Earthworks and Geotechnical Code of Practice - Auckland
Earthworks and Geotechnical Code of Practice - Auckland
Earthworks and Geotechnical Code of Practice - Auckland
Code of Practice
Land Development and Subdivision
Section 2
Earthworks and Geotechnical Requirements
Version 1.6
24 September 2013
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SECTION 2: EARTHWORKS AND GEOTECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ....................................... 3
Section 2......................................................................................................................................... 3
Scope .......................................................................................................................... 3
General........................................................................................................................ 3
Objective.................................................................................................................. 3
Referenced Documents ........................................................................................... 4
Unitary Authorities Requirements............................................................................ 4
Geotechnical Requirements..................................................................................... 5
Design ......................................................................................................................... 5
Design Factors......................................................................................................... 5
Preliminary Site Evaluation ...................................................................................... 6
Landform Selection .................................................................................................. 7
Stability Criteria........................................................................................................ 8
Special Soil Types ................................................................................................... 8
Compaction Standards for Fill Material .................................................................... 9
Erosion, Sediment, and Dust Control ....................................................................... 9
Minimisation of effects...................................................................................... 9
Protection Measures ........................................................................................ 9
Seismic considerations .......................................................................................... 10
Geothermal Issues................................................................................................. 11
Drainage ................................................................................................................ 11
Construction Methodology ..................................................................................... 11
Risk Assessment ................................................................................................... 12
Introduction .................................................................................................... 13
Uncertainties in the Design ............................................................................ 13
Frequency Analysis........................................................................................ 13
Consequence Analysis................................................................................... 13
Councils Expectation ..................................................................................... 14
The definition of normal and extreme events ................................................ 14
Other Additional Factors................................................................................. 14
Coastal Cliffs.......................................................................................................... 15
Underground Infrastructure .................................................................................... 16
Approval of proposed works ...................................................................................... 17
Construction .............................................................................................................. 17
Final documentation .................................................................................................. 17
Geotechnical completion report ............................................................................. 17
As-Built drawings for earthworks and subsoil drains .............................................. 18
Schedule 2A: Statement of professional opinion on suitability of land for building construction ..... 19
Schedule 2B: Investigating and Reporting .................................................................................... 21
Geotechnical Appraisal Report .................................................................................. 22
Geotechnical Investigation Report ............................................................................. 23
Geotechnical Design Report ...................................................................................... 24
Geotechnical Monitoring Report................................................................................. 25
Geotechnical Completion Report ............................................................................... 25
Geotechnical Supplementary Report ......................................................................... 26
Producer Statements ................................................................................................. 26
Drawings supporting geotechnical reports ................................................................. 27
Geotechnical Report ( Interpretative and Factual) for Storm water Capital works ...... 27
Schedule 2C: Factors of Safety and Risk Guideline ...................................................................... 33
Factor of Safety Guideline ......................................................................................... 33
Risk Classification Guideline...................................................................................... 33
Schedule 2D: Checklist ................................................................................................................. 35
Schedule 2E: Soil Strength Parameters ........................................................................................ 36
Schedule 2F: Geothermal Areas In Auckland................................................................................ 38
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Section 2
2.1 Scope
This section sets out requirements for the assessment of land stability and the design and
control of earthworks to ensure a suitable platform for the construction of buildings, roads,
and other structures. A low impact design approach is preferred. Geotechnical assessment
shall be undertaken by a geo-professional as defined in 1.2.2 of this Code of Practice where
any of the following situations occur:
There is historical fill that has not been undertaken in accordance with any Code
of Practice or where natural slopes, banks, or batters are involved.
The assessment of ground for the foundations of buildings, roads, services, and other
infrastructure requires specialist expertise (as weak ground may require special
The wide range of soil types, physical conditions, and environment factors applying in
different areas make it difficult to specify precise or prescriptive requirements for land
stability assessment of earthworks. Refer to the details in the rest of this document.
NZS 4431 is applicable to the construction of earth fills for residential development including
residential roading.
