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Wireless Communications

Prof. Dr. Rajan Bose

Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Lecture No. # 02
Types of Wireless Communication
Let us look at the types of wireless communication systems available today. The first and the
foremost is the radio transmission systems. This was one of the earlier systems and are popular
till today because they can be very easily generated and also designing the hardware is easy for
(Refer Slide Time: 00:01:19 min)

Of course, there are some associated problems like frequency dependency which means raise at a
certain frequency, get attenuated differently, then raise at another frequency. This enforces the
basic philosophy that air is a band pass channel. Then we have relatively low bandwidth for data
communications. For voice, it was good. When we talk about radio, we automatically think about
voice related communications. However today, data graphic is more than what the voice traffic
is. We have to cater to voice as well as data transmissions. Therefore radio transmission will
soon give way to other higher frequency transmission methodologies like microwave
transmission. So the next method of wireless communication is to use microwaves which is at a
slightly higher frequency & smaller wavelength. Clearly you can use them for long distance
communications. Given a high signal to noise ratio they are relatively easy to make, manufacture
and use. The associated problems are that they do not pass through buildings very well.
Consequently microwave links are point to point- line of sight.

So many times when you are driving down the highways, you will see tall towers periodically
placed with parabolic antennas. They are usually the microwave, point to point- line of sight
links. These microwave transmissions are also weather dependent as well as frequency
(Refer Slide Time: 00:03:38 min)

Some other types of wireless communications are infrared and millimeter waves. So we are
going higher on the frequency spectrum and consequently, we deal with smaller wavelengths.
The moment we talk about mm wave, we are touching the 30 GHz frequency band. These are
used for short range communication simply because we get a high level of attenuation for
millimeter waves. Infrared does not pass through solid objects and walls. We use IR for your
remote control in the TV but today IR can be used to build a small personal area network. We
also have light wave transmission. These are unguided optical signal such as lasers. We can have
point to point links that serve as interconnectivity between buildings. These are unidirectional
and easy to install. They do not require a license. The associated problems are that they are
unable to penetrate through thick fog or rain.
Conversation between student and professor:
The question is what is the range for infrared communication? Usually it can be about ten meters
or so. That is, we can only use it within a large room at the most. Millimeter waves also suffer
from this problem. So when we look at millimeter wave communications or ultra-wide band
which is not exactly millimeter wave but it goes up to 10 GHz, we are confining ourselves to 1015 m only. A term personal area network or PAN which has come up is the immediate
application for these kinds of infrared and millimeter waves.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:05:48 min)

This slide gives a birds eye view of the range comparisons and this will answer your questions.
If you see on the left most, we have the infrared which is suitable for personal area networks.
Just beyond it is the pink circle which is an application coming into the picture. Its the Bluetooth
that is popular. Then up to a 100 m, we have the wireless LANs local area networks. In this, we
have the popular 802.11 B. the WiFi systems, for example. Today we talk about hot spots. So
you can go to barista and probably have a hot spot or go to an airport where we have WiFi
enabled areas where you can switch on your laptop and you are on the network. Of course, if you
go out of the airport, you lose connectivity. So the orange line shows the range comparison for
wireless local area networks.
The green ellipse is the mobile telephoning wireless on the local loop. We go into km or tens of
kilometers at the most. Later we will see that the distance or the cell sizes used for cellular
networks depends not only on how far the signals go but also on couple of other things like
interference and capacity. So we will figure out what determines the size of the cell other than
just the propagation issue. In this slide, we are only talking about how far the rays will travel
provided the input power is fixed at a certain level. Then we go to the blue circles or ellipses here
which comprises of FM radio and microwave short wave. This can go beyond the city limits
probably up to a 100 km or so. Of course at the end is the satellite links.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:08:09 min)

