ity carve/!&ts
(, Hisc&ss the iss&es ass!ciated with "iring the seni!r %anage%ent !" a distressed "ir%
(+ Hisc&ss -.E;s restr&ct&ring e""!rts in the ())0s
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
C * A P T E R -A
De;% Res%r$"%$ring1 Being
A"#$ired1 Bankr$p%"'1
Reorgani=a%ion1 and
)ulti"le Choice *uestions
@@@ ( 6%pirical evidence indicates that the %aR!rity !" distressed p&#lic "ir%s that d! n!t re%ain
a "ile "!r 4hapter (( #an$r&ptcy 0re!rganiGati!n2
# "ile "!r 4hapter 7 #an$r&ptcy 0li<&idati!n2
c are ac<&ired >
d &nderg! a g!ing/private transacti!n 0ie, a #&y!&t2
@@@ , 8RU6 !r =A3S6B A%!ng p&#licly traded US n!n"inancial "ir%s, %!st #an$r&ptcy
ann!&nce%ents are c!%plete s&rprises t! the %ar$et, as indicated #y the "act that, "!r !ver
)0F !" s&ch "ir%s, their ann!&nce%ent/%!nth %ar$et e<&ity val&e 0E6U2 is at least as high as their
E6U at %!nth Y(, relative t! the ann!&nce%ent
a 8RU6
# =A3S6 >
@@@ + -n de#t restr&ct&ring, all de#t clai%ants %&st agree !n the reassign%ent !" de#t clai%s, #&t !ne !r
%!re clai%ants has an incentive t! wait "!r a #etter deal 8his is $n!wn as the @@@@@@ pr!#le%
a h!ld!&t >
# instigati!n
c c!ncessi!n
d c!%pr!%ise
@@@ 4 He#t restr&ct&ring is generally acc!%plished via a c!%#inati!n !" @@@0i2@@@ and @@@0ii2@@@
@@@0i2@@@ @@@0ii2@@@
a de"a< "!rgiveness
# c!ns!lidati!n e9it 0!" s!%e credit!rs2
c "!rgiveness e9 p!st regret
d e9change !""ers c!erci!n >
@@@ 5 Acc!rding t! signaling the!ry, 4hapter (( is a &se"&l %echanis% "!r screening ine""icient "ir%s
!&t !" de#t reneg!tiati!n -ne""icient "ir%s v!l&ntarily ch!!se 4hapter (( #eca&seB
a the "ir% can #e li<&idated %!re <&ic$ly
# neg!tiati!ns therein generally res< in s!%e val&e retained #y shareh!lders >
c credit!rs are pr!tected "r!% vi!lati!ns !" the a#s!l&te pri!rity r&le 0APR2
d %anage%ent can #etter signal a higher "ir% val&e within 4hapter ((
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ * -nvest!rs wh! specialiGe in the de#t !r e<&ity !" distressed "ir%s are calledB
a spec&lat!rs
# ar#itrage&rs
c #!tt!% dwellers
d v<&re invest!rs >
@@@ 7 8RU6 !r =A3S6B =!r distressed "ir%s with #!th #an$ and p&#lic de#t !&tstanding, #an$s never
%a$e c!ncessi!ns &nless p&#lic de#th!lders als! restr&ct&re their clai%s
a 8RU6 >
# =A3S6
@@@ 8 8RU6 !r =A3S6B Acc!rding t! e%pirical st&dies, the c!%#inati!n !" sec&red private de#t and
n&%er!&s p&#lic de#t iss&es 0in a distressed "ir%;s capital str&ct&re2 i%pedes !&t/!"/c!&rt
de#t restr&ct&ring and increases the pr!#a#ility !" a 4hapter (( "iling
a 8RU6 >
# =A3S6
@@@ ) 8! preserve the val&e !" a distressed "ir%, it is generally i%p!rtant "!r the "ir% t! c!ntin&e
!perating thr!&gh!&t 4hapter (( pr!ceedings Tenerally, the "ir%;s c&rrent %anage%ent is
all!wed t! r&n the "ir% d&ring the pr!ceedings &nder a restrictive arrange%ent called
a the val&e/preservati!n dict&%
# de#t!r/in/p!ssessi!n >
c %anagerial discreti!n
d tr&stee assign%ent
@@@ (0 Acc!rding t! the A#s!l&te Pri!rity R&le 0APR2, the c!rrect descending !rder !" clai% pri!rity isB
a ad%inistrative clai%sA stat&t!ry pri!rity clai%sA sec&red credit!rs; clai%sA &nsec&red
credit!rs; clai%sA e<&ity clai%s >
# e<&ity clai%sA ad%inistrative clai%sA stat&t!ry pri!rity clai%sA sec&red credit!rs; clai%sA
&nsec&red credit!rs; clai%s
c stat&t!ry pri!rity clai%sA ad%inistrative clai%sA sec&red credit!rs; clai%sA &nsec&red