The objective of this Section is to set out some, but not necessarily all of the matters, which
need to be considered in planning and constructing a land development project. The aim is to
provide information for professionals involved in designing and constructing a land
development project and to require geotechnical expertise in projects where land stability
could be an issue or where earthworks other than of a minor nature will occur.
The geo-professional needs to be involved in the design of the final land form. The decision
depends on many factors, which may be specific to the development. These include the
relationship with surrounding landscapes, effects on neighbouring land, Drainage/services,
the size of the development, the proposed and existing roading patterns, the preservation of
natural features, wahi tapu, and other historic and archaeological sites, the land stability and
underlying structural geology, the function and purpose of the development and the potential
for flooding, and erosion and other natural hazards and events including earthquakes. The
aim is to also give guidance on the identification of and assessment of the order of
importance of the above factors, which will vary from project to project.
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Referenced Documents
The Council may require an assessment of land stability to meet the provisions of the
Resource Management Act, Building Act, Local Government Act and Auckland Council
District Plan and Auckland Council Regional Plan requirements. This includes the
Engineering Approval consent process. The UA requires and relies on the assessment made
by the geo-professional.
Special requirements apply when land is subject to erosion, avulsion, alluvium, falling debris,
subsidence, liquefaction, slippage, rotation, creep, or inundation from any source. In such
situations, reference needs to be made to s.106 of the Resource Management Act and for
subsequent building work, s.71 of the Building Act.
The Council under its Statutory obligations may require a peer review, regulatory review or
assessment of effects review (or combination thereof) of a geotechnical/earthworks
This Code of Practice sets out the minimum requirements for the methods used and
investigations undertaken by the geo-professional.
The term Design life in reference to land development activities (including related
structures) is normally bench marked by the Council as a minimum of 100 years. This is
particularly important where the activity on the land being developed may extend in perpetuity
despite structures being created on the land with 50-year design life expectancy as allowed
by the Building Act/Code.
Structures constructed to protect land under s71(2)(a) of the Building Act shall have a
minimum 100 year design life.
Geo-professionals involved in land development activities will need to ensure that they are
sufficiently engaged or involved in the development or earthwork process where they are
required to provide certification, verification and documentation to meet conditions or
requirements of resource and engineering approval consents.
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Geotechnical Requirements
Where any proposed development involves the assessment of slope stability or the detailed
evaluation of the suitability of natural or filled ground for the foundations of buildings, roading,
and other structures, or the carrying out of bulk earthworks, then a geo-professional shall be
appointed by the developer to carry out the following functions:
a. Check Auckland Council District Plan, Auckland Council Regional Plan, publicly
available Council records, for requirements relating to the geotechnical assessment;
b. Prior to the detailed planning of any development, to undertake a site inspection and
such investigations of subsurface conditions as may be required, and to identify
geotechnical hazards affecting the land, including any special conditions that may affect
the design of any pipelines, structures, or other utility services:
c. Before construction commences, to review the drawings and specifications defining any
earthworks or other construction and to submit a report (commonly an Investigation
Report refer schedule 2B, Table 2B1, Phase 2 or 3) to the UA on the foundation and
stability aspects of the project;
d. Before and during construction, determine the extent of further geo-professional
services required (including geological investigation);
e. Before and during construction, to determine the methods, location, and frequency of
construction control tests to be carried out, determine the reliability of the testing, and to
evaluate the significance of test results and field inspection reports in assessing the
quality of the finished work;
f. Any work necessary to manage the risk of geotechnical instability during the
construction process;
g. During construction, to undertake regular inspections consistent with the extent of
geotechnical issues associated with the project;
h. On completion, to submit a written report to the UA attesting to the compliance of the
earthworks with the specifications and to the suitability of the development for its
proposed use including natural ground within the development area. Where NZS 4431
is applicable, the reporting requirements of the Code of Practice shall be used as a
minimum requirement
Guidance on geotechnical reporting which may be required by the Council is summarised in
Section 2.6 of this Code of Practice. Additional guidance on geotechnical reporting which
may be required by the UA is summarised in Schedule 2B.
