Modulating Control (System Description)
Modulating Control (System Description)
Modulating Control (System Description)
3.3. Control System
3.3.1. Generals of C60 Software
Author: R J McDermott
INTRODUCTION ..... ..... ........ . .......
UNIT MASTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Coordinated Controls - Introduction
Required Output Computation
Operating Modes
Runback System
Pressure Set Point
Governor Control
Firing Rate Demand
STEAM TEMPERATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Main Steam Temperature
Reheat Steam Temperature
Toshiba descriptive literature for C60 controllers and 870 computing and
display system.
Black & Veatch International Project 14383 Bang Pakong Thermal Plant
Unit 3 Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams.
Refer to Sheet 17. This system applies to dual drives which control auxiliary
plant with less than 100% capacity where both drives are normally in automatic
[e.g.FD fans]. A bias setter allows changes to the relative loading; these changes
are introduced gradually by using a delay function. Each drive has ~ separate
auto-manual sub-window. Loop gain is constant for one or two drives in
automatic. If one drive is auto and the other manual, the auto drive compensates
for manual operation of the other. For example, increasing the manual drive
output will decrease the auto drive the same amount without waiting for a
change in the controlled process.
The average control drive position is used for controller tracking. Feedforward
signals, if used, are added to the controller output. It follows that, in tracking
mode, the feedforward must be subtracted from the tracking input to the
Refer Sheet 18. This system applies to dual drives operated from a single automanual sub-window; it follows that both drives must be in automatic or manual ..
These usually operate in the "split-control" configuration [e.g.Auxiliary St.ea.m
Pressure]. The controller tracks the common manual demand signal to the two
Refer to Sheet 18. This system applies to dual 100% capacity drives which have
individual auto-manual subwindows. Only one is permitted to be in automatic;
the other is available as a standby. With both drives in manual, the controller
tracks drive A unless drive B is selected to auto. A short time delay on "B Auto"
ensures that the tracking signal from B is established before transfer to auto
takes place.
Refer to Sheet 19. This system is used for configurations of more than two drives
where any number may be in automatic [e.g. Condensate Pumps]. Loop gain is
kept constant by modifying the controller error to be inversely proportional to the
number of drives in automatic.
The controller output tracks the first drive to be selected to automatic. [Default
is drive A.] A short time delay before transferring to automatic operation
ensures that the tracking signal is established. The track signal to the
remaining drives on manual comprises the controller output plus the difference
between the controller output and the actual position. The difference signal is
transferred via the "track" input of an integrator. After selection to automatic,
this difference signal at the integrator output is connected in reverse to the
integrator input and slowly decays to zero. This decay is slower than the
response of the control loop so disturbance to the process is minimal.
For a simple cascade loop, the primary controller tracks the secondary controller
process variable when not auto. This forces the secondary controller error to zero
for bumpless transfer.
Tracking signals for cascade controls must include the reverse of any calculations
applied to the forward path. For example, feedforward signals added to the
primary controller output must be subtracted from the track signal. Similarly,
multipliers become divisors and the inverse of any function generators in the
primary controller output path must be applied to the track signal. Because of
these complications, the tracking system for each cascade control is fully shown
on the appropriate functional diagram.
All process transmitters used for modulating control functions are checked by the
Transmitter Deviation System. H an abnormal measurement condition is
detected, all dependent control loops are tripped to manual control. There are
three transmitter configurations: single measurement, dual measurement and
2. ")
triple measurement. The details are shown on Sheets _.21, ..2-3 and 24. These
details apply to all relevant applications. The functional diagrams for specific
applications show only a simplified version comprising signal comparison and
resulting input to the auto permit logic.
Transmitter deviations which affect fuel, air or governor control trip the
coordinated control system to Manual mode as well as tripping the directly
affected loop. The coordinated loops are also monitored by the fuel-air deviation
system, refer to Section 5.3.
Refer Sheet 21. In this case, the signal is checked to ensure that it is within the
normal range with a tolerance of 5%. If it outside this range, an alarm is
initiated and any control loops significantly affected by this signal are
transferred to NOT AUTO status.
Refer Sheet 23. The dual measurements are compared and, if they disagree by
more than a preset amount [typically 3%], an alarm is initiated and affected
loops are transferred to Not Auto status. The individual measurements are also
checked for in range, if outside by more than 5% an alarm is initiated.
A CRT subwindow is provided for each transmitter pair. This enables the
operator to monitor each input and select one of the pair for control. Logic
prevents selection of an out-of-range transmitter. H a deviation occurs, the
operator selects the good transmitter and disables the logic signal which trips the
relevant control loops. An alarm reminds the operator that the monitor is
Refer Sheet 25. The median value for the three signals is derived. If any of the
three disagree with the median an alarm is initiated and the relevant controls
are tripped to Not Auto status. The individual inputs are also checked for inrange, if outside by more than 5% an alarm is initiated.
A CRT sub-window is provided for each triple measurement. This enables the
operator to monitor all inputs and select the median or any one of the three
inputs. Logic prevents the selection of an out-of-range transmitter. If a
deviation occurs, the operator selects a good transmitter and disables the control
trip. An alarm reminds the operator that the trip is disabled.
Et = Main and reheat steam to turbine
Ef = Fuel to boiler
Ew =Feedwater to boiler
Es'= Change in boiler stored energy
Er =Cold reheat steam to boiler
=Boiler losses
For small to moderate load changes it can be assumed that Ew, Er and Eb are
proportional to boiler output. Simplifying (i):
Et =K(Ef- Es')
When boiler and turbine are in balance, the rate of stored energy change is zero;
i.e. Es' = 0 [Pressure steady].
Turbine input Et is controlled by the turbine throttle valve through the governor
and Ef is controlled by varying the firing rate. Es' is a function of the prevailing
out of balance between boiler and turbine. At higher loads and pressures, the
steady state stored energy increases and additional fuel is needed until the
required level is reached. The converse is true for falling loads. Temporary overfiring or under-firing is required to accommodate this.