Here we have the growth parameters. This comparison tells us how popular and how fast are
these new technologies being accepted. Telephone took 75 years to reach 50 million users. At the
same time radio took about 35 years. TV at that time was through wireless. Now it is through
cables. TV took 13 years. Your standard wireless communication took 10 years. Mobile phones
in India took about 10 years. We have just reached 50 million. An internet took just 4 years
because of the nature of the internet. So it tells us that the wireless communication is very much
the way to go.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:09:02 min)

This graph tells us the user growth pattern. On the y axis we have millions of subscribers on the
x axis we have the years. So its up to 2004. What is to be concluded from this graph is the
exponential rise of mobile communication systems. A late starter is mobile internet and as we are
evolving and getting into the 3G systems, we will have more accessibility of the internet through
our mobile phones. So today, a lot of the mobile market is application driven. People talk about
killer applications. Here please note I have put fixed and mobile internet. It still is wireless. Its
fixed wireless. Today we also talk about fixed broadband wireless access. Another evolving
standard is the Wi max, the IEEE 802.16. It is the metropolitan area network. It has a fixed
component to it that will give you high speed connectivity for broadband wireless access. So the
basic conclusion from this slide is that a good way to expand and improve are penetration in
terms of broadband connectivity in India is to go for wireless fixed and mobile connectivity.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:10:48 min)

This is a traffic growth. This is instructive in the sense that I have plotted the voice growth
pattern and the internet access which is basically the data. One is growing linearly. The other one
is exponential. Today, there is more data traffic than voice.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:11:14 min)

In the next couple of slides lets look at the Indian affordability factor from the perspective of
telecom systems especially wireless communication systems because this will drive the growth
in the Indian scenario. Today India has over 1 billion people and only 180 million households.
Its important to note this figure because most of the telecom equipment will be purchased base
on a household. Today India has more mobile phones, about 50 million than fixed land phones as
of January 2005. An interesting comparison is the landline phones cost about Rs. 30,000/- to
install per line. To recover the cost, if we look at the loan from the banks, etc. its about 1000 for
economic viability. so really if you put in a land line phone from scratch, the subscriber must pay
about a 1000 rupees every month so that you can recover the cost. Anybody can say that this is
not the way to go if we are going for rural telephoning. Clearly a landline solution will not give
us the desired tele-density in rural areas. Smaller cities will also not be willing to pay 1000
rupees per month. Its important to realize because today most of the technological decisions
regarding wireless communications are half business decision and half technology decisions. So
its clear that not more than 3% of Indian households can afford a landline phone unless we do
something about it and the answer is simple. We need to go wireless in order to increase teledensity.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:13:17 min)

So lets look at some more figures. The Indian mobile phone industry is adding about 1.5 million
new users a month. However these are mostly in the cities. I talked about the telecom regulatory
authority of India which essentially regulates and makes the telecom policies. TRAI predicts that
there will be about a 150 million mobile subscribers by the year 2007. So we are still expecting
great growth pattern in the mobile industry in India today. The declining prices for mobile phone
handsets will trigger and keep the sales rising into the future. Thats essential. So today a handset
which costs 2500 rupees, if it goes down to 1500 or less, the growth pattern will continue
because of the large geography wireless is also the fastest and the cheapest way to deploy.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:14:22 min)

In north east and Uttaranchal for example, people are trying to experiment with the IEEE 802.16,
the Wi max which is again an evolving standard to see how well we can depute it. So the trials
are going on right now. A large cellular subscriber base will give the telecom carriers the
economies of scale .thats very important. As I mentioned the next big milestone in the Indian
telecommunication industry will be broadband connectivity. I should add that it will also be
triggered by the wireless broadband access. According to TRAI, Indias current broadband
penetration is negligible. Its almost 0.02%. Thats the place we have to work on. Thats where
some of these new standards like Wi max is coming into picture. The prediction is that will have
3 million broadband users by 2005. So the conclusion at this point is we have to do a lot of work
from the India perspective. The market is growing but we must know where to focus and what
are the current research areas.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:15:58 min)