Design Factors
Preliminary site evaluation including assessment of historical data for the area.
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Seismic considerations
Construction methodology
Coastal Cliffs
During the preliminary site evaluation phase the developers professional advisor shall
engage a geo-professional at an early stage to undertake a preliminary site evaluation and
prepare a geotechnical assessment report where there is doubt about the stability or
suitability of the ground for the proposed development, or there are any UA or local practice
requirements for geotechnical involvement in the project (refer Table 2.B.1 in Schedule 2B).
In cases where more than a visual appraisal is deemed to be required, particular attention will
need to be given to the following matters as appropriate, which should normally be
considered prior to preparing a proposal for development.
Identify the existing natural drainage pattern of any area and identify evidences of any
natural springs or seepage. Where any overland flow paths, natural surface, or
subsurface drainage paths are interfered with or altered by earthworks, then
appropriate measures should be taken to ensure that adequate alternative drainage
facilities are provided to ensure there is no increase of flood hazard risk to the site or
adjoining properties.
Slope Stability:
Some natural slopes exist in a state of only marginal stability and relatively minor
disturbance such as trenching, excavation for streets or building platforms, removal of
scrub and vegetation, or the erection of buildings, can lead to failure. Signs of instability
include cracked or hummocky surfaces, crescent-shaped depressions, crooked fences,
trees or power poles leaning uphill or downhill, uneven surfaces, swamps or wet ground
in elevated positions, plants such as rushes growing down a slope, and water seeping
from the ground. In addition, a simple desktop study of aerial photographs may show
indications of historic failures as well as faulting, resulting in linear ground features.
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Refer to Branz Study Report 004, Crawford and Millar 1998, or the New Zealand
Geotechnical Society publications Field description of soil and rock and Geotechnical
issues in land development. Existing or potential surface creep effects also need to be
investigated and reported upon. For a sample checklist for geotechnical assessments,
refer to Schedule 2D.
Foundation Stability:
A study of the general topography of the site and its surroundings may indicate areas
which have previously been built up as a result of natural ground movement or by the
deliberate placing of fill material. Unless such fill has been placed and compacted under
proper control, instability or long-term differential settlement could occur causing
damage to superimposed structures, roads, services, or other structures.
Stream Instability:
There is a potential for instability through changes to the current ground conditions,
such as stream erosion.
Local Conditions:
A wide range of soil types exist throughout New Zealand, which may need special
consideration. Expansive soils, volcanic soils, soft alluvial sediments, and compressible
soils are examples of these. Liquefaction of soils should also be considered. The UA
may have information on the soil types in its area, including potentially contaminated
land and other known conditions.
Peer Review:
Where risk for the land prior to development is assessed as being medium to very high
risk, a peer review of the geotechnical assessment for the proposed development may
be required and this would need to be carried out by an independent geo-professional.
In regards to risk assessment, see also Section 2.3.12 and Schedule 2C of this Code of
Landform Selection
The final choice of landform and land remediation proposals shall represent the most
desirable compromise between the development requirements and the preservation of
natural features and the natural character and landscape amenity values of the site including
the retention of natural of natural watercourses. Landform selection needs to take into
account low impact design principles including retention of existing landforms and natural
features where possible, and avoiding earthworks where there are existing habitats of
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indigenous species, wetlands, or areas of high natural character. The design shall take into
account the following factors in making the selection of the final choice of the landform:
The choice of a suitable landform may be specific to a particular site. Considerations for
carrying out earthworks include:
The efficiency of overall land utilisation including the quality of individual sites and
amenity areas around buildings, the economics of providing engineering services,
and the standard of roading and on-site vehicular access.
The need to create suitably graded areas for playing fields and other community
facilities and,
Stability Criteria
In making an assessment of the stability of slopes and earth fills, the geo-professional shall
use acceptable criteria and analysis methods. Stability criteria applicable to land development
in New Zealand are published or recommended by the New Zealand Geotechnical Society
(see referenced documents at the beginning of this Code of Practice).