The coordinated control system keeps the balance between boiler and turbine
over the normal load range, accommodates stored energy requirements, controls
pressure and temperature and ensures that the unit is kept within auxiliary
plant limitations.
The Unit Master Display [CRT] provides the following facilities and indications
on sub-windows:
Refer to Sheets 26 and 27 in conjunction with the following text. The target load
is either set locally by the plant operator [Master Display Subwindow 1] or
controlled from the Automatic Dispatch System [ADS]. When in ADS mode,
incoming raise/lower pulses are integrated by the ADS Servo to form the target
load signal. {A facility for an alternative analog ADS target is provided; a
software switch enables the appropriate signal to be selected.} The ADS target is
prevented from moving faster than the current rate-of-change setting. This
feature ensures immediate response to reversals in ADS demand.
The Target Load is subjected to various limiting actions on magnitude and rateof-change to form the REQUffiED OUTPUT. [RO] This signal is the basic
demand for fuel, air and turbine governor.
The target is constrained by the maximum and minimum limit settings. These
are mainly used to keep ADS control within current plant capability. The target
load is also limited to the capacity of the auxiliary plant in service [Target
Maximum]. When the unit is tripped, the minimum limit is set to zero.
The target load tracks a load index when the coordinated loops are not in one of
the automatic modes. If MAN or BI mode is pre-selected, target load tracks fuel
flow. IfBF or CO mode is pre-selected, target load tracks unit MW output. The
selected signal provides a reference for system balancing when changing to an
automatic mode.
Changes in the target load are subjected to a rate-of-change limiting as set by the
operator. This operator selected rate will be over-ridden if it is higher than the
current turbine rate limit setting. If a load runback is required because of an
auxiliary plant trip, a fast runback rate will be selected [See Section 3.4]. A fast
rate is also selected when RO tracking is required.
A further constraint on Required Output [RO] is imposed by the Unit Capability
Monitor. This checks the process deviation for the major flow loops [fuel, air,
governor, feedwater and condensate]. Should the deviation exceed a certain
threshold value, the RO is blocked from moving in a direction which would
increase the error. This feature prevents mismatch of flow loops caused by poor
transient response and limiting or failure of regulating devices.
If the process deviations persist for longer than a preset time, the Required
Output is adjusted up or down so as to eliminate the deviation. This is called
Runup-Rundown action.
Under steady state conditions with system frequency at 50Hz, the Required
Output normally equals Target Load as set by the operator or ADS, provided that
there are no plant limitations. When the system frequency deviates from 50Hz,
the turbine governor takes corrective action by increasing or decreasing load to
contribute to the frequency regulation of the interconnected power system. The
required output must reflect this adjustment otherwise the controls would see a
generation error and remove the unit's contribution. The frequency bias
component of RO models the governor action from frequency deviations. Tuning
setter AOl is adjusted as a function of governor droop setting. [A nominal 4%
droop would produce 30MW/0.1Hz at rated pressure of 170 Bar.]
Steam Flow
F D Fans
Blade Pitch
I D Fans
Figure 3.2
Propagation of R 0 Signal to Flow Control Loops
The Required Output forms the basic demand for fuel, air and governor as well
as providing the load index for pressure set point computation. The required
output is propagated indirectly to provide a feedforward demand signal to
furnace pressure, feedwater and condensate controls. This is shown in block
diagram form on Figure 3.2
The required boiler-turbine balance can be achieved in several ways. The control
system provides a choice of operating strategies for the co-ordination of the
turbine governor, which sets the energy demand rate, and the boiler fuel/air
inputs, which provide the required rate of energy production to match the
demand. These different methods of operation are called SYSTEM MODES.
Refer to sheets 35 and 38.
Coordinated [CO]
In this mode the boiler inputs and the turbine governor respond to the Required
Output signal [RO]. This is either set by the operator or the automatic despatch
system [refer Section 3.2]. Steady state boiler/turbine co-ordination is achieved
by the use of the common RO signal to set boiler inputs and turbine demand.
Refer to Fig. 3.3.1.
The Required Output to fuel and air is modified by dynamic compensation
signals which provide for the ensuing changes in stored energy when load and/or
pressure are changed.
This is effected by overfiring or underfiring as
appropriate. Any residual unbalance is reflected by pressure changes as stored
energy accomodates the unbalance. The RO to fuel and air is modified by a
pressure controller to eliminate pressure deviations.
The Required Output also provides the basic demand to the governor controller
which regulates turbine energy input. The RO signal is modified by the MW
controller so as to achieve the required steady state MW output.
The Coordinated Mode is the normal method of operation.
Target Load
Auxiliary Plant
....-...--Flow Deviations
Frequency Bias
Deviation Block
Excess Air
Governor Control
Fuel Control 3.3.1
Coordinated Mode
Air Control
Turbine Demand
Excess Air
Frequency Bias
Deviation Block
Governor Control
Fuel Control
(Auto Optional)
Figure 3.3.2
Boiler Follow Mode
Air Control
This mode allows for co ordination of boiler-turbine control with or without the
governor on automatic. The coordinating signal is provided by throttle valve
pressure ratio compensated for pressure set point [Pl!Pt*Ps]; this forms the basic
demand to fuel and air, replacing Required Output. Refer to Fig. 3.3.2. Dynamic
feedforward and pressure correction are provided as in Coordinated Mode. The
governor, if selected to automatic, controls MW from the RO signal as for CO
mode. Capability limiting is also effective when the governor is on auto.
The boiler follow mode allows for responsive control when the governor
unavailable for auto operation. [Manual control ofMW.]
Boiler energy input (fuel and air) is determined by Required Output [3.2] only.
Frequency bias compensation to RO is not applied in this mode. Dynamic
compensation and pressure correction are not applied to boiler inputs. Refer to
Fig. 3.3.3
The turbine governor, if selected to auto, controls pressure before the throttle
valve by regulating the throttle valve position. The turbine thus follows boiler
input energy and maintains the set pressure. The resulting MW will be
approximately equal to RO, depending on fuel heating value calibration.
