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Wireless Communications

Prof. Dr. Ranjan Bose

Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Lecture No. # 01
Motivation and Introduction

We will start our course on wireless communications. I am Ranjan Bose, Department of

Electrical Engineering. Here is a breakup of all the lectures.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:01:19 min)

(Refer Slide Time: 00:01:27 min)

Well start with the motivation and introduction. We will then follow with the cellular concept
and the frequency planning which is a part of most wireless communication systems. Then we
will go on and study mobile radio propagations. Fading which is an integral impediment in most
wireless communication systems will be tackled. We will look at the large scale path loss and
then the multipath small scale fading. Then will look at the modulation techniques for mobile
communications followed by certain channel coding for wireless communications. We will then
look at multiple access.

Finally introduction to wireless networking and if time permits, we look at certain wireless
communication standards. The whole series consists of 42 lectures. These are the three suggested
reading (Refer Slide Time: 02:31). Of course a lot of material will be taken from the various
standards and hopefully we will have1 running example, maybe the GSM phones or the CDMA
2000 1X phones for various aspects of wireless communications.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:02:29 min)

Here is my contact number in case you have to get in touch with me after the classes.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:03:06 min)

(Refer Slide Time: 00:03:14 min)

We will start with the most fundamental question: what is wireless communications? So as we
all know, wireless communication is basically transmitting and receiving voice and data using
electromagnetic waves in open space. They are basically free from wires. Please note the
emphasis is not only on voice but also on data. So today we see people talking on the cell phones
but at the same time the mobile phones are also used to check their emails, get the stock codes,
and find the cricket updates and many other things.

We will soon see that the data traffic is not only giving tough competition to voice traffic but
also exceeding the voice traffic. The information from the sender to the receiver is usually
carried down over a well-defined frequency band. We will soon see this frequency band also
known as the bandwidth allocated for wireless communication is one of the most prized
commodities and is usually auctioned. Then different channels can be formed because today,
wireless communication is not between one person and the base station but it is the multiple
access scenario. Its a multiuser system. So we need to somehow wisely allocate the frequency
channel so that can we accommodate more than1 users. In fact most of the mobile phone
companies are making money because there were very big customer base. We will look at
various multiple access methods as we go along the course. Lets look at a simple example.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:05:09 min)

Suppose, we have an allocation of about 120 KHz of bandwidth and we require to communicate
from station A to station B, a very simple way is to divide the entire bandwidth into 3 sub bands.
Each one is known as a channel. Channel 1, channel 2 and channel 3 share about 40 KHz of
bandwidth. Clearly this is idealized because we do not have the luxury to neatly partition the
bandwidth. What determines that we can have sharp cut offs? Well, there will be a receiver with
a filter. The filter characteristics will be imparted determining what kind of channel bandwidths
are being actually used. So there is a difference between what you allocate and what you end up
using. So what will happen in a real life scenario is a lot of frequency overlap that might take
place because1 of the bands trespasses on the other band. So you can have an interference. We
look at these interference issues as we go along the course. In this idealized situation, station A
can communicate through this three channels without the fear of interference.

Conversation between professor and student: you have a question?

Student: shouldnt we allocate a guard band?
Professor- thats right! So a good way to overcome the simple problem is to allocate some space
between the frequency allocations which are known as the guard bands. For example, channel 1
and channel 2 are not just adjacent to each other but they have a small guard band, lets suppose
a 200 Hz of guard band in a40 KHz band. We will come across the term guard bands not only for
frequencies but also time guard bands when we use another technique called TDMA- Time
Division Multiple Access. Here, we are actually looking at an example of FDMA - Frequency
Division Multiple Access provided, 3 users are using the 3 channels.

Student: how do we determine the width of the guard band?

