Delay and Force: Streams Implementing Delay and Force: Expr Expr

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Delay and force: streams

Implementing Delay and Force

(delay expr) returns a value that freezes evaluation of expr

We cant implement delay in Scheme as an ordinary function.

(Why not?)

(force expr) thaws expr and memoizes the result

so future thaws just return the thawed value

But we can come close:

Can use these to implement streams and unbounded data

(define (ints-from n)
(cons n (delay (ints-from (+ n 1)))))
(define nats (ints-from 0))
(define (first-n n strm)
(if (= n 0) nil
(cons (car strm)
(first-n (- n 1)
(force (cdr strm))))))

(define (my-delay fn)

(let ((run-once #f)
(value ()))
(lambda ()
(cond ((eqv? run-once #f)
(set! run-once #t)
(set! value (fn))))
(define (my-force d)
Trivial example of use:

(define (map-stream f strm)

(cons (f (car strm))
(delay (map-stream f
(force (cdr strm))))))

(define test(my-delay
(lambda () (horrible 1))))
(my-force test) ; or just (test)

This is handled more cleanly by lazy evaluation in Haskell.

Alan Borning

CSE 505

Alan Borning

Using Lambda to Delay Evaluation

How Other Languages Address this Issue

We can use lambda to delay evaluation in Scheme (although as

with my-delay we have to do something special to cache the
value after it is first computed).


CSE 505

two version of and


This version evaluates both arguments:

and then

(define (my-and x y
(if x y #f)

Haskell: uses lazy evaluation, so problem doesnt arise


(and (= 1 2) (= 1 (/ 2 0))) => error

This version always evauates the first argument, and evaluates
the second argument only if necessary:

two versions of and -- both use call-by-value, but Smalltalk has

a lightweight syntax for creating blocks (lambda expressions)
This version evaluates the argument:

(define (my-and x fn)

(if x (fn) #f)

(1=2) & (2/0=1) => error

(and (= 1 2) (lambda () (= 1 (/ 2 0)))) => #f

[ ] creates a block (lambda):

(1=2) and: [2/0=1] => false

Alan Borning

CSE 505

Alan Borning

CSE 505


Continuations continued
We could also do arithmetic this way.

This is a powerful and sometimes confusing construct.

Lets define continuation versions of +, -, *, and expt:

Suppose that we call a function and never return. Then this is

like a goto, but with parameters. (Recall that Scheme
supports tail recursion, so this can be made efficient.)
Continuation-passing version of factorial:
(define (fact n c) ; c is the continuation
(if (zero? n) (c 1)
(fact (- n 1) (lambda (x) (c (* n x))))))
We can get the value out by passing the identity function as the
continuation function:

(define (cplus j k f)
(f (+ j k)))
(define (cminus j k f)
(f (- j k)))
(define (ctimes j k f)
(f (* j k)))
(define (cexpt j k f)
(f (expt j k)))

(fact 3 (lambda (x) x))

=> 6
or by passing write as the continuation:
(fact 3 write)
=> no value (prints 6 as a side effect)
Note that we care about the value of fact only if we care about
the value of its continuation.
Alan Borning

CSE 505

Alan Borning

CSE 505

Continuations (3)

Continuations (4)

Then we can rewrite b2 - 4ac as follows:

This is an obscure way to write an algebraic expression, and we

would be unlikely to write code this way in general.
(Although in the IO language one does just that, albeit with
plenty of syntactic sugar to make it more palatable!)

Standard Scheme version:

(- (expt b 2) (* 4 a c))

However ...

Continuation passing version:

Operations to be performed appear in eactly the order in which

they must be performed. This will make continuations a
useful tool when we come to I/O in Haskell.

(cexpt b 2
(lambda (x) (ctimes 4 a
(lambda (y)(ctimes y c
(lambda (z)(cminus x z

Continuations are also useful in compiler writing. For example

Steeles Rabbit compiler for Scheme was continuationbased.
The same example, reformatted to emphasize how the Scheme
code could be converted to 3-register instructions (and a
procedure call for exponentiation):
(cexpt b 2 (lambda (x)
(ctimes 4 a (lambda (y)
(ctimes y c (lambda (z)
(cminus x z the-continuation)))))))

Alan Borning

CSE 505

Alan Borning

CSE 505

Continuations in More Standard Use in Scheme

Can be used to implement a wide variety of control structures.
Most common use is loop exits.
Can also implement catch/throw, coroutines, scheduling,
backtracking, etc.
Continuations are first-class citizens in Scheme.
To use continuations in Scheme:
(call-with-current-continuation proc)
This packages up the current continuation (i.e. the rest of the
computation) and calls proc with the continuation as an
Sometimes named call/cc (but not in our implementation of
(define (fast-prod lst)
(call/cc (lambda (exit)
(lambda (x y)
(if (zero? x) (exit 0) (* x y)))
1 lst))))

Alan Borning

CSE 505

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