Sunday Life - The Herald-Dispatch, Oct. 4, 2009

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Features: Robyn Rison 304-526-2799
Sunday, October 4, 2009 1D

What’s Up
n TALA’s 2nd annual Haunted
House “The Asylum,” Wednes-
day-Sunday, Oct. 1-31, except
for Oct. 30 due to the filming of
“Ghost Adventures Live.” Visit for more
information. Farm of Trans-
Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, three
miles off I-79, on W.Va. 33 West,
n ARTS Cotillion Accepting
Members, 2 p.m. Sundays, Oct.
4-Nov. 8; final ball on Nov. 15.
Students from all area schools
in the sixth and seventh grade
are invited to attend. Classes
include social skills, proper
etiquette and social dance.
Questions, call Elizabeth With-
ers, instructor, 304-522-0463.

Halloween has arrived

Renaissance Art Center, 900 8th
St. Huntington.
n Archaeology Month, Sat-

early in the Tri-State with

urday-Sunday, Oct. 3-4. Theme:
Come and See What’s New
at the Mount.” Family oriented
activities will be held to cele-
brate Archaeology Month. Ques-
tions, call 304-843-4128. Grave
area hauntings a-plenty
Creek Mound Archaeological
Complex, 801 Jefferson Ave. By DAVE The Haunted Tunnel
Moundsville. LAVENDER Next weekend, there’ll be screams a plenty
n John Morgan, 7:30 p.m. The Herald-Dispatch coming from Ohio 93 in Ironton, and it won’t
Thursday-Saturday, Oct. 1-3, 7
[email protected] just be those people who insanely tried the
p.m. Sunday, Oct. 4. Morgan has HUNTINGTON — Fall’s BW3’s “Blazin’” wings.
made national television appear- calendar has made that The Friday night lights get turned on Oct.
ances on MTV, Showtime and creaky turn of the crank 9 for one of the area’s most unique haunted
Night Watch with Charlie Rose. into October, and that means attractions, the Haunted Tunnel.
Tickets, call 304-781-1000 or visit the ghouls are restless. Put on by the Ironton Lion’s Club, the Haunt- Funny And some souls just can’t wait around for ed Tunnel will now run 7 to 11 p.m. nightly Oct.
Bone Comedy Club and Restau- the last two weekends of October to enjoy a 9-10, Oct. 16-17, 23-24 and Oct. 30-31.
rant, 26 Pullman Square, Suite good haunting. The tunnel is located at the intersection of U.S.
207, Huntington. Here’s a look at some early spaces to feel the 52 and State Route 93 in Ironton, directly across
n Craft Show, Saturday-Sun- cold, icy breath of ghouls, goblins and lost souls. from the Ironton Hills Shopping Center.
Admission is $5. All proceeds go to the
day, Oct. 3-4. Greenbo Lake State Trains and zombies and spiders, oh my! civic organization’s community projects which
Park, 965 Lodge Road, Greenup.
Camden Park, West Virginia’s only amuse- include sponsoring seeing eye dogs and glasses
n Montclaire String Quartet
ment park, is now open 6 to 11 p.m. every Friday to those who are sight impaired, providing
presents “Soft Colors,” 3 p.m.
and Saturday for its 11th annual Spooktacular. scholarships, donating to area food banks and
Sunday, Oct. 4. Part of the Mont-
There are more than 20 rides and attractions. much more.
claire String Quartet’s Chamber One is the park’s specially tricked-out historic For more info, call club president Lou Pyles
Music Series. Tickets, visit www. haunted house ride, the Haunted Train Ride. It at 740-533-2977 or 740-533-3826. or call 304-561- must travel through a cemetery full of zombies
3570. Kanawha United Presbyte- before it makes its way back into the station. Tigger gets a jump on Halloween
rian Church, 1009 Virginia St. E. The park has lots of chills and thrills including With a name like Tigger, you know he can’t
Charleston. a haunted maze and rides like the Spider and wait around for something to happen.
n Ashland Holiness Sum- Big Dipper. Tigger Conn, an MCTC student from South
mit, 7 p.m. Sunday, Oct 4. and 1 Admission to Spooktacular is $18 for ages 3 Shore, Ky., has not only started a ghost hunting club
p.m. 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Monday- and older. Children under 3 are admitted for free.
on campus, but the group is also leading a nightly
Tuesday, Oct. 5-6. This event will The park distributed coupons for free children’s Ghost Walk from 7 to 8 p.m. Oct. 15-31, no walks
feature speakers such as Tom admission to area schools as well as coupons on Wednesdays and Sundays.
Hermiz, Nelson Perdue, Norman available on the park’s Web site at The walk will meet at the parking garage on 3rd
Wilson, J.K. Warrick, David Case Avenue. Hear stories about such sites as the Mor-
and more. For more information, row Library, Old Main, the Keith-Albee Perform-
visit Crazy Granny loose again ing Arts Center and the Cinema Theatre.
WTCF/DayStar Television Station, The heck with blowing out 100 candles and “It’s basically to get our ghost hunters group
3100 Bath Ave. Ashland. sitting around at the old folks home. There’s out there,” Conn said of hosting the free walks.
n Neil Simon’s “I Ought to a crazy granny loose and haunting the fields For more info, e-mail Tigger at Conn16@
be in Pictures,” 8 p.m. Friday- near the Valley Fire Department on Route 2. or call 606-694-5522.
Saturday, Oct. 2-3 and 9-10; 3 The Crazy Granny is just one of the main
p.m. Sunday, Oct. 4 and 11. Pre- attractions to the fire department’s fourth The Mothman cometh
sented by the Arts Resources annual Field of Screams that runs dark to mid- The Mothman Museum in downtown Point
for the Tri-State. Cast includes night every Friday and Saturday in October. Pleasant is running Saturday bus tours to the
Alissa Fetherolf, Clint McElroy Popcorn and drinks will be available; admis- old TNT area where Mothman was first spot-
and Leann Haines. Reserva- sion is $5 for ages 6 and up. Five and under get ted back in November 1966.
tions, call 304-733-2787. Visit in free. Tours are set for 1 and 3 p.m., Saturdays, Oct. Renaissance Last year, more than 5,000 people came 10, 17, and a special Halloween night tour at 8
Art Center, 900 8th St. Hunting- through the haunted field helping the depart- and 10 p.m. Oct. 31.
ton. $15 at the door. ment raise money to keep the area safe.
n 2010 Winter Guard Season Call 304-576-2237. Please see HALLOWEEN/2D
Auditions, Sundays, Oct. 4 and
11. Tri-State male and female
performers between the ages of
12 and 22 are being sought by Z
Winter Guard and Ability Winter
Guard. Questions, call 606-922-
2982. Hatcher Elementary School,