credit!rs; clai%sA e<&ity clai%s
d ad%inistrative clai%sA stat&t!ry pri!rity clai%sA &nsec&red credit!rs; clai%sA sec&red
credit!rs; clai%sA e<&ity clai%s
@@@ (( -n 4hapter ((, the c!&rt has tw! %echanis%s t! i%ple%ent an !pti%al #an$r&ptcy !&tc!%eB
a the right t! e9ting&ish any clai%, and the &se !" a restricted a&cti!n
# the right t! e9ting&ish any clai%, and restricti!ns !n #argaining #etween clai%ants
c restricti!ns !n #argaining #etween clai%ants, and the threat !" "ines
d restricti!ns !n #argaining #etween clai%ants, and the &se !" a restricted a&cti!n >
@@@ (, 8RU6 !r =A3S6B -n 4hapter (( pr!ceedings, the c!&rt al%!st always strictly adheres t! the
A#s!l&te Pri!rity R&le 0APR2
a 8RU6
# =A3S6 >
@@@ (+ -n a@@@@@@, the clai%ants have already w!r$ed !&t the ter%s !" the re!rganiGati!n, and #asically
"ile R&st t! %a$e the agree%ent !""icial
a per"&nct!ry "iling
# t!$en "iling
c prepac$aged #an$r&ptcy >
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
d gest&re "iling
@@@ (4 -n c!%plete v!l&ntary li<&idati!ns, the s&% !" the "ir%;s parts is w!rth %!re than the wh!le, "!r
all !" the "!ll!wing reas!ns 6N46P8B
a the assets 0!r divisi!ns2 %ay #e w!rth %!re in the hands !" %!re c!%petent %anagers
# li<&idated assets always sell at a pre%i&% t! their "air val&e >
c the special ta9 treat%ent a""!rded li<&idati!ns pr!vides a s!&rce !" val&e !ver and a#!ve the
"ir%;s val&e as a g!ing c!ncern
d any disec!n!%ies ass!ciated with e9cessive diversi"icati!n can #e eli%inated #y piece%eal
sale thr!&gh li<&idati!n
+ssay *uestions
( 69plain h!w "inancial distress can e9acer#ate the dist!rti!n !" a "ir%;s invest%ent incentives that
!cc&rs when a "ir% has de#t in its capital str&ct&re
, 'hat are the e""ects !" #an$r&ptcy !n the "ir%;s sta$eh!lders, partic&larly the "ir%;s !wnership
str&ct&re and the "ir%;s direct!rsD
+ Hisc&ss their arg&%ents and evidence related t! the incentives !" "inancially distressed "ir%s t!
restr&ct&re their de#t privately rather than thr!&gh "!r%al #an$r&ptcy
4 Hisc&ss the evidence !n the e""ects !" #an$r&ptcy !n a "ir%;s sta$eh!lders
5 Hisc&ss the evidence !n the p!st/#an$r&ptcy str&ct&re and per"!r%ance !" re!rganiGed "ir%s
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
C * A P T E R -B
Organi=a%iona Ar"hi%e"%$re1
Risk &anage4en%1
And Se"$ri%' Design
)ulti"le Choice *uestions
@@@ ( 8he tw! c!nstr&cts that "!r% a "ir%;s !rganiGati!nal architect&re areB
a #&siness architect&re and ec!n!%ic architect&re
# ec!n!%ic architect&re and "inancial architect&re
c #&siness architect&re and "inancial architect&re >
d !rganiGati!nal hierarchy and "inancial str&ct&re
@@@ , Regarding c!%p!nents and ele%ents !" the "ir%;s #&siness architect&re, which !" the "!ll!wing
represents the l!gical directi!n !" ca&sality 0ie, in ter%s !" which c!%p!nentCele%ent drives
an!ther c!%p!nentCele%ent2 generally r&ns as "!ll!ws 0indicated #y arr!ws2B
a %acr!ec!n!%ic 5 "in %ar$et envir!n%ents internal legal 5 g!vernance
str&ct&res >
# diversi"icati!n vers&s "!c&s ind&stry characteristics
c #&siness strategies and gr!wth !pp!rt&nities "inancial %ar$et envir!n%ent
d siGe and capital intensity %acr!ec!n!%ic 5 "inancial %ar$et envir!n%ents
@@@ + Regarding a "ir%;s !verall !rganiGati!nal architect&re, the directi!n !" ca&sality 0ie, in ter%s !"
