Maynard Carbine

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... the early years


John D. McAulay


P.O. Box 460. Lincoln. Rhode Island USA

CATALOG CARD NO.: 91-061728
John D. McAulay
Civil War Carbines, Vol. 11
144 pp.

ISBN: 0-917218-48-5

1991 by John D. McAulay

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form
or by a ny means without permission in writing from the author.

Printed in the United States of America


Civil War Carbines, Volume II

A sergeant of company "H", lst Mississippi Cavalry. Originally raised as the "Bolivar Troop", this unit was apparently named after tbe
famous South American liberator, Simon Bolivar. The folding tang sight of this Mississippi purchased Maynard carbine is clearly
Herb Peck collectloD
visible, as is a leather thong which appears to be stretched from the barrel pivot pin to the chamber.

The First Model Maynard Carbine



One of the best performing and most

accurate breechloaders in the Pre-Civil War
era was the First Model Maynard Carbine. It
also has the distinction of being the second
carbine purchased by the Ordnance Depart
ment to use a metallic cartridge.
The Maynard carbine was the invention
of the Washington, D.C. dental surgeon, Dr.
Edward Maynard (1813-1891). Edward May
nard was born April 26, 1813 at Madison, New
York. In 1831 , he entered West Point but,
while a good student, Maynard resigned after
one year due to poor health. In 184 I Maynard
was the recipient of an honorary degree of
Doctor of Dental Surgery from Baltimore Col
lege. Later he became Chairman of Theory and
Practice at the Baltimore Dental College and
also held this position at the National U niver
sity in Washington D.C. Dr. Maynard was the
dentist for several presidents, ambassadors
and many members of Congress. Maynard had
been offered the job of Imperial Dentist by the
Russian Czar Nicholas I with the rank of major
in the Russian Army - an offer he declined.
Dr. Maynard practiced dentistry until 1890
and died on May 4, 189 I. He is buried in the
Congressional Cemetery at Washington, D.C. 1
Dr. Maynard is best known for the Maynard
Tape Primer for which he was issued U.S. Pat
ent #4,208 in September of 1845. The purpose
of this priming device was to eliminate the need
to manually place a percussion cap on the nip
ple every time the weapon was ready for firing.
Instead, each time the hammer was cocked a
paper roll carrying the priming compound,
similar to that used in children's cap pistols,
was advanced over the nipple. The government
adopted this tape priming system in July of
1855 and it is found on all Model 1855 rifles,
rife muskets and pistol carbines manufactured

at the two national armories between 1855

1861. In all, Dr. Maynard received 23 U.S.
patents for various firearms related inventions.
Turning to his carbine, Dr. Maynard reg
istered his breech-loading design with two pat
ents plus two additional patents for his metallic
cartridge. The first patent for his carbine,
#8,126, was granted on May 27, 1851. This
patent covered the lowering of the trigger
guard operating lever which is pressed down
and forward. This motion drops the muzzle
and raises the breech for inserting a cartridge.
The patent reads:
What I desire to secure by Letters Patent
and claim as my invention in that class of
breech-loading fire-arms in which the barrel is
disconnectedfrom the breech. and is pivoted at
some point intermediate between its butt and
its muzzle to the stock, is
1. A lever beneath the stock, by means of
which the barrel is turned upon its pivot to
raise and to depress its butt, and is locked to its
breech when the butt is depressed, and is
unlocked therefrom to allow the butt to be
raised. the several members of the implement
being arranged and operating substantially as
herein set forth.
2. In combination with the above-claimed
device, a piston breech-pin which, by the
movement ofthe lever to depress the butt ofthe
barrel and to lock it in place is made to move
the cartridgeforward in the barrel and to close
the butt thereof, and which by the movement
of the lever to unlock and raise the barrel is
made to unclose or open the butt of the barrel
before the latter rises under the action of the
3. The sliding bolt [, constructed with slot
and hook, or their equivalents, and arranged as
herein set forth. in combination with a lever


Jllwdlefor 'he purpose ofimport'1I1: 11101/01110
Ihe piston hreech-pin/rom the le\'er beneath. 2


nit, nr.n Model

---------------- ..


surface o/the hottom o/the bra.fs cup. which is

0/ /c'ss diameter than the said disk. and 'hen

drilling a small central aperture through the com

bined brass and Sleet bottom o/saidcartridge. 6
In 1853. Dr. Maynard had the Springfield
The Maynard metallic cartridge used in
Armory make a full scale model carbine for
the First Model carbine contained a 343 grain
him at a cost of SI 16.37. 3 Dr. Maynard's car
pointed bullet with a single grease groove and
bine was first tested under the auspices of
forty grains of powder. The successful trials of
Major William A. Bell at the Washington
J856 sparked the interest ofseveral individuals
Arsenal on May 16. 1856. The Maynard test
to form the Maynard Arms Company of
firings were performed by Lieutenant Benton.
Washington, D.C. in April 1857 to promote
The results were the best that they had thus far
Th~ first Mod.1 Ma, liard Carbin as purchas.d by th.Ordnanu Department In IIS9. This .arbine lIad a ZO", .50 .alib.r barrel and
the sale of Dr. Maynard's gun. William W.
recorded. The few bad shots were caused by the
not flIulpped ..ilh lb. lanlsilhl .ommonly found on Maynard arms. This particular .arbin. is_ial numbtr.d 53/361. Tilwh.1 rinl
Corcoran was elected President and William
wbieb was oriChtall, a..acbed b, m.ans of a kll" s,",ped bar rl.eled '"rouc" Ih. tanll bn be.n fmlOYfd.
inferior lubrication used on the bUllet - a
Freeman. Secretary of the company. Dr. May
1\t1I..aullu 'ullik Museum coll.clion
mixture of tallow and sperm whale oil instead
nard held a twenty-live percent interest in the
nard was fired forty times in three minutes and
Army were .50 c<lliber and had twenty inch
of the more suitable tallow and wax. The .48
firm. On August 15 they entered into an
twenty seconds. 9
barrels equipped with simple non-adjustable
caliber Maynard used in these trials was fired
agreement with the Massachusetts Arms Com
rear sights. 12
forty times with only one missfire. Eight rounds
pany of Chicopee Falls for the manufacture of
By August 1858. the Maynard Arms Com
were fired at one hundred yards. ten at two
five thousand breech-loading guns ofthe May
After Major Bell's favorable report on the
pany had forwarded a model carbine with
hundred. thirteen at three hundred. four at
nard design with steel barrels. The master arm
Maynard carbine in May 1856. the Ordnance
appendages. including two metallic cartridges.
four hundred. and five at five hundred yards.
was made by the company's master machinist
Department requested approval from the Sec
On August 25. Craig sent the carbine and
Major Bell concluded his report with: "I would
and inspector. William P. McFarland. The
retary of War to purchase two hundred May
appendages to Brevet Major William A. Thorn
respectfully state that this arm is considered
guns manufactured were in both .35 and .50
nard breechloaders under t he appropriation of
ton at the New York Arsenal to serve liS the
the best breechloader for military or civil pur
caliber and with barrel lengths oftwenty inches
model.for the Maynard contract. I \ On Sep
August 5, 1854 which allowed 190.000 for the
pose I have yet seen .... Concerning the metallic
(carbine) and twenty-six inches (rifle). They
tember 9. the Maynard Arms Company was
purchase of the best breechloading rifles. in the
cylindrical cartridge used by Dr. Maynard.
were also available with shotgun barrels and
lion of the Secretary of War. for the use of
told that forty thousand metallic caftridj!es
Major Bell had these comments:
were sometimes produced as cased sets since all
were to be sent at a cost of S20 per one thou
United States Army, Approval was slow in
The (rlinder being brass; holding 30 !(rains
the barrels were interchangeable. While May
sand. Each cartridge was to contain forty
coming. It was not until December 28. 1857
v.fpowder: olle inch long; ha\'ing a l~,tinie ball
nard arms on the open market sold for as much
that the Government ordered four hundred
grains of musket powder. In additinn. on('
(not hollow) inserted into the /oflt'ord mel;
as $42.50 each. they cost the Maynard Arms

