Developing AToolkit For Emotions
Developing AToolkit For Emotions
Developing AToolkit For Emotions
this technique in developing Dear which emotions? How do we hope by a multitude of design factors;
Boston, an exhibition of objects visitors will feel when they leave? keep in mind that those design
from the makeshift memorial If mapping your gallery seems factors also influence emotions.
for the 2013 Boston Marathon like a stretch, you might practice Once you have established goals
bombing.10 Her goal was to design first by watching a handful of for the emotional progression
an experience that would help dramatic movies and mapping their of the exhibition content, you
visitors process their negative emotional arcs. can plan space, color, lighting,
emotions about the bombing texture, smell, sound, and other
and leave feeling connection and Attend to the Physical Environment design details that will further
hope. Such mapping isn’t meant enhance—and not detract from—
to dictate emotions, but rather Humans constantly pick up cues this arc. Rainey will never forget
to consider the storytelling arc of from their immediate environment the historical recreation of a 1970s
an exhibition and how a variety that influence their emotions gynecologist’s office at Den Gamle
of responses might be engaged (for a fascinating deep dive into By, a living history museum in
throughout the space. You might this process, you could read Places Aarhus, Denmark. The stirrups and
ask questions such as: What is the of the Heart: the Psychogeography gynecological tools were powerful
emotional progression for visitors of Everyday Life by neuroscientist on their own, but the design
and where is its high point? Of Colin Ellard). We already details—a sterile, windowless
understand that moving through room; fluorescent lighting; and a
10 See: an exhibition is a sensory-motor silhouette projection of a patient
marathon-memorial. experience that is highly affected behind a screen changing into her
gown—made the feeling of anxious
vulnerability all the more visceral
(fig. 2).11
StoryCorps is a great resource:
the interviews posted online offer
examples of what emotionally
compelling first-person narrative
sounds like, and the website
also offers lists of tried-and-true
interview questions.13 Lastly, you
might consider ways that emotion
could make the curatorial voice
seem more human and real; winners
of NAME’s annual Excellence
in Exhibition Label Writing
Competition regularly provide
inspiration for this approach.14