One of the ways to do it is to figure out how sharp is the role of factors of your filters. So if you
have very sharp filters, you are actually throwing out all the unwanted frequencies which are not
in your domain. However, if your filters and not so sharp, that is, you have put in less money to
design the filters, then you need bigger, broader, guard bands. So it is a tradeoff between the
money you want to spend designing your hardware and making your hardware versus the cost of
the bandwidth because the guard band is actually not being used to send any data or voice.
Student: can i know more than one type of guard bands within one?
Professor: One clear example is a frequency guard band as mentioned here. The other one could
be the time guard band. Suppose different users are using different time slots for communicating,
what we can do is make one user stop transmitting and start the next user begin a transmission.
But we can have a short time gap between the 2 time slots. That is the time guard band.
Frequency and time are the 2 most frequently used methodologies of communication.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:09:25 min)

Now lets look at the basic broad level classification of wireless communications. Today, the
ubiquitous wireless communication is the mobile phones. You have the mobile but that is not the
only way we communicate using wireless. The other way is to have a portability. There is a
difference between mobile and portable. Mobile is complete freedom to move around, talk or
communicate data on the run. However portability is slightly different. For example, a laptop
connected to a wireless local area network is said to be a portable wireless device. You can pick
it up. Dont worry about the wires. Take it to the other part of the room and set up. So its

portable. However, thats different from being completely mobile. The third and not-sopopularly discussed is the fixed wireless communications.
There is always an ongoing debate between fixed wireless and wire line. The major objection is
if you have fixed wireless communications, why not just put a wire and make it much more
robust? What is the need for having a fixed wireless? We thought wireless is supposed to be
mobile. However, there clear-cut advantages that fixed wireless systems have. These advantages
are the basic advantages that any wireless systems have. The first is freedom from wires. Less
installation time and cost. If you have wires, you have to install them. You have to either dig up
the road or put up towers or you have to carry them on poles.

But wireless means you do not have any of these problems. In fact, one of the evolving standards
is the IEEE 802.16, the wireless metropolitan area network standard, the wireless MAN standard.
It is being ratified and this is important because this is one of the first IEEE standards which will
be first tested in a Southeast Asian country. Most of the IEEE standards which have been
launched so far are either first tested in the US or in the Europe. For the first time, 802.16
prototypes will be tested in South Korea early this year 2005. So we will also have a little bit of
focus on fixed wireless access. The next thing we have to look at is the typical frequencies and
how the frequency domain acquisitions work.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:12:28 min)

For example, FM radio which we all listen to these days work around 80 MHz. the TV broadcast
is at 200MHz. the GSM phones work at 900 and 1800 MHz. so the dual band phones work at 2
frequencies. So we are touching the GHz range. the GPS, Global Positioning Systems work at
1.2 GHz. PCS phones work at 1.8 GHz, the Bluetooth the poor cousin of the ultra-wideband

technology which we will also discuss in this course also works at 2.4 GHz. WiFi, the 802.11 B
works at 2.4 GHz. 2.4 GHz has been a favorite band recently because it is a free band. It is also
known as the ISM band. Its given to the medical industry, institutions & scientific
establishments to experiment with. A lot of useful appliances have come out on this frequency

We have wireless lab here where most of the experiments have also been designed around the 2
point four GHz simply because we did not have to take any license. So its a license free band.
Please note i have put in numbers here, 2.4. It doesnt mean that is the only frequency that it
works at. Its a frequency band all the time. However, lets not be limited by this 2.4 GHz. we
have frequencies working at 28 GHz. we have frequencies working 42 GHz, 60 GHz and trial
runs are being made at 100 GHz. So a lot of frequencies are being experimented with. This is
our favorite electromagnetic spectrum.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:14:47 min)

This tells us where we are and how much more we can exploit. This yellow strip translates to a
lot of rupees for the government because it gets a lot of money by licensing the spectrum. There
is a telecom regulatory authority of India, TRAI which works on this area. Here, if you see, I
have started off from1 KHz up to gamma rays. Of course, we cannot use all of them because
there are frequency related issues. The most important thing that we need to know is that
different frequencies get attenuated differently by air. So air is a frequency selective channel in
the sense of attenuation later on we will also see other frequencies selective properties of the
channel. So far the wireless communication, air is the channel. However, if we pump in,
say1mW of power at 20 KHz. it might go to a certain distance before getting attenuated beyond
the receiver sensitivity. So wireless communication has to work between stations A and B which