carbines at $JO ellch from the Maynard Arms

extra cone (nipple). one loader with 'crew
dosed 01 ,lte rear encl. ('.uepti"g t1 .wllIlI \'('1/1 only an ,l\'erage of S 17.75 each for

Company. to Colonel Craig wrote in part:

driver. one brush and wiper with leather t~lIl!!
apl'rturt'lllO l~lolf itleh in diam. in tltt' e'('ntfe.
the first class ~uns and $14.50 for second qual

I hal'(' 10 in/elffll rlm that tire S('cretarr of

and one hullet mould for evcry two arms \\crc
('ol'ere,1 in tl/l' inUrior hy wax paper to prt'l't'm
ity arms. The. metallic cartridge cases were

also to he dclhered. One day later the price

War has din'cted lhe pun'hase of/our hundrt'd
escape ofIhe pOln/er and 10 ('xc/uclt' mois
manufactured by the American Flask and Cap

allowed for the cartridges was altert"d to S~7

of Marnartfv hreech-loadinJ{ ('Orhines, al thirtr
ture. Thi.f c'yUtleler ha\,ing a chamher in tht'l'1ltl
Co. at a cost of $1.25 per one hundred and the

per thousand. t4
dollllrs ($30) 11 pil'Ct'. ".1' t'ndoT.fl.'ml'fIf ol',l'olir
,,(the harrd/or iu r('('eplion therr l~{it.f exact

TheOrdnance Department had originall\

lelia to him o/the 18th Ocwher. 1857. \l'hit'h
,fi:e ancilarKt'r in dian!. than Ihat 0/ the hore,

City at seven cents a pound. 7

he has transmilled to Ihi.f office.
wanted to inspect all four hundred Maynard
hI' ahoUl tll'it'e the t/rickne.u l~{iU hrass plate.

He went on to require that a sample arm.
carbines at once. but when it became
t/tat wht'n inserted i1ll0 the ('hamber it can

Point breech-loading test trials of 1857. Secre

that all the carbines would not be
with appendages, was to be delivered to the
go no further forward. The luhrication (Jf the

tar~' of War John B. Floyd notified Maynard

Ordnance Department. II
before the end of March 1859. Craig requested
/>01/ inserte.ll as aho\'e heing ('Ow!red by tire

that his carbine was scheduled for trial on June

n/inder. ~
that the first two hundred carbines be sen! to
On May I. J85R. William Freeman noti
23. Dr. Maynard then being in the process of
fled the Ordnance Department that the follow
Major Thornton. John Taylor. the Ordnance
The patent for this improved cartridge
making several improvements to his carbine
ing changes were being made to the carbines on
Inspector. arri\'cd at the Massachusetts Arms
described by Major Bell. #15.141. was granted
requested a delay. 3 Maynard's .50 caliber car
order. The swivel ring and bar was being elimi
Company on January 26. 1859 to start the
on June 17. 1856. Three years later. on January
bine was tested in A ugust. It was fired eighteen
nated and replaced with a ring on the underside
inspection. Prior to arriving here. he had been
II. 1859. Maynard received U.S. Patent No.
in O<lck of the lever attached tn the stock. The
inspecting arms at the Colt factory in IIart
22.565 for additional improvements to his
metallic cartridge as follows:
ford. Connecticut. In comersation with Mr.
tang sight was also being replaced wit h a single
The next day a different cartridge was used
dovetail sight adjusted for a point blank range
McFarland. the Maynard Arms Compan\
Mr improved metallic cartridge is pro
which included a wad which eliminated this
of two hundred yards. Thus. the first four
Master Inspector, Taylor stated that the May
dllced hy .wlderinK a steel disk to Ihe exterior
powder buildup. In the 1858 test trials. a Mayhundred Maynard carbines delivered to the
nard carbine showed better workmanship than





most of the other guns that he had previously
inspected. The first two hundred carbines with
all the specified appendages were delivered on
March 8, 1859. The remaining 200 Maynard
carbines and forty thousand metallic cartridges
in forty packing boxes were received on April
6. Payments were made on March II of $6,225
and April 11 of $7,345. 15 An additional ten
thousand cartridges were purchased by Major
Thornton on January 25, 1860.
Three days after delivering the last two
hundred carbines to the Ordnance Office, the
Maynard Arms Company offered to sell car
bines to the Treasury Department for the
Revenue Cutter Service. On July 16, 1859,
Secretary of the Treasury Howell Cobb ordered
one hundred Maynards and appendages from
William Corcoran, President of the Maynard
Arms Company. Cobb wrote:
This Department . .. having concluded to
introduce into the Revenue Cutter Service the
"Maynard breech-loading Carbine': you are re
quested to cause to be furnished for use of said
service, one hundred of the carbines referred to
- the same to be delivered together with the
same quantity of appendages and ammunition
for each, that was ordered by the War Depart
ment, to Augustus Schell Esq., Collector of the
Customs at New York.
Upon the certification of the Collector. ..
the sum of$30, will be paidfor each gun, and the
same pricefor the ammunition as was paid by the
War Department. 16
These 100 Maynards were delivered on
August 19. The invoice read as follows: 17
100 Maynard B/ L Rifles
@ $30.00 $3,000.00
100 Extra Cones
100 Screwdrivers
100 Loaders
100 Wiping Rods & Brushes
50 Bullet Moulds
100 Shields for Chamber
10,000 loaded cartridges (Per 1.(00) 27.00
50,000 Maynard Primers ( Per 1.(00) 1.00
Extra Components or Spare Parts
Expenses of Packing and Delivery
TOTAL $3,586.53