Let us now look at a simplified wireless communication system. We start from the left most
block. It is the information to be transmitted. It is either voice or data. We can also add
multimedia to it. This could be a person speaking or a person trying to check the internet,
download the stock codes or check the cricket update or send a MMS clip to his friend. The data
is first digitized whether it is voice or data in the initial format. It is then coded for error
correction. So this coding block implies it is getting coded for channel errors. Then we pass it
through a modulator and then through a power amplifier on to an antenna. How much power we
radiate is also constrained. As we mentioned before, not only a higher power emitted will use up
my battery power more, it will also cause extra emissions which can be interference for others.
One persons signal may be interference for others so its like manmade noise. We do not have
the luxury to increase the signal to noise ratio just by increasing the power emitted.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:17:32 min)

At the receivers side, we amplify it, demodulate it, decode it and recover the transmitted data. It
is the simplified version. As well see along the course, we can have not a single transmitting
antenna but several transmitting antennas and several receiving antennas. So we can have a
multiple input-multiple output system.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:18:09 min)


Let us now look at the current wireless systems. The first and the foremost is the cellular
systems and we typically says cellular networks because it is a good network. Then we have the
wireless local area networks within the home environment, hospitals and labs. The satellite
systems and paging systems which have almost been faced out now but well still mention them.
Personal area networks are the emerging systems.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:18:48 min)

A quick look at cellular systems. The name cellular comes from the fact that the whole area of
coverage, a city like Delhi is first divided into cells. We have shown them as hexagonal cells
only for depiction. Each cell has a center black point as denoted. It represents the base station
base station. However, in real life, the cells are irregular. What determines the cell boundaries?
Well, a couple of things. The first thing is the link budget. Link budget is defined as the total
power that is emitted and the total power that is received. So if we have buildings or foliage or
tall towers in the middle which block the radiation, the received power will be less.
Consequently, the cell boundary might get affected. The second thing that determines the cell
boundary is the number of people in the cell or the capacity. A cell can only support so many
users. For example, if you have an x amount of bandwidth in a cell and if you can support 100
users, the next user that comes in into the cell will be denied service. The other way is the cell
shrinks its boundary and only accommodates enough number of users that it can support. In
some cases like the CDMA systems, the cell boundaries are not fixed but adaptive. The third
thing that determines the cell boundaries is the interference. Where does interference come from?
Well, we talked about something called as a reuse of frequency. If you see in this diagrams, there
are blue cells which are spaced apart. There are light green cells and the dark green cells. Cells
of one color are using one certain frequency band. The frequency is being reused assuming that
the reuse distance is such that the received power is below a certain threshold but still it causes
co- channel interference.


An interference which is coming from a cell which is using the same frequency is called the co
channel interference. Sometimes we would have a lot of co-channel interference because our
user is at the boundary of the cell and sometimes the co-channel interference can be less. So cochannel interference itself will also determine what the size of the cell is at the designing stage.
In real life, cells must be over lapping as opposed to what is shown here in the diagram. Here, no
cell is over lapping. There is a clear cut boundary. However, when we go from one cell to
another, a process called hand off takes place where one base station hands off the call to the
next base station. If there is no overlap, it is very difficult to make before break the connection.
In CDMA systems this overlap is phenomenon. In GSM systems it is much less. In any case at a
given time for example my mobile phone gets good signal from more than one base station. It
maintains a list of good base stations where effective single power is received and it chooses
which base station to talk to. So I can be sitting in this room and my mobile phone displays to
which base station it talks to and after half an hour, the base station may change even though I
have not moved from my chair. This simplifies to the fact that at the same time, we have good
connectivity and good signal strength from more than one base station and that is simply because
there is enough overlap.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:23:49 min)

The second system that we can talk about is the wireless local area networks. The concept is
simple. You have to have an access point mentioned here as an internet access point. Since its a
local area network confined to a few hundred meters, you have couple of loads here. We connect
local computers and hence confined regions. It breaks data into packets and sends the various
protocols. The channel access is shared. So a very important part of the design of wireless local
area network is the MAC layer, the medium access layer. The backbone internet provides best
effort service. There can be poor performance in some applications like video simply because of
the channel sharing problem.


