Museum Storage Space

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onserve0 Gram

Number 4/11

Determining Museum Storage Space Requirements

One of the more daunting aspects of planning a
museum collection storage facility is determining
how much space is needed to store the
collection. This Conserve 0 Gram will guide
you in making an estimate of your storage space
requirements. It supplements information on
museum collections storage planning provided in
the NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (Rev 9/90),
Chapter 7.

layout. Storage equipment was purchased as

objects were moved into the room. Objects of
different sizes and types are stored together in a
variety of equipment. Aisles are irregular
making the movement of objects difficult. You
make a decision to reorganize the room so the
objects are properly stored and more accessible.
How do you go about rearranging the space?
Scenario 3.

To plan collection storage space you must:

1. Determine the storage equipment
requirements for the collections. See
Conserve 0 Gram 4/10, Determining
Museum Storage Equipment Needs.
2. Develop a layout for the equipment within the
storage space.
3. Calculate the space occupied by the storage
This process should be useful to park and
museum staff responsible for resolving museum
storage space and equipment issues and who find
themselves in one or more of the following
Scenario 1. There is no centralized storage area
for the museum collection. Objects are stored
haphazardly in a variety of places: on the floor,
on top of file cabinets, on multipurpose shelving
and in cabinets with non-museum items. You
make a decision to establish a dedicated space
where the collection can be consolidated and
properly stored. How much space will be
required? What special equipment is needed?
Scenario 2.

Your collection storage area was

developed without the benefit of a preconceived

Your site has an established

collection storage area. Additional materials
have been added to the collection over the years.
The storage room now is overcrowded. You
evaluate other spaces at the site. If no on-site
space is acceptable, a new facility will be
constructed. How do you establish the current
and future requirements for space? Do you need
additional equipment ?
When planning for collection storage space, the
following options are usually considered:

developing new space in a dedicated building

adapting another space or building

upgrading the space currently used to better

meet the needs of the collection

Developing a Layout
Develop one or more layouts of your storage
equipment within the proposed storage space.
Keep in mind the following as you arrange the

allow for safe movement of objects and staff

throughout the space
provide adequate access to the stored

National Park Service


consider the location of structural features

(such as posts, beams, and pilasters) and the
impact they would have on the layout
consider access to light switches, electrical
outlets and panel boxes, fire and intrusion
detection sensors

When you
of storage

develop a layout, use scale drawings

equipment. Accurate dimensions for
can be found in the vendors product
Park staff can refer to NPS Tools of
the Trade, Release No. 3. Arranging the space
to scale will illustrate spatial relationships
between the equipment and the space and allow
workable layouts of the equipment to be
Use one of the following methods for drawing
the space to scale:

The most accurate method is the use of a

computer-assisted-design (CAD) software
program. CAD programs are readily
available from software manufacturers and
dealers. Most brands should work
acceptably. One commonly-used brand is
AutoCAD@ developed by AutoDesk, Inc.,
111 McInnis Parkway, San Rafael, California
An alternate method is to cut out scaled
drawings of the equipment from graph paper.
Make sure the cut-outs are accurately scaled
to a drawing of the storage space that can be
on graph paper as well. The use of graph
paper and scaled cutouts is inexpensive, nontechnical, and requires no familiarity with
computers and CAD programs. However,
this method may be more time consuming to
create and use.
A template is provided on page 4 that depicts
commonly used museum storage equipment
drawn to the scales of l/4 = lO, l/8 = 10
and l/16 = 10. Photocopy or trace the
storage units you require and arrange them on
graph paper scaled to the size of your space.

Conserve 0 Gram 4/11

(If you photocopy the templates, make sure

your copier will reproduce the original sizefor-size.)

Calculating the Storage Space

Experiment with various equipment layouts on a
model floor plan. This will help you determine
the size space to consider for a new storage area.
Measure the square footage of each layout and
average them. Use this calculation for
comparing other spaces that you may be
considering. Keep in mind the following as you
work with various arrangements:
Allow a minimum of three feet between rows
of cabinets. Four-foot aisles are
recommended in order to open cabinets,
access objects, and allow safe movement of
objects through the aisles. Aisles between
rows of large shelving units require four feet;
however, six-foot aisles are recommended
because furnishings and larger objects require
considerable space to maneuver them onto the
shelving units.
Arrange the same types of equipment together
(for example, all shelving units together).
This helps organize the collection and allows
objects with similar requirements to be stored
Locate bulkier, heavier objects nearest the
largest access doors. This requires less
handling and maneuvering within the storage
space. The more maneuvering of large, hardto-handle objects the greater the likelihood of
Place frequently-accessed objects nearest the
reference room, workroom, or office.
Stack counter-height cabinets two units high.
To avoid confusion as you make your
drawing, use specific designators in the
legend of the drawing to indicate the
difference between stacked cabinets and single
Determining Museum Storage Space Requirements

Conserve 0 Gram 4/11


National Park Service

Reduce the square footage required to store

the collection by using high density storage
systems that compress aisles. Reduced square
footage requirements must be weighed against
increased cost and heavier floor load

The process of space planning for your museum

storage facility need not be difficult. The goal is
simple: develop the equipment layout that works
for the collection and the staff, a layout that is
safe for both objects and people, meets your
access needs, and contributes to the care and
preservation of the collection.

Donald R. Cumberland, Jr.

Museum Specialist
National Park Service
Museum Management Program
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia 25425

The Conserve 0 Gram series is published

as a reference
collections management and curatorial issues. Mention of a product,
a manufacturer,
or a supplier by name in this publication does not
constitute an endorsement of that product or supplier by the National
Park Service.
Sources named are not all inclusive.
It is suggested
that readers also seek alternative product and vendor information in
order to assess the full range of available supplies and equipment.

Determining Museum Storage Space Requirements

The series is distributed to all NPS units and is available to non-NPS

institutions and interested individuals by subscription
through the
of Documents,
U.S. Government
Printing Office,
DC 20402;
FAX (202) 512-2250.
For further
information and guidance concerning any of the topics or procedures
addressed in the series, contact NPS Museum Management Program,
1849 C Street NW, Washington,
DC 20240; (202) 343-8142.

Museum Storage Equipment Template

SCALE OF FEET: l/4 = 10



SCALE OF FEET: l/8 = 10



SCALE OF FEET: l/l 6 = 10

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STD/S = NPS Standard Museum Cabinet - 29 x 32
DBW/D = NPS Doublewide Museum Cabinet - 58 x 32
WARD/W = NPS Wardrobe Museum Cabinet - 58 x 32
HERB/H = NPS Herbarium Museum Cabinet - 29-l/8 x 19-l/8
ENTO/E = NPS Entomology Museum Cabinet - 21-3/4 x 22-3/4
SSU = Steel Shelving Unit - 18 x 36
SAR = Slotted Angle Rack - 96 x 48
MAP/M = Map Cabinet - 53-3/4 x 41-7/I 6
GUN/G = Gun Cabinet - 30 x 24-l/2
VCS/VS = Small Visual Storage Case - 39-l/2 x 16-5/8
VCM/VM = Medium Visual Storage Case - 39-l/2 x 22-5/8
VCL/VL = Large Visual Storage Case - 51 -l/2 x 22-5/8
IF/F = Insulated File (Fire-resistive File) - 20-3/4 x 32-15/16

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