Numerical models would be expected as part of the stability appraisal when the slope is
suspect as assessed by the geo-professional and/or requested by Council. Key
parameters used in constructing the models include soil strength, ground water and
failure modes. Schedule 2E serves as a guide to typical shear strengths parameters (c
and phi values) found in some Auckland soils. Traditionally, a factor of safety (FoS) of
1.5 is deemed acceptable against instability. Since the stability of the slope is a function
of soil strength and ground water conditions, Schedule 2C provides further guidance
concerning Factors of Safety and classification of risk.
If special soil types are known to exist in a locality or are identified, then a geo-professional
shall be engaged to advise on appropriate measures for incorporation of these soils into a
development. Special soil types include, but are not limited to:
Compressible soils
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Volcanic soils
Reference should be made to the geology maps provided by The Institute of Geological and
Nuclear Sciences Ltd.
The standard of compaction and method of determination shall be as set out in NZS 4431.
Where NZS 4431 is not applicable, the methods and standards of compaction shall be
specified by the geo-professional.
Commercial and industrial developments often have specialised requirements for fill materials
and compaction. In these cases, the requirements of NZS 4431 may not be applicable. The
geo-professional should set the fill standards and procedures for these developments.
Minimisation of effects
Earthworks shall be designed and constructed in such a way as to minimise soil erosion
and sediment discharge. Where necessary, permanent provision shall be made to
control erosion and sediment discharge from the area of the earthworks.
Generation of dust during and after the earthworks operation shall be considered during
the planning and design phase. If necessary, specific measures shall be incorporated
to control dust.
Within the boundaries of Auckland Council design, implementation, staging and
maintenance of erosion and sediment controls shall take account of:
Protection Measures
Where surface water could cause batter erosion or internal instability such as through
infiltration into the soil, open interceptor drains shall be constructed in permanent
materials, and benches in batter faces should be sloped back and graded longitudinally
and transversely to prevent spillage of stormwater over the batter.
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Water from stormwater systems shall be prevented from flowing into fill or into natural
ground near the toe of slopes or sides of the fill.
No stormwater or wastewater soakage systems shall be constructed in fill or natural
ground, which could impair the stability of the ground.
Protection measures shall include the following as appropriate:
Seismic considerations
The geo-professional shall consider the seismic effects on earthfills, slopes, and liquefiable
ground and shall take these into account in design and construction of any development in
accordance with the scale of the development. Reference should also be made to the New
Zealand Geotechnical Society Inc. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Practice
document issued July 2010 as a guide for assessing seismic impacts on slopes.
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Geothermal Issues
Refer to Schedule 2F for some of the well-known geothermal areas in Auckland Councils
jurisdiction. This is a guideline only.
Geotechnical investigation and reporting should consider existing and proposed primary
drainage, secondary flow paths, overland flow paths, and subsurface drainage whether
underfill, or within natural erosion tunnels e.g. tomos, or related to land stability and control
of water tables. Reporting should also cover drainage of retaining structures, and whether the
structure is to be drained or undrained. (Potential for settlement effects on neigbouring
buildings or services due to permanent or temporary ground dewatering needs to be
The geo-professional should assess proposed or existing trench lines and recommend any
needed detailing related to bedding design, trench drainage or trench drainage barriers.
Reporting should cover specification of drainage metal and any associated geo-textiles or
filter socks required by the geo-professional, with appropriate design.
Counterfort drains and drainage of shear keys should be designed so that a 100-year design
life is likely to be delivered with no or little maintenance. Inspection and/or monitoring
requirements are to be considered. Any subsoil drainage outlets not directly connected to
public stormwater reticulation shall be designed with suitable concrete collars and aprons
appropriate to a 100-year design life. Drilled drainage may be a needed added redundancy
to a design, or suitable for temporary works. Drilled drainage is unlikely to be suitable for
permanent works as the sole methodology for control of water tables.