are not collocated. Otherwise there is no need for a communication. However, we need to
communicate over large distances. So, one way is to increase the power. but any increase in the
power comes at 2 specific causes. One is clearly the money. If you are radiating more power,
your equipment is more power hungry and causes more money to operate. The other more
important thing today is the radiation hazard. For example, the mobile phone that I am using
today must comply to a certain maximum radiated power constraint.
There is a peak power and there is average power. We cannot just keep on increasing the power
of radiation to cover more distances. Because the friends and people nearby will get effected.
Certain frequencies for example, in 900 MHz travels to quite a distance. Lower frequencies also
travel large distances. Therefore TV tower and radio tower can cover areas up to 5-10 km, if not
more. A typical 900 MHz base station which communicates with our mobile phones can work
easily up to 5 km radius for the given power. But for the same power, if we increase the
frequency, say we go to 2.4 GHz; the electromagnetic radiations will get attenuated much more.
That is, our coverage area will get reduced.
Lets go to still high frequencies. for example, 28 GHz. there also our range comes to about 2
km. then there is another factor which are rain, dust, fog, etc. the higher the frequency, smaller
the wavelength. In fact, at 30 GHz, we touch the mm wave. as the whole range of
communication products today which work in the mm range. Now the mm long wavelengths, the
size of the wavelengths is of the size of a rain drop. This starts interacting. There is a fog or rain
or big dust particles, these rays would get greatly attenuated. Hence result in smaller coverage
areas. So on this yellow strip, it is important to know where we operate also from the point of
view is how far can you send the rays.

Microwave lengths have been traditionally used to communicate data over tens of kilometers.
But those are point to point wireless lengths. Those are again examples of fixed wireless
communications. Since we are looking at the electromagnetic spectrum, another way to do
wireless communication is light. We can use simple visible light or in fact, infrared to do
communications. We will also see how these things come into picture. All of this is indeed
wireless communications. We do not need wires for any of them. So as a part of this course, we
will look at parts of infrared, not so optics but primarily radio waves.
Student: sir, why do we go to such a higher frequency for wireless communication which results
in such a large percent of attenuation. Why dont we go for lower frequencies?
Professor: the question being asked is: what is the need to go to such high frequencies? Clearly,
high frequencies not only get attenuated but the other thing that I didnt mention is designing
high frequencies circuits itself is a challenge. This is more expensive. So why do we at all need
to go to high frequencies? The answer is that today we are getting into more bandwidth hungry
applications. Multimedia is a part of any application today. We not only want an SMS but also
want an MMS today.

We want to send video clips. All this require a larger bandwidth. To go to a larger bandwidth, we
have to translate ourselves upwards to higher frequencies. So there is a center frequency and then

there is a frequency band associated with that. That frequency band is your bandwidth which will
allow you in the high data rates. A higher bandwidth will give you a larger data rate. It depends
on the modulation scheme that you use. We will talk about the modulation schemes later on.
Until the time that we were using electromagnetic spectrum only for voice communications,
lower frequencies were okay. They would travel long distances and the bandwidth requirement
was not much. It was 4 KHz voice and it was analog. The moment I need to check my e mail or
try to do some data download on my mobile phone or by a PDA, I would like to have a little bit
more bandwidth. If I am going to have a wireless in the local loop and support digital video and
demand, then i definitely need to have a much higher spectrum. Therefore, for example, the
wireless MAN, the metropolitan area network is going to solve the last mile problem. What is the
last mile problem? The last mile problem is you can take the fiber to the curve. But still taking
the fiber to every home is not the reality. It is still expensive.

