CCA Driveways
CCA Driveways
CCA Driveways
5.1 Cleaning 10
2 PLANNING 5.2 Resealing 10
2.1 Footpath Area 2 5.3 Assessment of Cracks 10
2.2 Pavement Grades 2
2.4 Trees 2
3.1 Concrete 3
3.2 Reinforcement 4
3.3 Joints 4
3.4 Surface Tolerances 4
3.5 Permeable Pavements 4
3.6 Segmental Pavements 4
The basic function of
4.1 Subgrade Preparation 6 residential pavements such
4.2 Subbase 6
4.3 Reducing Friction Under the Slab 6 as driveways, paths and patios
4.4 Reinforcement Fixing 6
4.5 Formwork 6 is to provide safe, easy access
4.6 Addition of Water to Concrete 6
4.7 Placing of Concrete 7 onto or around a property.
4.8 Compaction of Concrete 7
4.9 Surface Finishes 7
4.10 Curing of Concrete 7
4.11 Joints 8
4.12 Joint Sealants 9
4.13 Surface Sealers 9
Street Transition Pavement grade Transition Garage
2 m min 2 m min
Property boundary
Grade 0%
The basic function of residential pavements such Grade = 12.5% + 0%
as driveways, paths and patios is to provide safe, 12.5% say = 6.25%
Grade* Grade (1 in 8)
easy access onto or around a property. Concrete is
5% say = 5% + 12.5%
typically used to not only provide a durable paving 2
surface, but one which can also incorporate a wide = 8.75%
range of decorative finishes to complement the
* The advice of the Local Authority should be sought to obtain grade
design and landscaping of the residence. requirements for the area between the street and property boundary.
While providing a concrete pavement on the
ground is relatively straightforward, there are Figure 1: Transition zones for driveways
many aspects of residential pavement design and
construction that need to be considered in order to
produce a finished product that will satisfy both the 2.3 Drainage
functional and aesthetic requirements demanded by The stormwater drainage system (including
home owners. pavement levels and/or falls) should ensure that
This Data Sheet provides guidance on the there is no ponding deeper than 10 mm on the
planning, design, construction, maintenance and surface 15 minutes after the cessation of rainfall.
specification aspects that need to be considered to Where a pavement can not be graded away
ensure a successful concrete paving project. from a building (eg driveways that slope toward the
house), a suitable drain should be provided adjacent
2 PLANNING to the building to divert stormwater runoff.
2.1 Footpath Area
Pavements between the kerb-and-gutter and 2.4 Trees
property boundary will generally have to comply The presence of trees adjacent to the pavement
with the requirements of the Local Authority in may cause soil movements that change the ground
respect of levels, grades and minimum details levels and result in cracking of the pavement.
(thickness, reinforcement and concrete strength). Particularly with expansive clays, the moisture
These should be determined initially, as they may drawn by tree roots can dry the soil, causing it to
affect the grades (and possible need for transition shrink and affect the pavement levels. More directly,
zones) for the remainder of the driveway, especially tree roots may find their way under the pavement
on steep slopes with short distances from the and cause damage by lifting sections of the slab.
boundary to the house. Further information can be found in BTF181.
Path IJ
Double garage IJ
CJ Path
Potential crack IJ IJ Potential crack
if CJ used
IJ CJ CJ if CJ used W
instead of IJ instead of IJ
CJ CJ L (max) = 1.5 x W
Extend pavement here to
avoid acute angle
3 m max 3 m max
3 m wide driveway
around access hole Isolation joint
Centre CJ on access hole Expansion joint
Property boundary
IJ IJ Footpath
4.1 Subgrade Preparation
The preparation of the subgrade (supporting
ground) for residential pavements is a relatively
simple process as typically the loads are light. All
topsoil (which may settle) should be removed and
the area levelled to provide a uniform platform for
the pavement. For heavy loads, the ability of the
subgrade to adequately support the loads without
excessive deflection and cracking of the pavement
needs to be considered.
Figure 3: Joint perpendicular to slab edge A reasonably uniform foundation is essential to
Polyethelene membrane
or sand layer (recommended)
the long-term performance of a concrete pavement.
Subbase (recommended for
An assumption that a concrete pavement will
highly-expansive clay sites)
bridge over a poor subgrade could lead to a false
sense of security. Thus, any poor, saturated, highly Subgrade or natural ground
compressible or otherwise weak areas should
be removed and replaced with suitable subgrade Figure 4: Typical pavement cross-section
or roadbase material, adequately compacted
with a plate compactor or small roller, to avoid
subsequent settlement. The same applies to the concrete directly on a plastic soil such as clay, the
backfilling of service trenches. frictional force – and hence restraint of the slab –
A level area also minimises the friction between can be more than halved. This allows the concrete
the pavement and ground. This reduces the slab to move more freely as a result of factors such
restraint of the pavement, and in turn, the risk of as drying shrinkage and thermal volume changes,
unplanned cracking. thereby reducing the risk of cracking.