Assessment may also have to consider the consequences of land development adjacent to
drainage channels and watercourses where water levels, flows and scour risk may vary.
Construction Methodology
Maximum and minimum depths, slopes/gradients, lengths or areas of cuts and fills
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Weather protection
Typical earthworks guidelines for embankments may need to also include the following
All fill batters shall be not steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical with a bench of a
minimum width of 2.0 metres every 6 metres of vertical height, with a fall inwards of 1
in 10.
Cut batters shall be stable except for minor fretting and shall generally be not steeper
than 1.0 horizontal to 1.5 vertical with a minimum width of 1.5 metres benching every
8 metres of vertical height.
The minimum compaction standard soil required is a min of 95% of the max dry soil
Test to determine the maximum dry density for the soil tested in each in-situ field
density test.
The normal working hours for the carrying out of the earthworks on the site and the
transport of excavated material from the site, are to be limited to:
Monday to Saturday 7:30am to 6pm
Adequate washing facilities or properly designed vehicle rumble pads shall be provided
at all times on the construction site so that all vehicles are free from mud and debris
when they pass onto the public streets.
Areas of fill including batters and areas of cut but not including cut batters shall be
prepared with topsoil. Minimum depth for topsoil is 300mm. This will depend on soil and
species to be planted.
Risk Assessment
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Frequency analysis
Consequence analysis
Councils expectations
Lack of information
Using a process such as a risk matrix, the assessment shall identify the uncertainties in
the design/analysis and make a qualitative judgement on the impact of the uncertainties
on the outcome of the analysis.
Frequency Analysis
Consequence Analysis
The assessment is to identify elements at risk such as property, people and services.
Typical evaluation on the impacts on property include, extent of damage, indicative
cost, impact on market value and other resulting consequences. An important aspect of
this analysis is the assessment of the travel distance.
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Travel Distance
As part of the slope risk assessment, the geo-professional shall include an
estimate of the travel distance of the slide soil/rock mass at failure. The objective
is to determine the potential adverse effects on property and lives downslope of
the instability. Typically, travel distance depends on the slope characteristics,
modes of movement and the nature of the downhill path. (Guidance documents
may include Fannin RJ and Wise MP (2001) and Saunders W and Glassey P
Councils Expectation
The geo-professional shall consider a normal event as follows;
Static conditions, where the groundwater and/or perched water tables are at
steady state in a short-term event for temporary structure or works such as
temporary excavation during the construction stage,
Dynamic condition, where the groundwater may vary considerably with time such
as a dam structure during rapid drawdown or similar event.
The geo-professional shall consider an extreme event as follows;
Seismic events/effects
The geo-professional shall take account of any other additional and appropriate factors
in undertaking the risk assessment. These may include consideration of the intended
land use, any known or likely requirements of structural engineers for soil support of
foundations or other structural elements, and the importance level of the likely or
intended building development on the land. Classification of buildings in terms of
importance level is referred to in NZS 3604:2011 Section 1.2(b) and table 1.1 and
AS/NZS 1170.0:2002 Section 3.4.2 and tables 3.1 and 3.2.
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Coastal Cliffs
Assessment of coastal cliffs in the Waitemata and Manukau Harbour should consider
regression of the cliff face and weathered mantel material likely to occur from natural
coastal erosion processes over a 100-year period. Assessment of this regression
should take account of site-specific investigation of the ground model, including its
structural geology, and historical records or erosion processes. Cliff stability also
needs to be considered and where machine bores and other investigation techniques
lead to a complex ground model, additional assessment techniques such as
stereonet analysis may be applicable.
Storm water disposal over or near coastal cliff/slopes for new developments shall
have the following requirements;
Soakage pits if deemed viable on coastal cliff sites will require its location and
construction is to be assessed and verified by a suitably qualified Chartered
Professional Engineer via a comprehensive geotechnical reports at
resource/building consent stage.
(II) Routine Maintenance Inspection and slope repair works may include:
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Underground Infrastructure
Location of Stormwater soakage device - Care must be taken to ensure the stability
of the adjacent ground is not compromised by the soakage device.