More than big expensive, it is too much of an effort to take a fiber optic cable to every home. But
if we need broad band, we need to have something like a fiber optic connectivity to the home.
What people do is take the fiber to the curve and put up a tower and solve the last mile wiring
problem using of wireless. So this concept has been used in the wireless in the local loop
scenario where over short distances. We can have large bandwidths for transmission. So here if
you see I have highlighted propagation characteristic are very different. Each of different
frequency bands. Not to mention the hardware design issues.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:24:15 min)

a brief history: this is the guy who started it all, James Maxwell and these are the four
fundamental equations which the well-known Maxwells equations (Refer Slide Time: 24:24)
which proved that yes. Magic can happen. So when he proposed this it was a theoretical result

and it would take several decades for experimental physicists to prove the existence of
electromagnetic waves and what you can do with it.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:24:49 min)

So if you look at the timeline, after Maxwell proposed his theory, Hertz was the first guy who
validated the theory. Then Marconi developed the first telegraphic instrument. However, J.C.
Bose actually did the experiments in Calcutta and published the results. The credit goes to
Marconi as being the discoverer of the wireless communication equipment. But J.C. Bose was
the first guy who actually demonstrated it. What he did was he could remotely turn off a light or
fire a gun powder using electromagnetic radiations to demonstrate the proof of concept. It was
magic because you sit at one corner of the room and you press a button and an explosive will go
off at the other part of the room. This was the experiment he did.

Unfortunately we were not good at marketing. Then of course, initial radios were established in
the 1920s. The first TV broadcast took place in 1928. This is wireless. Then in 1973, the first
handheld cellular phone was unveiled. Mobile phones came into the picture in the early 80s. It
started with the first generation mobile phones which were analog. Then the second generation
mobile phones which was still analog and then the 3G phones which get into the digital domain.
In 1983, cellular amps service was unveiled. It was a purely analog system. In 2003, the cellular
subscribers in the US exceeded 150 million. In November 2004 in India, the cellular subscribers
exceeded 45 million. This 45 million has another very interesting connotation which is: we
exceeded the number of fixed lines phones. So for the first time in India, the number of fixed line
phones were outnumbered by the number of mobile phones. It gives us and a perspective as to
how important this wireless technology is.


(Refer Slide Time: 00:27:37 min)

So lets look at the reasons. These are very fundamental reasons. They may be obvious but that
makes the cash registers reign today. First of all, freedom from wires translates to less
installation fee, no rewiring, no stolen wires, no bunch of wires running here and there. In fact
this basic reason is driving the next communication standards. The 802.15.3, the ultra-wide band
communications which will also promise a wireless desktop. Today, why should my PC be
linked to my printer through a wire? Sometime back, people used infrared connectivity for
printers. But you had to have a line of sight. Today what we are working at is complete freedom
without the constraint of line of sight. The next is global coverage. rural areas, old buildings,
buildings which are not wired, battle fields etc. Again this second point is very important in
driving the wireless communication industry. Rural areas are particularly significant for India.
Today our teledensity is very low. Close to 4 per 100 on an average. So I am talking about the
rural teledensity. What is happening is the way to take advantage of this technology is to have a
wireless coverage. In the later part of this lecture, I will give you brief perspective how wireless
communication is going to affect the Indian scenario. More importantly the battle fields scenario.
Today we are talking about wireless ad hoc networks. It is the buzzword because these are
reconfigurable and self-configurable wireless networks which can be quickly set up for sending
data or communicating between the notes.

Vehicular communication, for example, each time I go to a toll road, I have to stop, take out
cash, pay and go. The car behind me also has to do the same thing. Wouldnt it be great if i just
go across the toll gate, and a wireless reader will just read up and deduct from my account, the

electronic cash and pay the toll for me? It can avoid so many traffic jams near the toll road. That
will be great. RFIDs - the Radio Frequency IDs. Its the next big thing in the markets today.
Thats going to replace bar codes.
Today, most of the equipments which have bar codes have to be read out. But they are passive
devices. RFIDs are also passive devices but they can be read from a distance and they can have
a little bit more smartness built into that. For example, if all my medicines on the shelf or
equipped within RFID, then automatically if any medicine is nearing an expiration, i will have an
update on my PC that says, Okay. Look! That bunch of medicines have to be replaced soon. Or
if some medicines are selling faster than others, I can generate more revenue by ordering them
on time and host of other applications. So these are some of the applications which are
revolutionizing the wireless communication industry. So the point that I am trying to make is
wireless communications is not just talking on your mobile phone. Its way more than that.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:32:00 min)

Now, why do we need wireless communication? The first point is, stay connected. Basically,
roaming. Today, when I go and switch on my phone in Mumbai and I am ready to talk,
absolutely no problem. Secondly, flexibility to connect several devices at the same time,
Bluetooth protocol. Today, for example, I reach out for my wallet and give you my business
card. The next best thing would be, I take my mobile phone and take it close within a hand
shaking distance to my customer. The phones communicate and send my business card
electronically. There is no need for them to retain my card because he will lose it anyway. Its
much simpler to give information. These are the businesses which are driving the force.


