CIP Section 03
CIP Section 03
CIP Section 03
Section 3
December 1996
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Whilst every care has been taken to ensure accuracy within
this work, no liability whatsoever is accepted by Construction
Health and Safety; its sponsoring organisations or their
advisers in respect of the information given.
No material from this book may be reproduced in any
shape or form without written permission from the publishers.
Printed in Great Britain by ArklePrint Ltd, 17 Gatelodge Close, Round Spinney, Northampton NN3 8RJ.
Published by the Construction Confederation,
55 Tufton Street, London SW1P 3QL
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June 2003
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Planning supervisor ceases to exist. CDM Coordinator introduced to support and advise the
client in discharging his duties and co-ordinate
design and planning.
December 2006
3 - 2a
systems of work).
3 - 2b
Benefits of Change
The aims of the new regulations are to have the right
people for the right job at the right time to manage risks on
site, reduce paperwork and encourage teamwork. In
particular this includes making:
it easier for duty holders to know what is expected of
it flexible for example making it fit with the vast range
of contractual arrangements
the focus on planning and management, not paperwork
the focus on integration and co-ordination
it simpler to assess competence (both for organisations
and individuals)
December 2006
2. Interpretation
Official Text
(1) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise
December 1996
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December 1996
3. Application
Official Text
(1) Subject to the following paragraphs of this regulation,
these Regulations apply to and in relation to constru c t i o n
work carried out by a person at work.
(3) Regulations 15, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 26(1) and (2)
apply only to and in relation to construction work carried out
by a person at work at a construction site.
Everyone involved in construction work has duties to comply
with the re q u i rements of these regulations, eg:
(1) employers and the self-employed who carry out
c o n s t ruction work or who control matters covered by the
(4) It shall be the duty of every person at work (4) Everyone at work must:
(a) as regards any duty or re q u i rement imposed on
any other person under these Regulations, to
cooperate with that person so far as is necessary
to enable that duty or re q u i rement to be performed
or complied with; and
(b) w h e re working under the control of another
person, to re p o rt to that person any defect which
he is aware may endanger the health or safety of
himself or another person.
(5) This regulation shall not apply to regulations 22 and
29(2), which expressly say on whom the duties are imposed.
December 1998
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6. Falls
Official Text
(1) Suitable and sufficient steps shall be taken to pre v e n t ,
so far as is reasonably practicable, any person falling.
(1) Precautions must be taken to prevent falls from any
height where injury might re s u l t .
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December 1996
(a) the nature of the work being carried out and its
duration; and
(b) the risks to the safety to any person arising from the
use of the ladder.
(6) Where a ladder is used pursuant to paragraph (5)
June 2005
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7. Fragile material
Official Text
(1) Suitable and sufficient steps shall be taken to pre v e n t
any person from falling through any fragile material.
(1) Precautions must be taken to prevent falls thro u g h
fragile material from any height.
8. FaIling objects
Official Text
(I) Where necessary to prevent danger to any person,
suitable and sufficient steps shall be taken to prevent, so far
as is reasonably practicable, the fall of any material or
(2) In any case where the steps re f e rred to in paragraph
(1) include the provision of
(1) All reasonable precautions must be taken to prevent
danger from falling materials or objects.
(2) Measures, such as toe boards, brickguards, etc. and
working platforms must comply with the requirements of
Schedules 1 & 2 (see p3-22).
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June 2005
9. Stability of structures
Official Text
(1) All practicable steps shall be taken, where necessary
to prevent danger to any person, to ensure that any new or
existing stru c t u re or any part of such stru c t u re which may
become unstable or in a temporary state of weakness or
instability due to the carrying out of construction work
(including any excavation work) does not collapse
(1) Precautions must be taken to ensure that the stability of
any structure (whether temporary or permanent) is not
adversely affected by construction work (e.g. excavations).
Comprehensive guidance is given in Section 8A
Demolition. The dismantling of scaffolding is covered on p729.
11. Explosives
Official Text
(1) An explosive charge shall be used or fired only if
suitable and sufficient steps have been taken to ensure that
no person is exposed to risk of injury from the explosion or
from projected or flying material caused there b y.
December 1996
Comprehensive guidance is given in Section 8C
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12. Excavations
Official Text
(1) All practicable steps shall be taken, where necessary
to prevent danger to any person, to ensure that any new or
existing excavation or any part of such excavation which
may be in a temporary state of weakness or instability due to
the carrying out of construction work (including other
excavation work) does not collapse accidentally.
(2) Suitable and sufficient steps shall be taken to pre v e n t ,
so far as is reasonably practicable, any person from being
buried or trapped by a fall or dislodgement of any material.