If using sand, it is important that the percentage
4.2 Subbase of fine material such as silt and clay be limited
On highly expansive clay subgrades, significant to about 5%, so that the material does not bind
volume changes can occur in the soil resulting in together, thereby restricting movement of the slab.
non-uniform support of the slab, and subsequently
early slab failure. Potential problems can be 4.4 Reinforcement Fixing
minimised by appropriate pavement design, the The reinforcement (usually mesh) should be
provision of a subbase, or stabilisation of the located within the top half of the pavement, and
subgrade material. have a minimum 30 mm of concrete cover to
The function of the subbase (or cover layer) of the top of the slab. It should be fixed in position
low-volume-change soil is to minimise moisture using suitable supports or bar chairs, spaced at
migration under the pavement, and hence maximum 800‑mm centres to prevent sagging of
changes in the moisture content and volume of the the reinforcement during concrete placement. Note
underlying expansive soil Figure 4. It also provides that for light meshes, the spacing may need to be
more-uniform slab support by equalising minor reduced to prevent sagging.
subgrade defects. The appropriate thickness of the Mesh should not be walked into position
non-expansive subbase layer depends on the site or lifted to height using a hook during concrete
conditions and local experience; in the majority of placement. Nor should the concrete truck be driven
cases, a 100-mm thickness is recommended. over it to gain access for concrete discharge.
Alternatively, a layer of the existing clay soil Where sheets of mesh are joined, they should
may be stabilised (generally with lime or cement) to have a minimum overlap of two cross wires (ie
enhance its stability under conditions of alternate the two outermost cross wires of each sheet are
wetting and drying. overlapped).
Suitable silicon or
located near the coast (within 1 km) and/or subject 30 mm cover to mesh polyurethane sealant
to heavier traffic. Curing allows the concrete to to prevent ingress of dirt
achieve its potential strength and durability. When
concrete is not cured (ie is allowed to dry out 10-mm thick compressible
quickly), a significant reduction in its strength filler material for full depth
40 mm
of pavement
results. The reduction of concrete strength has end cover
a significant effect on abrasion resistance of the
surface of the pavement when used by vehicular
traffic. One of the main contributors to surface wear
and dusting problems is the reduction in strength Figure 5: Typical isolation joint
due to inadequate compaction and curing.
Typical methods of curing concrete pavements
0.5 L Suitable silicon or
include: covering the concrete with an impermeable
polyurethane sealant
membrane (eg plastic sheeting, chemical curing Dowel to prevent ingress of dirt
compound); or keeping any exposed surfaces (length, L)
continuously wet (eg ponding or spraying with 40
30 mm cover to mesh
water). Wetting at intervals (eg in the morning and
afternoon) does not keep the concrete continuously
moist, particularly in hot weather conditions and Bond-breaking
0.5 t
is therefore not regarded as an adequate method. compound
Black plastic should not be used for curing of
external surfaces, as this may increase heat gain
10-mm minimum thickness Cap required
and cause problems with slab curling. compressible filler material for expansion
Coloured concrete pavements should not be for full depth of pavement
cured with plastic sheeting, damp sand or wet
hessian, as these materials may promote uneven Figure 6: Typical expansion joint
colour or staining. Chemical curing compounds
Saw cut, insert or tooled joint
compatible with the sealer, or the sealer itself if (no
Sawsealant required)
cut, insert or tooled joint
complying with the requirements of a chemical 50 50 (no sealant required)
curing compound, should be used for these types of 50 50
decorative pavements.