(Refer Slide Time: 00:32:57 min)

So the basic mantra is: stay connected anywhere-anytime. Of course, to make this mantra
realizable, a lot of other things must work. The next big thing which has coming to the picture is
broadband connectivity. So all these businesses are interlinked. Of course, most of the
advantages are coming from solving certain kinds of challenges.


(Refer Slide Time: 00:33:36 min)

So in the next couple of slides, lets look at what are the important challenges to be sorted out.
The first and the most important thing is low power design. As I mentioned before, low power is
important for 2 things. The first thing is, it should consume less power to make your battery lost
longer. When you sell a mobile phone today, you say: talk time -so many hours and standby
time- so many hours. If my competitor wants to sell more, he will increase the talk time but the
standard battery remains the same. The only way the person can do it is to make the hardware
less power hungry. But there is a conflicting requirement.

Today, when we are sending an MMS or trying to download the stock codes or doing some kind
of other multimedia application, automatically I consume more power. So a lot of research is
being done to figure out ways and means to reduce power consumption. The second important
way to reduce power consumption is to have certain signal processing tools to ensure that I only
expand power when required. I do not waste power. I can have a sleep mode. My phone should
radiate only when i am talking. Part of the circuit should be shut down. There are several other
techniques to go around. The other challenge is to squeeze out maximum from the spectrum. So
if we have the finite bandwidth requirement, there is pre-decided capacity relations which tells us
how much we can go. If you have so many spectrums, you can only send so many bits per
second provided the signal to noise ratio is so much. So the question is how can we better use it?
So people thought and came up with a very simple solution. Why have only 1 transmitter
antenna and 1 receiver antenna? Why dont you have multiple input - multiple output systems,
the MIMO? So recently the MIMO systems have come in vogue.

We are using the same bandwidth and squeezing much more out of it by using the multiple
inputs- multiple output systems. The other challenge is coming from the consumers. We have

voice, data, and multimedia. All have to be packed in. the circuits must perform, please
remember low power requirements & low bandwidth requirements. The more number of users
are there, the smaller share of the fire brigade. If we cut off the bandwidth, as we looked at in the
first example, the more number of users, the smaller is the share. So given a limited frequency
band per user, we have to extract the maximum. Again we will look at the techniques to do so.
Then of course, we have to obey certain human requirements. For example, if we are talking on
the phone, the delay should not be greater than a certain amount.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:37:37 min)

Take for example, the voice over IP. Its not clearly wireless but today, a part of the voice traffic
that we send also goes over IP networks. So today IP networks, the internet protocol networks
also are a part of the large wireless networks. Most of the voice over IP applications make sure
that the overall delay do not exceed a certain value. Packet loss will directly translate to the
quality of sound that you hear. Or if you are doing a stock code update on your mobile phone,
then again the bit rate and the packet loss rate will play a significant role. I do not want to sell a
stock because I got a wrong data.

Data rates are very important if I am streaming a video. I would like to have a certain kind of
data rate requirements. Then traffic can be classified as continuous out bursty. These are the
different problems that have to be tackled. A bursty traffic has to be tackled in a different manner
than the continuous traffic. So these challenges can also be used to your advantage. For example,
if you have a bursty traffic, so I type in Hello! How are you? in my internet e mail and then I
think for a while and then type in my next set of the sentences. So the traffic is not continuous. It
goes as bursts. Even if I am speaking on the mobile phone I say hello and pause and i thing and i
then san my second word or sequence of sentences. In the silence period, may be somebody else

can fit in their data traffic. Today voice, data, and multimedia everything is going as bits. Its
digital communications today. So the challenge of continuous versus bursty can also be used to
your advantage. So the conclusion from this light is one- size-fits-all protocol does not work.
You have to work for different protocols differently. Wired networks use this approach because
they only one kind of instrument and they didnt succeed very much.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:40:23 min)