This is low mobility or you can group it under the heading portable applications. Today a good
example is the IEEE 802.11 B based wireless LAN.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:25:14 min)

So the IEEE 802.11 B has a bit rate from 5.5 to 11 Mbps. The ISM frequency band is 2.4. It is
license free and the range is about 100meters. IEEE 802.11a has a bitrate of 54 Mbps and newer
versions are coming up which can take it to 108 Mbps. It works at a frequency of 5GHz and
again the range is about 100meters. European Hiper LAN has a bitrate of 20 Mbps. It operates at
a frequency band of 5 GHz and has a range of 50 meters. So this gives you a typical order of
magnitude range and the data rates.


(Refer Slide Time: 00:25:56 min)

The third is the satellite systems. They cover very large areas. Its good for global coverage. Its
very useful in sparsely populated areas like rural areas, the sea, mountains and the areas that are
hard to reach. There can be different orbit heights. The GEO stationary satellites verses the low
earth orbit or LEO satellite systems. Clearly the LEO satellite systems are not GEO stationary
and so they keep on moving and they move in and out from an area of coverage. So a LEO
satellite which was having a foot print on Delhi half an hour back might have moved out by now.
And so I need a constellation of satellites to make sure that each area is covered all the time. This
is a funny scenario in wireless communication where the base stations are mobile and most likely
the user is static. So the cells keep moving. Hand over takes place not because the user is moving
but because the base station is moving. They are optimized for one way transmission like
satellite TV.of course the cost involved is very high.


(Refer Slide Time: 00:27:30 min)

Satellite systems have limited quality voice data transmission. Of course this can be improved
today. You can allocate larger chunks of bandwidth and improve upon the quality of voice and
data. The traditional applications are weather satellite radio and TV broadcasting military
satellites. Telecommunication applications are global telephone connections. They also form a
backbone for global networks and the GPS. So today GPS is one of the important applications
which is driving the sale of GPS modules. Today you can track fleets of trucks and ships
through GPS. some of the expensive cars come with GPS enabled systems that can tell you
which way to go or what is the best way to go from point one to point two and various other
applications. I can have a GPS based car security system where suppose my car is stolen in the
night, in the morning I can know where exactly my car is and I can remotely shut it down if I
have a GPS GSM enabled module setting. So these are some examples where you can combine
two technologies and develop a killer application. GPS stands for global positioning system.
Some of the examples are iridium, glob star, teledesic etc.


(Refer Slide Time: 00:29:12 min)

The forth example is the paging systems. These have now been faced out because your mobile
phones also work as pagers. All you have to do is give a missed call and you can be paged. But
just for the sake of completion, paging systems provide broad coverage for short massages.
Message is done in a broadcast mode. So all base stations radiate and your pager will respond to
the cell youre sitting in. It has simple terminals, low complexity and low power consuming
optimized for one way transmission but answer back is hard. Unfortunately today it has been
over taken by cellular communications.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:30:06 min)


Student: Sir, what do you mean by optimized for one way transmission?
Professor: Paging systems can receive information. Suppose I have a pager. Its a 3 cm x 2 cm
box which I carry in my pocket. I call the paging number and I will get a beep and it will show a
very short message, please call back this number. But I cannot use the pager to say okay, I will
call back in ten minutes. I have to go to a local phone and make a call. So it is optimized only
for one way communication. Today I have a mobile phone. You send me an SMS, I can send
you back an SMS. So its a two way communication. I can call you back on the mobile phone.
This is an example of a wide area paging system where you make a call to the pager number
which is like a telephone number through the PSTN which is Public Switched Telephone
Network and it will be transmitted through different base stations. It could be in different cities.
So I can be paged in Bombay or Chennai from Delhi.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:31:19 min)

Student: sir, how does a pager get the information to call a number?
Professor: it is a short messaging system. So a pager also has a receiver which takes in digital
data. So when I send the data from the base station, I also send a packet which tells me the short
message that is to be done. The pager has a small LCD display. Pagers were very popular 5 years
back. But now its very hard to by a pager. So these are some examples of how fast the telecom
system change.