which c!%p!nentsCele%ents drive !ther c!%p!nentsCele%ents2 generally r&nsB
a #&siness architect&re"inancial architect&re >
# "inancial architect&re#&siness architect&re
c ec!n!%ic architect&re"inancial architect&re
d "inancial architect&reec!n!%ic architect&re
@@@ 4 8he %acr!ec!n!%ic c!%p!nent !" a "ir%;s #&siness architect&re incl&des all !" the "!ll!wing
ele%ents 6N46P8B
a ec!n!%ic gr!wth pr!Recti!ns, in"lati!n, and ta9es
# ind&stry characteristics >
c legal envir!n%ent
d %acr!ec!n!%ic ris$ "act!rs
@@@ 5 -n the c!n"ig&rati!n !" an e""icient "inancial syste% architect&re, #!th #an$s and capital %ar$ets
!""er lending t! "ir%s .!rr!wers wh! p!se relatively !ner!&s asset/s&#stit&ti!n %!ral
haGard pre"er @@@0i2@@@ "inancing, while #!rr!wers wh! p!se less seri!&s %!ral haGards g!
directly t! @@@0ii2@@@
@@@0i2@@@ @@@0ii2@@@
a capital %ar$et #an$s
# #an$ capital %ar$ets >
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ * 'hich !" the "!ll!wing is N:8 an ele%ent !" invest!rs; pre"erences that in"l&ences a "ir%;s
"inancial architect&reD
a pre"erences "!r w!r$ vs leis&re >
# li<&idity needs
c invest%ent h!riG!n
d ris$ t!lerance
@@@ 7 'hich !" the "!ll!wing is N:8 a valid reas!n "!r a "ir% t! esta#lish s&#sidiariesD
a t! #etter c!ntr!l ris$ e9p!s&re !" either parent/t!/ s&#sidiary !r s&#sidiary/t!/parent
# t! enhance the c!%pany;s a#ility t! eval&ate individ&al per"!r%ance and t! create di""erent
c!%pensati!n syste%s "!r a diverse set !" its #&sinesses
c t! !#"&scate "inancial rep!rting >
d t! c!n"!r% with reg&lat!ry re<&ire%ents speci"ic t! a partic&lar #&siness envir!n%ent
@@@ 8 A @@@@@@@ c!ntract is a private, tail!red, #ilateral agree%ent #etween tw! parties in which !ne
party agrees t! p&rchase, and the !ther t! sell, a speci"ied n&%#er !" &nits !" a speci"ied asset
at a given "&t&re date and at a speci"ied price
a swap
# "!rward >
c "&t&res
d warrant
@@@ ) =&t&res trading "eat&res daily @@@@0i2@@@@ in cash and @@@@0ii2@@@@
@@@@0i2@@@@ @@@@0ii2@@@@
a cl!sing %ar$ing/t!/%ar$et
# resettle%ent cl!sing
c resettle%ent %ar$ing/t!/%ar$et >
d swapping %ar$ing/t!/%ar$et
@@@ (0 A swap c!ntract is in essence a p!rt"!li!, !r series, !" @@@@@@@@@
a "!rward c!ntracts >
# "&t&res c!ntracts
c rep&rchase agree%ents
d resettle%ent agree%ents
@@@ (( -" a g!ld pr!d&cer wishes t! e%pl!y a n!n/c!ntingent hedge, it sh!&ld &se a0n2 @@@0i2@@@
c!ntract, while i" it wishes t! e%pl!y a c!ntingent hedge 0ie, t! hedge !nly d!wn/side ris$2,
it sh!&ld &se a0n2 @@@0ii2@@@ c!ntract
@@@0i2@@@ @@@0ii2@@@
a "!rward p&t !pti!n >
# p&t !pti!n "!rward
c "!rward call !pti!n
d call !pti!n "!rward
@@@ (, =ir%s that "ace a @@@@@@@@ ta9 rate str&ct&re have an incentive t! hedge, #eca&se it can red&ce
the "ir%;s e9pected ta9 lia#ility
a "lat
# regressive 0!r c!ncave2
c decelerating