Slopes that have marginal stability could be significantly affected by the location of
any underground infrastructure services, trenching or any building surcharge loads acting
near the crest of the slope.
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underground service pipes that are located near significant slopes should be carried out
Earthworks shall be carried out to the standards detailed in the approved specifications and
drawings, and any requirements in the Auckland Council District Plan or Auckland Council
Regional Plan or consent issued by the UA.
The construction control testing shall be carried out by a testing laboratory or competent
person under the control of the geo-professional, and to the recognised testing standards as
deemed appropriate.
The testing laboratory shall have recognised registration or quality assurance qualifications.
Refer also to 2.3.11 Construction methodology above
Final documentation
The expected level of site movement from reactive soil (expansive soils) under AS
2870:1996 shall be identified by their respective class and included in the geotechnical
completion report. The soil properties used in determining the class are to be recorded
in the report. The site subsoil class to the provisions of NZS 1170.5 section 3 and NZS
1170.5 Supp 1 C3.1.3 shall be identified in the geotechnical completion report.
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The report shall describe the extent of inspection, revisit and review all inferences and
assumptions made during the investigation, assess the results of testing and state the
geo-professionals professional opinion on the compliance of the development with the
standards set by the geo-professional. The report shall also include all geotechnical
reports prepared for the development.
Documentation on the testing of the soils for compaction shall be included in the
geotechnical completion report. This documentation should clearly show the spatial
location where where compaction met the required standards, as well as any areas
requiring retesting, and areas which did not meet the standards.
For developments where there are no earthworks, the geotechnical completion report
will comprise the geotechnical assessment report. For large or more complex
developments where there may have been several stages of geotechnical reporting, all
prior reports covering the subject area of land under certification shall be included in the
geotechnical completion report.
The geotechnical completion report shall identify areas that provide good ground as
defined in NZS 3604. Those areas that require specific design for stability and
foundation design shall also be noted.
Where earthworks have occurred, an as-built plan shall be prepared showing finished
contours. The plans shall also show original contours where earthworks have occurred
to illustrate the extent and depth of cuts and fills, including the depths of any undercuts.
Alternative methods of representing earthwork depths may be acceptable including
plans showing lines joining all points of equal depth of cut and fill at appropriate vertical
The as-built plans shall also record the position, type and size of all subsoil drains and
their outlets, and show any areas of fill or natural ground, which the geo-professional
considers, do not comply with the standard or areas where the standards have been
varied from the original construction specification.
As built plans shall be made available to the UA and the developer in conjunction with
the geotechnical completion report.
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NZS 4431:1989 Code of practice for earth fill for residential development
Auckland Council supports best practice as set out in the NZGS document Electronic
Transfer of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Data, Issue 01 dated July 2007.
Consideration will be given to making factual soils data in such a format becoming a
mandatory element of reporting when next revisions of this document are considered.
Together, these documents provide a rational approach to undertaking site investigations and
preparing associated reports for projects involving bulk earthworks or to establish
development limitations or remediation recommendations.
The Council may elect to require a peer review of part or the whole of any report.
Table 2.B.1
Preliminary investigation* **
Geotechnical Appraisal
Comprehensive investigation
investigation report
Geotechnical Design
Engineering design
submission supporting either a
bulk earthworks approval or a
building consent application
Construction observation of
works in progress
Geotechnical Monitoring
Construction observation
and evaluation of completed
earthworks and any
development limitations
Geotechnical completion
report, statement of
professional opinion and
as builts
Performance evaluation
Supplementary Report
* This investigation and associated reports may be integrated with the comprehensive
investigation depending on the size and impact of the proposed development.