If the governor is not auto and the throttle valve is fixed, the steady state turbine
output will follow boiler input energy, the MW will be approximately equal to RO
and the pressure will be proportional to RO. Pressure can be modified by
changing the throttle valve position manually. This will cause temporary
disturbance to MW and steam temperature.
The Base Input-Turbine Follow mode is used when stable boiler operation is
required. If a runback occurs in CO or BF mode, control mode is automatically
transferred to BI mode.
Manual [MAN]
Governor manual and fuel manual; air auto (optionally). The target load tracks
fuel flow to provide RO initial status proportional to boiler output. [The rate
setter is by-passed.] With air on auto, the air demand thus follows fuel flow.
Manual mode is normally used at sta.r t up and synchronizing until stable firing
conditions are achieved.
Ope rat or
Sett ings-
Target Load
Plant Max
Run back
"'------Flow Deviation
Deviation Block
Excess Air
Governor Control
Fuel Control
(Auto Optional)
Figure 3.3.3
Base Input Mode
Air Control
Control system faults such as transmitter deviation will trip the selected mode to
manual with air also manual.
Mode Selection
Fuel and governor control can only have auto status if one of the three automatic
modes is operative. The term "Auto Permit" refers to pre-conditions which must
be satisfied prior to automatic operation. The permissives which must be
satisfied for each mode before auto operation is enabled are:
Coordinated [CO]
Not Manual mode * FW on Auto * Steam Temperature on Auto * Air Auto
Permit *Fuel Auto Permit* Governor Auto Permit * CO selected.
Manual [MAN]
No permits. [Air Auto optional.]
Following the selection of a mode, the process deviations for fuel, air and
governor loops are forced to zero to ensure bumpless transfer. A back-calculation
produces a tracking signal which is used to initialize the appropriate upper level
controllers [Pressure, Oxygen, MW] at values which force the fuel, air and
governor demand signals to be equal and opposite to the prevailing process
variable. [Refer to Section 1 "Tracking and Initialization."]
The system logic checks that permissives are met and that deviations for fuel, air
and governor are approximately zero for 5 seconds before "Mode Auto" status is
implemented. This is to ensure tracking is complete and bumpless transfer
ensues. After balance check, Mode Auto status allows pre-selected coordinated
loops (fuel, air, governor) to go to auto status. If a mode permit is lost, auto
control is suspended and an alarm initiated.
Refer to Sheet 29. The auxiliary plant capacity is computed from in-service
status and plant rating for each type of auxiliary. For example, one motor driven
feed pump plus one turbine driven feed pump would provide a nominal capacity
of 450 MW. The system selects the lowest calculated value from feed pumps,
circulation pumps, condensate pumps, FD fans and ID fans as the auxiliary plant
capacity. The required output computation selects the lower of this value and the
target load setting [Refer 3.3]. Tuning setters A02 to AlO allow the nominal
maximum output for each type of auxiliary to be set.
The appropriate fast Runback-Rate is selected if a runback is required to match
Required Output to plant capacity following an auxiliary trip. The requirement
for runback action is determined by Target Maximum being less than the
prevailing Required Output. [Sheet 26]. When this occurs, the controls are
transferred to BI mode prior to runback action being initiated.
Each auxiliary plant group has a preset runback rate. The selected rate is
determined by the group which limits the unit capacity to less than the
prevailing required output. For example, consider the case mentioned in the
previous paragraph at a load of 430 MW if the motor driven pump trips. The
pump capacity is now 360 MW and the target load will reduce to this value. The
runback system will select the pump runback rate which overrides the operator
rate setting until the required output decreases to 360 MW. In the case of a
multiple trip, the system will choose the lowest target and the highest rate.
It should be noted that if an auxiliary trip results in a maximum target greater
than the prevailing required output then no action results. This would be the
case in the above example if the load was 300 MW before the pump trip. Tuning
setters All to A14 provide the runback rates for each auxiliary type.
Refer to Sheet 32. The required output [RO] is used as the load index for
development of the set point for sliding pressure operation as determined by the
turbine manufacturer. A function generator [F(x)-04] computes the pressure set
point from the prevailing RO. Tuning setter Al9 allows for adjustment of the
maximum pressure.
If sliding pressure mode is not selected, the fixed pressure set point is set at the
master display. Sliding pressure operation is available in CO and BF modes
only. The fixed pressure set point tracks actual pressure when in sliding
pressure or if an automatic mode not selected. On transfer to BI mode the
pressure set point is held at the pressure existing at transfer.
The rate of change of pressure set point is limited. The limit [% per min] is set by
tuning setter A23.
Refer to Sheet 35. The RO forms the basic demand signal to the governor
system. The action of the modifying controllers for 'MW and pressure as well as
the process feedback depend on the selected operating mode; [See below].
The governor controller output is subject to directional blocking from pressure
deviations. If the pressure is greater than set point by a preset amount, then the
governor is prevented from decreasing. Likewise, increase is blocked on low
pressure deviation.
The governor controller output is transmitted via the auto/manual subwindow to
a pulse converter. This compares the controller output with the calculated
throttle valve position [Pl!Pt] and generates raise or lower pulses. The
raise/lower pulses are integrated by the turbine governor system to form the load
The governor controls are operated differently depending on whether coordinated, boiler follow or base input-turbine follow mode is selected. [Refer
Section 3.2 for discussion on mode selection.]
Co-ordinated Mode:
3. 7
Refer to Sheet 38. The basic firing rate demand computation is dependent on the
current operating mode. This demand is transmitted in parallel to the air and
fuel control sub-loops.
Co-ordinated Mode
In this mode, the governor is required to be on automatic controlling MW
to equal the prevailing Required Output [RO] signal. The basic firing
rate demand is also equal to Required Output. To this is added the
following modifiers:
RO Rate
This compensates for the change in boiler stored energy at different load
levels. The component of firing rate to accomodate stored energy change
is proportional to both the firing rate demand and the rate of change of
firing rate demand. The amount of RO Rate feedforward is set by tuning
setter A25.