Civil War Carbines, Volume II

On November 13, 1859, Cobb requested an
additional one hundred carbines with appen
dages offering to pay $30 per carbine. His letter
reads in part:
In order that the remaining Revenue Cutter
standing in need ofthem, may befurnished with
suitable small-arms, the Department has con
cluded to order an additional hundred of the
Maynard carbines.
Sixty of the carbines were delivered to New
York City on December 7 and the remaining
forty by the end of the year. In all, the Treasury
Department ordered two hundred Maynard
carbines. These are believed to be of .50 caliber
with twenty inch barrels and fitted with the con
ventional tang sight which had been replaced on
the Maynards furnished to the War Department.
Secretary Cobb made the following observations
on December 15, approximately four months
after the Maynard had been adopted.
Since the introduction of this arm into the
Cutter Service, it has met with unqualified
approbation, and the Department now takes
much pleasure in bearing testimony to its great
superiority over all other small-arms heretofore
furnished it. 18
Or October 13, 1859 Captain Ingraham,
Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance Hydrography,
requested that Commander J.A. Dahlgren, at
the Washington Navy Yard, test Maynard's
breech-loading rifle as to its merits for use in
naval service. The description of the arm fur
nished for this trial was: 19
Whole Weight of Rifle
5 lbs. 80zs.
Whole Length of Rifle
3612 inches
Whole Length of Barrel
20 inches
.5 inches
Diameter of chamber
.55 inches
Depth of chamber for cartridge
1.2 inches
No. of grooves
Depth of rifling
.01 inches
Twist of Rifling
one turn in 5 feet
Fixed ammunition
metallic cases
343 grains
Weight of bullet
40 grains
Weight of powder
Lands and grooves of equal width
EJeys cap used

The First Model Maynard Carbine

As indicated, the arm tested was defin
ately a carbine and not a rifle although the
words carbine and rifle are often used inter
changeably when describing the First Model
Between October 24 and 31, the Maynard
carbine was test fired 602 times. On the first
day of trials, October 24, William McFarland
fired at a target at 500 yards, all 250 rounds
hitting the target. At one point in the trials the
carbine was fired 12 times in one minute
ignited by Maynard Tape Primers. Nine of
these shots succeeded in striking the target at
200 yards. Another time the testers were able to
fire 13 times in one minute. The second day's
trials are most interesting in that the firing was
performed at 1,300 yards. The day's results were:
October 25th: Continued the practice this
morning at 11:35 at a target of white oak 1300
yards lOx 30,faced with white pine boards one
inch thick - Fired 32 rounds - The distance
being so great - it was difficult to ascertain
whether the balls took effect and a boot was
placed near the target, with a man to note the
range ofthe piece - 43 rounds were thenfired
and of this #, 14 struck the target, one pre
viously having taken effect, making 15 in all
Most of the others had passed some distance
over - Upon examining the target it was
found that the balls had passed through the
facing ofwhite pine and penetrated their length
in the oak target, which showed greatforce. All
struck point first.
The weather was most favorable for this
practice, the day being perfectly calm. 20
Dahlgren concludes his report of N ovem
ber I by saying that:
The recoil is considerable, but no greater
than is to be expected from a piece so light
- We think it strongly recommends itself to
the test of the Naval service, but its present
length is only fit for boat service - To be used
in the field it should be made of sufficient
length to receive a bayonet. 21
On the first of February 1860, the Navy
requested carbines from the Maynard Arms
Company. Ten days later, George Riggs in
response to Captain Ingraham wrote:
I beg to inform You that the Maynard
Arms Company willfurnishfor the use of the


Navy, 50 Maynard Rifles with appendages and

similiar in all respects to those furnished to the
Treasury Department and upon the same
terms. 22
On February 13, Captain Ingraham ac
cepted Riggs' proposal for delivery of fifty
rifles (i.e. carbines) at $30 each plus the neces
sary appendages and five thousand loaded car
tridges at $27 per one thousand. On the 23rd of
February, the order was increased to sixty car
bines in order to take advantage of the fact that
they were customarily packed 20 in a crate and,
thus, three full crates would be delivered. The
carbines were sent to the Brooklyn Navy Yard
on March 3. The cost of this order came to
$2,154.74. In 1860 a few of the Maynard car
bines were issued to the Marines aboard the
U.S.S. Saratoga. 23
While the Maynard Arms Company was
busy delivering carbines to the Revenue Cutter
Service and having its carbine tested by Com
mander Dahlgren, Dr. Maynard was applying
for a patent to cover his design of attaching the
barrel to the frame by means of a "C" hook.
The patent, No. 26,364, for this improvement
in breech-loading firearms was granted on Decem
ber 6, 1859.
All first model Maynard carbines and
rifles are stamped on the left side of the frame
in three lines with:
and on the right side:
The patchbox was intended to hold extra
rolls of Maynard primers and is stamped on
the lid:
SEP 22 1845
MAY 27 1851
JUNE 17 1856.
On later production arms the SEP 221845
date was deleted. On some Maynards, an
orange paper label is pasted to the bottom of
the patch box. This label bears an eight line
patent credit. The Maynard was produced with
a variety of sights including the simple dove
tailed fixed sight used on the War Department


Civil War Carbines, Volume Il

carbines and the most common variety, a tang

mounted adjustable peep sight. The military
carbines are equipped with a swivel ring at
tached to the lower tang of the frame by means
of a "U" shaped bar riveted through the tang.
With the delivery of the 400 Maynard car
bines by April 1859, the majority were sent to
the St. Louis Arsenal for issue to the Cavalry.
On June 18, 1859, Fort Union Depot, New
Mexico was notified that 60 Maynard carbines
and 12,000 metallic cartridges were being sent
from the St. Louis Armory. They were to be
issued to the commanding officer of the Regi
ment of Mounted Rifles. 24 On July 14, Lieut
enant Colonel B.S. Roberts commanding the
Mounted Rifles wrote these glowing comments
to William Freeman at the Maynard Arms
I am sure the merits ofyour gun over all
other breech-loaders for mounted troops and
skirmishers, will be acknowledged. Its peculiar
advantages, in my estimation, are the motion
ofthe barrel, raising the breechfor loading, its
metallic cartridge, and the primer. The con
struction of the cartridge avoids windage and
fouling, and preserves the powder under all
circumstances. It seems to answer every end
that the soldier and sportsman could have
desired, or ingenuity devise and apply to
I have used your rifle at all distances
within the range ofany accuracy ofvision, and
its precision andpenetration surpass any expec
tation I had ever formed, as within the accomp
lishment ofsmall-arms. At 700 yards the pene
tration was two and a halfinches in a large oak.
It is discharged ten times per minute eas
ily, and with certainty ofsin, in skillful hands.
I cannot too strongly express my convic
tions, that for cavalry service, and for light
troops as skirmishers, the Maynard rifle is the
most destructive war weapon that has ever
been invented. 25
In late June 1859, Captain Eugene A.
Carr's Company "I" First U.S. Cavalry was
issued 83 Maynard carbines to replace the 1st
Model Burnside carbines which had been
issued in May 1858. By June 30, 1859, 143