Lets look at the other set of challenges. Network support for user mobility. We have to give
them enough mobility. So if person is travelling in a car at 50 km/hr and it moves from one cell
to another cell, then the hand over must take place. That is, one base station must handover the
call to the next best station. We will talk about these issues in greater details when we look at the
cellular concept and handover issues. But these are challenges. Because if I am not going at
50km/hr but at 100 km/hr, I might just drop the call. Quality of service. This is again a big
buzzword. Quality of service means different things to different users. The quality of service for
a rich customer is different from a poor customer.

Quality of service is different for different applications. But in general, we have to maintain a set
of parameters. It could be the number of packet loss, the delay, the bit rate, the noise, the
background noise and so many other things which will constitute the quality of service. The next
is connectivity and coverage. Today, if a new internet service provider comes in or a new mobile
phones service provider comes in and says: I can give only coverage to 80% of the city. He
cannot say. He has to give 99 % coverage. Even if he has to give a coverage over the hilly
regions of Uttaranchal, he has to set up wireless communication systems and then give the

coverage. Coverage is a big issue. Next comes the cost efficiency. So today a handset costs
Rs.2500/-. It should go down to Rs.1500/- tomorrow. Only then you can make money out of the

(Refer Slide Time: 00:42:42 min)

The third set of challenges are non-business issues. They are more technical challenges. Those
are the issues which we will look at as part of this course. The first and foremost is fading. What
is fading? Fading comes usually from multipath. Because when you have a transmitter and a
receiver, the rays travel not directly but comes through several reflections. So the rays have the
luxury to travel from the transmitter to the receiver through multiple paths. Hence multipath. But
when they reach the receiver, they superimpose. The simple superposition must work. Because
how do I pick up signals at my receiver? There is an antenna and any radiation that strikes the
antenna generates an electric current.

But if more than one radiation comes delayed but at the same time from different transmissions,
then they superimpose. If they constructively add up, you get something different. If the
destructively add up, you get something different. In a sense, what you receive is very different
from what you set. This would not have been the case if it was a clear line of sight
communication without multiple rays. So the multipath is the culprit. This effect is called
fading. Because sometimes if you look at the signal or if you hear the voice, the voice goes up
and down. Just like when you look at or hear the short wave radio, you would hear the voice
waxing and waning.


The intensity goes up and goes down. Just like fading. So this is one of the most difficult
challenges to take care of. In a room environment, suppose I am going to have wireless local area
network set up, I will have a much severe path because there are so many wall reflections,
reflections through various walls, different room scenarios, through the tables, chairs and other
equipments that the multipath effect is even worse. So then we look at for example, 802.11 B, we
will definitely consider the fading scenarios. I have already motioned multipath. Then probability
of data corruption because wireless communication are not robust unless you add in error
correcting techniques. We will look at this error correcting techniques also in this course. The
biggest problem is security. Anybody can put up an antenna and listen to what you are saying. So
today most of the mobile phones have in-built security systems. But for every lock that (Refer
Slide Time: 45:58) somebody will make a key. This is an ever evolving research area for privacy
for authentication.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:46:08 min)

So wireless verses mobile, just to emphasize the point as it doesnt necessarily mean mobile.
Wireless system can be fixed supportive mobile. So we should make a difference and treat them
differently. So fading for example, will not be so severe for the case of fixed broadband wireless
access as opposed to mobile. As we move along, we have different paths of reflections. The
reflections scenario changes and the fading also changes. But somebody observed the way things
are progressing. When initially TV was invented, most of the transmission was through air. You
had a TV tower and you had an antenna on your TV and you got a TV reception by air. When
telephone was invented, you had a telephone wire coming to your home. Today the TV is
through cables. All the TV channels are coming through wires and the phone through air. So
today the phone is wireless and TV is wired. (Refer Slide Time: 47:35 to 47:40- missing video).
So now we will conclude the first session and the types of wireless communications will be the
first slide in the next series of lectures.


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