Pressure Rate
This compensates for the change in stored energy due to different boiler
pressures. The component of firing rate to accomodate pressure changes
is proportional to the rate of change of pressure set point. This
component is introduced in sliding pressure mode only. The amount of
Pressure Rate feedforward is set by tuning setter A26.
Combustion air is supplied by two axial-flow forced draft [FD] fans. The fan
output is controlled by varying the pitch angle of the fan impeller blades. Refer
to Sheets 41-50 for analog logic and Sheets 432-436 for digital logic for the air
flow control system. The FD fans operate in balanced draft configuration with
the ID fans. [Section 6].
The measurement systems for combustion air flow, flue gas oxygen [02], and
carbon monoxide [CO] are shown on Sheets 41 and 44. For 02 and CO
measurements, selecting Sensor 1 actually selects the average of 1 and 2,
provided that there is no transmitter deviation condition. This arrangement
provides a more representative measurement. The air flow is measured by
summing the flows through the two FD fans. The measurements are
compensated for air density from the air temperature. A triple measurement
system with median selection is provided [Section 2.3]. Tuning setter A28
calibrates the selected signal against the air demand.
The measurement systems for flue gas oxygen, carbon monoxide and combustion
air are shown on Sheets 41 and 44. For oxygen and carbon monoxide, selecting
Sensor 1 selects the average provided that there is no transmitter deviation.
This gives a more representitive reading. The air flow is measured by summing
the flows through each of the two FD fans. A triple measurement system with
median selection is provided. Tuning setter A28 calibrates the selected signal
against the air demand [4.2].
The firing rate demand forms the basic demand for air flow. [Sheet 50.] This
signal is subject to the following modifiers:
The purpose of this function is to ensure that the air flow is always in
excess of requirements when the firing rate is being changed. The
lead/lag function accomodates the different transient response
characteristics of the fuel and air systems. For firing rate demand
increases, a "lead" signal is applied when a positive rate of change is
detected. This forces a higher rate of change to the air demand.
Conversely, for firing rate demand decreases, the air demand is subject to
"lag". This delays the reduction of the air demand relative to the fuel.
The air demand is subject to a minimum limit [normally 30%] and a fuel
cross limit. The cross limit prevents a serious deficiency of air for the
current fuel flow. Setter A27 is adjusted to ensure this limit action does
not affect normal operation.
The resulting control signal is the Air Demand. The selected air flow signal is
subtracted from the demand to form the air error to the air flow controller. A
high air error blocks further increase in RO. The error must be initialized to
within +-2% of zero before air auto is permitted.
The amount of excess air can be determined by measuring the oxygen [02] in flue
gas. A function generator [Fx-13] calculates the base oxygen set point as a
function of firing demand; this function is based on boiler performance data. The
carbon monoxide [CO] concentration is used to determine the optimum excess air
for maximum boiler efficiency. The desired CO level is maintained by the CO
The computed base oxygen set point is corrected by the CO controller output.
This correction signal is limited to +-2% 02. The base set point plus correction is
the oxygen set point.
The desired percentage of excess air is calculated from the 02 set point by
function generator F(x)-15. The percent excess air multiplied by the firing rate
demand calculates the absolute amount of excess air. This is then added to the
basic air demand as a feedforward.
In order to obtain the exact oxygen content, the desired oxygen concentration is
compared with the measured value and the resulting error is applied to the
oxygen controller.
The controller output trims the excess air demand
feedforward to obtain the required value of oxygen. The 02 trim signal is limited
to +-3%.
The Air Flow Controller positions the pitch angle control drives so as to reduce
the air flow error to zero. The control drives have auto/manual selection, position
bias and equalizing control. Tuning setter A29 adjusts the amount of direct
demand feedforward to the air control drives. The operation of the dual drive
configuration [Type A] is described in Section 1.1.
Air flow control pre-selected to automatic is a required auto permit for CO, BF
and BI control system modes [Section 3.3]. The air flow may be selected to
automatic in Manual mode; the basic demand is derived from total fuel flow.
[Refer Sheet 26]. This method is normally only used at start-up to stabilize air
flow at 30%. It is a prerequisite that furnace pressure is on automatic before
auto air flow control is permitted.
If the air controller is not auto, the oxygen controller tracks a back calculation
that forces the air error to zero. [Refer to Section 1.5.] The back calculation
includes the inverse of F(x)-15. This ensures bumpless transfer when air control
is transferred to automatic. To facilitate this initialization, the oxygen controller
output must be available to the air demand computation when air is not auto.
The manual adjustment of the oxygen trim signal is therefore only permitted
Axial flow fans can "stall" under certain operating situations. This condition is a
function of the fan blade angle and air velocity through the fan. It can occur if a
fan is operated at high head and low flow. This situation can be caused by
restrictions in the flow path or by unbalanced parallel operation of two fans.
Stalling causes severe vibrations to the fan and ducting and a sharp drop in fan
Sheet 46 shows the system provided to warn the operator that operation is close
to stall point. The volumetric flow is calculated for each fan and a function
generator calculates the maximum safe pressure for the prevailing flow. This
calculated value is compared to the actual pressure and an alarm is initiated if it
is higher than the maximum safe value.
Flue gas from the furnace is used to heat the incoming combustion air in two
rotary regenerative air heaters. To avoid plugging and corrosion from sulphur
products, it is essential to operate the cold end of the heaters above the acid dewpoint temperature. The heater cold end temperature is defined as the average of
the air inlet temperature and the flue gas outlet temperature.
The cold end temperature is controlled by pre-heating the air from the FD fans
with hot water from the deaerator. Water to the two heat exchangers is supplied
by three pumps. Two valves associated with each heater control the relative
amounts of water returning to the deaerator and recirculating through the
pumps. The water flow is relatively constant, its temperature is determined by
the proportion of hot water from the deaerator to recycled water. The two valves
work from a common signal but in opposite directions.
The cold end temperature is calculated from the average of three thermocouples
for each measurement as shown on Sheet 171. This is compared to the
temperature set point and the resulting error is applied to the cold end
temperature controller, [Sheet 175]. The controller output positions control
drives; for low cold end temperature the proportion of recycled water is
decreased, the water temperature increases which increases the amount of
combustion air preheat. The opposite occurs for high cold end temperature.