(Refer Slide Time: 00:32:04 min)

One of the newer systems is the personal area networks like Bluetooth. A good application
would be to connect my PC to the printer without the use of wires. However the big brother of
Bluetooth, the UWB systems are evolving and it is predicted that very soon UWB or the ultrawide band communication systems will overtake Bluetooth. the name Bluetooth comes from an
ancient king in Norway who tried to unite a lot of small warring nations at that time and the
simile holds that at this time, you can unite a couple of applications like the printer, the scanner,
the speaker or couple of other small devices to your computer. So thats the origin of the word
Bluetooth. Please note it also works on the already overcrowded 2.4 GHz band. The data rate is
not good. Hence it will fall free to the advances of the ultra-wideband communication systems
where we are going to talk about almost an order of magnitude or more improvements in the data
rate per system. At most, seven devices could be connected. Today the consumer electronic
market has incorporated Bluetooth enabled ports in most of the systems.
Student: sir why is there limitation that only seven devices can be connected?
Professor: this is a part of the Ad hoc standard. They thought that okay, lets think how many
devices can I connect to my PC? I can connect a printer, a scanner, may be my camcorder my
mobile phone, speakers or even two printers. So they thought that I will form a piconet, the
smallest form of network where my PC will be connected to seven or eight maximum objects.
But they have put a limit on seven devices. There is no sacrosanct reason why it should be only
seven and not ten. However in UWB, you have no limits.


(Refer Slide Time: 00:34:42 min)

Lets look at an example of a Bluetooth enabled network. You always have an access point
which is connected to a local area network. Bluetooth form this own piconets. So I can have a
headset but today I am bogged down because of the wire from my headset is coming to the walk
man. Why should there be a wire? My mobile phone is connected to my laptop. Why should a
wired mouse be there? But I really have to think hard to get more than seven devices to be
connected to one piconet.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:35:22 min)


Now there are some emerging wireless systems which are fresh from the oven. One of the
evolving technologies is ad hoc wireless networks. Well briefly talk about it. Then another thing
which is being said to be one of the enabling technologies is sensor networks. Sensor networks
would be instrumental in predicting massive disasters. For example, the tsunami disaster could
have been less devastating if a good sensor network was in place. Earthquakes, forest fires,
floods, etc. can be predicted by sensor networks or at least advanced warning systems can be
generated. Another evolving technology is distributed control networks. The ultra- wideband
communication systems are another emerging system. Lets briefly look at each one of them.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:36:35 min)

First the ad hoc networks. As the name suggest this has no fixed topology. Its not a star
network or a ring network. Each of the nodes become a router. When somebody switches off the
phone or the laptop, that node vanishes and the network must reconfigure. Let me give an
example suppose we go to a conference and 20 people have laptops. All of them have the ad hoc
network software loaded. So the moment they switch it on without realizing, they form an ad hoc
network. So they can communicate from one node to another node through this network. You
need to have peer to peer communications. There is absolutely no backbone infrastructure. The
routing can be and mostly likely multihop as shown by the green arrows. The topology is
dynamic. I can pick up my phone, go and sit and some other place. I can switch off my phone,
suddenly I switch on my second laptop and it forms another node. So the topology is dynamics.
Somebody has to keep track of it. So the MAC layer the medium access control layer again has
to be very well thought of and fully connected with different link signal interference noise ratios.