(3) Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (2),
where it is necessar y for the purpose of preventing any
danger to any person from a fall or dislodgement of any
material from a side or the roof of or adjacent to any
excavation, that excavation shall as early as practicable in
the course of the work be sufficiently supported so as to
p revent, so far as is reasonably practicable, the fall or
dislodgement of such material.
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December 1996
A risk assessment should be carried out to determine the
p recautions which need to be taken and the type and scale
of equipment and training which needs to be pro v i d e d .
(1-4) Careful planning is essential in the setting up of a
c o n s t ruction site to ensure, as far as possible, the safe
movement of both vehicles and pedestrians. Where
possible, there should be separate, clear, access routes;
barriers should be erected where appro p r i a t e .
Such matters as the provision of banksmen when vehicles
a re reversing should be covered in site ru l e s .
December 1996
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17. Vehicles
Official Text
(1) Suitable and sufficient steps shall be taken to pre v e n t
or control the unintended movement of any vehicle.
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December 1996
The risk of fire, explosion, flooding or asphyxiation
arising from any construction work must be assessed and
appropriate precautions taken. Such precautionary
m e a s u res should normally be detailed in the Health and
Safety Plan.
(a) f i re or explosion; or
(b) flooding; or
Guidance on relevant precautions is given in Section 5 Fire, Section 6 - Highly Flammable Liquids and Liquefied
Petroleum Gases, Section 8B - Excavations, Section 23
Confined Spaces and Section 25 - Hazards to Health.
December 1996
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(4) The need for emergency routes and exits should form
p a rt of the risk assessment.
(1) Emergency pro c e d u res (e.g. in the event of fire,
explosion or flooding) should be prepared where
appropriate and normally included in the Health and Safety
(1) (a) Guidance is given in Section 5 - Fire .
(b) In some cases, the risk assessment may indicate that
f i re detectors and alarm systems are not necessary.
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December 1996
(1) The principal contractor, or person in control, must
ensure that suitable and sufficient welfare facilities are
p rovided. Relevant matters should be covered in the Health
and Safety Plan where the CDM Regulations apply.
(2) It shall be the duty of every employer and every selfemployed person to ensure that the provisions of paragraphs
(3) to (8) are complied with in respect of any person at work
on a construction site who is under his contro l .
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(7) Where special clothing is required to be worn, adequate room for changing should be provided and measure s
taken to ensure security, for example by providing lockers.
Where there is a risk of contamination (e.g. from
asbestos), a decontamination unit, containing changing
facilities, showers and separate storage facilities for both
personal clothing and protective equipment may be re q u i re d
(see p4-6 and p24-25/26).
(1) Where a risk assessment shows a danger of exposure
to fumes or gases, the atmosphere must be made as safe as
possible by natural or forced ventilation.
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(1) The temperature in indoor workplaces should pro v i d e
reasonable comfort without the need for special clothing. A
minimum of 16C is recommended unless the work involves
s e v e re physical eff o rt, in which case the temperature should
be at least 13C. Local cooling, by means of fans, may be
appropriate in extremely hot weather or when hot work is
June 2005
25. Lighting
Official Text
(1) There shall be suitable and sufficient lighting in
respect of every place of work and approach thereto and
every traffic route, which lighting shall, so far as is
reasonably practicable, be by natural light.
(1) (2) Guidance on lighting is given in Section 10 Electricity.
(1) Construction sites must be kept tidy.
28. Training
Official Text
(1) Any person who carries out any activity involving
c o n s t ruction work where training, technical knowledge or
experience is necessary to reduce the risks of injury to any
person shall possess such training, knowledge or
experience, or be under such degree of supervision by a
person having such training, knowledge or experience, as
may be appropriate having regard to the nature of the
December 1998
Guidance on relevant training is given in Section 2Training.
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29. Inspection
Official Text
(1) Subject to paragraph (2), a place of work re f e rred to
in column I of Schedule 7 shall be used to carry out
c o n s t ruction work only if that place has been inspected by a
competent person at times set out in the corresponding entry
in column 2 of that Schedule and the person who has carr i e d
out the inspection is satisfied that the work can be safely
c a rried out at that place.
(1) Working platforms, bosuns chairs, abseiling
equipment, supported excavations, coff e rdams and caissons
must not be used as places of work unless inspections by
a competent person, carried out in accordance with
Schedule 7 (see p3-24), have shown them to be safe.
Also see p1 -30/32.
30. Reports
Official Text
(1) Subject to paragraphs (5) and (6), where an
inspection is re q u i red under regulation 29(1), the person
who carries out such inspection shall, before the end of the
working period within which the inspection is completed,
p re p a rea re p o rt which shall include the particulars set out in
Schedule 8.