Auto/manual selection and set point adjustment is made at the appropriate CRT
After leaving the air heaters, the combustion air is distributed to the furnace
from the furnace windbox through windbox air dampers. These dampers are of
two types; Auxiliary Air Dampers and Fuel Air Dampers. Refer to Sheets 121127 and 521-530.
The Auxiliary Air Dampers are controlled to maintain the required differential
pressure from the windbox to the furnace. The differential pressure set point is
computed from steam flow by function generator F(x)-44. The auxiliary air is
admitted above and below the active burners. The controlled pressure ensures
adequate air velocity.
The selection of which elevations are active is executed by the burner
management system. A single controller and associated auto/manual station
operates all elevations of dampers.
The Fuel Air Dampers control the flow of air around each burner. The opening is
calculated as a function of burner pressure; F(x)-42 for fuel gas and F(x)-43 for
fuel oil. The selection for gas or oil is made by the burner management system.
The dampers for idle elevations are closed by the BMS.
Elevation 1 is arranged to permit firing of single burners. all other elevations
require a minimum of two [opposite] burners. Warm up oil is fired on elevation
1. When warm-up oil is used, the elevation 1 damper opening is fixed by tuning
setter A70.
Refer to Sheets 53 - 62 for analog signals and Sheets 440 - 444 for digital logic.
The boiler can produce rated output firing natural gas or fuel oil or combinations
of both fuels. Dual100% capacity control valves are provided for both fuels.
Gas Flow
Dual, 100% capacity metering systems are provided for gas flow; under
normal conditions only one system is in service. Each metering system
comprises a flow orifice, dual differential pressure transmitters, a
pressure transmitter and dual temperature transmitters. A tuning setter
A52 allows site adjustment of the specific gravity. From these inputs the
volumetric flow is calculated at standard conditions [273.18 deg Kelvin,
1.0133 Bar Abs]. Tuning setter A48 calibrates the gas flow to match the
firing rate demand in per unit values.
The main [heavy] fuel oil flow is calculated from fuel oil to burners (+),
return oil from burners (-) and warm up oil (+). The signals are modified
to a common scale before the c6mputation and tuning setter A49
calibrates the total to equivalent per unit mass flow. The ignitor [light]
oil flow is also metered and converted to mass flow by A47.
The three fuel measurements; gas, main oil and ignitor oil, are converted to
equivalent heat flow by tuning setters A38, A39 and A37. These setters provide
the facility to adjust for changes in fuel heating values. Ignitor oil is added to
fuel oil to give total oil heat flow. Gas heat flow is added to the oil to give total
fuel heat flow.
The fuel demand is computed by the coordinated control system from required
output [CO or BI modes] or turbine demand [BF mode]. Refer to Section 3.7,
Firing Rate Demand. The fuel demand is cross limited with the metered air flow,
the lower being selected. This is to prevent significant mismatch between air and
fuel. [Fuel demand>> air flow.] Tuning setter A30 adjusts the air flow signal so
that it is normally not selected.
The fuel demand is apportioned to gas and oil fuel according to the Oil Ratio
setting by the operator. The oil demand is calculated from fuel demand times the
ratio setting. The gas demand is calculated from total fuel demand less the oil
Combined Firing
When combination firing is being used, both fuels may be on automatic control or
one fuel on auto and the other on manual. The control system accomodates all
configurations of automatic operation. Transfer from one configuration to
another is bumpless.
In this case the non-fired fuel flow will be zero and the oil ratio set ter tracking
will run to either zero (oil off) or 100% (oil on). The fired fuel receives the total
fuel demand.
There is a separate controller for gas and oil fuel. Dual 100% valves are provided
for each fuel; only one of the pair is permitted on automatic at the same time.
[Refer Section 1.3]. The controller output position the selected gas and oil control
The gas flow and oil flow errors are modified if necessary to hold the pressures
between required high and low limits; in accordance with NFPA 85B and 85D.
Tuning setters A34, A35, A36 and A41 set the minimum and maximum header
Firing conditions which lead to a situation where there is insufficient air to bum
the fuel are potentially hazardous. This condition can be caused by incorrect
manual operation of fuel and air or control system faults. An independent
control system supervises the fuel-air ratio. Two levels of abnormal fuel-air ratio
are detected; "Fuel High" and "Fuel Very High". The Fuel High condition, after a
short delay, trips the coordinated controls to Manual mode and independently
trips both fuel and air to manual. If further deviation occurs, the Fuel Very High
condition initiates fuel firing rate cutback. The cutback action continues until
the Fuel High condition resets. Refer to Sheet 586 for logic.
The supply of combustion air and the removal of the products of combustion is
carried out by the forced draft and induced draft fans working in balanced draft
configuration. The work is shared between the two sets of fans. The pressure
inside the furnace is controlled to be slightly negative at all loads; this ensures
the designed balance between FD and ID fans is maintained. It also prevents the
leakage of extremely hot furnace gases to the boiler external area through casing
and duct leaks.
Changes in both FD and ID fan output affect both air flow and furnace pressure;
however it is now standard practice to control air flow primarily by the FD fans
and furnace pressure by the ID fans. This is in accordance with the NFPA code.
To minimize furnace pressure deviations on load changes, the ID fans output
follows the FD fans and the furnace pressure control trims the residual
unbalance by further adjustment of the ID fans output. In effect, the air flow is
controlled by both FD and ID fans in parallel. This is true also when the FD fans
are in manual, provided that the ID fans are auto.
The ID fans at Bang Pakong 3 & 4 can be regulated by either changing the fan
speed through a variable speed coupling or by inlet damper control [refer 6.1,
6.2]. A triple measurement system as described in Section 2.3 is used for the
measurement of furnace pressure. The control logic for the furnace pressure
control is shown on Sheets 109- 117 [analog] and 513- 517 [digital].
