1 ‘The General Preparation Phase of a College 100 meter Sprinter
A brief analysis and training program
Sprinting is an activity that depends on the coordination of both nerves and
muscles, and on the ability of the central nervous system to eliminate as many braking
and friction movements as possible, Mechanically, sprinting is not a complex skill.
Neurologically speaking, sprinting is complex sequence of firing by motor neurons to
activate the muscles to move the human lever system in onder to effectively apply force.
A sprinter’s performance is mainly determined by the force and speed with which
muscles can contract and relax and, because of the cyclic motion, the correct timing of
the change from contraction (force application) to relaxation. (USATF 1999,
‘Schmolinsky 1983, Pfaff 2001).
This paper will focus on a 12 week general preparation phase (also known as pre~
season, fall training, ete.) for a 100 meter sprinter. The program is targeted for a
Division- college level. ‘The program is based on the assumption that the athlete is
starting with some form of fitness before beginning the program (ie. running, soccer,
basketball) in other words, the athlete is assumed to NOT be totally untrained, Due to the
volume of information needed to explain a complete general preparation program, some
information will be given but not explained. Such os the weight training program (an
entirely separate paper), warm-ups and sprint drills, specific plyometric exercises,
specific general strength exercise, specific medicine ball exercises, ete. Before
claborating on the 12 week program the requirements (performance, biomechanical, and
athlete characteristics) of the 100 meter sprint need to be defined.w
Performance factors in sprinting
The sprinter’s goal is to develop the highest possible horizontal velocity. For elite
sprinters, this velocity is developed over the course of 43-46 strides (men) and 47-52
strides (women) that makes up the 100m race. A stride consists of a support and a
recovery phase. The sprinter’s horizontal propulsion is only produced during the support
phase. The support leg applies force against the ground in a backward-downward
direction (the “action”) and the ground “reaction” results in the horizontal propulsion in a
forward-upward direction.
There is only a little time available for the sprinter to apply force during the
support phase. At the point of maximum velocity, the foot is only on the ground 0.08-
0.09 s during the support phase. Thus, the sprinter must be able to effectively apply force
during this short time period to maintain horizontal velocity. This alone highlights the
necessity of sprinters having the ability to apply large amounts of force in a very short
time period (ie. be powerful).
Mathematically, sprinting velocity is the product of stride length and stride
frequency. These two factors interact in the 100 meters: after they have reached a certain
point following a phase of mutually inereasing (within the first 50m) an increase in either
parameter will result in a corresponding decrease in the other (i.e. if the sprinter increases
is stride length after 50m then the stride rate must decrease and vice versa). This point
in the race depends on many factors (body type, power production, training status, fatigue
Ievel, etc.) and is individual to each athlete, So there is an optimal stride length and
frequency for each athlete.Biomechanical factors in the 100m sprint
Each sprint is fundamentally divided into different phases:
1. The reaction phase at the start
2. The acceleration phase (increase in speed)
3. ‘The phase of maximum speed (constant speed)
4, The deceleration phase (decreasing speed)
5. The finish
During the reaction phase the sprinter uses the resistance of the starting blocks to
initially accelerate from a complete rest position. An explosive force production of the
legs in a very short time is vital for a successful start. After the start signal the sprinter
‘must develop horizontal forces reaching up to 1.5 times body weight in less than 0.4
seconds. The reaction time (the time between the start signal to the fitst movement of the
sprinter) is of relatively small importance to the overall result (relative to the other phases
of the race). Average reaction time values for elite sprinters range from 0.12-0.18 s
which constitutes only 1-2% of the total 100m time (the percentage is even smaller for
slower sprinters). However, the desired psychological advantage at the start can last
through to the finish.