(Refer Slide Time: 00:38:25 min)

Ad hoc networks provide a flexible network infrastructure for many emerging applications. The
capacity of such networks is generally unknown simply because we do not know how many
nodes there will be at any time. The transmission access and routing strategies for these
networks are generally ad hoc. So there is no one formula that fits all ad hoc scenarios. It has to
be adaptive. cross layer design is critical and very challenging like physical layer, network layer,
transport layer and of course, energy constraints impose interesting design tradeoffs for
communication and networking because we are making each one work as a router.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:39:25 min)


The second emerging area is sensor networks. Here energy is the driving constraint. If you look
at the diagram, the green boxes are the small nodes of the sensor networks. Today a word has
been coined for them. They are called modes. The pioneering work was done in Berkeley and
they also called Berkeley modes. These are nothing but small radiating device with little bit of
intelligence built into it. They can be as small as just a few centimeters to as large as about ten
centimeters and I can put these sensor networks at designed places. For example, if I am looking
at earthquake prediction systems, I can put in these sensors at different places in the buildings,
under bridges, on roads where I can detect and they can communicate with each other and pass
on the information to an advanced processing system. Nodes are powered by non rechargeable
batteries. So, some of the modes that you can buy today can last upto 5 years without recharging
because if I put up a sensor network to determine forest fires, I cannot go to the forest every year
to change the batteries. So, one of the big constraints is energy efficient design. The data flows to
a centralized location where it is processed. It has low per node rates but up to a million nodes.
Here I have written about ten thousand but you can you can go up to a million nodes. The data
highly correlated in time and space. The nodes can cooperate in transmission reception
compression and signal processing. So each node can be equipped with basic intelligence. It
could be a microprocessor which can process the information and then pass it on.
Conversation between student and professor:
The question being asked is: are sensor networks a subset of ad hoc networks? The answer is yes.
But these are something special in the sense that each of the nodes must have a sensor built into
it. The job is primarily to sense some kind of an information may be vibration or heat or light and
then pass on the information. It is a subset of ad hoc network but for a very specialized purpose.
But because of their importance, today sensor networks are treated differently. The problems are
specific for sensor networks. Ad hoc networks solve general problems. Ad hoc networks will
also have ad hoc routing protocols. Sensor networks will most likely have a fixed routing
protocol. Sensor networks are more fixed in terms of its MAC layer.


(Refer Slide Time: 00:43:04 min)

Another emerging wireless area is distributed control over wireless links. Since it is wireless,
and have access to several mobile computing resources, why not distribute the computing. Here
the problems are packet loss and delays impacts controller performance. Controller design
should be robust to network faults. It has joint application and communication network design.
You can have automated vehicles which form a part of this distributed control over wireless
links. So I can easily manage traffic and figure out through these different nodes in the networks.
How to best rout my next set of cars?
(Refer Slide Time: 00:44:01 min)


The forth emerging technology is the UWB or the ultra-wideband communication systems. its
an emerging technology and can transmit datas at around 100 Mbps. the next generation UWB
systems can go up to a 1000 Mbps. it is still being worked on. UWB essentially transmits low
power radio signals with very narrow pulses of the order of ns or even sub ns. There is another
school of thought where the ultra-wideband or the large bandwidth allocated for UWB
communications is sub divided into sub bands and then within each band, you send pulses. So
the pulses are broader in that sense. Generating nanosecond or sub nanosecond broad pulses is a
challenge in itself. The receiver design also poses many challenges. However, because of its low
power requirements, UWB is very difficult to detect. It is almost in the noise flow and hence
inherently secure. Long time back, UWB was very much related to defense applications. Today
it is being used for commercial applications.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:45:38 min)

In this slide we have the frequency domain representation for the UWB systems. In the red
region, you see the frequency band allocated for the IEEE 802.15.3. It starts from 3.1 GHz up to
10.6 GHz. thats a total 7.5 GHz of bandwidth. Its a huge bandwidth in comparison. Please note
the bandwidth allocated for IEEE 802.11 A. its a meager 100 MHz of bandwidth. On the y axis
is the amplitude plotted. You can see that UWB has very low power of transmission. In fact, a
dotted line here represents the part 15 limit set by the FCC. This essentially translates to the
noise flow. A lot of appliances which work at around 2.4 GHz typically radiate unnecessary
power below this dotted line. So anything below the dotted line is acceptable. UWB interestingly
has been designed to emit below that level. What does it mean? It means I dont need any
license. Lets look at the other salient features of UWB.