The variable speed feature of the ID fans enables the fan to operate nearer to
optimum conditions over a wide load range which reduces losses and
consequently improves efficiency. The response of speed control is somewhat
slower than the FD fan blade pitch control because of the need to change the
rotational inertia. The inlet dampers are used as the controlling device for
furnace pressure because of the better transient response.
The ID fan speed PID controller follows a set point computed from the total FD
fan pitch position demand by the function generator F(x)-40. The process
feedback for the speed control loop is the total ID fan speed regulator control
drive demand. The total ID fan speed thus tracks the total FD fan blade pitch
and maintains balanced operation.
The two ID fan control drives are arranged in as dual drives, type A as described
in Section 1.1. Demand feedforward direct to the control drives is adjusted by
tuning setter A51. This improves transient response. The ID fan variable speed
couplings are controlled by a local loop which adjusts ID fan speed to match the
speed demand from the DCIS.
The final furnace pressure is controlled by the ID fan inlet dampers. The ID fan
speed is controlled to a value which places the inlet dampers at a steady state
opening of about 60% over the normal load range with two-fan operation. On a
load change, the ID fan speed tracks the FD fans and the ID damper controls
correct furnace pressure transients.
The median furnace pressure signal is compared to the operator set point and the
error is attenuated for small deviations by function generator F(x)-39. [Furnace
pressure signals tend to be very noisy.] This has same effect as reducing PID
controller gain and prevents unnecessary controller action and wear to
mechanical components. For larger deviations, the error is not attenuated. The
controller is reverse acting.
Feedforward from the difference between total FD pitch position and total ID fan
speed demand is applied. Normally this calculation produces zero feedforward;
the exception being when the speed control is on manual or operating in the flat
part of the speed demand function generator. The amount of feedforward is
adjusted by tuning setter A50. The damper control drives are in dual
configuration, type A, as described in Section 1.1.
The control system includes the following protective features against implosions
in accordance with NFPA Code 85G:
A Master Fuel trip [MFf] initiates an override which reduces the ID fan
inlet vanes to a preset proportion of its prevailing value. The override
then decays over a number of seconds and allows furnace pressure control
to resume. Tuning setter A90 adjusts the proportional transient
reduction applied to the inlet dampers control drives when MFT occurs.
The override is effective in both manual and automatic control.
... : ...
. ,..........i'
Figure 71 MainSteam
7 .1.1
Feedforward Signals
The basic feedforward to each system is a calculated set point for desuperheater
outlet temperature [inner loop] for the prevailing load. This set point represents
the expected steady state value for sliding pressure operation with gas firing and
includes the expected amount of gas recirculation and excess air. The
feedforward is added to the primary controller output; the controller modifies the
feedforward to achieve the required outlet temperature. Other feedforwards are
added to compensate for dynamic conditions and different operating conditions,
such as fixed pressure.
Drum Pressure
Air Flow
Gas Recirculation
The amount of gas recirculation varies from the predicted value because
of factors such as furnace fouling. The difference between actual and
calculated gas recirculation generates a feedforward signal. Increasing
gas recirculation increases the steam temperature; the feedforward
decreases the desuperheater outlet set point.
Tuning setter A61
calibrates the feedforward signal.
The steam temperature in each of the two links from the secondary superheater
outlet header has its own control system. There are four desuperheaters between
the primary and secondary superheaters. Each of the two secondary superheater
outlet temperature controllers operate in cascade configuration with the
associated pair of desuperheater spray controllers which regulate desuperheater
outlet temperature. The arrangement is shown on Fig. 7.1.2. The outlet links
make a cross-over; hence Link A temperature is controlled by desuperheaters
C and D and Link B is controlled by A and B, [Refer Fig. 7.1].
The secondary superheater outlet controllers set point is calculated as a function
of steam flow [F(x)-36]. The calculated set point may be replaced by an operator
setting. The common set point is compared with each of the two secondary outlet
temperatures and the resulting error is applied to the appropriate controller.
Each controller output modifies the feedforward signal [7 .1.1] to form the set
points to the spray controllers. The feedforward comprises the basic set point
computed by F(x)-14 and the dynamic components set by tuning setter A66.
The setpoint to the spray controllers is auctioneered against the calculated
saturation temperature [F(x)-33] plus margin, the higher being selected.
Each desuperheater is equipped with two 100% capacity spray valves. Only one
valve is permitted on automatic operation at the same time. Refer Section 1.3,
Type B-2.
The steam temperature from each of the two tertiary [final] superheater outlets
has its own control system. There are two desuperheaters between the secondary
and final superheaters. Each of the two final superheater outlet temperature
controllers operate in cascade configurat-ion with the associated desuperheater
spray controllers which regulate desuperheater outlet temperature.
arrangement is shown in simplified form on Fig. 7.1.3.
I -~
IMP ,.....--2-A..ILD-SH-...,
The final superheater outlet temperature is set by the operator. The common set
point is compared to each of the two final outlet temperatures and the resulting
error is applied to the appropriate controller. The controller output modifies the
feedforward signal [7 .1.1] to form the set points to the spray controllers. The
feedforward comprises the basic set point computed by F(x)-20 and the dynamic
components set by tuning setter A67.
The set point to the spray controllers is auctioneered against the calculated
saturation temperature [F(x)-34] plus margin, the higher being selected.
Each desuperheater is equipped with two 100% capacity spray valves. Only one
valve is permitted on automatic operation at the same time. Refer Section 1.3,
Type B-2.
Gas Recirculation
7 .2.2
Reheat Sprays
The reheat spray controller set point is the GR Fan set point with a bias added.
Under normal operation, the spray controller sees a low temperature and holds
the valves closed. If the temperature increases above the set point by an 8.Iilount
greater than the bias, the spray controller becomes active. The bias is removed if
the GR Fans are not auto.
The spray valves are in two pairs; each pair is configured as Type B-2, Section
Burner Tilts
The burner tilt position follows a load program developed by F (x)-41. This
program is modified by F(x)-45 when oil is fired, the modifier being proportional
to the oil ratio.