After leaving the starting blocks the sprinter increases his running speed in the
acceleration phase by continually increasing stride length and stride frequency. Thi
segment begins with the full block clearance and concludes when there is no further
positive change in velocity. Depending on the level of the sprinter this segment occurs
from approximately 2 meters to 25-50 meters. The greater velocity developed by the
sprinter, the longer the acceleration phase. Although, maximum velocity is usually
realized within 4-5 seconds after the start, regardless of the maximum velocity generated.
During this phase men achieve stride frequencies of up to 4.6 strides per second and‘Women reach 4.8 strides per second. The length of the acceleration phase increases at
higher performance levels and this is the most important phase for the race performance.
Top sprinters reach their maximum speed after about 45-60m (men) and 40-50m
In the phase of maximum velocity (at 50-80m) the sprinters cover a distance of
20-30m at their highest speed. This segment begins when there is no further positive
change in velocity and concludes when a negative change in velocity begins. This is
where the maximum speeds of 12 m/s (men) and 11 m/s (women) are achieved. Stride
length and stride frequency vary among sprinters and each will have an optimal ratio for
maximum velocity. This is also the phase where the ground contact times are the
The final 10-20m constitute the deceleration phase. This phase begins when a
negative change in velocity is seen and ends two to four strides before the finish line.
The length of this segment is dependent on the length of the acceleration and maximum
velocity segment. Fatigue, especially of the nervous system, leads to a decreased stride
frequency which the sprinter attempts to compensate by increasing stride length. Some
sprinters appear to get faster at the end of the race but this is only an illusion resulting
from varying rates of fatigue of the other athletes.
The finish (the final 2 - 4 strides) is the decisive stage of the race especially
between sprinters with minimal differences in ability. Competition rules state that the
clock stops when the trunk of the body passes the finish line. A strong forward lean is an
advantage to the sprinter. ‘This can be achieved by flexing the hips while simultaneously
swinging back the arms. See Table I for a summary of important biomechanical factorsfor the 100m sprint (Pfaff 2001, Seagrave et al., Schmolinsky 1983, IAF Biomechanical
Research Project 1997, Dyson 1977).
Table I: Important biomechanical data for the 100m sprint*
(00m ‘Men ‘Women,
World Record 9.79 s 1049s
Reaction time at the tart 012-0165 | 0.120.185 |
Duration of acceleration. 45-600 40-50m |
Maximum speed Tams Tn’
‘Average speed 1o2ims [9.33mi
Position of maximum speed 45-60m 40-50m
‘Stride length 1.90-2.10m
‘Stride frequency (ides) 440-458 | 420-880,
(Number of strides/100m 43-46 47-52
*modified from IAF Biomechanics Research Project (1997)
Athlete characteristics
Coordination - the skill of sprinting at very high rates of movement requires great
coordination (i.e. nervous system control). ‘This is often overlooked in many training
programs and is probably the most critical aspect for effective sprinting.
Speed - this is obviously an important factor. Speed is closely tied to coordination
(nervous system again), the ability to move the limbs at high velocities and express
power through those movements to propel the body down the track at high velocities.
Strength/Power - sprinters must overcome their own inertia as quickly as possible,
development of the ability to produce large amounts of power with the muscles involved
is absolutely necessary.
Flexibility - good sprinters possess a high degree of flexibility in the hips and
ankles. Increased flexibility allows for less muscle resistance through any given range of
motion.Reaction Time - a short reaction time is a must for an event that is over in 10- 12
seconds, All elite sprinters have short reactions times (0.12-0.19 seconds) (Schmolinsky
1983, Bowerman et al. 1991, Bellot
-faff 2001).