d pr!gressive 0!r c!nve92 >
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
@@@ (+ @@@@@@ #!nds pay c!&p!n interest in the "!r% !" additi!nal #!nds instead !" cash
a He"erred c!&p!n
# Pay%ent/in/$ind >
c Per!/c!&p!n
d -n lie&
@@@ (4 8he @@@@@@@@@ is a c!nverti#le #!nd in which the date !" c!nversi!n is "i9ed in advance
a %anaged c!nverti#le
# %andat!ry c!nverti#le >
c "i9ed c!nverti#le
d dated c!nverti#le
@@@ (5 A spec&lative/grade #!nd that had an invest%ent/grade rating when it was !riginally iss&ed is
called a @@@0i2@@@, while an !riginal/iss&e spec&lative/grade #!nd is called a @@@0ii2@@@
@@@0i2@@@ @@@0ii2@@@
a revised/d!wn #!nd R&n$ #!nd
# #erated #!nd "allen angel
c R&n$ #!nd "allen angel
d "allen angel R&n$ #!nd >
@@@ (* 8he @@@@@@@@@ gives the #!nd iss&er an !pti!n t! redee% a speci"ied "racti!n !" the #!nd iss&e
within a speci"ied peri!d at a predeter%ined price, #&t !nly #y &sing "&nds "r!% a s&#se<&ent
e<&ity !""ering
a s&#se<&ent events pr!visi!n
# claw#ac$ pr!visi!n >
c c!ntingency pr!visi!n
d c!nversi!n pr!visi!n
@@@ (7 'ith a %a$e wh!le call pr!visi!nB
a the "ir% t! pay a call price that is s&""icient t! pr!vide #!ndh!lders an e9 p!st ret&rn e<&al t!
the ret&rn they w!&ld have received !n a n!ncalla#le 8reas&ry #!nd with the sa%e
!riginal %at&rity as the called #!nd >
# the "ir% %&st retire either the entire 0!r wh!le2 #!nd iss&e !r n!ne !" the #!nds
c #!ndh!lders are all!wed t! redee% their #!nds at par val&e
d the "ir% has the !pti!n t! rest!re #!ndh!lders; wealth #y iss&ing new #!nds, that w!&ld sell
at par val&e, in e9change "!r the !riginal #!nds
@@@ (8 @@@@@@@ has #ec!%e an i%p!rtant %eans #y which h&ge in"rastr&ct&re pr!Rects are privately
a Private place%ent "inancing
# -n"rastr&ct&re "&nding
c Pr!Rect "inance >
d 4!&ntry "inance
+ssay *uestions
( Hisc&ss the i%p!rtance !" integrating the "ir%;s #&siness and "inancial architect&res
, 69plain tw! alternative r!les !" derivatives, ins&rance c!ntracts, and g&arantees within a "ir%;s
!verall !rganiGati!nal architect&re
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(
+ 69plain h!w hedging can %itigate the underin!estment and asset"sustitution pr!#le%s
4 69plain h!w hedging canB 0i2 red&ce e9pected c!sts !" e9ternal "inancingA and 0ii2 increase de#t
5 Hisc&ss %anage%ent;s sel"/serving incentives t! hedge
* 69plain h!w an ins&rance c!ntract is si%ilar t!, and yet di""ers "r!%, a p&t !pti!n
7 Hisc&ss the c!rp!rate &se !" g&arantees
8 69plain h!w splitting a "ir%;s clai%s int! tw! sec&rities[!ne Sin"!r%ati!nally insensitive; and the
!ther %!re Sin"!r%ati!nally sensitive;[%a$es in"!r%ed trading %!re pr!"ita#le, and th&s %a9i%iGes
the "ir%;s pr!ceeds !" iss&ing sec&rities
Ogden, Jen, and OConnor !dvanced Cor"orate #inance Co"yright $ %&&% Prentice hall 'nc( !ll rights reserved(