There are two oil heating systems, each with its own control system. Refer to
sheets 133, 135, 533, 535. The base set point for the fuel oil temperature
controller is set manually and is biased by the fuel oil viscosity controller. The
bias range is limited to +1-5 deg. The temperature is controlled by regulating the
flow of heating steam to the oil heater. A feedforward signal proportional to the
oil flow is added to the temperature controller output. tuning setter A 71
calibrates the feedforward signal.
The fuel oil pressure is maintained by recirculating oil from the fuel oil pumps
discharge header back to the storage tanks. Refer to sheets 139 and 539. Two
parallel control valves are operated in split control configuration from a single
controller and subwindow, Type B-1, Section 1.1. The control is reverse acting;
increasing pressure causes the valves to open.
Steam is available to the oil heaters from two sources; IP extraction to deaerator
and cold reheat. The oil heater steam pressure controller regulates the
extraction steam and cold reheat pressure control valves in split control
configuration to maintain the set value. Refer Sheets 143, 543 and Section 1.1
type B-1.
The fuel oil pressure from the transfer pumps is maintained by recirculating oil
from the transfer pumps discharge header back to the storage tanks. Refer to
sheets 147 and 547. Two parallel control valves are operated in split control
configuration from a single controller and subwindow, Type B-1, Section 1.1. The
control is reverse acting; increasing pressure causes the valves to open.
Boiler feedwater is supplied from a pumping system comprising two 60% capacity
turbine driven pumps and two 15% motor driven pumps. Control of pump output
is by varying pump speed. The pump turbines are equipped with variable speed
governors and the constant speed motors are connected to their pumps by a
variable speed hydraulic coupling.
The motor driven pumps are normally used for start up and low load operation.
Because of the differing capacities and response characteristics, the controls only
permit one type of pump to be on automatic operation at the same time. Refer to
Sheets 65 - 75 [analog] and 448 - 468 [digital].
Process Measurements
The three measurements required for the system are steam flow, feedwater flow
and drum level.
Steam Flow
Feedwater Flow
Drum Level
Triple redundant drum level transmitters are provided at each end of the
boiler drum [refer Section 2.3]. The median is selected from each set and
the average calculated to form the process variable feedback to the drum
level controller.
The drum level measurements are compensated for the effect of water
and steam densities. The densities are computed from the prevailing
steam pressure. The compensations are executed in functions F(x)-21 to
The feedwater flow error is applied to the motor driven pump controller if one or
both are selected to automatic operation. The controller output forms the
position demand to the two control drives for the hydraulic couplings. These
drives are arranged in a modified form of Type A [Section L ll
Feedwater pumps will only deliver water to the drum when the pumping head is
sufficient to overcome the drum pressure and the system friction losses.
Function generator F(x)-2 calculates the minimum pumping speed from drum
pressure and adds this to the speed controller output. The controller output is
therefore always effective and the loop gain is independent of pressure. The
control drive equalizing, biasing and tracking system recognizes only speed
demands above the pumping threshold. A pump placed on auto will run up to the
minimum pumping speed if it is below this value.
The feedwater flow error is applied to the turbine driven pump controller if one
or both are selected to automatic operation. The controller output forms the
speed demand to the two turbine speed governors. These outputs are arranged in
a modified form of Type A [Section 1.1].
The mjnimum speed feature is applied similar to the motor pumps as described
in the preceding section [9.1.2]. The minimum pumping speed for the turbine
pumps is computed by F(x)-03. The manual speed demand outputs to the
governors track the governor internal speed reference until the permit for remote
auto mode is given by the governor logic.
Feedpumps require a minimum flow to avoid overheating. When the demand for
feed water is low, the required flow is maintained by recirculating sufficient
feedwater back to the deaerator. The total pump flow is the sum of the flows to
the HP heaters and the recirculated flow. The control systems for feedpump
minimum flow is shown on Sheets 334, 340 [analog] and Sheets 734 - 743
The setpoints for minimum flow is fixed and cannot be changed by the operator.
Manual operation of the recirculation control valves is not permitted; if manual is
selected, the relevant recirculation control valve goes to the fully open position.
This prevents pump damage from incorrect operation.
The recirculation control valves can be subject to high pressure drops. Operating
them at small openings for extended periods can cause "wire-drawing" damage to
the valve trim. The control system adds a minimum flow bias to the set point
when the valve position demand is greater than zero. The bias is removed when
the valve flow is less than the minimum flow bias.
Under normal pump operating conditions the pump flow exceeds the minimum.
The integral action of the recirculation flow controllers then holds the valves
The condensate system comprises the condenser, three condensate pumps, gland
condenser, LP heaters, deaerator storage tank and the condensate storage tank.
Condensate is pumped from the condenser through the gland condenser and
heaters to the deaerator tank. The dearator tank level is controlled by regulation
the incoming condensate flow rate. The condenser level is maintained by
transfer of condensate to or from the condensate storage tank.
The deaerator level controls are shown on Sheets 105,109 [analog] and 501- 510
[digital]. A three element cascade control system is provided. The flow from the
deaerator tank to the feedpumps is the basic demand to the condensate flow
controller. This demand is corrected by the deaerator level controller. The
deaerator level measured by triple-redundant transmitters with median
selection. [Refer section 2.3.] Tuning setter A89 calibrates the feedwater flow
signal against the corresponding condensate flow.
The output of the three condensate pumps is regulated by pump speed using
hydraulic couplings. The three control drives are configured as Type C, as
described in Section 1.4. The flow controller matches the incoming flow to the
outgoing flow to the feedpumps. Any imbalance creates a level error. The level
controller continuously calibrates the demand from feedwater flow and maintains
the level set point.
A minimum condensate pressure is required to maintain the suction head for the
boiler feed pumps seal water pumps. Low condensate pressure overrides the flow
error. This prevents the condensate pumps from falling below the speed required
to maintain sufficient suction head to the seal pumps. [This override only
operates at start up; the condensate pressure is more than adequate under
normal operating conditions.]
The deaerator water temperature is measured at two points and averaged. The
deaerator temperature controller maintains the temperature of the water by
regulating the flow of auxiliary steam to the deaerator sparging nozzle header.