For the sprint events, Torim (1988) idemtifies physical performance capacities and
their importance rank for the sprints (see Table II). This table gives an accurate
description of the demands of the 100m sprint. Maximal speed (i.e. velocity in m/s) is
the most important factor. A high maximal speed is essential and without it the other
components don't matter as other, faster, athletes will win the race. Acceleration (n/s*) is
the second most important because the slowest segment of the 100m is the first 30m out
of the blocks. The athlete's ability to overcome inertia and accelerate the body results in
a faster acceleration phase which covers more distance and, consequently, reduces the
overall 100m time. Reaction time is also important, time is lost in the period between the
firing of the gun and the initiation of movement by the athlete. Specific endurance can be
defined as endurance specific to the 100m event. This takes the form of runs of 50-200m
with varying recoveries. General endurance can be defined as runs over 200m up to long
jogs/runs. Development of these five characteristics, and considering the skill component
of sprinting in the 100m sprinter is how a training program should be based (Torim 1988,
Schmolinsky 1983, Pfaff 2001).
Maximal speed 1
Speed endurance 4
General endurance 5
"fem: Tori (1988)From the above event parameters a training program should be directed toward
the development of power, maximal speed, and short-term speed endurance (i.e.
anaerobic capacity) in the 100 meter sprinter.
The athlete needs to run workouts that allow him to experience running fast in
order to learn how to coordinate his limbs at those velocities. He also needs to learn the
correct technique of sprinting so he ean exert the maximum amount of force in a short
amount of time while minimizing errors in technique that may slow the sprinter. In other
words, the sprinter must “run fast to run fast”. Workouts over 20 - 200 meters are the
typical range for this type of training,
‘The athlete also needs to be able to tolerate increased H” ion concentration in the
muscle in order to coordinate and maintain technique at high velocities. ‘There are many
combinations of workouts that achieve this kind of stress (and consequently adaptation)
but they usually take the form of repeat 200 - 400 meter runs (PEsif 2001, Bowerman et
al, 1991, Schmolinsky 1983, Bellotti).
‘The 12 week program is given on pages 10-12 and the explanation of the terms
used is given below. The 12 week period is defined as the General Preparation phase.
The General Preparation phase is broken down into 3 mesocycles (Mesocycle I -
September, Mesocyele II - October, and Mesocyele III - November). Each mesocycle is
split into 4 weekly microcycles with 3 weeks of conditioning and 1 week of
recovery/testing, Types of training desired in any given week include: 1 day of
acceleration/speed development (usually Monday), 1-2 days of speed endurance (usually
Wednesday and/or Saturday), 1 day of power training (usually Friday), 2 days of strengthand/or plyometric work (usually Tuesday and Thursday), and most importantly, 1 day of
active rest (Sunday).
Explanation of program terms:
Workouts are stated in the following format -
repetitions x distance @ intensity (given as % of 100m race pace) w/ rest intervals,
(Le. 5x100m @ 90% w/ 3° ree.)
WU: (Warm-up) consists of a 600m jog, stretching, dynamic flexibility, and about 200m
total of sprint drills.
CD: (Cool-down) consists of walking or light jogging and stretching.
Weights: weight-room sessions of mainly Olympic lifts. The weight training program
‘would be a whole separate paper and will not be discussed here. However, the athlete
can be assumed to be working on Olympic lifts (M,W,F) to increase power production
and supplementary lifts (T,Th,Sa) the increase strength.
Jump: refers to some form of plyometries. A jump circuit isa series of 8-10 different
jumps, each one done for the specified amount of time. Jump tech is a series of four
exercises performed into the sand pit, each are measured for distance and recorded to
chart improvement over the course of the season, Jump hurdle hops is simply a number
of hurdles set close to each other and the athlete hops over each one (two-footed). Jump
bounds is a series of bounds on grass. All of these plyometties work on the explosive
power of the sprinter, The goal with these plyometrics is to develop the abi
to apply
force in a short amount of time (remember, ground contact times in the 100m sprint are
very short).
Jump circuit - Lunge jumps, Tuck jumps, Lateral squat jumps, Straddle jumpsJump tech - Standing long jump, Standing triple jump, 3 double leg bounds,
Jump hurdle hops - 10 hurdles lined up.
Jump bounds - Straight leg bounds, Bent leg bounds, L-L-R-R bounds.