Captain Eugene A. Carr of Company "I", lst U.S. Cavalry. This

photograph of Carr was taken after the Civil War. The lower
medal on his coat appears to be the Congressional Medal of
Honor which he was awarded for his actions at the Battle of
Elkhorn Tavern.
National Archives collection

Maynards had been issued to the Army. 26 In

the following year, an additional 100 May
nards were issued. 27 Most of these Maynards
went to Second Lieutenant Eli Long's Com
pany "H" 1st U.S. Cavalry in October 1859. 28
The Maynards were issued too late to see
service in 1859; however, they were on hand
when Company "H" and "I" left from Fort
Cobb on June 6, 1860 to operate against the
hostile Comanches and Kiowas of the Southern
Column. In early July, the 1st Cavalry came
upon a large band of Kiowas at Solomon's
Fork. In a skirmish with several hundred war
riors, 29 hostiles were reported killed but due
to the exhaustion of the cavalry horses a deci
sive battle was not possible. Six companies of
Lieutenant Colonel Roberts' Mounted Rifles
operated out of Fort Union, New Mexico
against the Indians but were also unsuccessful
in their operations. 29
Captain Carr, in a report written on
November4, 1860at Fort Washita, made these
observations on the Maynard carbine which
had then been in use in his company for the

The First Model Maynard Carbine




The military version of the First Model Maynard Carbine. The majority of these arms are found with 20" barrels in .50 caliber and are
equipped with a tang sight. In this case, both the tang sight and the simple military-style dovetailed fixed sight appear on the same arm.
This carbine is serial number 2668.
Author's collection

past year and a half:

In my opinion the Maynard Rifle is the
best breech loading arm that has yet been
introduced into the service, but there are some
objections to it which I will proceed to state.
1. It is too light - with afull charge the
shock is excessively severe on the shoulder and
the small allowance of metal about the Lock,
Lever, rings etc. render it impossible to make
those parts so strong as they should be; it is true
that the excellent material, and workmanship
ofthosefurnished me avoids that difficulty as
much as possible, but it still exists as witness
twelve guns hors du combat in the year; (This
number has been made as small as possible by
taking unbroken parts from one unserviceable
gun, and substituting them for broken parts in
another.) This difficulty will increase as the
number ofguns manufactured becomes larger
and manufacturers & artisans use less care.
2. It is sighted with too distant a point
blank for cavalry service. Sitting on a horse a
soldier cannot be expected to hit the size of a
man at a greater distance than 120 yards, and
my guns have to be aimed a foot and a half
below the spot intended to be struck, at that
3. The two turns in the tubefrom the cap
to the cartridge injure in my opinion the ignit
ingforce ofthe priming. I have had some, but, I
confess not many, cases of missing fire when
the priming exploded. 30
Captain Carr's report continues by stating
that the Maynard metallic cartridges were
superior to all other cartridges. While paper
cartridges broke up in the cartridge box in spite
of precautions being taken, his ammunition

was only expended in firing.31 It is interesting

to note that both Captain Carr and Lieutenant
Long became Major Generals in the Union
cavalry during the Civil War. For his action at
the Battle of Elkhorn Tavern, Carr was
a warded the Congressional Medal of Honor. 32
By Special Order No. 23 of February I,
1860, an ordnance board was assembled at the
Washington Arsenal for the trial of small arms.
The Maynard carbine was tested on March IS
and 16, 1860. Six Maynard carbines with tang
sights had been forwarded for testing by the
Maynard Arms Company on February IS. On
March IS, five men armed with these May
nards fired in both five shot volleys and as
skirmishers at ten foot square targets set at
ranges from one hundred to three hundred
yards. The results were:
100 yards / volley fire
300 yards / volley fire
500 yards/volley fire
100 yards / skirmishers
300 yards / skirmishers
500 yards / skirmishers

24 out of 25
16 out of 25
9 out of 25
24 out of 25
15 out of 25
II out of 25


On March 16, one Maynard carbine was

fired with deliberate aim from a rest at 100,300
and 500 yard distances. All ten shots struck the
target at 100 and 300 yards and 9 out of 10 at
500 yards. The overall opinion of the board
found that the Maynard ...
. . . is very compact and appears to afford
requisite strength to enable it to withstand the
rough use of the service; and from the great
facility of handling and loading it, and the


Civil War Carbines, Volume II

A very rare photograph oCa Union soldier armed with a 26" barrel First Model Maynard. So few Maynards were issued to Federal troops
that it would be easy to assume that this is a Confederate - were it not for the patriotic motifs on the pressed copper photograph
Richard F. Carlile collection

The First Model Maynard Carbines


A view of the priming mechanism of the Maynard carbine and rifle. With the door open we can see the roll of caps that constituted the
Maynard Tape Primer - another invention of Dr. Maynard's which had been adopted earlier by the government and incorporated into
the Model 1855 Rifle-Musket and a number of other arms.

rapidity and accuracy offiring at all ranges, the

board entertains the opinion that this arm
would be very serviceable for cavalry, or light
infantry acting in connection with other troops
armed with the musket and bayonet, and there
fore recommends it to be adopted, to a limited
extent, for afurther test, in active service on a
campaign. 33
At the outbreak of the Civil War, four
companies of the 1st U.S. Cavalry were ordered
to Missouri, including Captain Carr's Com
pany "I". At the Battle of Wilson Creek on
August 10, 1861, Captain Carr and his 56 men
armed with their Maynard carbines were at
tached to Colonel Sigel's command. At about
six o'clock on the morning of August 10, Cap
tain Carr had his men open fire with their
carbines on the Confederate camp to help dis
tract their attention from General Lyon's move
ments. After Sigel's attack was repulsed and
his men forced to retreat, Captain Carr's com
pany served as the rearguard. In this battle,
Company "I" had four men captured. 34
In addition to the 1st Cavalry, later desig
nated 4th U.S Cavalry, only the 9th Pennsyl

vania and 1st Wisconsin Cavalry were partially

armed during 1861-1863 with the 1st Model
Maynard carbine. 35 The reason so few May
nard carbines were issued to Union cavalry was
that on the night of January 28, 1861 the Mas
sachusetts Arms Company was destroyed by
fire. 36 As of December 31, 1862, the federal
arsenals and ordnance depots show that 64 of
the 400 carbines were in storage at:

1st Model Maynard Carbines 37

Stored In U.S. Arsenals and Depots
Report of Ordnance Stores
December 31, 1862

Frankford Arsenal
Leavenworth Arsenal
Ordnance Depot Nashville
Consolidated A.A.A. Depots
Ft. Union Ordnance Depot
Washington Arsenal