Under normal operating conditions, the temperature is maintained by the flow of
extraction steam to the deaerator-heater and the auxiliary steam control valve is
closed by controller integral action. [Refer to Sheets 325, 725.]
The condenser hot well receives the condensed steam from the LP turbine stages.
The condensate inflow is proportional to unit load, less losses such as continuous
blowdown and leaks. The outflow is controlled by the deaerator level control and
is proportional to unit load. The condenser and deaerator levels are interactive
and respond in opposite directions to condensate pump speed changes.
The condenser level is controlled by exchanging water with the condensate
storage tank which acts as a buffer. Refer to Sheets 265 [analog] and 665
[digital]. If the level is below the set point, water is added to the condenser via
the normal and emergency make up valves in split control configuration. If the
level is high, water is diverted to the condensate storage tank from the
condensate pumps discharge through the dump valve; this causes a reduction in
flow to the deaerator which is compensated by increased pump speed and
consequent lowering of the condenser level.
Separate controllers are provided for the make up and dump valves. To avoid
interaction, the controllers are arranged for proportional action only. At zero
error, all valves are closed. For high level, the dump valve opens; for low level,
the make up valve opens. Under steady load conditions, the make up valve will
normally be open to compensate for system losses. The condell5at.e Bt.orage Lank
The feed heating system comprises three high pressure heaters [8, 7 ,6], a contact
heater-deaerator [5], three low pressure heaters [4,3,2], a pair of condenser neck
LP heaters [lA,lB] and an LP drains tank. The HP heater drains cascade to the
deaerator and the LP heaters cascade to the LP drains tank. LP drains are
returned to the condensate system ahead of LP2 by a pair of LP drains pumps. A
pair of HP drains pumps lifts drains from HP6 to the deaerator at reduced loads
when there is insufficient head from the extraction steam pressure at HP6.
The following description applies to LP2, LP3, LP4, HP6, HP7 and HP8. Refer to
Sheets 283- 313.
Each heater is fitted with a normal cascade drains control valve and an
alternative emergency drain to the condenser. The normal and emergency valves
have separate level controllers and transmitters; the set point of the emergency
controller is set slightly higher than the normal controller. [The controllers are
reverse acting, increasing level opens the valve.] Under normal conditions, the
level is controlled by the normal valve to its set point and the emergency valve is
held closed by controller integral action. [The emergency controller sees a low
level.] If the normal controller fails to keep its set point and the level approaches
the emergency set point, the emergency controller becomes active and regulates
to its own set point. The emergency controller level transmitter output is
reversed; transmitter failure to zero is interpreted as a high level.
The level set points are fixed and no manual control facilities are provided.
These loops are in automatic mode at all times.
The LP drains tank level is controlled by regulating the flow from the two LP
drains pumps to the condensate system. Two parallel valves are provided, these
are operated sequentially in split-control configuration from a single controller.
The controller is reverse acting. Refer to Sheet 279.
No manual operating facilities are provided, the loop is in automatic mode at all
times. A transient "close" signal is added to the valve position demand when a
second pump is started; this is to avoid draining the tank.
The pump recirculation system ensures that there is sufficient flow to avoid
overheating of the pumps under low load conditions.
Refer to Sheets
273,673,676. The total flow from the two pumps is used by F(x)-70 to compute
the required valve opening. If two pumps are running the flow signal is halved.
On decreasing flow, the recirculation valves are ramped open once the flow is
lower than the minimum threshold.
No manual regulating facility is provided.
position if manual is selected.
The HP drains pumps lift the drains from HP6 to the deaerator when insufficient
pressure differential exists. The recirculation system ensures that there is
sufficient flow through the pumps at all times so as to prevent overheating.
Refer to Sheets 385, 785.
If the flow falls below the set value, the recirculation valve controller opens the
valve and regulates the flow at the required minimum. The recirculated flow is
returned to the HP6 heater drains cooling section. The flow transmitter
measures the total flow; if two pumps are in service, the flow signal is halved.
The resulting signal approximates single pump flow.
A guidance message advises the operator to shut down the pumps when the
pressure differential is sufficient. When both pumps are off, the recirculation
valve is closed by external logic. No manual control facility is provided. If
manual is selected, the valve goes to the fully open position.
Starting from a low load condition, the turbine glands sealing steam pressure is
obtained from main steam. As load increases, the cold reheat pressure increases.
When sufficient pressure is available, the steam source transfers to cold reheat
and the main steam control valve will close. At higher loads, there is sufficient
leakage through the glands for the HP glands to be self sealing. At his point, the
cold reheat valve also closes and the pressure is regulated by two spillover
valves. These dump sufficient leakage steam to drop the pressure to the required
value. The steam is directed first to LP Heater 1A extraction steam and then, if
the pressure continues to rise, to the condenser. Refer to Sheet 217.
The cold reheat and main steam valves operate as pair from a single controller in
split control configuration; cold reheat valve leading. The spillover control valves
also work as a split control pair from a single controller [reverse acting]; the LP2
valve leads. No manual control or auto/manual selection facilities are provided
for the four valves. The system is always in auto mode.
The auxiliary steam is supplied from the tertiary superheater inlet header.
Alternative supply is available from cross-ties to Units 2 and 4. Refer to Sheets
The pressure is controlled by two parallel pressure regulating valves. The
pressure controller output operates the valves sequentially in split-control
configuration. A single subwindow is provided for operator interface to both
Atomizing Steam Pressure
Ignitor Gas Pressure
Generator Hydrogen Temperature
Turbine Lube Oil Temperature
Ignitor Oil Supply Pressure
Warm Up Oil Pressure
Continuous Blowdown Tank Level
Main Steam Warm Up Temperature
Mise drains Receiver Level
Ignitor Air Windbox/Furnace DP
Closed Circuit CW Differential Press
EHC Cooling Water Collecting Tank Level
BFP Steam Supply Pressure
BFP Seal Water Temperature
Sootblower Steam Pressure
M-BFP Seal Water Drain Tank Level
CW Pump Motor Bearing Water Press