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The purposes of the comprehensive geotechnical investigations which form the basis of
the Geotechnical Investigation Report are:
Any prior geotechnical report and the guidance for site appraisal in Section 2.B1
above for a Geotechnical Appraisal Report but in more detail. The report shall
also take account of the Design Factors set out under 2.3 of NZS 4404:2010 as
modified for inclusion in the standards of Auckland Council. Other useful
guidance documents available include the Checklist for Stability Assessments
dated 31 May 1998 mentioned in 2.3.2(c) (see Schedule 2D) an appendix of the
paper by Crawford, S A and Millar, PJ dated May 1998 entitled The design of
permanent slopes for residential building development and also included in the
current IPENZ Slope Engineering CPD course.
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The report shall include an index so that the complete content is understood.
Schedule 2B8.1 gives guidance in respect to supporting drawings.
Subsoil Investigation.
The outputs of subsoil investigation required to provide a model of ground conditions
shall be included in the report. Investigation and reporting should take account that:
Depth of ground water (if encountered) shall be recorded. A further record shall be
made after sufficient time for the effects of drilling to have dissipated.
Borelogs must be dated and a plan of borelog locations provided. Refer also
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Assessment of whether any part of any lot is for a period of one hundred years
from the date of the report, likely to be subject to the natural hazards listed in
s71(3) of the Building Act 2004
(vii) Plans showing location of all additional test sites, finished contours, cut/fill contour
plan, specific design zones, underfill or counterfort drainage details, retaining wall
or palisade walls, depths of topsoil and plans of buried services. Refer also
(viii) Appendices shall include test results, additional stability or other analysis. Where
maintenance or monitoring of any constructed works is essential, an Operation
and Maintenance appendix shall be added. For subdivisions, a spreadsheet of
limitations that apply to each lot shall be provided. Test results may include auger
logs, field density tests, penetration test results, laboratory lime stabilisation tests,
CBR tests. (It is recognised that it is not the function of the geotechnical
completion report to address pavement design). Inspection field notes.
Where detailed design occurs at a later stage e.g. post subdivision or staged
Where a period of time has passed and engineering concepts or ground conditions may
have changed
Where ongoing monitoring and testing is required e.g. via conditions of resource
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For subdivisional works, a plan recording depths of top soil on each lot to the
nearest 50mm.
Plans showing final cut and fill depths shall also show any undercut of natural
Isopak plans shall be provided where fill is placed over a pre-existing depth of
engineered fill.
A plan showing any portion of the land with particular development limitations or
zoned for specific design or no-development. In some cases, nominated building
platforms should also be shown.
Drawings of any sections developed for stability analysis should also show relevant
bore log information to scale, including water table levels and information that supports
the geological model. Such sections shall also show existing / proposed property
2.B.9 Geotechnical Report ( Interpretative and Factual) for Storm water Capital works
All geotechnical investigation and completion reports shall be prepared by a
Professional Engineer who is experienced in the practice of geotechnical engineering
and registered under the Chartered Professional Engineers of New Zealand Act 2002 and who
has professional indemnity insurance.
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1.1 Details of Development
1.2 Site Location and Description (including survey coordinates/co-ordinate system)
1.3 Method and Scope of Investigations
1.4 Qualifications of Responsible Individuals(s) and/or Company
2. Description of Existing
2.2 Topography
2.3 Groundwater
2.4 Surface Drainage
2.5 Vegetation
2.6 Buildings, Other Structures, etc
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3. Assessment of Land
3.2 Geotechnical Constraints, limitations, Restrictions applicable
to land stability
A Building Line Limitation, represents the closest proximity
to a slope or other significant feature for any building
A zone, defined as the Specific Design Zone, extending
from the Building Line Limitation to the Building Restriction
Line, within which building development requires specific
design by a Chartered Professional engineer either
experienced in soil mechanics, or with the assistance of an
engineer experienced in soil mechanics, and in particular,
slope stability
A zone (the Non Specific Design Zone) delineated by the
Building Line Limitation, extending beyond the Specific
Design Zone in which building development can be carried
out in accordance with the appropriate Code of Practice
without risk from slope instability or any geotechnical
A Building Restriction Line represents a line beyond which
no development is allowed.