Service- Unserviceable





In early 1859 several Maynards were pur
chased by individual Southerners for sporting
purposes. Maynard cased sets were obtained by


Civil War Carbines, Volume 1I

A .50 caliber Maynard with a 26" barrel. 175 of these rifles, along with 325 of the 20" barrel carbines, were shipped to the State of
Mississippi in January of 1861.
Paul Davies collection

such notables as Wade Hampton of South

Carolina, Senator Robert Toombs of Georgia
and Vice President of the United States John
C. Breckinridge of Kentucky, all of whom later
became generals in the Confederate Army.
The election of Abraham Lincoln in N ovem
ber 1860 set the south in motion to arm them
selves. One month prior to Lincoln's election,
the Maynard Arms Company had sold only
about one thousand four hundred of their total
production of five thousand arms. The inven
tory of October 1 showed that they had three
hundred twenty-six second quality guns and
the following first class arms:

Maynard Arms Company 38

Inventory as of October 1, 1860


Barrel Length







and Jacob Thompson, entered into two con

tracts with the Maynard Arms Company for a
total of eight hundred Maynard patent arms
and appendages at a cost to the state of
$27,998.50. The first contract called for three
hundred twenty-five rifles with twenty inch
barrels (actually carbines) at $30each and one hundred
seventy-five rifles with twenty-six inch barrels
at $31.50 each. All five hundred arms were to
be in .50 caliber. The second contract called for
three hundred twenty inch barrel carbines in
.35 caliber plus one hundred rounds of loaded
cartridges per carbine. 39 The next day, Decem
ber 21, the State of Florida entered into an
agreement for one thousand carbines with
inch barrels in .35 caliber. 40


In the six months following the 1860 elec

tion, the Maynard Arms Company sold all of
their October 1, 1860 inventory, over ninety
percent being purchased by southern militia
companies which were being formed and by
the states of Mississippi, Florida and Georgia.
On December 20, 1860, the two U.S.
Senators from Mississippi, Jefferson Davis

An orderly sergeant of the "Bolivar Troop" - later Company

"H" of the 1st Mississippi Cavalry - see the opening of this
chapter for a remarkable second photograph of another member
of this unit.
Herb Peck collection

The First Model Maynard Carbine




Maynard Arms Co .
Maynard Arms Co.

Maynard Arms Co.






200 Carbines with appendages $30.00

200 Carbines with appendages $30.00
100 Carbines with appendages $30.00


100 Carbines with appendages $30.00


60 Carbines with appendages $30.00

660 Maynard Carbines

By the tenth of January 1861, the eight

hundred Maynards for Mississippi had been
packed in boxes and the company was await
ing shipping instructions. The Florida order
was more of a problem. These .35 caliber car
bines were equipped with only a tang sight, not
with the stud sight on the barrel or the "U"
shaped swivel ring on the lower tang of the
frame as ordered by Florida. The factory there
fore had to disassemble the carbines and add
the stud sight and swivel ring to the guns and
then reassemble them. This was not the only
problem. At about 11:30 p.m. on January 18,
the Massachusetts Arms Company factory was
destroyed by fire. However, all of the Maynard
guns in storage at the factory were saved from
the burning buildings by taking them out of the
second story windows. 41 Earlier in the month,
the Maynard Arms Company was notified that
arms which were being shipped to southern
states through New York City were being
stopped. Since Florida and Mississippi were to
pay freight charges from New York City, the
Maynard Arms Company took the precaution
to label each box with an "F" for Florida and
an "M" for Mississippi and had the arms sent
to themselves in Washington, D.C. After the
arms arrived in Washington, the Company
sent them forward to Mississippi and Florida.
The guns were shipped from the Massachusetts
Arms Company to New York City on January
21, 1861, and four days later, half of the ninety
three boxes marked "F" were shipped from
New York City and the remainder the follow
ing day. The cartridges for both orders were
also shipped in boxes labeled "F" and "M".


12/28/1857 (Army)
12/28/1857 (Army)
7/16/ 1859
(Treasury Dept.)
(Treasury Dept.)
2/23/1860 (Navy)

The first thirty thousand cartridges were sent

on January 29 with shipments continuing until
March 18. In addition to the one thousand car
bines delivered to Florida in January, thirty ad
ditional arms were sent on December 29, 1860. 42
The largest sales outlet for the Maynard fire
arms was the New York City firm ofW.J. Syms
& Bros. located at 300 Broadway. In the fall of
1860, Syms had their salesman in the south
soliciting orders for the Maynard and other
arms. In November the State of Georgia
inquired of Syms' salesman at what price
would they sell the state Maynard carbines.
The answer was $34 each. Finding this price
too high, Georgia instead ordered two thou
sand New Model 1859 brass mounted Sharps
carbines from the Sharps Rifle Manufacturing
Company at a cost of $25 each. Losing the
order because of the price, Syms requested that
the Maynard Arms Company allow them to
sell the Maynard at a reduced price, to which
the company agreed. The new price was set at
$30 each with appendages extra for all state
government orders and for militia companies
which ordered thirty or more guns. 43
On December 1,1860 the state legislature
of Georgia passed a resolution giving Gover
nor Joseph E. Brown the authority to purchase
two hundred fifty Maynard rifles with twenty
six inch barrels and seven hundred fifty twenty
inch barrel carbines for the defense of the coast
of Georgia. This order for one thousand .50
caliber Maynards was placed by Governor
Brown with Syms' salesman on December 18.

Civil War Carbines. Volume II





Maynard Arms Co . . 12/29/ 1860

Maynard Arms Co.


1/21 fl861
W.J. Syms & Bros.

1/ 5fl861



30 Carbines
(20" barrels/ .35 Cal.)
500 Carbines
(20" barrels/ .35 Cal.)
500 Carbines
(20" barrels/ .35 Cal.)
325 Carbines
(20" barrels/ .50 Cal.)
175 Rifles
(26" barrels/.50 Cal.)
300 Carbines
(20" barrels/.35 Cal.)
620 Carbines
(20" barrels/ .50 Cal.)
30 Carbines
(20" barrels/ .50 Cal.)