(Refer Slide Time: 00:47:30 min)

First, exceptional multi-path immunity. Please look at a diagram here. You have a transmitted on
this side and a receiver in a room environment for example. There is a direct-path. There is path
one through a reflector. It could be a wall or a table and another reflector in the room. For these
three paths, what we receive here are the direct path which comes in the first, then the path 2
which is a shorter path and then a longer path because of the distant reflector. What is interesting
is each of these pulses are so narrow. They are nanosecond wide or sub nanosecond that each
pulses can be resolved. If they can be resolved, they really do not interfere with each other. The
effect of multi-path is gone. It takes care of most of the difficult problems related to multi-path
Conversation between student and professor:
The question being asked is: how does it translate to the complexity of the receiver?
The answer is yes, you have to design and carefully design a receiver which can pick up one, two
or intended end reflected path. A name for such a receiver is REC receiver which actually picks
up energies coming through different paths. Later on when we read about ultra-wideband, we
will discuss the design of a REC receiver system. The point to be noted from this diagram is the
problem of multi-path by definition gets removed. There is low power consumption to give you a
feel. Today a cordless phone or your mobile phone needs to be charged every night because the
talk time can last at most one day of normal talking. Suppose you had a home area network
where instead of the cordless phone working on the 900 MHz CT technology, it was working on
UWB. You have to charge your phone once in six months. That is the saving in power. However
I am talking only from the transmitted power. If you are doing a digital REC reception, then you
have to sample it at sub nanosecond. Your A to D converter must work at that rate and the A to
D itself will consume a lot more of power. So those are the designed constraints. The power is
consumed not for transmission but for processing. So, one of the challenges of UWB is to make
low power hardware for processing of very narrow pulses. It operates in large bandwidth. As I

mentioned before, 7.5 GHz will give you humongous amount of data base. It is secure because I
am sending noise like emissions which are very hard to detect. It has low interference because I
am transmitting at a level which is below the general interference level of other devices. Hence
we do not need a license to operate. We do not interfere with the any other emissions and they
are going to be the next generation wireless communication systems.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:51:39 min)

Here are some of the examples where UWB can be used. So as I mentioned before, if I have a
TV my music system my camcorder my VCR I can connect all of them wirelessly through UWB
applications. I can have a body area network like wearable computing. Thats the next generation
system and UWB can enable it. So I have a camera here. The Walkman, mobile phone, etc are all
wirelessly linked through UWB. I can have a police officer with a gun which is wirelessly linked
to a central unit fixed to his belt. So suppose a gun is taken from his hand and it goes beyond a
certain distance, the gun will become useless. The criminal cannot operate it. So the gun can only
be operated by the police officer. Some of the applications that can be thought around a body
area network. A wireless desktop, as I mentioned before, Bluetooth was supposed to do all these
things but UWB systems will take over very soon.


(Refer Slide Time: 00:53:00 min)

Lets look at a slide on spectrum regulation. UWB doesnt require any license. However most of
the other applications do require license. Worldwide spectrum allocation is controlled by ITU-R.
It stands for international telecommunication union. ITU auctions spectral blocks for predefined
applications. Some spectrum is set aside for universal use. Spectrum allocation and regulation
heavily impacts the evolution of wireless technology. Let me give you an example. In India
TRAI regulates the spectrum uses. The Indian government also charges a lot of money to license
these things. one of the reasons which determines the financial viability and getting into the
green of the telecommunication mobile system industries is how much license fee they have to
pay. If the license fee is too much that will take a much longer time for them to come out of the
rate. So how much money you have to pay in terms of license will determine how much time it
will take for you to start making profits.


(Refer Slide Time: 00:54:38 min)

Some of the standardizing bodies are CCIR, the ITU-R and IEEE. So you will be looking at
standards certified by one of these bodies frequently. Well conclude todays lecture at this point.
In the next class, we will look at some more cellular systems and other features. Thank you!


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