Characterisation and Pathogenicity of Pestalotiopsis
Characterisation and Pathogenicity of Pestalotiopsis
Characterisation and Pathogenicity of Pestalotiopsis
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Abstract During 2009 and 2010, twenty-one isolates of Pestalotiopsis spp. Associated with grey
patches on the leaves, twigs, and panicles of mango were collected in six orchards located in Sicily
(Italy). Morphological characteristics of colony
(colour and mycelium appearance), and conidia
(size, shape, septation, length and the number of
apical and the basal appendages) as well as phylogenetic analysis of the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region (ITS1, 5.8S gene, and ITS2) of six
representative isolates revealed the occurrence of
P. uvicola and P. clavispora. The representative
isolates of both species were pathogenic to the
artificially inoculated detached mango leaves cv.
Kensington Pride and showed significant variation
in lesion size. This is the first report worldwide of
P. uvicola and P. clavispora causing grey leaf spot
of mango.
A. M. Ismail
Agriculture Research Center,
Plant Pathology Research Institute,
12619 Giza, Egypt
G. Cirvilleri : G. Polizzi (*)
Dipartimento di Gestione dei Sistemi
Agroalimentari e Ambientali, sezione Patologia Vegetale,
University of Catania,
Via S. Sofia 100,
95123 Catania, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
Plant organ
Origin (Province)
2, 3, 4, 5b, 6
Catania-orchard 1
7b, 9
Catania-orchard 1
P. uvicola
15, 17
Catania-orchard 2
Catania-orchard 2
Ragusa-orchard 3
Ragusa-orchard 3
P. clavispora
Catania-orchard 2
Palermo-orchard 1
20, 21
Messina-orchard 1
Messina-orchard 2
centre of colony diffused beyond colony margins (reverse side). The acervuli were black and appeared
moderately concentrated in the centre of the plate. In
the second group of the isolates resembling to P.
clavispora, conidia were smooth, fusiform, and wider
at the middle than apex and base measuring, 22.31.4
to 24.71.9 m mean length and 7.60.5 to 9.6
0 m mean width. Two to four (three being the most
frequently observed) apical hyaline straight and slightly swollen at apex appendages measuring 21.8 to
Table 2 Pestalotiopsis isolates retrieved from the GenBank used for phylogenetic analysis
Culture No.
Pestalotiopsis matildae
South Africa
Thamnochortus spicigerus
Pestalotiopsis matildae
South Africa
T. spicigerus
Pestalotiopsis microspora
Terminalia chebula
Pestalotiopsis microspora
Azadirachta indica
Pestalotiopsis disseminata
Cyphomyrmex wheeleri
Pestalotiopsis disseminata
Cyphomyrmex wheeleri
Pestalotiopsis heterocornis
Podocarpus macrophyllus
Pestalotiopsis heterocornis
Podocarpus macrophyllus
Pestalotiopsis theae
Lucuma nervosa
Pestalotiopsis theae
Dracontomelon duperreanum
Pestalotiopsis clavispora
Argania spinosa
Pestalotiopsis clavispora
Persea americana
Pestalotiopsis uvicola
Vitis vinifera
Pestalotiopsis uvicola
Isolate 173189
Taxus chinensis
Guignardia mangiferae
CBS 115051
Spondias mombin
Guignardia citricarpa
CBS 102374
Citrus aurantium
Italy) according to the manufacturers protocol. Sequence data matrix was aligned using ClustalW option
in MEGA version 5 (Tamura et al. 2011) and corrected
the alignment where necessary. The phylogenetic relationship was determined using PAUP (Phylogenetic
Analysis Using Parsimony) v. 4.0b10 (Swofford
2002). Maximum parsimony was performed using
the heuristic search option with 1,000 random taxa
additions and tree bisection and reconnection (TBR)
as the branch-swapping algorithm. MAXTREE set to
1,000, branches of zero length were collapsed and
equally parsimonious trees were saved. Bootstrap support values were evaluated using 1,000 bootstrap replicates to determine tree length (TL), consistency
index (CI), rescaled consistency index (RC), retention
index (RI), and the homoplasy index (HI) (Hillis and
Bull 1993). PCR amplicons of all isolates were ~510
to 600 bp. The manually aligned and adjusted ITS data
set contained 22 sequences of which six sequences
were obtained from mango in this study and 18 were
retrieved from GenBank (Table 2). From total 533
characters including gaps, 337 were constant and 35
variable characters were parsimony-uninformative
while, 161 were parsimony-informative characters.
After heuristic search, maximum parsimony analysis of the 161 informative characters resulted in
17 trees (TL 0252, CI 00.921, RI 00.957, RC 0
0.881, HI 00.079). Results of the phylogenetic
analysis indicated that Pestalotiopsis species
obtained from M. indica can be assigned in two
well-separated clades of which, P. clavispora isolates were clustered with strains (P6 and PALUC
12) obtained from Argania spinosa and Persea
americana respectively, in a clade strongly supported with bootstrap value 100 %; whereas, P.
uvicola isolates from mango were sub-grouped in
a clade poorly supported with bootstrap value 51 %
within isolates (Isolate 173189 and UCD2568AR)
obtained from Taxus chinensis and Vitis vinifera
respectively (Fig. 2).
The representative six isolates of Pestalotiopsis spp.
were tested for pathogenicity on detached mango leaves
cv. Kensington Pride disinfected by 10 % bleach solution (0.5 % NaOCl) for 2 min. Three leaves were used
for each isolates. A 6-mm of mycelium plugs from a 7days-old culture was placed on three wounded points.
Leaves inoculated with only PDA plugs served as controls. Inoculated leaves were maintained in high relative
humidity, and incubated at 25 C. Mean lesion sizes
were registered after 7 days of incubation. The trial
was repeated once. Symptoms consisted of light to dark
brown lesions surrounding the inoculation sites with
irregular dark brown margins, later, become greyish in
colour and numerous acervuli were developed on the
necrotic tissues. To fulfill Kochs postulates, diseased
tissues were placed on PDA. Pestalotiopsis spp. were
re-isolated with 100 % frequency and the colonies were
morphologically identical to those from original isolates. All the tested isolates of Pestalotiopsis were proven to be pathogenic to mango leaves. P. clavispora
isolates produced significantly larger lesion sizes than
P. uvicola isolates (Fig. 3).
Since the introduction of mango in Italy, little is
known concerning the presence of fungal diseases and
their etiology. In the present study we reported the
occurrence on mango orchards of P. uvicola and P.
clavispora identified on the basis of morphological
features as well as molecular analysis and we demonstrated the pathogenicity of both species on mango
leaves. Pestalotiopsis spp. generally are not hostspecific and can infect a wide range of plants (Steyaert
1953; Suto and Kobayashi 1993; Taguchi et al. 2001).
P. uvicola was previously reported in Sicily as the
causal agent of leaf spot and stem blight of bay laurel
(Vitale and Polizzi 2005). Moreover, P. clavispora was
reported in China and in Chile as responsible for
leaf spot, canker and twig dieback of blueberry (Luan
et al. 2008; Espinoza et al. 2009) and more recently
causing post-harvest stem end rot of avocado in Chile
(Valencia et al. 2011). To our knowledge, this is the
first report worldwide of P. uvicola and P. clavispora
causing grey leaf spot on mango orchards.
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