The order called for five hundred to be shipped

immediately and the balance as requested. It also
calJed for one hundred unloaded cartridges per
gun. When Syms requested the one thousand
guns from the Maynard Arms Company, they
were informed that the company could only fur
nish about six hundred fifty .50 caliber, twenty
inch barrel carbines and that no twenty-six inch
barrel rifles were available. Syms held out for at
least one hundred twenty-five twenty-six inch
barrel Maynard rifles; however, when they re
ceived six hundred twenty .50 caliber twenty inch
barrel carbines on January 5, 1861, they shipped
them forward by express freight at a cost of $77
of which Maynard Arms Company paid half. No
cartridge cases were sent until February II, 1861
when fifty thousand cases were shipped and all
were received for the six hundred twenty car
bines by March 15. Georgia made partial pay
ment of $15,000 on February 8 and paid the
balance by March for a total cost of $20,893.03
on the six hundred twenty carbines and appen
dages. In March Syms & Bros. sent an additional
thirty carbines to Georgia for a total procure
ment by the state of six hundred fifty carbines. 44
Between the period of October 1860 and
May 1861, W.J. Syms & Bros. sold about one
thousand seven hundred Maynards of which one
thousand six hundred were sent to their southern





customers. In addition to the six hundred fifty

purchased by the State of Georgia, as many as
eight hundred Maynard carbines appear to have
been purchased by militia companies in South
Carolina and Louisiana. As of November 24,
1860, T. W. Radcliff of Columbia, South Caro
lina requested thirty .50 caliber twenty inch bar
rel Maynard carbines,and several other militia
companies in Charleston and Columbia were
interested in purchasing Maynards. 45 During
this period, the Charleston, South Carolina firm
of H.F. Strohecker advertised Maynards for
sale. In December 1860, Syms' salesman arrived
in New Orleans where he found many customers
ready to purchase the Maynard carbine. In Jan
uary 1861 about sixty carbines were delivered to
New Orleans and a minimum of one hundred
sixteen were shipped there in March of 1861.
With the start of the war in April 1861,
Syms & Bros. appear to have turned their atten
tion to the border states of Kentucky and Ten
nessee and sold about one hundred sixty second
quality Maynard guns to such Louisville, Ken
tucky firms as Sparks and Gallagher and Tho
mas & Anderson. In the days prior to the war,
the Maynard Arms Company sold a few car
bines to various southern customers. On Decem
ber 12, 1860, fifteen carbines were sold to Cyrus
Bradley for individuals in Mississippi and Flor

The First Model Maynard Carbine

ida; and on January 15, 1861, a Colonel Mar
tin, possibly from North Carolina, purchased
ten guns . Also, General A.J. Gonzales of
South Carolina had orders for $3, 195.45 worth
of arms and appendages .46 In addition, a few
arms were purchased by individuals from Vir
ginia, North Carolina, Alabama and Texas.
By January 30, 1861, two hundred twenty
of the eight hundred Maynard arms had arrived
in eleven boxes at Jackson, Mississippi. From
March 15 to the end of June, seven hundred
twenty-five Maynards were issued with two
hundred of these arms being sent on loan to the
Confederate forces at Pensacola. The May
nard rifles - with twenty-six inch barrels in .50
caliber - were issued to the Mississippi Infan
try. Company "D" 9th Mississippi received 24,
Company "D" 14th Mississippi was issued
three, while Company "G" 15th Mississippi
Infantry had four. 47 The Maynard carbine was
issued to the 1st Mississippi cavalry . On March
16, 1861, Captain F.A. Montgomery's Com
pany "H" 1st Mississippi Cavalry was issued
sixty Maynard carbines and one thousand two
hundred cartridges. Three months later on
June 3, Company "H" was given an additional
forty Maynard carbines and three thousand
metallic cartridges. 48 When organized in the
summer of 1861 at Union City, Tennessee, the
entire 1st Mississippi Cavalry Batallion was
armed with the Maynard. 49 For part of the
war, the 1st Mississippi was under the com
mand of Nathan Bedford Forrest. It should be
noted that a few of Forrest's 3rd Tennessee
cavalry at Fort Donaldson in February 1862
were armed with Maynards.
The six hundred fifty .50 caliber twenty
inch barrel carbines purchased by the State of
Georgia were issued to elements of the 5th
Georgia and Cobbs Legion. Later, the 9th
Georgia Cavalry was partially armed with
Maynards. At the Battle of Gettysburg, Cobb's
Legion was part of Hampton's Brigade of Jeb
Stuart's Cavalry. In the cavalry battles of July
2-3, acting as skirmishers, they suffered twenty
one casualties of which eight were killed, six
wounded and seven missing. 50
The Union Navy captured the Confeder

ate iron-clad C.S .S. A tlanta off the coast of
GeorgiaonJune 17, 1863. Among the captured
items taken from the Confederate vessel were
thirty Maynard rifles, twenty-six wipers for
Maynard rifles and one box of two hundred
Maynard bullets. 51 The Maynard rifles cap
tured from the Confederate Navy were .50
caliber with twenty inch barrels from the
Georgia purchase.
As of March 22, 1861, Governor M.S.
Perry of Florida was able to notify the Secre
tary of War that he could arm the 1st Florida
Infantry with either U.S. muskets or Maynard
rifles. The Secretary of War chose the musket.
During 1862, parts of the 1st Florida Special
Battalion Infantry and 6th Florida Infantry
Battalion operating within the state were armed
with .35 caliber Maynard carbines. 52 In late
1862, these arms were transferred to the 2nd
Florida Cavalry. As of February 10, 1864,
parts of Companies "0", "E", "G" and "I" of
the 2nd Florida Cavalry were armed with a
total of about two hundred sixty .35 caliber
Maynard carbines with twenty inch barrels. 53
With the large numbers of Maynards in Con
federate service, the 1862 Confederate Field
Manual for officers on ordnance duty states:
Maynard's carbine has a fixed chamber.
There are two calibers in our service. Large size
caliber .52 inch. Small size caliber .36 inch.
Maynard's primer, attached to this carbine,
contains 60 primers in a row, on a tape or
ribbon ofpaper. A primer is moved under the
hammer by the act of cocking. The charge is
enclosed in a cylinder of sheet brass. 54
The manual gives the weight of the .52
caliber bullet as 345 grains with 55 grains of
powder while the .36 caliber bullet weighed 156
grains and used 35 grains of powder. 55 The
shortage of metallic cartridges was always a
problem in supplying ammunition to units in
the field . As of August 13, 1864 while the
Selma Arsenal had in inventory sixty-three
thousand Sharps cartridges, they had only
seven thousand one hundred caliber .52 car
tridges and six thousand caliber .37 Maynard
cartridges. 56
During the war, the following Confeder
ate Army and Navy units were partially armed
with Maynard rifles or carbines. 57


Civil War Carbines, Volume /l

A ConCederate soldier sports

his 20" barrel Maynard car
bine and, oddly enough, no
additional armament.
Richard F. Carlile collection