(1) See p 3-24. Also see p1-30/32.
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December 1996
(1) Subject of para (2), the HSE may grant exemption
These regulations apply to construction activities within
t e rritorial waters.
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(1) (2) In the case of a construction site within occupied
premises, the fire authority is normally the enforcing
authority in respect of emergency routes and exits,
emergency pro c e d u res, fire detection and fire fighting.
However, where the Fire Certificates (Special Premises)
Regulations 1976 apply (see p5-8), the HSE will be the
e n f o rcing authority.
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June 1998
December 1996
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Schedule 1
R e q u i rements for guard-rails etc.
(See Regulations 6(2), 6(3)(a) and 8(2))
1. A guard-rail, toe-board, barrier or other similar means
of protection shall (a) be suitable and of sufficient strength and rigidity for
the purpose or purposes for which it is being used;
(b) be so placed, secured and used as to ensure, so far
as is reasonably practicable, that it does not become
accidentally displaced.
2. Any stru c t u re or any part of a stru c t u re which supports
a guard-rail, toe-board, barrier or other similar means of
p rotection or to which a guard-rail, toe-board, barrier or
other similar means of protection is attached shall be of
s u fficient strength and suitable for the purpose of such
s u p p o rt or attachment.
3. The main guard-rail or other similar means of
p rotection shall be at least 910 millimetres above the edge
from which any person is liable to fall.
4. There shall not be an unprotected gap exceeding 470
millimetres between any guard-rail, toe-board, barrier or
other similar means of pro t e c t i o n .
5. To e - b o a rds or other similar means of protection shall
not be less than 150 millimetres high.
6. Guard-rails, toe-boards, barriers and other similar
means of protection shall be so placed as to prevent, so far
as is practicable, the fall of any person, or any material or
object from any place of work.
Schedule 2
R e q u i rements for working platforms
(See Regulations 6(2), 6(3)(b) and 8(2))
1. In this Schedule, supporting stru c t u re means any
s t ru c t u re used for the purpose of supporting a working
p l a t f o rmand includes any plant and equipment used for that
Condition of surfaces
2. Any surface upon which any supporting stru c t u re re s t s
shall be stable, of sufficient strength and of suitable
composition safely to support the supporting stru c t u re, the
working platform and any load intended to be placed on the
working platform .
Stability of supporting structure
3. Any supporting stru c t u re shall (a) be suitable and of sufficient strength and rigidity for
the purpose or purposes for which it is being used;
(b) be so erected and, where necessary, securely
attached to another stru c t u re as to ensure that it is
stable; and
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Schedule 3
R e q u i rements for personal suspension equipment
(See Regulation 6(3)(c))
1. Personal suspension equipment shall be suitable and
of sufficient strength for the purpose or purposes for which it
is being used having re g a rd to the work being carried out
and the load, including any person, it is intended to bear.
2. Personal suspension equipment shall be secure l y
attached to a stru c t u re or to plant and the stru c t u re or plant
and the means of attachment thereto shall be suitable and of
s u fficient strength and stability for the purpose of
December 1996
Schedule 6
Welfare facilities
(See Regulation 22)
Sanitary conveniences
1. Rooms containing sanitary conveniences shall be
adequately ventilated and lit.
Schedule 4
Washing facilities
4. Washing facilities shall be provided (a) in the immediate vicinity of every sanitary
convenience, whether or not provided elsewhere;
(b) in the vicinity of any changing rooms re q u i red by
paragraph (7) of regulation 22 whether or not
p rovided elsewhere .
5. Washing facilities shall include (a) a supply of clean hot and cold, or warm, water
(which shall be running water so far as is reasonably
practicable); and
(b) soap or other suitable means of cleaning; and
Schedule 5
2. A ladder shall -
Drinking water
10. Every supply of drinking water shall be
conspicuously marked by an appropriate sign where
necessary for reasons of health and safety.
December 1996
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Schedule 7
Places of work requiring inspection
(See Regulation 29(1))
Column 1
Place of Work
Column 2
Time of inspection
1. (i)
2. (i) Before any person carries out work at the start of every
shift; and
(ii) after any event likely to have affected the strength or
stability of the excavation or any part thereof; and
(iii) after any accidental fall of rock or earth or other
3. (i) Before any person carries out work at the start of every
shift; and
(ii) after any event likely to have affected the strength or
stability of the coff e rdam or caisson or any part
Schedule 8
P a rticulars to be included in a re p o rt of inspection
(See Regulation 30)
1. Name and address of person on whose behalf the
inspection was carried out.
2. Location of the place of work inspected.
3. Description of the place of work or part of that place
inspected (including any plant and equipment and materials,
if any).
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June 1998