0.25 to 0.33 t 30 mm cover to mesh
4.11 Joints 0.25 to 0.33 t 30 mm cover to mesh
Isolation joints Figure 5 should not impede any t
relative movement. This may be horizontal, vertical t Induced crack
or both and may include rotation. While movement Induced crack
from concrete drying shrinkage will normally cause
the joint to open with time, temperature changes (a) CRACK-INDUCED JOINT (SAW CUT, INSERT OR TOOLED)
may give rise to joint closing movements. (a) CRACK-INDUCED JOINT (SAW CUT, INSERT OR TOOLED)
Expansion joints Figure 6 typically have dowel
bars connecting the slabs to provide load transfer Optional coloured cover strip
and avoid changes in the levels from one slab to (no sealant
Optional required)
coloured cover strip
another. As a guide, for 100-mm-thick pavements 40 40 (no sealant required)
intended for vehicles less than 3 t gross mass, 40 40
12-mm-diameter dowels at maximum 400-mm
centres would be satisfactory. 30 mm cover to mesh
Control joints Figure 7 can be made by: 30 mm cover to mesh
n inserting a pre-moulded strip into the concrete
as it is being placed; Propriety pressed-metal
n use of a grooving tool immediately after the key joint topressed-metal
Propriety suit slab thickness
concrete has been placed; or key joint to suit slab thickness
n sawing a groove when the concrete has (b) KEY JOINT (PRESSED-METAL OR FORMED)
hardened sufficiently to prevent raveling. (b) KEY JOINT (PRESSED-METAL OR FORMED)
n Using a proprietary pressed metal key joint. Figure 7: Typical control joint
30 mm cover to mesh
Note that:
n If joints are saw cut, these should be installed
prior to shrinkage cracking occurring. As a Roughened first-cast face
guide, saw cuts should be made not more
than 12 hours after finishing of the slab if
temperatures exceed 25°C, and not more than Figure 8: Typical construction joint
16 to 18 hours after finishing of the slab for
lower temperatures. To avoid delays, early-age
saw cutting (ie the same day) is possible using n Joint geometry. For typical joints, the cross-
specialised equipment. The surface should be sectional depth of the seal should be at least
thoroughly cleaned after cutting. half the width, and never greater than the width.
n If joints are wet-formed by scoring the plastic n Backing systems. To perform adequately when
concrete with an edging tool (tooled joint), the pavement moves, sealants should adhere
ensure that the groove does not fill with cement only to the sides of the joint. While the joint filler
slurry and render the joint less effective. will normally ensure this, a backing rod may
n If joints are formed by using proprietary pressed sometimes be necessary to achieve the required
metal key joints, they should be securely fixed joint geometry.
in position to maintain straight lines during n Setting time. The setting time of the sealant
placement of the concrete. determines when it can be brought into
n While reinforcing mesh will normally be service, or when the pavement can be used.
terminated 50 mm away from control joints, it Polyurethane sealants will cure at a rate of
may extend across the joint to provide better about 2-3 mm of depth per day in temperatures
control of movement on, say, highly expansive over 5°C. Fast-curing and two-part products will
clays. In this case, 50% of the mesh should be marginally faster. Silicones skin quickly but
be cut to assist in the formation of a plane of have a slower cure-through-depth time.
weakness at the joint location. To allow some
tolerance in the location of the saw cut, crack 4.13 Surface Sealers
inducer or tooled joint, the ends of cut wires Sealers are used to prevent staining and to facilitate
should be at least 50 mm clear of the proposed cleaning of the concrete surface. They should
joint location. be applied after the curing period and when the
A construction joint Figure 8 is used to concrete has dried out sufficiently to allow the
accommodate an unplanned break in concrete sealer to penetrate into the concrete surface. Note
placement. The joint should be formed to allow that some sealers may also function as a chemical
adequate compaction and finishing of the concrete curing compound and should be applied after
along the edge. Once the concrete has hardened, finishing. Some sealers may also be tinted and thus
the formwork is removed, the edge roughened to provide both a seal and a coloured finish.
provide aggregate interlock across the joint and the As the penetration of sealers into the concrete
new concrete placed against the existing edge. surface varies, their suitability for a particular
application should be discussed with the
4.12 Joint Sealants manufacturer. Steep driveways warrant special
Many types of joint sealants are available. For consideration; non-penetrating sealers that form
pavements, high-performance sealants such as a film on the surface can reduce slip and skid
polyurethane or silicone should be used. They are resistance, and are thus generally not suitable for
supplied in cartridges for easy use with a caulking this application unless the surface texture applied
gun, come in a range of colours to suit various to the concrete is coarse enough to still provide
decorative finishes and are UV light resistant. adequate slip and skid resistance. Penetrating
While the life of the sealant depends on a sealers or those with slip-resistant properties are
number of factors, the following basic rules recommended for steeper grades.
concerning their use should be observed to achieve
adequate performance:
n Joint preparation. The surfaces should be clean,
dry and primed if necessary. Applying sealants
to ‘green’ concrete can result in bubbling and
loss of adhesion. The surface temperature
should be above 5°C.
n A 20-mm layer of sand should be provided If proprietary products are involved such as
under the entire slab area. dry shake colour hardeners, the coverage and
n The sand should have no more than 5% of silt application should be in accordance with the
and clay particles. manufacturer’s/supplier’s recommendations.
n The surface levels and flatness should be