Football Camp Workout

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Strength and Conditioning Football Camp Workout Deload Week Workout #1 1.

Mobility Plate Circuit 2x: Hamstrings-to-Press x10; Side- unge Press x10; !"d unge #"ist x10; $ee% S&uat Punc' x10 2. Sca% Circuit x1 (. )and or P'ysioball Pus'u%s (x*** pair with Cable +nternal,-xternal .otation 1x1/ eac' 0. Hang Clean into !ront S&uat -xc'ange 1 x 2 2 103 /.1-4rm $) .o" ( x 5 pair with .e6erse Hy%ers 2 x 10 1. $ouble Crunc' 2 x 2/ pair with 4lt. Su%erman 2 x 20 7. Partner 8ec9 5. .eco6ery :!oam .oll; Static Stretc'; Cold #ub< =. 8utrition Workout #2 1. Mobility Hurdles 2x %air "it' )and $islocate 2 x / 2. Modi>ied ?im @endler 4b Circuit x2 !eet -le6ated Crunc' x10; Hanging Anee .aise x10; 4b @'eel x10; 0/B Side )end x1/ ,side (. $) )enc' Press ( x 1 2 10-703 pair with next 0. 1- eg .$ or Pistol S&uat or )!- S%lit S&uat Hold * 2 x 5 ,leg :or (0 >or 'old sec< /. Seated Cable o" .o" or )last Stra% +n6erted .o" ( x 5 pair with next 1. 10B Cuban Press 2 x 1/ 7. Medball (-count Seated #"ist Pass "it' %artner 2x5 re%s ,side 5. Partner 8ec9 =. .eco6ery :!oam .oll; Static Stretc'; Cold #ub< 10. 8utrition Workout #3 1. Coga 2. 8utrition

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