Food & Nutrition Security

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Food & Nutrition Security

ICCo's Food and Nutrition Security Program works with multiple stakeholders to ensure rights
and ownership of marginalized people to resources, diversification of local productions,
facilitation of marketing of products through the approaches of direct poverty alleviation, civil
society development and policy influencing through lobby/advocacy. The focus has been to
increase access of government programs and schemes and monitoring of the various food
security schemes and opposing policies which might affect adversely food security of the people.
The strategies include organizing small farmers, empowerment through awareness building on
technology, nutrition and rights related to food security, alignment of partners' programs with the
government and tapping into government resources, improvement of production, marketing of
surplus/additional products, improving access to resources and capacity building.
The program plays a pivotal role in influencing strategies and policies on Food and Nutrition
Security development in the South Asia region. The program in India is significantly refurbished
and steered away from high intensive grassroots implementation projects to advocacy oriented
programmatic approach engaging multiple stakeholders. The right to food is centre stage in this
approach and serve as a knowledge hub for the programs of neighbouring countries. In India the
enactment of the National Food Security Act includes not only entitlement to a basic food basket
but also access to sufficient land. Farmers are being forced to cultivate ever-smaller areas of land
or even are evicted from their land completely since government and/or industries are taking
over natural resources, including land. Poor villagers are being excluded from decision-making
process and do not get any benefits from development projects, in violation of domestic laws.
Therefore policy and advocacy is a strong focus of the program design as it aims to enable equity
and accountability through deepening democratic engagements of marginalised social groups.
Ensuring food and nutrition security is a challenge for India, given its huge population and high
levels of poverty and malnutrition. The FNS program aims to ensure food and nutrition security
for poor and marginalized communities with a specific focus on women given their essential role
for intra household food distribution and food production. The program also aims to develop
capacity of community based organizations to address food and nutrition insecurity. It also works
on synergies with inclusive business initiatives which for example are aiming at food or nutrition
security, Food and Nutrition Security partners also work on access to markets.

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