Iron-clad CSS Atlanta

3rd Tennessee Cavalry
2nd Florida Cavalry
I st Louisiana Cavalry
1st Florida Special Battalion-Infantry
II th Louisiana Infantry
6th Florida Special Battalion-Infantry
Cobb's Legion Cavalry
5th Georgia Cavalry
9th Georgia Cavalry
1st Mississippi Cavalry Battalion
4th Mississippi Cavalry
9th Mississippi Infantry
14th Mississippi Infantry
15th Mississippi Infantry
18th North Carolina Infantry
35th Virginia Cavalry Battalion
Waccamaw South Carolina Light Artillery
With all the Maynard arms sold by June
1861, the next several months saw only a few
spare parts being sold; therefore, in October
1861, the Maynard Arms Co. closed its doors.
Seeing the potential for greater financial suc
cess, Dr. Maynard bought out the other stock-

holders in 1862 and by early 1863 had entered

into an agreement with the Massachusetts
Arms Co., by now back in operation after the
January 1861 fire, to manufacture his standard
Civil War Model carbine. On June 8, 1863 the
Ordnance Department contracted with the
Massachusetts Arms Company for twenty
thousand of the standard Civil War pattern
Maynard carbines at a cost of$24.20 each with
deliveries made on this contract between June
22,1864 and May 19, 1865. 58
After the war, Navy records listed sixty
eight 1st Model Maynard carbines in storage
as late as December I, 1866. Forty-one of the
Maynards were at the New York Navy Yard
while the remaining twenty-seven were in stor
age at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. 59
The Massachusetts Arms Company con
tinued to manufacture the Maynard, eventu
ally as a conventional center-fire rifle, until
1890. Dr. Maynard's design had, therefore,
long outlived all of the other Civil War car
bines with the single exception of the Ballard
which ceased production one year later in 1891.

The First Model Maynard Carbine


IMay W. Goodwin. "Edward Maynard. D.D.S., M.D., M.S. and Inventor", NRA Gun Collecting Review. Vol. I, pp. 56-57.

2U.S. Patent Office. U.S. Patent No. 8.126 of May 27,1851.

JEdward A. Hull, The Burnside Breech Loading Carbines, Lincoln: 1986, p. 10.

4NARG 156-1001.


6U.S. Patent Office. U.S. Patent No. 22.565 I January 11, 1859.

'The Maynard Arms Co. Papers in the Smithsonian Collection.

8NARG 156-994.

9NARG 156-1012.

IONARG 156-152.
II Maynard Arms Co. Papers, op. cit.
12NARG 156-994.
IJNARG 156-6.
14NARG 156-3.
"NARG 156-152.
16Maynard Arms Co. Papers, op. cit.
I7NARG 74-22.
18Maynard Rifle Catalog, Washington: 1860, p. 9.
19NARG 74-145.
2lIbid .
22NARG 74-22.
2J Maynard Arms Co. Papers, op. cit.
24NARG 156-6.
2sThe Maynard Rifle Catalog, op. cit., pp. 5-6.
26Senate Executive Documents vol. 3, 36th Congress 1st Session, p. 1108.
2'Senate El(ecutive Documents vol. 2. 36th Congress 2nd Session, p. 970.
28NARG 156-1001.
29Robert M. Utley, Frontiersmen in Blue. The United States Army and the Indian 1848-1865. Lincoln: 1967, p. 139.
JONARG 156-1001.
JI [bid.
32Ezra J. Warner. Generals in Blue. Baton Rouge: 1964, pp. 70, 283-4.
llNARG 156-1012.
J40. R.s vol. 3 Series I, pp. 89-90.
3S Frederick P . Todd, American Military Equipage 1851-1872. Volume II, State Forces, Chatham Squire Press, [nc., 1983, pp. 1137 and
J6The Springfield Daily Republican. Monday, January 21 , 1861.
J7NARG 156-101.
J8Maynard Arms Co. Papers, op. cit.
J9 Howard M. Madaus, The Maynard Rifle and Carbine in the Confederate Service. American Society of Arms Collectors Bulletin, p. 68.
4Maynard Arms Co. Papers.
47 Howard M. Madaus, op. cit., p. 68.
48Ibid. p. 72.
"Wayne Austerman, "Maynard", Civil War Times Illustrated. Apri11986, p. 43.
soO. R.s Vol. 27 Series I, Part II, p. 345.
SI Navy O.R.s vol. 14, Series I, pp. 278-279.
HHoward M. Madaus, op. cit., pp. 69-70.
BO.R.s vol. 35, Series I, Part 1, pp. 582-585.
S4 The Field Manual for the Use of the Officers on Ordnance Duty. Richmond, 1862. p. 53.
ss Ibid, p. 74.
s60.R.s Series I. vol. 39, Part 2, pp. 774-775.
S7See Footnotes #35, pp. 738 & 941; #39, pp. 68-70; #49. pp. 43-44; #51; and William A. Turner, Even More Confederate Faces. Orange,
1983, p. 172.
s8John D. McAulay, Carbines of the Civil War 1861-1865. Union City: 198[, pp. 54-56.
s9House Exc. Doc. 16-2, 39th Congress (Dec 31,1866), pp. 17 and 24.




Brown, S.E. Jr., The Guns of Harpers Ferry, Berrysville:
Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, New York: 1956.
Cleveland, H.W .S. , Hints To Rifleman, New York: 1864.
Drawings of Metallic Cartridges as made at the Frankford
Arsenal 1860 to 1873 for Military Service and For Experi
ment, Washington: 1873.
Document No. 35, Appendix"A" Issues from Richmond
Armory from April I to June 13. 1861. Richmond: 1861.
Dyer, F .H ., A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion,
Dayton: 1978.
Edwards, W.B., Civil War Guns, Harrisburg: 1962.
Executive Document, State of Ohio: 1862.
Executive Document No. 16-2. 39th Congress, December
31, 1866.
Executive Document No. 99, 40th Congress. 2nd Session,

Field Manualfor the Use ofthe Officers on Ordnance Duty,

Richmond: 1862.
Flayderman, N., Flayderman's Guide to Antique American
Firearms and their Values, Northfield: 1983.
Freeman, D.S. , R.E. Lee Volume I of4, New York: 1962.
Fuller, CE., The Breech-Loader in the Service 1816-1917,
New Milford : 1965.

Huntington. R.E., Halls Breechloaders, York: 1972.

Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War - Congres

sional Serial Set No. 1142: 1862.

Lewis, Col. B.R. , Notes on Ammunition of the American

Civil War, Washington: 1959.

Maynard Arms Co. - Papers in the Smithsonian Collection.

The Maynard Rifle Catalog, Washington: 1860.

McAulay, John D ., Carbines of the Civil War 1861-1865,

Union City: 1981.

... Civil War Breech Loading Rifles, Lincoln: 1987.

Mitchell, J .I., Colt, the Man, the Arms, the Company,

Harrisburg: 1959.
Official Records of the Rebellion, GPO: 1891 ARMY
Official Records of the Rebellion, GPO: 1927 NAVY
Pitman, Brig. Gen. J., Breech-Loading Carbines of the
United States Civil War Period, Tacoma: 1987.

Reilly, R.M., United States Military Small Arms 18/6

1865, Baton Rouge: 1970.