Old Halloween trinkets haunt collectors shelves during holiday

Halloween is often consid- terns out of a plaster-of-paris party goods have become a Lee Ditty for one, already
ered the best holiday of the type of material that can sell serious collectible, and some has her black cat collection
year because there are no for thousands of dollars today. of it is valuable. One authority, guarding her shop win-
demands unless one wants to These became permanent Mark B. Ledenbach, has not dow. Before long other
participate. decorations to be preserved, only written a book “Vintage dealers will be trotting
If a person does get involved, passed along and finally col- Halloween Collectibles” but out their black and
the decorations are inexpensive,
Jean lected. has a great Web site that can orange to entertain
and a good laugh can be had McCLELLAND Halloween demands great help guide a person as to what the shoppers dur-
from all the cool costumes. It is noisemakers. One that comes to collect and value of those ing these fall days.
a nostalgic holiday as well for enthusiast. Jack-o’-lanterns head to mind is the clicker. These macabre goods. With so many
those who remember what it was the list. It is interesting to note small metal toys shaped like The site is www.halloween- shops in one loca-
like to bob for apples or make that the first jack-o’-lanterns owls must have driven parents There are other tion a person
popcorn balls to give away. were made from turnips in to distraction. Click-click, Web sites a person might want can pretty much
Because of those warm Ireland. When the Irish came click-click over and over again. to investigate, but this one is be guaranteed
memories, many like to col- to America they adapted their It is a wonder any of them exceptionally well done and a great find for
lect Halloween memorabilia jack-o’-lanterns to pumpkins. survived for the serious collec- informative. their Halloween
of former eras, or they are new The innovative Ameri- tor today, but if you have one, it Locally, many of the Old collection.
collectors that enjoy the his- cans made the ever-popular is a treasure to those who love Central City antique merchants
tory of the holiday. lanterns out of paper. The this venue. on 14th Street West in Hunting- Jean McClelland
There are a variety of goods Germans went one better and Halloween memorabilia ton have some fine examples of writes about antiques for
to collect for the Halloween made their early jack-o’-lan- such as masks, costumes and Halloween memorabilia. The Herald-Dispatch.

Coming to the Tri-State All fired up WWE at the arena

Coming Up

Singer/songwriter Ready those tastebuds The Big Sandy Superstore

Todd Agnew will for another round. More Arena is ready to rumble
roll through the area than 400 chili cooks flock with a wild weekend. Find
with Kimber Rising, to Charleston for the out who, or what’s, coming
performing two shows International Society’s to town.
in southern Ohio and World’s Chili Champion-
Kentucky. ship Cookoff. Thursday’s
Monday’s Life Thursday’s Life Entertainment Tri-State

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