GS: (General Strength) consists of a few different series of body-weight exercises. This
type of circuit is done to strengthen areas of the body not always hit with weight training
‘V-sits, Back hyperextension, Pushups, Situps, Single leg squats, etc.
Hurdle Mobility: a series of hurdle drills done to improve flexibility, strength and
Examples: Hurdle walkovers, Hurdle walkover skips, Lateral alternate lead leg
skips (straight and bent leg), ete.
Throw: a series of throws with a medicine ball or, when in a testing phase, a metal shot
Done to improve strength while completing a movement (i.e. resistance during a twisting
movement, etc.)
Hills: Runs up a shor, relatively steep hill to improve the athletes ability to produce
power while running and increase leg strength.
Testing: occurs during rest weeks, These weeks are used to quantify improvement as the
season progresses and to give the athlete rest in order to compensate and prepare for the
next mesocycle.
1-RM testing of the Olympic lifts in the weight room,
‘Time trials over a specified distance
Jumps and or Throws for distance.10
General Preparation
Mesoeycle I - September - 3 weeks
Weekly Microcycle
Monday: (Intensity ~ Hard)
1, WU 2. 5x20m, 5x30m, 5x40m @ 90-95% w/ 1" + 3' ree.
3. Jump - circuit x 1 (30"on, 60°off) 4. Weights 5. CD
Tuesday: (Intensity = Easy)
1. WU 2. Jump - tech x 3.3. GS - circuit x 2 (25%on, 60"of!)
4, Hurdle Mobility - 3x10 hurdles 5. Weights 6. CD
Wednesday: (Intensity ~ Hard)
1, WU 2. 3x350m @ 75% wi 3 ree.
3, Throw - MB 3x10 4. Weights 5.CD
‘Thursday: (Intensity = Easy)
1. WU 2. Jump- tech x 1 3. GS - circuit x 2 as Tuesday
4, Hurdle Mobility - 3x10 hurdles 5. Weights 6. CD.
Friday: (Intensity = Moderate)
1. WU 2. Hills - 3x5x40m @ your pace w/ walk back ree. and 3" b/w sets.
3. Jump - circuit x 1 30%on, 60°off) 4. Weights 5.CD
Saturday: (Intensity = Hard)
1, WU 2. Week 1 - 5x250m @ 75-80%, Week 2 - 6x200m @ 80%, Week 3 -
8x150m @ 80-85% w/ 2' tec. (all 3 weeks) 3. Throw - MB 2x10 4. Weights 5.
‘Sunday: (Intensity = Easy)
Active Rest
Recovery Week - September
Monday: (Intensity = Moderate)
1. WU 2. 8-10x30m @ your pace w/ full ree. 3. Throw - Testing (measure for
distance). 4. Weights - Testing 5. CD
Tuesday: (Intensity = Easy)
1. WU 2. Jump - 3x10 hurdle hops 3. Wei
Wednesday: (Intensity = Easy)
Active Rest
‘Thursday: (Intensity ~ Hard)
1. WU 2. 5x50m build-ups 3. Test - 300m time trial 4. Weights - Testing 5, CD
Friday: (Intensity = Moderate)
1. WU 2. 8-10x30m as Monday 3. Weights - Testing 4. CD
Saturday: (intensity = Easy)
Complete Rest
Sunday: (Intensity = Eesy)
Active Restuw
General Preparation
Mesocycle Il - Oetober - 3 weeks
‘Weekly Microcycle
Monday: (Intensity = Hard)
1. WU 2. 4-5x30,40,50m ladder @ 90-95% w/ walk back rec. and 3! b/w sets
3. Jump - 2x30-40m bounds 4, Weights 5. CD
Tuesday: (Intensity ~ Easy)
1. WU 2. GS - circuit 2x10 3. Throw - MB 1x10
4. Hurdle Mobility 3-4x5 hurdies 5. Weights 6. CD
‘Wednesday: (Intensity ~ Hard)
1. WU 2. 8-10x100m build-ups w/3'-5' rec 3. Throw-MB 1x5 4. Weights
‘Thursday: (Intensity = Easy)
1. WU 2. Jump - 4x50-100m bounds on grass 3. GS - circuit 2x15 4. Weights
Friday: (Intensity ~ Moderate)