4.2 Proposed Development Components
4.3 Potential Geotechnical Effects
5. Assessment of
Development Impacts
5.2 Roadworks, Driveways and Other Pavements
5.3 Earthworks proposed earthwork levels
5.4 Suitability of foundations and design criteria applicable
5.5 Surface Drainage during construction and on completion
5.6 Overall Effect of Development on Stability
Auckland Council Code of Practice for Land Development and Subdivision
Section 2 Earthworks and Geotechnical Requirements v1.5 19 April 2012
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6. Recommendations
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Factual Report
Can be included as an
Erosion potential;
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The results of all field and laboratory tests must be included in the
geotechnical reports, including the location and level (including
datum) of field investigations such as boreholes and trench pits.
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Introduction/Explanatory Notes
The objective of this Factor of Safety (FoS) guideline is to provide applicants and geoprofessionals with Councils perspective when Council engineers process consents with a
slope stability assessment. Council would also generally take into consideration the collective
wisdom and experience of the geotechnical community and associated researches such as
Project 95/183 for the EQC Research Foundation.
It should be noted when using the guidelines, it does not absolve the geo-professional from
any responsibility in respect to the modelling of the slope or analysis. However, if the FOS
chosen is radically different from the guidelines, the variance from the guidelines should be
explained, and Council has the right and discretion to have the analysis peer reviewed.
Table 2.C.1 Factors of Safety
I. Residential Subdivision/Development
Factor of Safety (FoS)
Normal ground water condition
II. Low risk areas such as Parks and Bush Reserve Land
Factor of Safety (FoS)
Normal ground water condition
III. High Risk Areas that may result in loss of life/ national interest
i. Refer to the appropriate legislations/guidelines where applicable
e.g. TP109/NZSOLD for dams where the return period used is pmf
ii. A FOS > 1.5 may be required for categories that include essential utility services and
infrastructures that have been identified as critical by Civil Defence.
iii. Discussion with Council engineers to establish an agreed FoS
Evidence/Type of
Consequences of
Implications for
Extent of
Page 33 of 40
Evidence of active or
historic instability
landslide or rock face
failure, extensive
instability may occur
within site or beyond site
Unsuitable for
development unless
major geotechnical
work can
improve stability.
Risk after
development may
be higher than
normally accepted
(includes Section
Evidence of active
creep, ancient instability,
minor slips or minor rock
face instability,
significant instability may
occur during and after
extreme climatic
conditions and may
extend beyond the site
restrictions and/or
geotechnical works
required. Risk after
development may
be higher than
normally accepted
(may include
Section 36(2))
restrictions may be
practices suitable to
hillside construction
necessary. Risk
after development
generally no higher
than normally
Hand an d
possible drill
No evidence of instability
observed; instability not
expected unless major
site changes occur
Minor damage,
limited to site
unless major
Good engineering
practices suitable
for hillside
required. Risk after
normally acceptable
Possible hand
Virtually nil
Good engineering
practices should be
* Taken from Crawford and Millar Paper dated 1998 titled The Design of Permanent Slopes
for residential Developments. Table 1.
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Cohesive Soils
Natural Soils
(Blows / 300mm)
Very Stiff
Very soft
(Blows / 150mm)
Engineered Soils
Engineered Fill
Shear Keys
Max Single
Single Value
Value (2)
General Fill
110 kPa
140 kPa
120 kPa
150 kPa
Note: Project risk assessment and/or design requirements may lead to stricter fill
specification criteria
Page 36 of 40
1. Refer also NZS4402.1986, NZS4407:1991 (nuclear densometer test method) and
NZS4431:1986 for guidance on specifications and test methodologies.
specifications will commonly include additional test criteria
2. One set of tests per 500 m3 of fill; average of four tests within 1m of each other,
frequency could be adjusted for larger bulk earthworks projects.
3. Specifications for shear keys could vary according to the design width of the key. The
table also excludes guidance in respect of granular fill.
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Area. Extends
westwards but
is deepening
(100 metres
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Area. Potential
risk to
foundations in
Spring Road as
gradient close
to surface
Page 39 of 40
Area at
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