Rodenbough, T.F., The Army of the United States, New

York: 1896.

Roe, A.S., The Fifth Massachusetts Infantry, Boston: 1911.

Rywell, M., Sharps Rifles - The Gun That Shaped Ameri

can Destiny, Union City: 1957.
Sawicki, J .A., Cavalry Regiments ofthe US. Army, Dumf

ries: 1985.

Sellers. F . Sharps Firearms, North Hollywood: 1978.

. .. The Rifled Musket, New York: 1958.

. . . . . Springfield Shoulder Arms 1795-1865, New
Serven. J.E. Colt Firearms From 1836, La Habra: 1972.
York: 1969.
The Springfield Daily Republican, Monday, January 21,

Fuller, CE. and Stuart, R.D., Firearms ofthe Confederacy,


Huntington: 1944.
Research Service, Serial Numbers of U. S. Mar
Garavaglia, L.A. and Worman, CG., Firearms of the

tial Arms Volume 2, Dover: 1986.

American West 1803-/865, Albuquerque: 1984.

Swayze, N.L., 51 Colt Navies, Yazoo City: 1967.

Gardner, Col. R.E., Small Arms Makers: 1963.

Hard, M.D., History of the Eighth Cavalry Regiment l/Ii

Todd. F.P ., American Military Equipage 1851-1872, New

nois Volunteers, Dayton: 1984.

York: 1980.
Heitman, F .B., Historical Register and Dictionary of the
... American Military Equipage 1851-1872 Vol. II State

United States Army From Its Organization September 29,

Forces. Chatham Square Press, Inc.: 1983.

1789 to March 2, 1903, Washington: 1903.

Thomas, D.S., Ready Aim Fire, Biglerville: 1981.

Hicks, J.E. , u.s. Military Firearms, Alhambra: 1962.

Turner. W.A.. Even More Confederate Faces, Orange:

Higginson, T.W., Massachusetts in the Army and Navy

During the War /86/-1865, Boston: 1895.

Utley, R.M., Frontiersmen In Blue, The U.S. Army and the

Hopkins, R.E. , Military Sharps Rifles & Carbines Vol. I,

Indians 1848-1865, Lincoln: 1967.

San Jose: 1967.

Warner. E.J . Generals In Gray, Baton Rouge: 1959.

Hull, E.A., The Burnside Breech Loading Carbines: Lin

coln: 1986.

. . . Generals In Blue, Baton Rouge: 1964.



Records of the Bureau of Ordnance

Record Group 74

Section 3. Letters Sent to Navy yards and Stations 1842


Section 5. Misc. Letters Sent 1842-83.

Section 6. Letters and Telegrams Sent 1861-1911.

1858 Senate Ex. Doc. No.3. 35th Congo 2nd Sess.

1859 Senate Ex. Doc. No.2, 36th Congo 1st Sess.
1860 Senate Ex . Doc. No. I, 36th Congo 2nd Sess.
Austerman, W.R ., This Indifferent Arm The Model 1847
Springfield Musketoon, Arms Gazerte. August 1980.

Section 22. Misc. Letters Received 1842-84.

... , Virginia Cavalcade. Winter 1985.

Section 145. Correspondence Regarding The Examina

tions of Inventions 1851-80.

... , Maynard, Civil War Times Illustrated. April 1986.

Section 157. Record of Contracts 1842-62.

Albaugh, W.A. 1lI, Union Armament in the Civil War,

North SOUlh Trader. March i April 1975.

Section 158. Record of Accounts Approved For Payment


Arnold , R.E., The Jenks Breechloaders, Man At Arms.

Nov / Dec 1980.

Record of the Chief of Ordnance

Record Group 156

Fairbain, e.J . and Patterson, e.M ., Captain Hall, Inven

tor, The Gun Report. October and November 1959.

Section 20. Registers of Letters Received 1827-89.

Section 101. Quarterly Statements of Ordnance on Hand
at Arsenals and Depots 1862-63.

Section 108. Inventories of Ordnance as of October 24,


Section 118. Ordnance issued to the Militia 1816-1904.

Section 125. Sales of Ordnance at Depots and Arsenals


Garavaglia. L.A. and Worman, e.G ., Search For a Breech

Loading Carbine, The American Rifleman. August 1977.

Goodwin, M .W., Edward Maynard D .D .S., M.D., M .A.

and Inventor, NRA Collecting Review, Vol. 1.

Hull, E.A ., Perry Carbine, Man At Arms. March / April


Lustyik, A.F., The Breechloaders of James Durrell Greene,

The Gun Report, November/ December 1971 and January


Section 139. Statements of Expenditures, Contracts and

Payments and Balances under various Appropriations,

1850-61 .

. .. , The Jenks Carbine, The Gun Report. July / August /

Sept. / Nov. 1964.

Section 152. Statements of Accounts for Contractors 1817


. .. , The Joslyn Carbine, The Gun Report. Sept. and Oct.


Section 164. Accounts Sent to the Second Auditor 1861

79 .

... , The Symmes Carbine, The Gun Report. May 1970.

Section 215. Abstracts of Army Officers Reports on Small

Arms 1863-64.

... , The Birth of the U.S. Model 1855 Pistol Carbine, The
Gun Report, May 1975.

Section 994. Correspondence Relating to Inventions 1812


Section 100 I. Correspondence and Reports Relating to

Ex periments 1818-70.
Section 1012. Reports and Correspondence of Ordnance
Boards 1827-70.
Annual Reports of the Chief of Ordnance

.. . , The Schroeder Carbine, The Gun Report. Oct. 1963.

. Madaus, H .M ., The Maynard Rifle and Carbine in the

Confederate Service, American Society of Arms Collectors

McAulay, J .D ., The Green Rifle, The Gun Report, Febru
ary 1981.

... , Breech Loading Carbines for Lincoln's Cavalry, The

Gun Report. April 1980.

1843 Senate Doc. No. I, 28th Congo 1st Sess.

... , Arming the Union Cavalry at Gettysburg, The Gun

Report. September 1980.

1847 Senate Ex. Doc. ;\/0. I, 30th Congo 1st Sess.

... , Galvanized Rebels, 1986 Annual Guns and Ammo.

1842 Senate Doc. No . I, 27th Congo 3d. Sess.

J 850 Senate Ex. Doc. No. I, 31 st Congo 2nd Sess.

1853 Senate Ex . Doc. No.3, 33rd Congo 1st Sess.

Singelyn, T.E . and Hickox, R .G., The Model 1847 Ames

Sappers Musketoon Bayonet, Man At Arms. January!

February 1983.

1855 Senate Ex. Doc. No. I, 34th Congo 1st Sess.

1856 Senate Ex . Doc. No. 5, 34th Congo 3rd Sess.


1857 House Ex. Doc. No.2, 35th Congo 1st Sess.

United States Patent Office, Washington, D.C.

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