Stemphylium Leaf Spot of Parsley in California Caused by Stemphylium Vesicarium
Stemphylium Leaf Spot of Parsley in California Caused by Stemphylium Vesicarium
Stemphylium Leaf Spot of Parsley in California Caused by Stemphylium Vesicarium
Koike, S. T., O’Neill, N., Wolf, J., Van Berkum, P., and Daugovish, O. 2013. Stemphylium leaf spot of parsley in California caused by Stemphylium
vesicarium. Plant Dis. 97:315-322.
From 2009 through 2011, a previously undescribed disease occurred rot and celery) but not on leek, onion, spinach, and tomato. Isolates
on commercial parsley in coastal (Ventura County) California. Symp- caused brown lesions to form when inoculated onto pear fruit but only
toms of the disease consisted of circular to oval, tan to brown leaf spots when the fruit tissue was wounded. Using a freeze-blotter seedborne
and resulted in loss of crop quality and, hence, reduced yields. A fun- pathogen assay, parsley seed was found to have a low incidence
gus was consistently isolated from symptomatic parsley. Morphologi- (0.25%) of S. vesicarium. When inoculated onto parsley leaves, three
cal and molecular data identified the fungus as Stemphylium vesicar- of four isolates from seed caused the same leaf spot disease. This is the
ium. When inoculated onto parsley leaves, the isolates caused first documentation of a foliar parsley disease caused by S. vesicarium.
symptoms that were identical to those seen in the field; the same fun- The occurrence of S. vesicarium on parsley seed indicates that infested
gus was recovered from test plants, thus completing Koch’s postulates. seed may be one source of initial inoculum. Based on the negative
Additional inoculation experiments demonstrated that 10 of 11 tested results in the host range experiments, it appears that this parsley patho-
flat leaf and curly parsley cultivars were susceptible. The parsley iso- gen differs from the S. vesicarium that causes disease on leek, garlic,
lates also caused small leaf spots on other Apiaceae family plants (car- onion, and pear fruit.
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is a familiar leafy plant in the plantings were affected. Initial symptoms consisted of leaf spots
Apiaceae family that is grown as both a fresh market commodity that were 2 to 3 mm in diameter, circular to oval in shape, and
for use as a vegetable, herb, and garnish and as a dehydrated prod- chlorotic. As disease progressed, the spots enlarged to 5 to 8 mm,
uct for various culinary uses. California is the number one pro- retained a circular to oval shape, and turned tan to light brown in
ducer of parsley in the United States, with over 1,043 ha grown in color, with chlorotic borders. In some cases, leaf spots exhibited a
2010 (6), representing approximately half of the country’s parsley ringspot or target appearance due to alternating lighter- and darker-
(50). Two coastal counties, Monterey and Ventura, grow 49% of colored tissue (Fig. 1). When the disease was severe, the leaf spots
California’s parsley; in 2010, these counties accounted for 509 ha coalesced and the leaves became prematurely chlorotic and senes-
of parsley that was valued at $13.5 million (6). The California cent, eventually drying up and resulting in leaf dieback (Fig. 1).
parsley crop consists of both curly and flat leaf cultivars. Parsley Leaf petioles were also diseased and had narrow, elongated, brown
crops are direct seeded, grown to harvestable size, hand harvested lesions. Spots occurred mostly but not exclusively on older foliage.
or mechanically mowed, then allowed to regrow for additional When the parsley was harvested, the remaining lower, older leaves
harvests. This harvest-and-regrowth practice can be done up to still attached to the plants often exhibited the most severe symp-
three times. toms; the disease also reappeared on the subsequent regrowth fol-
Parsley production in California involves high seeding rates that lowing a harvest. Overall maximum disease incidence was esti-
result in dense plant populations and thick canopies. This planting mated at 30%. Sparse fungal growth was sometimes observed on
practice, combined with the fact that all parsley crops are irrigated adaxial leaf spot surfaces but obvious fungal fruiting bodies were
with overhead sprinklers, creates conditions in which foliar dis- absent from the spots. Because of the high quality standards for
eases can be problematic. In California, the most damaging foliar this leafy commodity, the problem resulted in yield loss because
disease has historically been Septoria late blight caused by Septo- diseased sections in some fields were not harvested. The purposes
ria petroselini (23). Septoria late blight has been managed by using of this study were to determine the cause of this leaf spot problem,
pathogen-free seed and by applying foliar fungicides (24,32). characterize the pathogen, and investigate possible sources of pri-
Other, less important foliar concerns in California are powdery mary inoculum.
mildew caused by Erysiphe orontii (26), bacterial leaf spot caused
by two pathovars of Pseudomonas syringae (5), and a virus disease Materials and Methods
caused by Apium virus Y (25,49). Isolation of the causal agent. Symptomatic leaves were surface
From 2009 through 2011, unfamiliar foliar symptoms were ob- sterilized by soaking leaf pieces in 1% bleach (0.525% sodium
served on commercial flat leaf parsley grown for the fresh market hypochlorite) solutions for 3 min. Small (3-by-3-mm) sections of
in Ventura County, CA. Both conventional and organic parsley tissue were aseptically excised from leaf spot margins and placed
into petri plates containing corn meal agar (CMA; Difco Laborato-
ries) that was acidified (25% lactic acid at 2 ml/liter). Plates were
Corresponding author: S. T. Koike, E-mail: [email protected] incubated in light from a combination of cool white and Vita-Lite
fluorescent tubes on a cycle of 12 h of light and 12 h of darkness at
Accepted for publication 4 September 2012.