1. WU 2. Hills - 3x6x40-50m @ your pace w/ walk back ree, and 3" b/w sets.
3. Jump -tech x5 4. Weights 5.CD
Saturday: (intensity = Hard)
1. WU 2. Week I - 2x2x250m @ 80-85%, Week 2 - 2x3x200m @ 85%,
Week 3 - 24x150 @ 90% w/ 3'+ 5' ree. (all 3 weeks) 3. Hurdle Mol
hurdles. 4, Weights 5. CD
Sunday: (Intensity = Easy)
Active Rest
Reeovery Week - October
Monday: (Intensity = Moderate)
1. WU 2. 12x30-50m @ your pace w/ full rec. 3. Weights - Testing 4.CD
Tuesday; (Intensity = Moderate)
1. WU 2. Test - 100m standing start 3. Weights - Testing 4. CD
Wednesday: (Intensity = Easy)
Complete Rest
Thursday: (Intensity = Hard)
1. WU 2. Test - 300m time trial 3. Weights - Testing 4. CD
Friday: (Intensity = Moderate)
1. WU 2. 4-6x50m build-ups 3. Jump - Test 4. Weights - Testing 5.CD
Saturday: (intensity = Easy)
Active Rest
Sunday: (Intensity = Easy)
Complete Rest12
General Preparation
Mesocyele III - November - 3 weeks
Weekly Microeycle
Monday: (Intensity = Hard)
1, WU 2. 5x20,30,40m ladder @ 90-100% w/ walk back ree. and 3-4" b/w sets.
3. Jump - 2x10 hurdle hops 4. Weights 5.CD
Tuesday: (Intensity ~ Easy)
1, WU 2. GS - circuit 2x20 3. Throw - MB 2x10 4. Hurdle Mobility - 1x10
hurdles 5. Weights 6. CD.
Wednesday: (Intensity = Hard)
1. WU 2. 3x4x100m build-ups w/ 3? ree. and 5-8" b/w sets.
3. Throw - MB 1x3 4. Weights 5. CD
‘Thursday: (intensity ~ Easy)
1. WU 2. GS - circuit 2x25 3. Throw - MB 1x10 4, Hurdle Mobility - 2x10
hurdles 5. Weights 6.CD
Friday: (Intensity = Moderate)
1. WU 2. Hills - 3x8x40-50m @ your pace w/ walk back rec, and 3" b/w sets.
3. Jump - 8x5 hurdle hops 4. Weights 5.CD
Saturday: (Intensity = Herd)
1. WU 2. Week I - 2x2x250m @ 85-90%, Week 2 -2x3x200m @ 90-95%,
Week 3 - 2x4x150m @ 90-100% w/ 3° 5° ree. (all 3 weeks)
3. Hurdle Mobility - 2x10 hurdles 4, Weights 5.CD
Sunday: (Intensity = Easy)
Active Rest
Recovery Week - November
Monday: (Intensity = Moderate)
1. WU 2. 10-12x20-30m @ your pace w/ full recovery 3, Jump - 5x5 hurdle
hops 4. Weights - Testing 5.CD
Tuesday: (Intensity = Easy)
1. WU 2. Jump -tech x 4 3. Weights - Testing 4.CD
Wednesday: (Intensity = Hard)
1. WU 2. Test - 200m time trial 3. GS - circuit x15 4. Hurdle Mobility - 2x10
hurdles 5.CD
‘Thursday: (Intensity = Easy)
Complete Rest
Friday: (Intensity = Moderate)
1. WU 2. Test - 100m time trial 3. GS - cireuit 2x10 4, Hurdle Mobility - 2x10
hurdles 5. CD
Saturday: (intensity = Easy)
Active Rest
Sunday: (Intensity = Easy)
Complete Rest13
Figure I shows a snapshot of the volume (in meters) of running over the first three
mesocycles. The volume classified as warm-ups is on a second axis due to the large
volume of running/jogging compared with the other categories. As Figure I shows,
power and speed/acceleration workouts increase while the volume of speed endurance/H*
tolerance workouts decreases over the course of three mesocycles (see also Table II}.
