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#'Contrasting facts and ideas

'! opener



Look at the photo. How popular is women's soccer in your

country? Are there other sports which more men than
women play? Are there sports which more women than
men play?

rs t

a man' allxe?r' asks


Mexico's star woman soccer ptayer, Maribel Dominguez, is

known as "Marigol" because she scores so often-46 goals in
49 internationaI matches. But life isn't, and hasn't been, easy
for her in a man's world-soccer.

to ptay when she was nine years otd on

waste[and near her new home in Mexico City. But she pLayed
with boys. The short-haired new arrival was soon accqpted
MaribeL started

into the group of boys. They catted her Mario'

"I trjcked them for years," MaribeI confesses. "They onty

found out I wasn't a boy when they saw my picture in the
paper. I'd got into a junior national team. They went to my
house and asked if I was a girl". They were pretty shocked"'
Maribel was 20 when she joined the Mexican national team
and played in the Women's World Cup in the U.S. in 1999'
The team lost a[[ their matches, but MaribeI was soon ptaying
for a professionaI women's team in Atlanta in the u'S' Then


came the 2004 Athens Olympics and the Mexican women's

team reached the quarter-finats, whi[e the men's team were

knocked out in the first round. By now Maribet was famous

and atso Lucky that she had escaped serious injuries.


"MaribeL realty is very, very good," says Nora Henera, one

of a few women soccerjournaLjsts in Mexico. "She has an
incredible nose for a goat, she can sme[[ it, and she's fast
and courageous, and surprisingty strong too."

ffi in

ZOOs MaribeL shocked

the Mexican soccer wortd byjoining

a second-division ctub catted Celaya. which was [ooking for

a centre forward. It was a men's c[ub. The Mexican Soccer
Association said it had no problem with her ptaying in
a male team, but they had to ask FIFA, the world soccer
organization. Just before Christmas 2005 FIFA announced its
decision: "There must be a clear separation between men's
and women's soccer." In other words, no!

"I just wanted to be given the chance to try," said Maribet. "If
I trad faiLed, I woutd have been the first to say that I coutdn't
do it. But at least ] wou[d have tried." So Maribel moved to

to ptay professional women's soccer for Barcelona'

World Cup and another

0Lympics. Then she wants to start a soccer schooI for gir|,s'
She's saving money for it, but women soccer players are paid
much much less than men. In Mexico Maribel got $1000 a
month, whereas a top male ptayer got $100,000. "To ptay in

ffi Her dream is to pLay in another

one of those competitions feets fabutous. It's the best thing

for a woman. The very best. WeLL, for a femaLe soccer ptayer
it's the best thing that can happen. For a man, maybe earning
a miLtion dottars a month is better. I don't know."


' :.e 'ls it a man's game?' asks Marigoland match these
cs with the paragraphs.

FIFA says that boys and girls can play soccer together until
they are 13. but after that there must be separate male
and female teams. Do you agree? And why are male
soccer players paid so much more than female players?


:. Crscove- A review The future

1 jurprise decision Her career Introducing Marigol
:. neu, continent Early days

ln what other areas of life do men and women have

different opportunities and pay? Think about sports.
education, and jobs. Discuss your ideas with other

-d the highlighted words in the text which mean:


-,i.oman adl
,<rvs that he/she has done something wrong
series of games in a competition n

man adj
unused open ground n
last four games between eight players or teams in


competition n
put out of a competition after losing a game


Write three paragraphs contrasting the situations

of men and women in your country. ls it easier to be
a man or a woman-what are the advantages and


brave adj

:, ::i.1

group of teams who play against each other n

We can use uzhereas or while to contrast two facts or

ideas. Find an example of each in the text.


l. i i rr.-


a large piece of paper.

eyery time,you leave your room.

a week, take the paper down, and rnake a nerr",
uord map lor anorher ropic.
.:: You can save the papers for last-minute review.

Read and complete as much of the text as you can

for Maribel. Then listen and take notes so you can
complete the text for Hanna as well.


Word creation: make adjectives ending in -ous from

these nouns and complete the sentences.

Both Maribel Dominguez and Hanna Ljungberg are

t . Maribel has scored 2 goals in

international matches, whereas Hanna has scored
goals in s internationals. Maribel started
playing u,hen she was 6 , while
Hanna started when she was 7

courage danger infection luxury

nerve poison space superstition



Maribel.oined rhe \lexican rcam

when she was B . w-hereas Hanna
joined the Swedish ream when she
was 9 . Maribel played in the
lo World Cup in the U.S.,


Hanna 1I . Maribel


serrous -, ^F
injurie'. while Hanna
has tJ been injured -}'-,f


Make a u,ord map of a group of words or phrases you

want to rer.iew for exampie, words about a sport, on


naoa rot or

l:, Hang the piece of paper on your door and look at it



Thinklng skills: reviewing groups of words or phrases

Linking words: whereas and white



Shc\ ver)
nor afraid of anyrhing
The hotel was reaill,
never stal,ed
anlnvhere as nice.
It's not safe-in fact it's really _.
People who believe in magic are often
My cold's geming better-I don't think I,m _
All soccer players get _
before a game.
The room is very
can hold up to fifty people.
Those mushrooms are-it
so you mustn,t eat them.

10 Phras*book

soccer players, and

both were asked to


Find these useful expressions in Unit 5. Then Iisten and


Neither did.

I wish I hadn't forgotten... you needn't worry.

I don't know why. And that's it.

Now listen and

What could have happened?

check your answers.

She really is very, very


Hanna Ljungberg,
Ume lK, Sweden

good. In orher words...

just wanted to be given the chance.

Now write a six-line dialogue using at least three of

these expressions.

lllil'tommliiiatin, Aetiit
Student A page 107



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