22°C and examined after 5 to 7 days for fungal growth. Single-
spored cultures of isolated fungi were subsequently stored on po- / PDIS-06-12-0611-RE tato dextrose agar (PDA; Difco Laboratories) slants at 5°C. To test
© 2013 The American Phytopathological Society for bacterial pathogens, small pieces of the surface-sterilized leaf
Fig. 1. Symptoms of Stemphylium leaf spot of parsley caused by Stemphylium vesicarium. A, Initial symptoms are small, circular, chlorotic spots. B, As disease develops, the
spots enlarge, turn tan to brown, and have chlorotic borders. C and D, Spots may exhibit concentric rings and result in necrosis and early senescence of the leaf.
Fig. 2. Conidia of Stemphylium vesicarium isolated from parsley and grown on V8 agar medium under lights (×400).
Table 1. Dimensions of conidia and conidiophores of Stemphylium vesicarium isolates from parsley
Isolate measurements
Structurea 09-14B1 09-18B2 Means for two isolates
Length (µm)
Range (18.4–) 19.9–28.0 (–41.3) (16.4–) 22.3–33.5 (–41.1) 25.9
SD 4.4 5.6 …
Width (µm)
Range (10.9–) 13.0–16.4 (–18.5) (10.3–) 13.8–18.2 (–23.2) 15.4
SD 1.7 2.2 …
Length/width ratio
Range 1.2–2.2 1.2–2.4 …
Mean 1.7 1.8 1.8
Width (µm)
Range 5.5–8.3 5.5–8.3 6.9
SD 0.5 0.6 …
Apical cell width (µm)
Range 8.3–11.1 8.3–11.1 9.7
SD 0.8 0.9 …
a Fungal structures were taken from 4-week-old cultures on V8 juice agar plates that were incubated in light on a cycle of 12 h of light and 12 h of darkness
at 22°C. For each isolate, 50 spores and 20 conidiophores were measured. SD = standard deviation.
Fig. 3. Jukes-Cantor distance tree generated using the neighbor-joining method for the aligned partial DNA sequences of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. The
analysis was done using the software MEGA version 4.0 (48) using an alignment length of 562 bp. Numbers at the branch nodes indicate the confidence values obtained
from bootstrap analysis using 2,000 permutations of the data set.
Table 2. Pathogenicity of Stemphylium vesicarium isolates from parsley to parsley cultivars and other commercial crops
Stemphylium isolates and control (first test/second test)a
Plant, cultivarb 09-12B1 09-13B1 09-14B1 09-15B1 Water
Parsley cultivars
Parsley, flat leaf
‘Dark Green Italian’ ++/++ ++/++ ++/++ ++/++ –/–
‘Forest Green’ ++/+ ++/++ ++/+ ++/+ –/–
‘Italian Flat Leaf’ ++/++ ++/++ ++/++ ++/++ –/–
‘Rialto’ +/+ ++/+ ++/+ ++/+ –/–
‘Titan’ ++/+ ++/+ +/++ ++/+ –/–
Parsley, curly
‘Dark Moss Curled’ +/+ +/+ +/+ +/+ –/–
‘Evergreen’ +/+ +/+ +/+ +/+ –/–
‘Jade’ +/+ +/– +/+ +/+ –/–
‘Krausa’ +/– +/+ +/+ +/+ –/–
‘Moss Curled’ +/– +/+ +/+ +/+ –/–
‘Triple Curled’ –/– –/+ +/– –/– –/–
Other crops
‘Scarlet Nantes’ +/+ +/+ +/– +/+ –/–
‘Tendersweet’ +/+ +/+ +/+ +/+ –/–
Celery, ‘Conquistador’ +/+ +/+ +/+ +/– –/–
Leek, ‘Lancelot’ –/– –/– –/– –/– –/–
Onion, ‘California red’ –/– –/– –/– –/– –/–
‘Bolero’ –/– –/– –/– –/– –/–
‘Lasio’ –/– –/– –/– –/– –/–
Tomato, ‘Champagne’ –/– –/– –/– –/– –/–
Pear fruit, unripec
Unwounded –/– –/– –/– –/– –/–
Wounded +/+ +/+ +/+ +/+ –/–
Pear fruit, ripec
Unwounded –/– –/– –/– –/– –/–
Wounded +/+ +/+ +/+ +/+ –/–
Positive controld +/++ +/+ ++/+ ++/+ –/–
a For plants, 10 leaves per cultivar were evaluated for the development of leaf spots at 24 days post inoculation using the following scale: – = no leaf spots;
+ = minor leaf spots (spot size <5 mm in diameter); ++ = moderate leaf spots (spot size ≥5 mm in diameter). For pear fruit, results were evaluated for the
development of lesions for up to 10 days post inoculation using the following scale: – = no lesions and + = lesions present.
b All plants had 6 to 10 true leaves when spray inoculated with conidial suspensions (105 conidia/ml). Controls were treated with sterile distilled water plus
Tween 20. Plants were placed in clear plastic bags for 48 h, unbagged, then maintained in a greenhouse (20 to 24°C). Results from the two pathogenicity
tests are presented as first test/second test.
c Pear fruit (‘Bartlett’) were inoculated with the same conidial suspensions. Both green unripe and yellow ripe fruit were used and inoculum was placed on
both unwounded and wounded spots. Controls were treated with sterile distilled water plus Tween 20. Pear fruit were placed in an enclosed humid chamber
(lidded plastic box) at 22°C for 48 h and later incubated in a dry plastic box in the open air at room temperature. Results from the two pathogenicity tests
are presented as first test/second test.
d Control was Dark Green Italian flat leaf parsley.
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