This graph, however, does not show intensity of the workouts. ‘This is important because
while the volume may decrease the intensity of the workouts may increase, As you can
see from the workout lists, the intensity (% of 100 meter race pace) increases with each
mesocycle throughout the 12 weeks.
Figure I: Mesocycle Volume Totals (12 weeks)
Gonoral Preparation Mesocycles (1-3) __
aH Spsciiccsieration
=a Power
9 Speed Endurenceits Tolerance
= a1
35 me 3 F
iz mw iE
= aI14
Mesoeyele I - September
Weekly Microcycle
1 2 see tos
‘Volume (meters):
‘Warmup sso [4800] as00 | 3200 | 17600
Speed/Acceleraion | 450 450 450 490.600 | 1830-1950
Power «00 00 600 a 1800
Speed Enaurament” |2300 | 2300 | 2300 | 300 7200
Total: | 8150 8150 $150 | 4230-4350 | 28430-28550
“Mesoeyele Il - October
Weekly Microcycle
sai )ineea 3 F Rest Toais
Volume (meters): T
Warm-up 4800 | 4800 4800 3200 17600
Speed’Acceleration | 1280-1600 | 1280-1600 | 1280-1600 | 660-1000 | 4500-5800,
Power 720-900 | 720.900 | 720-900 | 0 2160-2700
Speed Endurance/Hi* | 1000-1200 | 1000-1200 | 1000-1200 | 300 3300-3900
Total: 7800-8500 | 7800-8500 | 7800-8500 | 4160-4500 | 27560-30000
‘Mesoeyele IIT - November
‘Weekly Microcycie
Pee sein Una eat |_3__| 4-Rest_|
Volume (meters): |
Warp 4800 4800 4800 3200 17600
| Speed/Accoleration | 16501650 1650 300-660 | $450-5610
Power 960-1200 | 960-1200 | 960-1200 | 0 22880-3600
‘Speed Endurance/H* | 1000 1200 1200 0 3400
| Tom: 410.8650 | 8410-8650 | 8410-8650 | 3700-3860 | 28930-29810
Concluding Remarks
‘This program is geared toward the development of maximel speed and power in a
100 meter sprinter. To make improvement
in maximal speed an athlete needs multiple
runs at or near maximal speed (Pfaff 2001, Schmolinsky 1983). ‘This is the only time the
athlete can leam to apply force correctly to result ina higher maximal velocity (PfaiT15
2001). Qualities in the 100 meter sprint that are addressed in this training program are
power (Olympic lifts, Hill running, plyometric bounds, etc.), maximal velocity (runs up
to 80-100 meters, plyometrics, ete.), acceleration development (20-40 meters), and speed
endurance (200-400 meters).
Bellotti, P. (date unknown) A few aspects of the theory and practice of speed
Bowerman, W, and Freeman, W. (1991) High-performance training for track and field,
Leisure Press, Champaign, Il
Dyson, G. (1977) The mechanics of athletics. Holmes and Meier Publishers, New York,
IAF Biomechanical Research Project (1997) Scientific Bulletin. Athens.
Pfaff, D. (2001) Personal conversations.
Seagrave, L. and Winkler, G. (date unknown) A brief review of sprint mechanics at
maximal velocity.
Schmolinsky, G. (1983) Track and Field. Sportverlag, Berlin.
Torim, H. (1988) Maximal speed in the sprints. Track Technique, 104, p3331.